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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8679518 No.8679518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, tonight is my last night as a free man for the next two years. Tomorrow afternoon I will be required to show up at the Culberson County, TX sheriff's office, at which point I will be transferred into the custody of the El Paso correctional department, to spend two years in prison. I told my friends, family, and girlfriend that I would be leaving today, so that I could spend today alone doing things I want for a minute before having no alone time for two years.

So far that has entailed an early game of golf with my little brother (only one who knows that I'm still here), a breakfast of home fries, two eggs, toast, sausage, yogurt, strawberries, coffee, and OJ; a drive in the mountains; a nostalgia visit to the record shop I've been going to since middle school; a lunch of nuts, a turkey sandwich, carrots, and hummus; a trip through the art museum and the natural history museum; a dinner of twice-baked potato, salad, and pork chile verde; and now some whiskey, beer, and snacks, along with my favorite movie (In Bruges) and a pack of cheap cigs.

I don't plan on sleeping before my flight to Texas in the morning, and I want to spend the last of my free time with you lovely folks, who have provided me more conversation and laughs than most people I have met in my life. With that in mind, what would you eat if it were your last day of freedom? Would it look anything like mine?

Pic was going to be the makeshift poverty station where I will be spending my final hours of liberty, but since that exceeds file limit, here is my girls butt. xoxoxox

>> No.8679529 [DELETED] 

Just go get some pussy dude

>> No.8679532

Yeah, like ten hookers at once.

>> No.8679534

I'd gorge myself on a country meal for kings.

eggs on eggs, a nice helping of some taters, bacon and sausage, a country fried steak with biscuits and cream gravy smothered all over the steak and biscuits, then some french toast and a stack of flapjacks


>> No.8679536 [DELETED] 

Oh ho hoho... bless you my dear

>> No.8679538

Tossed salad, might as well get used to the taste knowwhatImsaying?

>> No.8679542

What are you getting put away for? This is a humbling post because /ck/ is also my favorite board. Commissary food isn't that great anon sorry, I spent time in the fed and the best thing I ever ate was pb and j and tuna fish sandwiches/ramen so thats what id recommend.

>> No.8679545

2 years, that sucks, shame you'll be leaving that ass behind for probably the last time

>> No.8679549

Wow. That's really sad, it would be hard for me to really enjoy those things with the anticipation of prison the next day. I hope you can make it out of there alright.

Why are you going to prison?

>> No.8679554

I knew a guy who just last week was supposed to show up to court, but now he's in the wind. All the pieces really fell into place, because I had been rerouting his mail for him since he could not collect it himself, but it started coming back, which I thought was odd, but it all made sense when he didn't appear to enter his plea. He got a good head start at least, something you've squandered, but you could always still go for it.

I wonder if he'll get away with it. I don't know if it'd be better than prison, but some people can live 50 years on the lam.

>> No.8679555

Hmm probably a bunch of pastries and ice cream. Though not really sure I'd be able to eat.

Got any other pics of your girl? How is she taking it?

>> No.8679560

we will be here waiting for you to come back. dont be worried about missing anything. we will still be talking about mcdonalds and beer when you come back. dont forget about us. and act with kindness while in prison/jail. dont let it get to you. just think of all the good times and yummy food you will be able to have when you are back here. we love you anon (unless it was a violent crime)

think my last meal would be shitty chinese food from the place in my home town. been going there for 20 years. its not the best around but its my fav

>> No.8679563

this desu

>> No.8679564
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Possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. I did have an unreasonable amount of cargo, but didn't have any intent to distribute. I got off lucky, though, considering that Texas' mandatory minimum sentencing laws could have gotten me 20 years were it not for me being a first offender and a white guy (not a dig at all, just that most of the drug crime in West Texas is cartel related so they hate Mexicans there).

Tell me about it. I already told her to move on, to avoid myself feeling bummed out when she inevitably moves on

>> No.8679565

are you going to jail for stupidity? you can resize images, and why type all that shit out by not say what you did, faggot?

