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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8609499 No.8609499 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an easier way to identify people with the palates of children?

>> No.8609506


Non beer/wine drinkers.

>> No.8609516

>when will people stop pretending they like beeeeer?

>> No.8609525

People who put massive amounts of mayonnaise on things.

>> No.8609528

Yes, noticing a preference of sweet over savoury.

>> No.8609537

Not liking tomato is even worse

>> No.8609543

I hated veggies before and know I love them I blame cartoons for telling me they looked gross

>> No.8609557


>> No.8609581

are you referring to people that eat onions or people that don't eat onions?

>> No.8609588

I went from not liking onions when I was kid, liking them as a teenager, and now not liking them in my 20's.

>> No.8609599

and by 30 you will be a full blown faggot

>> No.8609601

>doesn't like onions
>doesn't like coffee or tea
>doesn't drink anything other than soda
>eats fast food more than a couple times a month
>doesn't like anything green
>says cilantro tastes like soap, falls back on "MUH GENETICS" as an argument
Did I miss anything?

>> No.8609697

Alcohol is degenerate.

>> No.8609823

You missed:
>Chicken Fingers at every sit down meal even Weddings
>Getting horribly offended at the suggestion of a veg
>Sits at your dinner table with only the potatoes on their plate. (as long as they are mashed)

I think i missed a couple though

>> No.8609845

Are you sure this isn't a sign of serious mental disorder?

>> No.8609854

Where do you stand on fish haters?

>> No.8609856

Serious? Nah
Aspergers? Maybe

Fish is touchy because its both good AND filled with harmful chemicals in the USA due to the Oil Spill in the gulf and large amounts of plastic off the coast of Cali, so Educated people tend not to eat fish like they dont eat Pork

>Fish Sticks
^only exception for child palettes

>> No.8609858

what kind of a wedding has chicken fingers?

>> No.8609859

>>doesn't like coffee or tea
Thats like calling someone a child for not being an alcoholic/drinker. Not everyone needs caffeine to function, and only Folgers/Jews convinced you otherwise. (Good job Goyim)

>> No.8609861

One with children at it? lol
(flower girl, ring bearers to name a couple, i certainly didn't pay for my 7 year old nephew to have a $50 plate of food he would never touch)

>> No.8609865
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>be at wedding
>loads of vegetarian options because bride is vegetarian
>load food onto my plate
>put chicken fingers on my plate
>"you really want to eat that breaded celeriac?"
>mfw it is actually a breaded slice of celeriac

>> No.8609866

>not wanting to shave some years off of your life whilst enjoying yourself

>> No.8609878

Very much this

>> No.8609887

I blame being fed raw or canned vegetables, i lover steamed/stir fried vegetables nowadays.

>> No.8609898

really? never been to a wedding with chicken fingers, even if there were kinds at quite a few of those weddings

>> No.8609903

Child spotted. Only old farts drink folgers.

>> No.8609924

Excuse me, I prefer McDonalds coffee.

>> No.8609927

Maybe its a new thing that caterers are doing, but if you ask them specifically for childrens options they will most likely have that option. Also if you go to a wedding at a Gold Course i will bet you my left sexual reproductive organ they would get you some if you asked for them.

>> No.8609943

cilantro tastes like stink bugs. I still eat it though

>> No.8610441

>temperance, what is it?
Red wine with beef or white with fish though? Marinade my shit up.

>> No.8610448

I never understood that smell complaint at all until I tried coriander from a herb garden and not from a supermarket. The smell was significantly stronger and while I didn't find it repugnant I can see how people could be sensitive to it because it wasn't the most pleasant smell in the world.

>> No.8610894

this is even stupider than the "people pretend to like beer" meme.

Nobody needs coffee to function unless they fucked their brain chemistry by drinking a whole 12 cup pot of coffee every fucking day.
It's not even a real addiction because you can wean off it after 2 days.

>> No.8610918

Lots of "chefs" have a tendency to serve raw onions without soaking them in cold water or vinegar beforehand. Either that, or they tend to undercook them. Either way, the taste of onion can easily overpower the other ingredients in the dish.

If you're making some mirepoix/soffritto, you should put the onions in the skillet before the other ingredients, because they require more time to cook down.

I grew up thinking that I disliked onions. Once I started cooking for myself, I found out that it wasn't onions that I disliked, but rather people that don't know how to cook with onions.

These are both good points.

>> No.8610930

>doesn't like spice
>dessert is favorite part of meal
>doesn't like onion
>can't enjoy bitter flavors
>doesn't like vegetables

>> No.8610937

Pick things off of pizza

Well done steak

Kethup on everything

"I Only like the yolk when it's cooked"

>> No.8610961

They prefer chocolate cake over vanilla or marble.
Actually, any flavor of cake is better than chocolate...except lemon.

