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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8609517 No.8609517 [Reply] [Original]

why do people love steak so much? it's probably one of the lamest, most retarded food memes out there today.
steak at its best still isn't that good and steak at its worst is literally inedible


>> No.8609522

I agree, simple grilled meats in general are really boring and most people never get it right.

>> No.8609524

I prefer turkey meat.

>> No.8609529
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100% agree

people act like stake is the top tier of foods but to me i dont even want it

>> No.8609546

well to be fair you are a numale cuck and you should kill yourself you millennial piece of shit

>> No.8609549

Marinated meats are delicious even with low quality meat, but unless you're serving up a really high quality steak I don't get the appeal.

>> No.8609555

Because it's legit a flavor sponge and doesn't require much seasoning to bring out a strong Umami flavor.

I don't like the gristle but steak is one of those foods that's extremely satisfying to eat.

Steak will never leave you hungry and it's so fucking simple to compliment. Salad, potatoes, and steak make a solid meal that can be made consistently.

I think most people who don't like steak either can't appreciate meat or don't prep it/cook it in a way that makes it taste good. Its one of those foods that can get fucked up real easily.

>> No.8609558

>opinions, what are they?
No one cares, OP. If you don't like steak, don't eat it. People who enjoy steak and know how good proper steak is will continue to enjoy it.

>> No.8609559

yeah yeah, i know, i'm a snowflake and i should go back to my safe space

>> No.8609560

People like a combination of the taste, texture, and accompaniments that usually come with a steak dinner. More importantly why do you even care what people like, do you need everyone to have the same tastes as you to feel significant?

>> No.8609562

>steak is a foodmeme
Millenial retard detected.

>> No.8609563 [DELETED] 

beef and pork are fuckin awful. lamb chicken and fish are godtier

>> No.8609569
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sorry but steak sucks
hurr flavor sponge
hurr texture
hurr "umami"

you guys are literal steak eaters you could give me a 500$ steak and i will throw it in the garbage can

it might as well be a dollar store steak

if i ever eat steak i need a tub of ranch dressing to mask this horrible meat

>> No.8609572

Before anyone can even consider taking your hot opinions seriously, you will need to answer two questions.

1. How old are you?
3. What do you consider "steak at it's best"?

>> No.8609578

Lol no one is forcing you to eat it idiot. Like I don't like sushi but I'm not going to be a ragetard and get mad that others do

>> No.8609585
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i only get mad when people have this view like its an objectively good food and not just their own opinion like theyre eating the premier food of the gods or something without knowing that someone like me exists who says this food is truly dog shit

i just want them to know that

>> No.8609593

I'm a 46-year-old father of three. I grew up eating shitty steaks cooked by a mother who grew up in the 1940s. My idea of "steak at its best" is probably the steak I had at St. Elmo's in Indianapolis or the porterhouse at Peter Luger's in NYC. Granted, those might not be the best the world has to offer, but... it's pretty damn close, especially compared to the average grocery store steak and how it's prepared/consumed by the average American.

>> No.8609595

Se already know that there are people with bad taste.

>> No.8609605

Duly noted humanity truly has grown with your insight

>> No.8609610
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For me if i will eat beef it is only GROUND BEEF..

for hamburgers and taco meat etc, now thats a tasty way of using beef....

However the idea of an un-changed un-altered piece of steak on my plate with a fork and knife is basically prison food to me, so extremely boring...

beef by itself is fucking awful same thing with chicken

if you told me you were going to eat a chicken breast straight up you might as well kill yourself

>> No.8609619

Those are some vague details. What cut were they? Cooked rare, med rare, well done? Details, nigger.

>> No.8609631

If I'm spending more than $50 on a single dish, I always tell the waiter to let the chef use his best judgment on everything. When the steaks arrived in both instances they were rare.
I don't know what more details you want me to give you... I can only assume you don't know much about steak, if you need me to give you more detailed description of how two pretty famous American steakhouses cook their steaks... nigger.

>> No.8609637

>still didn't say what cut they were
It's ok to just concede and admit you're either lying or you know jack shit about steaks so you just told the waiter to bring you the most expensive thing on the menu so you could wave your dick around at some pretentious steakhouse that probably charges more for the "experience" or whatever the fuck instead of making good food.

