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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8647995 No.8647995 [Reply] [Original]

>About to meet my biological father for the first time ever
>We're going to a restaurant
>It's a fancy steak house as far as i understood
>Never been to a restaurant but don't want to turn out autistic

What should I expect? What should I be doing?

>> No.8648001


>never been to a restaurant

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.8648019

Just order a filet minion, ask for it to be cooked well-done

Don't spread any of the ketchup on top, just dip each piece in it as you cut it

Go on youtube and look up table etiquette if you really need to

>> No.8648024

I'm 20. My parents just never go to the restaurant because they cook at home. I have never even been to McDonalds as well.

>> No.8648035
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You've never been to ANY restaurant in your life?
Or just not a nice steakhouse?

In the former case you might actually be in trouble.

>> No.8648037

>what should i expect
from the restaurant? a nice meal

>what should i be doing
eat your food like a normal person. get a porterhouse, medium rare.

>> No.8648041

Go to a restaurant this week before you meet him. Take a friend and do the entire menu-ordering ritual.

>> No.8648050

Can you give us a little more of your background? I'm genuinely fascinated how that could happen to a person, regardless of country. Your friends never wanted to go anywhere either?

>> No.8648052

Yes, I have never been to ANY restaurant in my life. My parents are strictly against spending money in a restaurants and they cook every meal at home. I'm from Nebraska, lots of people like that here.

>> No.8648064

see >>8648052

>> No.8648077

I guess...

Have you ever eaten a steak before?

>> No.8648091

Yes i ate venison, my father loves to hunt and my mother is a great cook.

>> No.8648101

Go to a really casual place. Do you have something like an Applebee's or a Red Lobster nearby? The food will be pretty mediocre but you'll learn all the skills you need without worrying about sperging out in a fancy restaurant.

>> No.8648106 [DELETED] 

jfc fucking flyovers

>muh self relyunts

>> No.8648107

So what's the problem? As long as you dont have any terrible eating habits that you're not telling us, nothing out of the ordinary will happen to you.

>> No.8648111

what part of los angeles are you from?

>> No.8648123

>proud of being entirely dependent on others


>> No.8648124 [DELETED] 

santa monica actually

>> No.8648129

No way this is true, but in the extremely unlikely event it is, why can't you just go to a restaurant tomorrow and order a meal?

Read menu, eat, pay. Super hard.

>> No.8648137 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 1080x769, fed_spending_dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go pay your sister in foodstamps for sex, cletus

>> No.8648145

>being so cucked by protestantism that you've never gone to a restaurant
sing grace with me
>*Thank you
>thank you Jesus
>for tater tots and soup mix
>it's called a hotdish

>> No.8648149

Those fucking rednecks in Maine sure are keeping our country down!

>> No.8648153

I'm not OP you silly meme

>> No.8648155

>he doesn't know that Maine is full of rednecks
What's it like being so fucking wrong all the time?

>> No.8648156

Nigger you realize that one can cook and also eat restaurant food? It's not some insane binary

>> No.8648157

Is op Amish ?

>> No.8648173

Why equate going to a restaurant ever with being dependent on others, Cleitus you hick fuck? The housing hymn stands.

>> No.8648176

Oh please, you know nothing of rednecks. You merely saw them while driving through a shitty town. I was born with them. Molded by them. I didn't know crawdads were actually called crayfish until I was already a man.

>> No.8648181


>> No.8648196

You can't make fun of self reliance just because some guy has never been to a restaurant. Self reliance is a virtue.

>> No.8648206

We don't take handouts and we don't use the N word either.

>> No.8648210

Read the reply chain, Cleitus. I'm making fun of the retard equating going to a restaurant, ever, with being dependant on others as if it's binary.

>> No.8648218

No i am not Amish but we do live on a farm and we have land we work on.

>> No.8648223

I'm just making fun of his elitist fly-into ass for insulting the self reliance of people who aren't sheltered tools

>> No.8648233

He's insulting the autistic fixation on self-reliance that results in a family being so dour that OP has never been to a restaurant. THAT is being sheltered.

>> No.8648250

I'm going to sleep. Don't keep refreshing

>> No.8648258

You lost this debate so now you're fucking off like a good little mongrel with your tail between your legs.

