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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 558x559, gayest coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8618162 No.8618162 [Reply] [Original]

Post coffee and coffee autism in this ITT!
Old thread: >>8591936

>> No.8618209

How is art any more complex than rosetta-tier stuff done?

>> No.8618281


>> No.8618302

>15 minutes
That's quite a while to cool down before the recipient gets it.

>> No.8618417

Do any of you add things to your grounds before brewing? I tried putting some cinnamon in a pourover today at my aunt's suggestion and it was all right. I don't really know how much to use and don't want to use my good beans for fear of ruining the cup but I might mess with it a bit more.

She also mentioned choffey(?) which is cocoa beans roasted like coffee and that sounds pretty good to add.

>> No.8618441

If I'm brewing really terrible coffee I'll put a teaspoon of honey in with the grounds, or sometimes a hunk of panela

>> No.8618471
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I want to know how turks make their coffee so foamy looking without adding anything to it
I have a mokapot and french press but neither create anything more than just a black coffee

>> No.8618477
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I've tried making it at home but I didn't get foam.
Fresh ground, powder consistency.
No foam.

>> No.8618479

if your french press doesn't have that foam when you're brewing it, you're doing something wrong. stale coffee most likely

>> No.8618513
File: 179 KB, 800x486, turkish coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkish foam =/= normal foam

>> No.8618529

When latte art becomes that complex, it becomes chiefly art to be appreciated more than a beverage to be consumed. I see where you're coming from, as it defeats the purpose of making the drink.

On the darker roasts I put a very small pinch of salt to take the bitter edge off. I'll try out the cinnamon for sure. I've heard mixed things about choffy, I haven't had it myself.

Turkish coffee doesn't have normal crema. It's a combination of the grind size, the brewing method, and that the grounds and liquid are not separated during brewing.

You can get a crema-like foam from moka, but crema only occurs with espresso.

>> No.8618534

Why are coffee videos on youtube so ill informed and terrible?

Just now I saw an woman making an espresso drink with underextracted brown piss in lieu of espresso and another video where someone was cleaning out their french press by scooping out the grounds with their bare hands.

>> No.8618545

1. I don't know what "normal foam" is
2. never said it was identical to espresso crema, or the foam you get in a V60, or any other kind of blooming, just that coffee should bloom, and that guy's apparently wasn't

>> No.8618597
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Is this the tea thread?

>> No.8618617
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I want to get 50 pound bulk bags of green so I never need to go outside for coffee again, where in the NYC area can I find it? The only places I've found are retailers selling one pound bags and they refuse to tell me who thier source is. Places like Maria's kill me on freight too so that's out.

>> No.8618649

To clean my press I just put some water in, swirl, and dump into the garbage.

>> No.8618654

I hope this thread doesn't turn out as bad as the last one. I think I literally got cancer.

>> No.8618699

since when the coffee general is mixed with anime autism?

are there two threads or is this the only general?

>> No.8618755

I prefer instant coffee.

>> No.8618794

Take small pot add water,fine ground like flour fine coffee, and sugar. Heat low until it bubbles/boils/foams take off heat until it dies down a bit . Heat again. Heat again .serve.

>> No.8618799
File: 117 KB, 398x352, 32898ba9d1-1486852937753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a thread dedicated to badamphetamine
git fucking gud kids

>> No.8618881
File: 117 KB, 1024x683, 18th+Snuff+Sniffing+World(...).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to post in this thread. Previous thread was very intense.
You guys need medical attention and severe tortures using high pitched sound of a broken coffee grinder.
I'm going to start snorting instant coffee. Fuck all that brewing insanity.

>> No.8618890

>but crema only occurs with espresso.
and fappping

>> No.8618896

>by scooping out the grounds with their bare hands.
stop fucking spreading fake news asshole :)

>> No.8618901

no it's the pee thread

>> No.8618908

>I've found are retailers selling
don't fucking go to retailers go to wholesalers you dick
or get in touch with coffee mafia Bosses, like Italians

>> No.8618914

stop polluting, be environmentally responsible you delusional coffee narcissist

>> No.8618922
File: 177 KB, 1280x960, TOXIC mold Mycotoxins GROWING ON coffee beans .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will contribute to it don't you fucker worry about it

What do you know about toxic molds growing on coffee beans?

>> No.8618936
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>> No.8619309
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Robusta > Arabica

>> No.8619312

I put a good amount of cream and sugar in my coffee and I don't even give a fuck.

>> No.8619316

It's just adenosine, the poor mans amphetamine

>> No.8619320

>the coldbrewing coffee and can drink it black no sugar

>> No.8619357

For Vietnamese, yeah

>> No.8619377
File: 98 KB, 2126x1480, THE--END.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you drinking coffee like a pussy
why not to be a real man and drink it black

>> No.8619382
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Trying to get the hang of turkish. I got some foam this time, but used too much coffee for the amount of water.

>> No.8619418

are you adding any sugar
no sugar no head foam faggot

>> No.8619429

This was 12g coffee, 3oz water, and 1/2tsp sugar.

>> No.8619448

you are coffee butcher.
with 12 oz coffee you are reaching limits of insanity.
stop it.

>> No.8619451

What should I try next time?

>> No.8619461

If I wanted to drink something that tasted like shit I'd drink alcohol.

>> No.8619484

by alcohol you mean rose wine

>> No.8619494

try google and consult Turkish or Greek fuckers they brew this type of coffee for centuries
or switch to instant coffee to quit this misery

>> No.8619502

Rounded teaspoons are no basis for a system of measurement. I work in numbers.