>> No.8610967

I usually ask to see the packing slip.

>> No.8610988

fuck you lemon is great you cheeky cunt

>> No.8611019 [DELETED] 
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>Americans in charge of cooking again

Stop ruining food you drunks.

>> No.8611032

Lemon is nasty and so are you. Get some taste.

>> No.8611054

>>8609499 (OP) #
>doesn't like onions
>doesn't like coffee or tea
>doesn't drink anything other than soda
>eats fast food more than a couple times a month
>doesn't like anything green
>says cilantro tastes like soap, falls back on "MUH GENETICS" as an argument
Did I miss anything?
I like onions cooked, I eat fast food too much because I am not a skilled cook, but no matter what - cilantro makes me gag. I can't help that. I don't blame genetics I just don't like it.

I think someone who only likes/orders/eats simple foods - chicken strips, mozzarella sticks, macaroni and cheese from a box, grilled cheese (Kraft singles/Wonderbread), corn, peas, green beans, hot dogs, bologna, etc.

Big difference between people who CAN'T eat or CAN'T afford anything nicer and people who may be able to but simply don't want to. - anything that is flavored primarily with cheap salt, sugar, or fat sources and simple veggies that are popular with kids. Basically someone who doesn't like or appreciate or want any food with nuanced flavors. Because kids generally can't detect or don't care about subtle notes of Caramel and ginger with a faint hint of orange essence or an aroma of garlic and tarragon. That's why you feed a kid Ore-Ida and not duck-fat pomme frites.

>> No.8611065

Did it... Did it... Wait for it... did it taste like chicken?!

Feel free to put me out of my misery.

>> No.8611067

But also liquor.

>> No.8611073

Canned veggies are pretty bad - at minimum they are very very different from the raw, sautéed, grilled,roasted or even frozen kind. They are a special kind of white trash flavor.

>> No.8611079

How do you call him/her a child and an old person at the same time?

>> No.8611083

'How everyone who doesn't like the things I like are infants.' the thread.

>> No.8611107

>not liking vegetables
>doesn't try anything new, always orders the same shit
>always has to have something sweet
>likes american "cheese"
>well done steak
>eats steak with heinz,a1,etc steak sauce
>doesn't try savory waffles/pancakes/etc

>> No.8611115

>lemon is nasty

Spoken like a true child.

>> No.8611117

found the anon with the palette of a child

>> No.8611118

Why are you such an autist? Wine has been used in meat marinades for ages. And by chefs who are a hell of a lot better than you

>> No.8611123

>thinking wine and beer don't go with food

fucking child, kill yourself

>> No.8611151

They have a child's understanding of coffee. They see folger's commercials and assume everyone drinks it, when the only people who consume that slop are 60+ year olds that chug 5 pots of coffee a day. All of which proves that they never actually drink coffee and assume it's bad for no reason.

>> No.8611153
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>only eats plain cheese pizza

>> No.8611173

oh man you can tell a lot about person based on the toppings they get and how they eat it

>dips pizza in ranch
>only gets boring old pepperoni or just one other topping
>doesn't like olives or mushrooms
>doesn't eat the crust
>only ever gets foodchain pizzas

>> No.8611178

>TFW one year old son eats a more diverse diet than elitist cu/ck/ faggots who pretend to have such a developed palate

He eats onion, smoked salmon, gruyere, and lots of foods you little shits think are "icky." Congrats on being such faggots even a tiny baby knows better, that your Mountain Dew and tendies are trash.

>> No.8611186

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.8611195

don't pay attention to the autists anon

>> No.8611198

congratulations, you're giving your baby brain damage

>> No.8611313
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An obsession with carbs and cheese is a real red flag
>mozzerella sticks
>grilled cheese
>cheesy potatoes
>cheesy garlic bread
>mac and cheese
>cheese popcorn
People obsess over these things for no reason

Also, anyone who doesn't like vegetables. I had a friend who would not eat any sort of vegetable. He blamed his mother for not feeding him right, but there comes a point where you have to grow the fuck up and choke down some broccoli

>> No.8611335

Eh. There's not much I won't eat or drink.Pretty much the only thing I refuse to put in my mouth even to make hosts happy is scarlet eggplant. That shit is just nasty...

>> No.8611396


I don't understand how people can go around eating nothing but cheese,bread and potatoes. I like them in moderation myself but if I eat them too often I feel sick as fuck.

>> No.8611553

have a friend who always has pepperoni pizza or plain cheese. He will not eat anything else if they don't have it. Also he hates onions because of the texture.
>Always orders the same thing off the menu at a fast food chain or resturant
>doesn't know how to cook
>Is not into vegetables much

I blame the parents

>> No.8611597

And, "cheese" being a very narrow field of cheddar, mozzarella, colby, and jack.

