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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8642670 No.8642670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

By Megha Mohan
BBC Trending
3 March 2017

Are food bloggers fuelling racist stereotypes?

"Food media is predominantly generated by white people for white people, so when the subject veers toward anything outside of the Western canon, it's not uncommon to see things generalised, exotified, or misrepresented. "

Filipino-American Celeste Noche, who is a food and travel photographer, shared her thoughts on the "exotified" depiction of certain recipes within the blogging and gourmet community on the podcast The Racist Sandwich.
"I think microaggressions in social media are reflective of food media as a whole in that appropriation," Noche tells BBC Trending, "These microaggressions can be as simple as a lack of research."

Whether it's taking photos of dishes with chopsticks sticking straight up into rice or noodles (which can be seen as offensive in some Asian cultures)", she says, "or dramatisation in the props used to style ethnic foods (why are Asian dishes so often styled on bamboo mats or banana leaves with chopsticks?)".

Noche added that established food blogs like that of Andrew Zimmern also fed into stereotypes.

"(His) recipe for Filipino short ribs is styled with chopsticks even though Filipinos traditionally eat with spoons and forks or their hands".

Zimmern has not responded to a request for comment at the time of writing.

Similarly the food site Bon Appetit received some criticism for publishing a video last year about noodles claiming "Pho is the new Ramen." Several commenters attacked the video for the "simplification of Asian culture" as "pho is from Vietnam and ramen from Japan".


>> No.8642673


The video was fronted by a white American chef who spoke on the 'correct way to eat pho".

After a little more than 24 hours on the website Bon Appetit removed the video altogether, both from their Facebook and YouTube channels, and apologised for any offence they may have caused.

Noche's assertion comes at a time of much discussion about the so-called "cultural misrepresentations" of food.
Pembroke College of Cambridge university said they were taking complaints from ethnic minority students about their menu "seriously".

"Dear Pembroke catering staff, stop mixing mango and beef and calling it 'Jamaican stew'," a student posted on the college's Facebook page. "I'm actually half Jamaican, pls show me where in the Caribbean they mix fruit and meat."
Another complained about a "Tunisian rice" recipe which, well, doesn't exist in Tunisia.

The college said they would be "going through the dishes on the menu to see if any are ones that are not very well named".

However, not everyone agreed.

Evening Standard journalist Sam Leith wrote "And if, in an age when basic civilisational freedoms are under threat, the next generation of highly educated students is devoting its attention to complaining about whether their lunch is authentic enough, God help us all."

Some Facebook commenters agreed with him, saying that the famous college had "been blind sided by politically correct Nazis".

Noche however, feels that the issue speaks to a wider discussion on the portrayal of minorities.

"We need to break away from the idea that white and western is the base standard for media portrayals - whether in food, film, literature, etc - and start trusting and hiring people of colour to represent themselves."


>> No.8642690

I don't understand how people can even muster up the energy to get mad at inane bullshit like this. It's tedious nonsense, and should just be ignored.

>> No.8642718

When you're a professional student in feminist dance therapy you tend to have free time to get pissy about asinine bullshit.
>T. Engineering student almost done for the week, bottle of whiskey calling my name.

>> No.8642722
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My college served fried chicken, watermelon, and cornbread on MLK day and tacos on cinco de mayo until they got a bunch of complaints that it was racist. Frankly I would be surprised if students there weren't complaining right now about the dining halls not acknowledging these holidays with themed food

>> No.8642746

Speaking of racist restaurants, anyone remember Sambos? They had murals on the walls with "lil black Sambo," tigers and jungle shit. It was kind of like a Dennys. I think there may be one left. They mostly had to shutdown because of the racial overtones.

>> No.8642752

Food is something that bridges cultural gaps. Not everyone speaks the same language, holds he same beliefs or has the same racial identity. But everyone eats, and food requires no translation or specific cultural understanding to appreciate.

Because of this talking about food from cultures other than your own is an easy way to show off your ignorance of those cultures.

>> No.8642764

>White guilt blame within the first 10 fucking words
Into the trash.

>> No.8642766


>> No.8642768

I'm talking about people who get mad at the dumbass arts major.

>> No.8643030

wtf i hate white people now

>> No.8643251

Whoever produces this bullshit needs to seriously consider how immersing people in this exageration of non-issues could to lead to the very social divide they're fabricating.

>> No.8643260


We had one in the town I grew up in in the late 70s. It was turned into a Mazzios.

