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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.84 MB, 4000x3000, wc break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8642894 No.8642894 [Reply] [Original]

What does your typical breakfast look like?

>> No.8642926

3 eggs scrambled on toast
granola and frozen berries on strained yogurt

>> No.8642929

>t. fatass

>> No.8642939

Eggs + veggies + sausage + potatoes (I guess a skillet_
Omelette with cheese, sausage, and various veggies
I am working on a flourless oat pancake recipe. Not much luck thus far. All the recipes online are several servings.

>> No.8642947

A cock unwilling and a shot of espresso that's actually dirty water I pretend isn't.

>> No.8642956

How long have you been """"battling"""" diabetes, friendo?

>> No.8642960
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For me it's the looong chicken sandwich.

>> No.8642970

two English muffins with butter and preserves

>> No.8642975

Dat looooong chicken.

>> No.8642982
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>> No.8643045

>Eat White Castle for breakfast
>Enjoy onion-smelling diarrhea all day long

>> No.8643054

western omelet and hashbrown from the cafeteria at my office

>> No.8643089
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1 to 3 eggs (fried, scrambled, poached, hard-boiled)
20g to 40g carbohydrate (rice, toast, beans, etc.)
Cup of coffee, cold-brewed or hand-poured

On the weekend I'll typically bake pastries or make a breakfast quickbread and remix some leftovers to serve with it. I couldn't give a fuck about lunch, so a bigger, more fatty breakfast keeps me satiated until dinner and ends up saving me calories overall.

>> No.8643103
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>> No.8643181

For me

>> No.8643199
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>> No.8643263

Do you eat that opened face sandwich with a fork or your hands?

>> No.8643469

yogurt, muesli, cold brew, green smoothie

>> No.8643749
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White Castle has the best fast food breakfast

>> No.8643753

>for me it's...

>> No.8644014

Some fruits, either two fried eggs or a omelette with cheese and ham plus mushrooms, sausages, some yogurt and coffee or chocolate once a week.
This is every Wednesday at work, because the restaurant at that day they serve fish and seafood for lunch, so I eat breakfast instead.

Every other day, I drink a smoothie of homemade yogurt with whatever fruit I have available along with oatmeal.

>> No.8644127

Do you guys eat plain oatmeal or do you spice it up? And do you have any recommendations on what oatmeal to buy?

>> No.8644170
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Make these shits all the time. Don't even know what they're called desu senpai but I love them.

>> No.8644176

that's like 3000 calories in one meal. If you made it homemade it would be like 600. why are fast food fags so stupid

>> No.8644184

'go style omelette, I guess? do you flip it over when you're done or do you just eat it as an egg pizza?

>> No.8644198


No? What the fuck. Do you understand how food works?

>> No.8644202
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I eat it as an egg pizza kek good term. I don't think it'd survive a flip desu that's a lot of weight on it but I suppose if I changed it a bit it could. Everyone does omelettes though, feel like this way is a bit more unique (an excuse because it's easier desu).

Tastes really good though. This is different version, more hardy. I don't got the one I did with actual fresh parsley though sadly.

>> No.8644207


You realize that some people are just always skinny and it doesn't fucking matter how many calories you fattys are concerned with, right?

>> No.8644214
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cold coffee with milk and bread with a few slices of ham, but sometimes just butter

>> No.8644215


also more like 1500 desu

>> No.8644218
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butter instead of ham, i mean

>> No.8644230
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Making this for breakfast right now.

>> No.8644232
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Bit more to it than that though...

>> No.8644238
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>> No.8644898
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>> No.8644910
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>> No.8644912
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I dont usually eat until after 12 which is right before gym.

>> No.8644934

2 rice crackers with old cheese
1 glass of orange juice
Half a cucumber
A bit of seasalt when I feel adventurous

>> No.8645126

i don't eat breakfast

>> No.8645147

2 eggs over easy, two slices of toast, and a glass of orange juice.

Every day.

>> No.8645157

No job anon?

>> No.8645164
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When I was in the military.

