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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 800x430, cruz_face-800x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8594413 No.8594413 [Reply] [Original]

>"fancy" restaurant
>french fries are listed as pomme frites
>home-made and premium potatoes coming from some sacred native american ground.
>charges 7+ dollars for them

What are some other foods that go through this?

>> No.8594425

Only an actual poor person would complain about the price of food in a fucking restaurant.

Don't eat out if you can't afford it, sucker

>> No.8594428

>mama mia italia
>only use the volcanic grown san marzano tomatoes for sauces
>cans of san marzano tomatoes 4 times more expensive

>> No.8594438

Don't go to restaurants that charge prices you don't like. If it seems too expensive guess what? You're not supposed to be in there - it's not a place for you. It's a place for people with more money than you.

>> No.8594481


lol it must be so fucking easy to make money off people like this

>> No.8594498

>go to "fancy" restaurant
>buy main course
>it's buried under a mountain of fucking "garnish"
I hate this meme so much

>> No.8594507

Most people spend their money at places where others of their social class are doing the same thing. You won't find too many Whole Foods shoppers slumming it at Walmart, the same way you won't find too many Waffle House diners who have recently done a tasting menu with wine pairings at a Michelin starred place. People tend to stick with their own kind, and generally the cost of entry helps emforce that.

>> No.8594508

If you don't want it, don't order it. Ask them to hold the greens or whatever if it's bothering you.

Of course you'll look like Howard fucking Hughes eating a piece of overcooked steak off an empty plate in an otherwise normal restaurant, but that's what you want, right?

>> No.8594515

>lol it must be so fucking easy to make money off people like this

It's really not, restauranting is a hard business

>> No.8594517

>You won't find too many Whole Foods shoppers slumming it at Walmart
That isn't true, and doesn't even really make sense. You won't find people who can only afford Walmart at Whole Foods, and you won't find them at a Michelin starred restaurant either, but people in my social class in my community definitely eat fast food, buy things in Walmart, etc. occasionally. If you can't afford something, you can't have it, but if you can afford one thing, you can of course still get something cheaper.

>> No.8594520

It's really up to you to assess whether the food is worth the price
Like idk why half the thread is pretentious little shitheads while the other half is a bunch moneygrubbing plebians

>> No.8594528

Yeah, that is absolutely not what they're thinking when they write menus and set prices. You're a fucking rube overthinking the ways you get hosed for fucking french fries

>> No.8594547

I don't ever order fries. Not a fan of them.

>> No.8594572

All I want is for everyone on my plate to be fucking edible and intended to be eaten

>> No.8594651

Proper restaurants don't generally have a picture of the dish next to the listing in the menu, unlike the fast food shitholes you obviously frequent.

>> No.8594688
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>poking fun at dumb practices
>"lol you can't afford it!"

why the hostility?

>> No.8594701



entitled fuck, running a restaurant is hard as fuck and most fail. Not only are your poor but also STUPID as fuck. I only shop at Whole Foods and eat organic because I know the health benefits are there and I make tons of money. But I grew up running restaurants with my parents who are both chefs and it's not easy to make money off them no matter how "fancy" your menu is. Go away. DON'T eat out at restaurants if you can't afford it and have to complain. I bet you wear no name clothes and think brand names like Gucci (what I wear) are a "waste of money." pft, fucking pleb fuck off.

>> No.8594709

The point was that some restaurants charge stupid prices for basic shit. I can afford to eat somewhere like that, but I'd rather spend my money on something which took skill to prepare and is made with good ingredients. If you pay $10 for half of a deep-fried potato you're just giving your money away to someone who doesn't need it.

>> No.8594714
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>Wearing off the rack clothes
>Calling other people plebs

>> No.8594717


Look loser you clearly can't afford them so step off. I wear them for prestige and social acceptance because they are popular and give me status. You're obvs a loser with no friends so roll on back to the dumpster.

>> No.8594720
File: 67 KB, 480x319, dj-motorino-blog480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why pizza can be over priced sometimes. I don't think i can tell the difference between Pizza Hut and pic related if i was blind.
Am i just a pleb?

>> No.8594723


>Am I just a pleb

If you can't tell the difference between absolute shit chain pizza and delicious pizza made with a few fresh ingredients...yes you are a total pleb.

>> No.8594724

I mean there totally is a difference, but like high shelf vodka, marketing and the brand name carry a lot when it comes to the price people are willing to pay.

>> No.8594731
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This is how I feel about most Italian food here in the States. Where Olive Garden tastes the same to Giuseppe's Tomatoe Vine or any other upscale Italian place.

Maybe I should just try and make my own.

>> No.8594759
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I've seen a PB/J sandwich served with some expensive bread for $15


>> No.8594817

why are you poor?

