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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8625992 No.8625992 [Reply] [Original]

What is the difference between mexican and tex mex?

>> No.8625995 [DELETED] 


TexMex is what Mexican food could be if it wasn't a third world shithole full of squat brown savages. Inb4 a barrage of webm's depicting sauce and mayonnaise covered Doritos, corn and ramen.

>> No.8626028

Latitude and a wall.

>> No.8626057

Funny, because I distinctly recall TRADITIONAL Mexican cuisine making it onto UNESCO's cultural heritage list, not Tex-Mex. I'm not bashing the latter, but you really shouldn't put down centuries of cooking culture down that easily, especially when so many other countries other than the US have been influenced by it

>> No.8626063

Does it have a bunch of sauces made with mayo? Tex Mex.

>> No.8626072
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Tex mex is entirely comprised of less than 10 ingredients, some combination of: tomatoes, chicken or beef, avocados, onions, pickled jalapenos, sour cream, flour tortillas, oregano, and shredded random WIDF garbage cheese

Mexican food is about as diverse as Indian food, ranging from spare, minimalistic and simple weeb-tier dishes to obscenely complicated dishes that take days to prepare and dozens of ingredients. Seafood, beef, turkey, pork, bugs, herbs you've never heard of, 1000 different kinds of maize (that Monsanto is systematically trying to eradicate and replace with 2 or 3 profitable varieties), squash blossoms, corn fungus, a gorillion kinds of dairy, chocolate, coffee, twenty thousands of chiles fresh dried fermented and smoked, it would take a lifetime to even begin to scratch the surface. Talk to two Mexicans from the same state and even they won't agree on what Mexican food is. But talk to a Texan and it's the abhorrent "queso" (kraft singles mixed with canned vegetables and microwaved), and maybe some grilled chicken dusted with dried cumin. Basically, the echoes of the screams of the Mexicans whose culture was eradicated when the gringoes invaded in the 1840s, mixed with 1950s cold war nuclear bunker garbage.

>> No.8626079

I've never seen a single tex-mex dish with mayo

t. texan

>> No.8626091

>third world shithole full of squat brown savages.

Oh, you mean like Texas.

>> No.8626095

What's your reafing comprehension level, 3rd grade?
Mayo-based sauce, sauce including a base of mayo, like chipotle sauce.

>> No.8626097

TexMex is cowboy food. Beef is king, dairy products are used heavily and wheat tortillas are generally favored over corn. Classic TexMex dishes include steak fajitas, chili con carne, chili con queso and breakfast burritos.

Mexican food varies quite a bit by region, but generally corn tortillas and other masa preparations are very common. Burritos are much less common than they are in the US, and tacos rule the day for cheap eats.

>> No.8626102 [DELETED] 


>cultural heritage

What culture? Mexico was founded by rapebabies, who themselves were rapebabies. Spicy chocolate drink? Neat. Goes well with volcanoe roasted sacrificial meats.


Southern Texas is a shithole because of blacks and Mexicants.

>> No.8626109

>he thinks rape didn't produce the best foods in history


>> No.8626110

Not him but that's probably what he meant. Learn context clues, Salinger.

>> No.8626123

One is good, the other isnt.

>> No.8626139

Stop holding back anon. Tell us what you really think about Texas.

>> No.8626150 [DELETED] 


I don't know, the Conquistadors were mostly Moriscos, who were half Moor...don't recall too much "quality" coming from North Africa until the 19th and 20th centuries thanks to trade with the west.

>> No.8626154

>I don't know
Words you don't use nearly often enough

>> No.8626158 [DELETED] 
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When are you going back to Asia and apologizing to the actual Natives of the Americas?


LOL @ you being part asian, white and arab and calling yourself a "raza".

>> No.8626175 [DELETED] 


The Conquistadors were exiled half Spanish citizens charged with conquering the "new world". As half people, their lives meant nothing if dead, if they succeeded ships LOADED with silver and gold would head back to Spain regularly, which they did. So good for them. This is just historical fact, what they ate was purely European based concoctions made with indigenous ingredients.

Absolutely NOTHING eaten today can even closely resemble the diet of arab rapebaby spawn or "native not native" people(s).

