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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 704x396, mi_goreng_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8603216 No.8603216 [Reply] [Original]

Why are 'poor college students' obsessed with Ramen when this is the superior packed noodles?

How soon before Redditors discover this and turn it into the next Nutella?

>> No.8603225

Mi Goreng is a bit more expensive

>> No.8603233

because they can get 6 packs of ramen for a dollar

>be op
>I found something I like! le epic maymay

>> No.8603286

Where to buy mi gorang? I've never seen it

>> No.8603297

Soba is the true noodle dish.

>> No.8603402

mi goreng is actually really bad for you, so you can't eat it in the same quantity as instant ramen.

asian markets

>> No.8603454

I dont understand ramen. pre-maded ramen is awful. too salty, artificial crap. people are THAT broke in usa?

>> No.8603466

those instant sauced noodles tend to be really dry, salty, and kinda taste like shit. actual ramen is a lot milder with a distinct umami, everyone can enjoy it and it's not overpowering.


it tastes good and has a good texture for what is only $0.30-1. I've had real ramen and really it's nothing special, tastes like sour spaghetti in broth.

>> No.8603474

but that is ramen, just because its spic doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.8603478

>I dont understand ramen. pre-maded ramen is awful. too salty, artificial crap. people are THAT broke in usa?
Just use less than the full flavor packet, saltophobe.

>> No.8603489

are you retarded?

>> No.8603509

The hot and spicy flavor is the best. It's worth the extra few cents over ramen

>> No.8603526

Maybe they say "ramen" when they mean "instant noodles". Like people using "coke" for "soda".

>> No.8603532

How is mi goreng not instant ramen?

>> No.8603540


>> No.8603542

They spicy flavor makes it so you can't taste how terrible it really is

>> No.8603587

Wait....Americans count this as ramen? I always assumed ramen had a broth.

Isn't Mi Goreng Yakisoba?

>> No.8603595

i love msg

>> No.8603605

You realize college students aren't literally all eating ramen all the time, right? Ramen is a metaphor for how "poor" college students used to eat dirt cheap food that could be made in minutes, often without a proper kitchen. The truth is they are for the most part eating cafeteria food, take out, and going out to eat. Unless they have their own apartment, then they will probably do some home cooking in addition to the take out and shit.

>> No.8603656

Modern colleges don't allow stovetops in their dorms and force on-campus students to purchase a meal plan which translates to "cafeteria credit" at the school cafeteria, also, they take 25% of your money as a service fee, so $2000 for a semester's food means you get $1500 to spend.

>> No.8603759

Mi goreng is Indonesian, translates directly to fried noodles. It's designed to mimic what typical street hawker fried noodles taste like

>> No.8603774

It's fucking awful for you

but fuck is it good, that brown sludge shit is so tasty

>> No.8603922

As tasty as they are, I don't think it would ever make Nutella. It's just not fatty enough.

>> No.8603931

love this shit. only tried like 5 of the flavors but the original one is the only good one. also the only place ive found them in ontario is a Dutch store in suburban bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.8603937

Fuck off 'straya, mi goreng is shit tier.

>> No.8604358

Indonesian here, haven't touch that shit for long time since the quality has been decreased a lot.
They also sell the shit tier product that have lots of chemical pumped in domestic market while exporting the better ones.

>> No.8604452

?Modern colleges don't allow stovetops in their dorms and force on-campus students to purchase a meal plan
That sounds like an absolute racket. Is it worth it with the credits you get at least? Is there a good selection so you don't have to eat greasy shit all the time? And is the greasy shit like pizza and burgers good?

>> No.8604490


I don't understand why you people continue to go to college in the US. Unless you get a free ride in a top university just go study abroad.

The whole cucky shared rooms with no kitchen shit is so very burger. I don't understand how you guys can be at the same time be so proud of your large homes and then pull this kinda silly shit in college.

>> No.8604494

...you can make pretty decent meals from instant ramen, don't have to cook it in the directions suggested on the packet. hell, you don't even need the soup packet if you're gonna be a faggot and bitch about "...hur dur...msg and sodium"
>lack of imagination and critical thinking

>> No.8604498

classic mi goreng with eggs is pretty good

do they have rendang and soto (fried) flavour in burgerland

>> No.8604511

this is too accurate. im glad someone finally pointed that out. dorm life in college is literally shit

>> No.8604512

We ain't got the money for college in America, let alone going out of country. I never lived on campus, I had an off-campus 1 bedroom with full kitchen apartment to myself the whole time. And it really wasn't that much more expensive than living on campus. Well worth the privacy.