All good, but just the tip of the iceberg!

>> No.8611641

I like gargonzola desu senpai

>> No.8611707

>be born
>mother and father can't into onion
>or most vegetables at all
>teenager hood
>that time you stop giving a fuck what's in your friends parents dinner and just eating
>it's sometimes good
>it's onions

Parents claimed they just didn't like the "texture" of onions. Then you bring them onion rings, and they love them. But you order a pizza with onions on half, and mom won't eat it because "it'll taste like onions!". Bringing up that she likes onion, just not the texture, means that you're being an asshole who ruined the pizza for her.

Everything they fucking ate was supposed to have onions in it. Dinner was tacos or spaghetti. Ground beef fried and dumped into corn shells (no tortillas, they don't like those) or dumped into a jar of heated meat spaghetti sauce. Went off into a little rant there, but it's fucking true, you have to enjoy onions or you won't enjoy any actual cuisine across the earth, they're grown and used on 6 continents.

>> No.8611714

Oh, last bit. They used onion powder on their meat. That was their excuse, that they liked onion but not the texture

>> No.8611742

Prefer sweet over savory.

For example, I was cooking homemade pasta sauce from scratch and knew children would be eating it. I intentionally cooked the onions more than usual so they'd be sweeter. They loved it but the adults admitted they would have preferred it slightly less sweet.

>> No.8611769

but cheese is fucking delicious

>> No.8611784
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Raw onion sandwiches are amazing. I mean sometimes we're all a little Orson Welles and nothing in the world is more important than a 5000 calorie Monte Cristo dipped in enough maple syrup to classify as a confectionery. But onions... straight up onions, that's the real ambrosia. Liverwurst is acceptable, but it's more like a condiment compared to the main attraction. You eat so much it starts coming out of your pores. You're like an avatar of a vegetable walking the Earth. Or as the Buddhists call it: kinhin.

>> No.8611827

>Why do people love fatty carb meals?

>> No.8611838
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It's called being a vegetarian. If you only eat pastas, breads, cheeses, and sweets like twinkies or brownies, it's still vegetarian because you didn't eat that awful meat.

>> No.8611841
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You're a great poster, and your innocence and goodwill brightens the day of everyone around you. Please never change.

>> No.8611908



>> No.8611921
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>> No.8611922

Did she get her two dollars?

>> No.8611928

Kill yourself.

>> No.8611932

She did, but she now owes more than she can hope to make in the next 5 years, and the interest build up is going to keep her paying for many more years to come.
Suicide is likely her only option to get out of such a deep financial hole.

>> No.8612023
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>people who eat pizzas with topings other than cheese, salami or seafood

>> No.8612043

>anything aside from these three toppings is icky!
>you're a child if you eat anything else!


>> No.8612056
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>seafood on pizza

>> No.8612111
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>on pizza

>> No.8612274

I've had shrimp and lobster on pizza before and it wasn't bad. Wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again but it wasn't bad.

>> No.8612285

Had a pizza with squid a few weeks ago and it was fucking good.

>> No.8612319

what's wrong with onions? i don't want to know anyone who doesn't cook with onions. they're one of the most important ingredients in cooking

do all the best chefs in the world have "the palates of children"? give me a fucking break

>> No.8612334



But it was because all the vegetables I got asa child were served soggy, on their own on the side of a plate, boiled so all the flavour is leeched out of them.

Then I discovered stir frying and adding spices/sauce to lift them, while heating them but retaining their crunch and natural flavour.

>> No.8612337

>tomato ketchup
>barbecue sauce
on fucking everything

also people who insist on mixing everything together on a plate before eating. council as fuck at home, embarrassing at a restaurant

>> No.8612342

>people who put ungodly amounts of cheese on everything
Seems to be a female thing mainly, which is odd

>> No.8612500

I've always been a cock-loving faggot.

>> No.8612646

I usually tend to order the same things I've had before unless It comes highly recommended when I go to a place I'm familiar with, simply because I dont like spending money on something im not entirely sure I'll like and be any good and would prefer to not have to ask for something else or send it back if I dont have to, though I'm willing. That said, I enjoy new things

>> No.8612655

>.> When I eat greek I mix Tzatziki into my Rice Pilaf and salad,I like it cold, am I weird?

>> No.8612658

Dipping pizza in ranch

>> No.8612670

I dated a girl for 3.5 years right after high school. Outwardly she was a gorgeous blond who had been in beauty pageants since she was like 3 months old and had trophies all over her wall. Competitive cheerleader. However she was a fucking retarded child when it came to food

>didn't like lettuce because it "tastes like bugs"
>wouldn't eat rice because "it tastes like maggots"
>only ate steak if it had all the fat trimmed of, was cut up into pieces, cooked well done, and drowned in Heinz 57 or A1 steak sauce
>wouldn't eat pork, any kind of seafood, any vegetables, etc
only other foods she would eat were
>potatoes, mashed or baked with tons of butter and sour cream
>chicken fingers but ONLY the pointed halves; she'd throw away the fat ends
>pasta but only with noodles and parmesan cheese (she called them "butter noodles")

She was such an embarrassment at restaurants or when my family would have her over for dinner. What a dumb bitch. Glad I broke up with her.

