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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8596198 No.8596198 [Reply] [Original]

Just got one of these, holy shit this is worth every penny of $75.

>> No.8596209

>wastefulness' poster child product
Spotted the amerifat

>> No.8596210

I resisted for some time. Then my gf had really early hours and I bought one for her birthday.

It's so convenient that I never drink coffee any other way at home. My drip machine, vacuum pot, Vietnamese thing, French press, espresso machine, etc. all gather dust because I'm too lazy now. I occasionally use one of those methods on the weekend, but that's about it.

The coffee from a local chain is a lot better than anything available for Keurig, but like I said it's about convenience.

Nespresso is also good. I drink it sometimes at work and really like it, but I don't know if I'd get it over my Keurig.

>> No.8596218

I was a little late to the game and got one about 9 months ago. Completely agree.

>> No.8596220

>buys a new smartphone every two years
>buys a new laptop every four years
>frowns upon people who generate a few extra lbs of plastic every year

>> No.8596221

fuck off. worst product ever made that's still being made. utter trash.

>> No.8596226

Whom are you quoting?

>> No.8596241

I got one as a gift when they first came out and fell in love with it, about a year later I realized how insanely overpriced the k-cups were and missed having real tasting coffee. I switched back to my drip machine and the keurig has been collecting dust in the back of the cupboard
I think they're great to have in an office or break room, but for coffee lovers I feel they fall flat.

>> No.8596250


It has an internal timer that breaks it after a period of time or x uses, not sure which.
The duration is usually 14-15 months and the buttons basically all start doing random shit, the pump breaks, the large cup button only puts out 4 oz of coffee, and after you try using it 30-40 times after this period, it simply breaks itself.

I had literally 8.
Then I spent $10 on a dollar store coffee pot and never had to buy a new one until it got too stained and dirty.

>> No.8596252

You and all the other hypocrites who talk shit about Keurig-drinkers yet own lots of (disposable) electronics that take massive amounts of energy to produce.

But don't worry, you "need" your smart phone and a computer and an iPod. Don't worry about the heavy metal mining or anything like that, it's the people that use disposable coffee cups or pods that are destroying the planet.

>> No.8596264

suck my fuckin dick OP, I know I'm rising to the bait but I just can't help myself

>> No.8596269

I bought mine 4 years ago and have had no problems whatsoever.

Also, if it only puts out 4 oz of coffee, it is obvious that you need to clean and maintain the machine better. You sound too stupid to understand this concept.

>exit needle is clearly blocked
>I know, I'll keep running the machine!

Fucking millennial attitude.

>> No.8596273

Those things are recyclable.

We just don't want to pay $8.50 for a half gallon of coffee.
And we don't want machines that are designed to break themselves so you have to buy new ones.
In fact, your machine is probably thrown away more than any other "hunk of plastic" on earth because of the killswitch.
It's like those travelocity chargers that are designed to break every 30 days, only those don't weigh ten pounds.

>> No.8596296

The exit needle does not come into contact with anything but water. And that was just one instance anyways, the rest had unexplainable electrical and computer problems.
It's not a hard machine to run, and no, you don't need to maintain it besides a salt water run every once in a while and keeping the tank clean.

I don't understand how you think I fucked up.

If anyone can post a keurig that's older than 2 years and working, take a picture of the datestamp on the bottom.
Don't tilt the machine unless it's dry and empty.
I just want to see one older than 2 years please.

>> No.8596298 [DELETED] 

People are paying for convenience, pure and simple. Do you buy coffee at a coffee shop? Eat out sometimes? Do anything that isn't cost effective because of time constraints and convenience? Of course not, you're the greatest contrarian faggot that has grace this board.

You obviously don't take care of the machine if it breaks down. Instead of realizing this, you make up some myth about a kill switch to make you feel better.

Did your parents not teach you how to take care of your things? Or are you so spoiled that you think products should take care of themselves and last forever? Lazy man-child detected, thank god you won't pass on your genes let alone get laid.

Why do you even have voicemail let alone a smart phone? No one calls you or gives a shit about you. They can see your snarky bullshit attitude a mile away. But no, everyone else is wrong and you are right. Which begs the question: if you are so great, why has life turned out the way it has for you?

