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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.26 MB, 2816x1872, 7:11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8721151 No.8721151 [Reply] [Original]

Bout to head down to 7/11 in a bit, not sure what I'm going to get tho.

What do you guys usually get at 7/11?

>> No.8721155

Cat litter because it's heavy and 7-11 is close.

>> No.8721159


>If I am sober

3 slices of pizza, order of potato wedges, 2 tacquitos, small back of doritos, a pack of twizzlers, chocolate milk

>If I am drunk

Entire pepperoni pizza, they make it for you there, really cheap and filling, large bag of sweet chili heat doritos, potato wedges, 1 tacquito, small diet coke, kit kat, pocky, and chocolate milk

>> No.8721167
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: breakfast pizza. with taco sauce on the side

>> No.8721170

You fat fucking white trash need to leave this board

>Ayyyyyy what pure carbs and sugar are you going to shovel down your horrifically obese face tonight?????????
>wat 2 get at McDonalds?

Seriously die

>> No.8721171

When I was an alcoholic I usually got a six pack of beer in the middle of the night. When I was a fatty, I got some fajitas or hotdogs between meals.
Now I'm neither, so I don't go there.

>> No.8721174

Seriously open your wrists tonight you're a modern mistake

It's like a fucking horror movie on /ck/ lately

>> No.8721177


This OP. This...sigh. I've said it before..I'll say it again..Reason I am fat is 711 pizza. I will go through a large breakfast pizza with taco sauce and a 5-10 tacquitos like a snack. I'll admit it I'm obese, 339lbs. It's largely the fault of society. I admit that it is partially my fault because I can't stop eating but I would say it is 80% the fault of society. Society made me this way. I was abused heavily as a child and sexually too. My parents were horrible and my brother sadistic. I had difficulty opening up to people all the time and still do. By the time I was 18 I was only 5'6, and 127lbs, balding, and with a dick slightly longer than 4 inches and not much better girth. But I mean I was not fat at the time, people said I had a nice face/funny personality and my hair was only beginning to recede. I managed to meet a girl. We were together for 3 years and it took me 2.5 years to open up to her fully. Then I caught her cheating and she ripped me apart. She used my past against me and made me feel horrible and she would demean me behind my back sexually to her friends. And then whenever I tried to meet other women they wouldn't even give me second thought because all they could see was a disgusting short, bald emotionally broken wreck. So no, I don't fucking care if I am obese you fucking faggots. SOCIETY MADE ME LIKE THIS. And all the fucking ADVERTISING of muscular attractive tall men in movies and commercials reinforces what is fucking almost unattainable for most because they don't have perfect genetics. So now I eat tons of food because it is the only thing that makes me feel ok and I like to drink a lot of gin/vodka and when I can get it I take oxycotin, and vicodin. I hate this world i ate this world i fucking HATE THIS WORLD and I fucking HATE women and I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOU JUDGE ME FUCK ALL OF YOU

>> No.8721179
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You know what? Fuck you. Breakfast pizza can be awesome. 7-11's isn't the best example, I'll give you that, but if you have a Casey's General Store near you...

>> No.8721206

This is a good thread

>> No.8721207

fuck off nigger

>> No.8721221

Mexican spotted

>> No.8721225

Walmart is closer to my house than any gas station convenience store and the prices at Walmart are cheaper

>> No.8721255

Flamin hot cheetos and a couple 40s.

>> No.8721260
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>> No.8721269

pickled sausage

>> No.8721277

OP here, I got two 2 dollar sandwiches, a pack of chips, a coffee and some raspberry twizzlers.

Thanks for the help!

>> No.8721282

stop being so racist you fucking nigger

>> No.8721284


>> No.8721286


You didn't get the fucking PIZZA FUCK. FUCK YOU

>> No.8721287

good job wasting $10 on junk food

>> No.8721289

tasty pasta

>> No.8721291

Sandwiches and coffee aren't junk food you bottom feeder

>> No.8721297

coffee isn't, but you're wasting money on it too because it's cheaper to brew your own coffee.

I'm sure those sandwiches have high-fructose corn syrup and preservatives in them

>> No.8721302

How much do you weigh again

>> No.8721312
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>Sexually abused as child
>Step dad killed my pet Fischer love bird by snapping its neck because I accidentally dropped his crystal glass and it broke (pic semi related bird looked very similar)
>4 inch penis
>Balding badly
>Girlfriend of 5 years cheated on me (and the kicker is the guy she cheated on me with and is dating now is literally named Chad).I got fat and went into crippling depression after she cheated on me and dumped me.

