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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8638440 No.8638440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8638450

chong ding dong
Ding dang dong
MM yes nother bowr
Ching chang chong

>> No.8638456

How can we teach them to close their mouth?

>> No.8638575


>> No.8638597

Eating noodles and trying to be super stealthy about it is autistic.

>> No.8638893

this guy gets it.

>> No.8638901

Eating is messy and sometimes loud.
You are not a woman of nobility in Victorian England.

>> No.8638903

>it's a sign of respect that your food is yummy!
Asians are closer to insects than humans.

>> No.8638915

>go to ramen place
>most people there are 20something white college students
>only noise is people talking to each other
>suddenly some ching chong sits at the table next to mine
Fuck Asians

>> No.8639251

Just close your mouth.

>> No.8639292

Why do people keep reproducing? How hard is it to see that human life is shit and shouldn't be replicated?

>> No.8639313

what a terrible thing to "endure". Did you go to a support group afterwards to help get over the trauma?

>> No.8639341

>go to movie theater
>most people there are a respectful japanese crowd
>only noise is the movie
>suddenly some baka gaijins come and sit next to me
>have to endure CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP noises for the remainder of my film
fuck gaijins

>> No.8639368

Please take a long good hard look at yourself if you're being triggered by the sound of people eating.

>> No.8639422

I get extremely irritated at any loud eating noise. Including crunching, slurping, gulping, that "omnomnom" noise some people make, chewing with mouth open, smacking lips etc. It's literally not a problem whatsoever until I go to an Asian restaurant where everyone eats like a fucking neanderthal that's eating their first meal in a week.

>> No.8639446

Most people do, only subhumans don't find it disgusting

>> No.8639482

Its just another culture you fucking racist idiots.

What if your SILENCE bothers them? Did you ever even consider looking at culture through another lens.

Seriously though, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

>> No.8639510
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>Not eating noodles like a ninja

>> No.8639529
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Loud eating literally enrages me.

>> No.8639540


>> No.8639552

Honestly eating in front of other people is the least enjoyable thing. I hate going to restaurants with my family, we just end up staring at each other while trying not to show each other our open mouths. You can't even enjoy your meal. And that's not the worst part. The worst part is being in a dark room with "atmospheric" lighting and you just know the restaurant is filthy but it's hidden by the lighting, and they have some shitty pop or country song in the back ground and the entire restaurant is full of people. People all around you looking at you from every angle while you're eating in a dirty room listening to some retard with a twangy voice sing about trucks. FUCK

>> No.8639559
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>eating in a dirty room listening to some retard with a twangy voice sing about trucks.

>> No.8639592

>How hard is it to see that human life is shit and shouldn't be replicated?

Who's going to do that you fucking Tard?

There's a thread about dicks touching on page 1, I recommend you join it.

>> No.8639599



>> No.8640016

Stop watching me eat you faggot. I'm not sitting with you. Fucking creep

>> No.8640127

I can't close my ears you fucking heathen.

>> No.8640229
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>"people" who somehow manage to slurp a drink that isn't boiling hot

It's a can of pop, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.8640257
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>go into noodle shop
>purposely sit next to slurpiest asians because it triggers my ASMR

I came here to laugh at you all

>> No.8640277
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>the free chips in mexican places
>the fat fucking whales that can't bother to close their mouth when biting

>> No.8640449
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No one eats more regally than our King

>> No.8640989

Asians lack empathy. They are soulless subhumans.

>> No.8641002

it's the quiet breathing and chewing that makes me want to kill like a loud eater trying to be quite

>> No.8641459

I'm an insufferable weeb but I still refuse to slurp noodles, even when in Japan. Fuck you fish people, I'm white and civilized.

>> No.8641773

I have been to major releases for years and only a handful times have I ever heard clapping outside of maybe right when the credits roll and thats it.

>> No.8641984


>> No.8642443

My boyfriend/fiance is Chinese, from Hong Kong specifically. And hooolllyyyyy shit.

The noises he makes whilst eating are appalling. I've mentioned it to him before in the past, definitely more than once, in the politest way that I can that the noises and sounds while he's eating and chewing are incredibly unpleasant (as in gross as fuck - but obviously I won't use those exact words.

He always gets moody and defensive when I mention it though, so I've been giving up and pointing it out less and less.

Here's the kicker though - he eats with his mouth closed. All the time. And he always has. He has good table manners and chews with his mouth totally closed. But for some bizarre reason I CAN STILL HEAR HIM.

