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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 435x330, sponge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8702877 No.8702877 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you all periodically microwave your sponges for 2 minutes (after wetting obviously) to kill any microorganisms. Remember, a clean sponge is a happy sponge.

>> No.8702884

I will shit on your mother's freshly violated corpse if you ever try to tell me what to do again, kid.

>> No.8702886


>> No.8702889 [DELETED] 

I once used one to wipe my ass after I ran out of toilet paper and then used it to wash the dishes.

>> No.8702910
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wtf i just did this and it blew up my microwave

>> No.8702959
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I rarely use sponges anymore. A dish brush can go in the dishwasher, clearly the superior option. They only cost a few bucks and you can replace them every couple of months when the bristles get smashed flat.

>> No.8702969

WTF! I love 4chan now!

>> No.8703026
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3 minutes - just make sure that the sponge is as full of water as possible before you stick it in.

Apparently a few years ago when it was first suggested that people microwave their sponges to kill germs/bacteria a lot of people accidentally set their microwaves on fire by doing this to a dry sponge or just cooking it too long.

TLDR - make sure your sponge is dripping wet before sticking in the microwave

>> No.8703682

It's still gonna smell like mildew and make all your dishes stink. Just buy a new damn sponge you filthy animal.

>> No.8703689

after you boil the kettle, just pour the excess water on the sponge.

job done

>> No.8703698
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I just stick mine in the dish washer

>> No.8703715

what do you do about the smell?

>> No.8703757

Warm water or cold?

>> No.8703770

microwave a cup of vinegar till it boils for awhile, the vinegar steam will easily clean off any stuff and get rid of any smell

>> No.8703782

It's going to heat up in the microwave..

>> No.8703793
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>americans don't boil their water in kettles

>> No.8703819

no. Mildew is fungus and will be killed in the microwave. the smells come from microbes breaking down the food and your killing them so no smell

>> No.8703846
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We use steel teapots

>> No.8703854

There is literally nothing you can do (including radioactive bombardment) that will kill all germs, and those that survive will obviously be immune to round 2. This is why penicillin doesn't work anymore.

>> No.8703916

killing the microbes doesn't get rid of the toxins

>> No.8703933

enjoy your super mutant bacteria

>> No.8703945

It's still called a kettle.

And I heard bongs boil water in their "kettle" before making pasta. We just boil it in the pasta pot for that.

>> No.8703955
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>having a microwave

>> No.8703965

by microwave you mean dishwasher, right?

>> No.8703966

right that's why cowboys developed immunity to gunshots

>> No.8704232

i use a squeegee for everything instead of a sponge precisely to avoid the persistent damp environment of sponges and rags that microorganisms love.

>> No.8704268
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Just wring out the sponge well and let it dry completely before you use it again.

>> No.8704290

I always keep my sponges a little wet and dirty. Those bacterias help strengthen my immune system.

>> No.8704305

Just get a new sponge.

They're not that expensive.

>> No.8704439

This, microwaves destroy the dna in your food, making it impossible for your body to process

>> No.8704455

Came to post this.
Rest of you are fags

>> No.8704487

Bacteria tend to die when desiccated. Your sponge gets bacteria growing in it because it's always wet. When your dishes dry out, all of the bacteria that requires moisture to live will die.

There are bacteria that are fine on dry surfaces, but they tend to be bacteria that specialize on living on dry surfaces and they don't do well inside the human body. It's only the species that live in conditions that are similar to the human body that you maybe have to worry about.

tl;dr, this is way overblown

>> No.8704498

Dont forget to suck on it once in a while.

>> No.8704503

Does it break up the DNA or destroy the nucleotides themselves? Because your body just breaks up the DNA and resequences the nucleotides anyway

>> No.8705084

cowboys dont reproduce by splitting in half and making two little cowboys each time

>> No.8705094

thats bullcrap

>> No.8705097

two minutes is overkill, 30 seconds is more than enough.

>> No.8705102
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>> No.8705104


Microwaves create heat. Heat denatures protein. It completely destroys DNA.

Though I'm not sure why people are talking about DNA at all. The real key here is that heat kills bacteria.

Depends entirely on how powerful your microwave is. The one in my old apartment was 600 watts. The one I have now is 2000 watts. Obviously they would have radically different cooking times needed to reach the same temperature.

>> No.8705106

30 seconds is overkill, 8.5 seconds is more than enough

>> No.8705107
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>not using these kind

>> No.8705109

So cold.

>> No.8705111

How would I do that if I don't own a microwave?

I bet you eat off disposable plates

>> No.8705120 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 249x236, eeester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's still called a kettle.
>baited into admitting americans boil water in kettles
nothin personnel, kid

>> No.8705172

I don't have a dishwasher you fucking dickhead

>> No.8705182


Jesus you guys are dense. If you don't have those things just use boiling water or bleach.

