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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8635226 No.8635226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best food to eat after smoking weed?

>> No.8635234

A bullet.

>> No.8635239

A bullet.

>> No.8635243

A bullet.

>> No.8635250
File: 270 KB, 500x499, cheese-cute-dr-pepper-fast-food-Favim.com-3153635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pizza and Dr Pepper

And a bullet

>> No.8635251

A bullet.

>> No.8635253

A bullet.

>> No.8635254

A female bull.

A bullette, if you will.

>> No.8635256


>> No.8635258

A mullet.

>> No.8635265

probably semen?

right up there with a bullet

>> No.8635266

A McChicken filled with bullets

>> No.8635267

A lot

>> No.8635269

whichever you would normally eat plus something new.

In your case, cock and a bullet.

>> No.8635270

of bullets.

>> No.8635272

>weed is for degenerates
>proceeds to destroy liver with booze
muh dichotomy

>> No.8635274


>> No.8635275

I once ate 3 microwaved lasagnes in a row when a bad case of the munchies hit.

>> No.8635276
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>> No.8635277

>implying the majority of people in this thread don't smoke herb
I know what you should have for your next meal.

>> No.8635282

Why would I smoke herbs
They're normally for cooking with
I don't think there are many use cases for smoked thyme or whatever

>> No.8635284

A bullet.

>> No.8635285

Why does weed trigger autists so much?
Is it because they can't find a dealer?

>> No.8635286


>> No.8635287

Sherbet ice cream

>> No.8635288

This is actually what it is.

>> No.8635289

I drink very moderately.

>> No.8635291
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Because it's degenerate to have an illegal substance as a crutch to fall on for being mentally unstable - let alone the dogma associated with it - sleazy, unkempt, unclean men and women who have the IQ of a brick.

What could be an exceedingly long post cut very short - it's disgusting and people have many reasons to think it's disgusting, too.

>> No.8635298

>illegal substance
Depends on where you live senpai.

>> No.8635299

Kill yourself.

>> No.8635312

>not vaping weed

>> No.8635313

That's not exactly making a good case. You know what I meant - it's for miscreants who are incapable of enjoying life and having actual hobbies and have to fall crutch to a drug instead.

>> No.8635315

Weed is for delusional faggots who absolutely have to pursue psychosis to lie to themselves that their lives are alright. They need to go completely insane to survive because they are so stupid and fearful.
Alcohol is for men who don't give a fuck whether they live or die, but still face the world for the shit deal that it is.

>> No.8635318

The IQ isn't just an association. Weed use meaningfully impedes brain development. This doesn't mean anything if you're 30, but kids who start it at 16 are several kinds of fucked.

>> No.8635332

Oh shut the fuck up alteady with your projecting.
I have a fulfilling career, hobbies and social life and enjoy the occasional toke because it's relaxing; and I abstain from alcohol. Not everyone uses cannabis as an escape just like how joy everyone uses alcohol as an escape.

>> No.8635341

Correct. All too common have I witnessed this phenomenon.

>> No.8635348

Keep telling yourself that - it's "relaxing." Enjoy it wreaking havoc on your body and simultaneously having an abhorrent stereotype attached to you for anyone who sees you. After all, the stereotype is probably true. You're just as bad as they are.

Get a fucking hobby, you gross stoner.

>> No.8635352


It's important to note that this has never been confirmed in a controlled study so claiming a mechanism is false. It is merely an association at this point.


>> No.8635353

I see, makes sense

>> No.8635364

>replying to bait
Eat a bullet.

>> No.8635367

The projection and self-hatred is palpable.

>> No.8635371

All of them

>> No.8635376

>Enjoy it wreaking havoc on your body and simultaneously having an abhorrent stereotype attached to you for anyone who sees you.

Enjoy your McDonald's and processed foods, you fat sack.

>> No.8635379
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I don't think you know what that word means, and I think the delusions are already starting to set in. Speaking of "projections," I love myself very much - it's stoners that reek of body odor, weed, and wasted potential that I hate.

>> No.8635516

it brings me joy to know that my hobbies give you autistic rage

>> No.8635584

some of my favorites

>spicy anjeero with mint ayran
>omurice w/ semi-demi-glace
>Lavaburst Hi-C
>local honey or home-made jam on just-baked english muffins
>frybread taco

just anything that will keep my mind on some simple cooking instead of just walking into the kitchen and eating a shelf of convenience foods.

