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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 1200x1377, Screenshot_20170304-205740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8647196 No.8647196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what kind of shit did you assholes get into when you worked in fast food? post the dumb stuff u did.

>burger king
>in my teens
>use to put those gold burger king ashtrays through the broiler
>used to squeeze a handful of pickles over the fryer and it went nuts
>place pickle on microwave plug and plug it in, watch pickle fry

let's hear yours

>> No.8647206

>working at A&W in high school
>dip my hat in onion ring batter and put it in deep fryer
>got snitched on and fired a few days later for deep frying my hat

>> No.8647213

actually lol'd

>> No.8647220

You win

>> No.8647226

>got a job at Hardee's
>dropped acid the night before my first day of work
>never went in
>kept the goofy uniform and dressed as a Hardee's employee for Halloween that year

>> No.8647230

how'd it taste?
: )

>> No.8647256

This sounds like a scene from a shitty teen movie, but it actually happened.

>16 or 17 years old, working at crummy fast food job
>manager tells me the kitchen trash is full
>roll large 100 lbs rubbermaid trash can out the backdoor to the dumpster
>most popular girl in school and her three friends stop red convertible right in front of me as I cross the drive-thru lane
>shitty trash can wheel turns backwards and 100 lbs of vile fast food kitchen trash spills out in front of her car
>girls sit and laugh at me for 5 minutes while I pick up trash

>> No.8647283

>42 years old
>Head chef at Wendy's
>Making a solid $8.75 an hour
>It's a decent wage for my county in Nebraska
>Run my kitchen tight and clean
>None of the kids who work under me want to work hard
>Some faggot 19 year old claims he got hired as an apprentice chef in the city, starting at $15 an hour, but I think he just couldn't handle my kitchen and quit like the lazy faggot he is
>I approach my manager about hiring better young chefs and running a tighter kitchen
>He would rather smoke pot out back by the dumpster than hear my concerns

I don't get it. Take fucking pride in you work. I worked hard to get to where I am.

>> No.8647322
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>Worked with this squaw at the local Subway when I was 18
>She was 20, cuties patootie had a big fat ass
>She hits on me constantly
>One slow night it's just us two, no customers
>She's putting out signals something fierce
>We go into the cooler
>Immediately pulls down her yoga pants and little pink panties to reveal a big fat ass
>Fat, but smooth like silk and pale as snow
>The best kind.gov/employment
>I'm rock hard, immediately slide it in
>Her ass is cold because we're in the cooler, but her cunt is so warm and fucking tight as a vice grip
>I know I'm going to last 2 minutes, tops
>Feel that tingling in my balls, they're getting ready
>Hear some babby boomer at the counter "Excuse me! Can I get a sanwich!? Hello!"
>Ignore it
>She's talking shit to me like a good little whore, kind of in a whisper so only I can hear
>"Shoot that big dick! Shoot into me!"
>Feel my population paste rising like a geyser
>This bitch is fucking THICC, there's no way I'm cumming inside her, she's catch triplets
>Pull out and blast thick ropes all on her smooth, pale back
>She immediately straightens her clothes, goes out to make sub for babby boomer with my cum all on her back and ass, but under her clothes
>I go out, babby boomer isn't even looking at her, he's staring DAGGERS at me
>He knows
>I have the widest shit eating grin on my face
>Come into work next day
>Babby boomer complained, said he heard us banging in the cooler
>I'm 18, I don't give a fuck
>Find out cute THICC girl kept her job somehow
>Don't care
>This was 15 years ago
>Couple months ago see cutie patootie's name and photo in the paper
>Arrested for heroin possession
>She was so cute and smooth at 20, now she looks like a fucking leathery skeleton at 35
>Arrested along with 3 black dudes

>> No.8647327

Call corporate on him.
Not district, CORPORATE

>> No.8647339

How are you posting from 1985?

>> No.8647350

It was the 90's actually. At least everybody didn't have cell phones with cameras back then.

>> No.8647354

I jerked off to this

>> No.8647357

should have thrown garbage in the convertible

>> No.8647363

you're both scum and deserve the gas chamber

>> No.8647370
File: 12 KB, 199x253, goingtohell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that nigga in some kind of distress.

>> No.8647381

What made you think that happened in the 80's?
OP and the burger king ashtrays probably was.

>> No.8647386

yeah e/b/in

>> No.8647388

And it happened in slow motion while Alice Cooper's "No More Mr. Nice Guy" played, and the camera panned in to show closeups of the girls laughing, right?

>> No.8647389

Honestly though, who wouldn't laugh? It's tragically funny. Some time later the popular girl did come tell me that my "mama raised me right", which in the South is a pretty high compliment, I guess.

>> No.8647391

Just felt like a scene from an '80's teen comedy.