>> No.8612685

People who refuse to try different foods or get something they've never tried.

>> No.8612851

I hated every vegetable besides corn and green beans as a kid. Turns out though I only hated them because all my Mom would ever do is boil them, so I like most of them now. Still hate beets and eggplant though.

>> No.8612865

>>pasta but only with noodles and parmesan cheese (she called them "butter noodles")

That shit's actually bretty good. Simple but good.

>> No.8612941

This. I had a friend who basically never ate anything his whole live except american and mexican food and refused to eat stuff I cooked outside of that spectrum. I even tried to ease him into asian food with fucking panda express and he wouldn't do it. Needless to say we aren't friends anymore

>> No.8612942

Yeah...but pasta with a rich, savory sauce and some seafood or some other meat is much better

>> No.8612968
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>Have had multiple guys in front of me at subway only order meat on their bread, no veggies or sauce, just the meat....

>> No.8612979

>give food to test subject
>ew I don't like x

They can either: eat it anyway, or not eat and give an excuse. If the excuse is simply ME NO RIKEY, take a note.

You can call them children once you're at three or five notes.

>anon I don't like onions ok?

Don't be like that.

>> No.8613336

>calling people test subjects

>> No.8613349

White clam pizza is pretty damn good.

>> No.8613365

>not drinking milk
>palate of a child
Pick one.

>> No.8613502

Boxed pastas like hamburger helper or other similar "dishes". Also anyone who thinks ANY of those jewbook recipe videos would be or are good.

>> No.8613579

No, it tasted like breaded celeriac with hints of vegetable broth and deep fryer oil.

>> No.8613585


>> No.8613597

Agreed, onions are fucking shit.

>> No.8613618
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Growing up eating shitty canned food and frozen TV dinners makes you really hate shit that otherwise is really fucking delicious when prepared fresh.
God the midwest is such a cancer on the culinary world.

>> No.8613641

>eats mayo
>eats ranch
>doesn't like tomato
>doesn't like onion, garlic
>puts meats on his pizza
>can't enjoy a meal without meats, hates tofu
>can't handle spicy food
>drink soda/beer
>doesn't like to drink water
>eats more than two meals a day
day of the rope cant come soon enough

>> No.8613668

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.8613676 [DELETED] 

im confused because i love beer but i cant stand drinking it with food. the food tastes bad and the beer tastes bad when i do? can someone explain this to me real quick?

>> No.8613767

Got it - that does make sense.

>> No.8613776

My boyfriend is from NY and apparently cheese is the classic - he will establish veggies but plain cheese is his go to for that reason.

>> No.8613778


Columbus has a dope food and brew scene though, so do the Twin Cities.

>> No.8613779

your boyfriend sounds like a faggot

>> No.8613811

Same. I have a friend whose meals are almost always some variety of meat, carb, and often cheese. My ex's every meal was cheap meat, cheap starch, cheap cheese, and often also Bacos. Occasionally, a salad - consisting of lettuce, cheese, and Bacos. I don't eat fantastic but some variety for Pete's sake.

>> No.8613822

I second this. My mom raised me to try new things and eat a variety of foods.

>> No.8613838

Texture undetectable.

You should sneak a bunch of onions into their food next time you see them.

>> No.8613858

How many maggots and bugs had she been eating to claim this or that TASTED like maggots/bugs? Or is this just to emphasize poor grammar also?

>> No.8613880

>only the pointed halves
What the fuck

>> No.8613916

>tfw just enjoy cronching into onions whole
>or sauteing minced garlic and onions together
im 26 and still get mistaken for a high schooler, im sure that this is part of the reason

>> No.8613936

>>puts meats on his pizza
what the FUCK are you supposed to put on your pizza then?
>inb4 pineapple

>> No.8613943

i dont like cooked onions what does that make me?