>> No.8619569
File: 72 KB, 1000x596, coffee-grounds-isolated-on-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work in numbers.
well in that case start counting coffee grounds asshole,
it will be 14.385.974 coffee grounds of very fine grounded Arabica coffee beans

>> No.8619583

I tried making cafe au lait and it tasted just like my regular coffee despite using twice my usual ratio of coffee to make a pretend espresso shot.

Then I remembered I hate milk and didn't even finish it.
I feel like I wouldn't enjoy most coffee beverages because they're 90% milk and 1% burnt shit coffee flavoring extruded from a 2000 dollar machine.

>> No.8619594

Thanks nigga

>> No.8619609
File: 484 KB, 1024x768, snorting caffeine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you are perfect candidate to start brewing instant coffee
escape the rat race trying to reach the illusion of brewing coffee using ancient methods
or start snorting, really snorting coffee is the thing to do now.


>> No.8619610


>> No.8619615

scared of exploring new methods of coffee blitz

>> No.8619621
File: 135 KB, 1024x680, cocoa_main1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From New York Post

Why snorting cocoa is the new afternoon pick-me-up.

>> No.8619626

why is the media so disconnected from reality lately?

>> No.8619631

Because local news keeps losing funding and most media now is controlled by the coasts. The media has no connection to the people anymore. It's a business like everything else.

>> No.8619645

>hates milk
Euthanize yourself, unter

>> No.8619706

Turkish coffee rarely gets reduced to exact gram measurements, it's usually rounded to somewhere around 1 tablespoon of coffee for every ~150ml of water, and a normal amount of sugar for that much coffee would be about 1 tablespoon.

The trick is to pour off / spoon off the crema as it builds, to leave surface area for the next crema. The crema is essentially water and coffee bonding, with the emissions of carbon dioxide stretching their bonds. The sugar elasticizes these bonds and helps promote a full bodied crema. You want to agitate the ibrik / cezve as little as possible during brewing / pouring.

>> No.8619758

>it's usually rounded to somewhere around 1 tablespoon of coffee for every ~150ml of water,
Anon are you blind, that fucker has principles
>Rounded teaspoons are no basis for a system of measurement. I work in numbers.
give him exact laboratory weight measurements or he will call you pleb

>> No.8619782
File: 364 KB, 578x800, static1.squarespace.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeropress is somehow underrated and overrated in the same time.

Love the clear cup when I'm not in the mood for espresso. I haven't looked at my french press for a minute now.

Coffee: 20g
Water: 230g @ 79°C
Brewer: Inverted
Filter: Paper

Heat water to 79°C
Add 60g of water
Turbulent wiggle for 15 seconds
Allow 30 seconds of bloom
Add the rest of the water in 10 seconds
Press down for 45 seconds

Total brew time - 1:35

>> No.8619806

I have aeropress and i don't follow that suggested brew time of 1:45, i let the water stay the same amount of time as in french crap press
around 5 minutes and coffee comes fantastic also i use metal filter i like to get the oils in my coffee you know the full package.
to me eliminating coffee oils is the same as eating white bread eliminating all the other nourishing ingredients
that are present in the whole wheat flour.
only morons would prefer to drink coffee where the oils are removed.

>> No.8619810

You know I do have the metal filter but I can't say I have used it more then twice.
I'll give it another shot!

>> No.8619814


yes the metal filter comes with the aeropress.
as you know you will get some coffee grinds coming through but i just ignore them since they stay on the bottom of the cup, similar like in french press

>> No.8620087

Got a bottomless portafilter.
I'm gonna get exposed as fuck.
Can't wait to play with it, hyped for new gear.

>> No.8620089

oils are fine, in espresso

coarse grind brewing methods like french press are a cancer though, and intentionally overextracting with your aeropress just shows you suck at making coffee

>> No.8620094

And an IMS 21g basket.
Was curios if anyone is using or has used the IMS ones and especially compared to the VST how do they stack up?

>> No.8620104


This exactly is why Aeropress is a fucking meme. You are making cold brew coffee, you inveterate pleb. Water cannot extract coffee properly below 195f. Just fucking make cold brew in big batches if you want a toddy brewed drink.

>> No.8620107

No I know what tastes better and I don't follow instructions like stupid sheep,that's your job.

>> No.8620108

>oils are fine, in espresso
you are so stupid it made me laugh

>> No.8620143

Personally I let it boil and wait 30sec then pour, it tastes great.

>> No.8620330

I use a french press like 90% of the time

My housemate has some wack air pressure espresso machine

I buy beans roasted by some motherfuckers I've known since high school

I never check temperature of the water I use to brew coffee.

>> No.8620872
File: 213 KB, 1936x1296, coffee belongs in coffin .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never check temperature of the water I use to brew coffee.
And that shows that you are normal. Only freaks will claim that rolling boiling water is destructive to the final effect
of brewed coffee.
You have to have rotting brain to believe that nonsense.

>> No.8621178

What is the purpose of bloom?

Especially in a French press or aeropress.

>> No.8621241
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Green tea.

>> No.8621318

no point in a french press

>> No.8621434

So I have this coffee storage can with one-way valve for the CO2 to escape. Question is how do I know it works and its not just plain holes?

>> No.8621445

it's just feminine bullshit that "coffee people" like to do because it makes them look more knowledgeable than some instant drinking pleb.
Same with pre-warming your mug with hot water and buying from microroasters.

>> No.8621453

how is this gay?

>> No.8621504
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>> No.8621512

pretty sure the character is a dude, dude

gay af

>> No.8621554

If you like the end product, good for you.

But, as an autist, that way will usually create a weak cup or a bitter cup.

>> No.8621558

This is correct >>8621318

>> No.8621575

no it won't lmao

>> No.8621995

how tf is it a dude?

>> No.8622002

well technically it is just a drawing

>> No.8622072

If you use a finer grind in a french press you do tend to get crema. It's not as much as you get from pressurized steam, but it's there.

