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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8701809 No.8701809 [Reply] [Original]

Alcohol thread

What ya'll on tonight?

>> No.8702050

last week I finally got properly drunk-- stumbling all over, everything was funny, speech was different; I've had a bit of it before but not like that
the next morning I felt totally fine, as with every previous time
who /neverhungover/?

>> No.8702059

My alcoholism has taken a strange turn for the worst and I feel almost guilty sharing this with some of you who suffer from the same affliction.

But here it goes

A typical night (or day) of drinking for me has always been gradual. Start with a few beers or few shots and then over a period of a few hours I'll start piling up the servings of booze until I am blacked out at which point I just go to bed

but I discovered that consuming a large amount of alcohol at once gives an insane rush (almost opiate like euphoria). so I get some meme energy drink and mix it with a glass full of 6-7 shots and then just drink that in one gulp.

feels crazy

>> No.8702067

I've been puking all day. I know that the only way to stop this is to stop drinking, but I am not doing that until the beer (Alexander Keiths) in the fridge is gone.

>> No.8702149
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kill me

>> No.8702153

Underage drunk for the first time, sick

>Never hungover
Yep, underage confirmed

>> No.8702154

>4:3 monitor

>> No.8702159

Shit, I bet those PCs run Windows: ME

>> No.8702169

4 months sober and close to relapse, convince me not to

>> No.8702172

Maybe the HP on top, but the bottom one is a Mac

>> No.8702206

I'm 28
I've been drinking several times in the last few months, but I did start only last September
I'm one of those NEETs that never drinks, except I've been trying to not be that guy, such as by drinking and getting a job

>> No.8702228
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That's an oldie but a goodie

99 xpresso. it's a 99proof schnapps. very cheap and tolerable

>> No.8702468

Has anybody ever tried killing themselves whilst intoxicated?

>> No.8702529
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slowly nursing a rum and coke first one tonight plan on binge watching bleach for the rest of the evening while shitposting on 4chan

so a good Saturday

>> No.8702534

you should binge drink bleach instead
fucking dbz ripoff

>> No.8702539
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>giving this much of a fuck about what anime other people are watching

>> No.8702542
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Still daytime here and I'm not a daytime drinker.

But tonight, I'm going to be chugging a mugful of shitty wine every time my wife goes outside to smoke.

>> No.8702543

Your deathbed, your regrets, and your funeral.

>> No.8702566

I might drink later, got some luksusowa vodka that I haven't touched in a little while that tasted horrible last night. I noticed the liquor store had 4loko that some anons seem to like, might walk over and buy a can.
They have a whole lot of flavors if anyone wants to recommend me one.

>> No.8702570

blue raspberry was least offensive
lemonade and watermelon are okay
peach is foul

>> No.8702583
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Yesterday 1am was the end of a very bad 4-5 days non stop consuming morning through to passing out. Yesterday was the worst day I've had in half a year........awful awful withdraws. I still have a lot leftover but all I can smell is stale vomit in my nose from yesterday.......so im probably going to just binge eat toast or rice and soy sauce or something and dump what I have left. I wouldn't be able to stomach it anyway. Gotta get through tonight and tomorrow.
I really can't keep doing this to my body. I was sure I was going to need to go to hospital yesterday, but I survived.
Anyone else feeling low at the moment? Gotta go back to AA I think.

>> No.8702605

Had a peach one last night not bad desu
Watermelon way better

>> No.8702670

I had a shit deal yesterday I was dehydrated as fuck coming off a bender and couldn't even hold down water, I'd try to sip it, and it would come back up plus bile and more other shit all day I ws fuuuuuucked. Better today... I really need to stop black out buying 4lokos instead of liquor

>> No.8702688
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It'll catch up to you, don't you worry. Once your body starts giving out you get drunk fast and then stay sick for a week. Welcome to the party...

>> No.8702694

sore apple best 4loko, buy two though, well.. three if you don't want to black out wander back to the store when you're out for two more

>> No.8702836

one is okay but those fuckers have so much sugar you might lose a tooth to a cavity before you have a chance to brush your teeth.
i start with a loko and finish with shots

>> No.8702841

do they still make fourloko gold? I used to get those, they had higher abv and tasted sort of like a strong margarita

>> No.8702865

>Doing sudokus again
>Listening to stupid women talking about nonsense for ambient noise

>> No.8702868

>>Listening to stupid women talking about nonsense for ambient noise

so you're watching The View?

>> No.8702892


Nah just some stupid "asmr" videos.
If you ignore the words it's good ambient noise

>> No.8702904

just a little bit of vodka, I'm sick and don't feel like eating so i'm taking it easy tonight, planning to mix my next glass with water and go sit in the bathtub for awhile

>> No.8702962

Blueberry liquor and gin and tonic. Also a couple of wine coolers.

>> No.8702977

Question for you /alc/, since you started drinking whats the longest period of sobriety you've had?

>> No.8702978

When I was young I drank a fuck load of pretty much all kinds of alcoholic beverages. I woke up feeling great thinking hangover is just a meme. Turns out I threw up in the bathroom during the night and that is why I had no hang over. Are you sure something like that was not the cause?

>> No.8702997

>start at 17
>initially drink once a week on saturdays
>friend gets his own place
>up to twice a week when we hang out
and it's been less and less since then. sober two days in a row a week. i drink mon/wed/fri

>> No.8703034
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Same. Ill have a few then I feel like I'm not drunk enough. Finished a small bottle of lux vodka by myself this past Tuesday. Woke up still drunk.

>> No.8703039

Don't do it. Think about why you stopped. We may be alks here but I'm not gonna push you to do it.

>> No.8703049

I'm on the same boat. If I drink 2 4 lokos on a empty stomach I already know I fucked up. Some reason it hits me hard as fuck

>> No.8703056

They still do. I drink them every week

>> No.8703091

That sounds like a fun game!

>> No.8703099

I went sober for a full month a couple of years ago, just to prove I could. It was boring.

>> No.8703139

That is my issue too, stuff is so boring. its better once i'm tipsy or better

>> No.8703186

I've finally accepted I'm going to die from alcoholism and I really don't care anymore.

>> No.8703282

Well, you're in good company. No one else cares either. But you already have reached that level of aloneness, so you know that. What's next? There are free things that can help if you decide you really want it.

>> No.8703292

Im drinking right now but I know I'm going to regret it. Every time I drink I feel so horrible all the next day. I have images of wanting to shoot myself in the head and spill my brains out, because the hangover is so unbearable. I have visions of putting my head in a grinder and just having it fucking destroyed. Is that normal for a hangover?

>> No.8703297

No, sounds dramatic, like a woman writing a blog about something she cooked that she read from another blog but had to make the story her own

do you beer or wine? Worst hangovers with those. I stopped getting hangovers when I switched to liquor.