>> No.8643285

>Reading Big Black Cock website
>Listening to United Khaliphate garbage.
You're on the wrong board you're looking for >lgbt

>> No.8643401

Yep, I remember.
I also remember 2 families who lived on the same street I did growing up who had dogs - one was named Sambo, and the other was named Tar Baby.
You laugh, but it became less and less funny as everyone grew up, and no one was sad when those poor dogs died and the family couldn't go out in the goddamn yard and call them by name.

>> No.8643426

>the phrase "white people" appears in the first 7 words
Literally stopped reading there

>> No.8643533

kek, it was a strange time then. Last time I drove through the neighborhood I grew up in, where Sambos was located, it was mostly black. When I was growing up there were 2 token blacks in my high school of 1500. Middle school had one. They were treated with kid gloves, tbqh.

>> No.8643541

>Cutesy depiction of black kid eating pancakes
>Horrifyingly, disgustingly racist, entire business collapses

>Cutesy depiction of a white kid eating pancakes
>Nobody cares

>> No.8643546

Fuck, I need to step up my game. I stopped at the first printing of "microagression".

>> No.8644250

>"Dear Pembroke catering staff, stop mixing mango and beef and calling it 'Jamaican stew'," a student posted on the college's Facebook page. "I'm actually half Jamaican, pls show me where in the Caribbean they mix fruit and meat."
>Another complained about a "Tunisian rice" recipe which, well, doesn't exist in Tunisia.

Jesus, better hope no one tells them about French dip sandwiches or Italian beef or Mongolian barbecue or any of a million things we eat named after places that have nothing to do with the dish

>> No.8644260

>why trump won: reason #402

>> No.8644358

>When I was growing up there were 2 token blacks in my high school
Wow, you must have lived in a shitty neighborhood.

My high school had zero niggers, although we did have one token yid who sneaked in after I'd been there for a couple of years. From what I heard, the neighbors were furious at the sellouts who let the kikes buy their house.

>> No.8644394
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How's that neighborhood looking now, white knight in shining armor? Still proud?

>> No.8644401
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>>Cutesy depiction of black kid eating pancakes

I'd hardly call blackface "cutesy"

>> No.8644453

>Live in a country where Muslims form a Sharia Police and harass women for being out alone at night
>or where they just rape women for being alone at night
>live in a country where grenade attacks is a real problem

How about ending macro aggressions?

>> No.8644457

I don't give a single fuck. All these fucks are doing is turning more people to /pol/.

>> No.8644460

I can see it now, SJWs in the street holding signs:
>Fortune Cookies are Problematic!
>Not My Orange Chicken!
>Taco Bell is a Nazi!
>Sanctuary Kitchens Now!

>> No.8644463

Hang in there my man. You may have no life now, but you'll get a good month or so of doing fuckall once you graduate.

>> No.8644481
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kek. That was pretty much it. Poor Sambos, they never really had a chance once the late 60's hit. If I ever have felt a twinge of sadness for the failure of a corporation, I remember them and laugh.

>> No.8644834

The bbc is just a clickbait rag at this point.

>> No.8644847
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>A M E R I C A

The only place in the world where someone will tell you to mind ya business while sticking their nose fully in yours.

>> No.8644855


Which country is this?

>> No.8644859

>Filipino-American Celeste Noche

Talk about projection. It seems like 99% of people taking pictures of random food and "exotifying" it are asians.

Britfags actutally paid for this article to be made.

>> No.8644923

>take x
>add soy sauce/sesame oil
>now it's asian x
this is the only thing that annoys me

>> No.8644940
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But thats true

>> No.8644949

asia is an entire continent with a ton of different cooking styles and ingredients. "asian salad" is as dumb as japs putting ketchup on spaghetti and calling it italian.

>> No.8644997

>while sticking their nose fully in yours.
. . . that's not his nose, tho. . . .

>> No.8645008

But that is Italaian anon

>> No.8645013

You shouldn't take parody "news" sites literally.

>> No.8645079


>No muslims inside

Do they even realise that they are more of a target because of what they serve?

Why are Americans so thick?

>> No.8645158

>flyover country

There probably has never even been a Muslim within a hundred miles of his fucking store.

I don't know why these hicks are so convinced that Mohammed wants to bomb the Dairy Queen in Buttfuck, Nebraska.

Not even terrorists care about flyover country.

>> No.8645172
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same reason why they arm themselves to the teeth while fantasizing about elite special forces commandos from the USSR taking over their local high school for some reason, or "jigaboos" breaking into their homes and acting out their cuckolding porn fantasies on their daughters. living in flyover land is basically the real life version of throwing a prisoner in solitary, they go insane from the silence and lack of humanity, and start concocting bizarre internal narratives as a coping mechanism.