>> No.8604514

This is a much better way to go. I hate the roommate requirement. In my area having my own place is much cheaper than living on campus. Plus I value my privacy more than the dumb "college experience" that comes with living on campus.

>> No.8604516

Who else /uploadfailed/ here?

>> No.8604522
File: 1.87 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-22-01-55-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level, goobers.

>> No.8604541

Here's my secret """""""instant""""""" ramen recipe (works best with Thai instant ramen):

> take ramen brick and packaged ingredients out of bag
> boil water
> throw ramen brick into water until it's """"cooked""""
> drain the """""cooked ramen"""""
> put vegetable oil in a pan
> mix it with the packaged ingredients
> put it over the stove, set to highest
> stir for 7 seconds
> throw """"""cooked"""""" ramen into the pan
> stir and mix until it's thoroughly colored
> ** optional - crack 1-2 eggs into the pan **
> QUICK -- pour Sriracha sauce + SWEET soy sauce into the pan
> throw in cooked choice of sliced meat; this is the tierlist in ascending order: pork, chicken, steak
> enjoy with a bowl of rice on the side
> ** optional - add cilantro, green onions and half of a squeezed lime (but recommended) **

>> No.8604550

>$1+ a pack
>Usually hard to find

Not that hard to figure out

>> No.8604684

Selection is mediocre but not greasy food.
Typical sodexo fare is really rare meat and everything else is bland and dry because no seasoning and cooking food as fast as possible. Their rice is the worst

>> No.8604802
File: 31 KB, 302x367, WEGMANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>$1+ a pack
You're getting ripped off.
>>Usually hard to find
Does Walmart not carry these in flyover country?

>> No.8604812

>0.69 of a freedom unit

They cost about 0.4 of a freedom unit here

>> No.8604843

>You realize college students aren't literally all eating ramen all the time, right?

there was a japanese international student last semester who was staying at the uni over winter break. her closet was literally packed with instant ram cups. there's no kitchens on campus and the dining halls are closed.

>> No.8604893
File: 982 KB, 1275x716, 1453242364593-ConvertImage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey kid

wanna hear a secret

you see that noodle dish in the fancy restaurant you like?

it's actually instant noodles

they just add their own sauce which is a bit different from the attached sauce

don't tell anyone, keep it a secret!

>> No.8604929
File: 145 KB, 555x599, 1002638_20120727023845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Indonesia lads we have fucktons of Indomie here

>> No.8604947


How's the pussy? Do they love BWC?

Will they bandung mi kocok?

>> No.8605245

Wait, you guys are just memeing about mi goreng being more bad for you than regular ramen right? I eat 2 packs at a time about 3 times a week. Am I going to die?

>> No.8605275

Look at it this way

everyone dies

>> No.8605279
File: 44 KB, 450x450, d8b497bd-81b4-4779-8c69-33dcd0c16222_1.1f67d75660d3955f15ae6487f4fbc2bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not appreciating the truly best meme ramen

>> No.8605310

My literal heaven. How much did all of that cost you?

>> No.8605374

Forty eight dollars.

>> No.8605438
File: 491 KB, 1280x682, 1484231869178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've had real ramen and really it's nothing special, tastes like sour spaghetti in broth.

>> No.8605496

I discovered that brand when I was at Cub and looking at ramen and some black chick came up and was like "yooo try this it's the shit!" and I did and I only regret not being able to thank that woman.

>> No.8605547

That was probably me. You're welcome.

>> No.8605815

Not a big ramen fan myself, but there's a whole shelf of it at any grocery store, convenience store, drug store, and pretty much any place that sells food, but I've never seen the shit you've posted before and have no idea where I'd get it.

>> No.8605830

There aren't any Walmarts around here (because I'm not in a flyover region), and I'm not driving an hour each way to get some shitty ramen they might not even have that'll probably taste exactly the same as the normal stuff.

>> No.8605903
File: 22 KB, 500x376, 1389540555977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instant ramen
>not bad for you


>> No.8605911

My campus has Aramark instead of sodexo and we get sushi and assorted curries every day. Also has Mongolian grill etc. It's not bad at all.

>> No.8606131

How the fuck are you supposed to get the sauces out without making a huge mess?
Why not just fucking put each sauce in it's own packet?

>> No.8606149

cut the sauce packet into 3 separate parts dummy

>> No.8606162

$0.48 per pack here at my local small grocery chain which has a big asian food section for all the Hmong in town. I usually buy at least 30 at a time.
Walmart here in California doesn't carry them. Mama is the only exotic/foreign ramen they have.

>> No.8606168

Cut along the top with scissors and squeeze. It's not that difficult unless you're autistic

>> No.8606181
File: 27 KB, 210x320, 91j+w-QNwWL._AC_UL320_SR210,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this or similar at said small grocery chain. Great on top of Mi Goreng.