>> No.8679566

this is the plot of orange is the new black

>> No.8679567

No visits?

I'm not familiar with the whole prison/jail system.

>> No.8679568


More pics of girlfriend?

Go have french onion soup with warm baguette bread, a nice medium rare beef fillet, garlic mashed potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, asparagus, pesto cream fettuccine and garlic bread. At least this would be my last meal.

>> No.8679570

I'm halfway to drunk, friend, how do I resize images on a profanity-filled? I'd love to share my present squalor with you

>> No.8679572

*on a phone

>> No.8679573
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why do people keep ruining their lives over this crap. not even tasty.

>> No.8679577

a burger and fries with a milkshake or two.

best of luck to you anon

>> No.8679579

You just randomly got pulled over or something? How did they catch you?

>> No.8679580
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I have visitation privileges, but we live in Colorado and I wouldn't ask anyone to suspend two years of their romantic life on my behalf.

And no, sadly, I don't have any more pics of her other than a couple candids. That butt shot is from a larger collection of images that I had on my old phone, only salvaged that one because she had re-sent it on FB messenger for reasons I can't remember

>> No.8679587

It is a trivial pleasure that only does harm if taken to excess (just like most things do when taken to excess)
Addiction is a stupid meme. "addicts" are people with broken personalities to begin with, no self control or forethought. They'd fuck their lives up just the same whether they had access to crack or not.

>> No.8679597

I agree that it was stupid, but in my 24 years drugs have never had a negative impact on my life (college grad, good career, good friends, happy relationship etc) before I got arrested for it. Seems like a problem that wouldn't have existed if people had a more reasonable view on personal liberties. But I did know the risk, and stupidly took it, so it is 100% my fault

I was pulled over for "speeding" although I had cruise control on. The arresting officers subsequently searched my car without permission, which apparently is fine in Texas if they are in a state of "heightened alert" for drug trafficking. Basically, don't go to Texas if you have Colorado plates

>> No.8679615
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Yeah, it was the plates that did you in.

>> No.8679630

>Basically, don't go to Texas if you have Colorado plates

and stay out.

>> No.8679633

Thanks anon, I hope you're here when I return!

>> No.8679642

Nobody wants to be in your shit state in the first place, but you take up such a large amount of space that you have to travel through it to get anywhere worth going. The only ones who live outside of the hill country are the ones that ran out of gas trying to leave

>> No.8679645

A-are you gonna get raped anon? Have you done any kind of butthole stretching exercises to prepare?

>> No.8679648

Did they have probable cause to search your car? Were you at all high or otherwise intoxicated, or did any smells come out of the vehicle? If you hid them well then they had no reason to search you regardless of the state you are in. But I digress, its obviously over and done with, but it sounds like they intimidated and tricked you into the search.

>> No.8679654

that is one delectable tush

>> No.8679658

Sounds like OP was trafficking drugs to or from Colorado.

>> No.8679662

enjoy jail, druggie.

>> No.8679665

Thanks man, it was a conquest well worth the effort. One of my biggest regrets about this whole thing is how I had to let her go for both our sake. Hopefully I'll still be able to get my dick sucked inside, but I guess 24 months isn't that long.

that's fake, mostly exaggerated stuff to scare people straight. I don't expect to have any non-consensual sex in the can -- uhh in prison that is.

>> No.8679668

>still hasn't learned his lesson.

It's funny, cause you said that it was your fault, but every other word you type is reasons why it isn't.

>before it ruined my life it had never ruined my life before


>> No.8679671

It was neither intimidation nor trickery, they just straight-up did it while I was handcuffed and standing by the side of the road. This was the entire basis of my defense--that the evidence was unlawfully obtained--but the judge pretty much laughed at that and said that the state of Texas defines "probable cause" post-facto. I'd take it to an appellate court if I had the money, but honestly I'm just ready to get done with it and move on. I'm lucky enough to own 49 percent of the business I work for, so even if I don't have a job when I get out I'll have the resources to get something going for myself

>> No.8679672

Even if he was, unless it was just in the back seat visible, they had no right to search him. This situation happened to a friend of mine, she wasn't speeding or anything, they just did a "routine stop" on the back country road to her house, where there are never any cops otherwise. She managed to get her sentence to 9 months but wound up leaving our home state to move to Colorado a year later. Southern states are complete shit.

