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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8621141 No.8621141 [Reply] [Original]

>butter on rice
>butter on corn
>butter on veggies

is there an unwritten rule that buffets are not allowed to have a single healthy item? do they get kickbacks from hospitals and big pharma?

>> No.8621146

Why do you go to a buffet to eat healthy?

>> No.8621149

*eat healthily

>> No.8621156

dragged there for bs family meetup. can they just serve plain fuckin potatoes.

>> No.8621214

Generally buffets are in rural areas. In much of rural America fresh vegetables were often presented simply, often just boiled and topped with butter, salt and pepper. Plus a little butter wasn't going to hurt someone who worked all day on a family farm (and probably churned that butter themselves). The problem today is that the lifestyles in these rural areas changed much quicker than the locals' taste in food. Many of these folks still want to eat like grandpa did in his prime, failing to realize grandpa burnt off twice as many calories in a day as they do now.

>> No.8621218 [DELETED] 


>t. Vegan problems

Kys senpai

>> No.8621224

Apologies, thank you for the reminder

>> No.8621225

First of all, butter won't kill you.

Second of all, fuck off

>> No.8621226

How about you shut the fuck up and eat your food. Eat minimally and have a fuckin conversation with your family. You sound like a fuckin brat.

>> No.8621229

..... yeah, it's the butter on rice that makes buttered rice unhealthy. lmao at your life.

>> No.8621235

Butter makes everything taste good. All high end restaurants smother their cuisines in it and charge a fortune for it.

Butter is the oldest 'meme' food

>> No.8621240

Why is that Japanese faggot spam filtering the word 'meme'?

>> No.8621249

You're at a family get together, which pretty much means overeating if you're American. Especially given that your family chose a buffet for the occasion. So there's no way to win this one. You gotta roll with it. Just accept the fact there's nothing wrong with eating an entire day's worth of calories in a single meal every now and then, as long as your day to day diet is sensible. That's what you have control over, so that's where you assert it.

>> No.8621256


>> No.8621278

Most buffets have a salad bar. Some have steak and broiled fish with steamed rice.

>> No.8621291

Some also let you fuck the qt asian waitress

>> No.8621298

Where? I need to know.

>> No.8621304 [DELETED] 


>indentured 3rd world servants

Enjoy your hepatitis.

>> No.8621341

true dat

i just dont want to get fat eating butter on everything

sat fat is bad anon


true. good advice thanks anon

its a bunch of old fat white women

salad was plain. all they had was basically lettuce and beets

>> No.8621343
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>thinks any restaurants, especially cheap buffets, use actual butter on their food


>> No.8621355
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>> No.8621358

is soybean oil sat or unsat fat?

>> No.8621367
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If you work in a restaurant you always see these things

>> No.8621368 [DELETED] 


It's concentrated estrogen is what it is, leading to bone density loss, obesity, mood swings, acne and gastro intestinal issues to name a few. Soy is poison. Fermented soy is a neutral through.

>> No.8621375

what if I want to be a qt girl

>> No.8621379


I don't know because I'm a retard. Anyways, if you're eating soybean oil you're already fucked. No need to see if it's saturated or not.

>> No.8621383

This is horrifying.

>> No.8621388


High estrogen levels in girls have negative health impacts too; it doesn't make them super feminine or anything like that; it's not HRT.

>> No.8621503


this stuff was a component in the best hot wings i've ever eaten in my life.


this guy is a faggot.

>> No.8621508


this comment is the best thing I've read in my life


this guy is a faggot

>> No.8621513


thenks :3

>> No.8621516

Some butter on your veggies isn't going to ruin your whole diet.

>> No.8621532


your smugness ruined it


try it with real butter and see how much better it tastes

>> No.8621563

Where are you even eating at anyway?

>> No.8621647

Why don't you just admit that you're a nigger and stop this ruse.

>> No.8621649

some shitstain buffet in the bible belt.

its pretty funny to watch the old white people be irritated by the loud nogs

>> No.8621656

im pale as a britfag

>> No.8621661

Sounds like Golden Corral. Parents dragged me to one yesterday. At least they had steak desu.

>> No.8621667 [DELETED] 


Then you're a delusional faggot.

>> No.8621760
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>Butter on Rice

>> No.8622131
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I...I thought that was orange juice from the thumbnail.