>> No.8594898

>Most people
anyone get pleasure out of not doing this?
its a hipster thing, right?
this makes me hip, right?

>> No.8594909

nah margheritas are just stupid and are supposed to be cheap shitty poverty food yet people masturbate over them like it's the pinnacle of culture

>> No.8594993

>"fancy restaurant"
>steak is $60
>no sides included
>mashed potatoes are $15

>> No.8595101

Makes sense. A huge serving of mashed potatoes costs about $.50. They probably sprinkled a few drops of truffle oil so you were living high on the hog for $15.

>> No.8595148 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1024x683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run a mid-tier steak restaurant
>use only the best local eva potatoes
>use only the best raw milk gruyere and local cultured butter
>retarded customers bitch and moan about the price
>switch to idaho flakes and tap water
>problem solved
this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.8595152

I hate how everything on menus has to be explained to be "perfectly cooked" and "perfectly seasoned" and "to perfection", jesus christ that's what I'm paying for, you shouldn't have to assure me

>> No.8595166

Instant potatoes are a godsend, they're identical unless you want lumpy.

>> No.8595237

>use only the best raw milk gruyere in mashed potaoes.
>adding cheese to mashed potatoes

That's some serious flyover shit right there. No wonder you had to switch to sourcing from Sysco. Bottomline, you tred to fancy up a dish that is superb by itself and even flyovers recognize that. Rightly so, they saw you as someone destroying a great dish to attempt to charge higher prices. I'm glad you're failing.

>> No.8595248

>it's mayonnaise with other shit mixed into it
>not even a bit of garlic to be found

>> No.8595253 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 480x640, Le-service-de-laligot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not adding cheese to mashed potatoes
>Auvergne, the inventors of cheesy potatoes, is in flyover land USA
Almost died laughing

Just because you're on the gulf coast doesn't make you not a flyover, cleetus

>> No.8595266

Eh that's because it's american Italian food. Most of those restaurants are awfully dated and pretty monotone in flavors. Putting parsley on top of everything and shit

>> No.8595325

Enjoy your final days working in a wannabe pretensious hipster shithole that's destined to fail.

>> No.8595382 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8595423
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Tis a pity.

>> No.8595441

>The point was that some restaurants charge stupid prices for basic shit.
The food itself is a small part of restaurant prices. The rent and the staff are big costs as well. If some place charges you $10 for an order of pommes frites ask yourself: Am I in a posh part of town with high rents? Do the other menu items require kitchen staff more skilled than a fast food joint? Are there decent servers serving me? Is the environment I'm in pleasant? Because that's what you're paying for. It's not that the fries cost $10. It's that they cost $9 in a place like this because of all those other things. If that galls you maybe you shouldn't be eating in places like this.
Get pleasure out of purposely going to places that aren't catering to your social class? I love hitting dive immigrant joints where the food is good and cheap. Some of my peers would never hit these kinds of places. I don't give a fuck if that makes me hipster. Dinner for two at a bistro with a bottle of wine, tax and tip can clock in over a c-note these days, and sometimes I don't feel like dropping that kind of dough.Tonight we went out for Salvadorian with some friends. Dinner for four with beers and a generous tip was $54. Fucking Chipotle would have been more expensive!

>> No.8595444
File: 330 KB, 500x333, pb&J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a fancy restaurant with gf
>waiter recommends PB&J deconstructed ala Thomas Keller
>it's our biggest seller
>brings this

>> No.8595453
File: 60 KB, 170x215, 170px-Bakunin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. When will they awaken?

>> No.8595455

lel, sounds about right.

>> No.8595466

Why are Cruz's eyes so feminine

>> No.8595500

Haha, It must suck to be american. Whole foods seems like the kind of shop that only a blatantly ignorant and pretentious society like america could support,

The rest of the world has a vast array of vegetable shops and groceries wherein you have a wider choice than walmart and wholefoods.

>> No.8595509

>not wearing clothes because they look good or are practical
>only wearing clothes for prestige and social acceptance
Were you literally raised inside an american high school drama show or something?

>> No.8595515

Yeah it does suck. Truth be told though you can fine plenty of cheap fresh local shit here in the Asian/Hispanic super markets. Then again I live in southern California so it might not be as easy in other parts.

Guess that's what happens when 80% of our food is derived from corn.

>> No.8595516

>confirmed for never having left their room

>> No.8595550

Yeah. I have to drive 40 miles to get to an asian market or whole foods. My only day to day choices are Piggly Wiggly or Walmart. Pretty sad really. Although I hunt and forage plants and mushrooms without even driving. All in what you value.

>> No.8595577

>Dave's Bread
lel I bought some of that at the fancy organic place and it molded in like 3 days.

