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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8661038 No.8661038 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone use MSG?

My local supermarket started carrying it and I'm thinking of trying it out. How do you even use it? Just add a bit to the marinade for the meat?

It's best used for beef and pork right?

>> No.8661044
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What is it like knowing you eat chemicals?

>> No.8661049

Most foods are.

>> No.8661060

You can get it dirt cheap at any asian store. I use it sometimes, but it's way overrated. Sprinkle lightly. I found it works decently on pizza.

>> No.8661067

All foods are. All physical matter is made of these so-called "chemicals".
MSG is best on meats, definitely pork and chicken. Go ahead and buy it to experiment, that bag pictured is probably only $3 and a better value than the Accent branded version which is the same thing with a higher price.

>> No.8661072

Don't overdo it, shit can give you killer headaches.

>> No.8661079
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MSG helps lazy and cheap cooks cut corners, as it enhances the flavor of other ingredients. It has no flavor of its own. Like this user said: >>8661044 , it's cheap poison and I'd rather prepare food the correct way with quality ingredients.

>> No.8661083

Why don't you get your rolling pin out of your ass there chief

>> No.8661085
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Not an argument.

>> No.8661087

>the sodium salt of an amino acid is poison

>> No.8661089


Yes. Sodium is poisonous, especially concentrated forms like MSG.

>> No.8661093

An equivalent amount of table salt is more likely to cause headaches.

>> No.8661095

Sodium is a volatile metal and is extremely poisonous, anon.

>> No.8661096

>mfw eating chemicals every day
>mfw wearing chemicals on my body, all parts of me touching chemicals
>mfw walking on a nature trail surrounded by chemicals
>mfw breathing in chemicals
>mfw blowing a steamy load of chemicals over ur mums chin
>mfw my keyboard is chemicals
>mfw I am chemicals

>> No.8661113
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>he fell for the "MSG is dangerous" meme

how does it feel to know the position you've taken is so retarded that it's literally based only on one guy writing one article in the NEJM back in 1968 which vaguely described symptoms he got after eating at a Chinese food place this one time, which could have been attributed to just about anything

no credible/empirically valid double-blind study has ever EVER established a causal link between msg and whatever you think it is responsible for

>> No.8661116

Hydrogen and oxygen are both extremely flammable gases, which is why I cut water out of my diet.

>> No.8661121


>yessss whye man, food safe here, we no have peegeen instead of dukk.

I said it's cheap synthetic flavor. It's used by lazy/cheap cooks. Gooks and slants are more frugal than Jews. Especially restaurants.

>> No.8661124

>flammable and poisonous are the same concept.

>> No.8661127

>missing the point entirely
>being this new

>> No.8661128


Diamonds are the hardest metal, most toxic too.

>> No.8661129

use it where applicable
If you're not adding anything that adds much glutamic acid it's a cheap and easy way to. Add more umami through better selection of your recipe and ingredients.

>> No.8661139

>glutamic acid

Talk like a normal person you manbun having cunt

>> No.8661140

I understand the headache and rapid heartbeat thing. I've felt these effects before after using way too much. And some people are especially sensitive. Some people can also taste the presence of obvious MSG and its an unpleasant "fake" taste they do not like. That's just personal preference in taste and that's fine, I wouldn't force MSG on your guests, especially if they have spoken out against it. But fuck them, I mostly cook for myself, and I use it often.
Now with that said, it certainly isn't toxic, and I quite love the taste when its used in the right place at the right time. The thing that's a lot harder to nail down is the quantity, and in what situations does it provide benefits. I've used it regularly for years, and I'm still unsure about how much to use. I hate those plastic bags as in OP's picture, because I usually just clip the corner off and use it to pour from, and that often allows a large unmeasured quantity to dump in. I have yet to see good guidelines about how much to use, since very few recipes posted will admit to using it. You really are on your own here.

>> No.8661141

So if you're too pretentious to eat chemicals, what do you eat instead? Photons?

