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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8639503 No.8639503 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys stay motivated to drink water?

>> No.8639517

The will to live?

>> No.8639521

just fill up a big container and finish it by the end of the day, if you need dedicated motivation to do that then you're a fuck

>> No.8639523


>> No.8639530


>> No.8639553

god why cant a woman just drink water instead of writing on a jug for 25 mins and taking a ig pic

>> No.8639569


Because she can't get self-affirming attention if she just drinks the water

>> No.8639571

it's literally not even difficult to drink a gallon of water in a day

>> No.8639575
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>americans need motivation to drink water

>americans think drinking water is a "challenge"

>> No.8639576

Honestly, I don't really.

I had kidney stones because I didn't drink enough, so I really should, but I just forget about it.

I barely get thirsty.

>> No.8639582

Lemonade. I basically drink nothing but minute made lemonade from a frozen can. Shits good but has a lot of sugar. Worth

>> No.8639604

>motivated to drink water
Drink water when you're thirsty. Don't force yourself to drink it. Drinking a gallon of water in a day is retarded. Even if you're one of those idiots who think you should drink 8 8-oz glasses of water a day (you don't really need to do this), that's still only half a gallon (a gallon is 128 oz)

>> No.8639611

To pass the time. Between whatever I'm doing I'll sip down some water or if I'm waiting. I'll end up drinking a gallon of water a day afterwards.

>> No.8639622

Weird seeing this thread, my professor actually had some really bad health issues recently because he was drinking too much water. Got to the point where his organs were shutting down.

I think he said he was drinking like a gallon and a half a day, but it's not so much the amount a day but rather an hourly basis. The kidneys can only process about a liter an hour, more than that will cause problems

>> No.8639646


is drinking an equivalent amount of diet coke effective?

>> No.8639647

If you're thirsty you're already dehydrated, idiot.

t. somebody that uses their not-shit body to do things.

>> No.8639674

No need to be motivated, the weather is hot here so my body naturally needs water. It's as simple as having a water bottle or glass available and drinking it

>> No.8639684

You can definitely hurt youself drinking 1-2 gallons a day. I was doing it for several months and essentially became a paranoid schizophrenic. Finally my family intervened, held me down and bound my hands and feet and hauled me to the emergency room. They did blood tests, I'm certain looking for drugs at first but I was clean. They diagnosed a severely low sodium level and said I was in imminent danger of seizure or even death. They restricted water intake and in a few days I was normal.

The terrifying thing was while it was happening to me, I thought I was completely normal and everyone else was fucked up.

>> No.8639694

That's a funny dog.

>> No.8639695

When I was a kid I loved tea and would always have a cup around so I was well hydrated.

Now as an adult I have some chronic GI issues which went untreated for a bit and I have difficulty swallowing so I need to drink a lot of water to eat.

>tfw local wings place has challenge to eat 15 of their hottest wings in 3 min with only 1 drink

>tfw can handle that much heat in that period of time but can't swallow that much food in 3 min, or even with just 1 cup of water no matter how well hydrated I am

>> No.8639702

Drinking water is so easy the problem for me is I have to walk to another building or buy a supply of water because my filter broke.

>> No.8639703

Did they help you address what got you in that state [of mind] in the first place, too? Were you diagnosed with any disorders?

>> No.8639710
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Buy a new filter?

>> No.8639715


>> No.8639719

>Drinking a gallon of water in a day is retarded.
Not for people that actually work and do things.
I drink more than that in a day. Because it's delicious and refreshing

>> No.8639728

by having diabetes insipidus

>> No.8639731

>what got you in that state of mind

Yeah, drinking too much water, just like it was explained in the post. Read much?

>> No.8639737

>If you're thirsty you're already dehydrated
nice meemee

>> No.8639745

What kills me is that this eight to ten glasses of water a day bullshit was some old-ass offhand bullshit recommendation that ALSO INCLUDES FOOD.

So basically if you are a normal person and don't eat nothing but dehydrated fruit and uncooked rice, you don't need to drink more than one or two glasses of water per day, unless you just happen to be thirsty.

Chugging a gallon of water daily just 'cause is a sign of profound ignorance. Pick up a book, you useless cunts.

>> No.8639755

Eat thick cut salt and vinegar chips because they're delicious and will force you to chug water like a steamboat. Exercise has the same effect. After enough exercise and chips, like me, you will be addicted to uncut H2O.


>> No.8639766
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>drinking water

yea nah. Pic related is a four day pisser.

>> No.8639767

I drink like 3 gallons of water a day, wtf

>> No.8639771

>Falling for the water meme

>> No.8639774

>drinking too much water will make you a "paranoid schizophrenic"

How much water are (you) drinking, anon? At those levels it might be making you retarded...

>> No.8639777

I like water so I drink it all the time anyways.

>> No.8639781

It gets tedious.

>> No.8639786

really? as an alcoholic, im loving the fact that i need to drink a gallon or two of water just to get my body going, my throat hydrated. its the best drink there is, even more than liquor. the recovery of it is orgasmic

>> No.8639794

What if you enjoy drinking a gallon of water a day, is it still retarded then? How about you go fuck yourself idiot.

>> No.8639803


You took the red pill; you were out of the machine of mass delusion. They "cured" you with Jewish "medicine" by putting you back under the delusion of the masses. What you saw is reality, but everyone around you has convinced you that you were the delusional one.

Ever wonder why the Jews keep pumping everyone up with Coca-Cola and McDonalds. Once a man returns to his natural state free from the Jewish hand he sees the world for what it is, an elaborate play acted out by billions of people who are controlled by a few Jews playing life on God mode.