>> No.8635595

Sous vide salmon. Trust me, I'm a high guy making sous vide salmon.

>> No.8635600

A bullet.

>> No.8635603

>wife arrives at home
>goes for the oreos
>she is agast at the amount of oreos I've apparently consumed throughout the day
>I assure her everything's fine, I was simply high
>she narrows her gaze, clearly communicating regret over certain choices in her life

>> No.8635623
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>wreaking havoc on your body

>> No.8636597
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>> No.8636600
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>> No.8636614

Certified Nigga™

>> No.8636616

*unzips dick*

>> No.8636617


>> No.8636623
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Eat a bullet.

>> No.8636625

Carl Sagan smoked weed. Bill Gates smokes weed, or he used to. Obama did. Many people do it. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that everyone who does enjoy it is less than you. Stop with your ignorance

>> No.8636690

Everything in your kitchen desu

>> No.8636704

Raisins, Just ate entire 12oz bag.

Any nuts are good

English muffin with grape jelly

Ice cream
Girl scout cookies
Chocolate milk

>> No.8636712

Chicken tendies
Medium rare cheeseburger with fried egg
Gravy french fries
Biscuits and gravy
Butter pecan ice cream
Classic pb&j sammich
Chocolate milk

Some of my favorites

>> No.8636723
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>> No.8636728

this nigga knows his shit
they actually improve your high when combined with THC

>> No.8636734

I am 100% satisfied with my life while sober, but I still drink because why the fuck not? Enjoy yourself senpai, stop trying to explain your motives to fat neck beards on a Norwegian housecat breeding forum.

>> No.8636745

It's a shit drug. I'll admit it's kinda comfy and food is awesome stoned but I wasted my adolescence and young adulthood with that shit.

>> No.8636748
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Burger & Fries.

or Sammich & Chips if you do not have the goods to make Burger & Fries or feel like driving to some fast food joint.

>> No.8636769

a big ass bag full of cashews

>especially if they are Trader Joes honey sesame roasted cashews

>> No.8636771

I think the alcohol has rotted your brain too, buddy. That's the dumbest and most delusional justification I've heard from you alcoholics yet.

>> No.8636820
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Anything dumbass, weed makes everything taste good.

>> No.8636823
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>weed = bad
>alchohol = good
>tee hee hee 50s propaganda
>muh trolling

>> No.8636836

I just saw this thread on reddit AMA

>> No.8637081

>Carl Sagan, Bill Gates and fucking obongo
You aren't helping your case

>> No.8637099

Boom goes le dynomite

>> No.8637104
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>smoking the devil's lettuce

>> No.8637110

Nothing triggers me more than people on social media posting infographics about how harmless weed is. I see that shit every day. It might not cause cancer or liver disease but it has the potential to be far more psychologically damaging far more quickly than alcohol.

>> No.8637118
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>girl i like smokes weed
>calls me while she's driving in a snow storm to tell me she's "high af"
>tell her to get off the phone and stop being a retard
>she does but says she'll call me later
>she doesn't

why are weed addicts such degenerate, flaky pieces of shit?

>> No.8637127

You made her drive through the storm. You pushed her away with your anti-weed autism.
But relax! She's better now. She found someone who appreciates her and doesn't judge. Sex is MUCH better this way.
Just stay honest with yourself. Good luck!

>> No.8637139
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she was driving anyway! a retard like he,r that gets loopy from a half a joint shouldn't be driving and on the phone in a snow storm. plus maybe you weedfags don't understand but you guys are about as interesting as broomhandles when you're high

>> No.8637152

It's you who is lost in the haze, little one. Your ill-conceived judgments cloud and distort your worldview, thereby displacing your self. Call it what you will, but I like "Stockholm Syndrome of Self".
My best advice: surrender to the flow. Take some time to reflect on that. She wishes you well.

>> No.8637164

Dude weed! LMAO!

>> No.8637188

what? enough of this hippy shit. how do i get her to fall in love with me so that we can get married and be happy together and have the functional family i never had?

