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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8711578 No.8711578 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on steel cut oats.

>> No.8711593
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>Redpill me
The jew is using the negro as muscle to breed the white race out of existence by miscegenating with feminazi SJWs who want to turn our cats vegan

Alex Jones hasn't explained how the oatmeal fits in but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with cucks and the "new men" I keep hearing about, the ones who apologise for being white by eating avocados and stuff

>> No.8711599


>> No.8711601

>using /pol/ memes to try and talk about /fit/ memes on /ck/

You're in too deep.
You need to go back.

>> No.8711614

apparently they don't have them in japan because the blades are too sharp and would cut the oats into a fine powder

>> No.8711617
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Brother, could you spare me some of your oats?

>> No.8711623



>> No.8711634

got any oats, bruthur?

>> No.8711701

You will be more alert at work because you have to get up an hour earlier just to make them

>> No.8711706
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I eat quick oats because "chewy" is not an an attribute I find appealing in oatmeal.

>> No.8711726

But "mushy" is? Kys.

>> No.8711747

yes. i like how the mushiness contrasts with the crunchiness of buttered toast

>> No.8711766
File: 119 KB, 299x429, miniwheats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just eat it because oatmeal at breakfast and drinking water throughout the day makes you shit..a lot.

Pic related does too, but not as much as oatmeal.

>> No.8711770

I prefer them to rolled/old fashioned and quick oats, but only have the time for a nice simmer on weekends. What you can also do is prepare them the night before, i.e. combine oats with milk and water, bring to boil, turn off heat and cover. In the morning you can quickly reheat and eat.

>> No.8711776

it's a pretty good cereal for what it is... too bad you have to have the dairy jew to enjoy it.

>> No.8711788

>needing milk

not necessarily. You can crunch on them dry and it's alright. I do that with a cup of coffee from time to time.

>> No.8711790

You're either female or really effeminate.

I don't say that as a negative, it's just really obvious.

>> No.8712113 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 400x300, Viking diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All grains are filler.

Repeat it again.


If you're white, you have no business eating wheat, rice, corn, or oats.

>> No.8712169

Ugh a ketofag

>> No.8712186

enjoy your keto kidney stones faggot

>> No.8712200
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Sorry but it's a fact.

Poor people started eating grains to keep their bellies full, so they were not aware of the fact that they were still starving.

Eating food made of grains (even things like bread or pasta) is the european equivalent of the niggers in Haiti eating dirt just to have something in their stomach.

>> No.8712205

Rice enhances my beef stir fry though.

>> No.8712227

>Rice enhances my beef stir fry though.
You know what would enhance it better? More beef.
It only "enhances" it by increasing the volume of the dish.

Not trying to be a dick, but really this is why poor americans are fat as fuck. Because steak is $5 or more a pound, or you can spend $2 to get a 12 pack of ramen noodles or 5 boxes of macaroni and cheese

>> No.8712236

Civilization was built on agriculture and grains, and there's no real way to argue otherwise.

Take your broscience somewhere else.

>> No.8712253

Carbs are still a source of energy /fit/shit

>> No.8712411

>Trusting the Irish
American Oatmeal not good enough for you?

>> No.8712430

Trying to lose weight and /fit/ told me they're good for you.

I just make a big batch and refrigerate. Scoop out portion, add milk, microwave. Add honey, peanut butter, banana, and whatever other toppings you want.

I don't normally eat breakfast but this is quick and easy for me, and I stay full for a long time.

>> No.8712514

That's actually not what I bought. I got Vons Organic brand oats.

>> No.8712575

Fuck off faggot
Oats and rice are a staple on /fit/
This is just your average ketofag ketofagging up every thread he sees

>> No.8712619

I like popcorn more. Porridge is alright but it's not as portable. You can stuff a freezer bag full of popcorn and lug it to work with you as a portable food source. You need a canteen to carry porridge with you + porridge residue is a bitch to clean if it dries on.

>> No.8712624

>Redpill me on steel cut oats.

Chewy, with a nutty flavor I don't find in rolled oats.

>> No.8712631

they're the best for boiling and the worst for cookies

>> No.8712641
File: 1.14 MB, 1468x1468, 1486709273261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMFG. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please DON'T being this redpill shit here.

Fuck you. For every Nazi poston /ck/, I will literally go to /pol/ and make ten posts about what a gross, stupid, heartless, retarded, Russian slaves inside Dumbfuck is.

We need to drive far right pantshitters off 4chan for good.

Hillary was right about everything with President Pussygrabber. Pizzagate is a hoax. Muslims have human rights.

This is called REALITY. No redpill will ever overturn it.