>> No.8703304


Well I'm not trying to be dramatic, just describing the images that flash in my head

>> No.8703310

When my liver gives out I'm switching to weed.

>> No.8703330
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I'd wish it would take me sooner than later. I'm tired of being a slave.

>> No.8703339
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Lets lighten things up a bit lads, what's your funniest drunk moment? Times you were so drunk you did something really dumb or embarrassed yourself badly

>> No.8703356

take 5-htp, drink more water, ingest more salt

>> No.8703387

>Waking up with cuts all over your limbs, blood all over your sheets, no memory of last night.
>Wondering whether to bother asking house mates what happend.

>> No.8703453

I started when I was 22 now I'm 24.
Longest I went since then was either one week or just two or three days...
Usually every day unless I'm too hungover.
Plan on drinking a gallon over next 24hrs c

>> No.8703456

probably about 6 months during which i had a steady supply of weed

i use alcohol and weed to remove myself from reality

>> No.8703487
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you mean like the times I went to jail before turning it into a 4-5 day bender? What the fuck kind of question is this

>> No.8703491

what is it? energy drink-alco mixer?

>> No.8703507

what's yours?
when's started started drinking?

>> No.8703511


16oz guinness drafts poured over several fingers of 100 proof cinnamon whiskey in a big glass.

>> No.8703515

I'm currently at 3.5 months. Hoping it lasts longer but wondering if people went through long periods of sobriety before relapsing again

>> No.8703526
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>> No.8703535

i went 3 months before relapsing, not exactly long but eh
have met people who went years sober before relapsing

>> No.8703539
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>> No.8703586

My alcoholism is like this: I slam a 375
Of vodka on the way home from work and then cover by drinking "a beer or two" at dinner. Which means 3-4 16 ounce beers at night. HELP 4 chan!

>> No.8703593
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I'm down from half a litre of booze to just two beers a night. I'm proud and happy for myself.

>> No.8703602

>help 4chan

No. It's you that has to help yourself. It's your decision how you
relate to alcohol. There are free options that you can try. Otherwise, keep drinking but don't whine about it.

>> No.8703648

Keep telling myself, I'm going to try and quit. But then I find an excuse to start drinking again every time.

>> No.8703654

That is why their, and any other addiction, is "one day at a time". they understand the thirst, the need that feels overwhelming.
that self control it takes NOT to do it sucks but you do it anyway and you're better off for staying strong.
from lotto, gambling, drugs, alcohol, sex (adultery) they all have these compulsions that they continually put off until one day is done. and then the second day is exactly the same, ignoring temptation, not giving into persuasion

>> No.8703668
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finished off a box of franzia and a 6 pack of pbr tallboys

Just took 20mg of hydrocodone and .5 mg of xanax

>> No.8703686

don't pills and drink because that is how you die to death

it's okay to pill and one drink, but don't drink and pill after.
not that I care about you or anything, it's regular advice for people who aren't on 4chan

>> No.8703702

Over the course of my last shift at the bar (just came out, UK time) I had a double bourbon and coke that was made by mistake by one of my colleages, two shots of tequila out of a tray of ten that was left aside and forgoten by a group of drunken cunts, a long island ice tea my manager gave me, and the classic closedown beer. Not that much, but good enough for the night.

>> No.8703887

welp, I just drank a bunch of white tequila and then filled the bottle up with water so my girlfriend wouldnt judge me. Pretty sure I hate myself now. Might move onto the airplane bottles of weird flavors in the back of the freezer soon.

>> No.8703968

Nothing, i'm broke and shaking

>> No.8704783

>back in high school
>at a shitty party
>drinking the Jack I brought
>friend wants a Jack and Coke
>say I'll mix it for her
>have her hold mine while I hold hers to add the coke
>add it to the one she's holding instead
>end up forced to drink a shitty Jack and Coke
That's not even the dumb part.
>someone bumps me, spill it on my shirt
>decide to take off the shirt and leave it in the sink
>go to put on my jacket so I'm not shirtless
>get slapped a bunch
>ended up getting really sick and take a cab home
>friend brings shirt to school the next day
>has puke and God knows what else on it
I just threw it away. It's too bad, I liked that shirt.

>> No.8704823

>wake up with bruises all over body you notice in the shower
>start to wonder if you have some disease
>slowly realized throughout the day that I accidentally banged myself all throughout the house the night before on everything imaginable
>like when I almost fell down the stairs grabbed the railing and swung myself right into the banister hitting my face on it

>> No.8704824

>Pulled apart a blackhead or whitehead whatever
>Yellow shit game out
>Then blood
>Now there's a small hole in my face

>> No.8704825

Popped a beer at 5 am over here.

>> No.8704827

Been here too long to not know that that isn't OC. Classic though.

>> No.8704832

I haven't been sober for more than a month straight in 9 years.

>> No.8704834

this is all and good until you realize you're not hungover because you're still drunk

>> No.8704835

3 weeks in 2011 by choice.

3-5 days if money isn't good and wanted to drink

>> No.8704843

Man you've hardly lived
>Be 17
> Homeless playing guitar for money outside shopping malls
>Finally using my friends home address so I can claim wellfare
> Do what I always do when I get money, get drunk
> Buy a couple litres of ''Scrumpy Cidar''. For those of you who didn't grow up with this, it's foul, strong, comes in plastic bottles and is cheap as piss.
> On library computer, this chick from my old highschool wants my dick but she's moved to the middle of buttfuck nowhere
>Embark on a magical journey
> Hitching out of town half a bottle of cidar in one hand
> Get picked up by this top fucking bloke , tell him about my quest he's in histerics drive for a couple hours
> It's just after dark and I find the girls house based on a vague description.
> I've been toasted since 10 in the morning
> She comes out we go for a walk down to this park
> Get head in a public bathroom
> End up back at her house cuddling
> Wake up ''Fuck where am I''. It's like 2am
> Liberate some hard liquor from her mums liquor cabnet
> Run up the road , start hitching
> Get picked up, by the same fucking guy!?!?!
> He asks me how it went, ''Fucking swimmingly''
> This dudes been at a wedding for the past couple hours and is driving completely smashed
> we're in the middle of a country road and he's swerving in and out of the traffic line, I'm passing the bottle back and forth
>Time of my fucking life
>She swallowed.

>> No.8704845

I forgot to mention the chick was 14 and I'm a degenerate.

>> No.8704865

>who /neverhungover/?
Stopped getting hangover a long time ago. It's a sign you're on the slippery slope already.

Possibly, I wouldn't remember anyway. Woke up face covered in blood, still have a scar on my forehead.

I have a similar story. But I didn't fuck. I black out and still don't know exactly why I've been kicked out.
Had the best beer I ever had, but it wasn't worth the trip.

>> No.8704978

That sounds great, I'm jealous.

>> No.8705473
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What are some things that become pointless when you cannot drink anymore?

