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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8711722 No.8711722 [Reply] [Original]

Bartender made a smart ass comment to me at Long Horn Today

>get off work
>its the closet place
>have 2 beers, eat like 3 bowls of the complimentary peanuts
>made a smart ass comment about many I ate
>didn't tip

Was I a dick?

>> No.8711725

>was i

Nah, I get the feeling that you're just a dick in general.

>> No.8711729

But in this specific instance, he's a dick for starting yet another tipping thread on /ck/

>> No.8711738

I always tip unless they are totally incompetent or rude.

>> No.8711741

>watch the flood of server tears come.

>> No.8712091

>Here's your complimentary peanuts, sir
>That's free plus tip

>> No.8712126

Yeah it wasn't something he should have said but who gives a fuck?
Maybe only tip half, don't stiff him.
But I'm ex-service industry so unless they insult my mother or assault me I'm gonna tip something.

>> No.8712134
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I would just like to be the first person in a long line of persons that will claim to be rich and tip a lot.

My household income is 560,000 USD per year and the last time I went out to dinner with my wife, and her son, we went and had a lovely meal at a nice italian joint where i tipped 20% plus 2 dollars extra for each of the sangrias my wife had. Then we stopped at a steak house for dessert on the way home and I tipped 8 bucks on an 8 dollar piece of chocolate cake.

I have lots of money and these small pittances don't matter to me. The look on the server's faces is always quite nice. The money means so much more to them.

I am sure that one day, when you poor, blue-collar fellows get your shit together, you will one day be happy to tip like me when the money means so much less to you. Tis just a trifle.

>> No.8712188

>Bartender made a smart ass comment to me at Long Horn Today
tell us all about it like you are a character in a Quentin Tarantino movie.

>> No.8712261

>It was after working hours
>The bar had the usual hustle and bustle of blue collar losers like myself just trying to kill a little pain from having earned an honest dollar
>I finish my first beer.
>"I love the taste of salty nuts!" I proclaimed proudly
>"Barkeep, be a good man and fetch me more nutz and another beer!"
>But there was something different this evening.
>The bartender.
>The bartender kept...
>Was he... He was.. He is...
>That MOTHER FUCKER was giving me an eye.
>Now, my ass may be dumb, but I ain't no dumb ass.
>I'll be damned if I'm gonna tip this bitch at all... but it can never be that easy.
>the bill comes. I pay it.
>bartender sees this and says:
>You're not a bad person. You're a terrific person. You're my favorite person, but every once in a while, you can be a real cunt.
>a panflute plays in the background
>revenge is not a straight path. revenge is a forrest, and it is easy to get lost and not even realize where you came from.

>> No.8712264

peanuts are expensive dude. if your hungry order some wings or something. show a little bit of courtesy

>> No.8712298
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I never tip because I don't believe it's ethical

>> No.8712320

I do this, except I'm a poorfag and just do it when I'm flush after selling drugs or getting a tax refund or something.
Why I won't ever make money lol

>> No.8712479

Not tipping is beta as fuck. If you are dissatisfied then you rip a $20 in half and leave that

>> No.8712510

You know the waiter can just tape together the two pieces of the $20 and it's still legal tender, right?

>> No.8712661

That was pretty accurate

>> No.8712690

I guess you forgot about the beers you fucking moron. No legitimate establishment is just going let you chow down on complementary food without making a purchase. He had a bar tab, that necessitated a bartender and, as retarded as it may be, in the US that means a tip.

>> No.8712699
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>> No.8713080

>household income
Meaning your wife makes more than you
>my wife and, her son


>> No.8713094

I don't like to tip the front of house staff but I always tip the pizza delivery and the Amazon delivery people.

>> No.8713097
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The amount of working class resentment in this post is delicious

The only thing it's missing is the ass blasted comment suggesting that higher education is a scam to turn our kids gay

>> No.8713100

you make me think of when I was in college and working at taco bell
grey-haired dude in his 50's rolls through in a red convertible with a hot blonde
he wants to give me his change but I tell him we're not allowed to take tips
he starts waving the money at me and I tell him no again
so he THROWS the money through the window at me, then they both laugh uproariously and he peels out of the drive-thru

>> No.8713102

>Amazon delivery people
you tip UPS?

>> No.8713104

At least you're cool about it.
I usually use my tax refund to upgrade my graphics card/CPU and then donate the rest to seeing eye doggos.

>> No.8713109

peanuts are the cheapest nut

>> No.8713265

Yeah you were. So what he makes a comment about how many nuts you ate? Better hope he isn't gonna be a dick back and do something to your food/drink. That is even more fucked up but happens.

>> No.8713335


Thanks for the constructive feedback. I'll amend the writing next time.

>> No.8713342
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>my wife and her son

>> No.8713345

>Read whole post in Riff Raff voice
It's too early for this

>> No.8713370

He operates on a different level than most
Rap game Oklahoma Sooners

>> No.8713840

>Be college student
>working as bar tender for a little extra cash
>Some autistic guy in janitor coveralls comes in
Sits by himself
>Feel kinda bad
>Try to make small talk
>Make a remark about all the peanuts he ate
>Gets pissy and storms out
What did i do wrong /ck?

