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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 214 KB, 575x381, Red onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8704299 No.8704299 [Reply] [Original]

>Frying up some diced onions for a tomato sauce.
>Getting nicely caramelized.
>Wife walks in.

I love my wife but she has the absolute shittiest taste of anybody I have ever met. She would seriously eat kraft macaroni and chicken tendies every day if I allowed it.

Does anybody else deal with people like this in their lives?

>> No.8704304 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 540x535, 7331cfd3f2fce642d3150c07ab614326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bragging you have a wife.

>> No.8704313

my mother is the worst

I always lied to her and told her whatever meat I made something with is beef or she wouldn't eat it

I made the mistake once of telling her the chili that she loved was made with venison and she acted like I shit in her mouth

>> No.8704314
File: 394 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170319-164524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dirty lying fag.

>> No.8704318


>> No.8704324

>using a googled image to go with a story because you aren't an autistic instagrammer taking pictures of every second of your life makes you a liar

Whatever you say, downie.

>> No.8704329

>writing a novel on 4chan
Who the Downey now homes

>> No.8704330
File: 135 KB, 1000x883, crockpot-curry-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole the picture of sauteeing onions from google for illustrative purposed.

Did you really expect me to take a picture?

>Making chicken curry in the crock pot.

>wife walks in

>makes exagerrated gagging sounds just looking at it

>proceeds to make herself noodles for the 4th night this week

Yeah well fuck you too

>> No.8704335
File: 286 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170319-165506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did it again you fucking egg.
What exactly is a problem

>> No.8704338

>married a womanchild
>expects anyone to sympathize
Have fun getting taken to the cleaners.

>> No.8704339

Dude Ur wife must stink like shit if she has such a poor diet

>> No.8704340

Struck the illiterate nerve in you, huh?

Do you need any definitions for the words I typed, or are you good?

>> No.8704341

You have autism. I'm coming around to love this website again though. I would never know a person like you could exist without 4chan

>> No.8704344

I deal with people like this all day everyday coming onto /ck/. Bunch of plain pleb faggots who thinks entrails and organs are disgusting. I go out of my way to find these delicacy.

>> No.8704345
File: 16 KB, 320x371, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I allowed it.

>> No.8704346

a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.

>> No.8704350

not to mention OP's wife's pussy must be so disgusting to taste.
>The palate is ruined. THE PALATE IS RUINED!

>> No.8704356

>the whole house already smells because of your fat fucking vagina, I'm so sorry i tried to make it smell like something different for once

>> No.8704357

I've always been insatiably picky. Ever since I was a kid. I'm getting better because I'm not as much of an entitled faggot (I'm broke), but I still hate so many things
>raw berries
>dried fruit
>cooked peas
>Dijon mustard

My favourite dish is wild pacific salmon fettuccine alfredo. Tell me what an uncultured and privileged piece of shit I am

>> No.8704361

>implying it took more than 30 seconds to write that

getting desperate for a comeback i see

>> No.8704362

Ehh, some people have over-active tastebuds and can't handle strong flavors of any kind

I reserve the right to look down on you, though

>> No.8704363

>may favorite dish is salmon
Critically retarded

>> No.8704372

Just. Kill. Yourself. Although I agree with mustard.

>> No.8704373

No autism in me im clean fagboi.
Post another shitty storey about you and your missus.
I dare you

>> No.8704374


>> No.8704377

More like they were spoiled growing up.

>> No.8704379

Congrats on having the taste palette of a fetus you fucking pussy.

>> No.8704380

I'm not OP, if you think posting google images related to a story is an outrage, you're just undiagnosed.

>> No.8704382

My friend is a total manchild that barely ever eats anything close to healthy- typically only if I'm the one thats made it since he would never seek it out on his own. He's disgusted by broccoli and strawberries to an almost comical degree if he was a child, but being an adult its bordering on pathetic.

>> No.8704385
File: 18 KB, 263x331, bill fieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy Fieri literally wanders the country eating food from shitholes (though a lot of it looks quite good) and the man will not eat eggs.

>> No.8704386

>has to go out of way to find entrails and organs
>calls other plebs

The only reason you would have to go out of your way to find organ meats is if you routinely shop at some shitty supermarket like Super Walmart without a butcher shop, carniceria, etc.

>> No.8704387

Whatever nerd I can probaly cook and lift more than you fag

>> No.8704389

I mean if you bought more food then me, yea you could cook more than me. Or had a bigger kitchen. Not really an achievement though.

>> No.8704393

Of course you can lift more, tard strength is nothing to scoff at.

>> No.8704394

I agree with you on cantaloupe, mushrooms (for the most part, but I love what they add to stroganoff), and maybe olives... I haven't tried an olive in a while though, I might like them now.

>> No.8704397
File: 24 KB, 504x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot wheels tires imo

>> No.8704398

You fags need some new material

>> No.8704401

Used to despise these little fuckers. Grew to enjoy them so much. It's the palate growing wiser and more prone to bitter food. Olives are truly a gift of the gods. So meaty!

>> No.8704404

I thought the tard strength one was as hot and fresh as little caesar's pizza, senpai.

>> No.8704407

Yea as the guy he originally was replying to I was glad you pulled my ass out of the fire with that one.

>> No.8704411

She is probably a supertaster and its you are who is a food pleb, rejecting other people genetic/anatomical features they cant control.

>> No.8704420

>she acted like I shit in her mouth
I hate it when people react like this. It clearly isn't the flavor they take issue with. It's like some kind of fear of foods they aren't familiar with eating daily.

The only thing I have to deal with are either vegetarians or people who prefer their meat cooked past well done (burnt). AKA women.

>> No.8704423
File: 140 KB, 1024x672, 1487146474065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your imaginary wife is 100% correct. Onions are fucking nasty food that people should stop eating in such huge quantities, or at all, if possible. When I make shit that has a lot of onions in it, I can literally smell onion coming out of my pores for a whole week afterwards.

The worst is people eating eggs without massive amounts of spices or without mixing the eggs into other shit to dilute the disgusting sulfur smell. Sunny side up with runny yolks makes me fucking gag.

>> No.8704427

ITT fags who think their funny as shit

>> No.8704431

Who cares...?

>> No.8704432

are you autistic

serious question

>> No.8704437

Its holmes not homes
Ahhhhhhhh you lousy cu/ck/s you should have never become a fucking dishwasher that way you would have nothing to say around here

>> No.8704442

Spoiled how? With bland, terrible food?

>> No.8704457

Allergies dude.
It is not only incredibly rude to put "secret ingredients" in your food, it is extremely dangerous.

If you do not reveal every molecule you put in a dish, you are endangering and offending people.

I was force fed food I was allergic to hundreds of times and I have developed severe physical and mental handicaps because mommy and daddy thought it was OK to force shit down my throat.

You can't do this to people.

If you're still unsure, the next time you feed the wrong shit to someone with an allergy and they go into anaphylactic shock, your only way out of a decade in jail is if they can prove that you refused to reveal the ingredients of the food to them when asked.

I'm starting to think FDA ingredient list laws should apply to homes that are serving food of any sort, since there are so many fucking imbeciles living in America that think force feeding and hiding random meat, spices and sauces their food is necessary.
Huge dumbass fest we got here.
Child abuse laws caught up and you can't force feed your children any more but food and air poisoning are still mostly legal.