I am basically society's punching bag. I also hate most women. My mom was a fucking cunt and I hope my ex girlfriend gets acid thrown in her face. I am too much of a pussy to kill myself so I just drink, smoke, do drugs daily and eat like shit.

>> No.8721317 [DELETED] 
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Cool story Baldylocks...

>> No.8721321

Haha literally a fat cuck

>> No.8721324


I always get 3 bowls of ramen noodles, their chicken in a bun ready to go and warm sandwich along with a big bag of potato chips and a large mountain dew. Life is so cruel and unfair and food is my escape. Since they are open 24hr/day I often go at 3 or 4am to get my grocery shopping done. I highly recommend trying their chicken wings too and in the Summer time I like to go their to get ice cream and smarties.

>> No.8721341


I'm not a fucking cuck!

>> No.8721356

I mean, could be worse. At least you have money to afford all that. Do you wish to die quickly or would you like to fix things?

>> No.8721366


Just let me die. EVEN IF I could put down all the money for a hair transplant which might be good enough to restore 80% of my hair and pay 100k+ for knee lengthening surgery at best I'll be 5'8 or maybe 5'9 if I am lucky. I'll still be fucking fat and need to lose all this weight and I'll still have a small penis and severe depression and can't face people because of how humiliated I am. I just want to buy pizza from 711 and hope the cashier puts cyanide in it!

>> No.8721381

Nikuman or onigiri if I didn't have time for breakfast in the morning. Ice cream if I feel like getting dessert and don't want to walk/bike to the supermarket.

>> No.8721385

>knee lengthening surgery
>5'8 or maybe 5'9
Yeah, more like 5'5.5"

>> No.8721386

I mean, the fact that you even brought those things up kind of betrays what you are saying.
Just so you know, things can still be recovered. There are people who have far worse stories than you who live happy healthy lives now.
Then again you might just want to live the years you have left (not too many) eating whatever the fuck you want and all those other things. That's a respectable course of action too, just depends on priorities.

>> No.8721388


I was trying to be optimistic but people like you are always putting me down...in this case LITERLLY just fuck offfffffff

>> No.8721392
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I wanna fuck a black girl

>> No.8721485

>loads of black escorts near me
>really want to fuck a black girl
>only £50 for the half hour

Can't do it, I've turned up at romanians flats before to fuck cheap slags and just sort of wander in without thinking then she looks nothing like the pic (not dramatically but noticable - still fuckable)

Don't want to risk it with a black girl.

>> No.8721495
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>being able to buy beer in a convenience store
>being able to buy beer at midnight

What's it like to live in a country where your government actually treats you like an adult?

>> No.8721513

Used to get a sandwich , Miller High life , and a thing of slim Jim.
I stopped drinking and cook at home now, healthier and blah blah blah

>> No.8721521

How can there be different t degrees (i.e. dramatically noticeably) of looking nothing like something? Either she looks nothing like the picture, or she looks something like the picture.

>> No.8721537
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>mfw Liberal party increased the tax on beer and smokes even further yesterday to offset the massive deficit they're running until 2022
>still no mention of the legal weed

Canada is getting really annoying

>> No.8721545

america can be an okay country when you dont live in a shit state , but if you do then youre pretty fucked

>> No.8721548

Not in Canada, euroland.
It wasn't only beer you could buy, but also wine and hard liquor. It was overpriced as hell, but I didnt care.
Had the store literally next door, so that was convinient.

>> No.8721566

Bottle of Dr. Pepper (because the Slurpee machine is always broken) and a box of Mike and Ikes.

>> No.8721572

Take the picture given and add 10 years plus more makeup plus no expert photography (a given really)

Funnily enough I can't go to trading standards because the prozzy I hired doesn't look like her picture as much as I wanted her to

>> No.8721581

I Thailand I used to get a small nescafe cols café con leche and a hotdog sandwich.

