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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 940x450, bialetti-moka-pot-5-2225287554539607aaebe85c4c540597026d4ffb683414a7c1638348e9463857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8601127 No.8601127 [Reply] [Original]

Best was of making coffee

>> No.8601178

This thread is gonna be shit.

>> No.8601179
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>> No.8601188

>Using electricity to make your food

>> No.8601191
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That's right !

>> No.8601192

>using less efficient natural gas to heat your jungle berry juice

>> No.8601193


>not using a kettle or a sandwhich press

>> No.8601206
File: 248 KB, 600x339, VH_lid_2_colombian_med_mont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the finest beans and percolation methods are permitted to grave my palate, anons

>> No.8601214



>> No.8601216


For me, it's Folgers In Your Cup(TM), the best way of making coffee.

>> No.8601232

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.8601246

unless you are a 3rd generation italian using the moka pot you inherited from your dad along with the right technique to make good coffee.
Chances are you're drinking burnt coffee

>> No.8601260
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>Not shoveling instant into your mouth with a spoon and gargling boiling water


>> No.8601467
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>> No.8601471

>open the lid
>coffee covers the entire stove

>> No.8601499

>Not using it on the lowest flame setting.

>> No.8601583
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>> No.8601629

Coffee made was in the he in the can an fut?

>> No.8601656
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Only if it's SCAA certified like the Moccamasters.

>Moccamaster one cup
>Baratza encore
>Locally roasted fresh beans
€300 all in and it's noooice. Pretty much no cleaning involved either.

>> No.8601683

You know exactly what you're doing, now stop it.

>> No.8601831

very finicky, requires regular usage to build up a patina of polymerized fat like a cast iron pan in order to not taste like shit and aluminium literally gives you alzheimers

bruteforce pour over machine, you wet only the grounds in the middle with scalding hot water and overextract almost immediately

8 dollars per gallon unit of coffee is really appealing, fampai!

You're not actually brewing coffee with a pour over, the water doesn't stand in the coffee for long enough to extract properly

the only ideal way to brew coffee is to dump grounds in a cup and wait for extraction
this just expedites the process, you can't beat it!

>> No.8601927
File: 105 KB, 1400x788, keurig-coffee-machine-work_2068cc4ef2d5298e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you cunts say, this shit is convenient as fuck.

>> No.8601932

Don't talk shit about my pour over you silt drinker

>> No.8601934

they let the coffee go stale so it'll release all it's CO2 before they put it in the kcups or else they would explode on store shelves

>> No.8601988

>put on low heat
>turn off the second it gurgles

wow, so fucking hard
i wish i could be an italian master coffee faggot like you, anon

>> No.8601993
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>You're not actually brewing coffee with a pour over, the water doesn't stand in the coffee for long enough to extract properly

>> No.8602011
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What do you expect from someone who uses a Frenchh press?

I bet he doesn't even use exact water temperatures.

>> No.8602029
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>> No.8602031

Fucking temp control is an art now. Who knew fag

>> No.8602055
File: 146 KB, 763x1021, ygud4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to office repeat my current coffee approach.

For temp, I have come to think a rolling boil does well. My kettle tops out at 212, but it could be a teeny bit high maybe.

Anyways the ratio for me is fluid, but I love pouring boiling water over some coarse grinds and letting it sit for 3-10 minutes.

Recently I have been brewing the coffee inside a drip machine carafe with the hotplate(warm plate) on whilst it brews forth.

I put some tea masala (3 dollar can of Indian spices for chai) in some Ethiopian yesterday if you know what I mean.

>> No.8603390

Mason Jar Coldbrew (with hot bloom)
>1/4cup coarse grounds in jar
>pour 1 cup boiling water, swirl
>let sit for 30-60sec
>add 4-6 ice cubes and swirl until melted/chilled
> fill to top with water
>seal, shake, and refrigerate for at least 12 hours
>French press, pour through coffee filters (I use two #4 brown conical filters layered in a funnel)
>filter into mason jar, add 1tbs sugar

Gives me the smoothest coffee I've ever tasted. It's better when it has steeped longer and when you shake the jar every few hours.

