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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8642823 No.8642823 [Reply] [Original]

What's the "I like everything but rap and country" of food and cooking?

>> No.8642827

>I feel the need to be explicitly white, but not *that* white

>> No.8642828

Starbucks or Panera Bread.

>> No.8642829

>i like all kinds of beer except for ipa's

>> No.8642830

I only cook with cast iron.

>> No.8642832

Having broad tastes is good in cooking

So that'd be a good thing

>> No.8642835

I like cooking except for deep-frying and baking.

>> No.8642838

>no onions thanks
>ew mustard??
>I don't eat dark meat

>> No.8642839

"I like just about everything but I don't eat seafood."

>> No.8642840

That's not the point of the OP. The point is that people who say the thing in OP usually have no clue about music and definitely don't like everything. They're just bandwagoners who think liking 'weird' music is equivalent to liking Linkin Park and Imagine Dragons.

>> No.8642849

I prefer boneless skinless chicken breasts.

>> No.8642851

I like all kinds of food except soul food and southern.

>> No.8642852

>sushi? Ew!!! You know that's raw right????

>> No.8642856

I straight-up don't know what that means. You've gown down a rabbit hole I can't fit in, and I have no idea what you're asking for.

>> No.8642862

pretty much asking for ranch with your fries or asking for substitutions, especially when you have an allergy

>> No.8642864

>They're just bandwagoners who think liking 'weird' music is equivalent to liking Linkin Park and Imagine Dragons.
I would argue that. When someone chooses rap and country as the two musics they dislike they're making a pretty strong statement. Not liking rap means you in no way identify with urban (read: black) culture. Not liking country means you do not identify with rural culture. What it's saying is , "I am a suburbanite."

>> No.8642869

>black culture
(((they))) took that over a long time ago. nothing but party music now

>> No.8642870

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.8642883

Country music is more southern/Midwestern rural though. I live in the rural northeast, I don't relate to it at all.

Now, if someone were to make a country band about maple syrup, snow, and forests...

>> No.8642900

I only eat my steak rare and I only use hot sauce, mustard or horseradish as condiments.

>> No.8642902

Are you insinuating not liking niggers and hillbillies is a bad thing?

>> No.8642909

>Country music is more southern/Midwestern rural though
And Western. Don't forget the Bakersfield sound.
>I live in the rural northeast, I don't relate to it at all.
That's pretty specific to where in the Northeast you live. New England isn't so big on country. In rural PA it's definitely popular.

>> No.8642974

Rural PA, especially Western PA, is basically the Midwest.

>> No.8642998

Well done steak with ketchup is the obvious one.
Another one is "I think american cuisine is fine and pasteurized cheese is just as swell as unpasteurized."

>> No.8643009

People who say this are often the most picky in terms of musical tastes
>"I like everything but rap and country"
>Okay, how about we listen to some blues
>"nahh I'm not feeling that today"
>Okay, how about some jazz
>"nahh I don't want to listen to an instrumental"
>okay, how about we listen to this rock and roll album
>"Nahh, I want to smoke some weed lets listen to <generic hipster trash> :D"

In terms of food, i'd say that's probably:
>I don't really care what we eat, I like everything

>> No.8643019


>> No.8643023


Yep it's sushi. "I love sushi! Spicy tuna and California rolls are my favorite :3"

/ck/ isn't really understanding the question though OP. It's what people say when they mainly listen to mainstream radio garbage but don't like mainstream country or hip hop. They say they like "everything" but probably couldn't name more than five different genres.

>> No.8643024
File: 322 KB, 1134x1324, kpxpo1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taytay is from eastern pennsylvania, listening to country and trying to grow tits

>> No.8643029

>couldn't name more than five different genres

>> No.8643038


I used to know a girl who literally once said to me, "I love sushi! But I only order vegetable rolls, I don't like the ones with fish."

