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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 468x351, We_Want_Plates3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8650938 No.8650938 [Reply] [Original]

so why is this a thing?

>> No.8650971

fierce competition in the restaurant industry has lead to many novelty bullshit ideas like niggerfaggot slabs of wood and skateboard decks for plates or a trashcan full of french fries

theyre just being quirky to make up for being shit. like IPA's with edgy names and almost every indie band

>> No.8650983
File: 68 KB, 634x422, vroooom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal?

>> No.8650986

Is that a fucking skateboard?

>> No.8650992

No, it's a mongoose you dumb fuck

>> No.8650993

Those fries are pissing me off

>> No.8650996

What restaurant is this and how do I know you're not faking?

>> No.8651001
File: 468 KB, 900x660, usaginonedoko-kyoto-cafe-rocks-minerals-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rocks """"reimagined"""" as """""""food"""""""

>> No.8651002

>so why is this a thing?

Millennials and white people.

>> No.8651004

Novelty. Fine dining is seen as stuffy and old fashioned by many who are still willing to pay decent $$$ for good food. Being playful with the plating shows the kitchen is not at all stodgy.

>> No.8651011
File: 728 KB, 625x419, enhanced-10921-1461028670-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here you go sir, ingredients served separately so you can prepare it the way you like :)
>that'll be $31.95 plus tip

>> No.8651016

That's kind of cute, honestly.

>> No.8651017

>it's okey when japa do it
Weebs not welcomed.

>> No.8651022

These types of restaurants aren't designed for boring assholes like you.

>> No.8651034
File: 47 KB, 600x400, umbrella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no mini umbrella to eat food from

>> No.8651039

I mean if someone did this in, like, the 90's as a gimmick and not a restaurant feature it would have been kinda cool

>> No.8651054

That ain't my jam. But it doesn't tweak my autism either.

>> No.8651064
File: 67 KB, 620x348, corm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8651067

I didnt know mongoose made skateboards, fuck off wood pusher.

>> No.8651068

heh you know it's funny a friend of mine was waking up a hobo sleeping in the lobby and I've never seen someone go from sleeping to swinging a skateboard so quickly in my life.

>> No.8651075
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>> No.8651076

this is the kind of place that some girl takes me to without forewarning it's a freakshow and I wind up asking the waitress what the fuck do they think they are doing.

>> No.8651077

I love it when news of restaurant closings frequently pop up in my city's Eater feed.

>> No.8651081

Idgaf, that's fairly creative and cool.

>> No.8651085
File: 53 KB, 228x392, 1401213600060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but I like the little shopping cart.

>> No.8651089

Nothing's more fun than dumping a jar of spaghetti and sauce out on a plate like you're serving shitty leftovers.

>> No.8651094


>> No.8651111
File: 39 KB, 550x412, served-on-a-shovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what the raw garlic and spring onions are for. Are you supposed to smash them with your shovel?

>> No.8651909
File: 87 KB, 600x800, 0cfa8edfb9cdf52e18c74b1c954e02b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat food on a tennis racket?


>> No.8651922 [DELETED] 

how do we stop millennials from ruining the planet?

>> No.8651923

Ingeniously executed.

>> No.8651929

>eating out of a dog bowl

fitting desu

>> No.8651933


I see no problem here.

>> No.8651945

Who cares? It's their planet now. Let 'em do whatever they want.

>> No.8651966
File: 12 KB, 426x304, 1268001668392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pork stone

>> No.8651969


Kowabunga dudes!

>> No.8651973
File: 97 KB, 412x500, dongpo pork cube shaped stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8651974

Yes, porkstone. It's a thing, google it. So named, because it looks just like a slab of pork.

>> No.8651977
File: 138 KB, 750x750, Shi-Caixia-natural-font-b-pork-b-font-belly-stone-font-b-pork-b-font-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "pork belly" stones are quite popular in China. Good luck charm

>> No.8651991

I all honesty, they won't be capable of doing a worse job than we are doing, currently.

>> No.8652018
File: 45 KB, 450x470, god damn i hate these fucking faggot wooden board shits fuck me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they serve burgers and steaks on wooden boards? I remember the first time I encountered this I was enraged by how gay and impracticable it as but now I see it everywhere. A few places have also started serving their shit in the style of a 50s diner and on these flimsy plastic trays like a cafeteria.
>Get mountain of fries on dumb wooden board
>Have to be careful not to swipe the fuckers onto the table
Someone reintroduce plates to the restaurant industry please

>> No.8652022


well this is tasty looking rocks

>> No.8652035

I would walk out

>> No.8652042

You would let them keep your money?