>> No.8613958

a faggot

>> No.8613966

Roommate truly does have a child's palette, I've given up trying to cook anything for him honestly.
>doesn't like beans of any kind, in any preparation, will outright refuse or return dishes at places if he sees or detects beans of any kind
>the only(the only) vegetable he will eat is raw cauliflower dipped in ranch dressing, says that any kind of cooked cauliflower is shit
>puts ranch on most everything he can find an excuse to
>drinks Dr.Pepper almost religiously
Dr.Pepper is pretty tasty so I can't hate too hard on that one
>eats those shit 30-cent ramen packets and fast food for most of his meals
>any time I'm baking bread he just asks me to make sweetbread or garlic bread, and barely touches anything else
>exclusively buy's that king's hawaiian sweetbread at stores for his bread
>keeps asking me how to lose weight or how to learn to cook but refuses to change any of these things or actually cook with me, which would be pretty fun as he's a decent guy to get along with most of the time

He works out at the gym semi-regularly so he's only like 180-190, but his diet is so unhealthy that it will surely go past that if he stops keeping up with his workouts

>> No.8614024
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love me a nice thicc onion sandwich with garlic mayo

>> No.8614038
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>eew seafood

My 60 year old aunt is like this. Nothing has made me lose more respect and view her as a pathetic child than her immature dislike of seafood. She's not allergic either, she just refuses to eat it.

>> No.8614072
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the worst thing about picky eaters is when they're also very fussy about what others eat.
a mate of mine is absolutely awful for this, literally eats McDonalds every day, wont touch even the most bland/sweet Asian food because "too many spices", wont even eat fried chiken from popeyes because "muh spices and grease"

but worse than the absolute mountain of picky bullshit is that he will make a huge fuss if people want to eat somewhere that serves things he doesn't like.
just last week for example myself and 4 other people (including him) wanted to go out to eat, we all decided on a Thai-fusion place but the one picky mate had such a huge shitfit and spent forever trying to convince the others to go somewhere else (specificity Subway)

he ended up splitting the entire group and turned us all into a bickering mess until we finally decided to drop him off alone at subway then leave to get thai without him.

I have many other /ck/ related stories about this guy being a completely useless asswipe

>> No.8614075

My fucking boss is manchild incarnate when it comes to food

>doesn't like any seafood whatsoever
>doesn't like any cuisine other than typical american fare or texmex
>can't actually cook anything, relies on frozen meals or takeout
>eats fast food regularly
>actually makes fun of me for liking food other than Taco Bell or pizza, like I'm sort of faggot for not stuffing my face with fast food constantly

This dude is like 35 years old, by the way.

>> No.8614079

is that pumpernickel? my nigga

>> No.8614081

The moment he suggested a pleb ass place like Subway over an actual restaurant, you guys should have either told him to fuck off or deal with the Thai restaurant.

>> No.8614082

that should be another sign
unwillingness to eat anything other than bleached wonderbread tier mush

>> No.8614092

that's what we ended up doing, the point is he completely broke up the group conspiring with them one on one so that we would all disagree on Thai and hopefully eventually settle on subway as a "compromise"

in the end the compromise was that since it was my car I'm driving to get Thai and would drop whomever wanted subway off to get it.
he was the only one.

>> No.8614101

>conspiring with them one on one so that we would all disagree on Thai and hopefully eventually settle on subway as a "compromise"
You need to cut this little faggot out of your life ASAP. People that try to manipulate their friends like that are pieces of shit.

>> No.8614128

That's some bullshit.
Just don't invite him along for food anymore. He asks why, you tell him to grow the fuck up.
I'm kind of picky and working on it, but threads like this make me feel much better about myself, because at least I'd never pull anything like this.

>> No.8614141

desu I'm leaving eh country soon and will probably just not contact him again once I do, no point now since we work together and I don't want to deal with his pettiness.
when I first met him he was alright but as I've known him for longer I can see he's just egotistic and manipulative, not to mention annoyingly pathetic to the point sometimes I feel he only acts like this to garner sympathy, like Karl Jungs weakling prince.

>> No.8614149

I don't care if people are picky, its more when they try to force everyone else to be sympathetic and cater to them only.

these sorts of people probably grew up with their parents lavishing attention of their every whim and expect others to do so as well.

>> No.8614160

Yeah, my parents didn't cater to me, they just fed me a limited diet to the point that I consider myself a recovering picky eater.
If the whole group wanted to go somewhere, I'd either go along with it or just not go. I would never try to convince to go somewhere else to suit myself, especially not a junky place like subway.

>> No.8614263


>> No.8614275

any kind of condiment really

>> No.8614300

my dad hates onion and loves overdone steak and raw oysters because hemmingway ate them

i dont respect you if
>cant handle some heat
>dont like foreign food
>require salt or pepper at the table
>are vegetarian
>request any substitutions

>> No.8614323

that has nothing to do with your palate friend

>> No.8614335

What about substitutions because of allergies or religious beliefs? Not just because "I don't like that ingredient".

>> No.8614344

That's even more childish
>hurrdurr allah told me not to eat pork

>> No.8614357

If sticking to your chosen values even when they're inconvenient is childish, then literally everyone worth a damn is childish.