>> No.8645208

>or "jigaboos" breaking into their homes
This is a reasonable thing to be concerned about and it's the reason people have big dogs

>> No.8645214

Flyover here, living in the state that is at the bottom in every metric you can name except for number of evangelical churches, and you just exactly described the neighbors on both adjoining properties.

>> No.8645260

>no Muslims allowed
>bbq Pork
Prime example of SJW stupidity. Most people from the middle east are primarily vegetarian. They don't eat meat PORK especially being the top of the list. (Except chicken and some fish)
This whole thing screams ignorance and bait.
This is where you should how do you SJW say
"Check your privilege"
you're the ones committing cultural appropriation and thinking about how Muslims need to be offended when its just you.

>> No.8645265

>fried chicken, watermelon, and cornbread on MLK day
This feels like a joke post, but if a university served the stereotypical poor black food on MLK day I would think it was pretty fucked up

>> No.8645284

this is fucking retarded and only makes me hate niggers and jews more

>> No.8645288

1 in 1,000,0000 chance that you might experience the home invasion porno fantasy you jack off to every night

1 in 500 chance your kid finds your freedom toy and shoots your other kid in the face with it

but "that stuff only happens to the dumb sheeple who deserve it" when it's not part of the sexual fantasy, the much more plausible outcome is of course that you get to watch 12 inch throbbing black cocks penetrate her holes which you're not allowed to ravish, and then you can act out the revenge fantasy while having vicariously lived out your incest fantasies "against your will" (definitely makes it ok eh cleetus?). yes, this is surely the more likely outcome.

>> No.8645305

Whenever I get pho, I get given a pair of chopsticks with a spoon. If they use forks, why don't they give me a fork for the noodles?

>> No.8645371

> start concocting bizarre internal narratives as a coping mechanism.

Yes, it’s Midwesterners who are crazy, not the perfectly sane Leftist crying about “microaggressions” and racist foods…

>> No.8645404




>> No.8645415

Why are so many Asian-Americans defensive of the non-American half of their culture? Are they just butthurt that they'll never fully belong in either?

>> No.8645550

Both are crazy.

>> No.8645558


>> No.8645565

Yeah, a lot of foreigners get bitter once they're old enough to realize they'll never be ethnically American or culturally _______.

>> No.8645751


This is why white people should be allowed to have nations of their own.

>> No.8645765

Yeah, none of that shit happens here Poltard.

>> No.8645770


>> No.8645787

Mother fuckers that use the term flyover need to be beaten to death.

>> No.8645817

>made by white people, for white people
>why don't you take into account us minorities?
I wonder. This is along the same lines as hiking being racist

>> No.8646475

Because you go to a shitty place? The owners are not from the same country pho comes from, too.

>> No.8646495
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Fucking what?

>> No.8646496
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why are flyovers so violent?

>> No.8646504


So what?

>> No.8646511
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I knew it was only a matter of time before fucking SJWs made their debut in the food world

>> No.8646514

>made by white people for white people
>except for the 38% of the student body that is not white

at my school we had ignorant hillbillies running the cafeteria (managed by aramark or something like that) and we just grumbled to ourselves instead of making the hicks feel bad. they were really proud of their work and I remember one time trying to praise the food in front of the manager but I guess I am not too good at faking because he looked really hurt and probably figured I was being sarcastic.

the really militant kids had their own cafeterias. the black dining hall was one of the best (relatively speaking, it was all garbage)

>> No.8646553

absolutely nobody who actually lives in one of these foreign countries gives a shit.

this is just the newest permutation on people one-upping eachother over knowledge of foreign food. instead of "I'm more sophisticated than you", it's "I'm more culturally considerate than you".

>> No.8646576

are you baiting or you really dont know that spoons are used almost everywhere in asia?

>> No.8646649

>getting this triggered

>> No.8646666

Exactly, consider the counter-example like pizza in China:
>black dough from squid ink
>weird textures that only chinese people like
it's not destroying our pizza culture, nor does anyone here particularly care. This is yet another example of neurotic white women using brown people for virtue signaling.

>> No.8646667

So her grandmother is 1/16 Filipino and now she's "super offended because americans are destroying muh culture!!" right?

>> No.8646670

celeste noche is a FOB name, I seriously doubt she's anything less than half

>> No.8646691

The "durr when white people make ethnic foods they're appropriating muh culture" thing has been around for years though.