>> No.8639808

>I've never played a sport and resist breaking a sweat at all costs

You're the type of person that waits for an elevator to go up one flight of steps even though you're not physically handicapped. Well, not yet.

>> No.8639831

Actually no, I work in construction and played football in high school. Thirst is there to tell you to drink water. Not to say you're dying of dehydration. That would serve no evolutionary purpose.

>> No.8639836

>le doctors are wrong and I'm right
Not him but hate people like you. You aren't a doctor, stop acting like one.

>> No.8639841
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of all the fucking things, why did water turn into a meme

>> No.8639847

>wake up
>drink 750 ml
>do stuff

I don't know how this is hard to do.

>> No.8639853

Americans are the 2nd most miserable first worlders after the Japanese.

Food is used as self medication here and sugar/fat helps make life suck less.

>> No.8639866


The truth or falsehood of a statement is independent of the person speaking. Stop attacking people and focus on the content of what they're saying. By claiming, "You can't speak on this subject because you aren't a doctor," effectively makes doctors out to be these special holders of truth that they aren't. You treat doctors the same way a Catholic treats priests.

>> No.8639872

>doctors aren't an authority on diseases
>but I am
kek ok kid

>> No.8639918


>Food is used as self medication here and sugar/fat helps make life suck less.

Same with video games, porn, escapist television, alcohol, etc.

Hmmm.... I wonder what would happen if someone stopped spending all their time trying to forget about how much their sucks. What would they realize?



>doctors aren't an authority on diseases

Not what I said.

Doctors are authorities on diseases, but that doesn't preclude me from understanding the basics of medicine.

You treat MDs as though they are priests with a connection to the God of divine medical information. They're not. They are smart people who work really hard, but don't have magic powers. Most of them aren't even that smart. I'm not that smart yet I was the smartest person among my high school friends. 4 of those friends are now MDs in residency. I also watched surgeries and talked to many surgeons and anesthesiologists my senior year of high school. I can tell you that they are neurotic and human as the rest of us.

You don't have to be genius to understand chemistry, biochemistry and human physiology. If you spend enough time reading and understanding the right information you would have as much knowledge as a doctor. Spending time understanding information is how doctors are made. Just because they got their information from high school, university, medical school, and residency doesn't make the information on the internet any less true.

>> No.8639921

I've got those plastic lemon and limes with the lemon/lime juice in them. I squeeze a little of both into my cup and pour water into it (too much makes it taste gross, just a squirt)
i feel it's still water so it counts, but i'm not sure if it does

>> No.8639924
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>Hmmm.... I wonder what would happen if someone stopped spending all their time trying to forget about how much their sucks. What would they realize?

>> No.8639927

>Doctors are authorities on diseases, but that doesn't preclude me from understanding the basics of medicine.
All I'm reading is the doctor was wrong but I'm right. Perhaps you could post some facts to support your opinion, doc.

>> No.8639930


>> No.8639939

I drink like...two liters of water or more every day without even thinking about it

>> No.8639970


Starship Troopers utterly destroys fascism and the idea of "the other."

I was joking about the whole jew meme. You're actually retarded for seeing Jews as the reason your life sucks. Even if the world is controlled by a cabal of 13 families that's irrelevant. There's no way you could convince the rest of humanity of that truth. If the Jews are controlling us pointing your finger directly at them will not work.


>All I'm reading is the doctor was wrong but I'm right.

You suck at reading then.

I'm saying that doctors are right and anyone else can be right if they read the literature. If I read and understand enough medical literature I would know as much as any doctor.

>Perhaps you could post some facts to support your opinion, doc.

No need

>> No.8639971

>doctors are wrong in this case
>support my assertion?
>no need

>> No.8640005


Oh shit, did you think this: >>8639774 was me? I don't give a fuck about what this guy was trying to say. My point is that you shouldn't dismiss him by saying, "You aren't a doctor, stop acting like one."

You finally came out and said, "Perhaps you could post some facts to support your opinion, doc." This is what you should have said in the first place.

I'm not trying to be a dick, I just want you to realize that that is the best way to have a conversation. Never attack people, tell them to give you proof to support their claim. This is how you can tell whether or not someone is lying. If you ask a liar for proof they will have to appeal to fallacious reasoning, something you can detect if you have a trained ear. Go read the wikipedia entry on sophistry and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.8640018

You're on the spectrum m8, even for here.

>> No.8640046

Lol I've been drinking 5-6 liters of seltzer water every day for the last several years. I don't even think about it. The shit tastes amazing and goes good with any food. The only downside is that I piss more than the average person but it is well worth it as far as I am concerned.

>> No.8640049


I know, dude. I just realized it a week ago and in conjunction with pot have been flexing my power levels to massive heights. I'm realizing things that are outside the human paradigm. I'm not joking. I can hardly believe it, it feels like I'm living in a dream. The craziest part is that I'm also totally functional. I can see things known to the strangest autists, but I continue to walk around and talk to people as though I'm completely. It's fucking awesome.
I feel like I've discovered the ring from LOTR and can use it to do anything I want. I know I'm not delusional because I've already used my power to fuck 15 girls in the last week. I was a virgin before that. It's fucking incredible. Don't worry though, I plan on going to Mordor to destroy my power and show humanity the truths I've uncovered in my beautiful autistic mind.

>> No.8640050

U can't read then? K bye. Also don't talk to me I'm not going to look at it.

>> No.8640056


What's your problem?

>> No.8640067

YOU obvs! Didn't I say don't talk to me anymore??

