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8606493 No.8606493 [Reply] [Original]

Spirits are all so bad on their own. How can anyone enjoy them?

>> No.8607180

Bourbon, rye whiskey, and black rum over ice. Fru fru sugary shit is for teens on spring break, and vodka can be mixed with anything but shots are doable with a high quality bottle

>> No.8607187

>sweet things are bad
I remember being 18... not very well, but I do remember

>> No.8607188

Whiskey and water here..

>> No.8607205

this, but you forgot scotch and water my man. Hell, even shit like Ancient Age can be drunk straight and enjoyed.
As for op, its just enjoying the flavor
>spirits are all bad on their own

>> No.8607229

I drink my whiskey and scotch straight, I think they taste fantastic.

>> No.8607265
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Ouzo is pretty good as it is, with a few ice cubes.

>> No.8607273


>> No.8607289

Just not much of a scotch drinker, but I do agree

>> No.8607292

I really do like so quality tequilas and sweet rums on their own.

But otherwise nah I think most liquors are better with a lil something extra. Doesn't need to be covered in sugar but they're often better with a little bitters or sour mix or some such shit.

It's all just personal taste though.

>> No.8607304

I drink straight vodka and i hate myself.

>> No.8607331

It's not just spirits that need to be mixed. You are a vulgar bum if you don't mix your wine with water, and your heated ale with milk.

>> No.8607493
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>wine with water
>ale in milk
I'm 99% sure you're fucking around, but nobody really does this, do they?

>> No.8607557

See I prefer softer stuff. Like a mellow Amaretto. I like hard liquor mixed into my beer like a cheap fuck I am. Really the only hard shit straight is scotch, sherry, and vodka (only if you're russian/finnish/nordic). If you dig it awesome. Don't drink hard liquor just to be a weirdo or edge lord. I love craft beer for the taste, but I like to go splurge on a blitz. Find your taste bro.

>> No.8607558

The ancient Greeks and Romans mixed wine with water. You were considered an alcoholic if you didn't.

Ale mixed with milk was common in Europe, and was poured over rye or barley porridge.
I tried it, and it's pretty good.

>> No.8607575

Bourbon & Rye Whiskey is best meat
Some Rums too

>> No.8607584

Spirits have a unique and enjoyable flavor. Half the appeal is developing a tolerance to alcohol burn so you can enjoy it, for bragging rights.

Such is life when alcohol is an occasional treat instead of a dietary staple.

>> No.8607627

The greeks and romans did that because their wine possessed several qualities that made it a more potent drink, not just alcoholically, than what we're familiar with. They also primarily used it as a means of water purification, so trying to follow their lead is simply pretentious since our wine is significantly different to what they drank.

Ale with milk was not the conventional method of consuming ale. That's absurd.

>> No.8607646

The Greeks and Romans shipped their wine in a fortified-like state, they mixed it with water to put it back to its original form you fuck. it was something like 80 proof when they made it

>> No.8607654

Not op but Its a common way to accentuate the flavors of extremely strong liquors

>> No.8607672

>The greeks and romans did that because their wine possessed several qualities that made it a more potent drink, not just alcoholically, than what we're familiar with. They also primarily used it as a means of water purification, so trying to follow their lead is simply pretentious since our wine is significantly different to what they drank.
Obviously. I've never tried it myself either, because wine is usually good as it is.

>Ale with milk was not the conventional method of consuming ale. That's absurd.
I didn't say it was the only, or even the most usual way to consume ale. I only said it was common to ingest it with milk and porridge.
People obviously still preferred to drink it.

>> No.8607676

This is actually somewhat false. It's not possible to strengthen wine beyond around 20% without distillation, so while it may have been at most 5% stronger than what we're used to, they did season it heavily with spices and lead acetate which required it to be watered down so that the flavors of the seasoning weren't overpowering.

By this post >>8607331 I assumed you were saying it was the only "right" way to drink it. If not, my bad, it's difficult to pick up on tone in text.

>> No.8607698

By this post >>8607331 (You) I assumed you were saying it was the only "right" way to drink it. If not, my bad, it's difficult to pick up on tone in text.
It wasn't a serious post. I was just poking fun at culinary pretentiousness.

That aside, ale with milk and porridge is pretty decent. You should try it if you are interested in historical foods.

>> No.8607705

I think most people have only have experience drinking rotgut, but there's good stuff out there.

>> No.8607806

I used to drink bourbon with ice and water, now I just drink it neat and maybe with one or two ice cubes if it's absolute shit.

>> No.8607908

He's thinking of Brandy. It WAS distilled to be shipped then watered down to be consumed as "wine".

Also, I love drinking spirits straight, I get why people don't, but it's how I prefer my booze.

>> No.8607922

I like to take a swing of brandy before bed

>> No.8607931

I mean yes I enjoy straight vodka or bourbon chased with some water but I'm an alcoholic

>> No.8607933

Jameson or a nice bourbon with ice is pretty great. I think a lot of people start off drinking booze straight in shots or straight and that's how they learn to hate it. Putting rocks in your scotch/whiskey/bourbon can make all the difference since it can take that initial bite off and make it very smooth and pleasant. It's quite different from drinking lukewarm or even warm spirits, which is pretty fucking awful.

>> No.8608150

Serving warm is tougher on the spirit, but good quality stuff will work fine. You'll taste more of it, which is not a bad thing if it tastes good.

Ice cubes and cooling spirits down is fine especially to make cheaper spirits palatable, but please do consider tasting at room temperature if you have good stuff in your hand.

>> No.8608569

Decent Vodka is great when served ice cold!

>> No.8608583

Most good bottles you can drink on their own and they're nice regardless of what kind of liquor they are.

Unless of course that """good""" bottle actually just tastes like liquid smoke.

>> No.8609121


you're really insecure about your masculinity aren't you?

>> No.8609136

*tips cock cage*

>> No.8609151


I chuckled at that

>> No.8609156

it's dope, try it

gin and water too is nice

>> No.8609270

I unironically slam vodka shots out of the freezer because i enjoy blacking out.

>> No.8609295

desu gin is the only spirit i prefer straight

>> No.8609336

You can start to appreciate the flavours of straight liquour when you're alcoholic enough to be able to either ignore the burn or aquire the taste and enjoy the burn. If you're 19 years old and have only been drinking smirnoff premixes and cheap beer for a couple of years, the overpowering burn of straights will prevent you from even tasting the flavours. It's kind of the same as with spicy food. If you've never eaten spicy food before even a little chilli will distract you from all the flavours in the dish.

>> No.8609369
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Straight from the bottle.
Best poorfag bang for your buck ever.

>> No.8609379

Maybe... But he is but he's right for the wrong reasons.

The right reason being all that sugar fucks you up the morning after. Where you can really get trashed on straight liquor and wake up feeling not like death most of the time.

>> No.8609388

seems you already suffer from severe brain damage at 19