>> No.8637197
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>> No.8637231

fish tacos with mango salsa
chocolate milk shake

paneer and pakouras and mango lassi

garbage fries

hummus plate

gummi bears

i herd chocolate and mango actually influence your high and help the thcs do its thing

generals tsos
and crab rangoons/ crab puffs

>> No.8637260

Intelligent choice, but stoners rarely make good choices.
Being baked usually sends your cravings toward child-friendly junk food. Sweets, ice cream, cookies, burgers, fries, tendies, chips, you know the drill. It needs to be easy and gratifying, and usually loaded with calories.
I try to not keep that shit in stock, because it leads to fatness. But its almost impossible to avoid the mad munchies. My last stoned adventure was a whole box of frozen waffles with peanut butter.

>> No.8637268

slices of butter with vegemite on them

>> No.8637282

b r u h

>> No.8637285

She died, actually.

>> No.8637286
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Or lettuce, I love eating something fresh and crispy when I'm stoned.

>> No.8637295

Start smoking weed my dude.

>> No.8637300

>famous astronomer, richest man on earth, former US President
>autist on Rwandan dung beetle forum

>> No.8637314

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8637316

Oh just stop it with the condescending language, smoking weed doesn't make you "smarter" (whatever that entails) nor does it make you a better person. All that comes down to personality and education, and if you feel the need to talk down to people who don't smoke weed then you're at least lacking in the personality aspect. As for the education, I can only hope that you're doing ok.

Smoking is a nice pastime, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.8637369

I just hate the weed culture and the people who act like it's a miracle cure for every fucking disease. Weedheads occupy the same space in my mind as vegans pretty much.

>> No.8637380

- Jack Sclafani

>> No.8637384

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.8637447


>> No.8637471

>Bill Gates smokes weed, or he used to.

>> No.8637495

Mate this post sums it up for me. I'm not bothered about the legality of the substance it bothers me when weedsmokers use shitty excuses such as 'It's not even addictive' or 'it cures cancer' and then start mumbling on about conspiracy theories involving the government. The simple reason why weed smokers are a meme is because of (As the post quoted mentions) the smelly unkempt weedsmoker dogma that comes with it. Its used as a mediation to forget all of your shitty problems in life. You must have a real shit life to want to make yourself retarded for a few hours a day.

>> No.8637519
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All you can eat buffet.

>> No.8637543

Alcohol actually has some health benefits when drunk moderately. Weed is basically poison, only one step above meth.

>> No.8637747

I'm surprised they had the discipline to law out the boxes like that. Figured they'd give up 5 boxes in and just start eating.

>> No.8637804

>All you can eat bullet.

>> No.8637818

>guys listen, a bunch of absolute faggots smoked weed, it's fine

>> No.8637851

>Weed is basically poison
So medical marijuana is just a ruse then right? Correct me if i'm wrong, but I don't ever hear about doctors prescribing medicinal alcohol.

>> No.8637864

those absolute faggots contributed more to society than you ever will posting on a Lithuanian candle making depository.

>> No.8637912

Moist desserts, pale ales, water.

>> No.8637913
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cool ok

>> No.8637917

>richest man on earth
You're thinking of Carlos slim

>> No.8637919
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>> No.8637978

A bullet.

>> No.8637999

Well I guess I'm a degenerate because I find it entertaining once ever few months to smoke socially and just have a good time. I enjoy my life and my hobbies. I find the effects better than alcohol because wee doesn't make me want to vomit after 4 hours of consistent substance use.

I only smoke when it's there and offered to me I've never thought "Oh I need this right now."

Now the people that smoke 5 times a week and can't hold a job or keep their life together, that's another issue.

>> No.8638003

A bullet

>> No.8638016

/pol/ has been cucked by the government into actually thinking weed is bad or harmful. It's hilarious how brainwashed that whole board is

>> No.8638022
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>sheltered flyovers that have never smoked a joint and had a good munchie session

I seriously just feel bad for you guys. You're missing out.

>> No.8638164

All drugs are poison. Smoking marijuana to alleviate pain or to help with cancer, that's one thing. Getting high for fun, that's something I cannot understand. It's the same as using prescription drugs just for laughs.
Also, almost all doctors agree that alcohol can be healthy, when consumed in small portions and not too often.

>> No.8638208

>Now the people that smoke 5 times a week

Well that's pretty much me, twice friday and trice saturday evening.

>> No.8638447

Red wine, yes. Beer, maybe. Liquor, fuck no. Also the amount they recommend is insanely low.

>> No.8638622

....A bullet??

>> No.8638836

Obama's contribution to society was the division of the country racially, so much that any argument against his political party is considered a racist comment.