>> No.8640068


*completely normal

It's hilarious that I made a typo there and didn't notice. As if I've created this grand illusion in my mind, but made one little error and that is what makes it an illusion and not reality.

>> No.8640072


Babe, calm down.

>> No.8640076

Sadly in short supply.

>> No.8640084


Overcome desire and you will be free to live as God intended

>> No.8640099

*pounces on you*

oWwow.. w-what's t-this?

>> No.8640203

I drink the amount of water I'm meant to drink, in about a week... unless I'm hungover.
I've had at least 1 pint of water in the last 13 hours... and 9 cans of cheap cider.
Hydrated I am not.

>> No.8640211

It's probably a mom doing this for her kids you /r9k/ autists.

>> No.8640222

Stupid Americans, man.

>> No.8640237

No this is probably one of those fitspiration whores doing this for social media likes

>> No.8640292

trips of undeniable truth

>> No.8640324

>essentially became a paranoid schizophrenic
are you asserting that your low sodium level made you into a paranoid schizophrenic until it was treated? Low sodium level can cause altered mental status and you may present similar symptoms because of the confusing but it isn't going to give you paranoid schizophrenia, even temporarily.

>> No.8640354


That's why he said "ESSENTIALLY became a paranoid schizophrenic" and not "a literal schizophrenic."

>> No.8640367

>How do you guys stay motivated to drink water?
I work 40+ hours a week in a restaurant,,, to not drink water would mean death

>> No.8640372

Are you that anon? I'm asking for clarification from him, not from some goober who wants to butt in.

>> No.8640407

Get a hydroflask, fill it up a couple of times a day

>> No.8640435

you're supposed to mix it with half a gallon of water.

>> No.8640446

Drink water when you're thirsty, that's it. This "water jug challenge" is so fucking retarded.

>> No.8640459
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>Live on top of one of America's biggest aquifers
>Tap water tastes better than bottled and everyone agrees on it
>Drink water endlessly

>> No.8640467


>> No.8640496

I'm hijacking this retarded thread because I recently considered quitting soda and I wanted to know if lemon juice + honey is healthy at all or if it's just replacing one sugar with another and pretending it's good for you, like people do with eggs.

>> No.8640509

Try carbonated water or those fruit flavored carbonated water drinks.

>> No.8640511

Are you implying that eating eggs is unhealthy?

>> No.8640515

what's wrong with honey?
They are if you fry them.

>> No.8640521

What if I fry them in all natural my semen?

>> No.8640558

lot's of brotein, but it ruins the natural flavor and the fertility ritual will be ruined.

>> No.8640562

better than soda

not necessarily as good as straight water

will have different/more nutritional benefits
also has added sugar. honey is better than bleached cane sugar but it is still sugar. honey also (depending on what kind of honey) has nutritional benefits. some honey, usually the cheapest kinds, is actually mostly (processed cane) sugar.

>> No.8640588

Are you serious? That's awful. Fuck I hate living in a world where food isn't actually the food it's called, it's just cleverly repackaged other, cheaper foods.

>> No.8640604

I don't even drink a gallon of water in a week.

>> No.8640614


>> No.8640621

Water is so much easier to drink through a straw. I just get a refillable 44oz cup from a gas station and drink three 44oz cups of water.

>> No.8640628

Just read the ingredients, and/or don't buy shit honey. Not all honey has added sugar to it. But all honey is sugar, as in glucose and fructose. The internet can tell you all about how (real actual) honey is better than table sugar. But it's still sugar. It's how bees eat; it's straight energy.

If you want flavour in your water, try adding fruits to it. Lemons are good (but acidic), strawberries, some people add cucumbers, apples, so on and so forth. The water will take on the flavours of the fruits subtley, and then you'll have (bloated) fruit to eat after you finish the water.

Fruits have natural sugars in them too (sort of like honey), but generally they are considered to be good sugars, and the nutritional benefit more than makes up for it.

Not all sugars are bad, but all sugars are sugar. Minimizing sugar intake is good, minimizing added processed sugars is best.

I highly encourage you to do some googling.

>> No.8640676

Because it works for her and she wants to show other people who want to drink more water a fun thing they could do to reach a gallon in a day?

I know you guys just like being contrarian assholes but this obsession with "attention seekers" is pathological. This site is the one that goes against traditional social patterns. Just because you like to eschew identity and avoid direct attention through anonymity doesn't mean that standard makes any sense for society writ large.

>> No.8640917
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>first worlders

>> No.8640922

One day you will die anyway.

>> No.8640931


>> No.8640933


>> No.8640936


>> No.8640945


>> No.8640952

I used to do this but then I got a kidney stone. now I drink at least 2 quarts a day, more if I'm actually doing stuff and sweating.

>> No.8640969


>> No.8641092

they are not out of nato yet

>> No.8641122

t mad female who takes pictures of everything and posts them everywhere

>> No.8641137

>work and do
Who the fuck works today in a manner that's equal to sport exercise? Are you ped/cycle courier, or a turkish bath/sauna worker? All warehouses and construction sites have machinery so you barely break a sweat (hot weather doesn't count).

>> No.8641174

Yeah, a priest will know about his religion and morals more, his knowledge of these subjects will be incomparable to mine (talking about priests over here, where priests have to undergo 5+ years of basically University education, dunno about murica).
Similarly doctors will know more about health (studying in an uni for 8 years probably helps with this, but I dunno).
If you don't know how salt is related to neurology, and how it's related to psychological health then you don't have
>understanding the basics of medicine

>> No.8641179

>hot weather doesn't count
>things that make my post wrong don't count
Lots of people need to work outside for their jobs, and there are plenty of places where that means working in hot weather. Making sure you don't lose too many electrolytes is also important, but those electrolytes should be replenished in a solution that also replaces the water you lost.