>> No.8622088
File: 21 KB, 600x630, pepe suicide 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become coffee autist
>become accustomed to actual good coffee
>can't stomach starbucks shit (this is actually undrinkable) or generic coffee you get in dining halls and such
>can't have any coffee when I run out of beans
>mfw new order won't arrive until tuesday probably

who here regrets falling for the coffee meme

>> No.8622095

I like being able to make good coffee at home, but I also drink shitty coffee when I'm being lazy.

>> No.8622102

>skip milk and sugar because of acne
>after a while, can actually start differentiating good and shitty coffee
is wine the same? i feel pretentious for drinking black now though.

>> No.8622103

Anime is gay, anon. Especially engaging in anime in public - extremely gay. Sorry to have to break it to you, but it's for your own good that you know this.

>> No.8622206

>liking cute girls makes you gay

Haha what

>> No.8622272

to be fair, that's not a girl

>> No.8622288

Get this 'Ceci n'est pas une pipe' shit out of here

>> No.8622290

Won't it go bad before you can use it all?

>> No.8622340
File: 418 KB, 759x705, Felix_Argyle_-_Daisanshou_Manga_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the character is Felix from Re:Zero, a very well known trap

>> No.8622581

coffee is actually brown, not black

>> No.8622646
File: 106 KB, 750x725, 1487561328996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use a drip coffee maker for years with pre-ground coffee from chain grocery stores
>favorite is Seattle's Best Dark Roast (5)
>last time accidentally get the whole bean version
>well i do have a coffee grinder I've never used
>start grinding my own beans in the morning
>mfw the coffee is so much better

well see ya later

>> No.8622672


>> No.8622679

now just wait till you buy fresh roasted / roast your own

even bigger difference than grinding for yourself

>> No.8622781



>> No.8622809

what does /cowfee/ think about french presses?

>> No.8622819

>in this ITT
>in this in this thread

Almost as bad as RIP in peace.
OP must be young and stupid.

>> No.8622842

It's on purpose, you failed the autism test.

>> No.8622852


kys yourself

>> No.8622853

calm down you autist

beans present the most flavors possible for about 10 days, and the best flavors tend to dwindle after that. this is just how it works, it's not some hipster bullshit.

>> No.8622905 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8622918

Traps aren't gay

>> No.8622924


>> No.8622933
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>> No.8622941
File: 1.21 MB, 480x287, ifyoureadthisyourmotherdiesinhersleeptonight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you. fucking traps is much straighter and more alpha than fucking roasties.

>> No.8622963


>> No.8622967
File: 47 KB, 650x650, studio_session-008-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only thing you look forward to in a day is your morning pot of coffee


>> No.8622975


>> No.8623033

>says the faggot who wants to fuck dudes
that containment board is where you belong

>> No.8623102

Traps aren't dudes, faggot. They have a feminine penis. I just like my girls to have dicks, you faggot.

>> No.8623109

I don't give a fuck how gay that is I would marry Felix.

And I'd even kiss him on the lips.

>> No.8623170

thanks for sharing

>> No.8623174

don't start any racist shit now.OK

>> No.8623207
File: 75 KB, 640x640, Casi Cielo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't stomach starbucks shit

How about this?

Even the most autistic of coffee autists consider it decent.

>> No.8623214

>not black

>> No.8623355

one blog post deserves another

>> No.8623395
File: 5 KB, 168x160, coffeecoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added some topsoil to the ground once. Complimented the taste of shit from kopi luwak quite nicely

>> No.8623433

can someone please run instant coffee in their espresso machine and share results
apparently works very well with lot's of crema

>> No.8623455
File: 169 KB, 640x480, sweet pussies .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to pair coffee with this sweet dessert please suggest type of coffee that will compliment it, and the brewing method.Thx

>> No.8623702

Poorfag here, will buying a hand grinder worth it if most of the time I can only afford cheap beans? Like the ones from ikea?

Sadly coffee culture is not big in my country so freshly roasted beans from local roasters are expensive as fuck.
Or should I just stick to using preground coffee?

>> No.8623709

A hand grinder is great, a hario skerton can last you a long time.

You can buy unroasted beans for awfully cheap, and home roasting is easy, and works well if you have good ventilation and don't mind a mess.

>> No.8623747
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that's this thing right?

>> No.8623775

what's the best water temperature to brew coffee

>> No.8623777
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Yes, and he is my waifu

>> No.8623782

Depends on your method. For pour over or no pressure immersion (french press), right above 200 F is perfect, 205 is ideal but anything between 200-205

>> No.8623789

I'm gonna add that you should allow compensation for the pour. Pouring a hot liquid usually lowers the temperature by 2-3 degrees F, so if you have the water in your kettle at about 208 you should be good to pour.

>> No.8623800

Thank you. What will happen if I pour boiling water straight from the stove.

>> No.8623802


>> No.8623806

OC or OK, what do you mean?

>> No.8623809

It will likely over-extract more quickly that you want, leaving you with less of the desirable solubles extracted by the time the bitter flavors come on. Just bring the water to a rolling boil, then let it sit off the heat for about 45 seconds before pouring.

>> No.8623811
File: 1.49 MB, 1238x1286, kaede_antiferromagnet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not brewing superfluid coffee

>> No.8623827

Somewhere between 207 and 208 is where you start extracting bitter flavors right off the bat, when it usually takes some reaction time for those to get pulled out.

>> No.8623830

Thanks so much

>> No.8623839

I hope your coffee turns out well.

>> No.8623845

That's gay lad

>> No.8623886

Till now I was just boiling water in a pot on the stove and as soon it started to boil I was pouring into my aeropress
but I'm going to buy thermometer and experiment with prescribed temperatures around 205F.