>> No.8614367

Thing is, I don't mind if they're picky AS LONG AS THEY'VE TRIED IT.
When people are all 'Oh no I won't like it' that's fucking annoying.

>> No.8614407

>b-b-but it looks gross
>b-b-but it's x part of y animal
fucking plebs

>> No.8614412

I've eaten deer testicles before and fuck me are they delicious

>> No.8614413


>> No.8614459

You should try them after removing them from the buck and cooking them. But I'm sure he was grateful for the interesting experience.

>> No.8614462

Most people don't "choose" their religion. They just follow whatever nonsense their parents crammed down their throats.

>> No.8614469

trying too hard to be funny anon

>> No.8614477

cilantro smells like a dish washed with dirty rag tho

>> No.8614488

Cancel your own existence

>> No.8614491

>nonsense parents crammed down their throats

This. I'm certain if religion were to miraculously disappear tomorrow, the world would become a much healthier and safer place. It's time it was called out for the cancer it really is.

>> No.8614517
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Imagine a world without Jews and Muslims.

>> No.8614538

Drinks coffee and wine and eats dark chocolate hoping to be seen as "adult".

>> No.8614551

Garlic, olives (green > black), basil, mushrooms...

>> No.8614571

op of comment. i dont mind religious exclusions, its all opinions mane. but i dotn want, "no broccoli" because he is a man child

>> No.8614583

So much peace.

>> No.8614592


So much pork.

>> No.8614680

I did hate non-fried white/red onions until I was 17-19.
Is there any science behind this or at least a study?

>> No.8614701

Its because of formula, banana, Gerber baby food and other chemical/cancerous bullshit we force in babies that ruins their palate permanently.
Feeding babies and toddlers fast food because its what shuts them up instead of just breastfeeding them and having the backbone to make them eat something homecooked will ruin them.

>> No.8614707

Folgers is cuck-tier coffee
Bulls drink Bustelo

>> No.8614713

caffeine withdrawal is two weeks
the "addiction" is not the actual need to drink coffee, but how caffeine fucks up your adenosine so youre extremely exhausted without it
Drinking two cups at once or a single cup daily can easily do this.

>> No.8614725

>>says cilantro tastes like soap, falls back on "MUH GENETICS" as an argument

>literally eating food that tastes like shit to you to appear like an adult to other people

How sad

>> No.8614760

Not him but
>implying kids dont eat lemon slices as soon as they see them in restaurants

>> No.8614778

not an argument

>> No.8614802


Enjoy your alzheimers

>> No.8614865


>> No.8614898

I will

>> No.8614901

What if its just raw undiced form?

>> No.8614924

Are you my gf

>> No.8614947
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no but I can be

>> No.8614960


Regularly consuming small amounts of alcohol, like a daily glass of wine or a few after dinner desertifs has been medically proven to keep aging brains healthy. Alcoholism on the otherhand can exacerbate Alzheimers.

>> No.8615021

>always goes for milk, white, etc chocolate
>hates dark chocolate

>> No.8615025

People who mainly eat carbs

>> No.8615059

Is ass a carb?

>> No.8615211
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>small amounts

>> No.8615286


Is your GF 8?

>> No.8615296

The time for arguments has passed

>> No.8615306

not an argument

>> No.8615887

People who douse everything in fucking hot sauce.

>> No.8615888


Blackout episodes of drunkenness are where the brain damage that contributes to Alzheimers begin. New medicine is saying...

>> No.8615942

>Regularly consuming small amounts of alcohol, like a daily glass of wine or a few after dinner desertifs has been medically proven to keep aging brains healthy

>> No.8615999
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>second generation immigrant
>visiting relatives abroad, come to dinner party
>ok anon are you ready for the main course? (pic related)
>cold nasty fucking jewish food
>gotta get some of that cheek meat, it's the best!
>hate myself for not being "open minded"
I pick mcdonalds over this
this can go fuck itself

>> No.8616019


>m-muh anti-oxidants

>> No.8616025

Also this, coupled with parents who just don't know how to cook veggies. I hated most vegetables when I was younger, which is ironic since I'm a vegetarian now. But I chalk it up to my parents always "steaming" veggies in the microwave, and only adding salt and pepper to them.

Columbus is nothing like 90% of the rest of the state though.

>> No.8616034


Taking vitamins does nothing for you either. People wind up urinating out 99% of the nutrients in them.

>> No.8616035

>these sorts of people probably grew up with their parents lavishing attention of their every whim and expect others to do so as well.

Can confirm. I had an friend who pulled this shit constantly, once we went on a weekend trip and went to Sonic 3 times and he got pissy when I suggested something else for the last night. I suggested Chili's, which isn't even "strange" or weird, I was just sick of sitting in the car to eat shitty fries.

Turns out up until he got with his gf, his mother cleaned his room and did everything for him. He was an absolute useless human being.