>> No.8679673

Good bye

>> No.8679677

For the record, this faggot is not me

>> No.8679679

That is bullshit, man. I wish you the best during your time. Hope those faggot cops pull over a nigger and get shot.

>> No.8679682

Actually from what I know, cops don't need a a warrant to search your car right then and there.

Unless that law varies by state.

>> No.8679692

They generally do. It's in the 4th amendment. You can be frisked, but unless they state they have probable cause to search, all you have to say is, "Officer, I do not consent to the search. Am I under arrest?"

If you are not, they cannot push the issue further. In OP's case I guess they did already detain him for whatever, so they were by that allowed to search his belongings.

>> No.8679700

What I'm saying, pretty clearly, is that drugs themselves have never had a negative impact on my life. The "life-ruining" effects of them are because there are a lot of people who find it to serve the best interest of society to hand severe penalties to otherwise peaceful, law-abiding citizens who enjoy consuming drugs. I am no victim, nor have I tried to portray myself as such, but at no point in my long career of drug consumption has anything bad happened to me other than people getting pissed about the drugs themselves.

>> No.8679704

Try shooting heroin for a week and then tell me addiction is a meme.

>> No.8679714
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>other than the one law I broke, I'm a law abiding citizen

Yeesh, I don't care what you do personally, I'm friends with all sorts of crooks, but you are sure doing a lot of gymnastics to blame anyone but yourself.

>> No.8679717

>prove me wrong by doing hard drugs

>> No.8679720

>crack isn't a hard drug

>> No.8679722

does this mean you have to join a white supremacist gang in prison now? :(

>> No.8679724

lol nopers, only dumbasses do drugs.

>> No.8679731

If I had only one more day of freedom, I would eat a breakfast of fresh banana, blueberries, and strawberries with a yogurt drink; lunch of salmon and cream cheese dip with carrots and bagel; dinner of steak, lightly steamed broccoli, and mashed potatoes with cheese. Finish it all out with a fantastic brownie sundae.

>> No.8679732

Okay, so addiction is a meme, except if it's "hard drugs", which doesn't include crack, but only dumbasses do drugs? Seems like pretty sound logic.

>> No.8679738

You strung words together from multiple anons at random and still couldn't even make it seem illogical.

Addiction to drugs below hard ones is a meme, and people who do drugs are dumbasses.

Super Simple Stuff.

>> No.8679746

Two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream

>> No.8679758

I'm not trying to argue or defend myself, anon, just to clarify my point. I know that it was illegal. Solely because I want this to be a comfy thread, and because I want you to perhaps have a glimpse into the rationale that millions of people exercise daily, I'll do my best once more to explain myself:

1) I have consumed many variety of drugs from the age of 13 to now, eleven years later
2) Said drugs have never prohibited me from having an active, healthy, successful life in any measure, whether social, emotional, career, or physical. I'm not a millionaire or anything, but am debt-free and earn a decent salary, better than can be said than 90 percent of my contemporaries
3) Other than drug consumption, I have never (wittingly) broken the law. I pay my taxes and serve on the advisory committee to my local city council as a "Youth Advocate"
4) Some parts of the US have made drugs a very serious criminal offense
5) I was found guilty of violating those laws
6) My life is somewhat ruined (more that I'll have two years taken away with nothing to show for it, I'll be OK when I get out overall) as a result of that transgression
7) Drugs ruin lives because we insist on ruining the lives of people who use drugs, not the other way around

Don't get me wrong, some drugs, and some people who use them, are absolutely devastating. But laying blanket sentences on anyone who uses any sort of psychoactive substance is myopic and self-defeating

>> No.8679759

that sounds lovely anon, thanks for actually contributing. all home-cooked?