In a way makes no sense to me because when I use my moka pot water boils way past 205F and I use same coffee grounds size
as in my aeropress, why one method is OK with very hot boiling water in moka pot and other not higher than 205F in aeropress.

>> No.8623953

For aeropress you want a little bit lower, 195-200, so pour closer to 202

Moka pots utilize pressure and a small exposure time. For a partial immersion method like an Aeropress, you utilize a steep time before you apply the pressure. It's a very unique method of making coffee actually, because usually pressure and heat at applied equally at the same time.

I recommend steeping the coffee in 200F water for about 1.5 - 2 minutes, with no need to bloom due to it being immersion as opposed to pour over which benefits from bloom because it even spreads water, which you don't need to worry about in immersion.

>> No.8624022

Now makes sense. Thanks

>> No.8624072

Instant coffee connoisseur here.
Will all that wisdom with water temps apply to instant coffee brewing as well.

>> No.8624087

The important thing about instant coffee is the amount added, the temperature of the water doesn't matter because it's already been brewed; you are merely rehydrating and heating to your liking.

But the trick, like I said, is in the amount added. You add a bit, it tastes okayish, like instant coffee. You add a bit more and it becomes unpalatable filth. You add even more and it becomes a surprisingly rich cup of something that vaguely resembles real coffee.

>> No.8624099

so the less becomes more, OK.

>> No.8624194

kill yourself

>> No.8624207

I just vaporize and huff my coffee.

>> No.8624667
File: 192 KB, 1024x523, rsg-kapsalon-de-has.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please

>> No.8624688

factually impossible.

>> No.8624707

It's a funny thing. When kikes get found kvetching and dissociating themselves from reality, what they do is throw a tantrum and double down.

>> No.8624736

>Drinking hot bean juice
>Being autistic about hot bean juice preparation methods
>Screeching autistically about hot bean juice


>> No.8624758

shut the fuck up you retarded manchild

>> No.8624790 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 660x371, _74004907_coffee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For me, it's the Folgers in your cup(tm), the eBay way to make coffee. I even use extra non-dairy creamer to make it a more delicious experience.

>> No.8624794
File: 34 KB, 660x371, _74004907_coffee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For me, it's the Folgers in your cup(tm), the best way to make coffee. I even use extra non-dairy creamer to make it a more delicious experience.

>> No.8624800


Recently I have begun drinking instant coffee. Say within the last year. This is not mutually exclusive to buying excellent coffee in boutique shops, which I still do. For me coffee offers form and function. Pep and deliciousness. As it is an acquired taste I have spent most of my adult life chasing Better Coffee. Many dollars have been spent, many free wifi codes have been given. I still do this because it's pleasurable just not a craving. The frequency has changed and I now drink instant coffee at home in the morning. I have saved a lot of money. And now if I do splurge, it tastes really good. I noticed that I had become accustom to expensive taste, and being frugal moderated my lifestyle. I reduced my lifestyle and in doing so saved money and reset my palate.

I suppose I could become a home brewing connoisseur. I could buy an aero press. I could buy a toddy and make cold press. I could buy a lot of things. I could spend my attention fiddling over my caffeine addiction. That for me isn't the point. It's about simplicity in the morning. I boil water, add some grounds. Voila!

>> No.8624894

Who mccafe masterrace here?


>> No.8624950


>> No.8624960


>> No.8624980

no u

>> No.8624982

Why are autists obsessed with foam on their coffee?

>> No.8624985

because reminds them of cum.

>> No.8625046


>> No.8625074

>tfw they only sell this during the festive season

>> No.8625075

shut the fuck up dumbass

>> No.8625088
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>> No.8625099
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bitch got triggered because it's true, lol

>> No.8625134

real man care less about crema or foam on their coffee
they drinking it black,like real man.
Only the male snowflakes pussies chasing this foamy byproduct of coffee brewing process. Makes them more feminine

>> No.8625149
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Crema is a good sign in a practical sense.

It means your espresso wasn't pulled from a shit quality machine.

>> No.8625202

Huge bullshit to that.
Machine has almost nothing to do with it.
Coffee beans do, shitty Robusta beans roasted burned charred to Dark roast level are the best to produce this idiotic crema, useless byproduct.
That's why 95% of espresso coffee beans are roasted burned charred to this toxic cancer causing Dark roast level to achieve this stupid creama
like if that was some magical sign of great quality coffee. No it's not, it's more of a gimmick, more of a marketing scam to sell
that sub-standard Dark roast Robusta coffee beans.
You can make espresso with much healthier Medium roast Arabica or Robusta coffee beans as well,
you might not have much of that stupid creama in it but creama is not what good cup of coffee is all about.


>> No.8625225

Green Robusta beans are typically 40-50% cheaper than Arabica beans.
The quality of Robusta coffees range from the lowest grades suitable only for inexpensive instant coffee to higher-grown, washed Robusta considered suitable
by some roasters to extend their blends.
Good horticultural practices could produce better quality Robusta but one would not expect to find any Robusta that compares favorably to good Arabica.

>> No.8625237

you must be living under a rock, hipster third-wave roasteries have been tripping over each other for the last few years to prove NOT ALL ROBUSTA

>> No.8625248

what that supposed to mean

>> No.8625265

meaning that "contrary to popular believe the much-maligned robusta plant is not just for non-artisan roasters owned by corporations MAAAAN. some micro-lots are perfectly capable of producing delicate notes of rotten bananas, scorched latex, and walnut skins, especially from brazil. and don't scoff at brazil, contrary to popular belief brazil is every bit as blah blah blah"

or something like that

>> No.8625288


>> No.8625312

>It means your espresso wasn't pulled from a shit quality machine.
trying to sell expensive espresso machines to unsuspecting coffee drinkers trying to convince them
that they need to pay at least $1000 to $2000 to get tea spoon of creama in their 3 oz cup of espresso coffe.