>> No.8705488

Smirnoff is killing me. Anyone ever puked pure blood then had a seizure. Fuck me.
Missed the last few threads because I've been so very unwell, hope you are all in one piece.
Bbl, going back to sleep in 20 hours a day. Peace all.

>> No.8705500 [DELETED] 

I shaved my pubes last night, or most of them.

I dont know why. Amazing how its already noticeably grown back after 15 hours.

One time I tried putting on make-up. I liked how deep my eyes looked. I dont know how to put on make-up. Women are magicians.

It was my mothers make up shut up

>> No.8705519

hanging out with friends

>> No.8705538
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Started when I was 15, no 38. I once managed seven months of sobriety about 13 years ago, and this year I did 23 days with the help of benzos. Aside from when I was using heroin, so only about a year and a half, I've been drunk every single night of my life since I was a child.
...fuck, that's quite bad now I come to think of it. Fuck alcohol, seriously.

>> No.8705544

>no 38
Legit hard to type, I've only had 8.4 units today so I'm withdrawing hard.

>> No.8705573

Drank don julio last night, put away a fifth along with 6 ipas and 6 ales. Slept about 4 hours and have been struggling with a hangover for a few hours. Finally ate, and will probably just have a few miller lights with dinner tonight and while watching basketball.

>> No.8705574 [DELETED] 


Are you on my grandfathers level? He wakes up on the middle of the night to drink from a flask.

>> No.8705611

I have to wake at least once a night, yeah. I can't get more than six hours of sleep without going into withdrawal, and I wake up to a bottle of vodka next to my bed.

>> No.8705613

My uncle bought extra freezer just for vodka.

>> No.8705627 [DELETED] 


Well shit. I dont know if anyone can save you.

>> No.8705920

Are you, in fact, the smirnoff guy?
Didn't you say a long time ago that you ran porn sites? I forget what country you're in.

>> No.8705945

I guess im 'the Smirnoff guy', yeah. I did run porn sites, sold them. And the pound sign on my vodka bottles are a clue as to where I'm from, bruh. Vodka fan yourself? What's your poison anon?

>> No.8705948

Is three weeks of drinking everyday enough to form alcoholism?

It's been 36 hours since my last drink and my heart is beating irregularly, got shaking in my hands and sweating

>> No.8705968

I'm mostly down to beer and wine with some absolut vodka thrown in from time to time. Years ago I used to drink a lot of whiskey every day and night, I cut that out after I got kicked out of a roommate's apartment/lease we were sharing.

>> No.8705985

Good man. The strong stuff will fuck you up hard, stay off it bro. I'm trying so hard to stop, but I don't think it's going to happen, it's been too long. The withdrawals are stunningly unpleasant.

>> No.8705998

Hangover is dehydration. Drink loads of water and get no hangover

>> No.8706008

Help yourself faggot

>> No.8706023
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CT juice Boyz, CT has best breweries, fact

>> No.8706029

this is drinking vodka by the way, at least 300 mL a day

>> No.8706525

Well, aren't you an asshole?

>> No.8706532

It takes years of reconstructing your brains neuro patterns to depend on alcohol before you are an alcoholic. You're like me, definitely abusing alcohol, but i've been able to pull it back to moderation.

>> No.8706534

youre a pussy ass bitch if that's enough to make you hit real withdrawals

>> No.8706554
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I have a question for my fellow abusers, it's a two parter.

What made you begin to abuse AND if you know the issue, why not resolve it to get over alcoholism?

I don't mean to sound like an ass but I realized I was using alcohol to escape from a life I didn't want to live because I felt stuck. I fixed my situation after a year and a half of hard drinking so I want to see from someone else's perspective.

Pic is what I used to drink a night

>> No.8706587

What's the best whisky I can buy at tesco for £25?

Ive recently gotten into drinking and I'm just trying out different flavours of whisky. So far I've only had two different brands of scotch whisky, I definitely like to try another blend.

>> No.8706603
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>> No.8706611

Smirnoff bro? Get yourself well, anon. Check yourself in

>> No.8706620
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iirc this is in your price range, and while I generally don't like whiskey, I do recall liking this one more than others. Very creamy, quite sweet, would get smashed on again.

>> No.8706626

Looks real good, thank you very much for the recommendation my dude

>> No.8706628

Thanks anon but I've got to go this alone. Got my reasons.
Yo seriously though, thank you.

>> No.8706630

Right now they have 700ml of Highland Park for £25.

That will not be beaten at that price range from that shop.

>> No.8706646

Well shit that looks amazing. Thanks for the recommendation my man.

>> No.8706650

Nothing, I have clinic at 7 am.

>> No.8706659

Apparently it is for you. Addiction strong enough to cause withdrawals. I doubt you were sober before the 3 months too.

Welcome to the club. I suggest you run the fuck out and never return.

Not sure why I started, probably just easy reward. I'm socially awkward too, booze helped, not sure what I can do about it.

>> No.8706677

I'm having a glass of Belvedere and feeling depressed.

>> No.8706681

Probably about a week? I'm in a movie club and afterwards, we go out drinking and I always get smashed. If I stay at my boyfriend's house, then I won't get drunk that weekend because he doesn't particularly enjoy me when I'm drunk. If he has stuff to do that weekend and I stay at my place, I normally get drunk another two times, on friday and saturday.

>> No.8706709

Parties, fancy dinners, weddings, funerals, concerts/festivals (if you're not doing anything else)

>> No.8706732

I started drinking because I have no confidence, and alcohol makes me feel like I have confidence. I could go to therapy, but that's expensive and I've already tried that, it just made me feel worse. I'm hoping graduating uni next year will give me some, as it'll prove I'm at least competent in one marketable skill, but I doubt it, since it's not a great or incredibly useful skill. Useful enough to get a well paying job, I suppose.

>> No.8706837
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thoughts on this al/ck/?

split a bottle with a friend on st. patrick's day and really enjoyed it - never been a fan of whiskey before, usually have stuck to tequila or red wine. but then I tried this and it's surprisingly smooth with a sweet finish

is this pleb tier whiskey or what?

>> No.8706862

I used to drink Jack Daniels every day and these days if I ever have whiskey, which I usually don't, I pick Jameson. I think it's like the absolut vodka of whiskey's, same range.

>> No.8706864

its totally average irish whiskey

>> No.8706872

Social ineptitude and a remedy for anxiety. Drank over women a lot in college and needless to say I never had a gf in my life. It wasn't the best choice to try to quell emotional pain, but I physically had as much fun as I could in my youth without women.