>> No.8603500
File: 17 KB, 250x172, laugh-at-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pour 1 cup boiling water

>> No.8603989

it was shit even before you posted,anon.

>> No.8604766

shh, shh, shh
the animation was great, and hardly related to that which shall not be named
appreciate it for what it is, not what it's associated with

>> No.8604806

a drip coffee maker. any other way of making coffee is just a meme designed to get retarded hipster faggots to spend money on shit they dont need

>> No.8604813


THIS, desu

>> No.8604816

I agree.

>> No.8604971
File: 18 KB, 480x360, LavazzaEPbestESPRESSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no, too lazy, I just have a Lavazza Espresso Point machine and cartridges, forget packing espresso grinds and firing up the burner, too much work. These stove top makers don't even have enough pressure, but I guess if you can't afford a real machine it's good.

>> No.8605035

Disgusting pleb

>> No.8605039

Take a load of this faggot

>> No.8605062
File: 18 KB, 300x450, Img1239[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Cafe Gaggia which lets me produce delicious crema but pound for pound there's no debate a french press is the "best" way to make coffee.

I also got a Keurig 2.0 for my wife and it does make acceptable coffee simply and easily.

>> No.8605083

I'm Italian and only a retarded can fuck up its not rocket science faggot

>> No.8605101
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>> No.8605112 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x500, this_is_what_italians_actually_drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe you're just making terrible coffee
>I'm italian
This is italian for "I'm about to say something stupid about food in a smug, self-satisfied tone"

>> No.8605257

Shut up, pastanigger, no one cares what you think.

>> No.8605383
File: 279 KB, 1500x1500, nomad espresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not the best but this thing is cute.

>> No.8605896

>this thread is gonna make you shit

>> No.8606128

The fuck am I looking at here?

>> No.8606132
File: 78 KB, 444x483, 1485301435009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I have that exact coffee maker.

>> No.8606145


so you can't hear the screeching

>> No.8607263

Cold brew coffee maker

>> No.8607648

How do I become a proper coffee snob?

>> No.8607695
File: 61 KB, 600x600, IDShot_540x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start drinking newest trend in coffee circles that even seasoned baristas rave about it and start drinking quality instant coffee,
no need to purchase complicated devices or coffee making machines and grinders that always brake,
you will always brew perfect cup of coffee and be on top of the newest coffee trend

>> No.8607718
File: 77 KB, 226x320, o0226032010629982557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A serious conneioausuer would easily have some decent instant as well as brew beans themselves.

I find that with good coffee 2 tbs per 8oz is plenty fine compared to 2tbs per 6oz.

If it's a very small amount it can be stronger for that sake. [8]

>> No.8607777

I could never get the coffee grounds to pack correctly.

>> No.8607829

so you just wasted quads to say that, shit anon,please

>> No.8608025

>A serious conneioausuer would easily have some decent instant as well as brew beans themselves.

True conneioausuers keep instant on hand only to mix with a shot of boiling water and some condensed milk, which of course is then dessicated and reground for use in artisan K-CUP packaging

>> No.8608052

kratom anyone?

>> No.8608111
File: 70 KB, 1500x1500, 71DE+qVk-BL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 and a half tablespoons of grounds per cup of water. Slow perc on stove for ten minutes.
I've had a few drip machines and the coffee came out looking a shade darker than most teas. Can't stand weak coffee.

>> No.8608116

eat shit, you should have linked FUCKIN' TEA instead if you just wanted to post muscular men

>> No.8608118


>> No.8608122

next time try mixing instant coffee with your regular coffee. 50/50
you will be in coffee heaven

>> No.8608127

Never heard of that one before, will definitely give it a try this weekend. Thanks.

>> No.8608149
File: 86 KB, 744x999, silvia_iso_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this one close to a year and it does a great job when you get a feel for it and as importantly, the grinder you use.

Before this I alternated between a moka pot and an aeropress. All resulted in some pretty good coffee (The rancilio silvia being the only to produce espresso) but the biggest factor for getting a great cup of coffee is grinding fresh beans. i do love the strength you get from a moka pot but I feel as if you get a smoother product from the aeropress.

smoother isnt necessarily better though.