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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 720x720, 1488251526898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8627768 No.8627768 [Reply] [Original]

if diet is linked to education and health, why doesn't government further limit what can and cannot be purchased with food stamps/government assistance?

>> No.8627783

Because it just makes things messy for the stores to decide what is and isn't eligible. I have to ring up people's WIC groceries and that program is more limited and it's all just such a bother to run down the list and make sure each item is eligible. If every fuck with food stamps had to be run through like that, that'd be horrible. Not to mention, it's just more encouragement for them to sell the food stamps and buy whatever they want with the cash.

>> No.8627795

a) b/c you're conflating correlation with causation
b) as far as causation goes, it's entirely possible that better education leads to more healthy food choices

>> No.8627819

why would the jobless person buy more? they have less money.

>> No.8627827

because no one likes people telling them what to do, especially on a legal level

this is how i can tell you dont have a job

>> No.8627843

if i had no job, why would I ask that question you dumb dumb dummkopf

>> No.8627856

The implication is that those who are unemployed are irresponsible so they buy more junk shit, the money coming from government assistance so because it isn't really 'their money' and have zero responsibility (and made zero effort to get that money) they also buy a FUCKTON of stuff they don't need.

>> No.8627857

It's a recognized trend for people on government food assistance to blow it all on junk food almost as soon as they get it.

>> No.8627878

recognized by who

>> No.8627894



Low IQ + Shitty Life + Food stamps = binge time

>> No.8627895

this picture is misleading, should be a normal cart on the right with healthy shit in it.

>> No.8627919
File: 504 KB, 1440x1115, DEELT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you realize you posted a satire site

Second link is still legit though

>> No.8627944

>treating a fake report as real
god damn you are one stupid motherfucker. how much money did you give to that nigerian prince so that he'd let you hold onto his millions?

>> No.8627950

Mother fucker I acknowledged my mistake like MAN you faggot the second link is still good.

>> No.8627957

Your second link doesn't say anything about the percentage of food stamps blown on junk food or is proof of " a recognized trend for people on government food assistance to blow it all on junk food almost as soon as they get it".
In fact, it says
>How much? We don’t know because the government will not release detailed data on food stamp spending.
Yes, people can buy junk food on food stamps. That's all that link proves.

>> No.8627969

You didn't read the whole article did you?
They have links to studies that food stamp recipients are both more obese than non and score lower on healthy eating index's.

>> No.8627970
File: 52 KB, 539x324, wah_wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I buy a cartload of fruits, veggies, meat and bread with literally zero snacks
>mfw people think I'm umemployed because of this

>> No.8627991

The actual studies say
>Existing research provides no consistent evidence of an association—and no evidence of a causal relationship—between SNAP participation and overweight or obesity. The potential effects of food assistance on obesity are tangled with the effects of poverty and socioeconomic status. Because poverty is highly correlated with SNAP participation and with obesity, independent effects are hard to determine.
>Recent studies have found that SNAP participation does not increase either Body Mass Index (BMI) or the likelihood of being overweight or obese for the majority of SNAP participants—children, nonelderly men, and the elderly. For some subgroups, SNAP participation has a negative association with the probability of being overweight. Nonelderly adult women, who account for 28 percent of the SNAP caseload, are the only group of participants for whom multiple studies show a correlation between SNAP participation and elevated BMI and obesity

>> No.8628011

Then why is poverty related to obesity, if money is not being spent on junkfood?

>> No.8628023

I'm sorry if I've misled you. I'm not arguing that food stamps are never used to buy junk food. I just don't buy "they're going out and blowing it all the moment they get on candy and chips!" to the point where it's a recognized trend.

>> No.8628039

I'm not saying all food stamps are spent on junk food. What I'm arguing and the article is arguing is that abuse of food stamps for junk food is recognizable problem, and if it's a reconcilable problem it constitutes a trend.

>> No.8628056

WIC is basically how you want food stamps to work, and it's a pain for retailers. That means a lot of them will just stop taking food stamps, because a lot of them don't do WIC.

>> No.8628059

Even if they wanted to, it's hard and time-consuming to pass/change a regulation, and whichever agency is in charge of food stamps is almost certainly going to be lobbied by each and every single food manufacturer that it tries to exclude from the program while nobody is going to lobby them to limit what can be purchased.

>> No.8628067

That second link doesn't support your point very much. Nobody knows what percentage of SNAP funds are spent on junk food.

>> No.8628114

How much money worth in stamps do you actually get as benefits? Let's say per months.

>> No.8628122

>ITT: Anon explores welfare

>> No.8628129

Average is 126 dollars a month per person, but it varies depending on disability status, household size, household assets, and other factors.

>> No.8628132

No seriously. We don't have a foodstamp system here. There is just a specific amount of money allocated to groceries in the money we get.

>> No.8628176

I don't get it. How can they even pay rent?

>> No.8628183

Because food stamps are just for food and aren't all they get. People on food stamps also receive SSI (disability or retirement pay) or have a job.

>> No.8628190

I don't think they do, don't they just live in section 8 housing? I don't think you have to pay for that.
I actually tried looking into getting some kind of food stamps while I was working and in school to help ease the financial strain, but the process laid out for me was really complicated and 'sticky', if that makes sense. It seems like a difficult process to even try to get food stamps

>> No.8628204

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure food stamps are designed to help people that are in tough spots that have full means to recover and not have to rely on food stamps indefinitely.

>> No.8628216

The way section 8 works is that you pay about 30% of your income towards the rent, and you get a voucher for the rest. There's a restriction on how expensive the total rent can be called "fair market rent" that varies from place to place. There's a long waiting list nearly everywhere, and most people end up waiting a year or more to even get it.

>> No.8628220

Plenty of people are on food stamps long term. The disabled, low-income households, etc.

>> No.8628240

So if you become unemployed and choose to pursue govt assistance it could take years to get sorted?

>> No.8628249

You're fucked for section 8, but you can get food stamps almost immediately if you qualify. But in most states, you can only stay on them for 3 months without a job if you are able to work, an adult, and don't have dependents.
There's also unemployment benefits, but those vary widely from state to state, there's no national standard there.

>> No.8628255

Thats the way it should work and is its intended use. However some people abuse it. Certainly not to the extent its critics make it out to be mind you.

>> No.8628271

Most critics are just inflamed that their tax dollars should go to poor people and want an excuse to justify that anger, e.g. they're lazy fraudsters. It's also funny when they reveal how little they actually know, like thinking food stamps are still literal stamps.

>> No.8628272

>if diet is linked to education


What clickbait article did you get that from?

>> No.8628389

That's an interesting question for republicans. They typically want to limit government power to intrude on the daily life of citizens, but they also love to fuck with poor people. They'd basically just have to flip a coin.

>> No.8628417

You must work at a really shitty grocery store. The POS at mine automatically indicates whether an item qualifies for WIC or not.

>> No.8628465

Oh honey, welfare couldn't afford all that junk shit, there must be $200+ of food there.

>> No.8628479

It is. All I have is a laminated sheet of what's allowed that we carry. The owner is stuck in the 60s, and almost hilariously afraid of technology.
But people come because the Wal-mart is all the way on the other side of town and that's about all we have.

>> No.8628494

>trusting the digital jew
yes please glorious technocracy give me my oculus rift and automated jerkoff machine

>> No.8628495


Babe it isnt it may have ties but it most certainly isnt link in a absolute kind of way

>> No.8628510
File: 2.26 MB, 1275x1041, 1470590497853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a NEET for 2 years and I eat almost nothing but beans, rice and various root vegetables.