>> No.8641188


>Chugging a gallon of water daily just 'cause is a sign of profound ignorance

A gallon is certainly excessive, but only having one or two glasses of water per day seems like a bad idea as well

>> No.8641204

As someone who has worked in both a warehouse and construction that's utter bullshit.

Yeah, we have forklifts in the warehouse. But there are still times that we have to pick up and move materials, boxes, etc, by hand. And if the warehouse isn't air conditioned (which is often) you still break a serious sweat simply driving the forklift. It's not a leisurely drive down a country lane, you have to make good time or your ass gets fired.

As for construction, sure, we have cranes, backhoes, and power tools. But you still have to move material by hand when you're loading or unloading the crane. And power tools themselves can be very tiring to use. They're heavy and you have to keep a very strong grip on them to counteract the power of the motor. Even using something like a nail gun gets tiring because you're lifting that weight at arm's length over and over and over again. A big grinder is especially tiring given its weight and how carefully you need to control it.

>> No.8641221

Great blog post faggot

>> No.8641223


Grow a pair.

>> No.8641227

You could start off with some honey and make the amount smaller every week or so. Also, are you planning on drinking water with lemon juice and honey added, or straight lemon juice with honey added, or some sugary lemon-tasting juice AND honey added? These three have pretty different calorie amounts, and the lemon juice+honey seems to be acidic as fuck. Personally, I'd try to go with the first one, since if it's something you drink a lot it should be kinda mild.

>> No.8641228

>I'm not that smart yet I was the smartest person among my high school friends

t. supreme gentleman

I bet all your high school friends were too stupid for celibacy too

>> No.8641236

>needing 12 hours of constant hand-holding and encouragement just to drink water

holy fuck has it really gotten this bad?

>> No.8641239

are you - by chance - american? just kys

>> No.8641286


If you don't get that he isn't talking about people who enjoy it and don't have to force themselves, you are the retarded one

>> No.8641294

I dont have to stay motivated. I like to drink water when I'm thirsty. Do you really force yourself to drink that much water every day? Is it really hot where you live?

>> No.8641474
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>ywn be so addicted to sugary shit that you need to FORCE yourself to actually drink water

feels good mane

>> No.8641481

Back when i had a personal trainer she had something like this. I still don't get how she managed

>> No.8641494

>12 hours
>yurostink education

>> No.8641703

>leeching estrogen into your water
is this some kind of breast expansion meme

>> No.8641728

>This site is the one that goes against traditional social patterns.
Going against traditional social patterns is only a bad thing when it comes to things like rape and murder. In basically every other case, going against the grain is the smarter move.

>> No.8641750

I just refill water bottles at work all day.
Water's that good shit.

>> No.8641826

Please elaborate

>> No.8641838

Our society is based entirely around being a good consumer and spending money on useless shit you don't need. Acting in ways that run counter to that kind of mentality can only be good for you.

Also, normalfags are scum.

>> No.8641859

>quotes Fight Club
>normalfags are the problem

>> No.8641874

lol tf /depression/ here

sad boys 4 life

I don't leave house without a frown :(

how can some1 from white upperclass feel so low!

popping xanax like tic tacs!!! hah

>> No.8641880

do not guzzle water unless it is very hot out.

>> No.8641881

I've definitely read this exact post before.

>> No.8641888
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>> No.8641896

I fap enough to become dehydrated. Being dehydrated means I can't fap, therefore I drink water in order to become hydrated so I can fap.

>> No.8641976

I like the way it feels when I drink it? Try drinking it cold, OP, I guarantee you'll like it.

I also tend to drink obscene amounts of water whenever I get the urge to snack instead of actually eating.

>> No.8641978

It's not pasta, it really happened to me, but I did one time make a similar post in another water thread. However, I'm certain it wasn't exactly the same.

>> No.8642005

Drink when you are thirsty. No more, no less.

>> No.8642019

Oh, I wasn't trying to imply it was pasta, but it was weird seeing something written verbatim and not being able to remember where it was posted originally. Either that, or it's just déjà vu.

>> No.8642022

But you are wrong. thrist occur way before dehydration. Dehydration is a crysis situation it's not just "not being full of water".

>> No.8642023

This really bothers me.

>Keep your water cold.
>Drink it when you're thirsty.

2 weeks of this incredibly strict regimen and your body will recognize that it can make you want water without needing to process 50gs of sugar and you'll start getting thirsty more and won't feel satiated without water.

People are really either acting like this is a struggle or fucking bragging about some really simple shit or they're just dumbfucks who are making it a struggle by forcing themselves to drink a shitload WHY CANT YOU JUST DRINK THE FUCKING WATER FUCK

>> No.8642033

muriccans talking about their life online, expecting the whole world to be new york.
Cultural conflict happens, and people side with the least stupid traditions. So you have water vs soda, fast food vs home made food, rare vs well done, and so on.

>> No.8642042

>You can definitely hurt youself drinking 1-2 gallons a day
no, you can't, what the fucking fuck. a gallon is fucking normal, and recommended.2 gallons is easy in summer of when you do physical activity. Literally nothing bad there. you are completely missreading and reducing the values associated to the medical trouble you talk about.

>> No.8642049

That's not true. You're quoting shit science. Stop .

