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8641524 No.8641524[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I wonder if the reason I'm so accepting of muslims is because I grew up on these slices of heaven

>> No.8641544
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>> No.8641598

more likely it's because you've only experienced americanized muslims. modern muslims from muslim majority country's tend to want to export the extremist culture with them when they immigrate, that's why europe has such issues with muslim populations, they're importing loads of first generation immigrants who have no interest in integrating

>> No.8641637

It's difficult to maintain prejudice against a group when you have positive daily interactions with members of that group. And food (like music) is one of the best cultural bridges. It brings people together in spite of sometimes difficult differences like religion and race.

>> No.8641657

It's ironic that conservatives hate that kind of Muslim, when they have so much in common.

>> No.8641669

>they're importing loads of first generation immigrants who have no interest in integrating
That describes Germans in 19th Century America, especially the Amish.

>> No.8641670

mudslimes hate beer bacon and hot lesbians and hicks love those

>> No.8641672

except the amish dont explode

>> No.8641682

It depends on the hick. There's still a lot of uptight religious squares in this country.

>> No.8641689


>these slices of heaven

>referring to low-quality food from low-quality food stands operated by low-quality people


>> No.8641692

Conservatives are harmless, being stuck in their old ways means they hate everyone and all they will do is tell you, muslims will kill you.

>> No.8641696

not any more senpai the majority has been brainwashed by the talmudvision

>> No.8641700


>dragging the Amish into this

You wait 'til Jedidiah's son goes on his rumspringa, he will fuck you up for this

>> No.8641714

A few more decades of strife and unrest in America, and our conservatives will be just as violent as theirs. Religious retards are a fucking cancer, whether they're sandniggers or not.

>> No.8641726

good goyim let your country be outbreed by turd worlders

>> No.8641737

I can tell by your spelling and punctuation that you are a highly intelligent and well educated individual.

>> No.8641744

Stop immigration. Limit births by federal mandate. Invest heavily into automation.

>> No.8641787

I'm just saying that discrimination against Germans isn't a thing in America these days. But we have a history of it that goes way back. Ben Franklin was very much against letting them in because they would undermine the fundamental English nature of the young republic. Later the Irish and Italians met the same kind of thing. Yet here we are, and the arrival of many Germans (and god forbid, Catholics) failed to destroy the fabric of the nation, regardless of how much blood was spilled in the streets of places like NYC over their arrival.

>> No.8641803

Germans are the single largest ethnicity in America. People with German ancestry account for over 17% of the population.

>> No.8641839




>implying potato and pasta niggers didn't ruin the northeast more than the ongoing heroin epidemic

>> No.8641844


>good goyim

Please go back to /pol/.

>> No.8641845
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>> No.8641847

This. I still don't consider Italians, Jews, and Irish to be white. The only real whites are Nordic or Germanic.

>> No.8641855

Oi cunt say that to me and my brothers Peter, Petey, Patrick, Sean, Shawn, Shaun, Pat, and Patrick irl and we'll see what happens.

>> No.8641862


>two Patricks in the same family

You're not just Irish... you're extra-Irish

>> No.8641879

Yeah it is ironic that the conservatives don't like the group of people who believe that those that do not share their faith should either be killed or enslaved. So ironic.

>> No.8641898

The only difference is that they call their superstitions different names. It's like how left wing and right wing SJWs act exactly the same, but act like it's only bad when the other side does it.

>> No.8641906

Conservatives don't want to kill muslims, you retard. They just don't want to live with them. Muslims want to kill and replace all nonmuslims. Fuck off with you "huurrr two sides of the same coin" this isn't D&D you fucking retard.

>> No.8641907

That what happens when things get desperate: they start letting everyone in the club. It's hilarious.

>> No.8641917

I have never been to one of these to have a pleasant shit after

>> No.8641921

>muh conservative white men are the real terrorists

Please keep making these arguments, it gives your party even less credibility

>> No.8641924

>my party
And which would that be? The last time I checked, I wasn't registered for any party. I dislike sandnigger conservatives just as much as white ones.

>> No.8641954
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>brown people

>> No.8641957

>tfw my mother is a brown person
>tfw I have white skin and blue eyes
My favorite thing to do is let someone complain about Mexicans for a while before telling them that my grandfather was from Mexico so I can see them get all uncomfortable. It's so hilarious.