>> No.8721607

>take banana from basket
>peel it
>jam a drinking straw into the bottom
>dip it into nacho cheese vat
>lay it on the counter
>your move, wagie

>> No.8722178
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Pack of smokes and two Red Bull

Maybe some beer if I've got the day off

7-11s are hard to come by where I live - we mostly have these and Circle K. I would never eat anything prepared at a Circle K because every time I go into one it smells like someone let out a burnt fart they kept in a jar

>> No.8722311

You're barred for messing up the counter.

>> No.8722401

You fuckin cucks can't stop bitching I swear

>> No.8722408

A green Monster

>> No.8722423
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6pk Miller High Life 16oz'ers and pic related

>> No.8722427

I told you last time, pay a hooker or fuck fat girls. Get a magic wand vibrator to make up for your lack of dick.

>> No.8722430

>Wahh wahh look how pathetic I am
just kill yourself

>> No.8722437
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A delicious Double Gulp of Diet Dr Pepper

>> No.8722455
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yaki-niku bento or oyako-don
if i'm drunk some kara-age because 7/11 fried chicken > KFC and the rest
6pack of beer, bottle of scotch or $3 bottle of wine if i'm feeling cheap.
>mfw 7/11's in the west don't have anything other than bags of chips and day-old pizza

>> No.8722467


>> No.8722491

Fuck off faggot.
Big American Dog is the only way to go.

>> No.8722497

The little burgers remind me of the ones we got in high school.

>> No.8722498

Man you fuckers and your 7-11s, Casey's stores and Wah Wahs. I wish we had those dank ass sotres. All we got around here are Circle Ks and you never want to eat ANYTHING from that place.

>> No.8722528

Casey's General Store master race reporting in

>> No.8722544
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If you never got obese you could have dated a semi retarded girl. Now you can only date an obese semi retarded girl.


>> No.8722613
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One of these bad boys and a Coke slurpee

>> No.8722616

> 2 insulting post
> one semi-thoughtful post
> a response to the insults

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8722623

>tfw the only 7-11 we had around here was in the ghetto and it got shut down because it kept getting robbed
Shame too. Fuck circle k.

>> No.8723299

fuck off with your copypasta

>> No.8723414
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>"american" dog
>literally just a microwaved hotdog with cake-tasting dough around it
yea nah

>> No.8723417

None of those are valid excuses. You just don't want to admit that being a fat disgusting piece of shit is your fault.

>> No.8723458
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OP get me:

>2 buffalo chicken go-go taquitos
>bottle of seltzer
>Small bag of Sour Patch Watermelons

thanks m8 I'll pay you back, I promise

>> No.8723554
File: 32 KB, 423x500, new-7-11-eleven-big-gulp-52oz-mug-insulated-hunting-bear-deer-with-straw-whirley-685ca5f2fab309b8f5d77199e631cb71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you kill people with this?

>> No.8725116

How am I supposed to send them to you when you're a random anon on 4chan who hasn't given me your postage address you fucking retard

>> No.8726151

>If I am sober
>3 slices of pizza, order of potato wedges, 2 tacquitos, small back of doritos, a pack of twizzlers, chocolate milk

>> No.8726168

Nobody smoke anymore?
Me neither, stopped 12 years ago.
God I hate it. Smoked Camel at the time

>> No.8726354

for me its the chicken tendie stick

>> No.8726387

>What do you guys usually get at 7/11?


>> No.8726394
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> 2 cans of canned coffee
> red sour cherry chew candy
> 75 cent banana
> carton of chocolate milk
> packet of barbecue beef jerky

>> No.8726592

yea you're right... you can't I guess. How about you just eat all of it and tell me how it tasted?

>> No.8726596


You in the hood? I'd like a box of .38 Special cartridges.

>> No.8726614

Coke and cherry Slurpee if they are frozen. Do they have pina colada? that would be pretty good too although I don't drink so it would have to be virgin.

>> No.8726634

win-for-life scratch off and a twin bing, breakfast pizza if casey's

>> No.8726643

2 magnum condoms for my bbc and some lube for ur ass, white boi

>> No.8726832


>> No.8727048

When fresh out of the oven, Sev's has better wings than Pizza Hut, Domino's, and Papa John's combined. Fight me, bro.

>> No.8727604

2 4 lokos or 2 mikes hard and some chips. Sometimes water and Gatorade.

>> No.8727613

Magnums actually aren't much bigger than standard condoms. Even an average sized white guy could get them. It's a marketing/signalling thing.