>> No.8647399

Angry virgin who never got to have teenage work sex detected

>> No.8647418

I would never do anything to make anyone sick, but if i dont like an employee i will make sure their meal is 3000 calories

>> No.8647419

Time's funny like that. Felt like 20 minutes. TLC's "Waterfalls" was playing on the restaurant speaker.

>> No.8647425

no really i have no idea whats going on in this picture so i'm innocent.

>> No.8647444

It's a Trumpkin that threatened to pull "Muh CC" at a rally/protest and naturally got his shit kicked in. Cops just started macing everyone and he got it. Someone is offering water for his eyes.

>> No.8647452

>having a job as a teenager
filthy morlock detected

>> No.8647457

ouch that probably hurt I'm never going to a rally.

>> No.8647466
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You are like a beacon of hope on this board if you're real.

>> No.8647507

Working at McDonald's, my Puerto Rican coworker, who had a hormonal disorder so she had to shave her face, used to make us horchatas.
This fat ass black girl who had Oprah Winfrey hair got her boyfriend hired and then they got in fights every day. One notable time that she broke up w him, he told her that he would get back together w/ her if she blew him in the bathroom, when she got in the stall he blasted her face and entire work uniform with ranch dressing. He didn't get fired, he just got demoted and lost 25c an hour.

>> No.8647511

Lazy faggot with no work ethic detected

>> No.8647525

>muh work ethic
yeah keep telling yourself having a shitty mcjob just means you have a "good work ethic", at least you can grind genitals with Stacy over a piss-stained toilet on your lunch breaks

>> No.8647531

Rarest Pepe

>> No.8647535

Also at McDonald's, I worked a night shift and none of us were trained on how to clean or anything, the guy who was supposed to be managing didn't show up because he was a cokehead, so we spent the whole night hooking everyone who came in the drive-thru with SLAMMING sandwiches and large fries and shamrock shakes mixed with oreo crumbles. Most of the people coming in were stoners who tipped us with copious amounts of weed, so we just got high and made even more ridiculous food for other potheads, reaped more pot, rinse, repeat. Store manager works days and comes into a fucking mess, we're all red eyed and fucked up, the tiny fifteen year old cries that we didn't know what to do. The manager got fired for no call/no show but nothing happened to the rest of us.

>> No.8647539

It's called starting out so you can work your way up faggot. Not everyone is some coddled fuckboy who gets a job handed to him because his daddy started some business.

>> No.8647549

>he actually bought into the "working your way up" meme
yeah i'm sure your boomer manager will eventually retire and you'll be chosen for a promotion rather than his grandson

>> No.8647565

There was a direct entrance to the freezer that was only supposed to be accessible by delivery trucks. One day after a delivery, management comes to find no patties, no fries, no sausages, not jack shit in that freezer. There are no cameras in the freezer, there are no cameras outside the entrance to the freezer, and the freezer door had somehow mysteriously been left unlocked. Sixty year old black dude who only worked the fryers told me one day that him and his buddies had stolen it all. He always kept a plastic bottle of firebottle in one of his long socks and whenever I got stressed or pissed off he offered me a swig. I didn't say shit when deliveries got snitched a second or third time (after that they put up a camera outside).

>> No.8647592

We had a dude come in who ordered a grilled chicken wrap every day and spent most of the day (~14 hours straight) in the store. Real dick, too. Had a limp and insisted on sitting on one of the high stools even though he was obviously fragile, should've been on the grounded chairs. One day he passed out unconscious and fell on his fucking head off the stool, the fifteen year old who was our manager didn't know what to do, so a grown man (wealthy looking, nice coat and watch) who was eating the lobby got mad at her for not responding well and juuuust decked her. Instant KO. Ambulance took away her for a concussion and the dude for god knows what. He would come every day but after that he never showed up again. Pretty sure he knew he was sick and was coming to the restaurant every day because there was no one in his life and he didn't want to rot in his house for three weeks before anyone realized he'd kicked it.

>> No.8647599
File: 16 KB, 325x336, 1398992952383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at a restaurant
>grab a spray bottle filled with water
>spray the gay ass hat I'm forced to wear in teh back of the store
>place it in the cooler
>grab another hat until that one is cool

>> No.8647645

A grown man KO'd a 15 year old girl? Fucking KEKE

>> No.8647699

Did the guy who decked your manager get charged for assaulting a ducking minor? What the fuck

>> No.8647801

Nah not that I no of, he left long before the police or ambulance showed up and all the other people in the restaurant were kids and the elderly people who showed up for cheap coffee, it's not as though we could detain them.

>> No.8647879

Bullshit. All fast food places have cameras. If some grown man KO'd a 15 year old girl for simply not responding quick enough to a situation that did not involve him, he would be caught.

