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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8689202 No.8689202 [Reply] [Original]

Pic very related.
Trash tier.

>> No.8689205

theyre good if theyre fresh

>> No.8689206

hash browns are good but overpriced for what's essentially one big french fry

>> No.8689219

That is the most delicious brown kys

>> No.8689227

>reformed starchy carbohydrate
Americans love 'em!

>> No.8689231

Those used to be good like 20 years ago now they always seem undercooked and just all around shitty.

>> No.8689275

McDonalds went shit when they stopped using beef tallow to deep fry shit

>> No.8689307

The one i got about 20 minutes ago was great. The woman even warned me it just came out and was very hot. Mcdonalds food is pretty good if you can find a location that isnt staffed by retards

>> No.8689321
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1489098572698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically if the staff is white?

>>>/pol/ etc

>> No.8689331

This is true for pretty much all fast food places. I'll take any fast food with good staff and service over a Wendy's (my favorite) with a shitty staff.

>> No.8691181

20 years ago it was made by a white guy who could feed at least a wife on the salary without getting in line for other people's money.
I'm genuinely sorry to be edgy. I know too many McDonalds workers who think they deserve better.

>> No.8691191

So the early 90s?

>> No.8691214

Fish roe and caviar. Overrated water balls with icky fish smell. Makes me puke.

>> No.8691276

Dunno where you live but here a hash brown at Mcdonalds is like 90 cents

>> No.8691279

They make me need to shit almost immediately

>> No.8691280

know how I know you werent alive in 1997?

>> No.8691314

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8691319
File: 16 KB, 473x500, 55FADCAA-52B9-49F3-BBEA-73077BEDCFA3-6116-000008ADBD96B2C5_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh mate

>> No.8691326


>> No.8691331

87, nice try