>> No.8652050

who pays before eating?

>> No.8652054

fuck you amerifat shitcunt

>> No.8652058

>not "pomme frittes"

>> No.8652059
File: 18 KB, 509x411, pepe smoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a burger
>the buns are black

>> No.8652062

Yuropoor retart

>> No.8652074
File: 27 KB, 400x400, porkstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of these rocks

>> No.8652093

hot porkstone dick

>> No.8652131

Kill Kill Kill

>> No.8652254

to take a pic for instagram of course

>dumb millennial or average woman goes to gimmicky restaurant
>takes 100's of selfies with gimmick food on a wood plate and cocktail in a jam jar
>post on social media
>girl gets her hit of dopamine
>restaurant gets free advertising
>both parties win

only negative side effect is it makes normal people cringe

>> No.8652265

>tennis rackets
>shopping carts
>wooden planks

my only 2 concerns are health laws and the restaurants probably going through 5 dishwasher's a week.

it's hard enough to keep a dishwasher hired as it is without them ragequitting or being shit 90% of the time.

>> No.8652267

And nobody would give a fuck you sack of shit, go back to Wendy's.

>> No.8652273

give it 5 years and it'll be so normal that some whackjob restaurant will be an absolute madman and serve a burger on a plate


>> No.8652292

As someone who washed dishes for two years, absolutely this. It's already dirty, mind numbing and tedious. I'd fucking die if I had to keep racquets clean.

>> No.8652320
File: 256 KB, 498x486, tmp_17452-1480967024407-373523589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw imagining a dishwasher cleaning a pile of shovels

>> No.8652342

Quite the mental complex you got there buddy

>> No.8652712
File: 1.76 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20130707_212654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I'm pretty sure that's from the VIP bit of the Wimbledon championships and so you paid for that before you went in on your ticket price.

>> No.8652722

Post the black 'za already

>> No.8652746


>> No.8652757

>Pandering to autism
Bring them a bunch of different size spoons and your costumers will never leave

>> No.8652760

manchildren have no tastebuds, and even in their 30 have that whole "dad would be so mad, this is EPIC" mentality.

>> No.8652763

If this is "fun" to you, I'm sorry to tell you you are the soulless, shallow sack of shit. You still watch the Simpsons religiously, don't you?

>> No.8652764

>people are paying money for that 2$ worth of junk food just because "le lol so randuumb, muh instagram will be le jelly"
the real racket in the picture is the business practice of that place

>> No.8652766

So that's were they get their ideas for the street food made out of cement

>> No.8652776
File: 77 KB, 605x342, c50a7a3614aaca37209a874ebe8961e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8652789


would eat. bushido cooking code has been followed and the result is an unpretentious triumph.

>> No.8652809

You know what, im going my own hipster joint. Im gonna burritos from costco. Microwave them and serve them for $15 a plate but heres the catch. THE PLATE WILL BE UPSIDE DOWN! Fucking GENIUS!

>> No.8652822
File: 61 KB, 600x600, CBbjesEW4AAzkjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8652826

What does the stick part rest on?

>> No.8652831
File: 24 KB, 288x252, 1470812661997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stick part

>> No.8652855

Me too. I feel an inordinate amount of rage looking at that.

>> No.8652869
File: 62 KB, 719x719, 1437198415168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm totally jaded about making food and you should be about eating it!
>so come join us, we make you cook it and serve food on popsiclewear to eat while you sit in a centrifuge
>today's special: "funny pun name for reheated leftovers"

Maybe you should try other cuisines and dishes instead of opting for another burger that has to be dyed entirely black and dropped by spelunkers from the ceiling just so you dint feel like you're still eating the sake shit.

>> No.8652872
File: 43 KB, 453x604, 408863_3140319513292_1424045343_3136876_2026216568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8652900

Do you live in an alternate reality where what you've described is common?

>> No.8652908

Is this a joke? Some sort of special request? I would refuse to eat this.

>> No.8652916

They're designed for hipster retards like you

>> No.8652918

>Pic is a trowel

I bet you think a spade is the same as a shovel too

>> No.8652957

>Some usage prescriptions prescribe that the words "spade" and "shovel" should be held in contradistinction (piercing and digging [spade] versus scooping and moving [shovel]). Natural language does not widely follow these prescriptions; it more often treats "spade" and "scoop" as contradistinguished subsets under "shovel".



