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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8653805 No.8653805 [Reply] [Original]

Who else loves Poutine

>> No.8653808

Wish I could get good poutine here :(

>> No.8653815

Never had it my leaf. It's easy enough to do but I never think about it.

>> No.8653819

Literally the only redeeming quality about Canada. That and those little maple candies shaped like leafs. What are those called I'm bout to order some right now.

>> No.8653944

What about Ruffles All Dressed, Kinder Eggs, Ketchup chips, Crispy Crunch, Maltesers, Mars bars, salt and vinegar fries, Crunchie bars and Coffee Crisp?

>> No.8653954

i do

>> No.8654283

>catsup chips
Don't push it, leaf.

>> No.8654293

I miss poutine so much... A place around here actually makes it, but it's a ale immitation of the real deal.

>> No.8654308
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You for about based ginger beef.

>> No.8654389

Russians, clearly.

>> No.8654431

La Poutine? All, e'ry day niggas.

Une bonne Ashton à 2 hre du mat, dur à battre.

>> No.8654530

not him but its really good

>> No.8654668

just make it yourself you lazy fuck

>> No.8654699
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Trump does

>> No.8654703

I'm not a far-right ultra-conservative Orthodox Christian member of the Russian mafia who supports waging useless wars and killing homosexuals.

>> No.8654858

never had it. what is that supposed to be? like cheese, gravy, and french fries?

>> No.8654869

The President of Russia
(It's actually fries with curds and gravy, so pretty close)

>> No.8654880

what does the president of russia have to do with poutine?

>> No.8654886

Say his name out loud, then the name of the food.

>> No.8654937

poutine from la belle province

>> No.8655101
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Perogy poutine at my workplace

>> No.8655105
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>> No.8655113
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>> No.8655177

campagnard spotted

>> No.8655245

Mais c'est quoi ces standards-là anons

>> No.8655842

>kinder eggs, ketchup chips, maltesers, mars bars
None of these things are originally from Canada, you dumb leaf
I'd wager Crunchie bars and coffee crisp aren't either

>> No.8655884

What the fuck is poutine? Is it fries with mash potatoes and gravy? Wtf is this? Potatoes with potatoes? Only a leaf can think of such disgusting dish.

>> No.8655908

yes, it's my go-to junk food and pride

get the fuck outta here

>> No.8655911

Fries/Chips with cheese curds covered in gravy.

>> No.8655933
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What is the texture of poutine like? Are the fries supposed to be totally soggy after being covered in the brown sauce, or are they still at least partially crispy? Could I make a passable poutine using cottage cheese?

t: europoor

>> No.8655941


>> No.8656005
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I assumed he was talking abou t these http://www.finemapleproducts.com/en/category/60/clear-hard-maple-candies

>> No.8656008

I went to visit a buddy down in Seattle and we went to a bar that served poutine

it was the saddest piece of shit I've ever tasted. Definitely had the good stuff close to the border though.

>> No.8656010

that actually looks fucking good

>> No.8656069

I'll never understand you guys. Poutine is the only food that's come close to make me barf. I'm by no means a picky eater but the taste, the texture, everything in it is disgusting.

In fact I've only got two foods I can't stand. The first is poutine, the second is pumpkin pie. Fuck New World.

>> No.8656086

We will never know because he is probably gone forever at this point

>> No.8656094
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Poutine is only good for when you're shitfaced.

Chili fries are better.

>> No.8656097


It's not that hard to make cheese curds.

Go look it up.

>> No.8656120

I've only ever met one dude who didn't like poutine and I don't know why he doesn't. I think it's a texture thing.

depends, but often partially crispy
see if you can get cheese curds, they have a texture and taste that is noticeably different from just using normal cheese.
I don't think it's impossible to make something that would taste great with cheese curds, gravy and friels, but I think it will taste very different from poutine.

>> No.8656122

I swear all of those are British lmao
love u anyway Canada xxx

>> No.8656129

it stands to reason
canada is europe lite™

>> No.8656151
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I prefer chorrillana tee bee aych

>> No.8656165
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>> No.8656168

Bon, bon. Je sais que c'est pas à la hauteur de /CK/. Sinon une bonne pout de casse-croûte avec les grosses patates.... hum!

Anyway j'ai jamais été un fan de poutine "fancy".

>> No.8656174

>Servie sur une planche en bois.

C'est rendu ridicule, y te servirais un tas de marde sur une planche de chêne et ça se garrocherait pour en manger.

>> No.8656180

Ce resto en particulier à commencé à servir dans des coupelles en allu à la place des bonnes vieilles planches de bois, du coup j'ai arrêté d'y manger.

La putain de planche ça fait toute la différence.

>> No.8656189

Je sais pas, j'ai jamais cliqué avec les planches de bois. Un burger "fancé", ok, mais une pout?
Un bon vieux bol en alu, tu te trompes pas avec ça. Pis quand tu finis pas tout tu met le couvercle dessus pis tu ramène ça chez vous.