>> No.8706884
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>usually have stuck to tequila or red wine
>is this pleb tier whiskey or what?
you will die a fucking pleb

>> No.8706919

go get some beer. drink slowly. one beer per hour or hour and a half. enough to get rid of the withdrawals but dont get drunk or get a buzz

cold turkey is unnecessary torture

>> No.8706927

I'm 25 and now on my longest period since about 17 years old. I'm up to 6 months I think, buts because I'm on methadone and they make me take antabuse with it

seriously considering stopping methadone just so I can drink again (and do opiates)

life is so boring and depressing

>> No.8707259

what on earth is is wrong with tequila or red wine

>> No.8707293

picked up a 40oz of alberta premium buds
withdrawals here i come

>> No.8707312

Not drinking tonight lads. Have a job interview in the morning. Will this be the moment anon turned his neet life around?

>> No.8707665

my fucking hero. i was banned for 7 days so i couldnt reply. ive been drinking smirnoff in your honor. i feel like SHIT its great

>> No.8707743

Drinking the foreshots and heads cuts from the distillery I work at. I want it to kill me. Thought I was getting back together with my recent ex, and then earlier I saw some guy I fucking despise tag pictures of him kissing her on his FB... and she looks so happy. Motherfucker I'm the one that's supposed to make her smile like that. Removed and blocked her from my phone and all social media but not like that changes anything. If I run out of this rotgut I'll probably just drink the expensive bottles of whisky I've been saving for special occasions.

>> No.8707758

facebook is stupid and pointless torture. who gives a shit what they are up to. make yourself happy.

>> No.8707790

If logical thinking held any sway over me right now I wouldn't be drinking.

>> No.8707836

Have had half a beer since new years. This is the longest.

>> No.8707842
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>Not drinking rye whiskey out of an anti depressant precription bottle

>> No.8707887
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what's your consensus on this stuff?

>> No.8707899
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what kind of a person can hear something like that and think it was a good thing

>> No.8707900

Personally I like it on tap, never had it in a bottle though

>> No.8707907

Happy to have you back, anon. Hope we can all share an organic smoothie one day. Chin chin.

>> No.8707931

chugging right now. whisky not vodka though
its somehow woorse

>> No.8707980

Yeah whiskey isn't as nice as vodka, in fact I pretty much hate most.
Glad you've got something though mang. Fucking going into withdrawal here, 3.30am and got woken by them. 2.5hrs until the shops open. Feels fairly horrifying, and I know it'll soon and suddenly get worse. Not impressed that I fucked up and ran out.

>> No.8707994 [DELETED] 

10 days sober here. Same pattern to bottom, fucked up things happen, scared myself and said that's enough.

>drove home scary drunk
>no idea how i actually made it
>face planted getting out of the car
>manage to get to couch
>wake to wife talking about her and kids day
>yesterday? or today?
>what time is it? fuck what day is it?
>oh god. my kids.
>that's it.

>weened myself
>fucking shakes, freezing sweats, racing heart, mood, etc

Actually spent 6 hours at the bar the other night and didn't even care to drink. I was dd. It's boring as fuck, and drunks are annoying when you're not drunk. On the plus side I haven't fucked my wife like that in a long time! Which ironically is what started me in the first place, staying home all the time because kids and no sex. I know fuck me right, consequences will never be the same.

Got a full bottle in the fridge, a fridge full of beer/wine in the garage, but I'm not touching shit for a while. Not never going to drink again, just not like I was. I think I'll do a 2 drink a day allowance. If I don't use it, it rolls over as a reward system but only for the current week. At most it's only 14 in one day which would actually be fun to be able to even catch a buzz off that little again.

>> No.8708003

you go to the store:? thoutht you got it delivered. im about to pass out.... youre still my liquor idol bro

>> No.8708008

>store opens at 6am
must be nice senpai

>> No.8708017

Can't order shit on a Sunday, it wouldn't be here til tursday, so yeah I'll have to crawl to a shop tomorrow. It's only a 30 second stumble, perfect for fuck up emergencies like this. There's NOWHERE to get booze in the night on Sundays

>> No.8708039

In the event you read this later, puking straight blood might be worse than just an ulcer. If you have a tear in a blood vessel you'll bleed out pretty quick. I was drinking a few pints of smirnoff a day, and ended up getting really depressed. Was gonna blow my brains out but I was too addled at the time to find a rifle. I switched to beer mostly after that and it helped some in that I can't drink it fast enough to get me hammered like vodka. I don't like being this way and I stopped drinking on St Patrick's Day. It's going kinda shaky right now but I like to think it'll be worth it. Hope you're doing ok. That's my blog for now.

>> No.8708043


>> No.8708209

Hey so like, any of you guys have jobs? I still barely have a job I miss days all the time being blackout and laying in the floor... I'm not going to be able to pay the rent pretty soon though, trying to figure out what to do

>> No.8708216

I've got some Advocaat I want to try. Do you have to store this in the fridge after opening or can I leave it an room temperature?

>> No.8708217

Trying to drink through the remainder of a Keg of local craft brewed IPA. On Stein 5 of the evening.

>> No.8708219

not if you drink the whole thing

>> No.8708233

It's tempting but I just want to sample it.

>> No.8708355


>> No.8708391

happy to hear it. Be careful with the 14 though, tolerances go down when sober

>> No.8708400

So tired of throwing up like ten fucking times a day. Until I've got booze in me I throw up so much ffs. It's getting really hard to have that first drink, I just immediately explode with vomit.
Having liquor vomited up your nose and sprayed all over your face SUCKS. I'm fucking sick of this life.

>> No.8708404

Whats a good value and mid-budget vodka? A handle lasts me a while, so I'm willing to pay a more than "the cheapest possible"

>> No.8708419

Jamesons is pretty pleb tier, but in general Irish whiskey is smoother than scottish whisky. Irish stuff is triple distilled compared to the scots which only double. This means irish stuff is smoother/mixes better.

Plus Jamesons was bought out by Pernod and they upgraded all their output so Jamesons is now a very cheap widely available whiskey. Basically jamesons is a decent low level cheap brand entry whiskey for newcomers.

I mean I'm a single malt drinker but I'm not gonna shit on you for drinking jamesons, glad you liked it, welcome to whiskey. Try some other stuff if you wanna delve into it a little better, there are loads of sweet whiskies with character you might like. And some that are harsh as fuck that feel like chewing soil, which is what some of us go for.

If you can find a knowledgeable bartender and let them know what you liked about it and what you're moreso looking for (specific taste, like a specific fruit or wood etc) you'll have a good time.

>> No.8708434

Busch Classic and a few lines of blow

>> No.8708441

Anyone else's liver hurt literally all the fucking time?

>> No.8708450

No drinks in 3 weeks.
Been running and lifting for the past 2.
i've never felt better.
just bored as shit.

>> No.8708451

tfw haven't taken off my shoes for a few weeks and I think they're infected but I just get blackout anytime I start worrying about it instead of getting it checked out

>> No.8708457

I literally don't understand how it is possible to not take off one's shoes for "a few weeks"

are you literally that drunk 24/7 that you can't take your god damn shoes and socks off for a few hours to let them breathe?