>> No.8652964

This is every person under 20 the fuck are you from, retard? Even third world shitholes like Muslim war zone do that shit.

>> No.8652969


Now come with me and seize the means of production.

>> No.8653001

>Even third world shitholes like Muslim war zone do that shit.

Riiiiiiiight... Come on, it's time to go back to the home, you haven't even had your pills today.

>> No.8653007

>it makes normal people cringe
There's nothing wrong with that. Normal people eat frozen pizza with ranch dressing. Fuck them.

>> No.8653085

>Shart in mart detected

>Many people use the terms “shovel” and “spade” interchangeably. But did you know that they’re actually very different tools?

You're such a retard you think pulse and heart rate are the same

>> No.8653094

Just bite into that full bulb of garlic, senpai.

>> No.8653102

>that fag who can't argue anything without whining about nationality

>> No.8653103

You laughed at me because I'm different... I laugh at you because you're all the same.

>> No.8653107

>Being this buttmad about being proven wrong
>Pencil dick detected

>> No.8653119

>You laughed at me because I'm different

That's not why we laugh at you anon.

>> No.8653148


Minature versions of regular-sized things are fucking cute, but that thing is probably a bitch to wash properly, which means it's probably not washed properly.

>> No.8653154


The little shopping cart is fucking hilarious.

>> No.8653160

I'm not even the guy you were arguing with. Just goes to show how shitting on someone's nationality only ropes other people into your dumb argument. Stop doing that.

>> No.8653163 [DELETED] 

>I-I-I-mmm t-t-totally not that g-g-g-guy

Whatever you say shart, whatever you say

>> No.8653165
File: 797 KB, 880x547, ELEPHANT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Served on a shovel, on top of a plate.

>> No.8653625

eurotards, everyone

that constant obsession must have brain damaged you guys

>> No.8653648

Most of this is horribly expensive stuff, so they probably pay staff better than most places

>> No.8653660
File: 1022 KB, 303x194, 1474606069933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food is an art also. Are you some sort of fascist?

>> No.8653940
File: 8 KB, 400x343, 1488306840890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some of the most irritating shit I've ever seen.

The smug radiates off of it.

I would beat the cunt snot out of anyone I saw eating those fries out of a tiny shopping cart.

>> No.8653947
File: 41 KB, 473x341, 11137543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I'm european

>> No.8653958


Less washing up required
Also less time spent bringing food back and forth by the wait staff.

The reason such things are done is to save time/work for the waitstaff and kitchen staff.
Instead of having 3 different courses they sell you one giant course and leave you alone for 30 minutes while they wait on others.

It's a smart and efficient way of doing things. Plus very few customers are going to complain about the individual components of the dish which might be seperately sent back because it looks FUCKHUEG XD.

>> No.8654832

But won't that make some of the food cold? It would taste better coming out hot and fresh. Also, I'm not sure how it saves on washing. I can't imagine they throw away a skateboard or a tiny shopping cart every time someone has a meal.

>> No.8654861


Gross banal garbage. I'd pay, just to enter and shout them down.


bretty good




Tacky without being abominable

>> No.8654865

The temperature will not drop dramatically just because it's in a little shopping cart. It just looks nicer to have fries in another receptacle. A piles of fries on a plate looks like shit, but tidy them up in a little shopping cart and it has some novelty and better overall appearance.

>> No.8654902

This is why the elderly hate millennials, they walk into a restaurant run by a 20-something, see everyone being served food on skateboards and shovels and think the current generation has lost it's collective minds.

>> No.8655071


Because when I think corn, I think lag bolts

>> No.8655207

Schweinshaxe on a spaten? What is this world coming to?

>> No.8655218

Boring assholes

>> No.8655224

Have you not seen videos from Syria where guys have Kalashnikov and iPhone in either hand?

>> No.8655229

Your knowledge of spades and shovels will do you good in your job as a hardware store implement section manager. I applaud you good sir, there is a place for every autismo out there.

>> No.8655232

May not be yuro, but you're a confirmed faggot.

>> No.8655272

Its not a joke. It's a Full English.

>> No.8655296

It's food reimagined as rocks idiot. whole different outcome

>> No.8655299

that's not a full english.

>> No.8655587

>quran for serving some nice pork belly

>> No.8655675

is it a bolt or a screw?