>> No.8679761

I'm just going to go ahead and change it all to rape to show how that's a foolish justification.

1) I have raped many women from the age of 13 to now, eleven years later
2) Said rapes have never prohibited me from having an active, healthy, successful life in any measure, whether social, emotional, career, or physical. I'm not a millionaire or anything, but am debt-free and earn a decent salary, better than can be said than 90 percent of my contemporaries
3) Other than raping, I have never (wittingly) broken the law. I pay my taxes and serve on the advisory committee to my local city council as a "Youth Advocate"
4) Some parts of the US have made rape a very serious criminal offense
5) I was found guilty of violating those laws
6) My life is somewhat ruined (more that I'll have two years taken away with nothing to show for it, I'll be OK when I get out overall) as a result of that transgression
7) Rapes ruin lives because we insist on ruining the lives of people who use rape, not the other way around

>> No.8679764

I agree. Weed is different from meth. Meth completely changes who you are and convinces you that you are invincible, weed makes you hungry and chill.

I mean I even take aderall to make me work more efficiently. Am I a junkie because I want to be a better worker? I don't need it or get withdrawals, it just helps.

>> No.8679765
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Jesus Christ, this guy...

>> No.8679769

What was the substance?

>> No.8679775
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You seem like a chill dude, so I'll give you my honest opinion. What is your favorite dish to make? Go for that. It's an ideal comfort in such a looming situation. If you are a drinker, go for a glass of your favorite booze. Not to get shitty drunk, but just to savor the memory.

I had fortunately avoided jailtime a few months ago on charges that would have been at least 6 years, so it has been a thought I had several times before the final court date. Food can range from survival (which you will find the sole reason for your meals the next few years, look up the rapper Prodigy if you have some time for some prison cooking ideas) to comfort (which right now I highly fucking recommend).

Good luck to you anon.

>> No.8679781


>> No.8679782

OP here to say you are totally right, violent crime that has the potential to permanently damage the psyche/body of the victim is definitely comparable to consuming drugs that do zero damage to anyone but the user.

Point taken, now can we get back to the thread?

>> No.8679784

You'll find that you can't eat away your sorrows and it just tastes empty. The meal on release will be better.

BTW did you learn how to make prison hooch yet? Remember, Yeast+sugar+time.

>> No.8679789

Marijuana concentrate (bubble hash), 16 lbs. I was moving it to the east to give to my parents, who run a commune in ME. I wanted to see Texas because I had never been, and man was I disappointed. I really liked Austin and San Antonio, though, the street tacos in both were obscenely cheap and way too good for the price

>> No.8679790

You just can't admit it to yourself, can you? Not really. Like I said, I could care less, but I see right through your elaborately constructed justifications. I wonder why people find it so difficult...

>> No.8679797

Not even a funny shitpost.

>> No.8679800

I've never made my own bagels before, or really baked too much either, but I have made pretty much everything else in a competent enough way to want to risk blowing my last day on miscooked food. That being said, I would likely be too lazy or otherwise busy on my last day of freedom to do so and would settle for restaurants near me for at the very least the steak dinner and sundae.

>> No.8679801

I have lots of friends that have moved to Austin over the years, and I don't get it. At least with the other meme cities like Oakland and Portland, the rest of the state is cool. Texas just seems like a terrible place to live.

>> No.8679802

How did you meet your girlfriend?

>> No.8679804

>that whole post

>> No.8679806

>not having affluenza whilst breaking a law in Texas

Anyway, I dare you to eat the most gas-inducing foods possible for when you check in to the resort.

>> No.8679807

Thanks homie, what tracks from Prodigy? For some reason I already have his discography. And what we're your charges?

>> No.8679812

Unfortuately I've got nothing to suggest since I'm too young to have ever done a good amount of eating for a purpose beyond nutrition, but I'll lurk and shed a tear or two for you. Cheers anon, be safe.

