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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8607598 No.8607598 [Reply] [Original]

>making scrambled eggs
>out of ketchup
>use bbq sauce
>it's fucking amazing
IDK if this is a thing people eat but I'm glad I tried it

>times when you innovated in the kitchen and it worked

>> No.8607609

i put cinnamon on chicken once

>> No.8608065

The eggs look overcooked.

>> No.8608070

no, the bbq sauce just kind of turned them brown.

>> No.8608072

>ketchup on eggs

god I hate people who do this

day of the rope when?

>> No.8608086

>making scrambled eggs
>8 hours later in the day i get the shits

w-what's happening bros

this has gone on for the last few months but never ever before that

i eat a really clean diet overall too.

>> No.8608089

maybe you're undercooking your eggs, jack?

>> No.8608091

i make them gordon ramsay/jacque pepin style though

>> No.8608110

No they look dry because they were probably on the stove for too long. The liquid on the bottom of the plate is a telltale sign.

>> No.8608112

that's scrambled eggs? looks like couscous

>> No.8608144

Do you always buy eggs from the same place? Maybe they're low-quality?

>> No.8608170

i've only eaten organic produce for my 23 years old this earth

>> No.8608175

I hate when people throw tons of shit into their eggs. You only need salt and pepper, quit fucking with something that's already good.

>> No.8608179

That's probably the reason then. Your eggs need more antibiotics.

>> No.8608507

Free range eggs usually have more anti-biotics, even if sold as organic.

Cage eggs on the other hand need very little, as they can just dispose of specific cage if diseases are found, whereas free range eggs need to cull the whole herd if disease if found so they always, always have them on passive anti-biotics.

>> No.8608523

I like smoked paprika on mine.

>> No.8608557

>USDA organic eggs contain antibiotics

Lies, aka "alternative facts." The
US Poultry and Egg Association says this in their faq section:

Flocks producing certified organic eggs must be antibiotic free by regulation.

>> No.8608562

You didn't innovate. You're disgusting.

>> No.8608630

>ketchup on scrambled eggs
Why the fuck do people do this?

>> No.8608651

>uh-oh I'm out of ketchup
>I'll just use the ketchup with added sugar and molasses instead
>muh innovation lol

OP is a shitfuck

>> No.8608677

It's kind of a meme now but I made BBQ spaghetti before southern hicks made it popular in BBQ culture.

>> No.8608681
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>he thinks he innovated putting bbq sauce on noodles

>> No.8608689

Not at all. Can you read? I said I was doing it before it was popular.

>> No.8608694
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>before it was popular

Oh shit it's a food hipster guys he thinks he's special for putting bbq sauce on noodles

>> No.8608716

>need salt
They're already good enough. Quit fucking with them

>> No.8608721

I rubbed cinnamon on pork chops once. It was p good.

>> No.8608739

Pleb spotted

>> No.8608743

>Using ketchup or BBQ with any food.

You are admitting to one of two things:
1. You don't actually like the taste of said item, and want to mask the taste with your sauce
2. The food has been poorly cooked, and you want to mask the taste with your sauce.

Either way, you are a pleb.

>> No.8608745

this is true

no idea why people dip their fries in ketchup when they taste fine on their own with a little bit of salt

>> No.8608765

You know fully well why plebs dress their food with ketchup. It's because they're fucking plebs

>> No.8608767

>they taste fine on their own with a little bit of salt
>on their own
>little bit of salt

Pick one you autistic pleb

>> No.8608768

I have actually been using BBQ sauce with my scrambled eggs on and off these last few weeks. I only did it because I ran out of salsa. Salsa + Eggs is unstoppable. BBQ sauce changes up the flavor a bit and is nice every once in a while.

>> No.8608775

>use sauce on spaghetti
>"you don't really like it, just masking the flavor"

>> No.8608777

I eat baked chicken breast literally every day and I love trying different sauces on them.
I don't even keep ketchup in my house and I only have ketchup maybe once every couple years but you better believe when I do have it it's because I dipped my fries in it.

>> No.8608781

spaghetti with just butter and salt is delicous

>> No.8608787

> Oh no your tastes don't perfectly align with mine because you can't eat bland saltless potatos your obviously autistic

>> No.8608793

You were literally just condemning people for eating them with ketchup you hypocrite

>> No.8608821

I'm not the person you're replying to, but seasoning a food and putting sauce on a food are two entirely different things.

Seasoning a food helps to bring out the flavor of that food, while putting sauce on a food masks the taste of that food to make it more edible.

>> No.8608867

>bbq sauce instead of ketchup

And students wonder why everyone thinks theyre idiots.

>> No.8608874
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Stop using Pam to grease your pan, buttmunch

>> No.8608879


pam is for plebs

grease every pan with melted butter

>> No.8608883

>melted butter
>not bacon grease

Get out

>> No.8608884


Holy fuck, what the hell is wrong with your eggs? Scrambled eggs are not supposed to look like wet cornmeal lumps, bro.

>> No.8608887


>> No.8608949
File: 1.35 MB, 4160x2340, 20170223_153336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your eggs should look more like this, OP.

>> No.8608958

nice girl plates

>> No.8608961

Yeah your mum gave them to me

>> No.8608968

Thanks bro, I only bring out the MANLY plates when I'm cooking for others.

>> No.8608973

you raped your eggs, hard.
scrabmled eggs should never be that cooked, that's like a completely grey steak

>> No.8608981
File: 40 KB, 587x409, steak guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely grey steak
the ONLY way to cook it

just face it, steak is shit tier

>> No.8608985
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Your and idiot.

>> No.8609057

Toasty butter a great combo with eggs. Better than grease I dare say.

>> No.8609268

They actually are good enough without salt. I was just naming the two acceptable seasoning for eggs.