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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8668653 No.8668653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.8668656

Best way to disinfect your chicken surfaces.

>> No.8668659

No, no they do not.

>> No.8668661

I want to drink chlorine

>> No.8668662

I wish someone dumped some jalapeños in there and rid us of those chucklefucks once and for all

>> No.8668663

They devour it.
Poor thing, they have no clue. The whole world is laughing AT them.

>> No.8668672

Both Obamacare and Republicare allocate important resources for a chicken chlorine subsidy. It is one of America's foremost public health initiatives, and it is an important part of American identity. Not chlorinating your chicken is unamerican.

>> No.8668691

Usually it's cetylpyridinium chloride aka mouthwash

American ''''chicken'''' is so disgusting that it needs to be dunked in antiseptic and then injected with soy based 'plumping agent' in order for self-proclaimed "carnivores" to have it cheaply enough not to riot in the streets

If your chicken cost less than $7/lb for whole bird, you're eating trash meat

Now it's the cue for trash people (you are what you eat) to shriek with outrage and call me a PETA vegan

>> No.8668700

Chickens died and then nothing else happened

>> No.8668737

All chicken sold in the USA has to have been bathed in chlorine

>> No.8668750

Real talk: this shit is not allowed in Europe, right? I can swear the chicken I bought in Eastern Europe swam in some chlorine before it was sold.

>> No.8668752

So disgusting, organic all the way.

>> No.8668754

guys the chlorine makes no difference
learn how to season your chicken

>> No.8668755

Real BS

>> No.8668758


Organic doesn't change this factor bro.

>> No.8668759

The chicken I buy at the butcher for sure is not bathed in chlorine

>> No.8668769

yes it does. organic chicken is not washed in chemicals

>> No.8668770

I just killed one of mine. Poor bird still had like 10 eggs inside. Should I grab some mouthwash? I don't want salmon disease.

>> No.8668774

enjoy your salmonella

>> No.8668780

>what is cooking

>> No.8668781

Fucking murderer.

>> No.8668807

what the fuck is this thread

why is everyone on /ck/ exploding with autism all the time

>> No.8668833

>not eating organic chicken sashimi for ultimate refinement

>> No.8668863

Not in the EU. Maybe in one of the shitholes surrounding it.

>> No.8668865

I feel kinda bad honestly. I abused their trust. But then I remembered, they're chickens. They're fucking stupid, and probably won't remember that anything is out of the ordinary in about an hour.

>> No.8668877

Do you watch him kill and pluck it?
If not, it's been chlorinated. If it hasn't, it's your duty to report him to the FDA.

>> No.8668880

Food safety is no joke senpai

>> No.8668885

desu senpai baka

>> No.8668892

What the hell did people do before we dunked chicken in chlorine?

Was it just inedible without getting horribly diseased?

>> No.8668894

it's just the hourly obsessed Europoor thread, ignore it

>> No.8668895

They probably cooked it and didn't sperg out whether they were going to get the runs.

>> No.8668901


>> No.8668903

you understand that this is just one of those "chicken and jalapenos makes sarin gas" threads right, no one actually does this

like, OP's image is from a fucking infomercial

>> No.8668907

In all my life I just bought a chicken, put it in the oven for 75 mins. Ate it. Im still alive.
My god, what have I done wrong?

>> No.8668921
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>> No.8668933


>> No.8668942

When it was one chicken at a time it wasn't necessary

We need it now because headless frankenchickens grow in feces filled unlit tanks fed with a nutrient slurry laced with cipro as a substitute for hygiene

Then the birds are killed in a city sized slaughterhouse infused in salmonella mist and the final step is to kill off the germs with a dip in mouthwash tanks before being slapped in plastic wrap with a picture of a happy bird frolicking in a clean sunny field of daffodils with the USDA Organic logo so plebs think it didn't originate in a Matrix style freak show in which Perdue Chickencorp (a division of Monsanto) cut every conceivable corner to give us two things: cheap '''''meat'''' and multi drug resistant superbugs that will migrate their way into the outside world and kill us the next time we need some minor surgical procedure

>> No.8668945

Why? Why do Europeans bleach their poultry?

>> No.8668965

Part of the halal process

>> No.8668989

Why would the most superior and leading in fine cuisine, bleach their birds? Because, they dont.
We rule in every aspect, and (honestly) laugh a little when ameriturds try to compete.

>> No.8668993
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i want you to drink chlorine too

>> No.8668996
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peta vegan reeeeeee

>> No.8669049

This is actually done in the US. The USDA allows it.


We don't need it. Cook your chicken properly. All this does is disinfect surface bacteria so it's pretty useless for consumers.

Organic chickens do not have chlorine baths. The term organic is actually regulated.

>> No.8669050

I feel like if this board had flags, a lot of this would be ruined. These yuro obsessed threads are probably coming from some tub of lard living in the midwest.

>> No.8669056

anonymous is a double edged sword, unfortunately

>> No.8669102

Idk. Im from the old world.
Anonymously is why I even bother.

>> No.8669113

When a low quality grocery store's stock of a certain meat turns they'll do that, then cook it with a heavy sauce and sell it to bad moms.

Kroger rotisserie chickens are actually good, but I would avoid precooked beef anywhere.