>> No.8655677

>100s of selfies

I don't think you leave the house or go to restaurants much. The lighting is usually terrible for selfies.

>> No.8655736

In Denver, CO for work. So far I've had one item served on a wooden cutting board and one item served on a small cookie/oven tray. Hipsters gonna hip.

The best thing I've had in town so far were some Cabeza tacos that were served on a plate in a restaurant that didn't have an English menu or any signs in english. It was also cheaper.

>> No.8655749

Autistic asshole

>> No.8655754

>Jesus that must be awkward to eat out from
>people have to bend over and reach their arms in every time they want to grab a bite
>oh shit that's not a table

>> No.8656071


i still don't understand what the problem is. just a lack of a rim?

wood feels and looks nicer than china and it fits the decor of many restaurants. it's also better to cut things on. i don't understand what makes people so mad

>> No.8656077

>both parties win

Then why are you so mad?

>> No.8656080


i'm quite sure you've had many opportunities to hit people for much worthier reasons and haven't ever done it you obvious bullying victim

>> No.8656088
File: 12 KB, 499x555, tmp_31671-1478961336998-439532373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8656134
File: 15 KB, 220x301, rene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... you'd like to eat rocks ?

>> No.8656279

>ywn live in melbourne
feels bad man

>> No.8656286

Can't break a board. Fairly easy to clean and care for a board if you have someone who's paid to do it.

Just make a wooden plate and you're golden

>> No.8656321
File: 104 KB, 715x653, fishfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8656326
File: 598 KB, 1000x1001, Barton-G-Shoe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8656337

haha benis :DDDD

>> No.8656350

>grip tape platter
it's just so easy to clean

>> No.8656352

You're not a full english

>> No.8656356


>> No.8656357

you could have just reverse image searched this
"fireman's breakfast" referencing the practice of cooking on a shovel in the firebox of a locomotive from "the tickethall" a restaurant ina railway station

>> No.8656406
File: 72 KB, 596x401, drinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink up

>> No.8656418

looks like fun tbqh

>> No.8656443

100% this. Kids today just have no concept of life or respect. Won't stay off my lawn, won't pipe down when Paul Harvey comes on the radio, hell they can't even appreciate good hard candy like Wurthers Original (I still remember my first one). Why was every generation after our own so terrible?

>> No.8656445
File: 182 KB, 400x478, 0PJtZim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8656458
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>> No.8656461
File: 181 KB, 768x902, 1474849744860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8656470

>Go to grab food
>Pricked by a prong on the barbed wire
>Get tetanus

>> No.8656563

who the fuck puts salad dressing on pizza? I heard american whitetrash do it sometimes but seriously

>> No.8656596
File: 41 KB, 600x337, ToppersTot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a thing in the Midwest and parts of the South. I didn't believe it until I saw it in Wisconsin. I watched an obese guy open a container of chipotle ranch dressing and pour it over a slice of pic related. People do this in the part of the country where pizza like this is considered normal.

>> No.8656622

my food's touching the fucking table.

>> No.8656728

>oh, I'm sorry, didn't realise my hearing aid was down so low HAHA

>> No.8656743
File: 59 KB, 720x487, aspic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The midwest is straight up disgusting when it comes to food. Fucking ranch on everything.

Dishwasher salmon, mayo and jello as dietary staples, fucking pic related.

>> No.8656746

Enough said.

>> No.8656750

>Dishwasher salmon

>> No.8656760

Do they dip the shopping cart in the grease I wonder?

>> No.8656762

midwesterner here, we eat that every sunday night

>> No.8656770

>The midwest is straight up disgusting when it comes to food.
I wish I could argue this, but my experience kind of forces me to agree with you.
These are the kind of people who would totally scoff at "hipster" restaurants while dunking tater tots in ranch dressing.

>> No.8656781


Using the heat and moisture of a dishwasher to poach fish. It's ja/ck/-tier.

>> No.8656941
File: 401 KB, 864x627, 1488130415151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>that'll be $31.95 plus tip

>hands over 50% off groupon
>no tip
>still overpaid

>> No.8656979

baka white people

>> No.8657048


>If you want this greasy food you'd better eat it from this dog bowl you fucking animal.

>> No.8657072

something something consumerism

something something tasteful portions

something something i am a massive faggot who isnt content with a 12 inch plate with a bit of ribeye and a bunch of chips on it with some kind of sauce/meat juice and pickled ginger omg so kawaii desu.