>> No.8713894

Some people are just cunts who don't deserve a tip, plain and simple. I usually tip anyway to make them feel guilty for being a shit server.

>> No.8713967 [DELETED] 
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I look at it this way
>waiter spends 5 mins taking my order + bringing my food
>minimum wage is like $8/hour
>5*8/60 = 0.66
>round it up to a dollar to be nice

>> No.8713971

Good, anyone who tips is a sucker.

>> No.8713992

You know you don't have to pay taxes on the drugs you sell, right?

>> No.8714187
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>> No.8714212

A bartender who talks shit before he gets the cash is too stupid to deserve a tip. Good on you OP.

>> No.8714214
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>"I love the taste of salty nuts!" I proclaimed proudly
No wonder the bartender looked at you funny.

>> No.8714347

>a panflute plays in the background


>> No.8714910

>goes to a chain steakhouse to drink 2 beers and eat 3 bowls of peanuts

Maybe he was worried about you having a place to sleep at night because you sound like some kind of vagrant who got a handout and decided to spend it on booze

>> No.8714928


>> No.8714955
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Actual bartender here
Y'all are focusing on the wrong thing

The guy a smart ass comment to OP because NO ONE eats those damn peanuts
They sit there for ages as people take one or two when they're waiting for their drink

Do you have any idea how many dirty fingers rifled through those fucking peanuts? Guy who takes a drunken piss, comes back without washing his hands, and then fiddles with the bowl of peanuts

OP ate mostly hand grease and dry piss than peanuts. They probably started out unsalted, but I bet they sure tasted salty now

OP got made fun of because he chowed down 3 fucking bowls of piss nuts

>> No.8714957

Wouldn't the second bowl be fresh?

>> No.8714961

Probably just grabbed another bowl from down the bar
I mean if he ate one bowl of pissnuts wouldn't you want to see how far he could go?

>> No.8714970

I work at a Best Buy and there's this one customer who fucking loves me and constantly tries to tip me $500 and I have to decline, as painful as it is.

>> No.8715034

Real talk, some big shots opt to just so they can't get audited and popped for tax evasion. IRS doesn't give a single fuck where your money comes from as long as you pay the right taxes. The 1040 forms actually have a line for that. Problem is the OTHER Feds could add that to evidence if you're charged with actual drug supplying.

>> No.8715261

if that bartender was so fucking shit that he can't be bothered to put fresh nuts on the table he doesn't deserve to be tipped and neither do you, faggot cock sucker.
PS: I never tip bartenders. I don't tip post men either for doing their god damn fucking job.

>> No.8715274

Postmen get paid quite well and have stable hours.
Bartenders tend to be somewhere around minimum wage, and have to deal with drunken cunts, while also trying to serve and entertain guests.

You are most probably a cunt.

>> No.8715278

Longhorn doesn't serve peanuts, you're thinking of Texas Roadhouse or Logan's, you double nigger

>> No.8715343

Fuck him lol

God i cant stand tip beggars

How about get a real job you self entitled fucks

>> No.8715443

Nice kitten.

Shut up grumpy faggot.

>> No.8715452


>> No.8715455

If you're asking strangers if you were a dick then you're not enough of a dick to get away with being a dick. Work on that.

>> No.8715607

>eat like 3 bowls of the complimentary peanuts

Do you go to two bit dago joints and just eat free breadsticks?

>> No.8715683

Serves him right. It go's both ways: don't fuck with the people handling your food and waitstaff shouldn't insult their customers if they're expecting gratuity. Waitstaff are some of the most entitled cunts on the planet desu.

>> No.8715696

This. God I swear at least half of /ck/ are new newfags

>> No.8715812
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What if I told you that several old fags post things like this just to rustle your jimmy johns?

>> No.8716118

>Server is a smart ass
>People defend him not being paid extra for being a dick

wtf americans

>Private individuals paying the wages of an employee rather than the company they work for

You people are fucked in the head.

>> No.8716317

long horn defiantly does you can call the one i went to

>> No.8717003
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Unless the bartender is the one buying the peanuts, he can fuck right off. Personally, I would've moved to a table, had a waitress bring me drinks, and tipped her twice as much as I would have tipped him. That way his dumb ass can think next time before he talks shit.

>> No.8717025

>Paying someone a dollar to open a beer for you
I'm not usually anti-tipping but it's fucking retarded to tip bartenders for anything other than a mixed drink. That's "tip the gym receptionist" levels of ridiculous.

>> No.8717298

You ate $10 worth of nuts he had to call you out

>> No.8718242

You made an unnecessary remark to your customer that made him feel uncomfortable. If you want your precious tips you need to not do that :) pretty simple

>> No.8718704

Doesn't want barflies hanging around...