>> No.8704460
File: 29 KB, 600x579, 1422852741005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you fucking Brit idiot. It's HOMES, as in homie, from homeboy. Translated into citrus language, you would understand it as "mate" or "lad." It comes from nigger language, something most Americans are fluent in, but I doubt you'd be able to keep up, nahmsayin?

>> No.8704464

What are your allergies, anon?

>> No.8704467

It's homie not holmey you retarded inbred cuck.

>> No.8704468

If you're so allergic to a very common ingredient found in food that you could literally die if you ate it, then that's just God's way of saying that you shouldn't pass on your inferior genes to future generations.

>> No.8704475

Sounds like you're just a pusspuss. Ever tried not being allergic to stuff, you fucking labia?

>> No.8704476

Yea I'm sure a son was completely unaware of his mother's allergies.
What are you allergic too, and is your paranoia a 10/10 or 11/10?

>> No.8704478

Peanuts, honey, gluten, lactose, fructose, sugar, alcohol

>> No.8704481

Allergies aren't genetic retard. However the allergy guy is also retarded because he needs to be the one to tell other people of his allergies, not expect everyone to cater to his rare condition.
>Ahhh I think I will enjoy this delicious meal that someone made for me
I hope he dies honestly.

>> No.8704483

Were you born via C section by any chance

>> No.8704490

I literally have no idea besides seafood, citrus and vitamin d. I can't keep track. I have physical reactions when the scent of an allergen is nearby though.

I do not respond to global rule 3 violations.
My report form is broken, can we PLEASE get the guy that's been shitposting for 5 hours the FUCK OUT OF HERE mods?

>> No.8704491

I'm not sure, what a strange question

>> No.8704492

Some allergies aren't genetic.

>> No.8704494

>and vitamin d
If you were allergic to vitamin D, you'd be dead. Your body needs this to live.

>> No.8704496

What the fuck are you talking about, newfag?

>> No.8704504


>> No.8704505

I was force fed as a child, yes, literally food shoved down my throat, and I don't have allergies to anything that I can't simply ask about.

I am merely saying that people that hide stuff in food and misname ingredients intentionally are endangering others and now we have a 20 post global rule 3 ignoring "weak gene" shitfest that is going to last hours.

You don't get to choose how or what you are born as, guys.
Stop making this board hell now please thanks.

>> No.8704510

It's always the fattest motherfuckers who are offended by the slightest flavonoids, too. Their taste buds are wrecked by 18 years of tendies.

>> No.8704512

Literally triggered.
people will be accommodating.

>> No.8704513 [DELETED] 

(there are hundreds of posts)

Night guys.

>> No.8704514

Not true. I'm fat and have better taste buds than most of you. I can eat anything and replicate the dish.

>> No.8704518
File: 2.94 MB, 376x270, Saturn 5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the same limey who couldn't smell homes, aren't you? Maybe you could help me out with something. What does the text written on the side of this rocket say?

>> No.8704521

Dude why are you so upset? It's a difference in opinions.

>> No.8704522

>there are 69 posts in this thread
>most of them aren't even about you
Holy shit.

>> No.8704523

>(there are hundreds of posts)

Literally only about 70 posts. The fact that the report system is "broken" for you (>>8704490) tells me that you are banned on another board, so the supposed problem with the thread almost certainly lies in your head only.

>> No.8704526
File: 25 KB, 500x500, ne-yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anybody else deal with people like this in their lives?

Nah son, I know.

Was making a good vegetable stir fry, and then friends/cousins come over
>no onions
>no mushrooms

What the fuck?

>> No.8704542

Yeah I do.
What are you angry about?

People who hide shit in food are complete assholes and many people will back me up on this.
Grind up peanuts, add them to your chili and enter it in a local competition if you think this is reasonable, intelligent behavior that a normal human being would engage in.
I attribute it to a psychopathic need to control or harm other people, if not maybe an extremely strong desire to have control or play god with people's food.
This is on par with spitting in someone's burger and no one looks at "secret ingredient" guys as anything less than socially inept psychopaths who endanger and offend others just so they can enjoy the pleasure of making someone eat something they didn't want to eat.

You may as well put your venison back in the freezer and eat it yourself dude. Devoutly trying to feed it to every single person you meet that tells you they don't like venison is NOT a trait of a normal human being, you are a psychopath.

I hope you understand what I'm getting at because it is not normal.

>> No.8704545



>> No.8704548

You have no idea what you're talking about.
It's just slow internet and the board has been flooded with rule 3 breaks for 5 flat hours now because some caffeine junkie got banned elsewhere and can't stop being a complete fucking dick to everyone here.

I do not like or enjoy translating my english for you, dude, stop.

>> No.8704552

If you can't use the report feature, then you are banned on another board. You can check that here: 4chan.org/banned
Be sure to report back about the nature of your ban. I'm guessing that you posted furry shit on /a/ or something equally degenerate.

>> No.8704555

>Bro and his wife decide to come over to my house for dinner.
Fuck it, no big deal, wanted to make steaks on the grill anywa-
>She only likes chicken.
>Decide fuck, it's cheaper.
>No spices.
>Skin on.
>We might have a redemption here.
>Decide to bake it because it's windy as fuck outside.
>Chicken is done perfect.
>The awkward silencm no there are two infants fucking screaming so silence would have been preferable.
>She doesn't like the chicken I made, because it isn't fried.
>"So, you just wanted KFC?"
>'Hey dipshit, she only has chicken certain ways.'
>My bro and I fling shit at one another like classic 4chan trolls, but I was annoyed as shit at his point.
>Tell them to get out of my house.
>See his eyes survey the surroundings, I am printing like fuck.
>Again tell them to pack up and fucking leave.
>His gun is in my locked safe because of his suicidal ex, so they walk out of the house and I lock the door behind me.
>At least I had chicken.

>> No.8704558

I just got it to work.

Literally don't talk about things you don't need to open your mouth about, even after explained.
You'll get along a lot better here if you just say nothing.

>> No.8704562

You're probably one of those fucking mongoloids who caramelizes onions using vinegar which does make the entire fucking kitchen stink. I mean, fuck, you've posted a pic of red onions so you're already beyond saving.

>> No.8704566

>I don't like red onions

What is it like to be the coolest, smartest person in the universe?

>> No.8704574

>I just got it to work.
Cool lies, bro.

>> No.8704578

There are so many types of onion that it's not outlandish for one guy to not like one type.
But you're both being huge dicks about it anyways.

>> No.8704580

Red onions are for eating raw in salad.

>> No.8704581

Fuck off faggot, you're shitting up this thread throwing a hissy fit, no one else but you.

>> No.8704583

You mean your mom?

>> No.8704584

I love red onions. You're literally fucking retarded if you cook them, though.

>> No.8704588

Did you salvage the unseasoned chicken after they left

>> No.8704594

Kys, faggot. You have contributed absolutely nothing of value to this thread, or probably to the world either, for that matter.

>> No.8704595

What the fuck are you crying about? I've never met someone that still withheld ingredients after I let them know what I was allergic to...

>> No.8704598

All I had was garlic and a pinch of a blend a buddy made for me at work.
But I saved it.