>> No.8642052

wrong, obesitard

>> No.8642070


That's fucking crazy, I'd be on the toilet all day. 2 Liter is plenty for a normal person.

>> No.8642073

Are you really fucking retarded? You think flinging baby talk like that is gonna make you win? Dehydration is a serious condition, and not connected to thirst. Just like hunger isn't caused by hypoglycemia.

>> No.8642078

The fuck you talking about

>> No.8642133

>minute maid lemonade from a frozen can
dude... if it's the from concentrate one you're going to be fucking dead soon if you keep drinking that

>> No.8642138

I could only estimate, but at the time I thought it was 1-2 gallons. Could have been on the upper end of that and as the sodium deficiency began to affect my mind it could have even been more than 2 gallons. This was over a several month period. The medfags did a bunch of tests to determine if anything else could be responsible for the dangerously low level of sodium and concluded it was caused by overhydration. After several days of restricted water intake while hospitalized, the sodium levels returned to normal range and the mental symptoms disappeared, as well.

So, I don't know what to tell you. After exhaustive tests, the medfags concluded overhydration to be the culprit. Don't believe it? I really don't give the slightest flying fuck.

>> No.8642212

how much water are you drinking????

this is the first sign of water induced schizophrenia

>> No.8642449

Setup a path of least resistance for yourself:
Don't buy any pre-packaged drinks. They're all unhealthy and overpriced anyway.
Now when you get thirsty the only option will be water.

>> No.8642467

I probably drink more than a gallon a day usually

idk I just do it cuz I'm thirsty. no need for a retarded challenge. just put down the Mt. Dew fatty

>> No.8642497

Whoa, slow down there, fella. Y'all're usin' bigger words than we're used to 'round here!

>> No.8642500

If you just drink when you're thirsty then you're fine.

>> No.8642512

I drink from a 750ML bottle easily 4 or 5 times a day, 750ml is roughly 3 cups or so also.

Just get a squirt/workout bottle etc, fill it up again everytime it's empty, and while you're sitting at your PC or doing whatever just take a sip or two every now and then, don't chug it etc unless you really are that thristy. Before you know it you'll have drank like 5 or more a day.

>> No.8642534

And of course you'll prob piss a good bit but again, if you're just looking to start drinking water and replace soda etc, this is a pretty good way to start imo.

And again, the keyword here is to sip.

>> No.8642548

Just drink water. I mean, what the fuck. It's fucking water. You don't see motivational guides on how to god damn breathe, do you?
>I just don't like the taste of air. I much prefer to breathe from a pressurized canister of my own farts
>The air breathing challenge! Take one breath every 15 seconds!

>> No.8642552

Do people really need this much water in a day?

>> No.8642586
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This is crazy. You're crazy.

>> No.8642739

If i drink tons of water will i ejaculate a lot more?

>> No.8643136

I'd say 1.5 to 2 liters a day is a good amount of water to drink if you're pretty sedentary.

That's just two fills of a decent sized waterbottle. Not hard to do at all.

>> No.8643425

I remember it as well. I think it was a response to someone saying they had too much salt in their diet, and started having health issues as a result.

>> No.8643460

I dont really need motivation I usually drink 6-8 bottles a day without trying, sometimes more. Gave up soda a long time ago so I usually only have water to drink besides the occasional juice and milk every now and then if I have cookies

>> No.8643507

honey is sugar, just not processed. still bad for your teeth.
citric acid breaks down enamel, so pretty bad for your teeth.
just drink water.

>> No.8643558

My diet is such that I can't retain water. My disease is such that I need water to flush out shit, and such that can dehydrate me if shit goes bad. I also have no medication, so if I have a headache, I drink more water or tea, if sick. 3-4 L are especially easy if I work out.

>> No.8643565

Just drink LJ with water 1:10, my preferred, but you can experiment.

>> No.8645236

In my office I sit next to one of those officey water machines

I swear I go through the whole container daily just because it's so easy to just grab an ice cold cup when I feel like procrastinating

So maybe do a similar thing, put a fridge with water next to you and whenever you feel like procrastinating condition yourself to get a glass

>> No.8645300

I'm Female can confirm this behavior.

>> No.8645671

3 hours of exercise a day will make anyone a sponge.

>> No.8645675

I drink almost no water which i'd like to change. But i'm pretty lazy and when I drink much it seems to come out of me almost straight away and I can't be bothered going to piss every 10 minutes. If I didn't have that problem I could quite easily get through 2-3L a day.

>> No.8645727

The idea of kidney stones is what makes me want to drink my gallon every damn day, especially while doing keto

>> No.8645835


I work at a physically demanding job. I drink 6 litres a day easily.

>> No.8645905

work in a 40 degree kitchen on my feet for ten hours straight.
I have 3 or 4 pitchers a shift, and more at home.

>> No.8646040

By not being obese and diabetic

>> No.8646437

Your body hates you for drinking when you're not thirsty.

>> No.8646457

When you're thirsty your body is already dehydrated.

>> No.8646476

[citation needed]

>> No.8646484


>> No.8646485


And before you go "lmao wiki isn't a credible source!" there are plenty of citations there.

It's rudimentary biology.

>> No.8646501

What part of that article says you're right?

>> No.8646508

>Dehydration is thus a term that has been very loosely used to either mean true dehydration or as a proxy for hypovolemia and only the former is the proper use of this term.[1]

>> No.8646523

Literally the entire thing.
Thanks for providing even more information to back up my claim.
Did you even read that paragraph through?

>> No.8646527

>Literally the entire thing.
That's not an argument.