>> No.8647925

>Generic upper middle class white man
>ever being caught from CCTV footage

>> No.8648096

>Assaulting a 15 year old female
>Not in self defense

Yea, he fucking would.

>> No.8648116

I just don't think he could be recognized honestly.
Sketch artists often make things worse in terms of being able to capture the way the victims describe people, and victims often just can't remember properly

>> No.8648119

I can guarantee he would be caught.

>> No.8648136

but there is such thing as unsolved petty crime

I can't decide if you're a retard or just an optimist

>> No.8648160

CCTV is pretty shitty a lot of the time dude.
I worked at a gas station that got robbed for a couple hundred and all of the cigarettes and they never caught the perp even though there were like 5 cameras in there shooting him from all angles.

>> No.8648175

I can guarantee that it will rain m&ms all over the world tomorrow, it doesn't mean shit.

>> No.8648269

>work night shifts at a Subway
>regularly order pizza from the place two doors down the street to eat in the back on-shift with my coworker

>> No.8648286

that's the most boring shit I ever heard

>> No.8648304

>spraying your hat with water

You're pretty hardcore.

>> No.8648321
File: 27 KB, 200x261, godzilla duuurrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slow night in the restaurant
>we just start deep frying random shit out of the fridge in batter to see if it tastes good

>> No.8648327
File: 140 KB, 900x675, PALO3_1460488856279_36035962_ver1.0_900_675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closing shift at Buffalo Wild Wings
>in back cleaning out fryers
>finish the first three, approach the fourth fryer
>quest is almost done, fryer just has to refill
>manager is outside on his phone with the back door open
>humid as fuck outside
>I'm sweating and covered in grease while listening to a grown man giggling in a corner
>something slow-motion falls from the vents above fryers
>it's pic related
>they're everywhere during monsoon season
>send an electrical impulse from my brain to my legs, instructing them to extend and launch me roughly two feet back
>call manager over and point into the fryer I just cleaned
>"Oh SHIT!"
>lifts phone and takes a Snapchat video of the insect popping and burning in the fryer of the place he works at
>he grabs the skimmer and scoops out the crispy beetle, drops it in the trash
>"Don't worry about it, anon. Just don't tell anyone."
>actually told a couple co-workers who weren't there, some of my friends, my parents, and my dog

>> No.8648344
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As if anybody wore yoga pants fifteen years ago, faggot.

>> No.8648367
File: 52 KB, 590x690, MALTOMARIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spot where all the staff smokes is in clear view of people leaving and entering the restaraunt
>people enter the restaraunt and see us all just sitting around doing fucking nothing
>group walks in and they see us all
>we cook their shit and immediately go back outside and sit around in our usual spots
>group leaves
>one guy from the group approaches us
>"thats some magic trick. We came in, ate and left and it looks like you guys didnt even move. I didnt even think you worked here at first."

>> No.8648423

> yoga pants 15 years ago
What do you gain from lying on 4shit anon?

>> No.8648455

Not the Subway guy but Lululemon pants have been around since the late 90s; my sister franchised one of the first stores.
His Subway story smells like bullshit though.

>> No.8648464

A drunk dude rolled through my Taco Bell at 3AM and smashed our DT window after he came through three times and we refused to give him free food. Three fucking cameras in the DT lane and you couldn't make out his license plate so the cops couldn't do anything about it.
I think you GROSSLY underestimate just how much fast food places will cheap out.

>> No.8648486
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>Human beings fucking
>Horny teens fucking in a fast food chain
>Not possibbbbblllelleeeeeee

>> No.8648491

This is different tho. Not some drunk causing property damage. This is a grown man assaulting a CHILD for no reason at all. And knocking her out. There would have been witnesses. I guarantee you he would be caught.

>> No.8648505

Girl's parents would have hired a lawyer who would have made sure police worked non-stop to interview, canvass, review footage. I'm telling you right now, a grown man does not KO a teenage girl in a public place totally unprovoked and get away with it. Cops take those kinds of crimes all the way. Especially if the girl was white.

>> No.8648513
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>> No.8648541

Why do you post frog pictures and expect to be taken seriously?

>> No.8648607

Why did you tell your dog? I don't tell my cat shit.

>> No.8648609 [DELETED] 

>Working at Arby's in 2005
>Guy has heart attack while ordering food and falls face-first on counter and dies after smoking his head
>restaurant closes for rest of day and we all get to go home
>Restaurant never opened back up after that and got laid
I was I stole more money from the register than I alt say was

>> No.8648612

>I was I stole more money from the register than I alt say was
what? are you the arby's brain damage ghost?