>> No.8646699

this isn't unique to white people, try posting instructions on how to make cornbread and watch every cleetus between the mason-dixon line and the rio grande start foaming at the mouth at how this is even worse than sherman's march to the sea because you used the wrong brand of cornmeal

>> No.8646710


>> No.8646716

Identity politics aside, the whole discussion gets at a deeper, almost metaphysical topic: authenticity in cooking. Like, is it even possible to get an authentic Neapolitan pizza outside of Naples.

I would like to see a thread about that but autists on 4chan love starting race-bait threads linking the latest rants from useless journalists.

>> No.8646738


Filipino food is fucking disgusting anyways. Any appropriation would be an improvement.

>> No.8646739

we used to have threads like that but keep in mind it's basically impossible to discuss neapolitan pizza because all the cleetuses around here can't wrap their minds around a kind of pizza that relies on the quality of the ingredients rather than the quantity. most people on /ck/ aren't used to the idea that two different tomatoes might taste different, let alone two different kinds of olive oil or two different kinds of wine

now, if you want to see a passionate debate over differences that do exist, ask about regional fast food franchise locations in flyover state A vs flyover state B. you will get an extremely nuanced, angry opinion as to why one is GOAT and one is shit

>> No.8646745

>I would like to see a thread about that but autists on 4chan love starting race-bait threads linking the latest rants from useless journalists.
It usually turns into a troll thread, but it's more about the existence (or lack) of 'murican "food culture" beside fast food and junk food.

>> No.8646752

>"I'm actually half Jamaican, pls show me where in the Caribbean they mix fruit and meat."

uh, Jamaica for one

>> No.8646762

So only rednecks and SJWs whine about this stuff? Makes sense I guess, they really are just two sides of the same shitflinging coin.

>> No.8646779

I think he mixed up with his 1/51th part Jew, who don't mix dairy and meat or something.

>> No.8646796

Mate, we have so many goddamned Michelin-starred restaurants in our country it's crazy.

>> No.8646820

What kind of a faggot doesn't like guns?

>> No.8646837
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You raise a good point about the very subtle nuance of the development of a cuisine. Cultural transfer created every cuisine except for perhaps, Inuits. Even the plains indians exchanged cooking and food patterns.

The idea that Greek, Turkish and Italian food are somehow unique and self derivative is quite the delusion.

>> No.8646845

>race and culture are the same thing
>even though I'm white and was born and grew up in Indonesia, Indonesian food or culture will never be "mine"
>anyone can come to America and have a ballpark dog and nobody cares

>> No.8646851

I think guns are great. Fun to shoot, fun to look at, fun to hold. A lot of my relatives own guns.

I think many people buy them for the wrong reasons. They mistook "Death Wish" or "Red Dawn" for a documentary and project this bizarre inner fantasy life on the real world. These are the kinds of people who post on 4chan. Broken, angry, dangerous individuals. One misunderstanding away from shooting an innocent person over some petty disagreement because when all you have to give your life meaning is a gun, everything looks like a tango who needs to be tangoed down. The UPS guy, the pizza guy who went to the wrong house because it was dark, etc. Someone will have their life taken from them, because of a mentally ill fantasist. These people give gun owners a bad name. I'd prefer they not be allowed to own guns, but these things aren't up to me.

>> No.8646869

I don't disagree with that, but it never hurts to have physical life insurance.

>> No.8646894

>I think many people buy them for the wrong reasons. They mistook "Death Wish" or "Red Dawn" for a documentary and project this bizarre inner fantasy life on the real world.
Hey kid, though that might not be true yet in this country, it's certainly been true elsewhere in the world, and in the past.

If you have ever seen a riot in the likes of Baltimore up close, or or if you have ever lived through a national disaster or just a lengthy weather system, where your neighbors, the criminals that they are, can take advantage of police not being to serve you for some period of time, then yes the US can have some lawlessness, where rapists, perverts and murderers also know you can't dial 911 and get anyone who will arrive, and that your nice alarm system doesn't work when the power is going to be out for days. Post flood or hurricane? When your house is still livable and you're in that state where you're guarding your belongings, but can't secure your property? It's like the Old West all over again, you vs looters. There is not time to go gun shopping at this period of unforseen history. Try being in a job where you make enemies: judge, cop, etc. You might want a gun in your car.

If you own a boat, anywhere where drug trafficking happens, you will know that you're as likely to have an actual criminal stop your boat, as a pirate. In my short lifetime, I know 4 family friends who have used guns while at sea. The child of a closeby neighbor lost their son when his boat was chartered for hire by thugs. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2008/09/22/defendant-reveals-grisly-details-in-joe-cool-boat-murder-case.html

>> No.8646901
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wow liberal crybabies are being crybabies

>> No.8646910
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But chances become 100% when someone actually breaks into your home.