>> No.8679814

Fire Starter

>> No.8679816
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You should spend your time in the hole getting Jacked, OP
carbohydrates will be your friend

>> No.8679817

Met her at work, I co-run a cafe and she dropped her number in the tip jar
lol indeed

>> No.8679820

I'll spend my time in your butthole while getting jacked off by your mom.

>> No.8679821

Christ I haven't heard that song in at least a decade

>> No.8679828

nice blog, where can i subscribe?

>> No.8679829

A lot of the dudes I work with are still stuck on 90s rock, so I hear it semi-frequently.

>> No.8679831

Just give OP your address and you guys can be pen pals!

>> No.8679833


Don't worry, I'll be gone soon. Then you can get back to your fast food/cola/eceleb threads

>> No.8679842

Have you considered just not going? Hire a better lawyer and fight it. You're gonna waste 2 of the best years in your life, lose your job, lose your gf, and start saying poor people phrases like "thanks homie"

>> No.8679854

Sorry, I should have specified his cookbook. He also has a few videos of doing stuff on Youtube. Dunno what kind of prison you will be in but this could prove useful.

I would rather not say what my charges are but I am a pretty straight-laced dude who got fucked over from being painfully naive. Shit's rough.

>> No.8679857

It's pretty set in stone, and I don't feel like wasting any more money or effort on trying to get past it, I'm resigned to my fate.

But is "homie" not common parlance where you live? Everyone here uses homie as an affectionate, genderless form of address. And northern colorado is about as far from poor as you can get, outside of Connecticut/Maryland

>> No.8679858

... What happened to you?

>> No.8679864

Are you retarded?

>> No.8679870
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going to try and keep this thread board relevant

what type of snacks are you going to buy with your slave labor money in jail?
Remember not to let anyone know you have money because you'll be locked up in there with people who habitually take advantage of folks

>> No.8679874

I was just gonna put a couple thousand in my account and not go wild with it, probably ramen as the other anon suggested and some snacks. I'm sure as shit not going to be doing any labor for the state while I'm in, that shit seems miserable

>> No.8679879

No I live in the South and only hear it on TV. If you are wealthy then why would you not get a scumbag lawyer to pull you out of the fire with some probable cause or violation of rights bullshit?

>> No.8679888

You can re-read the thread, but the gist of it is that courts in Texas are funny about their definition of "unreasonable search and seizure," and that I already waived my right to appeal in an effort to get this over with

>> No.8679893

Lawyers can't just magically make criminal offenses go away unless you are really famous and wealthy. And then it's a lot of shady shit that involves paying everyone involved hush money.

>> No.8679897

chicken parmesan, meatball sub, pho, mac and cheese, and ice cream. just go to a buffet and eat everything.

>> No.8679900


Breads and cheeses and wines and meats and fruits would be my choice. Simple, nostalgic, and uplifting.

Don't waste your time in there, that is the worst option. Also, don't rely on things being there for you afterwards. So, you must use this time to increase your value.

I believe in you!

>> No.8679931

You are adamant on leaving her. Were you not that into the relationship or what?

>> No.8679935


>> No.8679940

get fucked, degenerate.

>> No.8679950


Korean/Vietnam Vets used to shoot heroine all the time while on duty, but when they came back something like 97% of them stopped.

Addiction is a meme

>> No.8679957

Good luck in prison, watch out for your ass

>> No.8679962

I'm not too worried about the butt stuff, I'm actually looking forward to it in a weird way.

>> No.8679973

I can't believe they would give up to 20 years for hash. What a God damn waste of tax payers money. Not surprising texas is the culprit, the most backwards state in the union.

>> No.8679977 [DELETED] 
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I can't believe someone would risk twenty years for a shitty drug. Like just don't smoke it, goddamn. It's so simple.

>> No.8679987

I'm amazed they have internet in the Mennonite village you're living in. Because only people that detached from modern society still believe marijuana and it's derivatives are harmful.