>> No.8595868

that's what happens when you don't put preservatives in bread

also, you can buy it at walmart

>> No.8595894
File: 78 KB, 400x400, 7736794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dis fuckin guy

>> No.8596441

So you are the tone police?

>> No.8596450

You are describing an American style steakhouse, not a "nice" restaurant.

>> No.8596841

Bonne Maman is the best jam money can buy, though. But I can't believe you were charged 80usd for basically having to prepare your own basic sandwich

>> No.8596873

Effectively yes. It strikes me as this weirdly fabricated sense of self entitlement to go to Whole Foods; who gives a fuck where you get your damn groceries?

>>8594701 I'm happy you've worked your ass off like everybody else in the industry, but you're still a fuccboi. You are the biggest of fuccbois. If brand and status are all you care about and is all you get out of making money you are just as shallow, dumb and uncultured as everybody else here, but you have money to waste on utterly stupid crap you think has any real importance. You wear Gucci? Only fuckin' imbiciles like you would spend over 1000 dollars on a single piece of every day clothing that wasn't a wedding dress or genuine jewelry.

>> No.8596931

People like you are the reason why I got into advertising. You're gonna empty your pockets for me because you're a stupid fuck who fell hard for the consumer identity meme. Even if I told you the trick you would still keep taking the bait lmfao

>> No.8596945

Exactly. Also just out of curiosity I went to Gucci's website just because and, well... according to them it costs between $5000-$10000 to look like a douchebag faggot loser.

>> No.8596998

Everyone likes nice things but you should always stop yourself ask yourself *why* you want this thing. You would be surprised how often you don't have a good answer

>> No.8597021

>OP admits he goes to the restaurant and order fries
fuck off, underaged toddler

>> No.8597031
File: 115 KB, 610x1220, weebchic harry potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatever the hell this shit is is sold out

Someone REALLY likes Donald Duck.

>> No.8597057

You must be a waiter who cries if they don't get 25% tip
>durr if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat duurrr
kill yourself

>> No.8597066

>Not only are your poor but also STUPID as fuck. I only shop at Whole Foods and eat organic because I know the health benefits are there and I make tons of money. But I grew up running restaurants with my parents who are both chefs and it's not easy to make money off them no matter how "fancy" your menu is. Go away. DON'T eat out at restaurants if you can't afford it and have to complain. I bet you wear no name clothes and think brand names like Gucci (what I wear) are a "waste of money." pft, fucking pleb fuck off.

>> No.8597126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8597143
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>> No.8597146


Hahaha nigga what is this

>> No.8597149

Dude if it wasn't obvious that that post was a ruse as soon as you got to "Gucci (what I wear)" you may have autism

>> No.8597151

This is a ridiculously stupid thing to say. I guess if you are still waiting tables living with your parents you might say something so inane

>> No.8597157

Except you could blind test Popov against svedka, absolut, grey goose, ciroc. And it would win or taste no different every time.

>> No.8597163 [DELETED] 

Are you kidding me my grandparents are multi-millionaires they only go out to restaurants when coupons for it
They shop at Walmart and Costco and go bargain hunting at Winn-Dixie With Coupons you're an idiot

>> No.8597173 [DELETED] 

>rich people are rich because they save pennies
I can almost guarantee you they made some good decisions on real estate or securities or own a business, and their extreme couponing and taste for walmart products has nothing to do with it other than being triggered by the same underlying psychological disposition.

>> No.8597177 [DELETED] 

The fucks wrong with Sysco

>> No.8597216 [DELETED] 

They have a two-million-dollar house
On a lake
They grew up poor the sons and daughters of immigrants and made there millions working hard and finding good deals
Back when the first got married they couldn't even afford a wedding now there taking vacations all over the world but will eat 4 dollar bags of hot dogs they get bogo from Publix
Ever think your the retarded one here bud and it's you that has the mental problem about what people think about you based on what you eat and wear
Shit I'm wearing Walmart clothes rn but in 2 weeks I'm going to last Vegas and eating at some of the fanciest restaurants in town and after that I'm going to go to Chinatown and eat at some of the cheapest

>> No.8597219 [DELETED] 

tl;dr: you are too financially ignorant to have even bothered to ask and you just assumed all this time they're rich because of clipping fucking coupons out of the newspaper.

You should talk to your grandparents, anon. They have life experiences that are not only fun to hear about but may also be useful for you to know.

>> No.8598991

Where would you get that info? So if I scoff at anything on the menu that means I ordered it?

Your claim is absolutely baseless.

>> No.8599009

A couple things. One, you type like a retard. Two, your grandparents are cheap because they're incapable of breaking their conditioning from their poor upbringing. There are plenty of people with money who use it to enjoy good food.

