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8679589 No.8679589 [Reply] [Original]

I've always seen in American television people eating this but never tried it.

If everyone eats it, it is because it must be great, that's what I said to me. But god I was wrong, very wrong

How can you eat this Americans? I just don't get it. Also, how can I eat it so it doesn't so shitty? I bought a full jar and I don't like to throw away food.

>> No.8679595

Spread it on toast, a cracker, or make a sandwich with it along with jelly. I personally don't like it that much.
Oh and dipping apple slices in it is supposed to be really good too.

>> No.8679596

What did you eat it with?

Also people in southeast Asia eat something similar to peanut butter.

>> No.8679602

You're just a third world subhuman piece of shit whose tastebuds have been demolished due to eating clay and mud cakes his entire life

That's all it is really

>> No.8679601

did you buy one with added sugar?

>> No.8679604

If you've never tasted a salted peanut in your country then whatever you bought is most likely not peanut butter, because those should be the only two ingredients.

>> No.8679605

what shitty country do you come from if you don't have peanut butter?

I've been to several EU countries and they all had peanut butter

>> No.8679606

it's like people have different opinions about things or something

that being said, what brand did you get? jarred peanut butter ranges from having just peanuts to peanuts, salt, oil, sugar, etc etc etc.

you can look up recipes that call for peanut butter, I quite like making thai peanut sauces personally.

but I think you're trying to rustle people's jimmies so you probably haven't even considered that.

>> No.8679611

It isn't great but it's not just north americans who eat it, australians do to.
Maybe you've only tried shit quality peanut butter?
Do you even like peanuts?

>> No.8679621

just throw out that garbage and get almond butter, its so good that u can even just eat it by itself

>> No.8679624

Just bread

I don't think so

>what brand did you get?

>Do you even like peanuts?
Yeah, but apparently not in form of cream.

>> No.8679634
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Add a bit of honey to some of it with some bread.

>too sweet
>too salty
what the fuck are you all eating? Post them.

>> No.8679641

read the ingredients to skippy
that shit has a lot of added bullshit
I usually get smuckers, it's just peanuts and salt.

it's also wicked easy to just make your own assuming you have a food processor.

>> No.8679650

smuckers natural that is

>> No.8679669

OP, you ate shit peanut butter. Try organic butter without sugar next time.

>> No.8679788

If the peanut butter you but has ingredients other than peanuts and salt, you done fucked up.

>> No.8680965

the fucking oil on the hipster butter looks nasty

>> No.8680978

Mix it? That's what you're supposed to do.

>> No.8680987

stir it, turbotard

>> No.8681008

Skippy and jif have the best taste though. They also have trans fats but if he didn't like those, then he's not gonna like organic.

>> No.8681046

Skippy is a garbage brand of peanut butter.

>> No.8681087

Dude im not even American and i eat that shit by the buckets, i think youll get used to it if you keep eating it.

>> No.8681104

I used to love it with chocolate spread as a kid, preferably not Nutella.

>> No.8681105
File: 43 KB, 900x675, 1505w-celery-peanut-butter-getty[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on celery for the culinary patrician

>> No.8681115
File: 260 KB, 897x1500, 81NNv1j76cL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the nature of peanut, faggot. Either pour it off or stir it back in and then put in the refridgerator for storage.

Nonsense, I ate conventional peanut butter for most of my life before discovering the natural kind, and it has a much smoother and cleaner taste that transfers flavors better.

>> No.8681124
File: 48 KB, 439x412, 1450145095316214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pour it off
what the fuck am i reading? nigger your peanut butt is gonna be dry as FUCK if you don't mix in the oil

>> No.8681138

My fuckin nigga that's the same peanut butter I've been eating since a kid. Thanks based mom

>> No.8681149
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There's still plenty of fat suspended in the peanut solids, just like how there's still fatty parts of bacon left after you render them in a fry pan. It'll take a heck of lot more than pouring off a few grams of separated oil from a 1-2lbs jar to turn it dry.

>> No.8681161

do you also throw away the cream on top at the top of the yogurt? cause that's kind of bitch move a faggot like you would do

>> No.8681171

>nigger please oil your butt

calm down, hypercuck

>> No.8681179

You don't refrigerate peanut butter, fool. And jif objectively tastes better than organic.

>> No.8681190

>You don't refrigerate peanut butter

It's not needed to prevent perishing, sure. But if you have the natural kind then refrigerating it will stop the oil separating (if you care about that).

>>And jif objectively tastes better than organic.
Well sure, it has added sugar and salt.

>> No.8681213

Peanut butter is GOAT. You're probably a faggot.