>> No.8626195

>t.jerome hernandez larson

>> No.8626200

not mexican, settle down Aspyn
>durr durr I just found out some indians died therefore mexican food sucks
thank you professor, that was very insightful

>> No.8626201 [DELETED] 
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Jérôme is a French name though, here's a famous Jérôme with his Father.

>> No.8626206 [DELETED] 


What Indians, again...those people aren't natives. Stop calling them anything other than foreign invaders/conquerors.


>> No.8626213
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>please engage with me, I really believe I have something to bring to this discussoin
you are a very special person, here is your (You)

>> No.8626220 [DELETED] 


Why do you think Mexicans are Native to the Americas, is the more pertinent issue to discuss.

>> No.8626234
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I will discuss this with you once you narrate to me the creation myth of the D'Arsay civilization first, using interpretive dance. If you fail I will ignore you and you will be lonely forever. You have ten seconds to comply.

>> No.8626240 [DELETED] 


Confirmed undocumented Mexican.

>> No.8626291
File: 43 KB, 475x380, Murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are living proof that maps like pic related aren't a meme. Are you honestly content to live a life full of hatred and ignorance?

And did you sleep through history class? All of the Conquistadors who explored the New World were Europeans, mostly Castilians; as a matter of fact, it was technically forbidden by law for non-Castilians and non-Catholics to settle there, let alone 'Moors'. And before you ask, there is VERY little in common between Castilians and Mexicans, even in terms of language.

>> No.8626316

leave me out of this guy, I'm not the anon sperging out about how mexico was colonized by the moors

>> No.8626324 [DELETED] 
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Most of Western Europe was dominated by any number of different Arab caliphates, most notably the Uyymad Empire which conquered the entirety of Spain...where Conquistadors hailed from.

Moriscos, the rapebaby offspring of these invasions were eventually exhiled from Spain, being forced under threat of death to convert to Catholicism and renounce Islam, which most did. After which, being of tainted genetic descent, were used as chattle to plunder the new world or resources.

They weren't killing indigenous people when they got there though, what people widely consider "native" are East Asian migrants, who decimated nearly all of the actual indigenous Americans, very few of which exist today, one would have to travel deep into the Amazon to find these people.

If "getting somewhere first" (even though they didn't) makes someone "native" then I, as a white, Christian, American male have a birthright and stake ownership over the moon.

Don't ever look at my moon again Paco Samir Muhammad.

>> No.8626328 [DELETED] 


Moriscos. The Conquistadors were Moriscos.


>> No.8626339

why am I not surprised

>> No.8626340

Not that anon, but did you even read the article you posted, which posits that ancient Australasians played a critical role in the settling of the Americas?

And by what standards are Mexicans 'invaders', given that the Paleo-Indians they descended from were the first settlers and thus didn't take anything by force? By your 'logic', shouldn't we all go back to Africa, since that's where all of humanity came from before settling around the world? Or do you have more pseudoscientific theories to dispute that?

>> No.8626341 [DELETED] 


Not an argument.


>> No.8626346

tex mex has black beans and corn

>> No.8626348

Sorry, I clicked on the wrong post. Idiocy-induced headaches tend to cloud my vision.

>> No.8626349 [DELETED] 


Aborigines are Chinese or Mongolian?

Damn dude, your mental gymnastics are retarded.

I think you're mad at yourself instead of me. I'd be mad too if I found out I came from a place Arabs set shop up.

>> No.8626370
File: 8 KB, 185x273, MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

READ. YOUR. ARTICLE. Eurasians AND Australasians, TWO DIFFERENT GROUPS, played crucial roles in settling the Americas, and many native Amazonian tribes have more in common with indigenous Australasians than with Eurasians. Do I have to spoon-feed you some more, mouthbreather?

>> No.8626384

Fuck drumpf fuck white people and fuck texmex

>> No.8626434 [DELETED] 


Australians got there first, according to the article...so you're not "native" or special.

Don't forget to stop looking at the moon. It belongs to me.

>> No.8626457

>Southern Texas

Mericon pls.

>> No.8626458

>muh moon
Go to sleep, Korgano. Masaka is waking.