>> No.8606190
File: 81 KB, 800x420, spicy ocean snack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I get this at the 99c Only store here in town. I chop it up into little pieces with scissors. This, the fried onion, a pinch of bulk curry powder from Winco, and some finely ground thai chilis from the same small grocery chain transform simple Mi Goreng into something amazing.

>> No.8606623

God, I hope not, Indonesian noodles are God tier, I'm gonna be pissed if they become a foodie trend and I stop eating them out of irritation.

>> No.8607426

Does anyone else like to cook instant noodles in water and then fry them to make them crispy?

>> No.8607427

There are emergency times when you have to survive on less than 20 dollars a month. Ramen still isn't the best choice for cheap food but it's an option.

>> No.8607640
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, 20170222_225030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8607683 [DELETED] 


I fucking hate white people

>> No.8607686

I hate it when you're 13% of the population but commit 52% of the homicides

>> No.8607688

>colt 45
that's a nigger drink

>> No.8607689

k nigger

>> No.8607697


I hate it when 64% of the country is 5x more likely to commit mass murder than any other race

>> No.8607699
File: 312 KB, 1017x849, don.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.8607703


>sliced pepperoni

that's a whitey food

>> No.8607709
File: 1.55 MB, 800x533, 1487607118684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dun came to the wrong neighborhood nigger. get the rope, cletus

>> No.8607715

I hate it when people believe the lies the (((mainstream media))) feeds them

>> No.8607720

>be nigger
>Go to grocery store
>See sliced pepperoni
>Go home to all my unsliced pepperoni
>Eat an entire log of pepporini
>Bang popparonny all over the counter trying to make slices
>Try Boiling pupperino to make the slices slide out
>Get Phone call from OP
>Offers me $500 to bang his GF in front of him
>Still no slices

>> No.8607723


>hurr durr I don't know how to argue a point so I'll just parrot what plebbit says

Enjoy being bred out of existence. Your race's time on earth is coming to an end and it's because of fat no life betas like you.

>> No.8607827

>Is it worth it with the credits you get at least?

option of
>cafeteria/all you can eat buffet
>$6-7 credit towards a sandwich or something
Still a racket, but at least the kids are getting fed

>> No.8607841

People are too lazy to buy noodles and soup flavoring separately.. ( and it's cheaper than ramen )

>eat ramen
>high blood pressure
>no nutrition
>bad for kidneys
>chemical flavoring

>captcha was of authentic ramen soup, kek

>> No.8607847

Lol everyone except the 1% is going to be genocided jamal and they are all white

>> No.8607881


America really is the land of the cucks.

>> No.8607906

I have two 6 packs of those in my pantry they're pretty good

>> No.8607946

They don't come in 6 packs, fuckknuckle

>> No.8608002

Here in Hong Kong restaurants actually advertise which brand of instant noodle they're using. I've seen well-regarded noodle shops/stands open the packets right in front of the customers and nobody bats an eye. Coming from the States it confused me at first, though I've gotten used to it. I'm still not happy about my illusion of restaurants only using handcrafted, bespoke noodles being so brutally destroyed, though.

>> No.8608407

>literally a photo in this thread of a guy with boxes of six packs

>> No.8608417

It's shooped

>> No.8608436


Lime/beef is the best flavor

>> No.8608439

Also, there is no picture in this thread of anyone with a 6 pack

>> No.8608444

Oh buds, at least pick a crappy story and stick with it.

>> No.8608451

That picture you are looking at?

It's a 5 pack you smug autist

>> No.8608454

So you don't think it's shopped anymore? Btw, those boxes have six packs in them each.

>> No.8608463
File: 362 KB, 2000x2000, 32001_XXX_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you son of a bitch. You fucker you.

I want you to go to a high place. Go to the highest place you can and when you get there I want you to build a fire.

Build the largest fire that you can in that highest place.

And then die in that fire.

>> No.8608468
File: 34 KB, 370x370, indomie_noodles_chicken_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a box

This has 40

>> No.8608478

Forty packs, yeah

>> No.8608485
File: 7 KB, 229x220, Quot+sjw+s+have+a+valid+point+quot+_720109d5e17c0cb54271132507ad0300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number 6 appears nowhere in the Indomie packaging system.

There are no 6 packs of Indomie noodles.

Ergo you were wrong and I was right and that is the BEST and most rewarding feeling that the internet has to offer.

>> No.8608493

I try not eat Mi Goreng. But it just tastes soo good 280 calorie goodness.

Always need 2 packs

>> No.8608497

Millennials can't cook

>> No.8608498

neither can marketing buzzwords

>> No.8608501

Does it not taste really bad though?