>> No.8609640

Whatever you say, meathead :_

>> No.8609645
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like if someone puts a steak on a plate and i had an excitement level it would go down to 0

kills my boner

great i have to sit here and slice this thing apart and force myself to eat this blob of flesh

i actually really am pissed by these people who would order a steak and eat that like that i cant understand it

>> No.8609646

Have fun with your wife and her three kids.

>> No.8609665

I honestly set the pan to 6 and burn the living shit out of my steak for 4-5 mins on each side. Burnt steak tastes amazing with mash and mixed veg.(I mix it all up like a baby)

>> No.8609666
File: 1.10 MB, 1515x2000, Jessica_Jung_at_Incheon_Airport_on_May_22,_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my theory is that these steak eaters dont truly enjoy their meal

they just eat steak to be "manly" and seem like theyre full of testosterone because they order a steak


enjoy your medium rare pile of shit

>> No.8609768

are you that same retard that gets all autistic about diabetes

>> No.8610085


>guy explains reasonably why people like steak
>be a redictive little faggot using /v/ nomenclature

Get fucked idiot

>> No.8610096

god /ck/ sucks

do you blame the OP or do you blame all the people responding to it?

>> No.8610126

Anyone with a little money to burn can go out for a steak. There's nothing to trip a rube up about the experience aside from cost. So it becomes an indulgence that cuts across social class. At a certain point the kind of steaks poorfags eat are worse than no steak at all, but don't tell them that. Because while tough, bloody tasting steaks aren't really worth bothering with in the first place they're still an indulgence even a poorfag can enjoy once in a while.

>> No.8610132
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ya i know how to cure all diabetes

its a disease caused by eating too frequently when you arent supposed to be eating, people who sit around all day and use food as a form of escapism? or something as such

it has nothing to do with your genetics but how periodically you are eating... you need hours of time inbetween meals as a human being

nobody knows this. only i know this in the whole world

>> No.8610146


Stop posting that ugly chink unless the next one is her with something shoved in her ass

>> No.8610152 [DELETED] 
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heres her perfect ass

>> No.8610360
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>steak at its best still isn't that good

holy moly you are either delusional or you've never had an excellent steak from a restaurant

i pity you

>> No.8610384

i cant wait to hear what you eat instead.

>> No.8610415
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>> No.8610577
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>> No.8612197

"Why do people eat steak? It sucks so bad compared to mac n cheese and pizza. Any one who likes steak is pretending just to fit in. Even microwave ramen is better"

>> No.8612201

Personally, I don't like steak all that much. Not a lot of flavor and boring texture. But we eat it a lot at my house. Husband can't get enough.

>> No.8612204

When I eat lots of steak, my semen becomes thicker.

>> No.8612207

>steak at its best still isn't that good
i'm convinced you've never had steak at its best. faggot.

gook lovers have shit taste

>> No.8613052

Different cuts of steak have a different flavor. You've probably just been eating sirloin, faggot.

>> No.8613086

I'm not a huge fan of average steaks. I think theyre bland and sometimes chewy (yes, even rare). I have had a few steaks though that have stuck out to me. I really enjoy a really good high end steak, I just don't get to eat it often

>> No.8613764

I'm betting you're also a millennial

>> No.8613798

Nothing tastes better, savory wise, than a perfectly cooked and seasoned medium-rare bone-in great quality ribeye steak.

This is not up for debate.

>> No.8614666

I dont know. Ive never had a steak I really liked but then Ive never cooked a steak myself, my mom has never cooked anything but t-bone, and by chance I never order beef from high class restuarants

>> No.8614676

>people prefer beef
>not venison, lamb, goat, or any other hoofed animal

Enjoy your bland flavored meats.

>> No.8614679


What I don't understand is why people love tenderloin so much. You'd be hard pressed to find a more flavorless cut of meat on the cow. Give me a cheap flat iron steak over a tenderloin any day. It's an even crueler joke wen it's tenderloin paired with lobster! Two overpriced, underflavored memefoods together at last!

>> No.8614883

>or any other hoofed animal
>cows aren't hoofed

>> No.8614948

It's soft and tender obviously

>> No.8615127

>thinks tacos are supposed to be primarily ground beef
Fucking disgusting flyover

>> No.8617419

It's because they are easy to cook so kids just starting out cook a fuck ton of them. Still pretty good imo.

>> No.8618566

It tastes like grass.

>> No.8618569

What else would you put in it?