>> No.8712657

Speaking of oats, which type of oats absorbs liquid fastest? Like instead of cereal I want to eat oats, should I go for instant ones?

>> No.8712670

But you are wrong. You post a viking diet and forget that most of them were farmers and definitely ate grains of different kinds. Oats are also very nutritious so I have no idea wtf you're on about.

>> No.8712685

Have you been gone for a while? /pol/ posting is popular here now. It's getting increasingly harder to avoid online though so you'll just have to ignore it. The only way they'll finally stop posting is when a war inevitably breaks out and they get themselves killed.

>> No.8712697

>implying any of them are going to war if not forced.
With views like that, if they actually wanted to be violent and achieve their goals, they'd be terrorists.

>> No.8712702

>they like different textures
>can't be masculine
How's the walk-in closet, anon?

>> No.8712705

You sound fat.

>> No.8712718

I can't tell if you're joking. I know this board has been basically advertised on tumblr, but still..

>> No.8712730

I don't see what changing my religion would have to do with achieving my goals.

>> No.8712741

goddammit anon.

>> No.8712850

>Porridge is not as portable
Just put it into a shopping bag or something, tie it up and cut a hole on one of the corners to squeeze into your mouth.

>> No.8713056

>not realizing that we need filler grains to lose weight because we're fat because we don't live in a 3rd world shithole and actually have the resources to be able to be fat

>> No.8713066

This is the best post I've seen in a while and I'm lol'ing at all the damage control from the unhealthy grainfags

>> No.8713071

I only eat bronze cut oats

>> No.8713083
File: 125 KB, 620x411, cowpocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing we need filler grains to keep the cows from starving, and then the middle class from rioting due to meat shortages, and then the poors from starving due to HFCS shortages, in that order

Grain is a meme that has outlived its usefulness

>> No.8713103

Carbs in general are unnecessary in the human diet. The only reason we consume them is because they are very common in the foods that we eat nowadays. However, I highly recommend that anyone reading this start weening off of carbs and moving into a pure diet of fats and proteins. This kind of diet is not only healthier, but it also provides just what the body needs if you work out. What I recommend is eating 1 chicken a day (with it's eggs), quarter cup of olive oil, and some gummy fibers if you are concerned about fiber in your diet. I have been on this diet for about the last 9 months and I have seen incredible results in terms of my muscle mass and energy levels

>> No.8713330


stfu dumbass

>> No.8713811

post progress pics

>> No.8713820
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Top pill

>> No.8714222

Enjoy scurvy.

>> No.8714497
File: 492 KB, 1200x831, 1489362163820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alas brother, here before us we see the lengths and endeavours of large scale production ravaging the simple beauty of our oats; replacing elegance with materialistic convenience. The ground form will rid us of our ability to eat these oats, for they are too small to enjoy and the wind will carry them from our troughs. Only the farmer will benefit from this invention, and befit his nature as an egoistic simpleton with no regard for nature and its creations.

>> No.8714540

fuck oats are so good

literal gift from the gods

>> No.8714566

You should cook it to remove the phytic acid

>> No.8714568

Why would anyone want to shit a lot?

>> No.8714576
File: 24 KB, 764x706, 1486135249245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8714633

>i like my mashed potatoes crispy

go to your kitchen and slit your throat asap

>> No.8714686

Having less surface area, you absorb it slower and a little less of it, so it's lower glycemic, more satiating, and a little lower calorie. Takes longer to cook and usually costs more.

>> No.8714692

You shouldn't eat too much grains or you'll starve to death because they're high in anti-nutrients.

>> No.8714838


>> No.8714849

they'll also stop posting if everyone just stops giving them the attention they beg for.

>> No.8714923

Lol. Like all good troll posts there's truth to this.

American diets do put way too much emphasis on grains and as a result Carbohydrates, while they're not inherently bad for you by any means they're for real nutritionally lacking.

When you tilt your nutrition more towards fat and protein you greatly improve your diet.

I realized this when I made Joel Robuchon's Mashed Potatoes for the first time, I thought I fucked up because there was so much butter in it, like almost 1:1.

Well the truth is you're NOT supposed to eat a pound of mashed potatoes, you're more supposed to just take a couple delicious Tablespoons of the stuff.

The French in general eat more fattening foods and yet they're still healthier than Americans. Clearly their diet is superior.

>> No.8715013
File: 125 KB, 194x318, chili-no-beans-large_05222015085339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bowel movements are a necessary function of the body. Ideally, it should be easy and thorough without discomfort or exertion.

It feels good to have a big healthy dump. It removes waste and other undesirable material from your body.

>> No.8715020


Sure, but what's the point of doing it to excess?

It's normal and healthy to shit. It's not normal or healthy to shit *a lot*