>> No.8661151
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No, I just think it's the lazy man's shortcut to good umami. I wont deny it works well under the right cases but some fools still use it blindly in every case as an "automatic flavor enhancer"

>> No.8661154

Diamonds are hard but less dense than you, anon.

>> No.8661155
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>Talk like a normal person
>manbun having cunt

>> No.8661158


that's not all you said, buddy

since it's still unclear which of the two people I quoted you are, let's run through both possible scenarios

Option 1 -- you're the guy who invoked the "muh chemicals" boogeyman, accompanied by a skull and crossbones

Option 2 -- you're the guy who quoted the guy from Option 1 and explicitly agreed with what he was implying:

>Like this user said: >>8661044, it's cheap poison

Which one are you, and when should I expect the triumphant revelation that you were merely feigning gross ignorance?

>> No.8661159
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>25 posts
>10 IPs
>half the replies in this thread are one guy using mental gymnastics to prove MSG is bad

>> No.8661165
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>> No.8661170


This. MSG certainly isn't toxic or dangerous, it's simply that there are many sources of the umami taste which are a lot more flavorful than using straight MSG.

Examples: miso, tienmenjiang, doubanjiang, worcestershire, fish sauce, shrimp paste, hard aged cheeses like parmagiano-reggiano, marmite/vegemite, dark stocks, soy sauce, etc...

Why use MSG when you can use one of those that tastes a lot better?

>> No.8661171

I use it all the time, sprinkling MSG on roasted vegetables is a whole new level of flavortown

>> No.8661188

>Why use MSG when you can use one of those that tastes a lot better?
Because this board is fucking infested by weebs.
Fuck know what the attraction is, it's food and cooking not animu and CP.

>> No.8661216

>Why use MSG when you can use one of those that tastes a lot better?
It makes food more savory without altering the flavor profile or adding more calories.

>> No.8661305

Use only a tiny bit at a time
A 1 lb bag will last me almost 8 months usually and I use a little sprinkle most days
It really brings out savory, meaty flavors. Don't use too much though because then it tastes weird.
I usually do like 80% salt +20% msg when I intend to use it, which is mostly for the chinese and japanese style foods I cook

>> No.8661326

>Salt helps lazy and cheap cooks cut corners, as it enhances the flavor of other ingredients.

>> No.8661340

That's like asking why I don't use things like soy sauce, anchovy paste, sea water, and bacon in place of salt

>> No.8661346
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>mfw I tried to explain this to my mom dozens of times
>mfw I even showed her article after article debunking the myth of "lel msg is bad for you", showing her where the myth came from, and why it's horseshit, and how there is no evidence at all that it's bad for you
>mfw immediately after she was like "hmm i didn't know that"
>mfw next time we were going to make some chinese style food she overlooked so many sauces/ingredients because "muh msg"
Why do people do this, cu/ck/s?

>> No.8661359

senpai you're mixing up dragon force with diamonds

>> No.8661367


Exactly. and it's a very valid question.

>> No.8661454

Wait so it doesn't tenderize the meat? That's what I'd been told and the primary reason I wanted to use it. I want that really soft texture that Chinese restaurants have with their beef

>> No.8661515

that for sure is not the primary purpose. As far as i know MSG holds no tenderizing properties, but I might be wrong. It's entirely a flavor enhancer, like salt, but which seems to trigger the protein receptors in the tongue.

>> No.8661523

Wow, guess it's just a wives tale or something then

>> No.8661530

I believe the secret is thin beef, a dusting of corn starch and fast cooking at high heat.

>> No.8661531


Read this and then judge. Its fucking extracted from veggies. Do you know how long asian people is eating this stuff? more than 50 years. thats for sure. Do you see any article people dying from it? Fuck no.We eat this shit regularly you just don't know. Sometimes MSG can be hidden as a E number. Its just a stupid flavor enhancer, that makes you thirsty. that's all. Every Ramen/japanese joint and dim sum restaurant is using it.