>> No.8641971

>believe that those that do not share their faith should either be killed or enslaved
you're a dope
no they wont

if they didn't get radicalized over the last few decades it isn't going to happen with a fully republican controlled government, that is only going to become even more republican during the midterm elections

>> No.8641980

Do you honestly think the outsourcing of jobs and the rise of automation won't continue under a government controlled by people interested only in profits? Do you actually believe the bullshit that all politicians spew?

>> No.8641981

I was referring to muslims when I said that, bud.

>> No.8641992

>a government controlled by people interested only in profits?
the democrats aren't in control anymore

>> No.8642030
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>> No.8642047

People like you are exactly what is wrong with the country. You are incapable of seeing that Republican and Democratic politicians have a lot more in common with each other than they do with the common man. Stop buying into the kayfabe; realize that Hulk Hogan and The Iron Sheik don't actually hate each other. You're being playing by the Republicans just as much as the niggers and spics are being played by the Democrats.

>> No.8642058

being played*

>> No.8642125

Real Irish and Scottish are as white as it gets, they account for almost all natural redheads in the world.

Italy is white, complexion comes from the area, but it's still fair even being olive.

Jews were never white, but they're considered white when they want to be.

There's extremes that aren't white sure like guido cunts in Jersey but Irish and Italians are by and large white.

The northeast was really nothing any way before mass European immigration.

And your point falls apart completely considering the fact that NONE of these ethnicities were rapefugees or mouthbreathing religious explosive nutcases. And they actually cared to learn the language and worked hard to become citizens.

>> No.8642129

So THAT'S where all that flavor comes from

>> No.8642134

I don't care what you say; I'm always going to inherently dislike anyone without full, pure Nordic or Germanic ancestry. Slavic, Southern European, Gallic, Spanish, Celtic - none of them should be trusted.

>> No.8642172

Slavs are shit, yes.
South europe kind of, but Italy is honestly just fine. Gallic/Castilian Spanish are okay as well. Celts are literally cavemen tribal as fuck. Nords are too. They're "white" but really just snowniggers.

You ignoring any real points and going LALALA I DON'T CARE just proves that you're assblasted.

>> No.8642199

Northern Italians are Germanic, more closely related to Austrians than the sandniggers from the South. I think you're just triggeroni'd, Pasquale. Sorry, but nothing you do will make me see you as anything other than a part of the mongrel hordes threatening my white way of life.

>> No.8642209

>says Italians are Germanic
>says he trusts only Nords and Germans

Whatever you say, my snownigger fellow.

Was it autism?

>> No.8642214

Northern Italians are just pretentious Austrians; they're Italian in name only. The real Italians are from the South, and they aren't white.

>> No.8642223
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yea good luck with that

>> No.8642224

>my white way of life.

>> No.8642242

I live in the Upper Midwest, so it's a pretty easy way to live. It's a shame, what happened to MSP.

>> No.8642253

Northern Italians are just pretentious Austrians; they're Italian in name only. The real Italians are from the South, and they aren't white.

Nords are white in skin color only. In features and behavior, you're a pacific islander or a native american at best. Don't be so insecure, Italians actually have white features and fair skin.

Shitpost as you like, though, this is fairly entertaining seeing you flop around and keep falling back and deflecting your nonwhite status to Italy.

>> No.8642327

Actually it's because you don't actually know shit about muslims.

>> No.8642334

god bless Minnesomalia, land of the cucks

>> No.8642339

That rules out most white amerifats then, since there were a rather large number of woodpiles with off-whites hiding in most of them. A simple DNA test, if you have guts enough, will most likely confirm your West Coast African heritage, pseudo whiteboi.

>> No.8642385

>hating everyone equally
that's just intellectually lazy anon

>> No.8642510

I don't even have to look that far; I'm a quarter Mexican. kek, from my mother's father who was literally named Jose Hernandez. I was just memeing.

>> No.8642527

>gets BTFO by at least 2 people
>I was just memeing.

Nice backpedaling, you're still a huge faggot.