>> No.8648614

>Working at Arby's in 2005
>Guy has heart attack while ordering food and falls face-first on counter and dies after smoking his head
>restaurant closes for rest of day and we all get to go home
>Restaurant never opened back up after that and got laid off
I wish I stole more money from the register than I already was

>> No.8648617

No i'm just high on whippets

>> No.8648886

>after smoking his head
whippets ghost wtf

>> No.8648901

Black people banter is fucking top notch sometimes.

>> No.8649047

>worked at KFC in my teens
>me and another guy told a new kid that the fryer needed more water
>told him to add a large drink cup if water
>the dumbass does it
>popping and smoking like crazy
>whole kitchen and restaurant fills with smoke
>boss was pissed

We used to trade food with the pizza hut nearby. One time we battered and deep fried a couple slices. As you might expect, it was terrible. Boss was pissed

We also used to make our own creations with ingredients on hand. My favorite:
>put down one round pot pie frozen crust
>several packets of grape jelly
>another pot pie crust on top
>crimp the edges, making a pouch
>deep fry that bitch
>butter it
>spinkles cinnamon & sugar mixture
Boss was pissed

>> No.8649122

all you had to say was that she's native for me to believe you

>> No.8649133

Cops are also overstretched low T fags that often are both borderline incompetent and retarded, I gawr-on-tee.

Ever heard of the knock out game?
heh heh, don't worry champ you'll learn to hate and resent authority one day too
if you're lucky

>> No.8649145


>> No.8649155

jezus chriss

>> No.8649159

Please tell me you did it because you lost a bet.

>> No.8649196

What kind of cuck was your boss for not penalising you at the VERY least for even one of those shenanigans? Or are you talking about different managers?

>> No.8649396

He was really only a little pissed about the first one. What's he gonna do, fire us? More trouble than it's worth to fire then hire new employees. There was no penal system i was aware of

>> No.8649418

Dogs can be trusted. Cats, lovable fluffballs though they are, are far less trustworthy.

>> No.8649425


>first job
>working evening shift on weekend on week
>bored, no customers for over an hour
>remember beavis and butthead episode when they trash Burgerworld
>have meat fight with coworker
>supervisor randomly steps out of office
>noticed the store was trashed
>instantly fired


>> No.8649459


>> No.8649482

When I was in highschool, even the coolest coolguys were bumbling around during sex because their experience level was nill. You want me to believe that some frogposting faggot on 4chan fucked a hot subway employee in the freezer with no spaghetti? You're off your rocker, bub.

>> No.8649511

He should've shot them all.

>> No.8649517

sounds pretty chill my man

>> No.8649535

>let friend who works at a restaurant try some 1,000,000 SHU suicide sauce
>he borrows it to take to work to challenge co-workers with
>the sauce allegedly ended up in the kitchen fridge and then was dumped straight onto a customer's "suicide" wings (apparently the sauce is just improvised on demand)
>wings got returned
>never got my hot sauce back

>> No.8649563

Similar story.

>server at restaurant i work at always brings in gimmick hotsauces
>stuff like Satan's Blood, Ultra Death Sauce, Blair's 3am Reserve.
>always eat them on cucumber slices before work
>other coworker who can barely stomach a jalapeno somehow gets convinced to try it
>eats it and disapears for about 20 minutes
>at the same time a regular customer also gets convinced by server
>give him the the sauce mixed with our own sauce
>sends food back and spends considerable time in the backroom
>pay for his meal cause I felt guilty
>owner is less than ok when he finds out

>> No.8649669

I remember your greentext. Didn't you and your manager both see him too?

>> No.8649964

>working on the fryers in mcdonalds
>had this small plastic timer to know when the apple pie's cooked
>it fucking fell into the fryer
>watched the timer ooze into a blob
>had to replace the oil in the fryer
>i still keep that timer for laughs

>> No.8649991

post pics of that timer anon plox

>> No.8649998

Haha she wasn't white, she was black. I'm pretty sure the dude got away with it, I don't even know what family she had, she said she was living with her aunt but she was sketchy about any personal/family information.

>> No.8650003

No I was just bored

>> No.8650029

Not with me right now. Im in college. Sorry

>> No.8650102

>be looking for job after not getting a contract after a trial period at a warehouse
>not even mad because working there was fucking slavery
>apply at a whole bunch of places, local Burger King included
>get a call a week later
>after the very first sentence the local Burger King manager said to me I get instant flashbacks to my time at the warehouse
>falsely claim I already found something
>later hear from a guy that works there she's a masssive slave driver
>feel good
>find much better job a month later
>feel even better

>> No.8650158
File: 2.42 MB, 2800x1620, 1487879862570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that horny teens are fucking somewhere, but not this particular pair.

>> No.8650388

accidently dropped the salt shaker in the french fry deep frier @chick fil a