>> No.8643051

since the person who says this actually only listens to pleb shit, but excludes the two most commonly excluded major genres I would relate it to the following

>I eat everything except seafood and mushrooms

this is the most common thing that women say about food because they often have the palate of a 5 y.o

the person that says they eat everything except seafood and mushrooms mostly subsists on chicken nuggets, various forms of potato, cake, and starbucks whipped cream based drinks

just like the person who says they like all music but rap and country really only listens to classic rock, pop, and whatever's on the radio top 40 currently.

>> No.8643061

You know sushi means vinegar rice, right? Raw fish is the most common thing served with it, but not essential for sushi.

>> No.8643063

I fucking hate you, OP. Leave this board forever. This is not your shitposting home base and never will be. People like you have caused the rapid decline in quality here. Just fuck off back to /tv/ or /mu/ or whatever memer shithole you came from. Fucking a

>> No.8643064

>couldn't name 5 different genres

I don't like country or rap but like bluegrass, folk, jazz, rock, classical, opera, salsa, native american and south american andean. That's more than 5.

Op's post relating to food would be, I don't like yellowtail tuna or mackeral, but I like cod, salmon, walleye, trout, flounder, catfish, and swordfish.

Consider your nignog rap and white trash music loving self BTFO.

>> No.8643065

> the person who goes to a restaurant and only orders the same thing
>I like all meat except lamb

>> No.8643073

>I really like craft beer!
>I'll have a blue moon please

>> No.8643078


>people have argued about mcchickens since the beginning of this board
>viral marketing every other post
>ramen threads
>beer threads
>HELP IM POOR threads

/ck/ has always, like /b/ been awful and full of spastic autists.

>> No.8643080

>you know
He's telling you what someone told him, and you took it as "I'm saying this?"

>> No.8643084

Yeah, but it has never been the place where people post ironic OPs with le qtz xD in the photo and every tourist from other boards gathers around to shitpost and argue about nothing.

>> No.8643092

He's austic just leave him alone before he shitposts non-stop trying to save face.

>> No.8643093

You're right.

>> No.8643105
File: 34 KB, 345x309, 1488440393020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw most of my "friends" are like this

>> No.8643112

>Consider your nignog rap and white trash music loving self BTFO.
This is pretty much the subtext -" I consider myself too classy to listen to the music of people I consider trashy."

Probably someone who eats at fast casual places but claims not to like fast food,

>> No.8643128

"I like beer."
>Only drinks bud light

>> No.8643153

Soul food and road kill

>> No.8643182

>I don't like country but I like bluegrass
Now you're just being pretentious.

>Consider your nignog rap and white trash music loving self BTFO.
*tips fedora*

>> No.8643222


Sushi does not mean vinegar rice

>> No.8643243

Haven't eaten at any restaurant in 8 years nignog, white trash music lover.

>> No.8643247

Yes, it does

>> No.8643255

>bluegrass pretentious

Wrong. There is incredible complexity to bluegrass, even improvisation. It's not just wailing and moaning in a 4/4 time signature appealing to jilted females.

>> No.8643262


>> No.8643278


>> No.8643279

No, it doesn't.

>> No.8643280
File: 43 KB, 500x638, superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrong. There is incredible complexity to bluegrass, even improvisation. It's not just wailing and moaning in a 4/4 time signature appealing to jilted females.

>> No.8643286


>4/4 means simple

Back to the mathcore scene with you

>> No.8643288

Please fuck off, /mu/.

>> No.8643307

"I eat healthy"
>eats nothing but carbs and sugar

>> No.8643361
File: 62 KB, 1133x1600, 3bb9a81049ed79bacfda4af58f565eccf80e2db3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4/4 is simple
You really did a great job of proving the point that people who say they hate rap and country are top fucking plebs.

>> No.8643362

I eat everything. Raw tomatoes are gross. You can't have a starch on a starch!

>> No.8643380

>what cuisine of food do yo uliek?
i like everything, hehe

>> No.8643408

>implying Country isn't shit
Sure the classics like Cash and Jennings are cool, but 90s country and beyond is total soft wuss garbage. Once it stopped being shitkicker music and Garth Brooks was a top act country became a joke.