Thanks weed!

>> No.8638839

whats a female cow then?

>> No.8638843

>t. assblasted neocontard

>> No.8638850

What? At the end of his term blacks didn't even like him because he would so rarely get racial. The divide was always there, it's just that more people have a voice now with the internet so it's more noticeable, not to mention all the bullshit the media does to push their own agenda

>> No.8638871

Yeah Obama was the whitest black person ever.
It was fucking gamer gate that started all this bullshit. Fuck you /v/

>> No.8638898
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Works for me:
Pizza obviously
Lasagna with Tzatsiki
Gorgonzola Pasta
Shwarma Pita with Tahini

Doesn't work for me:
Oatmeal and most Cereals
Dry food like chicken-rice
any food with alcohol (drunk cake etc.)

>> No.8638911

>lasagna with tzatziki

>> No.8638919

eggo waffles with butter and smothered in quality maple syrup, and some cold milk. it always starts out with making 2 and then devouring the whole box. but dang my niggy, waffles and peanut butter? you must of been baked to the gills.

>> No.8638940

A cold calzone with a squirt of sriracha. dont judge me

>> No.8638947

super good combination, try it.

>> No.8639012

Home made rice crispy treats.

>> No.8639358

A bullet.

>> No.8640863

you need to be 18 years or older to post on this site

>> No.8640896


>> No.8641010

Something healthy and tasteless. Healthy, to get yo health points. Tasteless, because hey, you are high.

>> No.8641034
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>> No.8641068

I put peanut butter on my waffles sober. It's literally the only use chunky peanut butter has

>> No.8641148

so fucking good actually

>> No.8641155

A bullet.

>> No.8641166


>all of these "a bullet" replies
>board literally has an alcoholic general
This is what happens when you don't contain the /pol/ tards

>> No.8641170

Poutine, philly cheesesteak, tendies, a bullet, tacos. Salty food is the best when high.

>> No.8641173
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what is the best food for lsd

t. man who just took 300 ug

>> No.8641252


>> No.8641261

A peach

>> No.8641284

None, but if you must something that doesn't require cooking. What you should be concerned about having is art supplies, good music, and/or movies.

>> No.8641327

I ate a chicken sandwich once while on LSD, that was fucking weird.

You really just need some tasty beverage and good music. Also a bonfire is highly recommended.

>> No.8641331

cantelope my dude

>> No.8641432

Chocolate cookies with milk.

I swear, I can't get high anymore without cookies and milk.

>> No.8641448

ice cream
milk and cookies

>> No.8641462

>implying I don't get high
Why do people get so triggered over jokes?

>> No.8641502
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>smoke a joint on the weekends
>126 IQ
>32 y.o., fermentation chemist

Feels good bro

Pictured Guinness cake.

>> No.8641509

stoners are the dregs of society

>> No.8641517

she was living in a single room with three other individuals

>> No.8641518

>32 year old brainlet
>obviously smokes pot

>> No.8641532

nice one

>> No.8641571

Sour patch kids

>> No.8641823

having occasional smoke ≠ stoner just like how having the occasional drink ≠ alcoholic

>> No.8641866
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and NOBODY drinks AND smokes

>> No.8641872

it can be pretty good for self-reflection, same with other psychedelics on lighter doses. It's pretty common for high people to suddenly notice theyre being an asshole all the time and things like that.

>> No.8641878

>tfw spend every night smoking good green and drinking whiskey and beer
I love my life.

>> No.8641916


>> No.8641956

melted brie.

>> No.8641972


>> No.8641973 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1083x1024, 1461723828983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy eating Hamburger Helper with cut up hot dogs while I'm high.

>> No.8642024

Grade A Premium Ass

>> No.8642046
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Chocolate mang, it's scientifically proven to be the best food to eat when smoking.


>> No.8642071

We always bake a pizza. And mass quantities of booze. I don't feel like it helps though.

>> No.8642083


Weed is a nigger drug that leads to degeneracy.

>> No.8642085


>because one harmful substance is legal another harmful substance should be legal


>> No.8642099

What the best we4d too eat after smowking feuwd?

>> No.8642102

When did he mention the law? He was talking about personal choices.