>Thanks for providing even more information to back up my claim.
Did you even read that paragraph through?
Also not an argument.

>> No.8646529

this is so retarded, I drink a lot of water but a whole gallon a day without physical activity would just make me piss every 15 minutes

>> No.8646532

Your entire post isn't an argument.
I'm not trying to argue. I'm simply pointing out the facts.
Meanwhile you have done nothing to back up your claim that I'm wrong.

>> No.8646538

not an argument.

>> No.8646543

Go to bed, kid. And try to pay attention when you're old enough to attend a highschool biology class.

>> No.8646547

not an argument

>> No.8646571

>Although everyone experiences thirst from time to time, it plays little day-to-day role in the control of water intake in healthy people living in temperate climates.

>Because of their low water reserves, it may be prudent for the elderly to learn to drink regularly when not thirsty and to moderately increase their salt intake when they sweat.

>During exercise, individuals may not hydrate adequately when allowed to drink according to thirst

>Recommendations are for child athletes or children in hot climates to begin athletic activities in a well-hydrated state and to drink fluids over and above the thirst threshold.

so thirst does not mean dehydration and being dehydration does mean you will be thirsty. case closed

>> No.8646602

Nothing there actually negates the claim that thirst means your body is already dehydrated.
Also, nice source for your vague, unrelated bullshit. :^)

TL;DR Not an argument.

>> No.8646609

How does it feel to be this btfo?

>> No.8646613
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>It's an "autistic raisin screeches and throws a tantrum until he finally decides to delude himself into thinking he won an argument" episode
Take your ass to school, child. You clearly need it.

>> No.8646625

Not an argument.

>> No.8646628

How does it feel to be this btfo?

>> No.8646630

>make up a claim
>if you cant prove im wrong then i am right :^)

>> No.8646637

>blown out so hard you go backwards in the discussion chain and create strawman arguments to deflect from your own retardation
Let me guess, "not that guy". ;^)

>> No.8646654
File: 368 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170304-150150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me guess, "not that guy". ;^)

>> No.8646664
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Lel. Color me convinced!

>> No.8646862

I don't understand how anyone can hate drinking water. Literally nothing else makes me feel more refreshed.

>> No.8647016
File: 393 KB, 631x627, 1346634065834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have gout
>need to drink so much water that I feel like shit

>> No.8647023

You know you don't HAVE to consume water without anything else in it, right?

>> No.8647111

Same here desu

>> No.8647119

no matter what I add, it still keeps me bloated and full

When I stop my foot twinges and I panic drink to keep myself from being crippled in bed. Fuckin' gout.

>> No.8647134

Shit nigga. That sucks.

Have some jokes.

>> No.8647139
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>> No.8647146

OC by the way, waiting to get on track.

>> No.8647150

This has got to be the gayest shit I have ever seen

>millenials need reminders to breathe now too

>> No.8647156

came here to say this. canned is best because the shit goes flat absurdly fast compared to soda (i guess the viscosity of soda holds the carbonation longer? i dont know) but it's great.

>> No.8647184
File: 180 KB, 800x593, 800px-The_gout_james_gillray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, people still get gout? I can remember old fucks in my family having it, but I thought it had been superceded by one or another popular food allergy. Be careful, you just might start a new hipster trend where everyone has gout and your medicine rises 10 fold in price. Gout might just become hipster gluten intolerance.

>> No.8647189

>Christ, people still get gout?

Yup, its more common than people think, especially with the amount of meat consumed these days. But it's treatable with diet and exercise for most people and the daily meds is pretty cheap anyway, at leat here in bongland.

This is a warning for all of you out there, eat a balanced diet and do exercise! Or run the risk of getting gout and skipping out on beef, lamb, turkey, fatty fish and all seafood AKA ALL THE GOOD FOODS. NO FUCKING ALCOHOL ALLOWED EITHER

>> No.8647193

Sometimes I'll get thirsty and drinking water is a good way to satisfy that thirst.

>> No.8647252
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>bongtard giving advice about gout

Sure thing, House of Stuart. It won't be hard to skip the beans for fucking brekky.

>> No.8647259
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>> No.8647267


Constantly sipping water can make your salivary glands stop producing saliva which helps to protect your teeth.

>> No.8647273


You wouldn't make it very far in the mountains. You have to learn to work off limited amounts when your in the backcountry.


>> No.8647360

not an argument

>> No.8647823


>I thought I was completely normal and everyone else was fucked up.

What did you do exactly?

>> No.8647840
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>Literally the entire thing.

>> No.8647845

not an argument

>> No.8647881

you've obviously never worked in any of those conditions

>> No.8647884

>construction sites have machinery so you barely break a sweat
what a neet sentence

>> No.8648352

People out there exist who actually calculate what/when they post pictures, in order to climb the social ladder bro.. It's a weird world.

>> No.8648360 [DELETED] 


it actually makes my fucking blood boil, there's just something about it that makes me irrationally angry

we need to start a eugenics program to breed women with the brains of men

>> No.8648371

>get neck and jaw discomfort if i'm not constantly drinking water throughout the day

is this at all normal?

>> No.8648433

You won't make it very far in life. You have to learn to take care of your body.

>> No.8648453

I don't think you know much about how camels actually function.

>> No.8648554

I just realised that to actually drink this bottle at the listed schedule you need to be a NEET.

>> No.8648619

A refillable water bottle is pretty far down on the "useless shit that feeds into the capitalist machine" list. She's advertising a bottle that cost maybe a buck, maybe just a washed milk bottle, which she drew on with two markers she probably had around and fills with the most basic substance that you need to live for less than a penny a day.