>> No.8661536

really, the thin and fast part is the most important

>> No.8661546

MSG is the salt of umami. It came from asians instead of white people so it is looked down on but white people.

It's pretty great tho.

>> No.8661552

Not arguing with the retards in this thread, here are facts that are overwhelmingly accepted by reputable scientific organizations (ie; not nautral news)
>There are five tastes, this triggers the "savory" one
>It's not any less healthy than salt
>"Headaches" and so on have been proven to be complete bullshit
>It's not any more "cheating" than salt is
>Yelling "chemicals" just proves you have no business in any sort of rational discussion/argument

>> No.8661580


>here are facts
>not one citation in entire thread


>> No.8661585

If I eat MSG I get headaches.
Get fucked weeaboo.

>> No.8661591

you also get headaches from sucking cock but that hasn't stopped you

>> No.8661597
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>> No.8661602

>reputable scientific organization
Good one
>I don't know what causation is

>> No.8661606

even worse, that article is written by "the editors of PureHealthMD" which is notoriously bad.
Further the citations are misleading and counterevidence is not given.

>> No.8661609


Educate yourself. MSG is fine.

>> No.8661619

Yeah it cites a double-blind study by Yang as negative for MSG:

>In fact, a double blind study (where both researchers and test subjects were not aware who was getting a real test or a fake test) found that MSG exposure caused muscle tightness, fatigue, numbness or tingling, and flushing [Source: Yang].

But when we go to the actual study:

>Sixty-one subjects entered the study. On initial challenge, 18 (29.5%) responded to neither MSG nor placebo, 6 (9.8%) to both, 15 (24.6%) to placebo, and 22 (36.1%) to MSG (p = 0.324). Total and average severity of symptoms after ingestion of MSG (374 and 80) were greater than respective values after placebo ingestion (232 and 56; p = 0.026 and 0.018, respectively). Rechallenge revealed an apparent threshold dose for reactivity of 2.5 gm MSG. Headache (p < 0.023), muscle tightness (p < 0.004), numbness/tingling (p < 0.007), general weakness (p < 0.040), and flushing (p < 0.016) occurred more frequently after MSG than placebo ingestion.

>small sample size
>placebo is almost the same as MSG

>> No.8661621


This also explains an awful lot...disgusting.


>> No.8661625


No u

>> No.8661632


I guess we should stop watching chocolate since it kills dogs, right? lmao @ your life

>> No.8661635

eating chocolate* kek

>> No.8661636

>inject mice with high doses of MSG
>same thing as humans eating MSG
How do you even manage to breathe without fucking that up

>> No.8661652
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>MSG doesn't cause fat manbaby syndrome in humans
>90% of the posts are about ananas, mcchickens, tendies and mummies cummies

This board alone proves this study true. Shining example factually speaking.

>> No.8661658

>mcdonalds has msg

>> No.8661662

If you actually believe anything you typed, I strongly urge you to get your head professionally examined or move to Florida

>> No.8661664


>human studies failed to confirm an involvement of MSG in "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" or other idiosyncratic intolerance

>toxicity studies using dietary administration of MSG in several species did not reveal any specific toxic or carcinogenic effects nor were there any adverse outcomes in reproduction and teratology studies

>results indicate that monosodium glutamate provoked flushing, if it exists at all, must be rare

>> No.8661665
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Dig yourselves deeper manbabies.

>> No.8661672
File: 67 KB, 588x549, average shitposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here add this to your collection

>> No.8661673


Struck a nerve with the balding, lazy manbaby demographic.

>Major features of the MSG syndrome including hypophagia, obesity, hypoactivity, reduced pituitary protein content, decreased ovarian weight, delayed puberty and elevated plasma corticosterone levels were obtained at the highest dose

>> No.8661677

>concentrated forms
MSG contains less sodium than the equivalent amount of table salt.

