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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 672 KB, 2223x2223, Red_delicious_apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8627910 No.8627910 [Reply] [Original]

Are red delicious apples possibly the worst fruit in existence?

>> No.8627920

>the worst fruit in existence?
That'd be you.

>> No.8627925

Jonagold apples are best apples.
Red delicious can fuck off.

>> No.8627933

Maddox approved apple; so yes.

>> No.8627934


>> No.8628020

My mom would buy a giant bag of those dry shits for $2 when I was a kid. I never liked apples until I got out on my until discovered there are numerous varieties.

>> No.8628032

persimmons exist so no

>> No.8628033

Tomatoes are technically fruits so most supermarket tomatoes probably have them beat

>> No.8628043

>most tomato varieties are named after other fruit
>grape tomatoes
>plum tomatoes
>cherry tomatoes
it makes so much sense

>> No.8628044

Same here.

>> No.8628046

So is corn. The world is a fucked place, man.

>> No.8628435

Fucking destroyed.

>> No.8628614

literally the shittiest apple tho, texture is just awful

>> No.8628617
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When I was a kid, we moved into an old farm house build in 1901. Amongst various other old time implements, we also had a single apple tree that had been there as long as the house, it seemed. When I was a kid, it still gave a rich harvest of these sour little fuckers.

What can I say, as eating apples they are certainly an acquired taste, but for cider and all sorts of cooking that call for apple, they are excellent. They stay months edible in cellar, too. For jamming, we brought white tramsparent from my grandparents' place, though.

Sadly, now this fully served tree has started to dry and I have still some years to wait before the new grafts will to give new antonovkas.

>> No.8628618
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>honeycrisp which are the best apples
>are a hybrid and you need a special tree to grow them

>> No.8628857

Every day I check Maddox's patreon page for the dose of pleasure watching it decline gives me.

>> No.8628919

It's dragonfruit, you cunt

>> No.8628937


Granny smiths are the best
Look their origin up on Wikipedia and you'll find out where they come from and what makes them so good

>> No.8628942

Elstar is the best
Kill yourself

>> No.8629035

You didn't even look up the granny Smith, kill you're a self

>> No.8629040


>> No.8629055

How did none of you faggots mention Fuji apples (objectively the best)? This thread is just full of failure.

>> No.8629088

How is Dick doing? I liked him

>> No.8629155
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For me, it's Fuji.

>> No.8629168

Not this. Granny Smith is worst apple.

>> No.8629287

Horribly. He alienated all his friends and fans and money and said his own book was garbage and there's a parody of Maddox called madcucks on patron that makes more money than him now.

>> No.8629300

Fuji is best apple.

>> No.8629319
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Is there a good book or site to read about apple history and the different breeds? I love apples and want to git gud.

>> No.8629324

Kikus are the best apples

They're like fuji, but even more sweet

>> No.8629356
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literally just go to an apple orchard and talk to one of the kids working produce

i used to work in an orchard and you'd be surprised how much these kids know about them just by working around them.

All you really need to know is this.
>Fuji and Honeycrisp are the top tier eating apples.
>Cortland is cheap as fuck and come in huge varities. very economical for baking but kinda bland
>McCoun (or however the fuck you pronounce it) and empire make really good baking apples. Empire apples will make the dish more firm and mccoun will make it more "loose"
>Red delicious is a pleb apple. anybody who says its their favorite has no fucking idea what they are talking about.

Mutsu was also a low key favorite of mine. We only had a limited number of varieties so my knowledge is kinda basic.

>> No.8629365

and their shelf life is like 3 days at the most.

slight frost? boom apple is dead
got a fruit fly in your house? boom they just devoured half of your bushel
slightly tap the surface? boom apple is bruised and fucked up
don't touch it at all? boom apple has like 20 little bruises and indentations on it.

>> No.8629379

>>Fuji and Honeycrisp are the top tier eating apples.

this anon knows what's up

>> No.8630040

>worst fruit in existence?
Maybe only the worst apple, there's no such thing like a worst fruit in existence

>> No.8630320

Dick Masterson?

>> No.8630326


>> No.8630329

I thought he hated these?