>> No.8625321
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>> No.8625325
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>> No.8625338


>> No.8625342

espresso coffee is served in 3 oz cups you dickhead

>> No.8625345


Fucking tell em about it, paying $5 for a thimble of shitty coffee or spending $2000 on some bullshit home espresso set up and then using stale as shit beans from some virtue signaling bullshit roaster.

Fucking kek.

>> No.8625349

Fresh direct guatemale beans roasted 1 month ago
shitty 20$ Bosch blade grinder



you must be doing something very wrong

>> No.8625353

and on top of it using that $2000 machine once a day sometimes on weekends twice a day.

>> No.8625360
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Yeah ok
Turkish foam is different from crema

>Turkish grind
>Blade grinder

>> No.8625388

it's the same freaking thing that just was "made" differently because how the coffee is made in espresso process and in turkish process.
Stop trying to be smart and spewing bullshit theories here.

>> No.8625400

What are good coffee bean brands?
New to coffee.

>> No.8625407

Starbucks :^)))

>> No.8625441

Go fucking kill yourself shitposting idiot. People like you are what make these threads pure cancer.

>> No.8625452

I actually meant to reply to this guy. >>8625407

I apologise.

>> No.8625464

So what do I get? I got a french press that I use for tea and I'm willing to use it for coffee permanently. Do i just go to amazon and buy the highest rated?

>> No.8625468


Just buy some Folgers instant, it's better than any of the fake bullshit "artisanal" roasters these idiots will recommend.

>> No.8625475

Check out Happy Mug, they have one of the best quality/price ratios. Plus they sell sample packs if you're not sure what you want.

>> No.8625480

Also don't listen to this moron. >>8625468

Anybody advocating instant coffee in this thread is 98% of the time a shitposting retard.

>> No.8625492
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Calm down autismo rofl

>> No.8625510

>$15/lb coffee

look at this shill

>> No.8625518

Nice alternative fact, faggot.

Just went and checked, it's $11/lb

>> No.8625530

plus shipping :^)

>> No.8625551

Coffee is a feminine drink, prove me wrong.

>> No.8625554

Still not even $15.

>> No.8625558


>> No.8625560

yeah in the same way that 14.82 isn't 15

>> No.8625576


Shipping is exactly $3.

>> No.8625587
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I wish

>> No.8625593

It's $14/lb for coffee.

It's all the same shit past a certain price, you're paying for burnt cherry seeds from from some warlord controlled plantation in some third world country where all the workers are indentured servants or whatever.

>> No.8625602


All I'm fucking saying is they have better prices than most other roasters, who sell for as much as $18/lb plus shipping.

>> No.8625630
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>shilling this hard for a bullshit roaster
>Paying more for your coffee so some underemployed bearded faggot can roast whatever shit beans they have, make up some tarting notes out of whole cloth, and then overcharge you for them

Just go to the grocery store, faggot.

>> No.8625632

You could buy 3 whole pounds for $18 locally.

>> No.8625649

Why would I buy beans that stink of hazelnut extract, when I can get beans from a real roastery for the same price?

>> No.8625652
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>real roastery

>> No.8625670

>going on the internet to order flavored coffee
Seriously just why. Go to Safeway and you can get it for cheaper.

>> No.8625691

I buy my coffee at costco because they sell big bags and they don't taste like grocery store trash.

Also I don't have any roasteries near me and I don't feel like ordering coffee from tiny no-name sellers because it seems exactly like something a druggie would do, ordering mystery plant matter from the internet.

>> No.8625698


That and the fact that most of them buy the cheapest shit green beans they CNA find and then sell them for mad money after making up some BS "tasting notes" to fool the gullible

>> No.8625701

Turkish foam is the powder-fine coffee suspended in the water. Crema is oils and shit trapped in CO2.

>> No.8625712

Midsize is the optimal source of beans

Too small = some jerkoff who is experimenting on his own customers. Takes a few rounds of roasting to get it right, and even still, that takes experience. There are a LOT of these rosaters out there

Too big = focused on institutional customers (coffee shops, etc), will ship you stale beans, consistency is preferred over quality so you get overly dark roasts and shitty blends. Often programmatically roasts (i.e. timer based) to cut production costs, which is like cooking a steak using a stopwatch, you'll get it right about 60% of the time

Buy from midsized roasters, kids

>> No.8625730
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Reminder that shitty beans have their place too.

>> No.8625787

>I type out paragraphs of useful information about brew times, water temps, and differences between methods
>I go to sleep
>thread devolves into literal shitflinging and constant insults
Is my effort even appreciated? Do you even care about learning new knowledge?

>> No.8625798

Not really, I just come here to fight with people about coffee.

>> No.8625800
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Go away you autistic faggot. No one cares for your fake "expertise" here.

>> No.8625805

Now that I've identified how many autistic shitposters there are, it's much easier to deal with you idiots. Thanks for being so idiotic and predictable.

>> No.8625807

What is he using for "paint"?

>> No.8625808
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A lot of people are just really fucking mad about coffee.
You'd think a hipster fucked all their girlfriends.

>> No.8625810


>> No.8625812
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Good luck faggot! You're outnumbered 10:1 by hot bean juice truth tellers here.

>> No.8625853
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I'm roasting at home with pic rel. Nostalgia Popper from Target for 15 bucks.

I get my sumatra green coffee beans from Sweet Maria's.

I like to let it go about 30 seconds past second crack around this time of year when it is cold outside, but in the summer I like a lighter roast generally.