>> No.8626462

>Black beans

Shut the fuck up moron.

>> No.8626469


Quality post /ck/ is well served stick around to learn the ins and outs of the board

Protip no "spoonfeeding" jews, poor whites, and flyover
Most shmucks have no idea what to think once you write after a dozen words

One more thing cup_0_noodle/ramen threads are fun to watch much like welldone steak threads ... reminder kist add catsup

>> No.8626476
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can someone answer the fuckin question you shitty history nerds

>> No.8626498

>the moon. It belongs to me
Lets imagine it not being silly owning land along with the sky fuck it lets say its reasonable to own the pacific ocean along with the big blue sky

>> No.8626535 [DELETED] 


Stop looking at it...


It does, going by the rules of what makes Natives native.

>> No.8626543

TexMex is what you get from places like Chipotle and Moes.
Mexican food is what you get from Jose in the food truck down the street.

>> No.8626545 [DELETED] 


You DO own infinite space above your house, including the sky, hence why you can call and complain about noise disturbances from airplanes and have paths changed entirely because of this. It's YOUR airspace.

Confirmed non-homeowner.

>> No.8626574

>It's YOUR airspace
Tell that to the FAA

>> No.8626584 [DELETED] 


I've done so, along with hundreds of my neighbors and they changed their flightpaths. Not hard. Called noise pollution.

>> No.8626590

Based info nerd

Lets fact check these musing type spewages

>> No.8626593

Protip my marketer friend, you don't want to use the same image in multiple threads, especially with the same filename.

>> No.8626595


>when the gringos invaded

you mean when the gringos kicked mexicos shitty ass after they brutally attacked texas, which had peacefully succeeded from mexico with no intention of joining the united states, because mexico was such a steaming pile of shit even back then, that texas had to ask the US for help and in return we drove you back to mexico city and could have slaughtered every last fucking mexican if we felt like it, and instead, not only did we allow mexico to continue existing, we paid them for the land that they gave us out of their own free will as a bargain for a truce?

fuck you, taco-nigger. your food is shit scraped off of iguanas backs because you're all so god damned poor because you're all so god damned savagely retarded. places that middle and lower class people eat in america serve food that only rich people eat in mexico. most mexicans subsist off of fucking twinkies and coca cola - you're the fattest nation in the fucking world and you're so viscerally aware of how fucking shit mexico is that you're willing to risk death and rape just to get into america.

mexican food is basically gas station tier bullshit and i'm loving every fucking minute of ICE deporting the fuck out of you god damned smelly beaners.

>> No.8626612

Did you take a wrong turn at /r/the_donald? Fuck off kid. And I know you aren't over 18 because it's not "succeeded", it's seceded you mongoloid.

>> No.8626613

You and what army

Fag your are not a true trump constituent until you have several billion usd invested around the world
Amd most likely live in the northernmost frozen reaches in europe

>> No.8626621

>palpable ignorance: the post.

>> No.8626622
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enjoy breathing american air while you still can. you'll miss it when all you inhale is the smog and beaner fart of 50 billion spics and 10 billion roasting porta-potties in mexico shitty. i've heard you can make some sort of crude air filter out of cactus and tumble-weed though, might want to try that. or just jump off a bridge and kill yourself like that deportee did the other day. i've heard it's all the rage and anyways it's a better way to go than however los zetas is going to kill you.

>> No.8626624
File: 20 KB, 576x432, Obrien_and_Bashir_drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stardate 50430
>still raving about the alamo
Go to bed Dr. Bashir, you're drunk

>> No.8626670

I have crossed the us/mexico border thousands of times and at least 700/800 of these times i was never asked for documetation

I had a business in bordertown for the better part of 12 years sometimes crossing as much as 10 times daily

I laugh so hard at your and basic american senses i nearly shit myself whenever your lazy words find am outlet

I expect that crossing the border this year 25 times isnt overestimating one bit still before years end id expect to cross at least another 50 times with any luck

Please go back into your end of times bunker and keep practicing on lasting more that 2 minutes when fucking your toothless sister

>> No.8626728

Tex-Mex is a mixture between Southeastern American cuisine (beans, rice, lots of pork and beef, Southern BBQ), Northern Mexican cuisine (more BBQing/grilling, spicy stewed meats, burritos, more beans), although it also carries some Central/Southern Mexican influence (totopos, A.K.A. tortilla chips, guacamole, pico de gallo, Mexican red rice, even more fucking beans), due to the large number of immigrants from Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Michoacan, and other southernly states in Mexico.
tl;dr Tex-Mex cuisine has about as much in common with Mexican cuisine as Northeastern American cuisine shares in common with English cuisine.