>> No.8628526

Pretty healthy. Throw in some tofu or tuna for that extra protein.
Maybe something green in veg and youre good.
Maybe meat once a week? some cheap cuts?
Or make some rice stew with cheap pork or beef cuts, that shit lasts you over a week with some rice. and its not expensive.

>> No.8628655

>no family

>> No.8628659

how can someone be so informed about technology and so stupid at the same time? the human paradox

>> No.8628698

fuck all these articles and studies. I study my fat beast girlfriend who won't leave and is on food stamps with 3 kids from three fathers none of which are me. She gets around $620 a month food stamps and feeds them frozen pizza, sugar, candy, chips and bullshit food and if I cook anything I get screamed at forever for trying to make the kids not like her by making food. Fuck I get screamed at anyways so screw it. They eat nothing but pure shit 99% of the time and even if she makes a can of green beans she boils them in sugar water first or they won't touch them. Corn? Adds sugar. Chicken? Well let's blend ketchup, a can of coca cola and brown sugar and now it's BBQ chicken time kids! I don't need articles and reports and shit to see what these pieces of shit use the stamps on. I see it every fucking day and it's pathetic and destroying America at an alarming rate. 12 two litre bottles of soda gone in under one week. If a bag of chips is opened up it never gets to close and is gone within an hour. The sad thing is it's not even the kids getting the food. They are little twigs barely making weight while momma gets fat as fuck sitting on her ass doing nothing but yelling and screaming at every one and telling them to microwave their frozen shit for their dinners.

>> No.8628705

>why don't we become a completely authoritarian state

Back to commieland with you

>> No.8628706

If you add a lot of chicken then you have me

>> No.8628746

What the fuck man
Leave the hambeast

>> No.8628756
File: 143 KB, 362x358, screen-shot-2015-05-02-at-1-50-54-pm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if diet is linked to education and health,
why doesn't the government further fund education?

>> No.8628761

person on the right = average blue apron customer
person on left = average hoarder NEET who screams in fear at the idea of a vegetable coming in a ziploc bag even though 95% of the food he eats is food from a plastic bag

>> No.8628793

how much do you spend buying that a fortnight?

>> No.8628995

There's literally nothing wrong with ebt

Welfare I have a problem with

>> No.8629000

>not welfare
Anon, I...

>> No.8629006

By welfare I mean checks/direct deposits

Food and rent assistance are fine but just giving people money means they will spend it on drugs/alcohol

>> No.8629011
File: 9 KB, 240x193, 1486450184818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beans and rice for breakfast?

>> No.8629260

Can you actually kill yourself? Serious or not, remove your genes from the pool ASAP.

>> No.8629283

Maybe some people just like junk food?

>> No.8629295


How true is this image?

I mean I dont get a bunch of junk food and fill my cart to the top but I do get a lot of groceries that I use to cook with and that tends to fill it up.

I also dont have a job but I dont need wellfare. Will people know that I a NEET? When is the right time to go grocery shopping so people dont suspect that I am a shut in?

>> No.8629355

In my experience people who plan ahead tend to shop big once in a while and then do mostly homecooking (bring all lunch, snacks and stuff from home, bring homemade ice tea instead of buying soft drinks etc).
People who are impulsive, lazy or wasteful tend to buy for immediate consumption.
People who don't care about food at all do the same.
People who have low appetite or struggle to eat may buy small and randomly.
Family people buy big but always have screaming kids with them.

>> No.8629715

Nobody notices a cart full of relatively normal food, that left image is being used because it's a big cart stuffed to excess with pure junk.

If you don't want people to think you're a weird shut-in NEET shop evenings when normal people get out of work. Or for maximum effect kidnap a child to pass off as your own.

Re: food stamps, I was on them for a while and definitely used them to buy fresh, healthy foods but I will admit the majority of people I saw using them (I only noticed after I got on them) were buying cart loads of junk. This was in a shittier part of Oregon though, so that may explain things.

>> No.8629722

He's talking about the different programs you pendantic fuck. This is why nobody likes you .

>> No.8629731

This has to be some sort of trap.

>> No.8629758

No I just woke up. Pedantic. Correcting people all the time is another reason no one likes you.

>> No.8629762

It's true, poor people buy shit quality food

Triggers me when people claim it's because healthy food is expensive. Such nonsense.

>> No.8629794

I'm not even the same guy you replied to earlier. Stop projecting you fucking lunatic.

>> No.8629799

>thinking food stamps are still literal stamps

As a nonstamper, I appreciate the changes made to food assistance payments. Now the only people who tie up the grocery line are the stupid motherfuckers who insist on paying with checks.

>> No.8629804

>'the implication is...'
>"oh they said it they must believe it"

After you, fucktard.

>> No.8629805

lying and calling people lunatics for no reason: third reason no one likes you.

>> No.8629862

wtf are you doing there? how did you even end up in that family when you're not even correlated with them at all?? and if you're still with them, why?

>> No.8629886

SSI isn't really the same thing as disability or retirement income.

SSD is income for disabled people.
Social Security Retirement (which is never written as SSR for /some/ reason...) is for retirement. Related is Survivor's Benefits, which is for widows/widowers of retirees to continue to receive that support.

To get SSD, you must either have amassed enough work credits to qualify for the program or have been a dependent or spouse of someone who has /at the time of your disability/ or your spouse's death. Basically, if you/your spouse/your parents have worked long enough, gubmint assumes enough has been paid into SSA to offset the costs of paying you benefits. If you go disabled in your late 20s and are therefore no longer a dependent of your parents and haven't earned enough work credits for SSD, you don't qualify for it and never will. Instead, SSI covers you. SSI covers, also, people who are pathalogically allergic to work. I'm not sure how they qualify, though. It doesn't, however, cover retirees. At all. It may cover old people because they qualify in other ways, but retirees and their survivors would opt for the retirement/survivor's benefit because it's much higher than SSI benefits. Same with people eligible for SSD.

t. guy who's been dating a social worker with the SSA for the past year

>> No.8629926

If I said I sell my stamps for alcohol anonymously.
Which I don't.
Would somebody show up to my house?
Just wondering because I get lonely sometimes.

>> No.8629927

Stamps aren't a thing anymore

You could give someone your ebt card tho

>> No.8629964


>> No.8629984

Homeless people here trade their cards for drugs and also figured out a way to buy alchol with stamps. You can also buy the ingredients to make alcohol.

>> No.8629988

This is also a fel9ny if you get caught btw

>> No.8630023

you'll notice a subtle difference between the two photos: one is a white woman, and the other is a black family.

If you think the picture is about the size of the load, you're refreshingly naive

>> No.8630182
File: 10 KB, 448x336, nop6hkxjs38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in grocery stores stocking merchandise for third party vendor
>constantly see fat fucks, with fat fucking kids, riding scooters filled to the brim with sugary snacks, red meats, chips, cookies, etc.
>they don't have enough room in the baskets to house their soda, so they put their 24 pack of soda cans below their fat, discolored, soon-to-be-amputated due to diabetes feet
>they finally get to checkout, gasping for breath as they heave their titanic bodies off of their wheeled carts
>they manage to ask the lowly clerk "you take food stamps right?"

>> No.8630186

Is that pasta?

>> No.8630235

>on forced holiday (too many accrued personal holidays at work)
>notice fridge is almost bare
>it's almost midnight but have nothing to do at home beside masturbate and play video games
>go to large 24/7 supermarket
>crowded inside, people walking around with carts full to the brim with junk food and soft drinks
>wtf is going on here?
>ring up at the cash register after waiting on line
>ask the cashier if there's a midnight sale or something
>Nope, first of the month EBT reload

>> No.8630259

EBT reload day is like a fucking zombie apocalypse.