Quoi que... de la poutine ça se réchauffe pas.

>> No.8656311
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Why don't they make poutine with sausage gravy? Beef gravy is too watery.

>> No.8656411


American in Canada here. All dressed chips are good (PC or Ruffles), Who cares about kinder eggs?, Ketchup chips are gross, Butterfinger is 1000x greater than crispy crunch, We have whoppers back home which are the same as maltesers, we have mars bars too but snickers are better, any idiot can put vinegar on fries, coffee crisp is vile.

Tourtierre, peameal sandwiches, and butter tarts, should be added to the list.

>> No.8656441

Plenty of people would say poutine isn't Canadian either, you daft bastard. But Canada has taken all this shit and made it there's

>> No.8656492

>Ketchup chips are gross
>coffee crisp is vile
Ur gross and vile, gtfo out of here
but leave the chicken & waffles plz thanks

>> No.8656509

What part of Canada are you in?

Can I have your thoughts on nanaimo bars, maple candy, fiddleheads, dulse, Montreal smoked meat, bannock, québécois split pea soup, Montreal bagels, beaver tails, Mr Big, Aero, Crunchie, bagged milk, Hickory Sticks, Ringolos, and tiger tail ice cream?

>> No.8656534

>kinder eggs
>ketchup/tomato sauce chips
>mars bars
>salt & vinegar on your chips
>crunchie bars
we have those in lots of other countries too you know, but good call on the All Dressed flavour though, that stuff's the best

>> No.8656539

>mfw big tittied dispensary staff give marijuana versions of these away for free on Canada day every year
Canada's the best.

>> No.8656541

more like Ontario is a Canada-themed America to be honest.

>> No.8656560

400-450 F une coupe de minutes, ça le fait!

>> No.8656620


I don't come here to cringe.

>> No.8656675

Looks like someone took a diarrhea dump on some fries and came all over it.

>> No.8656703

Nigger, why did that image take 30 seconds to lo..

>> No.8656706

No cheese curds here.

>> No.8656736

Whoppers are not the same as
Maltesers and I'm sorry that you think so

>> No.8656739

Thanks for backing me up. Some good shit here

>> No.8656772
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I went to Canada not too long ago to falls area and tried a good few different poutine dishes although most tasted like your regular cheese chips and gravy there was a place called the poutinery or something and I gotta say it was one of the nicest things I have ever eaten

>> No.8656825

Really? I find the poutine you get at a sit down restaurant is normally way more comforting than the stuff from the Poutineirie

>> No.8656826

>I don't come here for people to remind me how stupid I am to be monolinguistic.

Fixed for you pal ;)

Faudrait j'essaye, c'est les frites qui deviennent molle qui m'écoeure!

>> No.8656828

Your problem

>> No.8656842

well it was a long night and i had been drinking desu,as i said the others i had tried where pretty bad . i got one from the toronto aquarium and it was terrible and a few others from random restaurants. nothing came close to that place though. shame there isnt one in england

>> No.8656849

Can I ask a stupid question to our resident leafs here?
Poutine is quite hard to find on menus here, so naturally everyone just says "make your own". Well okay fine, fries are easy, so check. Wisconsin is next door, so cheese curds are easy too. Check.
Now here's where I get stuck. Gravy. What do you use? Its my understanding that gravy is a pan sauce made from meat drippings and fond after roasting or pan cooking meat, then deglazed, de-fatted, and thickened with starch or a roux. So I guess poutine requires cooking up some meat that releases a lot of juice and browned bits? What meat? Chicken, beef, pork, turkey? Any or all? And this was supposed to be simple fast food, I'm certainly not making a goddamn roast just for poutine gravy.
I suppose the alternative is to buy jarred gravy, or the dehydrated pouches, but those are very shitty. So I'm asking YOU... leaf. Where are you sourcing this "gravy" from?

>> No.8656855
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>> No.8656870


>> No.8656878

Really? Disappointed. I guess that's chicken flavor, eh?
So you just whisk up the mystery powder with water? Can you at least use chicken stock? I'm used to gravy being good.

>> No.8656888
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Forget the chicken on the photo, it doesnt taste like chicken at all.

This one is also good.

>> No.8656955

Mmmm poutine ale

>> No.8656960

Yo pumpkin pie is boom

>> No.8656978

>fries on top of the sauce
God fucking dammit.

>> No.8656987

Then they're not doing it right.
>watery gravy

>> No.8657099

Hey man, as long as it hits the spot. My university had a Poutinirie in the basement of its residence building that was open from 7 pm until 2 am, and the place was popping every night.

>> No.8657178

Best Canadian chocolate bars are those Neilson Jersey Milk bars, a million times better than Hersey

>Butterfinger is 1000x greater than crispy crunch

But that's wrong asshole. You are right that you should definitely be thinking of butter tarts before any of that crap though

>> No.8657200

any gravy works really, as long as it's not watery and has some flavor. even vegeterian gravy

>> No.8657213

> Its my understanding that gravy is a pan sauce made from meat drippings and fond after roasting or pan cooking meat, then deglazed, de-fatted, and thickened with starch or a roux. So I guess poutine requires cooking up some meat that releases a lot of juice and browned bits?