>> No.8630334

What is wrong with you? Perms are fucking Delicious.

Unless you eat them before they rippen

>> No.8630337

Dick is making bank off the Biggest Problem in the Universe fan base.

>> No.8630359

omg. yes. I love these. I grew up in Ukraine, and these were all over the place.
I would sometimes eat them before they rippen, and had mad diarrhea.

>> No.8630372



>> No.8630375

You mean Maddox. Right? He asked how Dick was doing.

>> No.8630397
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>texture is just awful

the red delicious doesnt actually have a shitty texture.
the reason why its so mushy and gross is because they get like that after being sitting on the shelf and shipped all the way across the country and finally into the store . by that time it turns mushy

but the apple is not really like that if you get a fresher batch

>> No.8630421


If its fresh, they're mealy and the skin is too thick.

>> No.8630436

My go-to apple. Fujis are tasty as hell too.

>> No.8630437
File: 330 KB, 491x483, Gala-Apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8630436 here

>> No.8630555

that means you've been eating shitty cheap strains
red delicious should be crisp and just mildly sweet

>> No.8630823

Corn is a grain

>> No.8630837

Lmao, even reviewbrah gets more donations than Maddox

>> No.8630871

Yea Galas are god tier. They were always 2/$1 at the supermarket near a dorm where I lived for a couple of years, so I've eaten a ton.

>> No.8630872

RDIDF out in full force tonight

>> No.8630897

best apple

>> No.8631063

>Not honeydew
Either way, >>8627920 was right, faggot.

>> No.8631153

>That pic
I lost my shit

>> No.8631202
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>> No.8632390
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>> No.8632511

Red delicious was one of like 3 or 4 main varieties in the US until the middle of the 20th century. It wasn't great, but had good attributes for mass production. I think the mainstream supermarket explosion in variety came in the 1980s, followed by a lot of new hybrids after that (U of Minnesota's honeycrisp in the early 90's was a game changer).

>> No.8632527
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>> No.8632554
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>bite into one of these shits.
>the flesh is green

>> No.8632589
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lived with my grandma for 2-3 years when i was a kid and just about every day she would prepare some kind of dish that used tomatoes, (which i was probably forced to eat) and refused to stop or tell me why she was crazy obsessed with them even after i tried to convince her that the cheapest shittiest tomatoes on the cheapest shittiest cheese she could find at a grocery store had no flavor or nutritional value and wasn't a fancy upperclass snack

my hatred for pleb tomatoes continues to this day even though the farmers market varieties can be great

>> No.8633094
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Truly the fp is bp desu senpai

>> No.8633136

Who /Jonagold/ here?

>> No.8633138

They are the worst apple. They were bred into being the perfect commercial commodity apple. They taste like crap and people don't like them. This almost killed the whole industry decades ago. The lesson is that you can't put production volume and shelf life entirely before quality.

>> No.8633145
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always with the low hanging fruit...

>> No.8633668
File: 37 KB, 599x672, pink-lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /pinklady/ here?
>Just enough tart to get you going and just enough sweet to balance it out

Honorable mention for Gala apples. They've got some solid well rounded stats.

>> No.8633677

>le tomatoes are bad meme
When will this shit end?

>> No.8633683

You mean Sour Jerries?

>> No.8633725

Hey, folks, what's the difference between a Golden Delicious Apple and a newborn baby?

I don't cum all over apples before I take a bite out of them

>> No.8633737

>most supermarket tomatoes

there is a difference

not the guy you replied to, but I LOVE me some delicious heirlooms, and you can find some half-decent ones at the supermarket that at least have some flavor, like the romas and a few of the "on the vine" ones.. but the regular ones you find in a pile are basically just flavorless water balloons.

>> No.8633739

my nigga

>> No.8633752

Just because cornbread is a thing doesn't mean it's a "grain". Banana bread is a thing, too, but it doesn't mean banana's are grain's. Ever heard of "sweet corn", dumb-dumb? Its the fruiting body of the Maize plant, kind of like how mushrooms are actually fruits too

>> No.8633758

I have 3 different apple trees in my small garden, then 100 meters away from my house there are like 30 different breed trees which are publicy available to eat from/harvest by anyone. Why should I care about this shit-tier gmo breed?