>> No.8704626


haha youre fyucking stupid

basically married my retarded bitch of a sister

check mate

>> No.8704636

Retard I'm not even that venision guy, hint: more than one person can hate your autistic paranoid allergy tirade.
You're telling me you've actively had people put food you're allergic to in food after telling them you can't have it? Unfortunately in your frothing state here I'm just not gonna believe anything you say.

>> No.8704642
File: 35 KB, 548x433, Ventilation-2-R-548x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does your kitchen not have ventilation or something, also
>marrying /r9k/

>> No.8704645


holy shit my dude
my mom is allergic to pinapple and brocolli. those are it.
pineapple makes her mouth swell and go numb, but is not life threatening.
brocolli causes havoc in her digestion

I fed her fucking venison without telling her. big deal. she loved it, until I told her what it was. her reaction to anything somewhat abnormal is "EW, that sounds icky" before giving it a chance.

I can't believe some deer chili that my mom ate triggered you harder than it triggered the pickiest person in the world.

>> No.8704653

This shit is why I am always wary of my buddy's new GFs. It's always fucking something. I know a lot of people have hangups but still.
Nice trips too

>> No.8704669

why the fuck did your bro turn into a potential murder when you asked him to leave dude?

>> No.8704670

I like to cook for my friends. However, this one of them...

>Friend comes to visit for the weekend, I ask a couple days in advance if I should make us dessert on one of the days
>Specify exactly what I'm going to make, that I'm using brown sugar instead of white and unsweetened chocolate since I want this to taste really dark-chocolatey
>Friend comes over, we go out to the store to get drinks and stuff, friend buys package of Marshmallow Peep Oreos and pint of gelato
>Make dessert the next night
>Friend picks at it, gets halfway through before going "Oh, I'm not going to finish this. It's too sweet and there's too much of it. :( :( :( "

Let me just say now, I'm fine with criticism of my cooking. We can always learn, ya know? But I am damn certain that what I made was nowhere near as sweet as Marshmallow Peep Oreos, and I know for a fact that it was less sweet than the gelato because my friend let me try about half a spoonful.

>Fast forward a couple weeks to this weekend
>Friend is coming to stay again since we're going to this tea and coffee festival nearish to my apartment
>Stupidly ask a few days in advance if I should make us some banana bread since that goes well with tea and coffee
>Float the idea of banana gingerbread since why not
>"Hmm, Anon, doesn't that have molasses? Isn't that brown sugar syrup? It'll be too sweet. :( :( :( "
>Oh fuck no.
>Try to tell friend that dark molasses is less sweet than its lighter cousin and definitely not brown sugar syrup
>"Well yeah Anon, but I ASSOCIATE it with brown sugar syrup. Just make banana bread."

Okay, cool, but whether or not you associate it with brown sugar does not, in actuality, MAKE IT BROWN SUGAR.

I have no idea why I'm shocked though.
>Same friend once bragged to me, "Guess what? I went to the dentist and he said my teeth were clean, but I haven't brushed them in six months!"


>> No.8704676

Your friend sounds like a fucking jackass, dude. Why do you put up with it?

>> No.8704677

I guess you gotta act big when shit turns south, but it was not in his favor.

>> No.8704687

Leroy PLS go

>> No.8704693

>using red onions in a tomato sauce


>> No.8704694

Dark chocolate is disgusting. Just chew on coffee grinds if you want that bitter, non sweet flavor.

>> No.8704751

Every time I've cooked something with friends they've always been really thankful because no one ever cooks for them apart from their parents.

I'm not a great cook, but they always eat it anyway because they appreciate the effort.

I guess I'm just not that tolerant, but if someone refused to eat my cooking as rudely as some of the stories I hear on /ck/, I'd probably tell them to get fucked.

>> No.8704793

The bait is strong with this one

>> No.8704796

Learn to write in English

>> No.8704802

Learn to punctuate.

>> No.8704804

My mum, sister, and brother are similar... It's gotta be processed food that isn't too heavily flavoured or not too rich otherwise they won't eat it.

Gotta have their food made in a certain way as well, i.e. no home made chocolate mousse, it's gotta be store bought just incase of that 1/20,000 chance of salmonella.

>> No.8704815

you've got to be fucking autistic.
eggs smell like sulfur? since when? uh, never
smell onion out of your blocked pores? right, it only really can stay on your breath, and usually if raw.
Also onion is one of the top 10 most used foods in the world for a reason, it's delicious as shit. Consider suicide.

>> No.8704828

literal fucking aspie. Get off a cooking board you flaming piece of shit. You don't belong here.

>> No.8704867

>fried chicken without spices
is your brothers wife fucking autistic? what fried chicken doesn't have any fucking seasoning at all?

>> No.8704878

Food allergies are literal Darwinism.

We need to remove this weakness from our gene population.

>> No.8704901

>the other guy has to go out his way to find innards
where do you people shop?

>> No.8704981

I mean, eggs to contain sulphites and onions do make your sweat smell oniony. That's not to say either of those foods aren't delicious.

>> No.8705010

are you retarded?

>> No.8705197


>> No.8705224

You forgot to end it with "MOM!"

>> No.8705266

Uggh, my roommate's like this. He eats about 20 dishes, a couple of which are specific items from specific fast food places. He never tries new foods, and so I assume he'll take these 20 things he eats to his grave. One time I tried cooking spaghetti for us and he struggled to finish a bowl because I got some roasted garlic flavored sauce-in-a-jar instead of traditional. Never cooked for him since. I can't understand how someone can be so afraid of disliking a new flavor that they refuse to even try it in the first place.

>> No.8705270

I get why he wouldn't want to finish it.

>> No.8705275

Really? Eggs? I guess I understand disliking eggs, but he doesn't object to it as an ingredient, I hope. Eggs are so important to so many dishes.

>> No.8705284

>I hate basically 90% of anything you could find in an ordinary grocery store

>> No.8705285

Your douchey jilt aside, when I make my own sauce, he won't even look at the stuff. If you had read the post, you'd see that he refused because it wasn't exactly his preferred sauce-in-a-jar, not because he was being a snob.

>> No.8705295

neither of those are allergies, those are common reactions to pineapple and cruciferous vegetables. Pineapple has an enzyme that breaks down proteins and broccoli makes everyone gassy

>> No.8705298

I know, and I aknowleged the point you were making (not in my post obviously)
but you can't post on /ck/ about using sauce from a jar and not expect someone with too much time on their hands to bitch about it.

>> No.8705307

eggs are full of cystine which has sulfur in it. as eggs go bad bacteria break it down into H2S which is why rotten eggs smell like death. still tasty but there is a slight sulfur smell present no matter what

>> No.8705309

My wife doesn't like seafood or spicy food. But I work around by having two pans going.

>> No.8705310

Wherever mommy takes me

>> No.8705312
File: 121 KB, 1024x526, 1450060580345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allergies are more about exposure and underexposure to pathogens than genetics, why do you think food allergies have taken off since the 40s? that's not evolution, it's patterns in cleanliness from germophobes

also worth noting countries like india have very low rates of autoimmune disorders and food allergies because they drink dirty diarrhea water every day

>> No.8705315

olives are full of bitter compounds, thats why they have to treat them with lye to make them edible

>> No.8705317

eggs dont smell anything like a rotting corpse in a basement. believe me, i know.