>> No.8642533

Gene studies prove you wrong:

"In the United States, almost no one can trace their ancestry back to just one place. And for many, the past may hold some surprises, according to a new study. Researchers have found that a significant percentage of African-Americans, European Americans, and Latinos carry ancestry from outside their self-identified ethnicity. The average African-American genome, for example, is nearly a quarter European, and almost 4% of European Americans carry African ancestry."

>> No.8642567

No, it's logically consistent. Party politics is just professional sports at this point. People have their favorite team that can do no wrong, and people who like the rival team are retarded scum. You can't get mad at the other team for doing shit when your team acts the exact same way.

>> No.8642568


>> No.8642591
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These are my grandparents.

>> No.8642611

Neither are white. I won't say you have to go back since you've got enough time invested as far as lineage but fuck off for just shitposting. Everything you said before was wrong, get the fuck out spic.

>> No.8642630

Your grandma looks like she likes it rough.

>> No.8642646

My grandpa was born in England to a part-Gypsy English mother and a Canadian solider who knocked the mother up without even giving her his name and then he fucked off back to Leafland. She moved to Chicago as a child right after WWII, and now she mostly just talks about how black people ruined the city.

>> No.8642652

grandma, not grandpa. My grandpa was born in Texas. Guess which one got asked for their papers more when they lived there.

>> No.8643162

Ironic since Obama and his democrat Government were their biggest funders :)

>> No.8643317

That was my entire point, nutbag. Thanks for confirming my assertion. How did you misunderstand my post so completely? Read much?

>> No.8643375

You said "most." 4% is not most.

>> No.8643395

Hey nignog, you don't get mixed races on one side only. Even in the slave days there were a number of "blacks" who were entirely white skinned. And that doesn't refute the native american, hispanic, or southern european gene percentage. The idea that amerifat whites think they are "pure" Nordic or Germanic, is too delusional to even be laughable.

>> No.8643418

That might be true in the South and on the coasts, but not in the rest of the country.

>> No.8643614

In the Texas hill country there are areas where most of the population is German, there are also bohemians and Alsatians mixed in. I know several people who are "100%" as it's known around here.

>> No.8643631

not all of them are owned by muslims

>> No.8643647

lel, isn't your $2.00 federal money given for your $1.00 of federal money paid due yet? Is that why you're so cranky?

Try, just try, a DNA test if you have the guts. Who knows, your racism might begin to direct to the white race, but I suspect racism it will always be a part of your spirit.

>> No.8643663

Regardless of what you say, you still think 4% is most, and thus you are retarded.

>> No.8643779

Go ahead, nignog. Take a DNA test and see who your ancestors are, if you dare. It will belie the notion of race, nignog. You might wakeup.

>> No.8643803

no I'm not, I voted for trump
you don't think trump is a republican do you?

>> No.8643808

I already have.

>> No.8643811

Google has your data and is selling it to big-pharma

congrats dumb butt

>> No.8643812

>Republicans control both houses
>Republicans fill his cabinet
>Republicans fill his staff
>Republicans are half of the Supreme Court
Donald Trump's presidency is a Republican presidency.

>> No.8643818

I actually didn't. I'm the same guy from before, just memeing again.

>> No.8643832

learn to take a picture fucking retarded subhuman. I hope we gas you one day I really really do.

>> No.8643876

Too bad I look/am white and my mom was adopted so all records point to me being nothing but white LOL

>> No.8643883

Okay Rodriguez Marco I'm sure no one will be able to tell you aren't white.

>> No.8643901

My mother was adopted by German-Americans, and my father has the German last name of his mother. The only things that indicate a Mexican heritage are a short stature and an inability to grow proper facial hair. When the day of the rope comes, I will slip right under your noses, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8643904

Which Muslim country have you spent time in? I never met with any of the poor but I did study in Dubai during college and none of the educated Muslims from various countries were like that at all. Being poor and dumb with your only hope being "life" after death leads to that shit in most cases.

>> No.8643910

you know you can have that food and not have muslims. It's an age old practice of cultural appropriation and not giving a shit about it when people complain.

>> No.8643915
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>> No.8643944

Oh look, I'll say I was just pretending after my butt began to ache.

>> No.8643990

Mountain Dew or Krab Juice?

>> No.8644066


oh you're a smug shitskin fuckface, but only at heart

i hope we never fucking meet

>> No.8644086

It rarely tastes as good.