>> No.8708484


I haven't taken off my jeans for 2 months straight now.
But I do take off my socks sometimes

>> No.8708495

it's not that I physically can't, it's just too depressing and I'm too fucked up to do anything about it most of the time even if I steel myself and have a look, it's just easier to avoid it altogether

It also hurts pretty bad and if I take them off I'm scared I won't be able to put them back on at this point. I guess I'm hoping I end up in hospital from my drinking and they sort it out for me while I'm there.

>> No.8708502
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klonopindrinker here.

where's vodka mall bathroom stall drinker? : D

500ml pink gins + 2mg klonopin.
ended a long friendship, might have messed up another one. Honestly, par for the course who cares.

alcohol let's get it.

>> No.8708510

It sounds like fun and you didn't die.

>> No.8708511
File: 86 KB, 500x523, 5344353453453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the opposite of my drinking. I drink really hard so I puke, and then take care of myself like a babby. do my laundry, set my keys carefully, set out my wallet, get everything ready for work, set out water, get into a freshly washed sheets in bed. then drink hard as fuck asap. be your own best friend.

>> No.8708516


I had a friend who was a paramedic. She told me a story about a homeless man they picked up. It was obvious that he had been wearing the same clothes for months and the smell was almost unbearable, when they took off his boots, his feet were basically congealed into a huge skin blob that you would see in horror movies or some shit, they couldn't get the smell out of the ambulance for weeks, don't know if they managed to save his feet or not but I suggest you take off your shoes and see a doctor as soon as possible.

>> No.8708519

post picture of your shoes/feet

>> No.8708527

some cats go to emergency with literally maggots in their feet and legs. Which is terrible. but gives you an idea how psychology is infinitely more terrible than anything physical

>> No.8708534
File: 287 KB, 1280x896, 534543534543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else's joints/feet/legs hurt and are constantly sore? is this an alcohol thing?

Also, anyone else have restless legs/twitches in their feet and legs?

I HATE this, especially when people notice it. But ic ant seem to stop it :(

>> No.8708537


Ok, you're a retard. Have fun having maggots in your feet.

>> No.8708548

wtf. no im saying their psychology is so bad that they are okay letting things get that bad physically, b/c mentally things are 100x worse.

that shoe guy here is halfway there : (

>> No.8708550

What's your favorite Gin? Are any relatively cheap and good?

>> No.8708553

How do you bathe with your jeans on?

>> No.8708555


I don't?

>> No.8708558


>> No.8708569

Soreness can be arthritis or obesity. Are you overweight? Are you diabetic?

I think twitchy legs is pretty normal, but it annoys the hell out of me when people do it.

>> No.8708570

idk if it's just me, but b/c of what gin is, which is basically juniper flavoured vodka, all of em are basically okay. It isn;t like whisky or wine that really has to be carefully made

>> No.8708576

healthy to underweight. 5 years ago when i checked i wasnt pre-diabetic or anything. my joints are just awfully sore.

I literally walk around like I'm 85 even tho im 25. it sucks. I want to die before 30 i guess.

>> No.8708589
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the best part of drinking is 5-7 drinks in when it hits, you put on music, you feel ecstatic.

second best part 12-15 in, you get tired, weary, calm, and you climb the stairs and slide under the covers with no worries, and fall asleep in a perfectly cool/warm bed.

: D

nothing equals this.

>> No.8708594


What about getting really drunk and get getting angry as shit then shitposting on 4chans with very angry posts

>> No.8708603

I've had sore knees/legs on and off since I was 10/12 years old, but it's been less frequent since around 15 or 16. I think it's just a general lack of fitness leading to arthritis, but I'm no doctor.

>> No.8708620

Been a constant drinker since 17, haven't been sober for longer then a month since then.

>> No.8708654

You do understand most of the people here won't remember the fun times right?

>> No.8708662

sometimes that is fun

i have more fun doing that on fb with ppl i know and then i regret it the next day severly

>> No.8708702

I slept for a whole entire 36 minutes last night, then woke drenched in piss, immediately vomited hard, then fell over trying to go for a shit. Gave my teeth a quick brush, spat blood for about 10 minutes and stumbled still puking, to buy booze. Now 7.10am and I'm tipsy, trying to get enough booze in me to stop the shaking and puking. Why oh why am I single?

>> No.8708727
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I totally get this... if I just had a gf like I always used to I'd be ok... fuck

>> No.8708780

Not trying to bully but do you leave house? What is your routine like? I think we have similar lifestyles.

>> No.8708786

Tastes like toast

>> No.8708790


I got to classes once in a while (uni)
I just change my shirt and put on deodorant

>> No.8708890

is the paranoia and anxiety/sick feeling that comes with being a drinker not worse than general sobriety for you guys? i can never manage it for long

>> No.8708899

Was just thinking about this/something similar.

I started drinking because I always saw myself as a bad person, so I thought poisoning myself was a good way to compensate. After over a decade of it, I feel worse when I don't drink. I'm not drinking currently and haven't in maybe a week, solely to make myself feel like shit.

It's not really answering your question, but it's related a little I think.

>> No.8708970

>tfw feeling like your going to vomit up your alcohol

>> No.8708981

I almost always puke out most of my first drink, I just have to keep trying until enough has been absorbed and I can drink properly

>> No.8708993

nine hours into withdrawal and...wow. This is gonna be a bad one. Got just about every symptom.

>> No.8709018

Especially beer.
We all know the pleasures of foam vomit on drinks 1-3 then everything being smooth after.
Or dribbling out stomach contents slowly and intently on shots 1-2 then the alcohol magically becomes tasty.

>> No.8709024


I have this from time to time. There's some metabolite in my stomach that has a shit fit, after I puke everything is back to normal. Although I'm normally starting off with 65% home made vodka so it's not much wonder.

>> No.8709056


kek'd hard at this post for some reason

>> No.8709067

>Tfw getting really sleepy
>Started drinking 2 hours ago
>Woke up 2.5 hours ago
>Had slept for like 18 hours

>> No.8709102
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>> No.8709115

Tapper down with beer or wine. Don't cold turkey with alcohol.

>> No.8709119

No money, no choice.

>> No.8709156


Listen to some tunes

>> No.8709190


Another good tune

>> No.8709303

I'm not sure there's a word for how scary withdrawal nightmares are. Desperate to sleep but scared to too

>> No.8709319

my nigga

>> No.8709448

god dammit

>> No.8709466

two weeks because I had to go on antibiotics

that was 10 years ago

>> No.8709494

Help me /alc/, you are my only hope.

I love making dark n stormys but I can never find regular ginger beer.

I can find a shit zillion cans of diet, but someone always cleans out the regular stuff before I get to the market.