>> No.8657076

>TIL that hipsters don't understand how much better pasta is when the sauce and carbs are cooked together for a short period of time to let the flavour soak in

>> No.8657111


It's a lag bolt, but they're sometimes called lag screws. Basically just a really heavy duty fastener.

Looks pretty ridiculous on corn, eh?

>> No.8657118
File: 50 KB, 720x528, tmp_20111-14885060501931449541071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want off the Mr. Projected Insecurities wild ride

>> No.8657123


The most disgusting thing is that every piece of the meal will be fondled by hands. I can taste sweaty kitchen fluids all over everything, please stop I don't mind if it looks like shit just pan 2 plate pls

>> No.8657128



What's that an acronym for?

'Truly it's laughable?'

>> No.8657130

Today I learned.

>> No.8657132

Novelty in food presentation has been a thing since forever, you literally only care because you resent hipsters for being cooler than you

>> No.8657135

someone post the mason jar milkshakes

>> No.8657137


Ah, thank you.

>> No.8657144

No problem, dude.

>> No.8657180
File: 38 KB, 480x480, tmp_12800-b76-1183513077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously, I'll shoot anyone who trepasses on my property.

>> No.8657186

You're such a massive and pretentious faggot, its astounding.

>> No.8657189

Look, man. I'm not going to call you names. I'm not going to make fun of your argument, or even refute it. I'm just going to tell you to look down at your keyboard, and find the key between U and O. Do you see it? That's "I". That's what you need to worry about right now. Take the next five minutes and think of a few sentences that begin with "I". I'll help you out.
>I am angry.
>I am lashing out.
>I am disappointed with my life.
>I am upset with my situation.
>I post inflammatory and upsetting statements online in a sad attempt at human interaction.

If you're interested, I have a challenge for you. Turn off your computer, or more likely your phone, and walk into your bathroom. Take a long look in the mirror. You will probably avoid eye contact with your reflection at first. You need to overcome that fear and look deep into your own eyes. Face yourself and think about what's going wrong. Then, go take a walk. Chances are high that you haven't seen the sun in about 4 months. That's okay. Just drag your overweight frame out the door and take a lap around the block. You'll feel better. I promise. Then come back and let us all know how much better you're feeling. We all await your apology. Take care.

>> No.8657197

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.

>> No.8657199
File: 478 KB, 1181x1671, cavansite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty cool.

>> No.8657329

ya, just dont order the soup


>> No.8657357


Dear lord this cannot be real.

>> No.8657365

I live across the bridge from Portland, Or. This picture is pretty much every restaurant there. However, I haven't been over there in years. Place is the worst hate it over there.

>> No.8657571

t. ranch hand

>> No.8659010

this is different. this is art, not just some dumb restaurant gimmick.

>> No.8659144

>t. weeb

>> No.8659153

i lived in portland for a year and all i had to show for it when i left was a cocaine addiction and an arm of shitty tattoos.
mcfucking kill me

>> No.8659544


>> No.8659553 [DELETED] 


kys weab trash

>> No.8659569


do these still exist

>> No.8659586

hehe, the soup would be dripping all over the place

>> No.8659702

>he honestly believes an old fart flyover is making fun of him for being an old fart flyover


>> No.8659716


>> No.8659718

Hipster or redneck?

>> No.8659721 [DELETED] 

excuse me for not being "weeb" enough to know the proper terminology

>> No.8659846

this makes me mad because the pasta is better if you slighlty underboil it and then finish it off cooking in the pasta.

>> No.8659849

Why are white men so boring? It seems like all the threads I find on here are pictures of chili's burgers and a bunch of white guys praising it. Why do white men have such pleb taste yet act like foodies?

>> No.8659851

>automatically calling this attention seeking shit 'hipster'

Hipsters don't like tacky shit. They have standards, it isn't anything goes. This stuff is literally just unimaginative restaurant managers trying to get social media and word of mouth to pull in punters

>> No.8659875

How long until there is a restaurant where you just go in and literally eat your food straight out of the pan and oven?

>> No.8659888

Found the hipster.

>> No.8659895


I think the people who abuse the word hipster in this way probably just don't get out very much

You know when you have an in joke with a couple of friends and it's ducking hilarious and clever, and then some idiot hears you doing it, half understands what you're doing and starts trying to participate, and then the joke is ruined forever because its meaning has been diluted? Yeah that's what has happened with the word hipster.