Chewchew smacksmacksmack slorp chomCHOMPchomp smurk smaaaclsmack constantly every meal every day. Only *slightly* muffled because like I said, closed mouth.

What can he even do? How can you avoid making gross sounds while eating if you're already doing everything right? I don't even know what he CAN do besides keep his mouth closed....which is already happening but just doesn't work. Like....fuck.

>> No.8642448


>insufferable weeb



>> No.8642451


>The Tell-Tale Chomper

>even in my dreams, I can still hear him slurp

>> No.8642461

edgy but honestly you're probably right

>> No.8642469

>not maximizing air intake
learn to eat you pleb

>> No.8642480

why do they always talk with food in their mouths? my asian friens are cool, and all but fuck just finish what you're eating, I always have to ask them to repeat immediately after.

>> No.8642484


>> No.8642505

Are you a girl?

>> No.8642528

>dat typing
>dat content
>dat reddit spacing
God there's a lot of cancer on this board.
Lurk more girlie

>> No.8642537


Strange to say, but as an amerifat, I've always enjoyed the unabated pleasure people take in food. Slurping noidles or soup, smacking their lips, it's a sign of someone not ashamed to show they uninhibitedly relish their food. A true philosophical Epicurean.

>> No.8642546
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American who married a Filipina. Her younger brother just graduated with an engineering degree and asked for my advice about getting a job. I told him flat out that I would not hire him based on him not closing his mouth when he eats. It shows a lack of situational awareness when you are annoying everyone around you. He still does it am dis still unemployed

>> No.8642559
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My father was a good person but at the dinner table he was literally Hitler so I was raised to either talk with nothing in my mouth or if I had food in my mouth keep it shut.

Because of this the sound of loud eating enrages me and I can't help it

>mfw my cousins come over and fucking chew as loud as humanly possible

>> No.8642587


>hiring Flips


It's like you want morale and productivity to plummet

>> No.8642774
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Better than having a dad who smacks his mouth while eating and gets offended if you mention it.

>> No.8642994

Ok, I'm going to give you actual advice.

Have him go to a nose-mouth-throat doctor. He might have a fleshy nose canal and it might be the reason you keep hearing shit while it looks like he is eating normally.

We have crooked jew noses in the family and most of the time there are flesh parts that plug your nose on one side, it's irritating as fuck and also dismisses the breathing of someone who has it.

I mean, it's something to try if he's open about it.

>> No.8643025

How many people eat a meal at a job interview?
Oh wait, you must be in america

My bad

>> No.8643034

Top notch European reading comprehension

>> No.8643079


>> No.8643119

German tier humor right there

>> No.8643230

I must have autism, because my hatred for loud eating/drinking has gotten to the point where I hate seeing people eat or drink in general. I find it beyond revolting. Even seeing somebody just drink from a water bottle makes me cringe, especially when you can hear the sloshing of the liquid inside the container. That, and the muffled chewing of somebody eating something crunchy in a quiet place.

>> No.8643343
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Why are Europeans so autistic?

>> No.8643351

I'm going to invest in some nice ear plugs I think.
I hate my ear because I can close my eyes to stop seeing things but I can't close my ears.

>> No.8643556

> go to jazz club
> bunch of nerdy white guys sitting down nodding their heads
> only noise is people clapping after a solo
> literally nobody dancing
> or smoking reefer
> have to endure a "respectful" crowd for the remainder of the performance
Fuck yt pipo

>> No.8644808



>> No.8645497

Dumb white boys.

>> No.8645508

>How many people eat a meal at a job interview?
It's very common to be taken out for lunch or dinner for a job interview

At least for the jobs that pay really well

>> No.8645526

lmao wypipo will never know pleasure of hot, firm noodle. ramen is mean to be fast food. keep chit-chat and suffer inferiority of cold, soggy noodle, cuck.

>> No.8645610

>know pleasure of hot, firm noodle
Sounds pretty gay fampai

>> No.8645642

*Click click BOOM!*

>> No.8645643

>people who watch others when they eat
>people who can't stand sound of people eating
literally worse than Hitler
like how the fuck could evolution fuck up that bad
to create people that can't enjoy eating

>> No.8645646

Dad? Is this you?

>> No.8645773

Good, you got the reference he was making

>> No.8645847

it should be allowed to kill those "people"