Where can I find a good supply?

>> No.8709559

Tfw every time I drink for two or more days now the first night trying to sleep sober is a literal hell
I just laid in bed for eight hours semi awake and now I'm expected to start my day, fuck this

>> No.8709572


More tunes

>> No.8709585

Come back when you get memory loss.

>> No.8709599

My gf is about to leave me, so i guess there goes my plan of getting rid of my alcoholism
I miss the days when I could spend my (little) extra money on videogames instead of cheap vodka and beer
I really loved her lads, she was the only thing that made life bearable after I've lost my job and my friends, and now she's gone and once again it's just me and alcohol. At least I don't feel entirely alone as long as I have something to drink, hopefully I'll die before running out of money
Have a nice day lads

>> No.8709703

Wonder how many former posters from these threads have died without us knowing it.
I so, so want out. To be free. Physical dependence is a seemingly near-impossible barrier.

>> No.8709789

>Get horny
>Want to call up some prostitute to have sex and lose my virginity
>Sometimes even go far enough to check the forums about good numbers
>At some point realize how fucking shit it is
>But can't fap because I live with a roommate (1 room apartment)

How the fuck do I remove the 'getting horny' ailment when I'm drinking 'alcohol'?

>> No.8709794

How can you say you're never hungover when you've only been drunk once?

>> No.8709807

Drink more. Voila, sex drive is kil. You could also try chemical castration with something like heroin or seroxat.
Hookers aren't ALL shit btw. Get a young, nervous one and just do whatever you want to her. Pretend that you thought it would be okay. Politely apologise and look surprised, then proceed to shit in her mouth or whatever disgusting other shit you want. Oh and chuck her a tip of like 20 afterwards so she believes you were sincere.
Having said all that, I really can't be bothered with hookers or sex at all for that matter, but are used to fuck them quite frequently when I was younger.

>> No.8709817


I'm a schizoid, I don't want to talk to people irl at all, (separate from autistic shits I CAN actually communicate irl), but whenever I get drunk and horny I want to have sex, usually I just fap to get rid of the feeling, what usually takes me away from actually doing it is the price, since I don't have a lot of disposable income.
Well I do, but if I want to keep drinking daily then I can't go to a hooker and pay 40 euros for 30 minutes of sex to a fairly attractive female.

>> No.8709835

>Pretend you thought it would be okay.
Does that actually work?

>> No.8709840

You sound like a shit human being

>> No.8709841

Never failed for me.

>> No.8709845

Maybe I'll give it a shot if I have any cash to spare, thanks for the advice.

>> No.8709857


I'm not, I'm actually very kind in person, I just don't want to interact with people in real life, it's not that I hate doing it, I just don't want to do it. Can you imagine yourself not wanting to do something? It's not that you hate it, you just don't want to do it.
You could do it, in fact you would be pretty good at it, but you just don't feel the need to do it.
I don't understand how that makes me a shitty person

>> No.8709904

Iktf, sometimes I'm about to puke and I start thinking "Nope, not tonight, not gonna happen. I'm not going to lose it." And then I fucking struggle to stifle it for like 20 minutes. It sucks but I've gotten better at it.

>> No.8709932

Lol tell that to the nervous young prostitute who probably doesn't want you shitting in her mouth

>> No.8709937

I feel Iike you lost track of the reply chain.

>> No.8709948


Why would I shit in a hooker's mouth?
If anything, it would cost extra, and I don't want to pay extra

>> No.8709985

i wish i was married

>> No.8710017

How fuckin drunk are you right now dude?

>> No.8710042


I am expecting a reply.

>> No.8710044

It's okay bro, I'll fuck you. I don't care if you're rich. We'll figure out a way to make it work in this crazy world.

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try.

Also alcohol.

Just the three of us. We can achieve mediocrity if we try.

>> No.8710053

Spend a few weeks toying with laxatives and massive burritos or your choice of food to figure out your limits in terms of holding in shit. Pay the base price for her to tongue your asshole, just make sure she doesn't have the herps. While she's doing it, shit in her mouth.

You're already doing something illegal by having a prostitute, depending on where you live. Shitting in her mouth against her will isn't going to change the crime. Your biggest hassle would be dealing with an angry pimp, which can be avoided if you don't do it locally.

>> No.8710076

>You're already doing something illegal by having a prostitute

I live in the Baltics, prostitution is legal here.
If I shit in her mouth she may or may not call her pimp if she has one who will beat me up so bad I will have a near death experience.

I still don't understand what the hell you're talking about though, where did you even get the shitting in mouths part is that your fetish escaping into your posts?

>> No.8710092

I'm just giving you an option bro. I misread the post. Don't shit in someone's mouth in the Baltics.

>> No.8710109


I think you are extremely confused

>> No.8710208

Thread made me lol so much harder than any alchie thread should. I'm proud of you, al/ck/.

>> No.8710230
File: 445 KB, 1000x705, neatwhisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we drink our whisk(e)y, /ck/?

I drink it neat if it's good or if I haven't had it before. With water if I am still evaluating it, or if it's just a bottle of cheap bourbon I'm keeping around for every day drinking.

>> No.8710238

I love me it straight, even when it's rotgut. I can't drink it straight at the moment because ulcer. I shouldn't be drinking at all though.

>> No.8710239


It's not actually all that fun once you're full alki. If you can go without, do so. Try weed or just drink some coffee or something instead to stave off the craving to be drunk.

>> No.8710247


Oh my god anons would be into 4loko.

Try one. They're horribly sweet, but yes you can get fucked up on them.

IMO the sugar makes them intolerable and worsens the hangover.

You might try doing what I did. I got away from sugary drinks by learning to like beer, then whiskey, then vodka sodas and dry red wine. Ween yourself of sugar and that's one more way you'll keep alcohol from killing you.

>> No.8710288

I have been smoking weed habitually

>> No.8710301

everything hurts

>> No.8710421
File: 197 KB, 820x625, c046d10c_f968_4e43_ae68_e6fcddc6b28b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I did pees into my butthold wtf am I doin

>> No.8710655

getting drunk on white wine tonight, it's pretty good, it's like drinking furit juice and this makes me feel less guilty about it

>> No.8710775

Delirium-esque? Lovecraftian?

Try Amazon, or amazon pantry.

Put 50cents in a jar everyday. In 3 months you won't be a virgin.
How many beers is 40 eurobucks?

>> No.8710790


I don't want to lose my virginity, but I always get horny when I'm drinking and get stupid ideas

>> No.8710811

Long island iced teas. I use Cointreau, Olmeca Altos Plata tequila, Captain Morgan white rum, Russian Standard vodka, Bombay London gin, PLJ lemon juice and classic (glass bottle, cane sugar) coke.

Also, at variance with the IBA recipie, I use half the normal amount of syrup. An additional modification to give it some more bite while keeping it pleasant is adding 25% more tequila & rum and 25% less gin & vodka.