>> No.8630262
File: 43 KB, 641x491, 1482819411603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your tax dollars go toward furthering that person's pathetic, lecherous existence! Yay, socialist programs!

>> No.8630264

Dumb frogposter

>> No.8630283


I see shoppers with full carts all the time at the store I shop at, but the carts are full of vegetables, fresh meats, fish, whole grains, etc.
I can easily fill a cart with mostly vegetables and fruits.
The size of the shopping container has less to do with jobs, and more to do with how many people you are shopping for. (I shop for a family of 4).
The size of the shopper has more to do with what kinds of foods they eat and how much they exercise.

>> No.8630548
File: 537 KB, 3587x2690, supermarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope more people start to buy fresh produce. It really helps my department's sales and we get to put fresher product out quicker.

Thanks reddit fags for buying weird shit like turnip greens and chard mixed with other random items that you'll never use but just want to virtue signal. It helps a lot.

>> No.8630588

That is the only Pepe I ever use, because it accurately portrays my feelings toward things like this (e.g. people abusing food stamps)

Also, "dumb frogposter" isn't an argument, in case you were unaware

>> No.8630619

>when an amerilard doesn't know jack shit about socialism but still feels an overwhelming urge to chip in his two cents about it and manage to erroneously use the term "lecherous" to describe leech-like behaviour in the process

>> No.8630630

i dont have a job and my roceries are mostly meat, vegetables, rice and a pice of candy because im poor

>> No.8630650
File: 1.14 MB, 720x720, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8630656

I'd rather eat the stuff on the left

>> No.8631356


If you're working, you're not spending as much of your day unsupervised with nothing to distract you from your growing boredom. People eat when they are bored and tend towards "junk food" in these scenarios because the lack of stimulation prevents them from distracting themselves from even the most minuscule amounts of hunger, and large amounts of sugar, caffeine, salt and chemicals provide a nice amount of artificial stimulation

>> No.8631382

>If you're working, you're not spending as much of your day unsupervised with nothing to distract you from your growing boredom. People eat when they are bored and tend towards "junk food" in these scenarios because the lack of stimulation
The rich person eats out more, shops less.

>> No.8631410

oh i cant wait for you to "educate" us about it with sources

>> No.8631418

That's because you're a dumbdumb. Smart people recognize the value in working out and being beautiful. Stupid trailer trash flyovers let themselves get fat because they are lazy, stupid degenerates.

>> No.8631558


fuck you, I work at the kroger's DC and those pre-mixed salads are the worst. Stacking them so they don't fall is impossible. Buy heads of lettuce, dammit

>> No.8631563


woman on the right is buying food for one meal, because she lacks the ability to purchase food ahead of time

>> No.8631578

I don't know if anyone's interested, but here is the official governmental response to OP's question.

>> No.8631586

>I bet niggers are buying delicious potato chips with EBT card funded by my tax money

What's it like to compulsively imagine new fictitious scenario where you're being victimized when every evidence indicates otherwise?

>> No.8632401

There's no need for an argument. Dumb frogposter.

>> No.8632801

lol dude you enabler you suck

>> No.8633766


>There's not enough research
>There's not enough money
>We just don't know, but let's not find out if it will work.

>> No.8633775
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1418366872277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is real, you need to get the fuck out of there. There's nothing to be gained for you and staying will not help them either. She's to far gone, man. Poor fucking kids.

>> No.8633866

most blacks i've met act and eat like 10 year old children.

but dats racist and back to /pol/ etc triggered faggots

>> No.8633895

Only liberal brainlets have a problem with race realism.

>> No.8633929

Food Stamps are PERFECTLY fucking healthy. I've been on food stamps for 6 years and in that time

>Lost 300lbs
>Had sex for the first time
>Had sex for the second time
>Ate Salmon for the first time
>Ate freshly caught cow for the first time
>Cured my acne
>Cured my club foot
>Cured my heiny irritation
>Ate butter for the first time
>Ate milk cheese for the first time

All because of EBT

Fucking retards give it a bad name

>> No.8633932

>never ate cheese milk or butter

nigger what hole did you crawl out of

>> No.8633950

>Had sex for the first time
>Had sex for the second time
How much did that cost? Nobody would willingly have sex with a parasite.

>> No.8633959


>6 years of being a fucking welfare leech

With 100% honesty I hope something kills you off.

>> No.8633960

What's it like to not be able to read, faggot?

>> No.8633968

No, I seduced a black girl in the supermarket, she was quite chubby, and she was buying chips with her food stamps. I slapped her butt as she walked past and said 'You are buying junk with your stamps so sell me that trunk for my stamps'. and we fucked HARD.

>> No.8633973

Because SNAP is a subsidy for the candy and soda manufacturers.

>> No.8633975

How much was the cost?

>> No.8633980

Holy shit what the fuck kind of monstrosity were you?
>500 lb clubfooted acne-ridden guy who shart in mart
oh god I wanna throw up just thinking about this

>> No.8634046

I fucking hate this word.
Are you a woman

>> No.8634054


They can have a job outside of receiving a cash allowance for food, but if they earn too much, they aren't eligible for welfare.

It's a system that ensnares people and creates a socioeconomic trap that is damn near impossible to escape

>> No.8634060


>There's also unemployment benefits, but those vary widely from state to state, there's no national standard there

I went to high school with a guy whose family moved state to state just for handouts. He was a good person but I could tell that he was downright embarrassed by his lecherous parents and obese little sister.

I hope he makes it, lads.

>> No.8634064

bout tree fiddy

>> No.8634462


"Correlation" is the politically correct term for probability, and you ALWAYS go with probability, because probability ALWAYS wins in the end.

>> No.8634464

>mfw people think I'm umemployed
well aren't you?

>> No.8634470

>Low IQ + Shitty Life = breeding more retards to perpetuate the cycle until the host organism is dead.

>> No.8634475
File: 102 KB, 300x256, 084[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ate freshly caught cow for the first time
you mean steak?

>> No.8634487

I think you are misunderstanding the purpose welfare. The purpose is not to help the poor, but to create/maintain a dependent class. In a growing economy people have less interest in government. For politicians to stay relevant they need voters. Offering free stuff gets votes, and getting free stuff keeps people from trying harder. Its a win win lose situation. The people in power win, the poor win, but the people that actually do all the work in this country lose.

>> No.8634492

Eugenics is the only answer to societal decay.

>> No.8634497

I think he means the fat black girl he fucked. He must have went down on her

>> No.8634498

if you have no job, the government gives you money. Its kinda like a rental car. You dont give a shit about it because you didnt pay for it. Same goes for your health. The government is paying for it, why give a fuck. Such is the mentality of the slave.

>> No.8634506

How do you guys come up with these elaborate conspiracies. Do you not have hobbies or anything.

>> No.8634510

The corn lobby would throw a fit, as would the junk food lobby, as would any number of other incumbents.

>> No.8634543

This implication is 100% accurate where I live in FL

You can see the food stamps shoppers because of all the junk food and premium beef cuts and lobster in their shopping carts. You get damn near 500$ to shop for the month, of course you will fill it up to the brim.

Seeing couples with 2 carts is common af

>> No.8634549


>> No.8634557

i don't have a job and i'm more like the one on the right because i have all the time in the world and go shopping nearly everyday

>> No.8634581

Uh, what?

>> No.8634589


Saw this all the time when I used to work at a grocery store. People with those EBT Cards and whatnot usually spent it all on junk food. It's a really broken system that should be heavily regulated. Now that I am thinking of it, I don't think I ever saw anyone buy anything remotely healthy with that card.