>> No.8616036


Actually, thinking back to my trips through Ohio, Zanesville, Saint Clairesville, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dublin all had breddy gud füd. Columbus brew scene is great, too bad blacks are overtaking that city and German Village is full of muggers and rapists now. That's what you get for importing tens of thousands of Somali Muslims.

>> No.8616038



>> No.8616047

Ah, I haven't been to a lot of big cities, despite living in Ohio my whole life. I only go to Columbus to visit a few friends, and when I do, I practically gorge myself on the food. I don't know much about the brew scene, but I know that most bars down there have better drinks than the shit up here.

I live in the Akron/Canton area, which was mostly shitty chain restaurants, but it seems like we're getting more and more good places lately. My town still only has burger/fries, fast food, and a handful of TexMex places though.

>tfw went to Columbus over the weekend for my bday
>pretty sure I gained at least 5lbs

>> No.8616049


I ate at a restaurant called Crave the last time work sent me to Akron. Very decent, check it out.

>> No.8616115

Alzheimer's is caused by agricultural pesticides, look up the Frozen Addict and skip to the end

>> No.8616116

I know...she was a country bumpkin girl and obviously she meant that the texture made her think of what it would be like to eat bugs (crunchy?) or maggots (little white rice sized things).

I know right? The fat ends had like icky parts

>> No.8616206

he obviously meant that anybody why DOESN'T like onions has the palate of a child.

>> No.8616216

What if I don't like beer or wine, but drink whiskey neat?

>> No.8616240

>reduces risk of death by 10%
>reduces the risk of all kinds of diseases
Enjoy being no-coffee


>> No.8616261


There are hundreds of varieties of each. Find a few beers or wines you like...

>> No.8616268

Well, I guess I should say I like wine okay, I just like a lot of other things better, so I rarely drink it.

Beer, I've tried probably 40 or 50 different kinds and not liked any of them. Don't see much point in trying more.

>> No.8616273

I don't mind onions in shit, but can't dig raw onions on stuff.
Like a burger with onion? or a snag in bread with onion? ntyvm

>> No.8616284

A raw vidalia is quite good.

>> No.8616287
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What aspects of beer don't you like? The bitterness, skunkiness? Dryness?

>> No.8616302

made my day. thanks

>> No.8616306

I guess it's the skunkiness? I like bitter things, and I love dry ciders, so it's not those qualities. There's just a 'beery' flavor that I don't like. I guess it's the hops.

>> No.8616308

>that guy who says hes allergic to onions and seafood
>wont touch any greens as well

I know you can be allergic to shellfish, but "seafood"?

My dumb cunt ex gf was even worse
>her entire diet consisted of white meat chicken, carbs and cheese
>told me that shes allergic to sush
>would grimace if i made her choke down a piece of veg
>loved sweets and got starbucks milkshakes and cakes almost daily

>> No.8616314

someone of her age grew up ratting shirt fish sticks (I mean really shitty, fish sticks back then we're far worst then they are even now) with the occasional boiled shrimp. Not trying to excuse her, but like all foods it is really easy as child to taste legitimate shit and think the rest of it is shitty also.

>> No.8616316

>I guess it's the hops.
if you've tried 40 kinds of beer it's not hops.

>> No.8616326

>all the "my gf was retarded she was shit in every way and only ate fast food and candies and was also grossly obese"

hmm i have some news about who the retarded one in a relationship like that is

>> No.8616332

I don't know what it is then.

>> No.8616351


Are you a smoker also? Anesthetized tastebuds are bad.

>> No.8616357
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Pic related is the best beer I've had in my entire life. Drunk gallons of this visiting family in Bremen. Order a a few bottles to your house and give it a try. Most well rounded beer I've personally consumed.

>> No.8616359

I think pizza lends itself to vegetables better. I don't think getting a meat topping is bad though. Just manchildren who turn their nose up at anything that isn't 'meat lovers'

>> No.8616360

I used to hate it with a passion, If something had 1/1000th of a fucking leaf in it I would be able to identify/taste it.

Nowadays I cant eat maxican without it.

>> No.8616373

Chances are those cunts dare to eat more varieties of food than you do.

>> No.8616403


man i love fried eggplant on pizza
this shitty post reminded me of how great it is
maybe some sausage alongside it but great on its own too

>> No.8616421

I only do that when the water us about to turn red. Lots of strange cravings at odd times happen around then. It's a matter of will power and weight lifting that keep me from being a total lard ass for a few days a month.

As for child like habits
>very limited diet (ex only brown, orange, and/or yellow food)
>complaining about the smell of food or other people's cooking
>unwilling to even attempt cooking their own food
>obsession with breakfast cereal (might just be a stoner)

An adult with a child's taste in food has obvious issues with getting outside their comfort zone. Massive red flag on their personality. Would not befriend/date someone like that for long.