Just because something is unlikely it doesn't mean it hurts to be prepared. Switzerland still maintains a strong armed forces even if war is unlikely and they are the king of neutrality.

>> No.8646918

>lived through
It's not much of an accomplishment and they're really much less of an issue than the survival fantasists want to pretend. I've "lived through" the 2003 northeast blackout. Everyone got along great and it was basically a big urban party. Then there was Hurricane Sandy. Basically the same thing.

Yeah, if you're a cop, of course, have a gun. Same as if you're a judge, or sailing off the coast of Somalia, or you run a jewelry store or a pawn shop or some such thing. I don't know what makes you think I'd oppose that.

If you're just some failed-at-life racist who strongly suspects the Jews are sending him secret messages by the yearly price changes at Burger King? Yeah, I don't really want you to have a gun. Sorry if that makes me a nanny statist.

>> No.8646928
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>I think guns are great. Fun to shoot, fun to look at, fun to hold. A lot of my relatives own guns.

Something anti-gun faggots always say before bashing gun ownership. You read just like a book.


That's because you live in a comfy 99% white Nor-East neighborhood. Your personal anecdotes don't mean shit.

>> No.8646931

Actually my neighborhood is approximately half foreign born and about 3/4 hispanic. According to your rich inner fantasy life they'd be killing strangers and eating their flesh the second the lights went out, but actually, this was not the case.

>> No.8646945

>I think guns are great.
>I'd prefer they not be allowed to own guns,
t. every anti gun faggot ever

>> No.8646947
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It's not about whether there is a simple power outage. It depends on magnitude of disaster, whether the government still functions and whether police presence is still available. In 2003 and Hurricane Sandy everything but power and moderate gas/food shortages was still there.

In Katrina there was no policing and there were 3rd world-tier crime rates until the National guards arrived. In Los Angeles 1994, Korean immigrants had to defend themselves with their own militias for 2 days because the LAPD was paralyzed and they didn't take calls. It was total anarchy until the National guards arrived.

Big difference.

>> No.8646955
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>> No.8646959
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>> No.8646963

More hysterical fantasies repeated for the sole purpose of rationalizing your excessive preoccupation with small arms


>> No.8646966
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>> No.8646973

its true and I was pretty shocked as well. this was 2005 though, things are a bit different now

>> No.8646976

Well, if nothing else, it looks like I've triggered one of the broken angry dangerous people I mentioned up here >>8646851

Have fun autistically flooding this thread with your extensively cataloged reasons for why you're scared to go outside, I'm off to other threads

>> No.8646984

Presenting subjective information based on your life experience as a White person makes it racist until proven otherwise.

T: San-Fran-based social media universe.

>> No.8646987
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Wow excellent source. People in position saying the violence is just "rumors" showing that there was little violence and deaths AT the convention center itself, the few places where there were police activity. It does not show overall costs of looting and violence in the state from the disaster.

What next, going to post community leaders saying that Chicago is "safer than you think?"

>> No.8646991


>Doing the "u mad" and the "I'm leaving ha ha" trick

Elementary-school tier online argument

>> No.8646999
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>Speaking of racist restaurants
The first thing I thought of was this big Mexican stereotyped roadside attraction on the NC/SC state border off I-95.

>> No.8647034


>projecting all this anger

>> No.8647039

Do these people not realize how big of a fucking killjoy they are? fucking christ man

>> No.8647050


That's why you don't argue with leftists

>> No.8648825
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>> No.8648828
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>> No.8649169

>kid kid kid growup kid
>actually no
>oh yeah? but ur just sheltered
>b-but I was right all along! because maybe what if I meant something else? muh economic anxiety

Typical conservative, completely immune to facts

>> No.8649236

What the hell are you babbling about?

>> No.8649241

>Typical conservative, completely immune to facts

Why do you think they invented "alternative facts?" If the facts don't match their narrative, they just create other "facts."

>> No.8649257

Filipino food (soups)taste like dirty dishwater

And whatever that nasty shit is they make with rice flour thats thick and gummy and flavorless

>> No.8649507

i want to name a dog "nig"

>> No.8649536
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>niggers being dangerous is a fantasy

u wot m8?

>> No.8649597

Eat shit commie

>> No.8650385
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I can cherrypick too, what's your point? Go back to /pol/

>> No.8650401

>pls show me where in the Caribbean they mix fruit and meat

This guy isn't an SJW, he's trolling them.