>> No.8634628
File: 631 KB, 1000x1500, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a vegan and i live off my foodstamps its only 6.50$ per day that i use wisely on salad and vegetables

some people like me actually need this and rely on this to eat....

so stop being ignorant.

if you want to be a retard and waste it on junk food in 2 days thats their own problem

for me it takes a lot of planning to make this spread out over the month

>> No.8634636

Beans, rice and veg every day?

>> No.8634657


>> No.8634672
File: 375 KB, 1150x2346, LazyFat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like LazyFat.

>> No.8634758

its as if in between having jobs, hobbies, families, etc. competent people can also recognize political trends.

>> No.8634762


wow you should kill your fucking self

>> No.8634840

Yet another retard who takes conjecture from anecdotes as the gospel about the world. Kindly fuck off as you are making everyone not leftist look extremely retarded and it's very embarrassing to watch.

>> No.8635109

This. I can support limiting WIC's application to healthier foods than potato chips and pop, but if anything I think it needs to be expanded to better cover other foods. I once had to stay almost half an hour late while some poor lady brought up bag after bag of fucking bread because she couldn't buy any of them on food stamps for God knows why. In the end she bought a loaf with them from some company nobody had ever heard of it that was literally identical to the rest of them. It was fucking insane.

>> No.8635120

im pretty sure the shapeshifting lizard people that live in the tunnels beneath los angeles are running the world desu

>> No.8635169
File: 15 KB, 320x320, jughead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll notice a subtle difference between the two photos: one is a white woman, and the other is a black family.

And what about those fat rednecks that ride motor karts in Walmart?

>> No.8636038

/pol/ needs to kick out whichever janitor it is that keeps deleting politically incorrect threads, not only does it shut down discussion where it belongs, it floods the other boards on 4chan with cancer

>Because it just makes things messy for the stores to decide what is and isn't eligible.


>> No.8636084
File: 79 KB, 620x372, Honest Ed's At Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think the picture is about the size of the load, you're refreshingly naive

Although in terms of the load, people who work can shop several times a week, on the way home from work. People who don't work for whatever reasons (single mother with brood, disability) have to make special trip.

I'm on disability right now because my immune system crashed, in the previous month I was double-ended by the flu virus and the full body outbreak of eczema that left lots of little open wounds all over my body I steroid creamed everything, even though steroid cream is a risk for my heart (that's how Jim Flaherty the Finance Minister died) and is bad for my eyes, but I had to use the cream daily because open wounds from eczema leaves me vulnerable to sepsis.

When my health is great I do gig work and I volunteer. When my health is bad I am stuck in my apartment for weeks on end. So whenever I'm well and out and about, I get half a shopping cart full of grocery every day or every other day, whenever I have time and energy, I stock up for when I can't go out:

- cornflakes
- tinned evaporated milk
- dried pasta
- canned tomatoes
- canned corn
- canned herrings
- nappa cabbage (can keep in fridge for month)

I also get ready to eat canned chicken soup and pasta sauce, because sometimes I'm really tired, and they do go on sale really cheap, expensive grocery stores goes on sale to rotate their stock, just have to keep an eye out.

The past two weeks my skin have healed, though I still have constant cold, go through several rolls of toilet paper thanks to runny nose. Still went out for resupply trips. Since I'm eating two meals a day, I think I have enough food to last me 2-3 months! Doing this, buying non-perishable stock items, actually allowed me to save money over time, fresh produce spoils more easily, it is super expensive to get good fresh produce at grocery stores, which don't put them on sale while they are still good the way they do cans.

>> No.8636736

What they buy is simply a reflection of the individual. The clothes they wear the pet of choice they way they talk

All reflection of the individual. So quick to glorify working individuals.

>> No.8636967


>> No.8637686 [DELETED] 

>so stop being ignorant.

Ignorant how? I merely described what I saw when I used to work at a grocery store. Worked as a cashier for close to two years and that is what I saw. People with carts full of fuck all shit, paying for it with EBT. Does that mean everyone does it? No you fucking idiot, it does not.

>> No.8637706

>so stop being ignorant.

Ignorant how? I merely described what I saw when I used to work at a grocery store. Worked as a cashier for close to two years and that is what I saw. People with carts full of fuck all shit, paying for it with EBT. Does that mean I believe everyone with EBT only buys shit? No you fucking idiot, it does not. It just means I worked at a shitty grocery store in a shitty neighborhood.

>> No.8638552

oh boo hoo, youd have to memorize a list. Grocery store workers are some of the most privileged lazy fucks in the working class. You dont even have to act well like in service. You just mindlessly glare into the abyss until a shopper comes with items you have to DRAG OVER A SCANNER THEN THROW IN A BAG. Oh shit whats this, you even have to count money? Poor you, I hope you can get break soon so you can complain to your co workers about how EVERYONES actually been SIGNING UP for that reward card your store offers. Choke on a plastic bag dickface

>> No.8639447

>no job

I don't know what state the rest of you live in, but here in California you have to meet work eligibility requirements to get food stamps.

>> No.8640190

>i live off my foodstamps its only 6.50$ per day

That's 6.5 x 30 days = $195 a month, it doesn't matches up with what >>8634543
says about there being $500 per month -- is this a matter of different states different programs, or is the 500 a figure for someone with kids (and kids get free meals at school)?

In Ontario, it's $310 for Basic Needs and $376 for Rent/Mortgage no matter where one lives, unless one has been /approved/ for disability which takes well over a year, this is cruel and counter-productive for several reasons
- $367 isn't enough rent for Toronto, and Toronto is the destination for rural students to go to universities and college, this has resulted in a homeless shelter full of college students
- many disabilities are temporary, or its severity are temporary, and what people need is money right now, for when they have a broken limb that puts them out of work, or a stress immune episode - sometimes at the end of the year the person would have a healed limb, but lost a year of income, and doesn't get anything for it - more commonly, like me, the condition have worsen and become more unmanageble.

In an infamous case, a senior in Toronto Public Housing was kicked out after a miscommunication, he ended up in the shelter, caught something there, then died. The shelter system is a hotbed for commutable diseases, not only is this inhumane for the people there who sleep in shared rooms, but people living in shelters do go to work and school, use the library, use the bus - further spreading illnesses.

>> No.8640238

*Thumbs up.*

I would have french fries and coke everyday if it weren't going to to make me fat, give me diabetes, and then maybe kill me - but it would, so I don't.

SCIENCE have noted that it is hard to resist fattening food, sugar and salt - because those things are hard to find in nature so our brain gives us an immense feeling of satisfaction for chowing down on those - but we can resist. Vegetable and fruits doesn't give us the rewarding feeling as much as fat-sugar-salt, but prepared well, you can appreciate the taste.

>woman on the right is buying food for one meal, because she lacks the ability to purchase food ahead of time

It's possible that the person with a cart is driving, and the person with the basket is walking.

Walking to grocery store is cheaper and healthier, but this is limited by whether or not you live within walking distance of a grocery store, and if you are healthy enough to haul grocery, and if you have time - people with kids would probably drive.

Picture Left and Picture Right is really apples and oranges, it differ not just by volume but also content: that the cart is full of junk food, which is dumb.

>> No.8640246

I would love some cheetos right now

>> No.8640268

Im sort of with you on this one. There should be a price per pound limit on WIC. That being said, the junkfood lobby is too powerful and "food deserts" (urban/suburban poor areas with poor public transportation and lack of grocery stores) are a thin.