>> No.8633767

If you're acknowledging that breeds exist you're eating GMOs retard. Farming modifies genes.

>> No.8633771
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>> No.8633796

Some of them have grown naturally by themselves and they have been planted a long time ago during USSR times

>> No.8633801

Ah yea, romas are good if you can get them ripe.

>> No.8633814

They aren't even plants and certainly not angiosperms. If you meant fruiting body that is a completely different concept. I think you might be the dumb one.

>> No.8633915

>grows from ground
>is a plant
Way to pass kindergarten, dipshit.
>If you meant fruiting body
Oh, are you going to argue semantics now? Yes, the body of the fruit - the part that you fucking eat. My grammar has no baring as to whether or not corn and mushrooms are fruits. They just are. Arguing about it on a chinese cartoon board isn't going to change that. Just because you post on fuckin' /ck/ doesn't make you a botanist or Gordan Ramsey.

>> No.8633918

>ctrl f
>no mention of McIntosh
What the HECK /ck/, McIntosh is far and away the best apple

>> No.8633923

Macs are for fags and hipsters.

>> No.8633984

I have no clue what kind they are, but I have a tree that makes these puny little apples that are incredibly sweet and are so red they almost black in color. I love em.

>> No.8633992
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Include me in the screencap

>> No.8634769

>are you going to argue semantics now
Yes you moron. That's what you people are doing when you argue whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable or whether corn is a fruit or grain.

I am a botanist btw :^3

>> No.8634798

>best apple
um, that award goes to granny smith. only children don't like tart apples

>> No.8634878

Have people ITT really never had a good red delicious before? They're not all mealy with thick skin. They can be quite delicious and crunchy and juicy. You people must live is some shitty places

>> No.8634891

Stop being sensible, we have a rabble of groupthink here.

>> No.8634907

They can't be, it says right there in the name that they are delicious.

>> No.8634910

That would be persimmons.

>> No.8634921

>best apple

Damn, you guys sure spell Fuji Apple pretty weird.

>> No.8634926

>Not knowing the difference between Macintosh and McIntosh

>> No.8634953

Yeah. Only me and dad would eat these through-out the season. The rest of the family preferred "white transparent".

>> No.8634972

literally was gonna post the same thing

>> No.8635181
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>> No.8636505


blast from the past

>> No.8636511

why buy an apple that needs to be "perfect" for it to taste moderately good?

all the other ones at the store have been shipped across country and sat on a shelf, yet they manage to taste okay.

>> No.8636522
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this one was supposed to be pretty good.

>> No.8636536

Say what you will about Steve Jobs but the man know how to market something for way over its priceline.

>> No.8636587
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I really like Jazz apples. A really nice balance between tart and sweet, and are nice and crispy. The cultivar only started being sold commercially in 2004, so it's not as popular, but I think it's very good nonetheless.

>> No.8636599
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This slut is somewhat correct. I used to work produce at a Whole Foods and we got a few sporadic cases of organic red delicious apples. They werent popular at first because anyone that can afford to shop at Whole Foods already knows red delicious apples are mealy prole trash, except these weren't. They were damn fine apples. So I made a point to sample them and promote, they really were excellent apples. Nobody believed me when I said what it was. But they bought that shit up because they were good. Sometimes I wish I had stuck with the produce dept game.

>> No.8637418
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>> No.8638271

Pink Lady master race reporting

>> No.8638799


>> No.8638821

>no using night mode

>> No.8638914

Snap Dragon master race reporting

>> No.8638925

>Too much of a nigger to pay his electric bill

>> No.8639030


Surely it must be possible to get an owl to mate with an apple

Would best apple

>> No.8639226
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>> No.8639574

Granny Smith represent nigga

>> No.8639594

Cheese fruit.
Even fruit that just happens to grow in Hawaii is culinary garbage.

>> No.8639639

This. Bland and overpriced just becase they look pretty.

>> No.8639650

Was just about to post this. Jazz™ Apples are the greatest I've had.

>> No.8639677

First post best post