>> No.8705204

I use a special rolling pin just for my sponges, works surprisingly well.

>> No.8705217


Well at what? Wringing it out? So what, it's still loaded with bacteria.

>> No.8705222

The crushing pressure kills most

>> No.8705225


>> No.8705227

So is your mouth and stomach.

>> No.8705235

this reads like a /sci/ thread but a lot more funny

>> No.8705264

looks like you spilled some ramen

>> No.8705932

If you have a dishwasher why even own a cloth

>> No.8705970


Because not everything is dishwasher safe, or fits in the dishwasher.

>> No.8705992

i boil it in my water cooker first as well bc it goes faster that way

>> No.8707241

Two minutes is longer than necessary. 45 seconds is enough to kill anything living on your sponge.

>> No.8707246

okay i did it but then i realized there was no point. i wash my dishes in piping hot water with antibacterial soap.

it's like finding some way to reuse my papertowels. it's a disposable plastic chinese made piece of trash

>> No.8707255

>antibacterial soap
wooooooooo buddy get with the times that shit is not ok to use anymore

>> No.8707272

Just throw it in the pot you boil your water for tea or coffee, after it''s done. It will become sterile for the day.

>> No.8707282

okay fine it ain't anti bac, i assumed it was

regardless, nothing is living through that steaming death bath

>> No.8709169

I suspect 99% of this thread is a load of bullcrap.

>> No.8709197

Oh yeah?
Then where do new cowboys come from?

>> No.8709208

All soap is anti bacterial

>> No.8709219

hahaha wat

>> No.8709246

>one new picture of bacteria every six years

>bacteria exists

Pick one. We would have trillions of photographs, videos, research and knowledge on these things if they weren't a scare tactic to get you to smother yourself in poisonous beauty products every single day.
There are microorganisms but they are inert. The sicknesses you obtain are either related to eating bad food or your immune system's reaction to environmental factors like perfume.
If you are correct and every single day you have an antibacterial bath, you would never get sick, but you do.

Now viruses are real, contagious and completely unavoidable through hygeine or care, but bacteria is an overblown myth that causes you to smear poisonous perfumes (whose ingredients are legally undisclosed) into every pore of your body once or multiple times a day.

You have nothing to fear. You get sick when exposed to foreign chemicals that hit your olfactory sensors and cause allergic reactions. Your body makes your body sick.

Just some stuff to think about. I don't personally believe that bacteria is anything other that your body making itself sick when exposed to foreign chemicals or substances that they put in the air, food and water.

It's not tin foil hattery if you dig deep and try googling what the fuck you are putting on your skin and in your mouth and realize just how vast a list of poisons you consume daily. Throw in some research about how your immune system reacts to foreign substances that it thinks are dangerous and you have a hell of a conspiracy.
Not taking responses, sorry.

>> No.8709361

Lmao original

>> No.8709385

I didn't know Woody Harelson browsed ck

>> No.8709417

>heres a cool trick to get an extra week of life out of your $0.09 sponge

Like how fucking poor are you people?

>> No.8709423

It's the principle of the thing. You think they don't intentionally use sponge material that breaks down faster and accumulates more bacteria? Got to stick it to the man.

>> No.8709451

How is life in a Third World country?

>> No.8709715

isn't the green pad actually a soft steel wool. Is this some kina prank faggit

>> No.8709735


It's a synthetic abrasive. It doesn't contain any steel. That ought to be obvious; if it did contain steel it would rust like a mofo

>> No.8709749

What if I just put soap on it and run incredibly hot water out of the faucet to kill bacterius maxumus that gets on it.

Then if I think there are more bacterius maximums I just rinse of my dishes or put them inna dishwasher.

>> No.8709754

I wash mine in the dish washer because I like my sponges free of grease after theyre "cleaned'

>> No.8709953

sponges are one of those things I don't mind going through every two weeks or so

>> No.8710262

Just use bleach you plebs

>> No.8710280

what can those meme fluffs do what my cheap synthetic sponges cant do?

Btw. what do you guys recommend for cleaning cast iron and stainless steel pans? I'm thinking about buying one of those metal wool things but I'm still a bit worried, that it will mess things up.

>> No.8710283


>> No.8710311

It might sound crazy what this dude says, but it certainly is true to some extent. For example I don't use any soap at all on my body unless I soil myself with some really nasty things like oil or shit and while washing oily dishes. Yes you read that right, I only shower with cold water and use no soap not even on the hair. I understand that you think that I must smell like a hobo, but I guarantee you I don't. Just try it out for a week or two. Maybe still wash the hair at first, because that part needs some time for the skin to resettle.

Soap is dirty and there is no reason to put it on your body. If you think soap is clean, than why don't you wash all your food first in soap water before cooking?