>> No.8661678

>can't prove that MSG is bad
>tries to derail the thread
Nice pivot.

>> No.8661685

it's a pity that the Lorden study you quote is thirty years old, holds some unrepeatable data and has been falsified by more recent research.

>> No.8661688


>> No.8661691
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Proven science derailed it, now you manbabies are scrambling and it's funny to ser you frenzied. You've been injured by this chemical yet stil defend it. My wifes sister is a disgusting junkie too. Here's a pic from when we told her to rehab and leave her kids in foster care or we'd kick them all out into the snowy winter night.

Your day is coming soon too...


Pathetic drug addicts.

>> No.8661695


Hasn't been debunked, just ignored to keep you fat manbabies impotent, lazy and eating your poison... cite it.

>> No.8661702

Do you have a more recent study than the flawed Lorden study?

No you fucking don't.
So sit down, shut up and let us adults talk.

>> No.8661704


Only good salt is true salt, naturally taken from the sea or mined. Sodium Chloride is also responsible for MANY negative illnesses, most notably Americas explosive obesity rate and culture spreading across the planet.

>> No.8661706

some people eat cilantro and taste soap

that's not a problem with cilantro

it's a problem with them

just accept that you're damaged and move on

>> No.8661710

>"True" salt
>Not sodium chloride
Anon, I...

>> No.8661713


>hurrr we adults damnit we'z not manbabies REEEEEE

Pick a citation, and read it.


I've yet to see you post anything other than shill citations. Remember when the Chinese government got caught using Melamine to trick protein tests in 2008 and literally executed their coconspirators so they wouldn't get lynched? I do...

>> No.8661718


Sodium chloride is synthetic salt. It's detrimental to anything eating it. There's a reason they use it to thaw frozen roads. The fact it strips paint off your car or damages pavement beyond repair shouldn't be concerning, not in the sightest...

>> No.8661723

>post fear-mongering bullshit that misrepresents its citations
>shits on actual reputable sources
Honestly will you just kill yourself

>> No.8661734
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Drumpftard confirmed.

>> No.8661748

Not giving that dumbass a (you), all salt is sodium chloride and is safe to the point that it sometimes gets injected straight into your body

>> No.8661749

All salt is sodium chloride, even sea salt.

>> No.8661752

I remember when trolling was clever and can cause divisiveness through benefit of the doubt. But this post is plain awful.

>> No.8661754


None of the cited studies truly support the argument of the article.

Metcalfe proves that there are probably MSG allergies. Big woop. Hold the fucking phone.

Izikson isn't even about MSG. This is classic misrepresented citation.

Gladstein's article is about headaches, and is an interesting study on headaches, their causes and their treatment. MSG is only mentioned once in the section about future research.

The Simon article proves that MSG can exacerbate urticaria, this is good science. BUT IN LESS THAN 3% OF PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC URTICARIA. That's a very small percentage of the population.

The Fernstrom article is about how endocrinology changes after extremely high doses of MSG. The only thing it proves is that blood serum levels of MSG rise after having huge doses. It doesn't prove that this rising blood serum level is bad, and it doesn't prove that MSG gives you headaches or whatever you're trying to prove.

>> No.8661761

>manbaby drumpftard reeeeeee

>> No.8661762


Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, citric acid, alpha tocopherol, hydrogen, oxygen...

>> No.8661764


Salt and sodium are not the same thing.
"Salt" is the term commonly used for sodium chloride (NaCl) which is table salt. Sodium chloride is just 40% sodium and 60% chloride. One teaspoon of table salt contains 2,325 mg of sodium.
It's important to note that in addition to sodium chloride, sodium shows up in food in other forms including monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and sodium nitrate (a preservative).

Fat manbaby retards are swan diving off the overpass into oncoming traffic, it's funny how stupid you are.

>i don't know ANYTHING about food or cooking
>im going to post their anyway

Thanks for your input.