That's right, it's a conspiracy against you and all the other high-functioning demigods. We're all jelly. You're right, we're wrong.

God forbid someone overpays to enjoy their coffee. What idiots, what fucking prats. Meanwhile, you waste hours on 4chan everyday but let's not even consider the opportunity costs there. If you weren't flailing your fat fucking fingers here you'd be doing something equally useless.

Just fuck off. FUCK RIGHT OFF. Fucking faggot.

>> No.8596314

So how did Keurig displace the Nestle one as the ubiquitous coffee pod in (I'm assuming) America?

>> No.8596317

Post the date on the bottom of your keurig.
If it's older than august 2015, I will leave.

I don't know what you said but I do know you have to buy a new machine every year and a half.


>> No.8596333
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>> No.8596338
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I'll see if I can get it up and running
Been in storage for at least 2 years and I got it maybe 4 years ago

>> No.8596342
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Going well so far

>> No.8596343

Godspeed dude, we may witness a miracle today.

>> No.8596345

My laptop is ten years old and my dumphone was of similar vintage until finally it died a warrior's death and I was unable to source replacement parts.

>> No.8596350
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Ready to brew?

>> No.8596356
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>> No.8596358

Inb4 pump issues.

This is my dream, to see one of these things working that's over 2 years of use.

>> No.8596359
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>> No.8596364
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Today may be the day, anon

>> No.8596365

We have a winner.
Congrats sir yours is the only working pre 2015 model on earth.
You should put it on ebay.

>> No.8596369
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Actually worked, I'm genuinely surprised. I think they're a waste of money, but mine is still going strong after 4~ years.

>> No.8596380

Dry it out and stash it if you want to retain it, if you try using it like it was meant to be used for another month you won't be able to sell it on ebay because it will break.

>> No.8596381 [DELETED] 

Sorry for all the sideways pics, my phone is retarded.

>> No.8596390

This thing is going right back into the cupboard. Would it be worth it to sell it on eBay? Are people that interested in old Keurigs?
I was going to take it to the Salvation Army on Tuesday

>> No.8596393

nice plastic hot water heater, faggot.

>> No.8596397
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Seen tens of millions of pictures on the internet, don't care, still fapping.

Also captcha is now taking pictures of your ass in public and making people click on it.
Has science gone too far?

>> No.8596403

Absolutely not but you have to admit the rarity is insane.
None of the shills in this thread have bought any less than four of these.

There are tons of them, but working?
I was joking about ebay but you can find out easily if it's worth keeping.

>> No.8596409

Why didnt you just washout the pot with vinegar?

>> No.8596422

Damn, I was hoping for a strange keurig eBay market haha, i guess I'll just store it for another two years and wait for the next keurig thread.

>> No.8596426

I am not defending the thing at all but I have had the one in OP's pic for over 8 years. It has been in use for at least 1 large cup of coffee almost every day it's been owned.

Additionally I rescued it from my office where it was brewing at least 5 cups a day for 8 months. Some people reported it as malfunctioning so I called Keurig and they sent a new one no questions asked. I was under the impression that it wasn't broke but the idiots at work were turning it off mid-refilling/heating cycle and once I got my wife to promise not to do that I've had it for all these years.

That said, I hate the damn thing. K cups for some reason triggered my first bout with acid reflux. I can drink any other type of coffee with no issues but if I drink K cups higher than light roast more than 3 times a week I'm fucked. I know it's not the caffeine because light roast has more of it.

Second, the expense is ridiculous for the quality/quantity of brew. I only buy the pods if they are .52 or below.

Third, screw their attempt to make coffee DRM and pass the price to the consumer. From what I've read it has cost them more in bad PR than sold in units.

Not a fan of the landfill aspect either.

Give me a single serve drip brewer, K-cup adapter, or my aeropress any day. I hope that thing breaks soon.

>> No.8596433

Whenever I use my mine for tea, coffee, hot chocolate, anything, there's this underlying mechanical taste.

>> No.8596458

Warm, well diluted salt water, every 30-40 uses, which is about two months for me.

The needle won't really clog. It can get hardwater scum, but not much else. There is a filter mesh in the k-cups between the coffee and the needles.
Maybe I was using reusable cups, can't remember. There was no water flow issue, it was the computer that was fucked up. The small cup produced 10 oz, the medium produced 12 oz and the large produced 4 oz.