Only thing I currently still use is stupid sun screen and that shit is insanely nasty and I need to use soap again to get rid of it. Maybe this year I will try some mild alternative like coconut oil or something.

>> No.8710468

Get off 4chan, mom. I'm tired of finding the sponge in the micro when I go to cook my hot pockets.

>> No.8710503

Your body has bacteria on it that kills other bacteria. I use soap on the tougher bits of my body and the sweaty bits. Soap breaks up oils, your body produces oils. If you want to get the oil off you have to use soap. Shampoo is sort of pointless unless you want your hair to look a certain way, since the composition of oil on your hair changes the way it behaves.

>> No.8710537

>If you think soap is clean, than why don't you wash all your food first in soap water before cooking?

Because then all my food would taste like imperial lather, dipshit

>> No.8710544

>Soap is dirty

Which part of the USA do you live in?

>> No.8710583
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>If you want to get the oil off you have to use soap
But that's the thing, why would you want to get rid of your natural oil barrier. Skin oil is not a waste product of your body, it's actually there to protect you from the outside world and from bad bacteria. Although you are right that your skin bacteria mostly protects you, you need to give them an environment to survive. If you completely dry out your skin or re-moisturize it with chemicals there wont be much bacteria left that can survive and most of the time the last colony standing will cause problems. For example candida which is just harmless yeast and it's practically everywhere, but once it gets out of control it can cause pic related. Funny thing is, when you have something like this, it is very likely that you get stuff that kills even more bacteria instead of trying to get the lost bacteria colonies back. You try to further sterilize your skin and give even more power to the yeast that can basically survive everything.

Luckily modern medicine slowly catches up to this and the importance of probiotics is becoming mainstream science. This of course will lead to some problems as well, because the snake oil industry will sell you all sorts of crap from dead bacteria to other bacteria than advertised and probably worse. Because the market is horribly regulated and basically everything is legal, just like with food supplies.

>> No.8710593

>But that's the thing, why would you want to get rid of your natural oil barrier.

You can't get rid of it with normal bathing. It would take dousing yourself in industrial solvents multiple times a day to actually be rid of it.

Washing yourself with soap removes the excess oils but it doesn't remove all of it. At the same time it also removes dirt and grime, sweat, and other nasty stuff accumulated throughout the day. There's absolutely nothing wrong or unhealthy about bathing/showering with soap unless you go full retard and literally scrub yourself raw.

>> No.8710596

how to clean sponges if i don't own a microwave?when i clean the kitchen with a spounge i am spreading bacteria everywhere and i cannot rince and clean in the sink because that is where i clean my dishes, also i keep a spoung for dishes and a sponge for cleaning in the same place, it is impossible to keep bacteria away in a household kitchen.

>> No.8710601


We've already posted multiple times. Did you even read the thread?

Boil it, or use bleach.

>> No.8710603

how can you get rid of tough stains this way?

>> No.8710610


Do you actually have tough stains often enough to require having a sponge around all the time? If so, you might ask yourself what you're doing wrong.

I don't own any sponges. For the once-a-year time when I have a tough stain I scrub it with a kitchen towel, then chuck it in the laundry bin. I have a special laundry bin for kitchen towels only. They get washed with bleach.

>> No.8710669

He's right, they poison perfume completely legally under perfume secrecy laws.
It's mainly poppies which will kill many animals that simply smell them.
You smell like pits as soon as you get out of the shower because you just smeared poison all over yourself and your body is losing it's shit. If it killed the "bacteria" then why are they still there anyways?

Now that's private stuff and you do whatever the hell you want in your home but when you use something completely asinine like 'clean linen' dryer sheets you are spraying poppy scented air all over your neighborhood and killing wildlife and bees and giving people who are allergic like me a seriously bad time. I have seizures when I walk past your dryer vent and it's fucked up.

One piece of life advice I can give you is that dryer sheets and perfumed detergents are designed to damage and shut down your kidneys. I know this only because when you stop using them, you no longer wake up 3-4 times a night with your sides on fire having to piss. I get up one time from sleep a week now to piss versus my old LA's totally awesome detergent 20 trips a week.
It sounds outlandish but try sleeping on water/baking soda washed sheets for a couple nights and enjoy your newfound bliss.

>> No.8710672

I can answer questions today if you need more info about this. When in doubt, buy a rat. It will hate your guts and act like a massive retard until every trace of perfume and poison is off your clothes and skin and out of your house. It's well documented that they can use olfactory receptors to detect poison with the physical reaction of their back hair standing up. This trait can be had in humans too, maybe it will happen if you try, but probably not. I have it and can detect and find invisible odorless shit like salmonella very easily.
Outlandish stuff, I know, but I am not roleplaying, I am trying to help people discern danger from safety because 90% of people assume it would be illegal to buy straight poison off a store shelf, but it's not, it's the perfume where they can legally hide any scent or chemical on earth and never have to disclose the ingredients. Stay safe I'll get to questions after an hour.