>> No.8661769

If you are susceptible to migraine, you can handle a lot more salt than you can MSG.

>> No.8661772


It's all published scientific fact that hasn't been debunked. The source of the facts doesn't invalidate them. Stop crying.

>> No.8661773

All salt is sodium chloride.

>> No.8661776

Table salt, or pure sodium chloride is is the worst, chemically tasting stuff you can ever put in food.
Unless you're living on welfare there is absolutely no reason to use table salt.

>> No.8661788


Sodium and chloride are 2 different highly toxic chemicals when mixed together become "inert" and "safe" It's not true salt. That comes from the land and sea.

>> No.8661791

>assuming one's political affiliation based on a discussion about MSG

>> No.8661796

Sodium is found in many foods naturally and is an essential mineral for our body. We would die without sodium.

Sea salt is sodium chloride.

>> No.8661800
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You're not denying it, most people that voted for him are fat retarded flyover trash. Shucks, you've been exposed manbaby. Boohoo.

>> No.8661801

MSG is fine to consume but I don't like too much of it.

>> No.8661803

That's the problem. The cited references don't support the argument. In fact, half of them are non sequiturs.
So while they are published scientific facts, they don't support the argument that MSG is bad for you.

You fucking scientifically illiterate retard.

>> No.8661808


Sea salt is not sodium chloride. The seas are not laboratories with industrial grade purified chemicals. Nor scientists to control said mixture of highly lethal poisons to become "inert". Stop posting now, it's embarrassing.

>> No.8661810

Stop using science to support your argument you fat manbaby drumpftard flyover

>> No.8661811

>Sea salt is not sodium chloride
Yes it is.

>> No.8661817


They all focus exclusively on illnesses triggered or causef by MSG consumption. Even if God himself told you it was killing you, you'd still sit there...day after day...eating your garbage and being happu about it. Ignorance is bliss they say...

>> No.8661818


>> No.8661819



>> No.8661822


Yup. I'm not talking to myself there, just 2 posts of mine talking to your drumphytards.

>> No.8661823

>doesn't read the citations

>tells me what's in them


>> No.8661832

Just wanted to show everyone that the same troll who says MSG is bad says table salt is chemically different from sea salt and everyone should stop giving him (You)s.

>> No.8661835


If you read them you'd have stopped posting by now, must be the injured pituitary and frontal lobe damage holding you back, as cited in one of the referenced studies.

>> No.8661840

try it on scrambled eggs. it's by doing so how i started identifying the "umami" flavor

>> No.8661852

Table salt is to sea salt as distilled water is to spring water.

>> No.8661854


>muh alternative facts guy herrrr

I am none of those scientists and dieticians who published peer reviewed studies on this subject, just a messenger.

>> No.8661860

Yes, and all water is h2o.

>> No.8661865

It's great on popcorn, with or without salt.

>> No.8661871

Yes but you try switching to only distilled water and tell me they're the same.

>> No.8661873


Not all consumed salts are sodium though, but an inert mixture of chemicals rendering the poison "safe".

>> No.8661881

Irrelevant to my point.

>> No.8661890

All food items called "salt" of some sort are mostly made of sodium chloride however they have mineral impurities that give them their different flavors depending on the source.

Table salt is chemically refined to pure sodium chloride and tastes like Satan's salty bleached asshole.

>> No.8661895


Sodium and chloride are different things...

>> No.8661897

>responding to b8

>> No.8661903


So sad...

>> No.8661928

That's more than a gram per day. Is that fine?

>> No.8661939

if it's 20% MSG and 80% salt then that's like 4 grams of salt a day on top of the msg.
Can't be good for your arteries

>> No.8661948

I had lab work done last month, and I have some kidney stones, but heart is just fine. I'm 22, exercise frequently, and I cook for 5 other people most days. I'd say it's probably pretty normal. Maybe I just have good genes or something.