>> No.8645167

b,ack coffee and some of whatever i ate the day before.. today it was rice

>> No.8645256

I make it from plain quick oats and add fruit, nuts, and either cinnamon or nutmeg.

>> No.8645522
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Olive oil with bread
Mint tea or coffe
Malwi (pic related)

>> No.8645990
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minus the faggy plate and with the grits blended like they're supposed to be

>> No.8646004
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>another hot and steamy product from White Castle

>> No.8646009

>another hot and steamy product from White Castle

>> No.8646017
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erry day.

>> No.8646047

Nothing. I'm weird and basically fast until dinner everyday.

>> No.8646053
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A big slice of this with coffee.

>inb4 hurr durr bacon meme food autistic screeching.

>> No.8646089
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>> No.8646116

How much cheese loaf do you go through in a week?

>> No.8646121

Plain greek yoghurt with honey, and a cup of tea.

>> No.8646168

>2 eggs, scrambled
>Bagel toasted with butter
>3/4 cup- 1 cup plain whole milk Greek yogurt
>Cup of trader Joe's green plant juice
I used to drink coffee but I am literally just too lazy to spend 2 minutes making it. Still, when I do drink it, it is Folgers Columbian because I have a big tub of it that will probably last me for a few more years.

>> No.8646191

>coffee with sugar
>sometimes a bread product

>> No.8646201

kids cereals

i cant stop myself

>> No.8646235

nothing because it makes me have to shit instantly and i don't like eating in the morning

>> No.8646244


2/3 cup of raw steel cut oats cooked in water with cream, a mashed banana, peanut butter, and raspberries.

>> No.8646267
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>> No.8646318


I guess it's like a fritata?

>> No.8646341

A cup of coffee with cream in it.

>> No.8646344

Huh. That's exactly what it is. Never even heard of that before strangely enough.

>> No.8646388
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>> No.8646442

Putting my gun in my mouth and hoping for my brain to digest a .44 bullet....but then being too pussy to pull the trigger

rince and repeat every morning for breakfast and starting drinking on my daily 1 liter of whiskey

>> No.8646468

I been eating a lot of fermented, high fiber stuff for breakfast lately.

A slice of 100% whole grain bread, Siggi's drinkable yogurt, sauerkraut, banana, sausages, and one Vitamin D3 2000IU pill in the morning.

>> No.8646488
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>> No.8646593

Did you lose 2.jpg in your rolls, fatass ?

>> No.8646671
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>> No.8646678

Nice girlfriend lmao

Ugly ass faggot

>> No.8648622
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why so mean

>> No.8648641

I don't eat breakfas. I have lunch and dinner then alcohol.

>> No.8648645
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>> No.8648646

Thats a big girl

>> No.8648658

What type of bread is that?

>> No.8648662
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not a girl

>> No.8648924

>eating breakfast
When I do it's usually a few eggs with maybe a couple strips of bacon.

>> No.8649176

Either 2 fried eggs and oatmeal, or a bowl of cereal. Depends on how hungry I am.

>> No.8649194

Those are moroccan pancakes

>> No.8650057

That shit's the fucking best. Haven't had it for years.

>> No.8650108

2 fried eggs over easy
2 pieces of fried ham
bunch of fried spinach
black chai tea

>> No.8650631

Activated almonds and a homemade coconut

>> No.8650659
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>> No.8650662

I always go home made with my coconuts. Any other way just can't compete.

>> No.8650692
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>> No.8650805
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This is what my breakfast looks like.

>> No.8650811


>> No.8651310

A big fat hard cock and some fem&m's

>> No.8651315

I don't eat breakfast.

I fast until 1:00pm then don't eat anything aganin until 11:00 INSHALLAH

>> No.8651356
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Gookboy reporting. Google image but basically what I had.

>> No.8651373

Pan Dulce

>> No.8651415
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>not eating one meal a day in the evening


>> No.8651512

Agreed desu. I do some 16:8 days for social reasons, but mostly 23:1.