>> No.8626749

Those states you mentioned aren't part of southern Mexico

>> No.8626754 [DELETED] 


t. Mexican intellectual

>> No.8626768 [DELETED] 


Most certainly not a home owner, what a shame.


>> No.8626790

They're still pretty fucking far away from the border with 'Murica, vato.
(Yes, I do know that you people from deep southern Mexico don't use the word "vato", and that you get triggered very easily by the use of the word "America", which is why I said it.)

>> No.8626796

Should i find it odd that you concern yourself so much with some anon myself owning a property lemme wonder do you own a sky if not why not because i really think you should you know still i will say this before you own a sky make sure you own several sea's or at least a small ocean first

>> No.8626804

There's more coons in Texas

>> No.8626919 [DELETED] 



You DO own the air/sky/space to infinity over your property. Indigochild pls go.

>> No.8626937

>mobileposter doesn't even read his own links because his phone is too small
I can tell Valujet not to crash on my land, I can't tell them not to flyover^H^H^H^H^Hgod-fearing midwesterner my land, only the gubmint can do that

>> No.8627068
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TX is full of niggers ffs

>> No.8627152

>greasy mojado spic attempts to type English
Nothing more pathetic than lying on 4chan. Thank God I'm not a fucking dirty uneducated genetic fuck up Mexican living in squalor and blaming their neighbor for their country's third world conditions.

>> No.8627208


>To promote air commerce, legislators established a legal height for any interests associated with lands; thereby establishing a public right to transit through the higher altitudes.

>> No.8627237 [DELETED] 


You own space to infinity. They HAVE to fly higher than you can hear by law. Says so right in the source. Airlines also compensate citizens by paying exorbitant taxes to offset any noise pollution, also build parks.

>> No.8627243 [DELETED] 


You can sue or join an already active class action motion against them, unless you're trash who cannot afford to live somewhere other than next to a tarmac...then I could understand why you're so opinionated.

>> No.8627255

Oh the irony

How can you not reread what you wrote and ask if you are the one who actually wrote it. ¡If you can skip that just ask yourself where must your mind be to think the way you do cause its in a pathetic place desu!

>> No.8627261

That's East Texas, you dumb nigger.

>> No.8627312

I keep seeing Noah walking around with his girlfriend and some dog that isn't snowflake.

>> No.8627984

>doesn't give any sort of timeline
>doesn't give any sort of criteria
>no sources
back to /pol/ with this awful bait image

>> No.8628956

Can we ban /pol/posters?

>> No.8629098 [DELETED] 


It's historical fact. Don't get mad at me for what shitskins do to other shitskins.

>> No.8629102 [DELETED] 



What Raza is La Raza supposed to represent when Mexicans are the rapebaby descendents of rapebabies?

>> No.8629147

>you own to infinity
>except in reality
lol ok then

>> No.8629192

Unless you have SAM batteries it's not happening bro. You're delusional

And what if some Russian satellite over flies your house? Good luck suing the Russian military

>> No.8629245


>> No.8629252 [DELETED] 


>satellites cause noise pollution



Says right there that it's yours, I don't know why you're even posting.

>> No.8629259
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This. Authentic texmex is authentic.

>> No.8629261

>those moving goalposts
so now I only "own" the airspace if my reasons match the ones you personally consider valid?

that isn't what "ownership" means, retard

>> No.8629268

t. Assblasted Mexican

>> No.8629303 [DELETED] 


You own it period. The government cucking you into submission is erroneous. I already provided a link for you to complain to the FAA, as a non-homeowner none of the provided information is relevant to your life, hence the crying.