>> No.8710824

Well, just fap then. Have you tried telling your roomate to fuck off for X minutes because you want to fap? He might be understanding.

>> No.8710836


I do fap and then I completely lose any and all intentions of wanting to have sex.
(I usually just fap when he's confirmed to be gone for many hours or during the night when he's sleeping)

>> No.8710960

My girlfriend of five years just announced she was moving out today. I'm not an alcoholic, but it runs in my family. I have avoided drinking for the most part so I don't end up dead in a bath tub like my cousin. I have used drinking as a last resort anxiety/stress relief in the past. I am at peace with a favorable or unfavorable decision. Just need to get the fingers out of my brain.
Best drink for this situation? I'd like to attend my 9:30AM class tomorrow. Also, $20 budget.
Bonus round: if she breaks up with me tonight I'll need to be drunk each night for the rest of the week. Should I get a goon bag?
I'll know in about five hours. I'll post what I bought at that time.
Cheers boys.

>> No.8710975

Best drink for loneliness, sadness, wanting to die and insanity stemming from lack of human contact is Natural Ice 40 oz. You can afford 8.

>> No.8710989

Decent, I haven't had a 40 ounce since high school. Thank you for the recommendation

>> No.8710994

I would be surprised if you could get drunk all week without already being a heavy drinker

>> No.8711000

I only say this specifically because the glass 40s in the brown bottles are doing fucking great this year with less than 1% skunks. Buy one, not 8, drink it and go back to the store to decide. They really are pretty good this year, but I smoke a fucking ton of little cigars so take it with salt and try one before buying 8.
160 oz of thag and 30 little cigars a day is probably my favorite way to spend every single day.

>> No.8711002

go to a state-funded alcohol detox. texas pays for it if you live here. just call around and find the right agency.

once you get over the physical dependency its much easier to manage. i have been going strong about 2 months since detox having 1 or 2 at most beers per day. just enough to take the cravings away.

other option: google HAMS. teaches how to taper off using beer. you can get down to a very low level of alcohol use in a matter of days with little withdrawal symptoms

>> No.8711099

or you could just not be a bitch and hit withdrawal it's fine, drink the fucking water like it's booze or it's not fine.

>> No.8711156

Not the guy you're responding to, but I suggest you calm down, by stealing another 500ml of root beer from your parents.
Withdrawal is vile and you seem to be just trying to... i don't actually even know.

>> No.8711167
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>> No.8711177
File: 8 KB, 216x234, feelsbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had 12 beers, bottle of wine, and a bit of rum last night.
Barely got a buzz

>> No.8711189
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drinking keeps inflammation down for me, when I dont my whole digestive tract is fucked, help

>> No.8711219

i need to stop googling every little pain that pops up in my abdominal area because the first result is always something like IT COULD BE CANCER OR LIVER FAILURE!!!!!!
freaks me out

>> No.8711257

>I'm pretty sure I did pees into my butthold wtf am I doin
what did he mean by this

>> No.8711264
File: 358 KB, 535x526, 1410845438319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one where i went to a halloween party when i was 20. blacked out, ended up making out with the hosts mom, she was 60 lol.

another time at a bar, blacked out again, start ranting to random dudebros about how bush knocked down the towers and reptilians rule the world. keep drinking. start threatening bargoers with death as they go to their cars. end up hopping and laying on the hood of a random car. the people inside want to kick my ass. 2 of the biggest friends i have save the day.

went to a party, blacked out was grabbing every hot girls ass that was in my sight
>pic related mfw

went to a concert/show, blacked out, fall so much in the mosh no one helps me up anymore and another guy wants to fight me

have more and they were all embarrassing, some more than others. but i can have a laugh about it now

>> No.8711296

>drinking keeps inflammation down for me
you wish

>> No.8711303

it keeps away anxiety and auto immune problems

>> No.8711310

Evan Williams cured my AIDS

>> No.8711319

started drinking vodka chased with oj at around noon, ran out of oj and started chasing with water, passed out around 5 and just woke up at around 8, ate some canned ravioli now i just cracked a beer and poured a shot to chase with beer. all normal shit

>> No.8711350

>Doing sudokus again
don't do it, you have so much to live for

>> No.8711359


You'll be glad to hear I have woken up and I am indeed both drinking and doing sudokus again

>> No.8711503

Every night of the week? I'll be working all day. I'd rather be drunk and alone then just alone at night.

>> No.8711539

I'm durnk and i Took about 6 pills or I don't know, 450g approx f of methylpehnidate

I wonderw what will happen

>> No.8711679

how do i know if i pulled a muscle in my right side or have liver inflammation

>> No.8711682

I've only recently started clicking these threads even though I've seen them on /ck a million times before. I'm not sure what made me click and realize I'm addicted. My drinking habits haven't changed necessarily, but the circumstances around them have. For example, I lost all my best friends due to finding out my best friend did some fucked up shit ( he molested a kid) and then our whole group fell apart. I now have a lovely gf but she's a few years older than me and has lost the desire to drink or go out at all when that's how we met and had the most fun together.

Idk if I'm making up excuses or not, but drinking is the only thing that gets me through feeling alone. It sucks and I want to find another outlet.

>> No.8711946


>> No.8711972


>Said every alchoholic everywhere...daily...

>> No.8711977

6 weeks sober boys: gonna go 6 more weeks.

not sure how hard i'm gonna hit it after the big 90, but i'm really fucking tired of attending AA meetings to keep me out of jail.

what should my return trip drink be?

>> No.8711987

mike's hard lemonade

>> No.8711990

budweiser from a can

>> No.8711995

It's just a fart.

Have you considered medical cannabis/hemp? Stuff legal in USA/EU/UK don't make you high (except in some states), but that's not what you're looking for.
Search CBD or cannabidiol.

Have you considered medically assisted suicide?
It sounds like you are ageing Anon. It's an incurable lethal condition, you got it since birth.
Seriously though, people usually stop drinking so much as they age, they do other stuff as they party. It's weird. Worst part is when you start hating music kids listen to these days.
But remember, your gf is not ageing faster than you are.
So you can now choose a path of average happiness, or one of suffering and pain. The fun part of your life is over, sorry.

>> No.8712012

I only say that like once a week.

>> No.8712013


I was drinking 12 of those every 2 nights for about 4 months straight, sometimes with a half pint of spirit. Even after 6 weeks I wake up dehydrated and constipated, and my body is usually quite sore.


this sounds pretty refreshing actually. I used to drink a fuckload of twisted tea

>> No.8712018
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Due to unforeseen circumstances I have been sober since Friday.
I always knew I was addicted but I never have any problems going a few days sober. But as we approach day 4 I'm starting to feel pissed off at everything. Luckily still no shakes or pink elephants, but I'm not gonna let it get that far.
I just gotta make it through another 12 hour day at work tomorrow and then I have the next few days off, which will be spent on a bender.
Addiction sure does suck but hey, I got friends who've came out of jail and go right back to dope so I'm not gonna complain too much about being employed and a little irritable.