I live on Cape Cod, and my grocery store put up a sign last summer that said something like "only live lobsters may be purchased with SNAP."

>> No.8640271

because the government (or people in the government) is (are) making money off of the ignoramuses buying the shit food.

>> No.8640298

eyyyyy north falmouth here

fucking love the cape

>> No.8640309

I can get by on $200 a month if I need to, and shit is more expensive in Straya than USA

>> No.8640326

>It's a system that ensnares people and creates a socioeconomic trap that is damn near impossible to escape


Two ways out of poverty is getting married (to pool resource) and earning more so one could have a rainy day fund - the welfare system punishes both behaviour.

In Ontario, couples almost loses half of welfare when they shack up, and the money saved when people shack up, as referenced by OW as justification for the steep cut, is not enough compared to the cut - many people are now renters and landlords will charge more for additional person (not like in house).

The other is the gap between enough money to get off and stay off welfare, and being able to still qualify while saving up. Ontario at least, is amending one of the big problems by making post-secondary education free to those who are very poor. OW has a $2, 500 saving limit for a single person - that's the cost of a year of tuition for a clerical program at a vocational college, not counting books, transportation, and food (students have less time to prepare food). For computer programs or medical programs it could be more expensive.

We do need welfare, we'll be worse without it, but it needs to be restructure in a way that it doesn't reward the most irresponsible (people who have fifteen children on welfare), and trap those who want to get out (people who need enough help to finish schooling; people who need help to move to where the jobs are or where rent is cheaper).

>> No.8640332


The Big Three problem government need to address.

1. income - people don't have lifelong jobs anymore, and there is a chain effect where when a factory closes, other jobs in area that depends on those workers, retail, grocery also goes.

2. housing and transport - most people in Toronto loses their money to high rent, we really need something like Singapore's Housing Development Board, which also helps people buy their first government built flat (and limit when they can sell it to prevent flipping) - housing is linked to transport because when left to the free market, most people end up having to live far from their jobs, lose time to commune, and the government has to pay more to maintain roads, and public transport cost more when not enough people who live near the subway uses the subway and vice versa (it cost more to bus people to the subway, one bus driver each is needed to drive a bus, a train can fit several buses worth of passenger and only need one driver, could more trips (more fares) within the same time span.

3. Food security. To be fair, some food desert exist because there are violent ghettos where grocery stores keeps getting robbed. Since poor people tend to live close together, having in-kind deliveries of goods in place of food stamps makes sense. If there are people in those places who aren't poor enough to qualify for food stamps, they could be given the option of signing up and paying ahead of time (no cash on food truck to discourage robbery) to have grocery delivered to them as well.

>> No.8640337

The big issue is that junk food us usually cheaper than healthy food. So you get more bang(calories) for your buck.
It's not something that can be solved by cracking down on poor people. Healthy foods need to be made available for better prices. But healthy foods take good ingredients. Shit food takes complete shit and squeezes it out a tube and sells 5 for a buck.

>> No.8640342

CATO is just the front for the Koch Bros.' crazy ideas. It passes itself off as libertarian, but it literally wrote most of the legislation introduced by republicans in Congress.
But even they want nothing to do with the idiocy that is Trump.

>> No.8640350

Im not of the let them starve mentality, but rice, beans, and discounted meat are always options.
Besides, most poor people assuming they're under-employed are probably working several part time shitty jobs, and may not even live in an apartment with a stove. So cheap, shitty, high fat/calorie froze garbage is the only option. It's also portable for work.

Ive never been on foodstamps, but I like to think I can see the issue from both sides. But ya. No fucking lobster for you dude. What's an occasional treat to me shouldnt be an option for you. even some weeks it drops to $5.00/lb.... Chicken gets as low as 99 cents a lb.

>> No.8640355

but that's kind of not true.
junk food is calorie dense but they're empty calories (no nutrients). you can buy non-processed foods for cheaper and get more nutritional value out of it. lentils and rice are super cheap and together make a complete protein. buying a whole uncooked chicken is cheaper than buying a rotisserie chicken, or even just straight chicken breasts. you just have to process it yourself (cook, carve, etc).

you're comparing processed unhealthy foods to processed healthy foods. junk food is easier because you don't have to do as much to get it in your mouth, and people are lazy and stupid.

>> No.8640366

USA is a big place, and cost of living varies widely.

Some people believe that the poor shouldn't get money to buy food - because they don't deserve money...I on the other hand, support in-kind delivery because the money is often not enough, and there is economy of scale where it would be cheaper for the government to buy and build in bulk instead of relying on private entities who have to make a profit on top.

They are talking about guaranteed minimum wage in Canada, I support it too, but what we really need is more government built housing like in Signapore, density right on top of the subway so that the poor have access to the subway and the subway have access to users without having to bus them in.

Right now in Toronto, the Sheppard is full of stations that are underused, when the line is full, it's from people bused in. The fare is the same for TTC whether people just use the subway or take the bus to the subway, but obviously the cost is higher. Since we are undersubsidized by the government compared to say, New York's public transport, a single trip is now $3.25 (only transfer at closest poin), and a monthly pass is $146.25.

I used to live in the suburbs and worked a minimum wage downtown - most of the jobs in the suburbs were fastfood which hired foreign workers shipped in through the "Temporary" worker program. My daily commune was 2.5 hours x 2 trips. Less time, less time to prepare food.

>> No.8640370

Lentils and rice and beans also taste like shit and are bland as fuck to expect someone to live off of.
Trying to take away their freedom to have flavor and variety is unAmerican. Kid.

>> No.8640415 [DELETED] 
File: 374 KB, 840x762, OCD Grocery List Canada - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been a lot of discussion of food prices in the comments. I keep an excel file on my spendings and the type of grocery items I brought at what price and for what quantity, I'm going to post some screen spots.

I buy the cheap store brand wherever possible, I note what brand I brought to help compare price....but I also look at ingredients. Sometimes it look like the offbrand is cheaper but it's not, because there is more water and/or salt, so you are actually getting less of what you aim to buy.

>> No.8640450

>taste like shit
opinions, and also not my problem, they're healthier for you than doritos

>Trying to take away their freedom to have flavor and variety is unAmerican. Kid.
where did I insinuate this in my post? I was just showing you where you were wrong about shitty food being cheaper than healthy food. this is simply not true.

vegetables and meats have their own unique flavours as well, though it can be hard to taste when you eat garbage all the time. spices are also a thing. when I was particularly poor I'd take salt, pepper, and condiment packets from restaurants and schools and that helped me get different flavours without dishing out money for spices.

again, people take to shitty food because they are too lazy to do the processing themselves, and because they are ignorant (like you apparently) and think that shitty food is cheaper than healthy food just because they see a bag of kale chips and think that that's the standard.

>> No.8640463

>live off

Im not saying you have to eat that nutriloaf shit they feed to convicts, but eating boring shit everyday is a great motivator to improve your economic situation. While I realize for many this isnt always feasible, and some are pushed to their economic limits with little hope of improvement. Keep in mind this is on the taxpayers dime. And you eating healthy instead of junk food and frozen shit cuts down on healthcare costs long term.

It doesnt fucking matter though. The junk food industry will throw their lobbying power behind their products being available. and the medical industry wants your poor health.

Two kinds of welfare going on here.

>> No.8640561
File: 1.09 MB, 1294x1750, OCD Grocery List Canada - Jan 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been a lot of discussion of food prices in the comments. I keep an excel file on my spendings and the type of grocery items I brought at what price and for what quantity, I'm going to post some screen spots.