>> No.8661955

Aren't kidney stones at 22 abnormal? Also, did you pass them yet? Jesus.

>> No.8661966

Probably, my doc said it was from drinking too much diet soda
Yeah it hurt as fuck. That's what I get for having such an insatiable sweet tooth while trying to lose weight :/

>> No.8661967

>kidney stones at 22
>have good genes

>> No.8661970
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I just use ingredients that already have the msg.

>> No.8662600
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every supermarket sells msg

>> No.8662685

You realise that the same site that you insist on using as a source also has two podcasts episodes dispelling the myths on MSG.

>> No.8662693


[Citation needed]

>> No.8662718


CBF with the other one, poofta

>> No.8662732

How does it feel that you put all that thought and effort into a post and over 100 replies later no one has even acknowledged it? Are you still here lurking in the desperate hope of a response? Or did you post a few other replies to mask your failure, knowing no one would ever possibly call you out. Which posts are those anon?

>> No.8662740

But Russell Blaylock-senpai said msg is bad for you

>> No.8662821

MSG is poison. Glutamic acid is a neurotrasnmitter and there is quite a bit of in the human body, however we can detoxify only L-Glutamate, which is naturally occurring in fish, eggs, meat, seaweed, etc.

MSG on the other hand, contains "free" glutamate since it is freed from the proteins that it is normally bound to in natural sources. MSG also contains D-Glutamate in addition to natural L-glutamate, which the body CANNOT detoxify itself of:

"D-glutamate is not oxidized by the D-amino acid oxidases, and therefore this detoxification pathway is not available for handling D-glutamate. Likewise, D-glutamic acid, when ingested, largely escapes most deamination reactions (unlike the L-counterpart). "


" In brain injury or disease, they can work in reverse and excess glutamate can accumulate outside cells. This process causes calcium ions to enter cells via NMDA receptor channels, leading to neuronal damage and eventual cell death, and is called excitotoxicity. The mechanisms of cell death include: * Damage to mitochondria from excessively high intracellular Ca2+. * Glu/Ca2+-mediated promotion of transcription factors for pro-apoptotic genes, or downregulation of transcription factors for anti-apoptotic genes. Excitotoxicity due to glutamate occurs as part of the ischemic cascade and is associated with stroke and diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, lathyrism, and Alzheimer's disease. glutamic acid has been implicated in epileptic seizures."


>> No.8662826

Read the book Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills

"The harmful effects of glutamate on the central nervous system (CNS) were first observed in 1954 by T. Hayashi, a Japanese scientist who noted that direct application of glutamate to the CNS caused seizure activity, though this report went unnoticed for several years. The toxicity of glutamate was then observed by D. R. Lucas and J. P. Newhouse in 1957, when the subcutaneous injection of monosodium glutamate into newborn mice destroyed the neurons in the inner layers of the retina.[7] Later, in 1969, John Olney discovered that the phenomenon was not restricted to the retina, but occurred throughout the brain, and coined the term excitotoxicity. He also assessed that cell death was restricted to postsynaptic neurons, that glutamate agonists were as neurotoxic as their efficiency to activate glutamate receptors, and that glutamate antagonists could stop the neurotoxicity.[8] Subsequent research by Mark Mattson provided evidence for the involvement of excitotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease, and other age-related neurodegenerative conditions that involve oxidative stress and cellular energy deficits."


>> No.8662856

Interesting. Any longitudinal studies examining MSG use and negative side effects between populations?

>> No.8662860

No, because he's full of shit.

>> No.8662866

I kekked

>> No.8662871

>direct application of glutamate to the CNS caused seizure activity
Im sure theres a number of safe to eat things that'll kill you when injected to the brain in a high enough dosage.

Did you know if you inject pure oxygen into your bloodstream you can have a heart attack or stroke? We should really try to stop people from consuming that poison.

>> No.8662875

Did you know if you ingest too much dihydrogen oxide you will die?

>> No.8662879

Oh god, how do I stop breathing?

