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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 693 KB, 1280x800, sveze_voce-fresh_fruits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8623273 No.8623273 [Reply] [Original]

When you buy fresh fruits and vegetables, you are always buying the absolute worst product available. You are literally choosing less flavor every single time.

See, frozen and canned products consist of only the most ripe fruits and vegetables - the ones that couldn't be shipped to market because they would rot by the time they got there.

Meanwhile, fresh fruits and vegetables are mostly underripe at the time of picking and are never going to have the flavor profile of fully ripened goods.

Always buy frozen, or canned if you don't mind preservatives. NEVER buy fresh fruits or vegetables unless you like being scammed.

>> No.8623287

Get this hot head out of here

>> No.8623655

as long as it was at some point grown on a tree or vine I feel like I'm getting my money's worth

>> No.8623660

Buy local.

>> No.8624066

Food desert inhabitant detected.

>> No.8624082

>Food desert
what a meme

there's a reason the bodega in jamal's neighborhood sells flamin' hot cheetos and malt liquor instead of fresh fruits and vegetables

>> No.8624090

It's because you can keep flaming hot cheetos and malt liquor on the shelf longer than you can keep a fucking apple.

>> No.8624103

or maybe there's simply less demand for apples

it's not like pajeet hates niggers and wants to kill them with diabetes, he's just giving the community what it wants

>> No.8624107
File: 829 KB, 3096x1741, killyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't know what a food desert is.

>> No.8624116

i know what a food desert is: nonexistent


>> No.8624124 [DELETED] 

I bet you voted for Trump and actually believe that jobs are coming back, too. You're a fucking idiot and most likely a malnourished one at that. Get educated, gaylord.

>> No.8624139

lol oh no a nigger who's dumped thousands of dollars of welfare/drug money into his donk might have to drive a mile or two to get fresh produce what an injustice

>> No.8624162

>stereotypes and invalidated opinion

No wonder you make idiotic assessments of food. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.8624165

lol butthurt

i bet you learned those epic debate skills from reddit huh