>> No.8669260

I like you

>> No.8669269
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t.false flag
Do Europoors really pay €6.50/lb for chicken? That's sad.

>> No.8669284

lmao laffin at all these shrimp dick white bois who dont season their chicken with bleach no wonder you always get made fun of

Bob: Oh no I'm so afraid of real flavor I can't put anything in my chicken or else it'll taste good

Have fun getting yo bitch fucked while you cry about chicken lol

>> No.8669291

fuck if I know, did you respond to the wrong post?

>> No.8669301

Not him but:

>If your chicken cost less than $7/lb for whole bird, you're eating trash meat

>> No.8669311

Europoors try to justify their insanely high meat prices by saying "Americans make their meat unhealthy through industrialization practices!" despite everywhere in the world doing exactly what we do, with the main exception being how we treat our eggs.

>An 8oz steak only costs like 17EUR where I live
>I can buy that for like $4

>> No.8669325

yes, they wash the chickens in a mild bleach solution to kill germs on the surface then rinse and dry before backaging

>> No.8669342

Didn't know they were using $ now over there, this Brexit thing must have really screwed up the financial systems

>> No.8669346
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We don't you clown. The EU has rules about not producing food that causes colon cancer

>> No.8669354

Which is why he converted to 6.50 euros. Are you really this dense?

>> No.8669361

This is why the McChicken is only a dollar over there

>> No.8669370

Converted on the assumption that I was a European using dollars for some inexplicable reason

Who's the dunce now, corky?

>> No.8669384

if you don't want this board to assume you're a eurocuck don't go on obsessed tangents.

>> No.8669390

... Do Europeans not?

>> No.8669407

there was a company in the news recently that grew melons and did not wash them with chlorine, a lot of people got sick or died and the company is bankrupt. So yes.

>> No.8669425

Obsessed because it wasn't a monosyllabic post? Sorry I know things and can write compound sentences

>> No.8669429

No, obsessed as in american bashing you newfag fuck. kys

>> No.8669440

>death by melons
There are worse ways to go, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8669454

You forgot to say "cuck reddit numale"
Otherwise quality contribution!

>> No.8669467

true, but the point is, chlorine is commonly used and not a bad idea.
Lysteria is what they died of.
On the mild end of the spectrum, listeriosis usually consists of the sudden onset of fever, chills, severe headache, vomiting, and other influenza-type symptoms. [18, 28] Along these same lines, the CDC notes that infected individuals may develop fever, muscle aches, and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea or diarrhea. [11] When present, the diarrhea usually lasts 1-4 days (with 42 hours being average), with 12 bowel movements per day at its worst. [18]

>> No.8669477


>> No.8669494

>12 bowel movements a day
I do that anyway.

>> No.8669496

>he wants flags
>implying flags haven't ruined every board they've been activated on

>> No.8669498

>U.S. organic chicken is not washed in chlorine

>> No.8669502
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>Using soap filled with highly caustic lye chemicals all over your hands and body
>seriously hope you amerifags dont do this

>> No.8669503

Everyone who doesn't eat tendies and ranch is an America obsessed European

Flyover '''''''logic'''''''

>> No.8669504

There's almost no organic anything in America. You've memed yourselves into obesity

>> No.8669505

not an argument


>> No.8669512

>memes yourselves
Why does this board attract so many retards?

>> No.8669527

>I'm gonna shitpost on /ck/ about Americans because when I try on /pol/ I get my shit pushed in

Fucking pathetic

>> No.8669559
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>he has poor reading comprehension

>> No.8669568


UE is used to ban more cancer-inducing food processings compared to USA.

Thats why we Europeans folk fear all the Free Trade agreements the Comission wants to implement with USA.

We fear that our nations will be forced by unfair pro-multinational tribunals to lower our safety rules and to flood our markets with (for us) poisoned food.

I mean, we are already getting down economically and socially speaking, so if we have to eat those tumorbolting chewing-gums instead of real chicken meat, we'll be very sad.

>> No.8669572

You should try reading that you dumb nigger. ZERO mention of organic not being chlorinated.

>> No.8669576
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>he's not a milleniel faggot trying to find acceptance

>> No.8669584

>he doesn't know how greentext works

You've just said the opposite of what you meant to lad

>> No.8669607

>what is ppm?
Chlorine is an element. there will be trace amounts of it everywhere. But no 50ppm baths.

>> No.8669635
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Yes. Instead of treating the birds for pathogens during their lives, Americans let them be sick and then WASH THEM IN CHEMICALS

Has there ever been a more retarded nation?

>> No.8669646

Its cheaper. Also muh chemical boogeyman

>> No.8669669

We're getting this in UK soon, once US is the only country left that will trsde with us. It'll be 30 quid british free range chicken for the rich, 7 quid chemo chickin for the rest.

>> No.8669674

Do you thinking swimming pools are dangerous, too?

>> No.8669696

>c-chemical are scary ;_;

people like you are the reason science and education are being torn to shreds in society

>> No.8669700

I don't eat swimming pools

>> No.8669706

Europe just doesnt want american competition. Muh chemical scapegoat.

>> No.8669707
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>mfw Americans are trying to defend this absurd and dangerous practice

>> No.8669710

So you never once accidently ingested some pool water? Not even a drop?

>> No.8669715

>implying that you are accidentally eating chicken