I use a Mr. Coffee but I divert the water to the back of the machine so that it preheats and recycles the water and hits a better temperature. Once preheated I re-divert the water back to the filter basket but keep the carafe out intentionally letting the basket fill for the first 4 to 5 minutes... Once full I insert the carafe and allow the drip machine to work as usual.

I find that this hits a near perfect extraction every time.

If I want to go full metal autist I will just brew a smaller batch and not use the water warming and dripping feature... just preheat my own water and pour over the grounds in the filter basket with the carafe removed. if using a good filter there is no need to prewet. this produces good coffee.. but not much better than the aforementioned method.

A lot of mornings I actually just set it all up the night before and set the delay brew which is a god send on early mornings and a nice feature I have yet to see on even the most expensive chem-ex units...

This works VERY WELL and if you use your own fresh roasted and fresh ground (ground the night before anyway) it will make a much better cup of coffee than anyone using the worlds most expensive units will if they are using store bought roasts.

I always think its funny how many silly faggots on this board think they know about coffee but aren't roasting their own beans. Store bought roasts are shit - end of story - even if the date on them is good.

>> No.8625866

Roasting in a pan gives you a lot more control than an air popper.

I can't agree with your brewing method though. After beginning to brew my own Turkish, I cannot go back to paper filters.

>> No.8625872


Even better is roasting by dousing yourself in kerosene and standing next the beans while you kys yourself with a cleansing fire.

>> No.8625877

Calm down dude.

>> No.8625879
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>> No.8625889
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Picked up some light roast ethiopian yirgacheffe

Citrusy coffee is not a lie

>> No.8625899

Yirgacheffe gets really interesting. The unroasted I have right now starts off light with an almost floral, blueberry / lemon flavor which loses its bite the further you roast it. I've settled on a Full city roast, because otherwise it is almost affronting to the senses to brew a light roast cup of it.

>> No.8625901


Yeah but the "Roasted On" date probably is. Enjoy your stale shit.

>> No.8625904
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What are you so angry about today?

>> No.8625907

You already know the answers to your questions.
I don't even know why these threads are made anymore. None of the idiots that come here actually know anything about coffee, and get overly hostile and start autistically screeching whenever people try to give them information.

2 prime examples right here.

It seems these retards have a certain posting style, and I think it might just be like 3 people shitposting at a a high rate for whatever reason.

>> No.8625911

Shut the fuck up, manchild. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.8625925

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>> No.8625930

Read your own post.

>> No.8625932

Oh my, did the stupid fuck shitposter get as mad as I am or is he just shitposting some more XDDDD??????

Cut your fucking fingers off so no one ever has to read your garbage again, you fucking retarded faggot.

>> No.8625938
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>> No.8625941

>Getting so serious and uptight about hot bean juice

Just relax. You should switch to instant, then you could enjoy coffee without the autistic rituals and tryhardism of "coffee culture" faggotry.

>> No.8625956
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>> No.8625970

I like coffee more than you.

>> No.8625984
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you brew it unroasted?

>> No.8625986

>He doesn't brew unroasted coffee in a Mr. Coffee for maximum freshness extraction

Loooooool what a pleb

>> No.8625993

Reading comprehension is diffcult.

But just to be a complete cunt, despite your joke being alright, I'll clarify.

>starts off light
Meaning when it's the lightest roast possible, this is what the flavor is like.

This clause is modified by the later statement of "the further you roast it", implying the "light" it "starts off as" indicates a roast. So by reading the entire sentence, you cannot possibly mistake the intent.

Shitposting's weakness is raw, unarguable, autistic definition.

>> No.8626004


>> No.8626020


No one cares, nerd.

>> No.8626029

you seem to be pretty obsessed with reddit considering how much you mention it

>> No.8626032

Why can't we just talk about coffee?

There's plenty of active general threads to shitpost in, this is not one of them. /vg/, /r9k/, /b/, there's plenty of shitposting boards, why dirty up a hobby board with people who have honest interests?

>> No.8626037

because autistic manchildren don't like it people like things they don't understand

>> No.8626040
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How did you know that's from reddit?

>> No.8626096
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>> No.8626129

because "decent people" don't know how to behave when there's a shitposter trying to get attention, they give him attention and they argue with him sincerely, which is what he wants. which is why threads about "honest interests" get the most drama. seriously how new are you?

>> No.8626132

Holy fuck do coffee autists actually boil their own water?

>> No.8626146


Can you believe it? And then they pour that shit over beans and actually fucking DRINK the resulting hot bean juice. Disgusting!

>> No.8626155
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i dont really like coffee but these are pretty tasty

>> No.8626350
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How does this make you feel?

>> No.8626361

Siracha and black pepper goes great in coffee.

>> No.8626363
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I enjoy hipster coffee with all its nuance and shit, but I also don't mind "bad" coffee drowned in non-dairy creamer; it's just not my first choice. I just like coffee, and don't give a fuck how anyone enjoys theirs.

>> No.8626407
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what are you people drinking right now

pic related

i'm out of coffee

>> No.8626425
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Beef stew. It's not time for coffee yet.

>> No.8626450
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>spending money on shitty products to trigger people

>> No.8626464

he thinks they were worthwhile investments

>> No.8626475

>oolahlah voole boo I drink le hot cofeiu to be fanceiu

Is there a bigger sign of a tryhad daddypalette than people who drink this liquid bilge? Every fucking time I go out someone inevitably demands I take a few refined sips of their potting soil juice because it's what the big boys do.

>> No.8626480

yeah, nobody cares
fuck off manchild

>> No.8626522

>Calling someone a manchild for not drinking hot bean juice

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8626529
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Gonna have to try harder than that

>> No.8626592
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Can relate with espresso. Was in Copenhagen over the WE. Visited Coffee company and many more. My doppio from CC even was without any crema (it tasted good enough to not as make a fuss about it). My machine does better.
Coffee lab was the only good espresso but their Aeropress was too light.