She posts pictures of water bottles to intentionally get positive attention while you post memes to intentionally get negative attention. Of these two behaviors, which is more annoying, less original, and less healthy?

>> No.8648623

You are allowed to drink water at work.

>> No.8648636

People don't normally come to work with gallon-sized bottles.

>> No.8648651

Depends on the job, but I think most would permit it as long as it isn't in direct sight of customers in a retail/service job.

>> No.8648690

Holy fucking shit, a gallon of water a day is overkill. Honestly. Even the "8 glasses" mantra is inaccurate. It's more like a 4 to 6 minimum depending on air pressure, atmospheric moisture/dryness, physical activity, and any biological factor due to your own body and habits.

Unless she's going hard all day, this girl is going to get water poisoning. She's going to be so bloated from moisture retention. It would be like fucking a giant water balloon and if you go too hard she'll burst into a fucking whitewater rapid and sweep you out the door.

To be honest, I understand water to have minor healing capabilities. Whenever I'm feeling 'off' in any way, drinking some water ALWAYS helps, even if just a little bit.

I suppose it is a primary fuel for our bodies, but like I said, too much water can be like flooding the engine in your car by giving it too much gas.

>> No.8648703

I always have water beside me wherever I'm sitting/working. If I get myself food and/or feel thirsty, I won't get a drink, because I know I have water to drink, and nothing quenches thirst better than water itself.

I still drink stuff like tea and chocolate milk once in a while, but I try to mostly drink water. Makes it easier to focus on the nutritional content of the meals I make too. Everything goes with water, water's neutral, it's a palette cleanser and a mouth cleanser, you can always swish it around to clean between your teeth and on your tongue after a meal for fresher breath.

>> No.8648757


>> No.8648759


>> No.8648760

I'm female and can confirm that you two are retarded. men do this shit all the time, they just do it by bragging about how little X they've done recently before relapsing. brain wants their approval now, and often leads to less success.

>> No.8648763

>mix creatine and NCAA
>25oz shaker
>Go to gym
>Drink 3 more shakers worth of pure water in a 1-2 hour workout
On rest day just have 75oz through the day. I notice having a big container I can power down about 10oz at a time helps.

>> No.8648772

Opinions =/= facts

>> No.8648890

This what the fuck. Jesus my ex's dad was some TOR playing fat fuck who 'hated the taste of water' (was actually his disgusting fucking mouth that he was tasting). So he could only drink water with shitty knockoff brand koolaid packets.

I just normally have a glass of water with anything I drink. I like being able to wash away things like coffee and soda so I don't (further) stain/damage my teeth. Also being hydrated in Arizona is kind of related to >>8639517's post as well

>> No.8648896
File: 408 KB, 927x1455, Why women can be cunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took me awhile to find this.

>> No.8648905


>> No.8649441

indeed, I have the facts, you have the opinions.

>> No.8649446

Why makes you think it's a woman?

>> No.8649451

women here, I suspect its because of the handwriting, but i doubt the person you are talking to understands it conciously.

>> No.8649453
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By putting corn syrup and flavor in it

>> No.8649464

I just take a 1000ml nalgene bottle and drink the whole thing at least twice per day.

>> No.8649500


It would be extremely painful

>> No.8650529

More men carry around gallon jugs of water than women.

>> No.8650531
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>> No.8650557
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>We want the "hipster manpussies who can't hold their liquor or find the taste "too strong" but need to pretend they're not drinking syrup-y sugar water for kids" audience.

>> No.8650561

>7pm - resist temptation
the temptation to not drink water?

>> No.8650575
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I make it less boring. Like coffee, tea, drink mix.

Nut juices too, which do have calories but they're mostly just water.

>> No.8650588
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1484723249072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nut juices
Yeah I bet.

>> No.8650594

drink a glass or two with each meal, then extras if/when you get thirsty throughout the day. More if you're highly active/at the gym. This isn't a fucking hard concept.

>> No.8650596

i got some nut juice for you right here pal

>> No.8650604

That's a little gay.

>> No.8650612

Much like yourself.

>> No.8650622

literally any office job

>> No.8650628

I'm not the one offering my nut juice to strangers.

>> No.8650630

weakest come back i've seen all day. kys

>> No.8650633
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>yuropeons are so stupid that they have to have their fucking water marked as sugar free

>> No.8650636


>> No.8650638


>> No.8650641

>le triggered haha i was just pretending! xD

>> No.8650643


>> No.8650645

how do you get feminine handwriting like that?

>> No.8650647

Wew haha
I'm not even #Thatguy >>8650596

>> No.8650649


>> No.8650654
File: 68 KB, 700x396, 1383422639533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink anything other than water (generic soda, milk, chocolate milk, etc.)
>drink water next
>repeat for 24h for the rest of my life

Wow it's so hard

>> No.8650655

Child, be silent.

>> No.8650656

nice samefag Mohamed

>> No.8650658


>> No.8650663
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>> No.8650674
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You are becoming hysterical.

>> No.8650677

I just fucking do it. It's so natural. Pour a cup of water, usually about 12-16 ounces, and gulp it down in one go. I do it whenever my mouth starts to get dry, or I start getting a headache. I never let myself get noticeably thirsty because I hate that shit. I'm always stopping at water fountains at the park or the beach.