>> No.8705326

Take the wife back to the store and request an exchange, she is clearly faulty.

>> No.8705328

or brine. i've never had bitter olives, sorry. I've even had lightly salted, fresh olives from kreta (an old lady i've met had a couple of olive trees in her garden). no bitterness.

>> No.8705333

I like all of these things but like the other anon said, maybe you hace overly sensible taste buds. I'm a smoker so it may be the opposite for me.

I'd still look down on you.

>> No.8705341

fresh olives are practically inedible, I doubt the truthiness of this post

>> No.8705343

I used to be like this when I was younger.
Most smells and food disgusted me and I couldn't eat anything with strong flavor. So I ate bananas, cereal, and white rice.

The fix was good parenting. Everyone else in the house could enjoy more flavorful foods than I, so I eventually tried things and liked very few of them at first. My parents rarely forced it but simply encouraged me to try different vegetables, fruits, fish etc. Now I love to try different things and I can appreciate most foods, if not enjoy them.

I still have trouble with raw tomatoes, boiled eggs, eggs with yolk runny or intact at all, and scrambled eggs. I don't have to enjoy them, but I wish they wouldn't make me gag.

>> No.8705362

as is your good right. lightly salted, fresh. not bitter. my experiences aren't everyone elses and neither are they the one and only truth.

>> No.8705363

>implying "gluten intolerance" isn't made-up hipster shit
If you're Celiac, that's another story. But "I'm allergic to gluten" is pure batshit, placebo crap.

>> No.8705435

Eggs only start smelling like sulfur when you overcook them, so maybe if you could cook for shit you would like eggs

>> No.8705468

How is it having a picky eater wife? My GF is a huge picky eater and I'm vaguely afraid it'll become a problem in the future

>> No.8705479

But the whole house is going to stink you fucking retard, wanting to eat onions doesn't mean you want to stink like a fucking gypsy

>> No.8705495

OP sounds like you need a functioning fume hood that actually extracts air from the room, and not a superficial vent that redirects it back into the room.

While I would not personally complain about onion smells, if I did live in a shitbox of a small condo, apartment of inferior home, I probably would avoid curries, seafood and other strong smells that permeate the walls, furniture and clothing much as a cigarette smoker can taint it all.

>> No.8705605

Why kids born from c sections have higher rates of getting allergies. Regular birth usually covers babies in feces when the mother's bowels derp up during contractions

>> No.8705674
File: 23 KB, 385x270, i121109lockhorns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to sneak foods into your mom's mouth

You are Norman Bates or something? You're keeping mommy locked up in the attic so you can trick her into eating venison? Venison is a code word for human flesh?
Stop it. You're on a bad road, and it ends with a plate of "venison" tendies and lampshades made from human skin and an appearance on the cable news.

This guy is an overreacting autist, but it is true. You shouldn't go around trying to sneak foods on people. Especially other adults, and especially especially your mom. It is fucking creepy.

>> No.8705688
File: 61 KB, 850x400, 2C52DF6F-F129-4573-892F-BC750D33F2C6-23838-00001BDB76BAF56B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her a factory reset.

>> No.8705700

Actually the real reason is that normal birth covers the baby in the mum's vaginal juices which are important for the baby's immune system.

>> No.8705711

>vaginal juices
Have you ever seen a woman give birth

>> No.8705713

dude, you should honestly just kill your wife.

>> No.8705717

Why the fuck would you caramelize onions for a tomato soup?

>> No.8705738

No, unfortunately I haven't. Is that a problem?

>> No.8705742

>using a slow cooker
Your wife was right.

>> No.8705744

Shit and blood everywhere

>> No.8705748

The nurses are trained to immediately clean away any poo. You really think they'd just let a baby be porn in a pile of faeces? Maybe in Africa, but not in the west.

>> No.8705752

There's nothing wrong with that, What's atrocious is trying to use red onions to do it.

>> No.8705775

>food is ordered for the office
>coworker mentions that he has celiac disease
>gets his own special pizza with a gluten free crust
>several months later the topic comes up again while he picks around the graham cracker crust on a cheesecake
>this time he claims he only has a gluten intolerance so it's probably fine
>a few weeks pass and the topic comes up again during an office party
>says he cheats with some food, beer included

>> No.8705787

Yeah exactly. Contact is still made though and it does fire up the immune system. Also, fun fact, the bacteria that live in the colon are unique to the mother. You were right but it's most certainly not vaginal juices that do the job

>> No.8705797

My aunt has celiac's disease.
Gluten makes her shit her brains out, but sometimes she eats it anyway.

Anyone who drinks or smokes or eats rare meat or plaus vidya or eats sugary candy (ie, most every adult) should understand that sometimes you do slightly self-destructive things because you figure the benefits outweigh the costs at this exact occassion.

>> No.8705816

exactly, my friend eats gluten even though it is painful for her. im pretty sure anyone who stopped eating gluten for a fad stopped fucking years ago because its shit not being able to eat it.

>> No.8705830

>marrying a pleb

holy fuck my favorite part of cooking is the smell of plain onions sauteeing in olive oil

>> No.8705838

>>says he cheats with some food, beer included
Diabetics cheat too. Even lactose intolerant people cheat with an occasional ice cream. It's very hard to have a restrictive diet when you desire

>> No.8705839

>ITT: retards arguing about using of red onions in tomato sauce, just because the onion on the picture from google is red
back to /aut/ please

>> No.8705857
File: 289 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit dude kys, this person you keep describing doesnt exist. if you tell someone "hey im allergic to x, is this ok for me to eat?" i guarantee they wont say "ILL NEVER TELL. ITS MY SECRECT INGREDIENT" and then pin your skinny arms to the ground and force it down your throat. They'll say "oops yeah there is x in it, sorry m8".

also, your parents ""literally"" force fed you food you were allergic to as a child? what the fuck kind of criminally retarded family do you have?

>> No.8705859

how do you end up married to this sort of person?

>> No.8705863

I just can't enjoy blue cheese. It tastes like vomit.

>> No.8705873
File: 178 KB, 540x337, IMG_7497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking siblings and parent's can't eat anything with "too many" spices or seasoning in it. I have to fucking sneak spices into my meals like I'm fucking Claudius from Hamlet trying to poison the king. They justify the white stereotype that white people don't season their food.

>> No.8705876

Is your brothers girlfriend a lardass?
>she only likes fried chicken

>> No.8705877

a lot of people don't like blue cheese, so I wouldn't feel too bad about it.

>> No.8705896

"Learn to use quotation marks when typing that someone is speaking."

>> No.8705898

>I have to fucking sneak spices into my meals like I'm fucking Claudius from Hamlet trying to poison the king
My sides

>> No.8705994



>> No.8706026
File: 218 KB, 1300x960, 6790445-Texture-of-small-black-beans-Image-of-raw-food-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate much, as long as it's properly seasoned, I'll eat mostly anything.

Except black beans.

FUCK black beans.
Their texture makes me gag nonstop.

That's about it.

>> No.8706038

Your ancestors are somewhere in the netherworld wondering how their bloodline got so weak.
Venison is premium meat btw. Roast venison loin with red wine reduction is great.