>> No.8643422

Yeah, I heard that the other day on Young Country 104.5, slimebag.

>> No.8643432

Shut up jerkwad

>> No.8643436

>get btfo
>u-uh d-doesn't count because not contemporary!

>all country and rap is contemporary?
>r-relatively y-yes!
just kys

>> No.8643468
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1440, 20170118_135917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy that posted >>8643023 and >>8643255 and I agree with you. Hank Williams, Cash, Jennings had value. This young country corporate hype bullshit might as well be k-pop for an even less sophisticated audience. And don't get me staryed on rap. The fact they inducted that gutter trash Tupac into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame next to people like Dylan, Joan Baez, The Doors, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, and myriad others is nothing short of travesty.

>> No.8643486

*meant >>8643064 not >>8643023

>> No.8643491

Not an argument, googad.

>> No.8643500

>doesn't count because not contemporary

No, doesn't count because classical, which I like, not white trash country or nignog rap.

>> No.8643501

>or asking for substitutions, especially when you have an allergy
Whats wrong with doing that? Im allergic to nearly everything and ive had so many close calls because certain ingredients werent left out

>> No.8643517

or they don't like redneck and nigger culture

>> No.8643527
File: 190 KB, 400x323, arguecat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me: what should we get for lunch?
>flyover: oh ya know, I like everything
>me: cool let's go to that new lebanese place that opened up
>flyover: l-leba-nese? what kind of food is that?
>me: stereotypically it's basically your average levantine fare, but who knows with this one. it's brand new, could be interesting
>>flyover: ugh. can't we just get something normal?
>me: ok what's normal
>flyover: you know. regular food. anything is fine really.
>me: you're not being very helpful. thai food then?
>flyover: ugh. anything is fine just not thai or le-ba-nese.
>me: so you mean burgers?
>flyover: why do you say it like that? you're such a snob anon

some people don't deserve to have mouths

>> No.8643550
File: 13 KB, 346x421, utaOU[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hurr why doesn't this person like foreign food

you are pretentious as fuck anon

>what the fuck is this

>> No.8643560

>Turning down thai food for burgers
The fuck is wrong with that flyover?

>> No.8643595

>if you don't like what I like, you're a big fat dummy stupid head with poor taste

>> No.8643648

not an argument

>> No.8643651

>liking foreign food is pretentious
Fucking flyovers man. How shitty is your diet?

>> No.8643706

Probably just scared. One time I took him to a Malaysian place and he got angry and condescending to the waiter when he was told they didn't have General Tso's Chicken (after he had like 20 minutes to study the menu and determine it wasn't available). After the waiter patiently went through every item on the menu with him, he eventually ordered like 5 appetizers that didn't sound too scary, pushing his personal portion of the bill to like 2x that of everyone else at the table. Then of course "split the check evenly right?"

And to top it all off he left a shitty tip so the rest of us had to make up for it since it's a favorite for the non-flyovers

He probably didn't know what Thai was other than that he might see stuff on the menu he hadn't tasted before, and then he'd have to pick a fight with the waiter again

>> No.8643752


going for thai or fucking lebanese when someone wants local cuisine is both pretentious and ignorant. not everybody lives in a 60% immigrant metropolitan area.

and for the record I eat european food, that I cook myself, because I am european and it's what I enjoy both on a culinary and cultural level.

>> No.8643762
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>local cuisine
What did he mean by this? Pemmican and sumac tisane?

>> No.8643791

>local cuisine
What, like a burger? What the fuck is local cuisine in America? Please tell me.

>and for the record I eat european food, that I cook myself, because I am european a
Then why the fuck are you responding to America? America doesn't have quality "local food". Our local food is fast food. We're a melting pot. Even a hick country in the middle of nowhere is bound to have a taco place.