Sad truth you tell here. I don't even bookmark these anymore...

>> No.8626641


Anyone try this yet

>> No.8626660

I applaude you anon, genuine effort seems to have gone into that shitpost.

>> No.8626735

Sweet, a new meme

>> No.8626751

Frenchfags btfo! How can they ever recover?

>> No.8626776


>> No.8626882

Alternating between Turkish cups of some Brazilian peaberry and Ethiopian yirgacheffe.

>> No.8627353

that's a boy. finally there are others moving with modern times recognizing significance of instant coffee
in all this delusional madness of macro and micro roasters who mainly push Robusta beans roasted
to dark roast level because that brings them most profit.

>> No.8627367

not only a shill but also a crook. wonder if he sells anything besides Robusta coffee beans dark roast.

>> No.8627386

smart choice, nothing wrong with Costco coffee, they have great prices good selection and they sell very good quality coffee

>> No.8627461
File: 55 KB, 585x312, How-To-Roast-Coffee-Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please post examples of your posts so we can jude your accuracy and thank you for them.
Thanks for your contribution, anon I feel your sorrow FOR LUCK OF APPRECIATION because I also type out
paragraphs about health hazards of drinking dark roasted coffee or coffee grown with the use of toxic chemicals
or coffee beans having toxic molds growing on them due to bad storage or transportation practices in order to save money
and increase profits and there are those in coffee threads that shitflinging and throw insults at me for exposing dishonest
roasting practices even tho I'm supporting my posts with scientific facts but the haters of truth constantly attacking me and show no appreciation same situation like in case of your contribution.
Keep the good fight brother.

>> No.8627477

I have that too.
At first I didn't like it but now actually enjoy it.

>> No.8627554

hey can you recommend me some good online roasters
I like to order fresh roasted coffee

>> No.8627557

Woah, do they still make these?

>> No.8627579

Does anybody else make cold brew, but using milk instead of water?

Whole milk too.

>> No.8627644

Are you talking woman's breast milk or cows milk or goats milk, can you be more precise please.

>> No.8627671

I do cold brew but with filtered water only. Does that actually work? It sounds like the acidity from the coffee grounds would simply curdle the milk after steeping for the usual 12-24 hours you need to make a cold brew.

>> No.8627696

I promise you it works just fine. For some reason it doesn't seem as thick after I filter the grinds out, but it tastes fantastic. I drink it straight up usually, sometimes I'll add sweetened cream.

I let it steep for about 8-10 hours usually. Next batch I'll try for a whole day and see what happens.

>> No.8627699
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>> No.8627730

I'm only using Avian water to make my coffee and I'm very happy with the results.
Using tap water is wrong way to make coffee.
I'm planing to experiment with Perrier water to see if the gas in it will add or extract extra flavor to my coffee.

>> No.8627773

Just use a Britta

>> No.8627808

is that Britta water similar in taste to Avian water

>> No.8627961

It's filtered, so maybe

>> No.8628006

I don't have access to filtered water so I just go to a water fountain and use that.

>> No.8628007

is Britta water sold in glass or in plastic bottles

>> No.8628773

Quick question guys, is coffee actually an overall diuretic when you take in to account the water you drink with it?

>> No.8628792

smugly anti-smug

when will it end.

>> No.8628801

if you must resort to mass advertising one of the most consumed commodities on the planet by saying "ours doesn't taste that bad" you are doing it wrong.

>> No.8628807

it's an extension of NOT ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT (i.e. the impossible notion of trying to prove that NOT ALL women are whores)

>> No.8628815

Food coloring :/

>> No.8628845

>Avian water

Coffee hipsterism has officially gone too far. Assholes are now on a Singaporean shadow-puppet symposium bragging about emptying bird bath water into a kettle to fucking make hot bean juice.


>> No.8628854

Yeah, in most gay bars.

>> No.8629197

I got a bottomless portafilter and a 21g IMS basked.
Put 18g in it, around 37g in 21sec, blinded way to fast.
Should I grind finer, put 19g or both for my next shot?
One think I hate is all the wasted coffee when calibrating, damn

>> No.8629227


Britbongs, is 9 pounds a normal price for 'artisan' coffee there?

>> No.8629430

decided not to drink coffee for next 3 days
need a brake from this insanity

>> No.8629446

Not really

>> No.8629553

How much you drinking that you got to that conclusiton?
I got back on my coffees around when I hit 5 shots a day, last one being at 2pm.

>> No.8629597

How much coffee do you need to drink everyday to have severe headaches when you stop drinking it?

Started drinking coffee regularly only three month ago, two or three cups a day. No headache when I stopped drinking last week because I was too busy.

>> No.8629624

If your tamp is ~30lbs, yeah a finer grind.

>> No.8629637

Yeah my tamp is definitely a firm one.
I wonder if I should stick to the 18g coffee in that basked tho. I'll just do finer grind tomorrow I suppose.

>> No.8629661

Have to wake up at 4am and solo drive for several hours in rain, then fog. Need to pick up some strong beans. I usually go for Ethiopian or any bean that is blonde-looking enough.

Maybe you went to shit kafehaus?

But don't you just get super dehydrated?

>> No.8629674

You couldn't be more wrong about crema. It's the hallmark of espresso.

>> No.8629765
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You stir the espresso or not is the question?

>> No.8629777


More like the hallmark of shit robust being included in the beans to fool dumbshits like you with le crema xD

>> No.8629779

If you're some kind of maniac who needs more sugar or something, stir away.

>> No.8629782

that's not even a question

who the fuck said ever stirring espresso was a good idea? what purpose does it provide?