If not, what do you get?

>> No.8608514

they are available in fivepacks in the netherlands will see if I can post a pic when I get home from work

>> No.8608531

Unless you get them by the box.

>> No.8608539

No you goofball they come in packs of 5 and boxes of 40. Which means 8 packs.

You fail at life. It's a wonder you can tie your shoes without hanging yourself. I don't usually pick on mentally challenged people but you deserve it.

You're wrong, and stubborn.

>> No.8608546

You are looking at the wrong box.

>> No.8608559


Maybe that shit taste a little better. But it's still just crappy noodles rehydrated. So anyone on a budget would choose the cheaper option.

Arguing about Ramen = 100% basement dweller. Step outside, enjoy the Sunshine.

>> No.8608563

Show me one box of Indomie that contains 6 packages

>inb4 you can't

>> No.8608565
File: 1.95 MB, 2128x3020, 1482375129418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go:


>> No.8608570

Because ramen is widely available you dipshit. Do you think every town in America has some authentic Asian store where you can buy stuff like that? You idiot.

>> No.8608571
File: 114 KB, 1179x1612, 5-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That says 5. See pic related and then ask your mom why she drank so heavily during the pregnancy

>> No.8608577

I used to think this was ramen because it's the ubiquitous broke uni student food in Australia.

>> No.8608582
File: 12 KB, 299x169, 16208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look harder, if you dare confront the fact you are fallible. If not, I guess we're done. Good game though, but you just weren't good enough in the end.

>> No.8608589
File: 325 KB, 497x486, Screenshot_2017-02-23-04-49-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you fucking much

>> No.8608597

>doesn't crop out the six

Remember how we were talking about boxes, not bags? And I luuv you anon.

>> No.8608600

That doesn't mean it's a 6 pack

>> No.8608607


>> No.8608610

The box contains six packages.

>> No.8608911

US is half first world, half third world

>> No.8608918


>> No.8609565


Dutch? I used to get a box for 12 Euros at the local shop

>> No.8609691

Not only this is more expensive than the standard version, it tastes worse too.

>> No.8609827

>unless you're autistic

>> No.8609979

it's a pretty good selection, quality is 5/10 which is great considering the volume they put out, there's always healthy, vegan, and halal options
on the worst days when they have half the options and it's all shit, you can at least get a fuck ton of the consistently present options (salad or cheerios or sandwich stuff), and can bring a tupperware and sneak out a grip of nutella or a good quarter loaf of bread or something. the burgers are great when they have them (every thursday), pizza is trash

>> No.8610682
File: 232 KB, 664x627, 1367983674308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 6 x 5 inches you absolute mong

>> No.8610762

I'd never seen or heard of this before, but I noticed it at Kroger for 50 cents a pack after reading this thread and bought a couple. Not mind blowing, but definitely really good for cheap instant noodles.

>> No.8610767

You're not right either.
It's a box containing 6 of the 5 packs like the one on top.

>> No.8611021

Damn I hate Shitsukaposters

>> No.8611047

Sodexo has sushi but that's a quick way to deplete your meal plan, would have been nice with those other things.
They also had boars heads at least but half the time some student worker would be working who was slow as shit and the cost and wait time made it something you'd get once a week at best

>> No.8611056

Is Mama any good?

>> No.8611063

Because poor people don't know how to improvise.
seriously, they could buy a single burner and get a wok and some fresh ingredients to have Chinese fried rice for days, but nope, gotta use that microwave.

>> No.8611111

>people are THAT broke in usa?
>in the USA

you do realize it was invented in Japan, to feed the Japanese

And yes, if they're college students or minorities.

>> No.8611116

>That sounds like an absolute racket.
welcome to the american secondary education system

>> No.8611122

>My campus has Aramark
you have my Sympathies

>> No.8611264

Theyre all sodium bombs, nothing more sinister

>> No.8611294

this is basically what happened

>minority brings over ramen
>poor people buy it because it's cheap and they live in a food desert
>richer people find out about it and tout it as the best food to live off of when it's actually rice and beans

>How soon before Redditors discover this and turn it into the next Nutella?
>being this late
how old are you

>> No.8611690
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>> No.8612528

Mi sedap > Mi goreng tbqhwyfamily

>> No.8612539

Except it failed terribly at that, having developed an entirely new flavour of its own

>> No.8612745

WTF I love niggers now.

>> No.8612748

How did he manage to be so fit while rapping about junk food?

>> No.8612828

Dutchfag here, i confirm five packs are available in the Netherlands

>> No.8612873
File: 155 KB, 546x434, chapagetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is good