>> No.8643801

The hilarious thing is, I >>8643527 actually am in a highly diverse metropolitan area, but unfortunately along with cultured people from all over the world, we do have plenty of picky whiny hillbillies who washed up because muh career, so I have to pretend not to be disgusted with their kind when they start throwing a tantrum at the prospect of being around food that isn't tendies and ranch

But even in "hick" places there is really no excuse to be tied to a manchild diet of macdonalds and arby's, I've had remarkably good quality immigrant food in places you'd never expect, far from any coast. Bit more work to find them but they exist

Never mind, the LePen voter will just come up with another excuse for why food that isn't dogshit is literally genocide against the proud european race

>> No.8643806

>self-loathing white person detected
I don't know who's worse, you or the mudslimes

>> No.8643809

Only half actually. Go dig through your reaction images, I'm sure you can find an appropriate one.

>> No.8643814

I'll eat anything as long as long as it isn't raw

>> No.8643834

>liking foreign food makes you a self-loathing white person
You do know you're the reason why people associate white people with racism? How fucking stupid is that logic? You can be proud to white and enjoy shit from other cultures. You can be proud to be any ethnicity and enjoy other cultures. Be a fucking adult instead of a crying manchild and maybe your life will stop sucking so badly you have to blame jews to keep from going insane.

>> No.8643850

/ck/ is literally to stupid to answer the OP's question. Learn to meme fucking faggots. Way too many women on this board.

>> No.8643872

>Way too many women on this board.
Agreed. Why don't you help us out with that, anon, and GTFO?

>> No.8643924
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>like hip-hop
>can't for the life of me get into country

What's the food equivalent for that?

>> No.8643932

>you like asparagus
>don't like goat cheese, despite trying it several times

that sounds about right.

>> No.8643937

But I like both.

>> No.8643963


rhythmically that is very simple

>> No.8643969

That is Hammerklavier, one of the most difficult piano pieces ever made. Calling it simple in any way is just ignorant.

>> No.8643982

Hit submit by mistake. Beethoven's pieces often look less difficult than they are. It's his structure that demands skill. For example within the first two beats, you have the left hand go halfway across the keyboard to hit a very precise and powerful chord in half a second. Things like this riddle the piece and demand agility and endurance.

>> No.8644001

Who hates both rap *and* country?

Rap is for niggers. Country is ok, although the modern stuff has turned into "pop songs sung with a hick accent".

>> No.8644006

Its more that he hates lepen tbqh

>> No.8644072

"Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨?) is the Japanese preparation and serving of cooked vinegared rice (鮨飯 sushi-meshi) combined with varied ingredients (ネタ neta), chiefly seafood, vegetables, meat (usually fish), and occasionally tropical fruits. Styles of sushi and its presentation vary widely, but the key ingredient in all cases is the rice, also referred to as shari (しゃり) or sumeshi (酢飯)."

>> No.8644079

>that complexion
>those socks
i'd let her fart in my mouth and i'm a germophobe
inb4 >her

>> No.8644084


rhythmically, it is simple.


the word sushi does not mean vinegar rice. and my suspicion is it wouldn't be used to refer to a plain preparation of vinegared rice either,

>> No.8644097

>Who hates both rap *and* country?
The 16-year-olds who simultaneously try not to be like everyone else while avoiding anything that might create controversy, thus forcing them to defend a position.

>> No.8644100

>rhythmically, it is simple.
No. There's absolutely nothing simple about that piece. Thinking it's simply rhythmically because it's common time just goes to show you don't play any instruments.

>the word sushi does not mean vinegar rice. and my suspicion is it wouldn't be used to refer to a plain preparation of vinegared rice either,
Ah, you're one of those. Even when presented with clear evidence that proves you wrong you simply double down.

Just stop posting idiot.

>> No.8644106

Modern rap and country are overproduced, ultra-commercial garbage.

I don't see what's controversial about eschewing formulaic music that is often tied in with brand plugs.

>> No.8644109


it's just classic rock/general guitar music fans. mostly boys whose music taste comes from their dads. i used to be one. only got into black people music via fusion in my late teens. i used to be really into prog and metal, classical guitar and general contemporary classical stuff. i was insufferable.

>> No.8644110

>eating unpasteurized cheese

Too much of a health risk desu

>> No.8644114

>implying rap as we know it ever belonged to the blacks

NWA wouldn't have existed if a Jewish producer hadn't seen a market.