>> No.8616426


I dunno man, I've critiqued the smell of my own food, time to time. Corned beef and cabbage does not smell nice, no matter how you cook it, and every goddamn march here we go stinkin up the kitchen. Still eat it, just stinks like shit.

>> No.8616439

Some stuff just smells anon.
Canned kippers while tasty can be pretty smelly.
Beets can smell extremely earthy while being cooked.
Cooking hot chilis can make people cough.

>> No.8616440

Nope, I've never smoked.

>> No.8616484

That stage helps people develop a taste for bitter foods. It can be a good thing.

>> No.8616499

It's a scattershot approach to combating potential deficiencies. It has its uses.

>> No.8616512

And nicotine has the same influence on alz. It can even help combat early symptoms. Smoking is still shit though.

Oh, and nicotine also helps parkinsons shakes. A coworker of mine vapes whenever his shakes start. Works like magic.

>> No.8616517

Might be the yeast. Try some yeasty cider and see if you dislike those as well. Try a fresh dry hopped cider as well. Make sure it's fresh.

>> No.8616532

I'm talking in a much more general sense. Not curry or cabbage, but anything that isn't what the picky eater would normally eat. Eggs, stirfry, fish (even the ones that don't have a strong fishy odor) anything really. If it smells strongly in any fashion they'll complain or get passive aggressive.

College roommates (university of Illinois Urbana Champagne so plenty of suburbanites and the like) have made me fairly biased against picky eaters.

>> No.8616542

I've disliked fish my whole life but there's not a single vegetable I don't enjoy.

>> No.8616550

Is there anything more enjoyable in cooking than chopping onions with a sharp knife over a wooden board?
I would volunteer to chop onions for poor people food

>> No.8616552

Onions are a mixed bag for me. I can't stand them on burgers or sandwiches, but they're good on so many other things like pizza or mexican food.

>> No.8616555

A sub-optimal lifestyle lowers quality of life just as much, if not more than, quantity.

>> No.8616557

This is how I'd describe a good friend of mine. I steered him and his gf to a great restaurant, but he ended up getting a chicken burger because "it was really the kind of food that he ate".
Also, one morning he was about to eat cold tostidos from the fucking jar. For breakfast. He won't drink any beer that isn't light colored either.

>> No.8616779

I've been forcing all different kind of alcohol on myself for the better part of 10 years to try an acclimate to the taste and the only non-cocktails I can say I genuinely enjoy drinking are dry red wines, sweeter sparkling wines and some stuff like ginger beer or other fermented stuff not made from hops or grain.

I can drink most things, especially in a mixed drink where the alcohol is masked but I would be lying if I claimed to like it. Some people are just really put off by the taste of alcohol.

>> No.8616794

its just like james and the giant peach

>> No.8616846

Picky eaters

>> No.8616848

Salami is GOAT on pizza. Salami and mushrooms is the best combo.

>> No.8616927

pep mush is a classic and fuck your shit taste for talking trash about it

>> No.8616932

You do realize most children are like that early on and then become more picky as they get a bit older?

Can't wait til you have to eat your words in 3-5 years

>> No.8616944

My 14-mo-old son eats like that too... mango, salmon, Greek yogurt, all cheeses, gyoza, quinoa, you name it.

It's good to give them a varied diet, but I don't expect my son to keep up with this forever. They are bound to get picky at 2 or 3, so be prepared.

But yes, my son and dog eat better, more diverse diets than most McFatasses on /ck/.

>> No.8617011



>> No.8617099

found the child

>> No.8617120
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Yes, if they like pic related, they haven't developed their tastebuds enough

>> No.8617129
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They purchase these ad the stpre

>> No.8617238

Heinz Tomato ketchup

>> No.8617244
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those are only for grilled cheese, nigga

>> No.8617247

No they are not even fit for that.

>> No.8617263

What if I only don't drink beer because its too expensive.

>> No.8617278

and burgers, nachos, and chili dogs

>> No.8617296

fucking child

>> No.8617393



>> No.8617406

is not being able to eat hard yolk as bad?

>> No.8617409

i ate it when I was a young child because it was affordable for my teenage mother

>> No.8617422

that makes me feel good because I can't have more than one drink at a time without having a seizure
so I'll continue my nightly scotch

>> No.8617818


>> No.8617823

no use deli style american not individually plastic wrapped for grilled cheese

>> No.8617921
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>not eating a tomato like it's an apple

>> No.8618003

>tfw like the taste of beer, wine and coffee but hate having chemicals alter my mental state.


>> No.8618057

you may be onto something.

I have an extreme child's palate and I haven't had a sip of beer in 3 years (i'm 22, so basically I had beer for 1 year).