>> No.8727734

Normally just a pie/sausage roll and a Coke

>> No.8728262


>> No.8728275

blue powerade and green game blunts.

>> No.8728452

Tonkatsu sandwich and a boss gold every time senpai

>> No.8728534
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Anbody drink these besides me? I hate them, but I don't know what to do.

>> No.8728538

I seriously hope you never did that. 7 eleven workers have the hardest of all the gas stations.

>> No.8729045

No, Chevron is.

>> No.8729055

but im not white

>> No.8729058

>Anbody drink these besides me? I hate them, but I don't know what to do.
Lack of planning. No one should have to drink something they don't like.

>> No.8729071

back when I was in college before Obama banned the good version with caffeine. Was great for pregaming college football games at 7am

>> No.8729094

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.8729161


>> No.8730005

Doritos and a mango madness snapple cos thats my mofuggin snack

>> No.8730015

that's worse than being fat or even being a cuck
why would you stoop so low and degrade yourself?

>> No.8730031

I hate 7/11 because I have to ask some brown-skin to get food for me. Every other convenience store lets me do it myself like a big boy

>> No.8731439

Soda(either 2 cans or 2 bottles), Lay's Jalapeño kettle chips, and sour gummy worms

>> No.8731443

quest bar and milk, and donuts if it's bulking season

>> No.8731449

Big Bite with chili, cheese, onions, mustard

Big Gulp with 3/4 sprite, 1/4 mucho mango

>> No.8731457

oh yeah, no adult can resist the spastic chubby kid.

>> No.8731473

>blk guy
>buying gondomes
>using gondomes
lol good one anon

>> No.8731476
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From my backyard i can see a 7/11

>> No.8731498

You lucky bastard.

>> No.8731502

I live across the street from a 7/11. We live the best life

>> No.8731529

Sometimes at night i get my lazer pointer and lazer people when they go in and out of the 7/11

>> No.8732352


>> No.8734195

You guys should fuck.

>> No.8734284

I kekd

>> No.8734689

7-11? Spicy Ahi. Everytime. Guarentee.

>> No.8734793


>> No.8734803


>> No.8735253

Why is 7/11 always crawling with shady people.

>> No.8735312

Big Gulp of Iced Tea or Code Red
2 Hot dogs with everything on them
Bag of Andy Capp/Cheeto hot fries

>> No.8737059

I'm down for it.

>> No.8737096

6 pack of bud light and a can of copenhagen silver lid

>> No.8738741

Yeah I remember these before being banned. Most people I knew blacked out after 2. Good times.

>> No.8738837

small regular Peter Jackson reds, and a hotdog with onion and cheese.

>> No.8740392

Actually it's not all that bullshit, it's: >>8721159

>> No.8740407

They're reintroduced without energy drink components now. Got them in WV. They're fucking trash drinks. I would rather have a plastic 40 of Milwaukee's best than put myself through that shit.
Half of them are bad batches that get you sick for days and make you shit rainbows. Your nostalgia is not justified.

>> No.8740410

it took all of 5 minutes before someone with half a brain said "dude just drink a little off the top and pour in a 5-Hour Energy"

>> No.8740417

I miss the 7/11 I lived across from in Seoul.
That shit was so fucking comfy. 24/7, cheap soju, pretty goddamn good egg sandwiches too.

>> No.8740450

The taste is off though. A 40 + instant Kool-ade + a 5 hour is far more tasty

>> No.8740599
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>Bout to head down to 7/11 in a bit

Get me a pack of red Zingers and a chocolate milk.

>> No.8740642

You mix 40 oz beer with a packet of kool aid and 5 hour energy?

Are you high?

>> No.8740778
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>no one gets cheeseburger bites
Why even live?

>> No.8740789
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>Never seen a 7-11
>Never had a proper ICEE slushie

>> No.8740799

>Head of Exodia: The Forbidden One.png

>> No.8740831

There aren't any 7/11s in my area, mostly Circle K and QT. But they're pretty much all the same.

>strawberry banana Sobe and a Nature Valley sweet and salty peanut bar
>or Dr. Pepper from the fountain and two taquitos
>or a bottle of orange soda and Funyons
>or one of those shitty glass Starbucks coffees and a bag of mini powdered donuts

>> No.8741189

Their steak flavored chips are god tier and usually 2/$2

>> No.8741243

Can you set me up with chips, pop, and a bar?