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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 444x305, fatheadsupersize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8717922 No.8717922 [Reply] [Original]

So which one is right?

>> No.8717927


Both can be boiled down to the basic fact:
If you consume more calories than you burn then you will gain weight.

>> No.8717931

Morgan Sperglok is a faggot like every other documentary filmmaker.

>> No.8717951
File: 51 KB, 750x652, really makes you think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The premise of Super Size Me (if you eat like I'm shown eating, it'll fuck you up) is unassailable.

>well you know if you only eat 2,000 calories of processed garbage a day and like don't eat the sesame bun or something it's not bad for you
>try keto the bread lobby is evil

Fat Head felt like a long rant that went in a few directions and doesn't speak to a lot of what it thinks it speaks to.

>> No.8718005

That douche was the reason mcdonalds got rid of supersize

>> No.8718017

Supersize Me is just vegan propaganda, Fat Head is just a rant

>> No.8718024

Which effected stoners everywhere D:

>> No.8718068

I like 30 for 30s

>> No.8718093

There have been official studies done to reproduce his results. Unless your health is terrible to begin with, eating nothing but Mickey D's for a month will probably make you fatter and make you feel terrible, but your body should be resilient enough to increase its metabolism and survive.

>watch Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?
>movie ends when he finds a sign on the road that says "no foreigners beyond this point" and shows him walking away, defeated
>bust my ass laughing

>> No.8718095


He never said he was a vegan in supersize me, and of course starts vomiting and feeling like shit when eating mcdonalds after a while. People even replicated his shit and didn't have as drastic or the same outcome as this douche

all he did was incite a placebo panic over some fucking fast food chain being unhealthy, like it is some new revelation that has to be introduced into the world

>> No.8718371

One of the few things I remember about Supersize Me is him talking to various people about eating McDonalds. Two black guys say they eat there all the time, but also play a load of basketball. They were skinny.

>> No.8718381

>Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden
Morgans shit is cute but not very good

Although is advertising documentary was pretty cute as well

>> No.8718395


*eating more calories of mcdonalds than you expend will make you gain weight

so in other words, mcdonalds is food.

>> No.8718400

this, but I think the point was that you don't realize just how many calories are in Macdoes.
It was preachy faggotry though. Could have been 4 minutes long.

>> No.8718428

he refuses to make his food logs available
he refuses this because it will show he lied

also mcdonalds doesn't carry super size anymore and that pisses me off

>> No.8718442


except mcdonalds doesn't have very many calories, he had to eat like 5 meals a day there to gain the weight. Fast food has lower calories than any other restaurant; you can easily get 3k calories from one meal at most restaurants.

>> No.8718543

>all he did was incite a placebo panic over some fucking fast food chain being unhealthy, like it is some new revelation that has to be introduced into the world
It was at the time though.

>> No.8719294

? Cost to Calorie ratio McDonalds has, or HAD, the highest value, which is why some poor people literally lived off it for a while

>> No.8719307

Calorie to dollar fast food is very high. A lot of taco bell and McDs stuff is 200+ calories a dollar.

>> No.8719318

The McChicken is 350. That's almost unattainable at a regular restaurant.

>> No.8719502

he didnt lie, he even says in the documentary he decided he was going to "Mc Stuff himself".

>> No.8719716

Yes, but the number of calories he claims to have consumed each day was impossible to achieve without eating extra meals. And not to mention that his approach was moronic from the start, 5k calories per day will make you fat even if all you eat is lettuce [it will also make you miserable, since you'd need ours of continuous chewing to eat it all]. What a shock, eating more calories than you burn makes you fat, whoa!

>> No.8719721

This, holy shit. Basic chicken and pasta entree at Applebees is almost 2k calories in a small portion, and I've cooked the same dish for half that.

>> No.8719731

calories in calories out is a meme

>> No.8719732

All the fat cunts in this thread defending McDonald's.

>> No.8719767

It's not a meme, it holds true for the most part. Of course there's more than "Calories in" - "Calories out" = weight gain or weight loss, but it's still a useful metric.

>> No.8719774
File: 49 KB, 500x380, nsEjedV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science is a meme

fake news

>> No.8719776

That's literally how it works in a nutshell.

>> No.8719781

>metabolic slowdown
>starvation mode

>> No.8719784
File: 58 KB, 1388x800, 522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more fake news

>> No.8719787

sorry it conflicts with your worldview trumpette

>> No.8719789

Just because your metabolism slows down when you eat less it doesn't mean that the principle regarding calorie intake/outtake doesn't apply anymore.

>> No.8719796

Metabolic rates only count for around 5% +/- your overall rate of consuming calories.

>> No.8719801
File: 255 KB, 537x385, fef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more fake news

>> No.8719828

it:s a significant confounding factor
>i post memes online to fill my hollow existence
>pol got trump into the white house, r-right guys?

>> No.8719835

>it:s a significant confounding factor

No, not really.

Despite your disagreement >>8719796 is right.

>> No.8719851

I don't think you are whoaing nearly hard enough for having an epiphany like that


>> No.8719865

Morgan Sperlock is a fucking faggot.