>> No.8644115

I think it's easy to think this way, but it reduces these genres to what makes it into the top 40, which is unfair

>> No.8644117

Modern rock and pop is the same way. What's the last good rock song? And what's your excuse for the older country and rap??

Rock and Rap really go well together. Both emphasis music over vocals along with not giving a fuck what people think of your content. Good rap's main difference is lyricism and culture.

>le (((them))) meme
Fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.8644119
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rappers literally dont even sign to labels today and still obtain fame and wealth

>> No.8644120


people like you who think complexity is inherently valuable or that a busy looking system = complex music are the problem, not me. i don't deny there's plenty of complexity in beethoven's music, but there's limited rhythmic complexity in the sample you've posted there. don't confuse the complexity of performance practice or harmonic rhythm or whatever you're doing with the actual complexity of the rhythms involved, it's perfectly intuitive in that specific aspect. you could've done a lot better to find something 'rhythmically complex' in 4/4.

>> No.8644122


Sorry, but we have a name for facts that we don't like: facts.

>> No.8644123
File: 71 KB, 412x600, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so above people who don't like rap and country it's unreal

>> No.8644125

I don't listen to modern music for the most part, so I suppose my opinion (>>8644106) applies to all pop music., not just rap and country.

I just remember seeing a music video where, whoever it was, was blatantly plugging Beats speakers. It was pathetic. I'm not pretentious about music, I just don't want to listen to autotunes garbage that is basically a commercial.

>> No.8644126


>being this autistic

>> No.8644133

I am more emotionally developed than a 16-year-old, yes

>> No.8644137

>people like you who think complexity is inherently valuable or that a busy looking system = complex music are the problem
I never implied that you retard. I just called the other Anon a retard for saying 4/4 = simple. Nice autistic tangent though spergelord.

>but there's limited rhythmic complexity in the sample you've posted there
t. doesn't play piano

Do you even know how to read sheet music?

You just see 4/4 and go "wow that's easy!". Fuck off retard.

>you could've done a lot better to find something 'rhythmically complex' in 4/4.
Give me an example then.

>> No.8644140

They are both hated for similar reasons. Modern "rap" is just nonsense with the same repetitive beats, rapping about drugs,bitches,other rappers,money or all of the above.

Country music tends to have a very particular sound, and most lyrics revlove around drinking beer, losing gf/bf, trucks, god/jesus or all of the above.

It all ends up blending together and sounding the same. Just bland background noise to fill a void, ie. mainstream radio music.

>> No.8644141

Yes, all adults know that anyone who doesn't like everything they like is a child

>> No.8644187

well, fuck you too if you're too much of a dumbass to read my posts

>> No.8644211


>I never implied that you retard. I just called the other Anon a retard for saying 4/4 = simple

i'm not referring to that, i'm referring to you upholding that passage as an example of rhythmic complexity. if you wanted to rate rhythmic complexity in a given meter on a 1-5 scale, i'd put that at just below a 2.

>t. doesn't play piano

i'm not saying it's easy to play you dolt, but stripped down to its bare musical material it is simple from the perspective of intuitively processing the rhythm.

>You just see 4/4 and go "wow that's easy!". Fuck off retard.

no, i saw that passage and said 'that's relatively easy to read/clap for a passage that's supposed to be rhythmically complex'. you could teach 3 kids to clap along to it in an hour.

i have worked as a guitar teacher for 8 years now, and a big part of my job is demystifying music for people who are intimidated by the fraudulent myth that the good stuff is exquisitely complex. it's not.

>Give me an example then.

even later in that very piece it gets more complex. see his late string quartets as well. there are plenty of cross-rhythmic and syncopated ideas in beethoven. if you really want to go for complexity specifically though you will have to look at modern composers, or jazz musicians and other improvisors who do that kind of interplay for a living.

>> No.8644241

No, it's complicated because both the left and right hand operate at completely different tempos and they change temps often. Again, if you played piano...