>> No.8642122

/pol/ is that way, little fella -->

>> No.8642325

go back to bed grandpa

>> No.8642335

reported, fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.8642345

Canadian here, what is it with millennial Americans, Australians and Kiwis and being all "DUDE WEED LMAO SO HIGH MAAAAAN WTF ROFL"? Why do they perpetuate such a shitty weed culture?

It's just weed. Why cant you guys just shut up? Be more like us, the Netherlands and such and just enjoy it like a cup of coffee/tea or a glass of whisky.

>> No.8642356

you know where you have to go
this is a thread about weed and food, on a board about food. if you wanna go talk about politics take it somewhere else.

>> No.8642535
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bothwell cheddar cheese curds

>> No.8642540

Certified Nigga™

>> No.8642553

theres no niggers in bc

>> No.8642566

>not living in Winnipeg where I'm 30 minutes away from the Bothwell plant where I can get the freshest of curds
Only reason I live in this shithole

>> No.8642592

the only thing van isle has going for it is island farms and etc, consider yourself lucky you don't have to pay our ridiculous prices

>> No.8642610

more weed

>> No.8642625

shut the fuck up. urbanremo is from Canada and he is kind of annoying sometimes with all the "we medicate bullshit". It's being a fucking drug addict and it is better to accept it if we want society to accept it should be legal as recreation. Enough with the it's so healthy confusion,

Aside from that, I agree with you.They are the reason why weed smokers are so stereotyped into "hippies" "druggies" "criminals", etc.

Going into subject, I prefer a big, cold glass of coke and a hamburger.

>> No.8642638
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You sound like a happy man, this is all I want in life.

>> No.8642657

He wasn't the one who brought up Obama you illiterate hack.

>> No.8642769
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>> No.8643857

>stoned fruit platter with that sweet yogurt dip

Blows everything else away, including "dedicated stoner food" like taco bell

>> No.8643961

Why is fruit so fucking good high? Pineapple especially.

>> No.8643964
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>> No.8643966

lol'd pretty heartily

>> No.8643976
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>> No.8644045

fucking doritos, nacho cheese bitch

>> No.8644308

Back when I used to smoke seed I always got the vault soda slurpees from circle k. It was a god tier cotton mouth cure and unbelievably tasty.

Makes me want to smoke some weed and eat some food but i had to move on and quit. I was smoking a half oz a week of medical Arizona weed.

>> No.8644315

Dude you're not supposed to smoke the seeds, very little thc content.

>> No.8644777

Like he said, the sex is much better that way

>> No.8644872


If it's good when you're sober, it certainly won't make it worse when you're stoned. Most fruit are fucking sweet as hell, but not so overly sweet that they taste like candy, and a few of them have a rather satisfying texture.

>> No.8644879

Why do stoners act like weed is the greatest thing on earth?

>> No.8644888

literally anything which makes it a great survivalist tool

>> No.8644899


>> No.8644905
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I miss the days pre /pol/ when admitting you smoke weed didn't bring out the muh degenerate little ones.

Actual answer is a good rice dish or something sweet.

>> No.8644914

Why do jelly manchildren who cant get weed act like its the worst thing on earth?

>> No.8644920

green, and maybe red, also pavement can be pretty good.

>> No.8644971

>tfw smoke weed
stay mad cucks

>> No.8644974

>Why do you drink?
To forget.
>What do you want to forget?
That I drink.

>> No.8645340

>citation needed

>> No.8645351


>> No.8645481

>Guinness cake
Recipe pls

>> No.8645506

>"""""""""'mexican""""""" """""""""""""""""""food""""""""""""

>> No.8645514
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I like pickles

>> No.8645536

Been smoking almost daily since I was 17. I'm 21 now and one year away from an electrical engineering degree. Keep making excuses for why your life is shitty while others enjoy themselves.

>> No.8645537

A bullet.

>> No.8645544

People who smoke weed make huge chunks of their life about weed. They're generally seen as very obnoxious. Why even mention your high in the first place? No one asked.

>> No.8645549

Are you trying to compare yourself to carl Sagan? Those people are outliers you egotistical sack of shit.

>> No.8645553

So you're bragging about being an electrical engineer? That's the height of your life's potential? Ok.

>> No.8645626

What have you done that's so amazing?

>> No.8645891

>b-b-but what about YOU?!?!

Not shit my potential away by using mind-numbing drugs that can destroy brain cells/alter neuroplasticity under age 25

I'm an engineer too, but I don't use it as a fucking label for my life like tumblr and sexuality

>> No.8646331

You sound miserable. I'm willing to bet your social life is lacklustre because you're insufferable.