>> No.8681336

>throwing away cream is like draining off peanut oil
>also i'm a retarded fucking faggot
>that's kind of bitch move


>> No.8682058

I lived in Australia for some years and always loved some good crunchy peanut butter. Then I moved to Europe, and discovered they make peanut butter WITHOUT REMOVING THE RED SKINS. Holy fuck, the tastiness jumped up rungs, friends. Get involved with that.

>> No.8682798

you should refrigerate natural peanut butter if you are not going to eat it all in less than a week.

>> No.8682809
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What? I've left mine out for almost a year and it still tastes the same.

>eating a whole jar of peanut butter in a week.

>> No.8682842

Spread it on bread. Broil until it's bubbling up and getting dark spots. Drown in syrup. Traditional American firehouse meal.

>> No.8682907

Unsalted peanut butter is flavorless shit. You probably got unsalted OP.

>> No.8682938

That's not very hard to do if you're buying the human sized jars. I can put it away in 3 days. It's only like 6 open faced sandwiches

>> No.8684749

Maybe it's a regional taste thing? Like I'm an amerifat and I love peanut butter, but am not huge on Marmite or Vegemite which are hugely popular in the UK and Australia respectively.

>> No.8684898

>It's only like 6 open faced sandwiches


>> No.8685369

Growing up my parents had the same jar of peanut butter in the fridge for 10 years. I despised it on sandwiches but every 6-8 months I would eat a spoon. It's tasty enough on it's own, and the older me would now add it to savory dishes.

Also it never goes old. Some oil might collect at the top but it was still good. I never did finish that old jar of jif...

>> No.8685376


>> No.8685446

Where is the ants....

>> No.8685466

Haven't seen this pasta in a couple years lol

>> No.8685475

Black ppl invented pb. Based black! Black ppl also invent 'based' double based black!!!

>> No.8685507

Almond tastes alright but almond skins are like tree-bark and is awful blended into a paste.
Cashew butter is pretty good though but peanut butter still the best.

>> No.8685525

>just bread
Found your problem.
Try bread, peanut butter, and either
>sliced bananas
>marshmallow fluff
Also try peanut butter on celery sticks.

>> No.8685528

/fit/ here
It's good for bulking, smear it on some whole grain pita and you got the start to some pretty based macros.

>> No.8685814

I dunno, its already pretty dry when you reach the bottom of a jar. Thats without pouring oil off

>> No.8685851

It's peanuts and salt. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8685863


Many, if not most, brands put a lot more shit in there than just peanuts and salt.

The taste can vary greatly between brands as well. I used to buy Jif, which was the brand I grew up with. Once I ran out of Jif so I used some of my roommate's peter pan instead. I found it vile and nearly inedible.

>> No.8686384

>buying peanut butter
why not buy the peanuts and crush them yourself? serious question

>> No.8686389

Why not make literally everything from scratch? Cause it saves effort!

>> No.8686404


Sure, if you're talking about something that takes a lot of effort I can see that. But peanut butter? That's amazingly easy. Put peanuts in your food processor or a good blender. Run it until you get your desired texture of peanut butter. It's amazingly simple and you end up with a cheaper, higher-quality product that's made to the exact texture you want.

My local supermarket has a machine with a hopper of peanuts in the top. You put a container under the spout and press a button to dispense as much freshly-ground peanut butter as you want. It's also very inexpensive.

>> No.8686518

I thought it was a joke too, but they really do eat crushed peanuts with fruit jam.

>> No.8686525

You know what's even easier than that? Opening a jar of peanut butter.

>> No.8686628


Sure. But the difference in "easy" is very insignificant. OTOH, the difference in quality is major. You have to be one sad lazy fuck to buy it pre-made when you can have much better PB with a tiny amount of effort.

>> No.8686719

Thai and Dutch people love it.

>> No.8686733

>an american insulting other people's taste

over peanut butter??? this is your hill to die on???

>> No.8687205

People don't die on hills in the first world, Pajeet.

>> No.8687249

Fuck (((organic))) peanut butter. That watery stuff on the top is unnatural.

>> No.8688423

Right??? peanut butter is like safety food anyway, I keep it in house for quick snack in mornings when I dont have time for proper meal/when I feel like being a fatty and eating with spoon and sprinkling chocolate chips on top

>> No.8688438

Go ahead pal.

>> No.8689947

skippy is fucking god tier how do you not like it?

>> No.8689990
File: 77 KB, 1068x781, d4e03f00-cd16-40b6-9129-ba6e44d42686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same jar of peanut butter
>10 years
You might want to get your liver checked and set up regular cancer screenings.