>'that's relatively easy to read/clap for a passage that's supposed to be rhythmically complex
That means nothing. Complexity isn't define by someone who doesn't play's ability to read it.

>i have worked as a guitar teacher for 8 years now,
Yet you fail to recognize one of the most difficult pieces ever created. Unlikely. LARP elsewhere.

>string quartets
This is piano.

>if you really want to go for complexity specifically though you will have to look at modern composers, or jazz musicians
We're done here.

>> No.8644276


>Even a hick country in the middle of nowhere is bound to have a taco place.

did you ever stop to realize that tacos are an indigenous american food? a tex mex taco from taco bell is more local to america than a hamburger. I think maybe you're just a faggot

>> No.8644279


honestly you genuinely sound like an ignorant intolerant douchebag. self-hating white maybe, judging from the constant deluge of immigrant food you seem to eat, assuming some thai food is inherently healthier and more sophisticated because it's "exotic", essentially you are nothing but a food tourist.

>> No.8644285


white people are the only group who aren't allowed to defend their culture without being called racist.

calling white people racist is a racist stereotype, how's that sound to you?

>> No.8644295
File: 52 KB, 500x375, 20120314-197251-chicago-tacos-taqueria-uptown-tacos (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant real tacos, Anon. Think pic related. Also, all tacos are mexican food to hicks. Stay mad flyover.

Cry more /pol/.

>> No.8644303

>assuming some thai food is inherently healthier
M8 just about every culture's food is inherently more healthy than the typical american diet

>> No.8644305


you just seem upset that the majority of people prefer the food they grew up on and that is part of their culture, rather than a sampling of the food immigrants brought over and continue to eat because, fucking get this, that food is what they grew up on and is part of their culture.

you are pretentious.

>> No.8644309

>you just seem upset that the majority of people prefer the food they grew up on and that is part of their culture
Could you please point out which post implied that.

>rather than a sampling of the food immigrants brought over and continue to eat because, fucking get this, that food is what they grew up on and is part of their culture.
If you're a fellow American, it's highly unlikely you eat anything that is from here. Your pasta is italian. Your sushi is Japanese. Your Chinese is well... Your cheese is from Europe. What exactly are you clinging on to? Fast food? If you diet is only fast food that's incredibly unhealthy.

>> No.8644312
File: 6 KB, 168x192, images-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I have a couple friend who hate onions and one that hates mustard

>> No.8644313

>i'll eat just about anything apart from anything with ...

>> No.8644322


european food idiot, the food that my immigrant ancestors brought over. stews, roasts, pasta, and yes even the mythical salisbury steak on bun with toppings. I want to appreciate my culture without people like you being a douche because I don't want to go eat fucking pho.

>> No.8644329

Good for you. I don't care. My entire post was about how eating foreign food isn't pretentious. Never said you have to eat foreign food. Way to jump to a conclusion. Try reading next time.

>> No.8644351


eating foreign food isn't pretentious.

the way you think about foreign food and the people who are disinterested in it is incredibly pretentious.

>> No.8644356

>the way you think about foreign food and the people who are disinterested in it is incredibly pretentious.
please point out the posts I've made where I've said that

>> No.8644363


>me: what should we get for lunch?
>flyover: oh ya know, I like everything
>me: cool let's go to that new lebanese place that opened up
>flyover: l-leba-nese? what kind of food is that?
>me: stereotypically it's basically your average levantine fare, but who knows with this one. it's brand new, could be interesting
>>flyover: ugh. can't we just get something normal?
>me: ok what's normal
>flyover: you know. regular food. anything is fine really.
>me: you're not being very helpful. thai food then?
>flyover: ugh. anything is fine just not thai or le-ba-nese.
>me: so you mean burgers?
>flyover: why do you say it like that? you're such a snob anon

>> No.8644366

Wasn't my post you fucking idiot. Lrn24chan

>> No.8644368


not my fault I've been arguing with like 3 different people

>> No.8644370

Maybe you should take a break from 4chan instead of arguing all god damn day to the point of mental confusion. Just a thought.