>> No.8706069
File: 124 KB, 960x914, 1488696490716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you married this woman
I unironically am a feminist woman and I think you should bend her over your knee and spank her. Jesus christ what a womanlet. I knew one like this and she was a fucking whale.

>> No.8706072
File: 76 KB, 685x432, 0ed82fb6d899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could kill you myself.

>> No.8706073

>Picky Eaters

Do not associate with the types, they're plebs in every other aspect of life too 99% of the time.

>Marrying one

Jesus Christ.

>> No.8706077
File: 288 KB, 480x550, 1482614270154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of telling you that, I'l tell you to eat one of these things in every meal for a month each until you stop being such a little bitch.

>> No.8706174

Not bait, though.

Maybe you have a shit sense of smell? Yes, eggs smell like sulfur and onions have an oily smell that mingles with your sweat after you eat them.

No, but they do smell like volcanoes.

I've had fresh eggs straight from the chicken (my brother used to keep a coop of them in his back yard) that were undercooked to the point of still being runny and I could still smell sulfur.

>> No.8706179

I can't say I've ever had a bitter olive. The strong taste that most people notice is their saltiness, which is extreme. Use them like a garnish on foods that need a little salt and they're great.

The reason so many kids hate tomatoes is because their parents never grew fresh tomatoes in their garden. There's a world of difference between a vine ripened tomato and a green tomato that is allowed to ripen in the truck on its way to the grocery store.

>> No.8706302

>to venison
>If you do not reveal every molecule you put in a dish, you are endangering and offending people.
This is a fucking joke

>citrus language
Is this a really roundabout way to call him a limey cunt?

>> No.8706430

Fact is: If you're unwilling to eat any type of ingredient or base foodstuff without having tried it first, you deserve to be shot for ignorance.

If you're allergic, you are weak and deserve to be shot for it.

If you tried it and don't like it, You deserve to be shot for being an autistic picky eater.

As long as you're not eating actual refuse or rotten foods you have no excuse to act like you'll die if you eat something you don't normally eat, especially if you're not allergic to the damn thing and that goes double for shit others cook for you.

And again, if you ARE allergic, stop ruining shit for all the other functioning human beings and just die already.

>> No.8706459

i almost feel bad about how autistic you really are.

>> No.8706487

Are you black?

>> No.8706492

Did I fucking say anything about EBT?

>> No.8706531
File: 53 KB, 712x474, [Bloat]_The_End_of_Evangelion_[A854019B].mkv_snapshot_01.04.23_[2012.01.31_23.20.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onions are the ultimate vegetable.

>> No.8706536

I've never had an egg go bad or smelled sulfur on an egg.
Maybe you retards shouldn't be eating spoiled food.

>> No.8706541

I've eaten eggs literally two hours out of a chicken's cunt and they smell like sulfur.

>> No.8706570

Maybe you should cook it first you retard.

>> No.8706579

I've cooked eggs all sorts of ways.

>you retard.
You kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.8706581

maybe, I think he's retarded.
I think any of these people who can't eat eggs are retarded. It's the ultimate staple food.

>> No.8706591

Why are you replying to yourself?

>b-but YOUR the retard!!

>> No.8706599

>using a search button on the board picture
>writing fanfics of imaginary people and stories that never happened just to "own "a thread is fine though

>> No.8706601

>You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Not really. Does toungeing count?

>> No.8706602

>be hunter
>really like venison
>everyone tells me they don't like venison
>made it my life's mission to feed as many people as I could venison chili
>I enjoy knowing that I can force feed people things that they don't want to eat
>I have complete control
>I am god

Damn you guys went full retard last night with the belief that you aren't psychopaths didn't you?

>> No.8706605

What aspect of the OP's story is so unbelievable to you that you need to see proof that it really happened? Is cooking onions really THAT incredible to you that you need to see timestamped PROOF of it happening?

>> No.8706608

People who complain about eggs are worse than people who talk about steak doneness or complain about spicy foods.

>> No.8706615


>> No.8706616

The pussy game has to be off the charts, famalampai
Show us some nudes

>> No.8706621

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8706627

>not having a keen sense of smell and trying to act like a food snob on a food board
>criticizing other people for having a keener sense of smell than you

I didn't say I don't eat eggs. I said they smell absolutely disgusting and need to be diluted or spiced heavily in order to be consumed.

>> No.8706637

My ancesestors are a royal European bloodline that was preserved for centuries until every fucking one of us had lupus and porphyria.
Allergies developed under the care of these disorders are extremely common. I have no control over my mom deciding to leave the semen in or European faggots deciding to inbreed 400 years ago until every one of them was physically fucked into dying at age 40.

I had nothing to do with this.
I was just born.

I'm not allergic to venison, I'm just letting you guys know that you are completely insane for trying to force feed it to every mother fucking person you meet.

>> No.8706642

I don't like pickles, mayo, sour creme, cream cheese, mustard, ketchup, salad dressing (though I've never really had it)
I like olives on pizza but have never had them alone or on anything else

>> No.8706652
File: 216 KB, 959x963, 1477539032486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give you ketchup and mayo, although if you said you didn't eat those foods, that would be another story. But see, when you say that you don't like salad dressing, of which there are a huge variety of flavors, that tells me that you are uncultured trailer trash.
>I've never had olives on anything besides pizza
I could have guessed that from your other "dislikes." Let me guess, you don't like raw tomatoes either, right?

>> No.8706665

I like raw tomatoes

>> No.8706667

You're still a pleb.

>> No.8706669

I feel you on the smell
I have to have eggs fried w/ some spice added.

Boiled and poached eggs smell too strong. I'm trying to get myself to eat them as they are convenient, but they smell too bad.

>> No.8706670

>of which there are a huge variety of flavors, that tells me that you are uncultured trailer trash.

And especially when he says he doesn't like it even though he's never tried it.

>> No.8706671


>> No.8706675

I mean, I like the flavor of deviled eggs, although I typically have to hold my nose to eat them. The problem is having them in my fridge, they make the entire fridge smell like sulfur, which kills my appetite when I open it, so I never end up eating any leftovers.

>> No.8706676

I hope you have a support network full of people who love you unconditionally because you must be an insufferable piece of shit. Fuck off with your stupid MUH HIGHTENED SENSES shit.

>> No.8706683

I hope you have a support network full of people who love you unconditionally because you must be an insufferable piece of shit. Fuck off with your I DON'T EXPERIENCE THIS PERSONALLY SO NO ONE HAS EVER EXPERIENCED IT shit.

>> No.8706690

It's because of people like you that every time I give someone some venison I get a raging hard on. What is your pathetic checked and going to do if I feed you venison? Die, I hope. I hope you and your kind choke on it.

>> No.8706697

Eggs literally do contain sulfur.

So are you retarded or just wanting to shit on everyone you see over the course of 24 hours?
Because you won't stop fucking blabbing.


Are you paying attention? Everyone knows you're a fucking psychopath already, you can let us be now that your opinions have shit up /ck/ for a solid nineteen fucking hours dude.
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8706703

>Waaaah me no likey eggies because they smell funny waaah

Nobody except bitch babies who think they have specially developed taste buds or olfactory receptors give excuses like you do. Just cool your eggs and don't leave them out for so long. Maybe one day you'll grow up.