>> No.8629788

Why waste trips on something so idiotic? You're telling me that you actually enjoy espresso without crema? Preposterous. You would drink it, but you would probably come to /ck/ about how you threw it in the barrista's face or something.

>> No.8629792

I tried this once.
It took two 20oz coffees a day in order to start feeling withdrawal symptoms.

Don't turn coffee into a routine, you'll stop enjoying it real quick.

>> No.8629796

mixes the layers and gives a more homogeneous taste?

>> No.8629800

You don't sit around sipping a single shot of espresso for 30 minutes dude, espresso is, was, and always will be drank quickly, all the "layers" mixing as you down it.

Espresso is not Turkish, culturally, you do not sip espresso.

>> No.8629809

I take my double shot in 3 sips.

>> No.8629816
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>He values crema on his espresso

Enjoy your robust laden garbage beans, pleb.

>> No.8629819

3 sips isn't slow. You shouldn't need to mix.

I mean, to be completely honest, the best method for coffee preparation is always whatever you find to be the most enjoyable; that's how so many different methods came to be. So please take my words with a grain of salt.

>> No.8629834

I do not understand your statements.

Crema is formed by partially-dissolved, very finely ground, coffee beans being expanded by the carbon dioxide they are releasing. This is a very natural part of the coffee brewing process. Because of the high pressure / fine grind seen in espresso (and the fine grind seen in Turkish), this causes a lot of that carbon dioxide to be released very quickly, and in the situation of the espresso, the gas bubbles expand greatly due to the pressure involved, creating a thick foam, or "crema".

You seem poorly misinformed.

>> No.8629853

He uses misinformation as a show of pseudo-superiority. People do this online primarily due to the fact that they are lacking authority in their own lives (usually sexually).

>> No.8629859

>For a long time one of the counter-arguments to those who were against robusta in espresso was that some robusta gave the shot better crema. This is indeed true and the most plausible explanation is down to the oils in coffee. On average robusta varietals contain about half of the flavour and aromatic oils that arabica coffee beans typically have. This means there is less oil extracted into the brew - so less of them effectively attacking the foam and causing it to disappear. Whilst I am not going to get embroiled in the debate of whether it belongs in espresso, in effect adding robusta lowers the overall quantity of oil available to extract from your puck of coffee, meaning you have a higher probability of a stronger crema.

Really gets your noggin joggin.

>> No.8629868

I'm afraid this actually does nothing to back your argument.

Arabica produces crema as well, whether it's less or not, they both produce crema. Meaning your point of "crema = robusta" is illogical.

>> No.8629875

>obustais thelowaltitudecousin of themorerefinedcoffea arabica, andas thenameimplies it is morerobust, cheaperandeasierto grow.
In thepast it has garneredabadreputation as an inferior tastingcoffee, mostly foundin vacuum packedcans bearingthenameof largefood
processingcompanies locatedbetween dogfoodandstyrofoam cups in
every grocery storein America. And, it has deservedit's reputation. However, I knew from my trips to Italy in 1989that almost all Italian
espresso blends reliedon Robustato enhance thecrema. To my
pallette, most Italian espresso I encountereddidindeedtasteoily and
winey from theaddition of inferior robustas in theblend.

Really makes you thaink.

>> No.8629879

I only drink my coffee with milk and caramel syrup.

Does this trigger /cowfee/?

>> No.8629881

>Paying $5 for a thimble of carcinogens because some high pressure water made bubbles in it


>> No.8629889
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Not at all. I love sissy femboys.

>> No.8629894

Do you boo

>> No.8629896

>look at beans
>see no robusta
Wow so difficult.

Not to mention not a single person considers coffee from Italy to be good, especially since they don't even grow coffee there.

Italians have always drank coffee for caffeine, making the quickest and most caffeinated cup possible. This is how espresso originally began; quick cups to be drank quickly. This first machine was made by Luigi Bezzera in Italy, and it was steam driven and utilized very high temperatures.

Later, Cremonesi designed a piston pump driven machine, produced by Achille Gaggia in 1946. This machine increased the pressure significantly and allowed people to realize that lowering the temperature and raising the pressure brought out flavors from coffee that would rarely be present in other brewing methods.

Long story short, crema is not exclusive to robusta.

>> No.8629903

A double shot at any self-respecting coffee shop should be between $2 and $4.

For the highest quality of coffee, you should be making it yourself at home.

The most important point to make is how it must be pathetically sad to be so poor that a $5 charge causes you to rethink enjoying something.

>> No.8629923

>real information defeating weapons-grade autism
What a time to be alive.

>> No.8629924
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That's nice, I thought this place would be more autistic.

>> No.8629930

There's really only one autist here at a time. The moldy beans / robusta dude.

>> No.8630081

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

>> No.8630113

I mean, isn't milk like mostly water anyways?

It tastes good and that's what I crave.

But yeah I find myself drinking a lot more of it than I would normal cups of coffee.

>> No.8630202
File: 906 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170205_153233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, grind finer. You also waste a bit less coffee calibrating that way.

Two different coffee collectives, Copenhagen Coffee Lab, democratic, sort kaffe of vinyl and some other popular ones.

I use 100% Arabica. Pic related. What are you tripping on, telling so much scrap? Others told you already why.

>> No.8630908

I thought milk was milk?

Sucks! I've been all over Yurop and I've never had a bad pour.

>> No.8630949

and the instant coffee shitposter

though I think they might be the same person

>> No.8631384

I shake it,vigorously

>> No.8631425

Dark roasted coffee causes cancer. Scientific fact.
Medium (or lower) roasted coffee is OK.

>> No.8631446
File: 11 KB, 199x200, BAIT OF BABYLON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8631464

I have proofs you moron.

>> No.8631878

Haha, nah.

Whatever paragraph of nonsense you post, I'm not going to read, so just don't bother.