>> No.8648264

Hope I don't keep you awake.

>> No.8648267

Base the strength of you genetics on how he takes his steak.

>> No.8648653
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>> No.8648946

Why do people love to go to restaurants on first meeting/date? Why not go to a bar or something? Food is a distraction when you're having a conversation. Plus it's much more difficult to leave in the middle of a meal if it isn't going well. Sitting face to face in a restaurant can also put people into "interview" mode and and it can make things awkward.

Better to find a quiet bar, have a few drinks, and see how it goes.

>> No.8649044

Not him but

>> No.8649053

Oh that explains it. When I went through Nebraska on the obligatory early life road trip I was really weirded out by it. Everybody talks slow as fuck and they can't understand you when you talk at a normal speed. All the cars are American luxo barges. Like I'm pretty sure there isn't a single Saab dealer in the whole state. The tap water smells terrible and tastes even worse. All the food and I mean all of it is horrid. Just corn, overcooked green beans, powdered mashed potatoes, and third-rate meat, oversalted and coated in a suspicious brown "sauce" of some kind.
Yep, pretty much my facial expression at the time except I was maybe 10 so minus the beard.

>> No.8650695
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>> No.8650776

>Never been to a restaurant


>> No.8650791

You admitting to resembling that image sums up your post pretty well

>> No.8650826
File: 249 KB, 850x850, 1480277177160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the resturant online. Most "fancy" places these days are perfectly fine with casual clothing. And if your biodad's taking you to a place that actually requires fancy dress for your first meeting, he's weirder than you'll ever be.

Ignore this asshole >>8648019 and just get your steak done however you have it at home. Again, if the man judges you for how you eat your steak, you're better off without him.

Bring some cash. About fifty bucks. That way you can cover your meal if biodad doesn't offer to. Don't ask him to, but if he offers take him up on it. Don't offer to cover his, even if you have the money. Unless he's a senior citizen he shouldn't be relying on his kid to pick up the bill.

Tip 10% of the after-tax total for your meal, if you end up paying,

>> No.8650940


Ask for it to be cooked medium rare or medium OP

>> No.8651256

so he can sperg out when his meat comes in raw?

>> No.8651872

>Tip 10% of the after-tax total for your meal,
This is pretty damn good bait!
Nicely wrapped.
I appreciate the effort anon. This is how we did it in the old days.

>> No.8651894

Top kikity kek

Never know if some of you are serious or just hard core trolling

I go with trolling how the fuck have u never been to a restaurant

>> No.8651925

>not wanting to prove your worth as a provider on the first date

>> No.8651936


>> No.8651944

>when i went through nebraska
so you had one meal there at some shitty family restaurant off the highway and now you condemn the whole state?
also judging by the early in life thing i imagine you were on a tight budget and probably bough t a $10 chuck steak and were pissed when it didnt taste like ribeye

>> No.8652016

>bitching that someone ridiculed a specific experience there

Do you realize no one, and I mean no one, ever even thinks about Nebraska other than lumping them in with a number of other red states with populations so mouthdroppingly ignorant they believe themselves meaningful.

>> No.8652045 [DELETED] 

>All the cars are American luxo barges. Like I'm pretty sure there isn't a single Saab dealer in the whole state.
this post is bait

>> No.8652073

I would say just be super up front about it, literally one of the first things you should say to him after you sit down is "I've never actually been to a restaurant before" This will open up the conversation channels (because it's a really interesting thing) and it lets him help you through mistakes you make, and it allows you to ask dumbass questions that should be obvious to anyone that's been to a restaraunt.

>> No.8652086
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better a flyover state than a flyinto state

>> No.8652191

notice how nebraska (the state in question) is actually one of the lowest?

lol u fukin idiot

>> No.8652204

Now I know youre bullshitting. I find it hard to believe a person has not eaten at a fast food restaurant at least once in their life.

>> No.8652231

not him but if it wasn't for my parents I probably wouldn't've eaten at a restaurant until probably age 22 or so.

>> No.8652234

did your uncle also make a house out of doors?

>> No.8652248

I actually had a real cunt of a teacher who was a health food Nazi whose son supposedly never had fast food ever.

>> No.8652695

Just fuck off attention whore gay retarded nigger desu