>> No.8646469

>dude you're so lame
Waaah. That really hurts my feels, stoner.

>> No.8646482

I don't drink or smoke, but I tell when someone is a bitter loser.

>> No.8646502
File: 30 KB, 640x640, roll_up_gushers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get some new material

>> No.8646530


Extremely spicy foods are the most fun

Really rich stuff like cheesecake

Alternatively, if it's in the morning and you haven't eaten anything, fresh or frozen fruit is the bomb

Frozen peas with balsamic vinegar

>> No.8646555


>> No.8646581

Get a load of this fucking twat haha.
>hurrr stoners listen to bob marley fucking loser stoners
Did a weed smoking Chad steal your girl or something?
Your potential is already wasted by posting on this loser board you idiot. Fuck off and go picket outside a dispensary or get hit by a bus or something.

>> No.8646596

>arguing with a weedfag on the internet
>all they can ever say is "mann you must be such a loser man like cool kids smoke weed man"
In 5 years when no one gives a shit about how much weed you smoke you'll realize that you have no personality then you'll kill yourself.

>> No.8646607

Why did they 86 the green onions on this thing

>> No.8646612

Why are you quoting me? I don't smoke weed, I was just calling you out for being a judgmental faggot.

>> No.8646615
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Wow, stoners get really insulted when you identify that their hobby is brainless.

>> No.8646627

This thread is full of bad vibes and it's really just a drag

>> No.8646641

>he thinks there's only one anon on this board who identifies the blatant fucking fact that stoners are retarded
>judgemental faggot

>I don't smoke weed
Sure you don't

>> No.8646659

>the only way weed is more harmful than tobacco is when retarded stoners hold the smoke in their lungs for 30 seconds thinking it gets them higher

8 seconds all you need

>> No.8646676

3 seconds absorbs 90%

>> No.8646681


Fresh or frozen fruit, or vegetables. MAYBE plain bread. Generally speaking, no animal products because like this anon said >>8641327 it's fucking weird. Not as bad as trying to cook chicken on mushrooms, though.

>> No.8646748

Bottomline, your friend Trump, via Sessions, will shut your pot state down. You'll be like my state where if caught with under 10 grams of pot, you can be sentenced to 5 years in the pen with 260lb Tyrone as your cell mate.

Good thing Trump's looking out for us.

>> No.8646815

>Chocolate milk
god tier
i unironically loved eating sour apples after smoking, or any juicy fruit

>> No.8647816
File: 19 KB, 300x201, pineapplecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some tawainese friends visited and brought over a shit ton of these they did not last long

also caramel apple with nuts

>> No.8648277


>> No.8648291

Something crunchy
Maybe its just me but soft textures get weird

>> No.8648298

dried mango

>> No.8648305


>> No.8648307 [DELETED] 


>> No.8648318

Toasted mature cheddar and strawberry jam/jelly sandwich with plenty of butter

>> No.8648320
File: 36 KB, 600x671, 1476838784332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoke >9000 times a week
>constant overtime as a cook
Living the dream I guess

>> No.8648336
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>> No.8649537
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No, you fucking degenerate, leave your faggot addiction at the door. Alcohol should be bannable again too, like it was before the shit moderation was replaced with shit janitors

>> No.8650586

Back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.8650681

came in expecting an absolute shit show of a thread, was not disappointed

>> No.8650837

JJ stop posting

>> No.8650858


>> No.8650943
File: 87 KB, 475x480, donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever the fuck you have at home that is already ready.

You're high, anything tastes good, eating right after smoking nearly completely kills all taste.

I'm no fan of liver, but sometimes I just buy a pound, do steaks, and DUDE WEED LMAO a joint right before eating. Tastes like every meat tastes when everything tastes like ash and weed.

Cheap is generally the go-to quality. Yes taco bell.

>> No.8651044
File: 304 KB, 1704x848, eatabullet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd share my little picture. It entertained me

>> No.8651133

Young Abraham Lincoln

>> No.8651890

Cyanide bullet

My old dorm roommate put weed oil in my stir fry and got me high without my consent and I got him kicked out of school.
Fucking degenerates.

>> No.8652237


esoteric religious texts and classified CIA documents

>> No.8652631

A bullet.