I buy the cheap store brand wherever possible, I note what brand I brought to help compare price....but I also look at ingredients. Sometimes it look like the offbrand is cheaper but it's not, because there is more water and/or salt, so you are actually getting less of what you aim to buy.

>> No.8640579

>Lentils and rice and beans

Worse than that, lentils and beans causes bloating in some people after they consume it. I love the taste of lentils and beans but it causes me to bloat. Oatmeal also causes frequent urination for me so that's out as well, except for weekends when I say in.

>> No.8640589
File: 136 KB, 546x700, pol is the new b - god help no one at all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8640592

>if you want to be a retard and waste it on junk food in 2 days thats their own problem
seeing as tax payers have to pay for it, no, it literally is not "their" problem, it's everyone who pays their taxes' problem

>> No.8640605

Worse than that, eating dairy causes breakouts in some people after they consume it. I love the taste of dairy but it causes me to have more acne. Watermelon is also a diuretic so that's out as well, except for weekends when I say in.

Clearly what affects me personally needs to be applied to all of society, and being affected negatively by healthy things completely negates the positives.

Unhealthy foods affect people differently too doncha know.

You're not very smart are you. are you underaged or just ignorant?

>> No.8640615


>> No.8640638

If they're given the same amount of money based on their financial situation anyway, what do you personally care if they spend it all on chips and pizza rolls and then go hungry until they get the same amount of money in the next cycle? It costs you the same as if they spent it on less junky ingredients and/or stuff they could stockpile, so it's entirely to their detriment if they blow it all on stuff that'll last them less time and make them feel shittier, especially when it comes time to get off of welfare and they're left with a single box of Hot Pockets.

I suppose you could make a point about it costing you more through the medical system in the long-term, but by that logic a person working long hours in stressful, low-paying jobs is pretty likely to have the same unpayable heart-attack later.

>> No.8640642

Kill yourself redditor.

>> No.8640645

>and don't have dependents.
Thus creating a perverse incentive for people to have 15 kids on welfare while punishing those who are responsible enough to stay childless.

>I've been a NEET for 2 years and I eat almost nothing but beans, rice and various root vegetables.

I love the taste of beans and rice, but beans make me unwell so for me, beans is a junk food!

My cheap grocery staples are dry pasta. I do buy pasta sauce when it goes on sale, but I mostly eat pasta with some mix of canned condense soup, canned stock, canned vegetables, and spices. I stock up on 900g bags of pasta when they go on sale for $1.50 or 99 cents, and cooked, a bag can last me a few days if I eat nothing but pasta, week mixed in with other meals.

Things that goes together with pasta:
- canned condensed cream of mushroom soup, frozen broccoli, canned corn, onion powder, red pepper flakes
- canned tomatoes cooked a bit first with olive oil, black olives from jar.
- canned chicken soup
- canned tomato paste, red pepper flakes, garlic powder, bacon from fridge chopped up.
- canned chicken/beef stock, frozen peas, eggs from carton, maybe ham
- canned thick cream, garlic powder, canned mushrooms.
- canned oysters, chinese green onions from my window sill.

I buy and use a lot of canned goods at expensive grocery stores that sells them at steep discount to rotate stock. Fresh vegetables don't go on sale till they are bad or close, but Sobreys and Metro often put canned goods on sale a year before their best before date - and canned, the best before date is more of a 'guideline', but I've always manage to rotate them out before the year is up.

I've been eating largely canned or pressurized glass bottled foods for the past year and I'm fine, they don't use much salt or sugar in canning anymore, if at all, that was for when canning was imperfect.

>> No.8640647

If only you planned so much on getting a job. Get a job or starve to death, faggot.

>> No.8640656

As an unemployed person with an anxiety disorder and depression, I refused to apply for food stamps for the longest time because I already felt bad enough receiving disability for "Pff depression? lmao I'm depressed too give me free money." as people always say.

Recently I finally got food stamps.

Here's the thing, yes that person on the left is fucking retarded, HOWEVER. The majority of what's in that cart is calorie dense, very cheap garbage. $1 or $2 a bag for chips, $2 or $3 for a bag of frozen bread with some processed chicken in it, etc.

I ate a lot of unhealthy food and whatever was on sale for years, over 10 years, the only thing I wouldn't buy cheap was meats. Because seriously, never buy meat that you can't see, you can get 10lbs of ground beef for $10? Something's not right there, don't fucking buy that. But most people on disability or wellfare don't think that way.

On the other hand, after I got food stamps I was able to actually buy healthier things, a lot more fresh stuff, a lot more high quality stuff, but yes this does mean buying less of it because it's still a lot more expensive.

>Buy a frozen dinner
>"Chicken alfredo", one per person at $2-$3 each that's dinner for around $10

>Make chicken alfredo from scratch
>Pasta is $1 or $2
>Chicken is roughly $10
>Sauce is a few more
>And you have to be able to not burn water

Skills that a lot of the people on welfare don't have because they and their parents grew up on premade garbage.

Just saying. Bit of a rant.

>> No.8640664
File: 76 KB, 500x383, Boobies, staring and judging you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself redditor.

I don't have a reddit account (yet), but reddit have sections like NoSleep that leads to writers being published, and authors that have been paid for their stories to be read and broadcast on Chilling Tales For Dark Nights, that's pretty cool and productive.


2 CHILLING CHILDHOOD STORIES | Terrifying Tales + Creepypastas | The Simply Scary Podcast S1E01
* hosted by GM Danielson
- “The Oddkids” written by Sarah Piper, performed by Otis Jiry. Production and score by Jesse Cornett. While visiting his grandparents on the outskirts of Ashbury Park, Mississippi, our protagonist that unfolds this tale makes friends with a local girl and her curiosity draws him into a mysteriously frightening situation involving a group of peculiar children just down the way…
- “Her Name Was Emma” written by S.C. Young, performed by Alicia Pavlis. Production and score by Jesse Cornett. Charlotte would do anything to stick with her group of friends, “the Unbreakable Six,” a number that is representative of the five friends and “Emma.” But was their teasing about the mysterious sixth member a cruel joke gone too far… or is there something much more frightening at work?

The Saints Beneath the Floorboards : nosleep - Reddit
Oct 3, 2015 - I've recently just acquired my late grandmother's home. She had always promised that she'd give it to me, but no one in my family had ever...

Her Name was Emma : nosleep - Reddit
Jul 6, 2014 - Her name was Emma. That's what everyone called her, anyways. Sometimes they would call her Em, sometimes someone would slip up and ...

>> No.8640681

>Think of all the shit that 4chan's done because everybody is anonymous
>Man it'd be neat if people got paid for that cool shit
>Oh yeah it's anonymous
>Look at reddit
>People literally just hoping to get paid and will never say anything controversial because they want that karma
Yeah reddit's a self censorship shithole.

>> No.8640684

Allow me to redirect your post.

>> No.8640688

>If only you planned so much on getting a job. Get a job or starve to death, faggot.

My point is, restricting people to certain food, or restricting their funds in a way that limit them to certain food, is problematic because of dietary restrictions, I can't eat beans, and as you have pointed out, some people can't eat dairy - so if someone can't eat dairy and beans, they'll have to get their protein from elsewhere.

>You're not very smart are you. are you underaged or just ignorant?

You are resorting to ad hominem attacks and you are being rude, if you are an adult, clearly your parents and teachers have failed to teach you manners.

In my province, people on welfare can apply for a special diet allowance, but that takes time, so creating those restrictions create problems from nothing - it was for this reasoning why the idea of testing welfare recipients for drugs was scrapped (it would cost more to test).

>> No.8640689

why does /ck/ seem to have an abnormal amount of welfare leeches?