>> No.8662885

I know, because if we had these studies from the 60s about how bad MSG was someone would have run that type of study. I'm just having a laugh.

>> No.8663309

Google this: msg testosterone

>> No.8663370

everything on the face of the earth lowers test and causes cancer

>> No.8663394
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>> No.8663739 [DELETED] 
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>google images picture of crying woman
>believing that msg is the boogeyman
>not understanding that literally everything is chemicals
This has to be bait. No one can be this stupid.

>> No.8663752
File: 132 KB, 1012x916, Screenshot_20170309-070319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know there's a search function build right into 4chan...right?

Nice nigger meme though.

>> No.8663899

Why is it that whenever I eat something that contains msg i feel ill? When i feel ill that's my body telling me that whatever i ingested was bad for me. It's pretty simple really. Msg might make food taste good but it definitely wasn't meant to be consumed by humans.

>> No.8663908

just try shooting you're sex partner full of heroine and shit, will be the best sex you're partner ever had

>> No.8663910

>but it definitely wasn't meant to be consumed by humans.

....yet it occurs naturally in many different foods

>> No.8663915

sand is also naturally found
usually spinach leaves have some sand
enjoy sand as god intended and praise jesus for having sandy leaves for dinner

>> No.8663918
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>> No.8663921

my g-d that is funny
end women suffrage, women have suffraged enuff!

>> No.8663939

Absorbic acid is most likely what your thinking of looks very similar to msg be carefull when you use it one teaspoon can make a whole lot of soup taste sour
The flavor is sour like a lemon but it helps alot in tenderizing

>> No.8663954

It's your brain desperately looking for feelings to complain about because it's easier to just tell you you're sick than to actually rewire your beliefs about what you're eating.

>> No.8664082

The anti-MSG morons in this thread won't understand half of the words in that comic.

>> No.8664086


No it doesn't tenderize meat. Whomever told you that is a moron.

>>I want that really soft texture that Chinese restaurants have with their beef

The procedure is called "Velveting". Google it.

>> No.8664148

Dihydrogen monoxide is the worst chemical in existence

>> No.8664474
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I am compelled to chuckle, the retarded old wives tale spouting msg is bad steeple turned out to be a racist as well. Truly us whomst expand our minds and pallets should feel blessed for our awareness and if not all but cast their gaze on this fool.

>> No.8664480


>> No.8664645


He's getting desperate lads

>> No.8664768

Well yes, hydrogen and ozone are also poisonous.

>> No.8664800

It's just too easy to be disingenuous.

>> No.8665330

It definitely isn't caused by greasy, salty Chinese food. Definitely.

>> No.8665562


It can launch a nuke from anywhere on the planet, how is this not dangerous?

>> No.8665580

this terrible bait

>> No.8665652

>ad hominem I must ad hominem him to death
lel but seriously scientific illiteracy is a problem man you should get checked out for brain problems

>> No.8665678

Genuinely think either msg or aspartame triggered my aunts multiple sclerosis. She was huge into diet coke right when it came out and was diagnosed a year or two later.

>> No.8665794
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>nonessential amino acid that your body produces normally + sodium atom is poison
keep it ignorant, everyone

>> No.8665798

OK, this bait actually made me laugh

>> No.8666797

You can use it in the same way you use salt, and on pretty much anything savory.

>> No.8666835

>what are precursor molecules

>> No.8667093
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ya lil sprinkle in my food get job done

>> No.8667203

It's monosodium glutamate

sodium ---> salt
glutamate ---> umami flavour (mostly from meats)

But I wouldn't trust what the Chinese put in it.

>> No.8667772

Just take enough DXM to block all your NMDA recepter channels.ww

>> No.8668414


I mix a lot of it in (about 1:4) with Frank's Red Hot and then I just put THAT SHIT ON EVERYTHING.

>> No.8668422

>not eating though photosynthesis

>> No.8669123