>> No.8706706

Semi related-
>going over my mom's house and find her making some chicken dish.
>Naturally ask what is in it
>Lists ingredients
>Chicken looks pretty naked
>Say it needs some spices and seasonings
>She says okay, I take out a couple things and dash them in
>Pull out Cayenne
>Anon isn't that stuff really spicy?
>You'll be fine it adds flavor
>Proceed to lightly tap the container ONCE, a couple molecules come out, she freaks out
>Fucking white people

>> No.8706716

I'm so glad I've only ever seen this behavior on TV shows and never had to deal with it IRL

>mmm that was delicious
>cook: it was made with fried donkey testicles and spider eggs!
>regular human: huh, those sound like they would be gross but I guess not!

>> No.8706719

You're a nigger and people don't actually buy or own things that they don't eat.

If she didn't like the shit, she wouldn't own it, so your story appears to be some type of thinly veiled "WHITE PEOPLE DON'T USE SPICES" bullshit racism post.

Why don't you go further the world in other ways?

>> No.8706725

>Eggs contain sulfur so this validates my opinion that they smell like a gas leak
>I don't have autism! I don't have bad genetics pls no bully
>Being a picky eater is okay! It's not a sign that I have inferior tastes or perceptions of food or anything!
>Waaah if you don't cook anything I like to order you're wrong!

I hope that when you kill yourself you hang your fat ass from your racecar bunk bed so your childish ass won't bother anyone else ever again.

>> No.8706730

I know your dad likes spicy food, but what did your mom's husband think about it?

>> No.8706733

"I buy cilantro even though it tastes like poisonous P&G soap and I keep it in my cabinets even though I don't eat it."

I think you're lying.

>> No.8706737

>furthering the world
And you just got done talking about people using stuff they wouldn't have. Everyone knows the melinated lost their ability to further themselves long ago.

>> No.8706745

I eat onions and eggs.

That's where you completely fucked up.
You're so engrossed in hatred and shitting up this board that you didn't account for the fact that I eat everything I was talking about and was calling you a fucking megalomaniac sperg who shits on everyone that doesn't think similar to you.

But after 60 reported posts in this thread and hundreds all over the board, I'm sure the mods will shut you the fuck up for at least a couple weeks once they get here.

Why don't you stop?
No one likes you.

>> No.8706769

Isn't it the french word homme?

>> No.8706782

Your wife is a dumb bitch and you should chop her body up and put it in the freezer.

>> No.8706801


>> No.8706806

r9k is that way the adults are talking now little autistic jimmy

>> No.8706818

fucking autistic pussy

>> No.8706822


>> No.8706823
File: 49 KB, 349x642, that wasnt me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said that already, a couple of times.


Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8706836

>Haha jokes on you! I was just pretending to be retarded! And just to show you that I'm a grown up I'm going to announce my reporting of all these people who triggered me on /ck/, because Anonymous and all those posts MUST be one person, right?

I can't tell whose trolling who anymore. You seem genuinely upset though so I'm going to assume you're just an /r9k/ crossposter who got lost looking for ways to spice your tendies or something.

>> No.8706867

>garlic flavour sauce from a jar

>> No.8706894
File: 421 KB, 598x723, 1444532144840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take girlfriend to a ramen place
>She orders tonkatsu ramen
>Says "ew the pork has fat on it"
>Puts all of the meat into my bowl
>I also ordered tonkatsu ramen with extra garlic oil
>Double fatty pork belly garlic oil tonkatsu ramen

Fuck it I'm over it. She eats small portions anyways, so it usually doesn't bother her at all if she has to move some items to my plate.

>> No.8706897

i was born c sectioned only problems is more gas and i can't drink lactose

>> No.8706899

>friend says he hates onions
>make food for him that has onions in it and he enjoys it
>"I didn't think you would like it since it has onions"
>The fucker refuses to eat it from there on out and calls me a retard for giving him onions
>this same dude orders onion rings and at fast food joints and says he only likes them because they're fried
This guy only takes his pasta with a spoonful of sauce on it, crushes up his ramen into a powder before eating it, and takes his steak well done.

>> No.8706905

Who is this cummie cutie?

>> No.8706911
File: 2.44 MB, 448x246, 1486730401389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished up going on a spring break trip to the beach with 9 good friends, as well as one chick that one of my buddies dragged along because theyre fucking, and we had room at the place for her.
She was annoying, especially becsuse most conversation revolved around her health problems and allergies...the worst part were her food habits. Anything and everyhing gave her 'indigestion'. Any sort of spice (cumin, paprika, BLACK PEPPER), all fruits, most vegetables. But the "stomach issues" were just the start. She also didnt want to eat any reheated food, insisted on her own stash of yogurt because it 'calmed her stomach', wouldn't eat barbecued meat if if had any sort of char or grill marks on it... which most of the food we made was cooked on the grill for convenience. Every meal we had to do something extra for her in order to satisfy her demands.
>my face every time I had to season her shit with just salt

>> No.8707016
File: 2.76 MB, 4096x3072, 14899664160691928721940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it make you feel to know that I have red onions and garlic in a frying pan at right this very moment and there's nothing you can do about it?

>> No.8707030

guy sounds autistic as fuck his loss

>> No.8707042

to be fair op, frying onions makes everything in the house smell like BO

that's not a taste or picky issue, that's just a fact of life

>> No.8707060

You get the smell of cooked onions, not BO. If you're body reeks and it smells of cooked onions you might have a medical issue.

>> No.8707147

I used to be a real picky eater growing up. Ever since I'm a teenager I tried getting better at it and I like most foods now. There are still some exceptions though and they all happen to have something in common.
Classic drama monarch who hates farting. You probably were just jealous she was with your friend and not you.

>> No.8707178

Used to be a picky eater as a kid but have since become better at not being one. So far the only holdovers from my picky eater phase are ketchup and pickles. I don't think I will ever get over them, they taste like shit and I question why anybody even likes them

>> No.8707190

Oh fuck off cunt they smell fairly similar. I like the smell of cooked onions because I know they taste good, but they do smell when you cook them.

>> No.8707196
File: 345 KB, 498x568, 1421437248841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, this thread is a warzone. If you really wanna talk about the gene pool, being a genetic failure might as well be a prerequisite for going on 4chan in the first place.
>inb4 t. picky eater

>> No.8707209

I won't eat mushrooms. No, your favorite kind of mushroom is not remotely similar to any kind of meat, stop deluding yourself. And fuck people trying to sneak me mushrooms by making them look different and not telling me. They still taste like ass. Also, I can't do the burnt/lacy skin on eggs. That bit gets picked off and thrown away, and then I'll enjoy my delicious eggs.

>> No.8707239

I was like this. I've gotten a lot better over the years but still can't eat any kind of citrus or leafy greens. they all smell disgusting.

>> No.8707254


>> No.8707260

>severe mental handicaps

nooooo shit

>> No.8707276

there's bait in that post, right?

>> No.8707285

What the fuck.

He has a show that basically focuses on greasy spoons, which invariably serve lots of eggs.

>> No.8707290

I'm not sure I understand this way of this thinking. Eating different kinds of food is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Satisfying your senses and being surprised by what you eat is crucial to living a more complete life in my opinion.