I did the natural thing and cleaned the pot spotless and just used the medium or small buttons, but it broke very fast after this started happening.

The other 7 all broke in mysterious ways between 1 and 15 months of use. I used them for one cup every two or three days and the reservoir was always drained and removed after use.

I did nothing wrong.
This shit is made in China and that's enough of an explanation for me.

>> No.8596496

Crude oil: $1.01/gallon
Gas: $2.00/gallon
Apple juice: $2.25/gallon
Milk: $3.50/gallon
Beer: $7.50/gallon

Keurig (12oz brewing cycle): $10/gallon (but you have to buy two boxes so $15/gal)
Keurig (4oz brewing cycle): $30/gallon

>> No.8596659

>It can get hardwater scum

It says to use only filtered or bottled water, I wonder why?

>> No.8596665

Well I guess you nailed my problem there, friend.

And don't forget you just added $1 a gallon to those rock bottom prices.

>> No.8596671

Probably hard water build up.

>> No.8596672

>cheap out despite instructions saying not to

The point isn't the cost, its that you're too retarded to realize that not following the instructions is why they stop working correctly.

>> No.8596683

If it's any consolation I would have had to walk 4 miles from that house and hauled back 8.34lbs/gallon of water.
With asthma.
And sensitivity to sunlight.
And epilepsy.
And a bad heart.

Is the background of this board yellow or are you going to develop a sense of humor any time soon?
I want to do other things and I can't wait for your proposed internet argument.

>> No.8596685
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>> No.8596868

>drinking water passed over heated plastic every day
This thing has got to be some kind of ploy to increase cancer rates or something.

>> No.8596879

My wife bought me one for Christmas. Expensive k-cups and underbrewed coffee ruined it for me. Now I just eat the coffee raw.

>> No.8596894


The world takes all sorts.

I actually enjoy making coffee in the morning. I love using my french press, and my moka pot, and I even love filling my whistling kettle.

I only have one cup a day and I drink it because I genuinely enjoy it, not because I am addicted. I wake up just fine without it, and don't usually make it until after I exercise and am fully awake and energized. I could skip it if I didn't have enough time.

Coffee is a pleasure. Something like this would ruin it for me. It just seems cheap and empty and pointless.

>> No.8596895
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>Buying a keurig
>Overpaying for literally one of the worst ways to brew coffee

>> No.8597860

Why do people buy these things?
They were designed for office use and idiots started buying them to use at home.

They're not even any more convenient than a regular drip machine, you still have to clean it, and you have the added luxury of being forced to buy a new one after a few hundred uses, because they're literally designed to break after the warranty runs out.

I can't even find ground or whole bean coffee in stores anymore because they dedicated at least 80% of the coffee aisle to giant boxes of k-cups, fuck everybody else.

>> No.8598008

Don't install it in your bathroom.

The same model burned down Chris chan's house

>> No.8598155

>falling for keurig meme
If you drink a lot of coffee, just make a big batch (4u) in advance and put it in the vacuum-insulated vessel of your choice.

>> No.8599580

My laptops were purchased in 2007 and 2008. They are my only laptops. I have owned three phones since 2006. Kys pleb ass "wait till I've had my morning cup" connoisseur faggot.

>> No.8599914

>owns 2 laptops
>buys a phone every 3 years
WOW sooooo sustainable and low impact lol

>> No.8600074

>salt water

salt water is corrosive, most people clean coffemakers with vinegar

>> No.8600456
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>With asthma.
>And sensitivity to sunlight.
>And epilepsy.
>And a bad heart.
>Is the background of this board yellow or are you going to develop a sense of humor any time soon?
>I want to do other things and I can't wait for your proposed internet argument.

>> No.8600479


You soon realize k cups are like STDs that stay with your Kurig. The fill yourself meme shit doesn't taste good either. I went and put a shitty five cup Mr. Coffee to have coffee that doesn't taste like heated water.

>> No.8600487

I have the same model and it works after 3+ years as well. Good shit anon.

>> No.8600515
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you got suckered in OP

have fun paying for those extremelly expensive kcups forever