>> No.8679990
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It impairs your thinking enough that you think twenty years in prison is an acceptable risk merely to get your fix. Clearly, it robs you of self control, and is very harmful.

>> No.8679992
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Maybe if you get a heart attack you wont have to go to prison.

>> No.8679995

Right because no one has ever made any sort of mistake while not under the influence of something. Mistakes and miscalculations derive entirely from substance use, not the imperfect nature that is man. Now all those legal things that rob you of self control like alcohol or medication or caffeine those should also carry a 20 year prison sentence by your logic? Because you can also make mistakes while using them which makes them a no go for your, never being an inch out of control of yourself.

>> No.8680008

you're embarrassing yourself, please go back to /pol/ where faggots like you can roam free with your own kind

>> No.8680013
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Godspeed, anon

>> No.8680035

Your gf has a nice ass, dude.

Good luck in prison. Keep a positive attitude, don't join a gang, and lift like your life depends on it. Because honestly, it probably will.

>> No.8680045

Actually /pol/ is a haven for trumpshitters like yourself

>> No.8680047

Damn that sucks man. Eat whatever was your favorite dish as a kid.
Keep your chin up. We'll be here shitposting as usual when you get back.

>> No.8680048

>textwall of political whining
>uhh, no it's achtually YOUR type of place!

well done, you mental midget

>> No.8680049

America's legal system is fucked up. No one should go to prison for drug charges. I'm so sorry man.

>> No.8680069

Not even that anon, gj retard

>> No.8680075

Is that Fluttershy?

>> No.8680083

So you lied, you were intending to distribute. I hope you learn how to conform in Prison and after 2 years don't do anything stupid again.

>> No.8680089

>lives in another state
>is going to turn himself in in texas for some bullshit charge
youre not too bright are you OP?

>> No.8680090

He wasn't probably profiting from it so it's not exactly the same. Still dumb as fuck thing to do if you have harsh drug laws like the US does.

>> No.8680097

>plot twist
>OP is just high as a nigger and can't decide what to eat before his buzz wears off

>> No.8680149

The law doesn't say intention to distribute with profit(TM).

It's purely intention to distribute, the law has been broken and the cuck is being punished.

>> No.8680212

go back to pol

>> No.8680336

Actually, they can ask, if you allow it, it's your own fault. If you say no, they can't search it right then and there, but they might screw you over in other ways. Keeping you longer than they need to, giving you tickets for nothing, etc.

>> No.8680341

you seem like a pretty nice dude OP, good luck in the pen and i hope everything works out for you in the end

>> No.8680373

imgur upload

>> No.8680393

Well guys, this has been fun. Let this thread stand as evidence that /ck/ is by far the sweetest, most civil board on all of 4chan, and also that not one of you motherfuckers has even the most basic comprehension of the American legal system. Love you guys lots, don't miss me too much.


>> No.8680395

Have fun in prison op

I'll cook some food and smoke some weed in your honor of today

>> No.8680403

"Intent to distribute", in both this particular case and all others involving illegal materials, means specifically "to profit from the distribution of." Sorry that you think that every legal phrase is supposed to be taken literally, but "distribution" and "giving to your parents" are not the same thing. I got handed intent to distribute because anything over 1 lb carries that charge automatically in Texas.

It is astounding how little you know about this, for someone with such a strong opinion on the matter you would do well to at least have accurate information.

>> No.8680446

Don't waste your time with them anon, they have nothing better to do with their time. Good luck in there, we love you bud. If you can, try and get some good reading done. Nothing like disconnection from the electronic to instill good reading habits.

>> No.8680451


>> No.8680473

lmao made my day

>> No.8680479

you must have a very sad life

>> No.8680480

Shut the fuxk up drugs are lidrilly the best thing too happen too us if you dont like them your a fuxking faqqot.

>> No.8680526

Unseasoned tsampa with butter tea.

accompanied by 6 hours of meditation.

>> No.8680542

All those animee pics clearly indicate you are a fine upstanding role model citizen who doesn't masturbating to underage animee children