>> No.8644398

those tacos are garbage... white people make the best tacos and burritos...

>> No.8644403
File: 62 KB, 360x430, 2014915165533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mm... processed crap.... mmmm

>> No.8644438

weldone with kethcup

>> No.8644446

шкypa eбaнaя

>> No.8644541
File: 258 KB, 921x960, back from a successful hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there really isn't an equivalency
best i can do is
>i like everything except x culture's and y culture's food
but no one really says that they say fuck mexican food and fuck finnish food and fuck whatever food
same with music
only youtube comments from 2005 say this grow up lad

>> No.8644552

also what's the deal with this flyover meme
as if plebs and proles don't exist in high density populations, i wouldn't be surprised if there were still more plebs in california than tennessee, even per capita. just look at drug use, in billhilly land everyone does meth and opiates out of boredom and crushing misanthropy, everyone in cities does it out of stress and burning mental instability

by everyone i mean plebs

>> No.8644559

Anybody who can't appreciate some good Johnny Cash is automatically pleb

>> No.8644584

This fucking thread.

>beethoven is simple xD
>foreign food is pretentious
>sushi means raw fish
>haha niggers XD

What happened to /ck/?

>> No.8644588

I listen to everything but country and metal.

I eat everything but mushrooms and zucchini.

>> No.8644592


>> No.8644593

I like SOME rap, like, real pumped up lil jon kind of rap.
but I hate god damn gospel jesus christ, Elvis, what were you thinking

>> No.8644660

Man fuck blues and jazz.

>> No.8644662


>> No.8644667

I don't feel like looking through the reply chain of the sushi faggot


>> No.8644674

>not liking underground rap
pure pleb

>> No.8644684

They're only "underground" because they're not good enough.

>> No.8644687

t. pleb+

>> No.8644701

This is only true if they've been known for more than 10 years

>> No.8644724

Also you have Shit taste in music I bet.

>> No.8644726


>> No.8644746

Swinging for the fences arent ya slugger.

>> No.8644798

Do people really think this b8 still works?

>> No.8644825


>No, it's complicated because both the left and right hand operate at completely different tempos

no, they don't.

>and they change temps often.

firstly, they don't. secondly, tempo and rhythm are two different but related things. rhythm is the sequence of note durations in relation to the pulse within a given tempo. tempo is just the general guidance in relation to the pulse.

>hat means nothing. Complexity isn't define by someone who doesn't play's ability to read it.

firstly, it's not about being able to 'read' it, it's about being able to *play* it. and i'm not talking about playing the actual notes or anything other than the actual *rhythm*. do you understand what rhythm is? it is manifestly clear that when an untrained musician can easily repeat a rhythm in response, it's not likely to be a complex rhythm.

>This is piano.


>We're done here.

why? are you continuing to conflate rhythmic complexity with artistic merit or significance?

>> No.8644836

Not even american, but I've noticed some of you are OBSESSED with people from flyover states.

>> No.8644893

I just want to reply and say that I think you won the argument.

Also people who bring up pedantic shit like "sushi just means vinegar rice" should fucking kill themselves.

>> No.8644922

>I love coffee!
>Lemme get a Mocha Chocolate Caramel Machiato with extra whip cream and caramel drizzle

>> No.8644935

damn this is a terrible thread with an ok premise

saying you like everything but rap and country is basically saying 'i don't know much about music, i like almost all of the general bland pop stuff around and don't like the two most well known/distinct genres around and am not aware of anything beyond that'

so you like burgers if you're american but hate anything vaguely mexican or 'soul food' and have never tried indian, thai etc

>> No.8644939

Haha nope.
>t. Panera Bread Employee

You get a lot of mallcrawler good ole boys and black women thinking it's a treat to come to Panera.

>> No.8644942

To be fair I don't know any subgenres at all. I could probably cover more genres just telling you the artists I like.

>> No.8644945

People who describe themselves as "super fit healthy experts" who literally jump on every hype-bandwagon like 'vegan' 'superfoods' 'no-fat' etc