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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8681478 No.8681478 [Reply] [Original]

Who here has a legitimate food disorder ? My anorexia is becoming crippling again. I don't know how to get out of this hole.

>> No.8681505

Are you a girl?

>> No.8681508
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I have baconfelia, I just can't get my mind off the stuff! It's always bacon on the mind, bacon bacon bacon

>> No.8681513

Spicy food give me hiccups, pretty sure that's got to be a disease of some sort.

>> No.8681517

Well don't eat anything and die then. Idiotic meme 'illness'

>> No.8681522

Anorexia is a lifestyle choice, not a "disease".

>> No.8681530

Thank you for your input, Billy.
What the fuck am i actually reading.

>> No.8681532

I've never had anorexia, however I was moving towards it for a few months (excessive calorie counting, skipping meals, underweight)

I don't know how you can get over it but I escaped it through sports. The knowledge that I've burned a lot of calories doing track practice reminds me of my need to eat and helps me feel less uncomfortable with food.

I still fret about how much I eat and calorie count at times, but I no longer use a scale and feel like skipping meals. But I am much better now.

I can only imagine how much worse you have it anon.

>> No.8681537
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>food disorder

fake """""illness"""" made up by women

>> No.8681545

I have GERD. Its made me hate people who use the term heartburn so lightly.
Acid reflux has put me in hospitals and countless panic attacks.

>> No.8681547

It's a slippery slope.

For me it's that i feel culpability when i eat. I feel like i eat always the same thing and that i can't cook for shit. I feel that the food i make, in a way, makes me sick (when it's not really the case, dietary wise it's okay, and nothing is processed it's just extremely plain). I feel that the food i make isn't good enough to cover my needs.

So when i make food i feel like shit because i feel guilty about it. And when i feel like shit about what i ate i become progressively anxious and nauseous, and the loop of psychical and physical starts looping.

So i end up not eating, or doing a meal composed of toasted bread, an apple and a yogourt. Things like that. But even then i don't feel good since i know damn well that i'm hurting myself skipping meals like that. So whatever i do i feel trapped.

>> No.8681549

I have McDonalds fever! At only $1.29, I'm addicted to the McChicken.

>> No.8681553

for me, it's the mcchicken

>> No.8681554


Nah Annorexia is legit, male models do it too

Bulimia is made up, it's just failing at annorexia

>> No.8681559
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You're a moron, I'm not OP but it's about as "fake" as body dismorphic disorder, autism, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, or any other disorder brought about by mental illness

That's not to say that just like any of these there aren't cases of fakers or people who just exaggerate, but to say it literally doesn't exist, or imply that mental illness itself doesn't exist, is fucking retarded and proof that you're probably some redneck dropout who doesn't understand how psychology works

>> No.8681565

>that you're probably some redneck dropout who doesn't understand how psychology works

They mostly are. Hence why you should ignore them.

>> No.8681567

>imply that mental illness itself doesn't exist
This. I agree

>> No.8681570

mental illness is for the weak and retards who drink whole milk

>> No.8681576

>body dismorphic disorder
Hot girls fishing for compliments
Little Johnny likes trains a little too much, get him on meds now
Self-centred attention seeking
I'm not an irrational, attention seeking slut, it's an illness!
Made up science about as credible as lamarckism

>> No.8681581

It's a different disorder... the act of binge eat and purging is obviously different from strict food deprivation. Both are obsessions with their own unique rituals. Former anorexic and bulemic male. Shit sucked

>> No.8681583

Some retard on the internet with nothing better to do than pretend to be too stupid to function.

>> No.8681614


No it's not, you're just an annorexic with no willpower, if you had willpower you would not binge failing at your annorexia and then leading to feeling guilty about it forcing you to purge your shame and failure

You are a failed anorexic and that's it

>> No.8681626
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>> No.8681629
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I see the problem now. Your dismissal of autism as being normal and everything else being a female centric issue makes it obvious.