Canadians are a simple people. Lower your expectations.

>> No.8657216

Poutine was invented at a fucking truck stop, just get a packet of powdered beef gravy mix and follow the instructions on the box

>> No.8657241

Americans don't have these?

Jesus christ "land of the free" indeed
Free of any redeeming qualities

>> No.8657259

But to answer your question "beef" gravy is traditional. You could also follow a recipe for gravy from bouillon if packets are too cheap and nasty for you but not sure how much better that's going to be

>> No.8657303

that is fries in brick form topped with curds and gravy, then sauteed onions, sour cream, chopped perogies, bacon and chives

>> No.8657645 [DELETED] 
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I'll ask again, anyone want to do a /ck/ meetup in the Montréal area tonight or this week?

>> No.8657724

Hum!!! Ça l'air ben trop bon.
Malheureusement je suis à Québec, mais je serais venu volontié Anon.

>> No.8657761 [DELETED] 
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J'peux me rendre à Trois Rivières! :)

>> No.8657900

Haha merci de l'offre, mais je suis vraiment pas disponible ces temps-ci. À une prochaine fois anon ça serait vraiment bien!

>> No.8657904

joe beef

>> No.8657918

>take British food
>give it French name


>> No.8659482
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>> No.8659486

I've never had it but it doesn't look that appealing desu

what is so good about it?

the texture looks too soupy tbqh

>> No.8659548
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>> No.8659551

hangover poutine - sunny side up eggs, 3 strips bacon, green onion

>> No.8659555

cheeseburger poutine - seasoned browned hamburger, bacon bits, cheddar cheese, white onion.

Baked potato poutine - Jalapeno cheese sauce, sour cream, bacon bits, green onion

>> No.8659558
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pizza poutine - pepperoni, ranch, mozzarella, bacon bits.

>> No.8659566
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buffalo chicken poutine - fried chicken tossed in hot sauce then covered in ranch dressing

>> No.8659572
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Surf and Turf poutine - 6 oz striploin, 4 shrimp

>> No.8659577
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Stadium Poutine - foot long frank, relish, ketchup, mustard, white onion.

>> No.8659579
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Christmas poutine - shredded turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, green onion.

>> No.8659582
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Steak and Parm Poutine - 6 oz Strip-loin, steak vinaigrette, Parmesan cheese, green onion.

>> No.8660849

stop pretending you're french

>> No.8661048

this is just stuff with cheese on it.

Poutine has to use cheese curds and brown gravy.

Not to be a dick, but this is just stuff with cheese on it.

>> No.8661069

This cheese curds don't exist in Germany, there's not even a word for it and these fucks have a word for just about everything.

>> No.8661148

yeah these look pretty disgusting anon

you don't have to try too hard when making poutine- these look like cakes. And probably taste like them too.

>> No.8661236
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Who poutine, nut goodies, top the tater for dipping the fries and hot chocolate on a cold winter night here?

>> No.8661732

I don't get what's wrong, it's just french fries man

>> No.8661753

>Slather fries in gravy and cheese curds
>Have to eat it with a fork
>Fries get soggy from all the fucking gravy
No thanks

>> No.8661789

"Bruch" oder "Käsebruch"

>> No.8661842

what the hecks wrong with soggy fries lol

my favourite fries ever have been soft and sweaty- imporves the flavour and the texture is *mwah* finger kissing good.

>> No.8662071
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I've never met a man that kissed his fingers to signify delicious food that I didn't eventually kill with a collectible glass cow

>> No.8662082

how haven't you been caught then, huhh??? you in prisoonnnnnn??????????????????/// HOWS PRISON FOOD, FAGGUETTE??

>> No.8662087

I was declared not guilty, actually, but my brother tells me in certain states the prison food is actually pretty good, or at least better than the lunches we feed kids in school.

>> No.8662099



>> No.8662105
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Neither did the jury

>> No.8662121

OOOOOOOOHHH wait wait wheres my hot fire gif lol the guys will love this ahahahahaggh

>> No.8663197

you can just use diced cheddar but it's just not the same.

>> No.8664094

>describes muslim

>> No.8666406

Me. With beef gravy

>> No.8666467
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posting poutine meme facebook

>> No.8666513
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>> No.8667073
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i do i do

>> No.8667098
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Today I had BBQ pulled pork poutine. Sweet potato fries with pulled pork, monterey jack cheese, BBQ sauce, and scallions. Believe me when I say that shit was absolutely decadent. I think I'm still getting heart palpitations.

>How fat are you?

>> No.8667122

that's the thing. it's supposed to be just french fries. not a fuckin tryhard wannabe fancy meal

>> No.8667485

don't talk shit about my coffee crisp