I don't know who that other guy is.

>> No.8719890

There are literal studies about it you stupid piece of shit and if I remember correct even 5% is too much.

>hurr starvation mode
Do you see lots of fat fucks in Auschwitz pics since they're in starvation mode, you fucking retard?

>> No.8719895

Yeah couldn't remember the exact %, I think it was more like 1-3% with extreme cases at 5%. either way that's only like 100 calories TOPS.

>> No.8719913

no, it's mostly skinny poor people that have to fight for calories/

>> No.8719945

is that a statement? why is there a period

>> No.8719980

>its not my fault i'm fat, my body defies the laws of thermodynamics!

>> No.8720088

>walking away, defeated
>Literally everyone, even the US military boots on the ground say "Probably thataways in Pakistan
>Only people to say Osama isnt in Pakistan is the fucking Pakistanis
In his defense he won hard in his search for osama

>> No.8720181

I know Super Size Me is a bunch of bullshit propaganda. I know this because back when I was in college, I worked part time at a McDonalds and ate almost nothing except McDonald's for literally two years because with the employee discount it was the best option for me. I still got blood work done as part of my yearly physical and it came back excellent both times. Shit, I probably could have lost weight while eating my 100% McDonald's diet if I gave a fuck.

>> No.8720333

So nice to see disagreement on shit where one side is completely right and the other side acts like you're a moron if you disagree with them. That's healthy. That's why 4chan is the best.

>> No.8720663

Neither of em

The right one doesn't even count Japan when people live longer despite eating ramen and rice.

>> No.8722156

What is you Saiyan?

>> No.8722173

It's calories in > calories out. Also, there are racial differences in metabolism.

>> No.8722179

Required reading for retarded fatasses

>> No.8723499

>this is what Americans believe.

don't drink the food lobbyist coolaid, annon

>> No.8723531

Their bodies are more acclimated due to tens of years of eating rice, it's not as bad for them as other races
but that faggot on the left got "supersize" taken away. I never did it but I want the fucking option

>> No.8723664

Isn't the basic premise of supersize me that he eating the suggested servings fucks you up?

Like, every time they asked hi if he waned to super-size he had to say yes.

I eat lots of mcdicks but I'm not stupid enough to think that the value meals are a sensible calorie intake.

>> No.8723674

Yeah he had to supersize if they asked, and he had to try everything on the menu once, and eat there three times a day. Nobody thought that much fast food was good for you, especially that much soda or frenched fry

>> No.8723676


Except he didnt, and that's a lie

>> No.8723875

It was in response to some fat bitches trying to sue McDonalds over making them fat and losing. I don't remember exactly, but it was decided in that case that reasonable consumption of Mcdonald's food wouldn't make a person overweight in and of itself..

So the guy decided to spend a month eating nothing but McDonalds for three meals a day, and supersize if they offered.

>> No.8723915

The documentary is more about the size than the food itself

>> No.8725703
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, rock n roll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work out TDEE
>If you get more you will gain fat
>If you get less you will lose fat


>> No.8725706

The spergerlock doc is stupid. Who on earth eat all their meals at mcd.? 3 meals a day.for a month? Retarded.

>> No.8725807

>muh thermodynamics
The human digestive system is not a bomb calorimeter

>> No.8725817

Like half of muricans.

>> No.8725828

Supersize Me is somewhat bullshit: eat any diet composed primarily of meat and you're going to get fat regardless of the quality of that meat. Remember that anything you see is a fraction of a fraction of what was originally filmed: the vast majority of the available footage was cut and you'd better believe only the interesting/shocking stuff made it in.

>> No.8725844

I seriously doubt that. Would love to see some proof.

>> No.8725873

Both are stupid, I haven't seen either though. First one is stupid because it's obvious that McD is garbage food that is fattening and unhealthy, everybody knows that already, so what's the point. The second one I think has Robert Lustig in it, or was it David Ludwig?p Maybe Taubes. Anyway, they are all fucking idiots and having one of them in your film immediately means that it's some anti-intellectual wankfest for fat Americans who think evolution and climate science aren't real so therefore the government advice on how to eat is also bullshit because "those people" are trying to make everybody fat. Saf

>> No.8726773

>human bodies don't process energy
My Little Anon Can't Be This Stupid!

>> No.8726801


Sure, The human body yields less energy from food than you would get if you burned it in a calorimeter.

That's why the figures we use for food--4 cals/gram for protein and carbs and 8 cals/g for fat--were NOT measured with a calorimeter, but instead came from a scientist's study of how the human body digests things. Those figures are called "Atwater factors" after the scientist who measured them.

That being said, any and all things obey the laws of thermodynamics. No matter what medical condition someone might have it is physically impossible to gain weight without consuming more calories than one burns.

>> No.8726812
File: 60 KB, 640x360, Fit Nigger Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like half of muricans.

Yup. Why are your ugly ass americans unable to control what you eat?

>> No.8727517


They look like nice people

>> No.8727866


>Frenched fry.
How do you French a fry, anon? Do you just expose it to French people until it gives up and surrenders?