>> No.8707321

>white people committed genocide for spices
No, it's not because we "wanted spices." Colonialism was a form of primitive accumulation, "enclosing the commons" on a global scale. That pic brazenly ignores the driving forces of history
Also you're supposed to take the bay leaf out before serving

>> No.8707331

>That pic brazenly ignores the driving forces of history

>standards for a woman posting on twitter

Your standards are much too high to survive in this hellish world.

>> No.8707335

Fuck off you communist piece of shit. Die like your pathetic hero Che Gayvara.

>> No.8707354

Are you asking us to find your a divorce lawyer? Because this is a board about food memes.

>> No.8707383

They also take so many antibiotics, the country is breeding super bacteria that are resistant to almost any antibiotic.

They made antibiotics over the counter because they have to take them like vitamin supplements.

So there's that, too.

Literally living in shit is not equal to letting your child crawl on a mildly dirty floor.

>> No.8707400

This. I've had olives that taste closer to meat than any mushroom
I'm fine with some certain types of mushroom prepared certain ways in certain dishes, like chicken marsala, but putting chopped mushrooms on pizza is one of the most vile things I can think of.

>a materialist approach to history is wrong because communists use it
Sure showed me that colonialism is due to """the inherent evils of whiteness""" or whateverthefuck

>> No.8707412

Emmantaller and a fair amount of cheeses taste like dirty fucking feet to me.

Fritos kinda smell of feet as well.

>> No.8707413

You know you have to kill her right? It's the only way.

>> No.8707416

honestly m8 unprescribed antibiotic use doesn't really refute the point of the post, that they are exposed to more bacteria than Westerners and therefore their immune systems don't go bonkers making IgE antibodies against peanuts

>> No.8707431

Same. Garlic as well.

>> No.8707439

Smells like shit too.

>> No.8707443

What a stupid fucking picture.

Mostly white cultures use bay leaves, and they shouldn't be in served food anyway.

It's just that nigs and spics can't afford Chipotle, or you'd see the same thing times ten.

>> No.8707452

Salad dressings are the shift excuse of flavor. If anything, salads are too be enjoyed light. Nobody asked wants to eat sperm out of a bottle made a year ago.

>> No.8707459

What a stupid comment.
>Nuff said

>> No.8707478
File: 337 KB, 1144x888, 1485429109823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that India actually has a massive allergy problem far worse than the rest of the world.


>> No.8707482

>flavored sauce-in-a-jar
Pick one

>> No.8707493
File: 66 KB, 500x509, 1489597000101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more, niglet.

You can't refute fact.

>> No.8707496

I've always been insatiably picky. Ever since I was a kid. I'm getting better because I'm not as much of an entitled faggot (I'm broke), but I still hate so many things

My favourite dish is wild pacific sand. Tell me what an uncultured and privileged piece of shit I am

>> No.8707513

Your wife isn't a picky eater
She's just a cunt
That's not the way an adult reacts to that

>> No.8707521


He just avoids fried eggs and slices/chunks of egg

>> No.8707677

To be fair, if this thread is any indicator then it's not hard to believe that. Not excusing OP's cunt of a wife.

That being said, it explains a lot of /ck/'s threads. I would have imagined that someone who enjoys cooking would be open and receptive to a lot of foods and flavors. Instead we get autismal subhumans whining about eggs smelling like a volcanic pit and onions smelling of their dirty unwashed NEET armpits, to say nothing of the tens of other posters with palates as underdeveloped as a fetus.

>> No.8707956


>tfw I am that guy

I'm sorry, but I can't stand onions.

>> No.8707970

Kill yourself.

>> No.8708015

my sister always ends up eating ramen or buttered noodles for lunch, and yet she's STILL skinny.

>> No.8708037

My gf does shit like this all the time even though her parents have made her eat just about everything they serve her. I think her mom is also at fault for not allowing her family to eat a lot of shit like

>motherfucking SALT (seriously she fucking loathes salt)
>spicy ingredients (all types of peppers and condiments)
>gf doesn't like bananas
>ranch sauces
>gf gags from the smell of milk
>many types of breads and flour based products
>beans most of the time

And many more. My gf also takes apart everything she eats to see what's inside and push it to the side so she doesn't eat it. She also leaves a lot of residues on her plate and that drives me fucking nuts

>> No.8708086

delicacies are just gross shit nonwhites eat regularly that liberals like you eat to feel pretentious and worldly.

>> No.8708208

>friend hates mayonnaise with a passion, refuses to eat anything with it in/on it
>he's never looked up the ingredients for any sort of fry/burger sauce
I don't like plain mayonnaise either, so I empathize, but I know full well he'd stop enjoying nearly all the fast food we get together if he found out.

>> No.8708245
File: 580 KB, 480x360, AngryMothNoises.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to be a nice guy and make a girl and her family dinner because they are housing me to go to her graduation.
>See some fat fuck on the couch when I get there.
>Apparently is her boyfriend.
>Hes a rude emo fuck who disrespected everyone in the house.
>Mom and dad are amazed that I can cook, let alone drive a fucking car.
>Get chicken, asparagus, pine nuts and penne pasta along with some parm.
>Meat, perfect, asparagus, in season and done, penne, catches the pine nuts inside just like I wanted.
>The mom is having a stroke because I am insisting on cleaning the plates after the meal.
>The fat fuck didn't eat any of the asparagus, removed the pine nuts from the pasta, and complained that the chicken lacked skin.
>tfw I almost murdered that day.

>> No.8708456

you are missing the point. its that these fucking bitches don't know what a bayleaf is
just like ops waifuchild doesn't know what food is.
see above dumbfuck. mentioning that white people use bayleaves often doesn't make it any better, if anything it makes the 3 bitches even stupider for not knowing what it is.

>> No.8708488

Go see a fucking shrink. You clearly have problems other than allergies. Especially if something as mundane as a Tibetian Basket Weaving forum is triggering you so hard.

>> No.8708670

kek, you may be retarded anon but it was definitely funny the second time

>> No.8708718

you are fucking cancer. eggs and sulfur smell totally different.
eggs are also good plain and unseasoned.
uncultured faggots is right

>> No.8708725
File: 50 KB, 417x386, 1479327999475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't tell you to kill yourself because I was a picky person once. Still kind of am to a degree.

Just keep trying you'll get there eventually

>> No.8708735

No, there's plenty of sulfur in eggs. You just can't smell it or never noticed it.

>> No.8708738

he just says he doesnt like eggs, he still will eat them. He even ate eggs on pizza in one episode. Yes, Ive watched several episodes. He seems like a complete bro, his douchebag persona is just for the cameras.
I think he even got in trouble for saying faggots make him nervous, which tells me he would make for a great drinking buddy.

oh, and also picky eaters should be exterminated and buried in a mass grave. Anyone that hates onions or garlic is probably a vampire.

>> No.8708739
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>That feel when love the taste of onions, tomato and paprkika in my food

>Is completely unable to eat them in their raw or cooked form

I guess its something with the texture, it just makes me gag

>> No.8708743

No, it is not "homme" from French, you God damn maplenigger.

>> No.8708745

Uncooked onions are spicy. I usually have to halve the amount when I get a burger with onions as a topping or when I'm eating a Greek salad and it has lots of onions in it. I mean, I like them, but it changes the flavor and spice level of the rest of the food too much.