>> No.8710675

Pfft. My dishwasher also cooks.

>> No.8710682

>what is anthrax
>inb4 anthrax is not a bacteria

>> No.8710685

I use boiling water for all the cleaning I can reasonably use it for. If I could clean everything with boiling water without making a huge mess or burning the crap outta myself, I would.

>> No.8710686

Son, let me talk to you about the birds and the bees.

>> No.8710687

So I'm guessing you live in an RV, a third-world country, or in bumfuck nowhere and you have no running water?

Unless you have a brand new dishwasher, they typically suck at getting crusty food off. I scrape all my plates with the dish brush at minimum.

I've done the poached fish in the dishwasher trick too.

>> No.8710697

>I've done the poached fish in the dishwasher trick too.
I can also park my "car" in my dishwasher's garage.

>> No.8710704

Seriously? Not everyone has or needs or gives a shit about having a dishwasher regardless of where they live. A dishwasher is not some exclusive symbol of wealth and prosperity.

>> No.8710710

what meme

>> No.8710749

>A dishwasher is not some exclusive symbol of wealth and prosperity.

That's the point. They're cheap and common. Therefore not having one means the person must be extremely poor. Or so the logic goes.

In many countries people live in tiny-ass apartments where dishwashers aren't a thing.

>> No.8710786

Anthrax is a plant spore man.

>> No.8710800

The ADA website literally says that brushing your teeth with a dessicant removes only 1% more plaque than brushing without.
I don't really have a point here, just thought I'd throw that in there.

>> No.8711312


I just throw mine in the dishwasher in one of the utensil sluts.

Shit comes out clean as a whistle that has been freshly cleaned.

>> No.8711323

I just use a new one after a few days. These things cost nothing.

>> No.8711339

There is literally no reason to have a dishwasher unless you have several kids.

>> No.8711348

Or, you know. You don't like washing dishes.

>> No.8711380
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>I'm poor and jealous of people with things

stay poor faggot

>> No.8711415

I mean it isn't all folks living out in bumfuck nowhere, ask anyone living in a city in america, chances are good they don't have a dishwasher.

>> No.8711436

I live in NYC and the only people I know who own dishwashers make over $200k/year or live in outer brooklyn or long island

>> No.8711471
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You can't have kids without a dishwasher in the first place

>> No.8711721

steel wool won't mess up most stainless steel pans, unless the pans or the wool are poorly made and the wool has some bits that will end up scratching the pan
steel wool can eat away at the seasoning on your cast iron pan, but that's not a big deal, either
I use a soft wire brush on mine when I need to, but typically it's fine with a bit of a coarse salt rub down
>ebil chemicals
your "natural oil skin barrier" is chemicals
I believe you mean to say that synthetics may not automatically give your skin the properties it needs to thrive, but even then, neither does most people's own skin without some care. I've known several people who claim they just rinse regularly. While I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, I don't really believe them.

>> No.8711724
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>> No.8711745

About every other month I use the sponge to clean out the cats water and food bowls then I throw it out

>> No.8711953
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>> No.8712042

The principle isn't to stick it to the man you tard. It's about being efficient and not wasting resources needlessly. I imagine the kind of people that want to extend the life of their sponge are also the kind of people who bring their own bags to the grocery store, AKA saviors of the earth. Bless every single one of you.

>> No.8712279

true, i moved around in NYC a lot and no one has a dishwasher i always thought they were some hollywood shit

>> No.8712325

I just wipe it off on my shirt

>> No.8712390

>not "from the pot in whomst you cook"

>> No.8712424

as any civilized person would.

>> No.8712517

Why not just soak the sponge in vinegar for a while? That should kill most fungi

>> No.8712530

Millennials cannot understand "waste not, want not". They tie their self-worth into the pretty trinkets they own.

>> No.8712597

Annoyingly all the cities that matter in the US tax you if you don't bring your own bag to the grocery store now

>> No.8712607


>> No.8712626
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>The Goddamn spong was dry!

>> No.8713963

Baited a response out of me.
Microwaving is not accepted as method of sterilization(killing all microbes in an area). The three main methods of killing bacteria are dessication, destruction of membranes, or destruction of genetic information. The only method that a microwave will kill bacteria is through destruction of its membranes through heating. The microwave cant really sterilize a sponge because it doesn't heat the sponge hot enough or long enough. To give you guys some context, medical equipment is autoclaved (steamed) at 134 C for 3 minutes.
If you really need to sterilize your sponge boil it for 10 minutes and it should be free of most bacteria.