>> No.8659897

>ducking hilarious
You might not be a hipster but you are a faggot

>> No.8659904


>> No.8660142

pls gimme tetanus/10

>> No.8660154

>order burger
>expect to hold that thing in my greasy paws and dig in
>its a burger and some buns burried under a mountain of lettuce
>expected to eat burger with knife and fork
these people should be butchered

>> No.8660159

you may yell in green, but the selfies of their war are real, and easily available on tweeter.

>> No.8660188

my mother talks about them nonstop so hopefully.

>> No.8660219

can you please take your autism back to where ever you came from?

>> No.8660270

this actually looks really comfy desu

>> No.8660544

I need to do this with rocky mountain oysters

>> No.8660555
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>you may yell in green

Kek, I'm stealing that for future uses

>> No.8660586

There is literally nothing wrong with serving stuff you're eating with your hands on a wooden platter.

>> No.8660597

Most of this is from nasty bourgeois restaurants desperately trying to be hip but missing the point entirely.

>> No.8660673

>paying for pasta at a restaurant

why would you do this

>> No.8660740

I would laugh, shake my head without saying a word, walk out, not pay the bill, and no tip.

>> No.8660822

lol i'm not, i'm stating what actually happens. have you never been to a restaurant before?

>> No.8660829

this. How much an hour would you need as a dishwasher to deal with tennis rackets, shovels and umbrellas? Most dishwashers are paid min wage and are usually teenagers.

>> No.8660839

>order a beer
>it comes stuffed inside of a tennis ball
>go to drink it
>it bounces away

>> No.8661022

ruined it by putting it in a glass desu.
also the shoe had better been worn by the waitress. i imagine the tinge will spike the ceviche's acidity well.

>> No.8661123
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>> No.8661186
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I can't stand places like this. I live in Indianapolis and there's this restaurant called "Milktooth" that's new and super fucking hipster. But the food looked good so my girlfriend and I tried it out.

She ordered this weird take they do on a pancake, but asked if they could please leave the nuts they throw on top off. It's just a topping and is done after the food is done, so no problem, right? Well, no. The chef REFUSED to make it without the nuts. Refused. The waitress tried feeding us some garbage that the chef is an "artist" blah blah blah. Yeah, such an amazing culinary artist that he was to work in Indianapolis where the competition isn't exactly that hard anyways.

Later overheard a customer asking for a burger without the bun. Again, chef refused to make the burger if he didn't physically pick the fucking thing up and put it on a bun. Didn't tip and never returned.

I mean, maybe they draw a little bit of business from food snobs who like the exclusivity and feeling that the food is a work of art, but do these places not realize the number of customers they push away with these retarded rules? Not like I really care, I just won't eat there. But it's bad business.

>> No.8661208

And to add to this, I went to some brewery in my hometown that's going for the hipster microbrew shit. They serve food too. I ordered this sausage platter because that's what I thought it would be: a sausage platter. But no, it actually comes out on, I shit you not, a little tiny coat rack with miniature closet hangers with big sausages hanging from them like giant cooked donkey dicks. And the dipping sauces were served in bronzed baby shoes.

I couldn't stop laughing for a solid 5 minutes but then felt really uncomfortable by trying to eat these weird things while everyone stared. Wish I would have taken a picture

>> No.8661235

Yes, but unless there was some kind of benefit I'm not coming back.

I mean the only thing you get is the crumbs fall right through and that kinda defeats the purpose of a plate.

>> No.8662267

>implying they use dishwashers for that
It'd probably be safer to eat off of if they didn't use hot water and detergent to breakdown whatever protective coatings do exist, exposing the metal flakes, treated synthetics, decals, and silk screened paint underneath.

>> No.8662312

>I'm wrong and don't have a good argument so let me greentext so maybe people will think I'm not an idiot

>> No.8664141
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>hungover on facebook
>see a video
>"People are going nuts for these cocktails served inside of lightbulbs"
fukken why tho, are people retarded?

>> No.8664149

Because when you have some disposable income, you probabaly want to spend it on things you enjoy or find interesting. Some people are interested in that apparently. It's fine.

>> No.8664157

I thought I escaped "edgy" hell when I left /b/ years ago.

Thanks for bringing it back.

>> No.8664237

Yeah but then you can't use the lewd peep toes unless you get the waitress to pour it down the shoe straight into your mouth. Actually wait nevermind that's way better.