You're an autist with severe women hating issues because you're a virgin with rage

>> No.8681636

lol you're a faggot, mental illness is a meme. doctor said i had personality disorder but i dont believe in jewish pseudo-science.

>> No.8681641

I don't really have any awful food disorders.
But I'm fat, a meme American.

>> No.8681659
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Fight the good fight! I just hope you don't live in Virginia cause then you'll never find a sweetheart from the ground up

>> No.8681667
File: 139 KB, 228x260, IMG_2312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Former anorexic and bulemic male
King cuck gtfo

>> No.8681669

>having sonic cartoons saved on your computer

>> No.8681675
File: 110 KB, 525x677, sanicnotpleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a newfag
Fuck off to Reddit

>> No.8681682

>Having multiple sonic cartoon saved on his computer
Go take your autism pills

>> No.8681692

I look chubby but I'm underweight. I have huge difficulty with both overeating and undereating. I don't m ow precisely what's wrong with my body and attitude to food, but I know the only thing that's going to fix it is intense exercise on a regular basis.

>> No.8681722
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>> No.8681754
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>> No.8681780

>food disorder
>Anorexia is a lifestyle choice, not a "disease".

Technically it would be an eating disorder. Food disorder would be an allergy and lifestyle choice would be vegetarianism.

>> No.8681791

"Skinnyfat" is one of the most unhealthy body weights.

>> No.8681799

Is it just me or are his nipples about 3 inches too low on his chest? What's going on here?

>> No.8682093

>t. Feminist dyke

>> No.8682123
File: 56 KB, 410x594, 138113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pic of me faggot. Show a pic of you, fatass neckbeard.

>> No.8682133
File: 10 KB, 329x329, 13873014_303199086692476_1033340223406490775_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. You might want watch yourself m8.

>> No.8682194

Post your emaciated feet

>> No.8682206

How did your friend play one armed drums?

>> No.8682639

I've had an eating disorder for the past year. IT developed from my body dysmorphia disorder. I've always loved eating, but I began restricting my diet and reading all sorts of nutrition and counting calories and only eating after I've walked x amount or whatever. I went to the doctor for the first time in my life in September, and by February I learned my BMI was at 14.4 and they wanted to rush me into some 12 week inpatient program. I started some anti-depression/anxiety medication a couple months ago though, and it's making me worry less about food. I promised the doctors I'd try to eat more, and so over the past week I've really been overeating and it's been pretty fucking nice honestly. It's such a relief. There are so many foods I thought I wasn't deserving of and conceded that I would just never eat them again in my life. But the other day, I ate a piece of toast and it was fucking awesome. I forgot how good toast is. I've started gaining some weight and have began really struggling again with how I look, but the medication is helping. And the toast.

>> No.8683361

>spot the alcoholic redneck who's never traveled, done drugs or anything remotely fun
You still live in the town you were born, Cletus?

>> No.8683471
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Really good thread overall try remaking when its deleted and dont reply to people shitposting.

UC for five years, when flared constant bloating and massive discomfort. Usually lose about twenty pounds during. Very frustrating not being able to eat onions, garlic, spices, dairy.... so on.

>> No.8683485

I do. I starve myself for days at a time. Haven't eaten since saturday morning

>> No.8683491

Thumbnail looked like bulimia.

>> No.8683708

Gastrophresis count?

>> No.8683841

it looks like she's vomiting bloody noodles ._.

>> No.8683845

I've long thought that people with eating disorders should get really, really, really high.

You'll want food.

>> No.8683857

I'm eating junk to cover my rotten soul.

My eating habits are shitty anyway. I've been living on crappy government handout food for years, and I only buy junk every few days, like candy and biscuits to binge on. Then I might spend a couple days eating next to nothing out of lazyness.

>> No.8684693

I also undereat after overeating

>> No.8684823

Oh, buddy. Where do you think we are?

>> No.8684879

overeating and undereating might be why you have you have constipation

>> No.8685899

I'm not that guy but this might just be the most pathetic post I've ever read.

>> No.8685905

The only reason you're "mentally ill" is because you believe you are.

>> No.8686135

Sad post lad