>> No.8640691

Because silver spoon kids born into wealthy or upper middle class families just eat out all the time they don't know how to cook.

I don't know a single rich girl that can cook to save herself from starving.

>> No.8640694

>>If only you planned so much on getting a job. Get a job or starve to death, faggot.

Accidentally included the bit from another post, but I have a feeling it's the same /pol/ster.

>> No.8640697

I'd assume the fact that it's cheaper to stay in shitposting than to go out for the night, if you're paying for the WiFi anyway.

>> No.8640701

why are you even alive?

>> No.8640707

I can buy 2.5kg of chicken for $10, and I live in Japan where food is at a retarded markup.

Where the fuck do live?

>> No.8640713

>As an unemployed person with an anxiety disorder and depression, I refused to apply for food stamps for the longest time because I already felt bad enough receiving disability for "Pff depression? lmao I'm depressed too give me free money." as people always say.

That kind of feeling was why I refused to seek help for years even though I qualified for it - this is counter-productive because I ended up needing more help in the end because I didn't get it in the beginning. Humans are social animals, we are top of the food chain because we work together.

I'm in the same boat as you, I have anxiety, depression, AND OCD . I went from being in school, with volunteering to PT jobs, to homeless before I got into a rental assistance program. If I had sought help earlier, things wouldn't have gotten this bad, I was super stressed, I got multiple infections requiring anti-biotics in one year because I wasn't eating right and I was just super stressed because of money - the coup de grace was when I almost got sepsis from a tiny little cut than ends up with a leg swollen to twice its size because my immune system called it quits - it really kills me what happened - my grades was good, I could finally get a good paying job on campus as a tutor - and that would have looked good on the resume, I was on track to graduate.

When people don't seek and receive help early, be it for their mental or physical health, or finances, the problem snowballs. Now I've been out of school for a while, so my references are out of date, I had good refs from my Profs but they are old - to be market ready for my career I need to do relevant volunteering again, I probably need to take some additional career related courses I don't need to graduate just so I have recent Prof references.

...and I'll need to fix my health first, it got worse as a result of my stint in the shelter system - it could have been WORSE I guess, at least I never slept on the street. Counting my blessings.

>> No.8640732
File: 322 KB, 600x600, Mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8640735

Quit posting huge walls of autistic text that are barely related to the situation you fucking weirdo

>> No.8640738


>on 4chan
>insulting people

>> No.8640741

>In the end she bought a loaf with them from some company nobody had ever heard of it that was literally identical to the rest of them.

Maybe that company has a deal with the people who approve bread for food stamp recipients? *rubs chin*

Remember the judge who wrongly sent a lot of teens to jail because he profits from the jail they were sent to? USA! USA!

>> No.8640759

>When is the right time to go grocery shopping so people dont suspect that I am a shut in?

If you are a woman, you can shop during school hours and people will assume you are a housewife.

If you look youngish, you can also shop at anytime because college classes aren't necessarily 9 to 5, M to F.

Heck, just don't worry about what people think, especially retail workers who work irregular hours. When I was in retail, my off days almost always include Monday, and Monday morning was when I do grocery shopping, Monday evening was when I cook the meals for the following week.

Check-out-girls won't care or care to wonder if you are a NEET, as long as you don't do weird things like try to ask her out.

>> No.8641124

Because that would be mean, and we shouldn't force people into better choices or lifestyles that nurtures a higher degree of agency. Everyone must be a impulsive lumpen proletarian, goyim.

The causal factor is impulse control, impulsive people by shit food, suck at school and fuck up at work.

>> No.8641128

Normalfags assume you are hosting a cheap party if you buy a lot of chips and soda.

>> No.8641285

>why does /ck/ seem to have an abnormal amount of welfare leeches?
Thats probably 4chan in general.

>> No.8641290

You write well, you're clearly intelligent. I wish you luck conquering your personal demons.

>> No.8641291

This is actually an interesting observation, and it also might explain why there are so many whiny liberals here as well.

>> No.8641298

Forget all these gay conspiracy theories.

It's been tried. A bunch of times.
It costs a shitload more public money to manage and enforce it, and it raises food prices as grocery stores pass on the extra logistics cost onto customers.

If anything, food stamps should include a bunch of other things as well. I was on them for awhile.

It's very frustrating when you're depending on this allowance to feed you and you don't have any money for extravagances like freezer bags or tupperware or tin foil or the right utensil to cook something with. Poor people often have much more important things to spend their limited resources on. I'm not going to buy freezer bags to enable me to prepare healthy foods in bulk and preserve them for later when spending that $4 means I have to go without soap or a new pair of socks or that little bit of extra gas I need to get to the next town over if I ever hear back from my buddy about that job he said he might be able to get me.


>> No.8641301

Anyway, that kind of thinking about it will get you nowhere. There's a new thing with SNAP eligibility that some states are doing where to receive benefits you have to report to a caseworker once a week and show them paperwork you filled out that says you applied for X amount of jobs. You do this in a group with 30 other people and your caseworker is one of dozens who runs 3 groups a day 5 days a week. It's all a farce because you're not given any kind of actual assistance or leads or training. Your caseworker is probably responsible for thousands of people, and there is no way they're actually checking up on anything you say. The only assistance you're given is being told that the employment department in your state is a thing that exists, but that's actually kind of a joke because that department is probably contracted out in your state to private company (that's a thing now) and they don't care as much about getting people employed as they do the callcenter-type hierarchy of "how many people can we talk to today regardless of outcome" that their contract that saves your state """millions""" is predicated upon.

I guess the moral of the story is that entitlements are an all-or-nothing proposition. If you're going to have them, you really should be more concerned about streamlining and making the process as simple as possible to administrate and enforce than you are about some esoteric sense of fairness. Otherwise, you end up spending a lot more money for something that doesn't do jack shit to change behavior and is, at best, theater to appease people who hate paying taxes.


>> No.8641312

I eat a lot of salad and vegetables so when I shop it's usually just for a few days of meals. Also I take public transit so I like to go regularly to the grocery store and carry small amounts each time

>> No.8641317

Hyannis. About 1/2 a mile from the kennedy compound, with lots and lots of squats and crackhouses between me and them.

The Cape is a strange mix of extreme wealth and section 8s without being an actual city.

>> No.8641335

>Hello I am a limp wristed, pasty pink, callus-free cuck who has never worked a day in my life because I'm a shitposting 35 year old NEET in my parents' suburban basement

inb4 no u

>> No.8641340


>The Cape is a strange mix of extreme wealth and section 8s without being an actual city.

Sounds like a good setting for a story

>> No.8641343
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>> No.8641360


>implying CATO isn't legit


>> No.8641383

Go back to /pol/, faggot. Your shill institutes have no credit to stand on.

>implying CATO isn't reddit libertarian tier kochsucking shill garbage

>> No.8641387

no, it's not. i've browsed multiple boards for years and nowhere else did i see as many people admit to being on welfare as on /ck/. /out/, for example, is full of teenagers, but not welfare leeches.

>> No.8641392

>everything i don't like is /pol/
>calls someone else a redditor

>> No.8641411

Its a tourist town. Long term employment is tough to come by, a lot of the year round residents work their asses off during the summer in hopes of making enough money to last through winter unemployment. 1/2 the houses are unoccupied during the winter. Heroin has hit the area hard too. There are literally homeless camps and multi-million dollar waterfront vacation homes that get utilized 8 weekends a year within 1/2 mile of each other.
Somewhat typical problems to a normal city, but no buildings over 3 stories and much much less population density.