>> No.8712150

That's great man keep it up!

>> No.8712352

I ended up getting a six pack. Went to the grocery store to get some food and bought some booze while I was there. Pavilions doesn't sell 40s. Had to get home so I could talk to her while she picked up her bags. Smoking a little cigar in my car, three beers in with a nice buzz.

>> No.8712361

i'm not really drinking much these days, but I'll be working at an awesome local brewery soon.

>> No.8712362

My friend's dad smoked wranglers because they were the cheapest smokeable tobacco you could buy. I'm smoking piña colada cigarillos right now, they're from Holland. Pretty good, but they don't taste like piña coladas.

>> No.8712391

anyone know beers similar to asahi? i really like it but it takes an hour round trip to get it. too lazy to try a bunch and stomach stuff I end up disliking

>> No.8712406

I told myself if I wanted to lose weight all I had to do is stop drinking. 1 bottle of wine and a really shitty bourbon and some melatonin later I'm back to square one. At least I ran this morning.

It's not going to stop until I hit rock bottom is it?

>> No.8712407

ohhh man i miss draft asahi now

>> No.8712412

Don't. Think of the reasons you stopped. Alchie won't make you feel better after about 8 hours anyway. Why throw away 4 months for 8 hours?

>> No.8712414


I'm in the same boat. I just think of how little effect it has after a 8 beers and how miserable i was when i was drinking.

I miss the taste though :(

>> No.8712418

4-5 months when I knew that if I didn't get sober, I'd be stuck in my hometown for the rest of my life. Little 1 month periods in between, but I've always been happier when I've been drinking.

>> No.8712427

Two of my mom's nursing friends came over to study with her, and I was mixing drinks while I was blackout drunk. I guess I really hit it off with both of them, talked about romance, said goodnight, went to the downstairs bathroom/shower to vomit in it and take a shower in full clothes.

>> No.8712432
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>> No.8712507
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Old Crow Reserve. Like 86 proof, I've never vomited so much black shit up in my life but it sure is good for a bender

PS: buy like three before you start so you don't total a car trying to get more like the pros do

>> No.8712509

fatty liver is probably what you're getting and it feels more like pressure.

>> No.8712555


When I was really bad I drank a lot of Kentucky Deluxe, because a pint of it was like 3.50

Kraken rum fucked me up a couple times too.

I recall being really drunk in an old apartment, sucking air into my stomach and belching it out to make the loudest burps I could (completely alone btw). Doing that made me projectile vomit a 6 foot long rope of black shit all over this new carpet. Moved out of the apartment a few weeks later.

>> No.8712838

>Waking up super dehydrated

>> No.8712855

parents finally caught my drinking problem after 5 yrs.

had a big argument with them, prob should go sober

goodbye alc anons

>> No.8712899
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Bought some of this as a novelty but it's actually serviceable as something to sip neat

>> No.8712924

green text anon, for old times sake

>> No.8712932
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>> No.8712934
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Me being a basic faggot I enjoy...Cuba Libre.
Usually drink allot of Captain Morgan (In my country its basically a rich man's drink but in the United States its the opposite.)

>> No.8712943


>started 2012 graduated college
>depressed,no job. NEET for 1.5 yrs start to drink the cheap vodka
>finally get job
>get laid off 6 months ago, drinking levels spike once again
>one day, mom goes though my closet
>ANON why do you have so many bottles in here

>big argument, life choices, future ..etc

>> No.8712957

Ah, you always gotta dispose of the evidence anon.

>> No.8712986

true, in hindsight should of just stuck to the portable small bottles

kept not wanting to make too many trips to the store tho

regret now tho, this prob be an issue for a long while

>> No.8712997

>true desperation
>ask brother "can I stay at your place for a couple of weeks? I need you to hide the keys, keep me locked inside and not let me get any more booze"
>"idiot, well okay I suppose, if you must"
>he goes to work daily
>day 1 - jump out of a window. Become drunk.
>day 2 find a supermarket which delivers. Handed to me through window. Become drunk.
>day 3 as above but with a takeaway.
>day 4 (now) - ah, he has (well, had) some aftershave. Plotting further sources
Someone please just put me out of my misery.

>> No.8713010

try to taper off anon, i believe in u

>> No.8713016

Tried it so, so many times, bro :(
Thank you though. Still trying, the withdrawals just fucking destroy me.
Good luck with your own plight.

>> No.8713045

Nail your windows shut. You could actually die from withdrawals though.

>> No.8713060

Is there a drink I can put on the rocks and just take swigs of it over like 20 minutes and still get drunk? Like, any that taste good? That I don't have to mix with something else to become drinkable?

>> No.8713089

Sometimes people can't use things like hospitals due to, say, outstanding warrants.
Brb nails for my bros window. And my coffin. Fuck it all.

>> No.8713225

>Feeling super sleepy but you slept for shit long time

>> No.8713299

>Drinking and doing sudokus again

>> No.8713418

>wake up late
>feel like shit all day
>"gonna have just a coupledrinks and go to bed early this time"
>evening comes
>feel a little better
>three drinks in
>get blasted
>pass out around 4am
>wake up late

>> No.8713497

What the fuck am I doing with my life

>> No.8713513

if you can hang three days and keep water and honey down you are through the worst of it. I've suffered that shit so many times. stay in bed, put pillows everywhere around you and don't sleep on your back. try to read a book or look at fat womens butts on the internet to pass time. end of withdrawal faps are literally the best.

>> No.8713661

I think I did it. Was maybe 4 weeks drunk in total this year so far... now I can drink an evening socially and go back to be a sorry sober man for the rest of the week.
Already planning a couple of days of binging for easter when the girl is visiting her family as a reward for not drinking until then. Probably a bad idea. Probably not. God I'm bored.

>> No.8713790

By the time this thread is gone, I'll be living in a tent, in my brothers garden, handcuffed to some railings. It's the only thing I think I could securely attach myself to. A radiator or a toilet; the only other things I could think of; on day 2/3 id simply fucking tear out.


Or die trying.

Godspeed, gentlemen.
'Smirnoff guy' out. Wheee camping trip.

>> No.8713793

good luck brother

>> No.8714033

Godspeed Smirnoff bro

>> No.8714320

Good luck bro. Be strong.
You beat your record of sobriety last month, you can beat it again this time.

>> No.8714945
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did y'all's knows that the bottle in the image is early times bourbon

>> No.8714958

I was in Miami drinking until 5AM last Wed.

I must have smoked 20 cigarettes and woke up still drunk since I was pounding beer until 5:00 exactly.