Make no mistake, I'm still fat, so drinking a lot of water doesn't automatically make you healthy. I just hate dehydration.
>tfw you look at your urine and it's just the right shade of light yellow

>> No.8650706


>> No.8650963

>light yellow

If it's not clear, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8650972

fucking hell kek

>> No.8650978

it doesn't taste bad
my body needs it and lets me know
it feels good if I'm thristy when drinking it

how fucking far have you strayed from god/nature (pick whichever fits you best) to have issues to do one of the most basic things that living things on earth do

>> No.8650985

yeah 10-15 years ago it was the current medicinal thread of "drinks 2 liters of water a day it's healthy (even if you're a short guy who doesn't do sports and lives in a cold country", it got debunked later on but some people still believe it

>> No.8651032
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Ok now that we've debunked the myth on how much water should be taken during the day, the question remains from what it should be taken?

Water bottle or glass. Atm I'm sticking with pic related bottle as well is everyone else and their grandma, but I'm ready to be red pilled on why to switch to glass.

>> No.8651040
File: 64 KB, 382x321, 3904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was little I got dehydrated and had a very traumatic experience Involving a nurse who didnt know how to give an IV to a kid.
the fear of IVs that came from that has fueled me ever since

>> No.8651274

highly doubt that lol

>> No.8651281


>> No.8651288

>take DNP
Problem solved

>> No.8651294

It's a fucking lemon lime flavored drink you fag

>> No.8651297
File: 320 KB, 471x355, 1462394077292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess; you have notes you have written to yourself for encouragement around your hosue

>> No.8651299

Feels better in the hand

>> No.8651431

I have a half litre thing of tea in the morning and after work, I drink a one litre mix of creatine and water throughout the day at work, and I have about a litre of milk between breakfast and dinner.

It's easy if you have just a little variety and spread it out.

>> No.8651466

I like the flavor.

>> No.8651479

Just pour out half a can of Pepsi and fill the rest with water. Problem solved.

>> No.8651497

You just don't get it.

>> No.8651499

>half litre of tea

>> No.8651866

Costs too much

>> No.8651995
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>> No.8652132
File: 5 KB, 300x300, arrow plastic water bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally will drink over a gallon a day if I dont stop myself when I have my good water bottle, pic related. 1 liter. I have filled it up 6 times one day, but I average 3, only cause I set that limit now, but I will drink half a liter just on the bus ride to school now, in addition to my morning coffee.

When I go to a restaurant, soda or water, I always get 3 or more refills for my drink, while others i eat with get one refill at most.

I dont know if I have an issue or what, but drinking enough water has never been an issue for me.

>> No.8652256

Was your pee usually water colored??

>> No.8652275

You're drinking WAAAY too much

>> No.8652293

>paranoid schizophrenic
>from drinking too much water
>thinks that water gave you schizo
I wonder which came first

>> No.8652297

I remember that I'm praising Poseidon.

>> No.8652301

I have a jug in the fridge for water. It saves me money to not run water into the sink while I wait it to get cold. I usually drink it empty each day.

>> No.8652302

the more water you drink, the less sodium your body has and thus the more water you need and repeat and repeat.
When I was /fa/norexic back in 2013, I dropped to 115lb only by abstaining eating through 6 liters of water and 5 cups of coffee a day.

>> No.8652370

That's a really cool bottle anon. Just cut back a little on all that water.

>> No.8652387

Great blog post faggot

>> No.8652396

See I do it was a way of smiting Poseidon. Fuck him, I'm consuming him and all that is his.

>> No.8652400

Yeah people don't realize you can die from drinking too much too fast.

My dad nearly killed himself drinking too much water in too short a time period. It throws off your sodium levels and all your minerals. You could end up comatose or worse. I saw with my own eyes how he was twitching and irritable and completely not himself after about 85-101oz in a 3-5hr period.

Nurse said she had never seen someone with sodium levels that low who was still awake - let alone able to walk and talk still.

>> No.8652897

So do you just eat salt?

>> No.8652914

I never had problems with drinking my 1.5 liters. When I am training then I am drinking way more than that too. And carbonated water is the best thing ever.

>> No.8652919

>come to /ck/ for the first time
>people struggle to drink water
Are cu/ck/olds the weakest race?


>> No.8652929

>Weird seeing this thread, my professor actually had some really bad health issues recently because he was drinking too much water. Got to the point where his organs were shutting down.
literally a ghost story. We get you are affraid of water but you are getting fucking lunatic with spreading that shit.

>> No.8652944

It's a contributing cure to bad skin, breath, dry lips, bad health and also saves your gains by replacing soda.

This too

>> No.8653039

There's going to be a lot more water in it, which will increase the volume, but I doubt that there would be any increase in sperm production

>> No.8653058
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Women can be so fucking disgusting at times, sorry but it's amazing how much they will do for attention.
Sure there are a couple of them out there that are just sane and normal most of the time.

>> No.8653059


>> No.8653063

Nausea and dry mouth if I don't.

>> No.8653359

Honestly, I just use a saline drip attached to my arm just above my elbow. It works really well and I don't have to take any time to fill a container up and drink. Plus I don't really like the taste of that stuff so I tend to avoid it.

>> No.8653373

Just drink the fucking water. Are you retarded?

>> No.8653612

I have a lot of sodium as well. But like I said, I limit my to 3 bottles now. I think I'm fine

>> No.8654498
File: 72 KB, 481x409, 1449407267744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll PROVE how little their opinion matters to me by copying things that other people on 4chan say! This is very confident behavior that doesn't belay a desperate need to be anonymously validated by my peers.
I'll give you the (You) because you clearly need it, but you should look for attention through other channels.

>> No.8654584

>killing your half dead throat over free food
shiggy anon :(