>> No.8629315

>you own it when noise is involved
once again tough guy, that isn't "to infinity", it means a couple thousand feet in most cases, and upper stratosphere in some

infinity is a big number, one that you can't shoot, or run over with your pickup truck, so I can see how your hillbilly mind might have trouble processing it

>> No.8629333 [DELETED] 


You own it regardless and have the right to complain about any violation(s). Why don't you own a house, is the more important issue here...

>> No.8629372

You don't seem to grasp what "own", "infinity", or "regardless" means, and you expect people to believe you own property?

Just because you feel that park bench belongs to you doesn't make it your home

>> No.8629385 [DELETED] 


You own your property to infinity into space. This tantrum is fun...when are you going back to Asia and apologizing to aborigines along the way?

>> No.8629454

You have no idea what you're talking about.
First off, queso (the cheese dip for tortilla chips ), isn't made with "kraft singles and canned vegetables ". Although a lot of Yankees make that. It's a mix of asadero cheese and other white, Mexican cheeses with grilled, chopped onions and peppers, and grilled or baked in a cast iron skillet. Sometimes a spoonful of salsa is added. There's variations to that, such as queso fundido and queso del mar (one of my favorites ).
There's a wide variety of foods involved in TexMex. Try eating somewhere besides Taco Cabana.

>> No.8629462

No, it doesn't. You're thinking of AZ mex.

>> No.8629465

No, that's Mission style mex, from NorCal.
TexMex doesn't add rice to burritos. They make actual burritos, not burros.

>> No.8629468

>see all this? It's mine!
Mentally ill hobo detected

>> No.8629485

Bring up the muslim conquests to Indians.
Expect to have your ear talked off by Hindus

You are now aware that Afghanistan used to be a Buddhist country before the muslim conquests

>> No.8629498

Tex Mex is festive and incorporates spices Mexicans dont use like cumin and others

Also more cheese and meat heavy

>> No.8629542 [DELETED] 


It is all yours.

>> No.8631614

>Expect to have your ear talked off by Hindus
I assume you mean "talked off with pejoratives about Muslims", so, maybe for some. Except the Muslim Indians. And the Indian Hindus who aren't batshit crazy BJP types. Assuming all Indians hate Muslims is like assuming all Americans hate Mexicans. The ones who do, will claim that you're not a REAL (Indian/American) unless you hate (Muslims/Mexicans). But that's just one extreme faction's opinion.

>> No.8632539

There are a handful of ingredients that are found in only tex-mex and not authentic Mexican food, and vice versa. Mexican food has a lot more chili pepper, and tex-mex has a lot more cheese.

Tex-Mex can have sour cream, cheddar or American cheese, parsley, ketchup, anything with potato is tex-mex. Because of the different climate in the states, a lot of the staple ingredients are substituted with canned or easy to find ones: citrus is used considerably less, tomatoes are generally canned and pureed, the variety of pepper is usually limited to jalapeno, chipotle, and bell, and ground beef is used a lot more.

Mexican incorporates cinnamon, pickled vegetables, lard, lime, cilantro, a surprising diversity of white crumbly cheeses like cotija and anejo, and the meat is pork and chicken over beef. Northern mexico uses a lot of pinto beans, southern mexico uses black beans.

There are certain dishes that are exclusive to each area but there are also some weird mixes of both. 'Texas red' chili is from texas obviously but is sort of the standard for 'chili.' Green chili is very popular in the US, and uses tomatillos. Mexican giardiniera (carrots/onion/jalapenos) is popular in Mexico but sometimes shows up in the US. The American taco is quite similar to the Mexican taquito.

tl;dr the easiest way to tell is if it has a fuckload of cheese one it: that is 'murrican. A fuckload of lime, it's Mexican.

>> No.8632652

>being this edgy and retarded

>> No.8632661

I don't know, but goddamn I love Moe's.

>> No.8632758

See this guy here deserves a Big Red and some fajitas

>> No.8632773

No, I mean Mexican is.

Texmex is amerifats "interpretation"

>> No.8632774

Cheese. Lots of cheese.
source: Texan

>> No.8632780

based post is far to based for this thread

>> No.8632850

The US had withheld funding from UNESCO in the past. It's not a fair arbiter of cultural significance.