>> No.8641412


>questioning the groundbreaking work of Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, and Thomas Sowell

It's like you're not even trying

>> No.8641414


>Heroin has hit the area hard too

That shit has fucked up a lot of the northeast and I'm not even sure where it's come from. My cousin attends some college in PA and says that people are getting hooked on that shit left and right

>> No.8641418

Do you even know your history, retard? kys. Cato was founded in the fucking 70's.

>> No.8641419

Wow 10/10 blog post, where can I subscribe

>> No.8641423


Not a single part of your post is an argument.

You sicken me. Go back to /a/.

>> No.8641447

Working at a grocery store or just about any customer service job is retardedly tough. You've clearly never worked a day in your life and sit at home having the gall to whine about other people when it's people like you that are the problem with the world.

You're a liability to the human race.

>> No.8641451

It's a fucking mystery. I live in western PA aka deindustrialization ground zero and 2016 had something like triple the OD deaths as usual and 2017 is on track to beat that. It just keeps getting worse. Plus there's that fucking elephant tranq heroin coming over from Ohio where you can fucking tell when a new shipment came in to the local suppliers because all of a sudden the hospital will be out of ambulances because they're on 8 OD calls at once. Heroin's choking out the last of the life these rural hellholes have, and all we can do is sit and watch. At work we have a policy where you have to make a purchase to get a bathroom key because people just kept shooting up in the bathrooms and passing out. On multiple occasions I've watched addicts scrounge for change in the parking lot before coming in to buy a cookie and get the key, and all I can do is hand it over. It's fucked, but at least if they do OD they'll do it somewhere where I can at least call an ambulance for them instead of them passing out in an alley two blocks over.
Honestly the epidemic is a big part of the reason I think these smol mountain towns swung PA and such in the election. There's so much helplessness here because the jobs left decades ago and everybody's hecking hooked on heroin. We need help but the only people capable of doing anything haven't given a shit about this region since the 70s, apart from election season.

>> No.8641463


>Heroin's choking out the last of the life these rural hellholes have, and all we can do is sit and watch

Maybe that's part of the plan. After all, the CIA helped move crack into the lower-income black communities, why not get heroin to do the same thing to lower-income white communities in the Rust Belt?

>> No.8641478

>my retardation merits an actual argument

Libertarian cucks need to gtfo /ck/ and go back to plebbit

>> No.8641534

Pharma is mostly to blame from over prescribing, then charging the fuck out of people. So you get hooked on opiates and turn to the streets when you either cant afford legal smack or your health insurance stops covering it.
I know a few contractors, regular joes blue collar dudes who suffer on the job injuries and limited access to insurance who get hooked, lose their job due to their injury or addiction Then its a tough uphill climb to get back into the world.

>> No.8641573

Top fucking lel. Can't wait until automation kicks in harder and things get even worse for you flyover fucks.

The rule of this world is adapt or die. Move out of your shithole and get a decent job, or get culled by natural selection.

>> No.8641595

would you prefer I spent my WIC on steaks and lobster tails?

>> No.8641602
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>> No.8641609

Good desert fags also have to take bigger loads. I live 1 block from 3 grocery stores and can always drop in before or after work but niggas who have to carpool or bus always take two cart fulls

>> No.8641617

Not even that dude, but with a cliche idiotic comment like that, I'd love to see where you are in 10 years.

You sound like you've got very little life experience.

>> No.8641653


The amount of effort that went into that webm is astounding.

Kudos to its creator.

>> No.8641654

Shady liqour stores neat me let bums ring up milk or cheese on their food stamps and just take booze

>> No.8641658

only faggots toss salads

>> No.8641814

That because working class people dont get educated on how to live and eat healthily because if too many working class get healthy, there will be too many of them.
It's better for the rich to make sure their education is shit and they carry on eating cheap, unhealthy food so that more of them die than the rich.

>inb4 tinfoil hat

>> No.8641836


You're not wrong. If the poor and uneducated receive quality education, then they're more likely to die sooner or suffer in greater quantities than their wealthier counterparts.

There's no conspiracy about it, it's just economics.

>> No.8641852

It's astonishing how 4chan was always racist as fuck but now that there's a politics board it's somehow supposed to be only posted there. Nobody gets shit on for posting anime outside of /a/ and casual racism is not inherently about politics so why does it have to stay in /pol/? Absolutely stupid.

>> No.8641857


>why does it have to stay in /pol/?

It doesn't HAVE to stay in /pol/, we'd just prefer it stayed there. These conversations tend to just spiral downward into something totally unrelated to a board's topic.

>case in point: this thread

>> No.8641868

Not really. The racial aspect is a part of the topic and the only spiraling out of topic is done by people forcing the argument to become about 4chan meta (aka (You)).

>> No.8642008
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Anime has smug.

>> No.8643165

When I was unemployed I was on the right, I could go shopping whenever I needed to. Now that I'm working full time I prefer to go less often and make each time count so I'm more on the left.

>> No.8643175

>now that there's a politics board
There's always been one.
This has always been how 4chan is.
Anybody complaining about GO BACK TO YOUR CONTAINMENT BOARD is literally a plebbitor

>> No.8643412

there's no such thing as "breakfast" when you're NEET the days blend together.

>> No.8643450

This, but more generally, a subsidy for domestic agribusiness. If people weren't encouraged to buy more food, we'd have farmers shooting pigs and dumping milk by the side of the road the way it's usually happened whenever prices got too low.

>> No.8643544

>how dare you point out the facts
go back to 8gag you fucking faggot

>> No.8644884

1st picture, family with kids
2nd picture, lonely spinster that will die alone

>> No.8644917

>There's always been one.

no there hasn't, moot just caved into pressure eventually and even then it was the inane autistic screeching after he removed /new/ as it turned into everything he predicted but no /pol/ came along and turned into the same shit

>> No.8644928
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I like to play the shopping game when im shopping too, I spy whats in other peoples carts and judge their education on what they buy.

>> No.8645020


>> No.8645039

heh. glad to see people calling you out, ya cuck

>> No.8645043

its funny because we can see why you work in a grocery store produce department

>> No.8645046

just like the guy he responded to did, right?

>> No.8645053

so much mental gymnastics in one post

>> No.8645735

I did this all the time when I worked at a grocery store but I didn't judge as much as I guessed what they were going to do later
>guy and gal buying wine and cheese etc. were going to go have a romantic picnic
>the guy buying four frozen turkeys is the seventh of nine brothers, they're all going to host a big family reunion to celebrate the youngest brother becoming a priest. They're going to have a feast in the basement of their family church and have a grand old time
>the lady with the earbuds in with the arm basket buying nuts, yogurt, and granola is training for a marathon, she's nervous because it's her first in a while
>the older man with the scarf buying nothing but fruit is a time traveler. Unlike his colleagues he feels morally obligated to pay for his specimens of early-twenty-first-century-agriculture
it's not the best way to pass the time, really, but it's just where my mind went whenever it wandered

>> No.8646130


>There's always been one.

Imagine being this new

>> No.8646234

lol at the black kid in the picture

>> No.8646249

>no there hasn't,
For at least a full decade there has, albeit off and on.

>> No.8646366

>It's astonishing how 4chan was always racist as fuck

What in the name of fuck am I reading? How the fuck did someone this cucked ever find their way to 4chan?

>> No.8646423

>Grocery store workers are some of the most privileged lazy fucks in the working class
That's what I thought until I got a job at a grocery store. I dealt with the shittiest people imaginable who constantly want free stuff, and if they don't get it, they just steal from the store anyway. I work in a field now, literally a Paco-tier job, and this is way better than working in a store.

Fuck that shit.