>salad was plain. all they had was basically lettuce and beets
I feel bad for you OP. I went to Golden Corral for the first time in over a decade a few weeks ago and loaded up on steamed veggies, baked sweet potato, and a spinach salad with tomato/mushroom/carrots/cucumber/sesame seed/red wine vinegar

>> No.8622191

>Eat Healthy

Pick one

>> No.8622228



top kek sugar jew

>> No.8622256

>go to golden corral
>see brussel sprouts
>hunger intensifies
>walk up to tray
>filled with butter
>depression follows

>> No.8622505

>complaining that there's no healthy food at a restaurant where you pay to gorge yourself on 3x as much food as is normally healthy and is designed to fill you up on carbs

>> No.8622866

not him, but when i was a sophomore in college i found out that it was cheaper to go to a lunch buffet and not get a meal ticket. luckily they had a pretty good salad bar so i could get my veggies and it was actually a healthier spread than what my cafeteria offered (which consisted of burritos and pastas for most dishes).

>> No.8622995

>butter is unhealthy
git gud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHaCKudtVi0

>> No.8623008

Wrong. They are fat because they aren't eating like grandpa anymore. They're eating cereal and drinking soda and sweet tea.

>> No.8623058
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You definitely worked in the food service business if you know what this is. We used to call it hurl , as in throwing up. So inferior to butter, but hey it makes more profit !!!!!!

>> No.8623134
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No I never worked in food service. I just like researching all of these "bulk" commercial-sized ingredients that restaurants use to save money. It's bizarre.

>> No.8623196

I've worked in many different places but only seen these at my first job at a sports arena.
Funny thing is, the sports arena had chefs and we charged tons of money and basically only served rich people (NHL games in Canada, so yes, they're all rich anyways.)
The perogies in the club buffet were fucking cheemos tossed in this fake butter. At least we used real onions.

>> No.8623217

True as well, but you can't consume $k+ calories a day when you only burn off 2k and not become obese.

>> No.8623220


>> No.8623231

Not everything is a conspiracy to make you fat, you're just a fat fuck.

>> No.8623232




>> No.8623250


It's both

>> No.8624587

this sounds interesting. tell us more.

>> No.8624602
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Apparently this jugs of syrup concentrate will make 6 gallons of various fruit-flavored soda or tea/lemonade. They won't even front the money for Kool-Aid packets..

>> No.8625978

You do realise that purely from a cost perspective, buying Kool-Aid brand drink mix in bulk would actually be far better than cases of syrup jugs?

Restaurants don't just make decisions according to cost, they also factor in preparation and quality requirements. Syrup is more preferable than powdered mix because it's less messier, there's no risk of gritty undissolved residue, and can be used in soda fountains.

>> No.8625983

you seem knowledgeable. where can i buy snowcone syrup?

>> No.8626061
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>high performance

It's like a motor oil.

>> No.8626149

This made me laugh too. What could it possibly mean?

>> No.8626166
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>> No.8626187
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So? Butter on bread and on potatoes is common, sometimes you'll see butter on pasta. Nothing wrong with putting butter on starchy foods.

>> No.8626191


i'm dying

>> No.8626197


working in the food industry, for the most part we just leave a few pounds of butter in a pot and scoop out the mlikfat for clarified butter. dunno what kind of restaurant would use that

>> No.8626933

It looks so happy

>> No.8627643

Hydrogenation is a process which turns unsaturated fat into saturated fat.

Partial hydrogenation leaves some of the fat molecules in a configuration between un- and saturated. This is called trans fat, and there isn't a good answer for how our body metabolizes it so many people/organizations/governments recommend avoiding it.

"Full" hydrogenation is never really full, but companies are allowed to print 0g trans fat if there is less than half a gram per serving. If you are eating something that looks like it should be a single serving and most people eat it as a single serving but the nutrition label says "2 servings," (think Pop Tarts) this is likely done because there is 0.9g tran fat in the package, but they want to put 0g on the label.

>> No.8627646

No worse than crisco/margarine/country crock/I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.

>> No.8627659


>> No.8627666

Butter? In a buffet restaurant? No. Just no. It's margarine.

>> No.8627718

>qt girl
>obesity, mood swings, acne and gastro intestinal issues

>At least we used real onions.
As opposed to?

>> No.8627787
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Holy fuck, your grammar is atrocious..Jesus fuck...

>> No.8628574

Buffet owners season up and butter up dishes to make you feel full faster.

>> No.8628588

I don't know any places in Australia that do that. If you put butter on anything people wouldn't eat it here. Australians prefer simple and earthy tastes.

>> No.8629449

Whats wrong with it? Its really not that bad at all.

>> No.8629755


>> No.8630228


>> No.8630256
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>> No.8630853
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>> No.8631667

And his point was valid. Stop being a cunt and contribute