>> No.8708746

There may be, but that doesn't mean eggs will smell like sulfur, you fucking autismo. Like the other guy said you all are faggots with no fridge or are cooking eggs wrong. fuck off.
like the other retard about onions, saying they smell like BO. Onions don't smell anything like BO, not even similar.

I think it is a mental disorder, not being able to differentiate food smells from other smells. Probably a bunch of fags who eat general mills cereals.

>> No.8708771


I just can't eat them on anything. If the burger comes with onions, I'll ask to have without them. But if its finely shredded onion spread into something, that's perfectly fine. Or spice. Or the taste. But if I chew on a thick piece of onion, it'll ruin the entire dish for me. Same goes with tomato and a couple of other things.

I never understood why.

>> No.8708773

>I don't experience a food in that way
>therefore, nobody ever experiences the food in that way

What's it like to be unable to feel empathy? I imagine that you are often told that you are wrong over the course of a week but are never able to figure out why so many people tell you that even though you disagree with them.

>> No.8708774
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He seems like a complete bro, and not a douche at all. He has a douche aesthetic but I think that's just so he's memorable as fuck.
He eats them occasionally but they straight up freak him out and trying to feed him eggs is one of the only things on the show that gets him legitimately upset (along with people accidentally splashing shit on his clothes). The episode you're talking about, he only ate them because he was with the Bizarre Foods guy, so he basically felt like a bitch if he wouldn't eat regular old eggs in that guy's presence. I've watched more than several episodes I am not ashamed to say I love the show.
>tfw I am a fag and it makes me sad that I would make him nervous

>> No.8708775

I used to eat raw onions as a child. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking back then.
Tomatoes are god tier, I love them in any way.
Paprika is pretty good, especially on BBQ potatochips.

>> No.8708779

This, unless they're finely cut, or sauteed/carmelized/fried to fuck I hate the texture so much.

>> No.8708787

>loves the flavor but hates the "texture" of onions

Huh? Do you also hate apples and other crispy fruits and vegetables?

>> No.8708798


I do actually not like apples, or at least the texture of them. Apple juice is p gud tho. But I have no problem with other fruit like pears, mango, peaches, etc.

I do have problems with stuff like zucchini, eggplants, bell peppers. My favourite vegetables is broccoli, carrots, peas, water chestnuts. Preferably stir-fried, boiled/steamed.

>> No.8708799

Celery is the most similar texture to me which I also dislike. I love carrots, bean sprouts, apples, corn. Not even to make a Shrek joke, but I think it's the layered aspect that makes me dislike it.
I use onions in tons of soups and sauces I make, but I basically zest them in instead of chopping them.
I know I am haram, but still, it's how I prefer to eat.
I'm not a faggot who makes others change the way they cook for me though. With my friends I may suggest we not use chopped onions, but being a guest at someone's house I never complain or whine.

>> No.8708808

>But I have no problem with other fruit like pears, mango, peaches, etc.
None of those - except some varieties of pears - is a crispy fruit, though.

>I do have problems with stuff like zucchini, eggplants, bell peppers.
I am kind of seeing a theme here, but I mean, that stuff all gets soft when cooked. Have you ever tried it cooked?

>Celery is the most similar texture to me which I also dislike. I love carrots, bean sprouts,
You dislike celery, but like bean sprouts? Don't they have kind of a similar flavor- just watery, mostly tasteless plant fiber? Some people might call it a "delicate" flavor, but they have very mild flavors anyway

>I'm not a faggot who makes others change the way they cook for me though.
That's all that really matters anyway.

The reason so many people HATE picky eaters is because vegetarians cause needless hardship for others.

>> No.8708812


Yeah, still can't stomach it. Onions especially, doesn't matter if they are deep fried onion rings, caramelized, sautred, etc. Maybe it's the association with them uncooked, although zucchini I've never tried uncooked.

>> No.8708818

Celery tastes bitter to me while bean sprouts taste slightly sweet. Bean Sprouts also feel closer to cucumber in texture.

>> No.8708824

I guess a lot of European/Old World vegetables are pretty bitter in general, uncooked anyway. What about cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, radishes, and others?

>> No.8708832

Love 'em. Radishes less so, but it's taste more than texture. Still don't mind them in dishes, and sometimes find them delicious if prepared/used in certain ways (can't think of any right now but still, I know I've enjoyed).
Celery is good in soups and stews

>> No.8708836

Hmm, weird. I can eat celery raw and it just tastes like watery plant fiber to me (great with peanut butter), but all those vegetables I listed are bitter to me (albeit a lot less bitter when cooked).

>> No.8708860

food isn't subjective
there is a right and a wrong with food
there is a difference between mcdonalds, and a michelin rated restaurant
how about you kys

>> No.8708863

Tell me what it's like to have no capacity for empathy. What's it like to lack the one ability that sets normal people apart from autistic people?

>> No.8708869

I dont know, you'll have to tell me sometime, because empathy is only given to the human's in group, and anyone outside of it, such as basic eating cucks like you, can eat shit.

If you dont understand this let me dumb it down for your tendies brain; cave man love family but hate neighbor tribe, kill rival and still benefit tribe by loving family with selective empathy. Better to survive.

>> No.8708875

this isn't a question about empathy, you pathetic SJW cuck.
Stop gender studies and do something useful you fucking idiot.

>> No.8708882

Oh you poor little victim boo hoo

>> No.8708929

>tfw you're so buttflustered that you rage reply three times in a row, even though no one is replying back

>> No.8708931

I eat vidalia onions like an apple.

>> No.8708961


What does your wife's son think about your cooking?

>> No.8708992
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whatever helps you sleep at night, anon.
for me it will be knowing that the consensus is that you are an autismo. Sweet dreams.

>> No.8708997
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sorry, windows 7 printscreens are fucked with dual monitor.

>> No.8709022

This reminds me of my twat of a sister, who doesn't eat cheeseburgers,but would eat mac n cheese.

>> No.8709029


That kinda weird that allergies aren't genetic, because I have a mid/high allergy to honey and so does my father. Don't know anyone else who has it though.

>> No.8709370

>onions are spicy
White People smhtbhfamalamazoid

>> No.8709433

That's the kind of girl you fuck once and then kill for meat

>> No.8709657

I can use MSPaint too.

>> No.8709816

Hypothesis that you have allergies because you didn't travel into the world through your mom's bacteria-ridden vagina. Just a theory though no proof. Not that guy though so just speculating.

>> No.8709880

Let me fuck your wife

>> No.8709893

Wrong edgelord
People with allergies are ubermensch with powerful immune systems. They have allergies because of how clean and safe the modern environment is. If a bunch of people with allergies and without allergies were moved to some parasite infested shithole the people with no allergies would get sick and hopefully die while the people with allergies would no longer have allergies and could eat anything as their immune system is focusing on invasive parasites and disease.

>> No.8709915

My mother. If allowed, she lives off ice cream, fries and crackers.

And I'll get a full hour of complains and a disgusted face if I ever:
>use any seasoning but salt and dill on fish
>use anything outside salt on rice or polenta
>use any herb on the sauce - yes, including oregano
>fill pierogi with anything but the classical filling

>> No.8710151

Good post friendo