>> No.8599040
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Sysco is restaurant cancer.
Instant potatoes are only good for one thing, thickener. As mashed potatoes, they're disgusting.
If you can't understand the difference between quality foods, it's your problem, not the restaurant. He's right, this is why we can't have nice things, because dim bulbs like you two will always exist to fuck it up.
Just had a similar conversation with a local restaurateur the other night. His restaurant is doing very well, but we had a whole conversation about pleb eaters and why Yelp shouldn't exist.

>> No.8599057


>thinks Gucci is high class
Come on now, people.

>> No.8600598

Not that anon, but I wouldn't wear clothes with some assholes name or brand on them even if they fucking paid me. I'm not a walking billboard for anyone.

>> No.8600621

Well they are fucking retarded in that case. You dont get rich buy spending all your time saving pennies, moron.

>> No.8600630

You cant tell the difference? Are you both blind, dumb and have lost your sense of taste? Because theyre two different dishes

>> No.8600648


>everything sysco supplies is instant potatoes tier

I see you keep bashing Sysco like it's the worst thing in the world - and yes people using instant shortcuts from suppliers like Sysco is a problem that people do talk about - they also carry plenty of high quality ingredients, so it's retarded to just outright keep saying that Sysco is shit.

What suppliers do you use? A trip to the farmers market every morning and all local fishmongers/butchers (not that that part's a big deal) and everything else from artisinal local dealers?

>> No.8600659

Not the anon you're talking to.

I guess the hate comes from them being so prevalent all over the nation that food kind of tastes similar no matter where you go.

>> No.8600661


They deliver milk and oil and butter and vegetables...

>> No.8600668

I don't know anon, I'm just trying to justify his hatred.

He seems like the kind of guy that would ask his waiter/host who the supplier is.

>> No.8600706

>go into fast food place
>get shitty russet potatoes cooked in canola oil and salt
>not worth the $2

>go into fancy restaurant
>get superior kennebec potatoes cooked in duck fat and truffle oil
>well worth the $8

>> No.8600722

Well you don't stay rich when you're blowing your money on stupid shit.

>> No.8600863

I would dine and dash. Places like this deserve to be burned.

t. Server at a fine dining restaurant

>> No.8600865

I'm in France and this jam cost 2-3€ a jar at your typical hypermarket lol

>> No.8600867

And I'd consider that it reeaaaally lacks flavor for its price, compared to what I can buy at the market or even make myself.

>> No.8600991

No. A pleb would understand. You are cattle or even less.

>> No.8601069

hahahaha holy shit it's a fucking pajeet

>> No.8601110 [DELETED] 

All food is the same, see >>8595166

If you disagree with me you are a hipster who hates America and has literally never even set foot here

>> No.8601119

How the fuck are they connected?

>> No.8601122 [DELETED] 

He was just guessing. Could be a slav I suppose, or middle eastern. Someone with cringey completely out of touch ideas about what's good.

>> No.8601136

Here too, I just think it's good jam, and I was surprised to see it sold as some hipter extravagant European luxury, as it is just a normal, albeit somewhat top shelf brand here. Never topped dear grandmother's home made jam from hand picked wild fruit though

Also it amuses me how super-/hypermarkets have such extreme names in France everytime I visit (I'm Dutch). I've yet to encounter an Ultrasuperdupermarché

>> No.8601199

>Go to local well known restaurant, i knew it would be good since its always busy and they have a few branches.
>Take the wife, we were able to sit at a table instantly since although it was a bit busy the staff never bothered to sit one couple at a time, like fucking animals
>The restaurant is an "order at the till" type affair with paper menus available at the counter, as well as on the wall behind the tills.
>Wife and i look through the various menu items, realising quickly and they represent good value for money.
>Go to till to order, served instantly since they weren't understaffed like some other restaurants in the local area.
>Order 2 mains, 2 sides and 2 drinks, with 2 deserts also
>Offered a 10% armed forces discount
>Total is less than £20
>The food is very tasty.
>Best part of the meal by far was the burger that i ordered, it was a fantastic fried battered chicken patty with fresh mayo and lettuce, i believe they called it a McChicken.
>Have been back several times, every time the quality has been consistently high.

I don't even bother to look at other restaurants now.

>> No.8601222
File: 309 KB, 1920x983, IMG_20170221_072923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, anon? Can't afford a $13 plate of Mac 'n Cheese? Go be poor somewhere else.


>> No.8601224

> Gucci
What's up Guido? Make me a spaghetti and meatballs with a banana cognac bitch!

>> No.8601238

a pizza like that in naples runs you for about 5 euros or something ridiculously cheap like that.

>> No.8601239

>Not Hugo Boss

Confirmed untermensch

>> No.8601319
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>baiting this hard

>> No.8601429

>Hugo Boss
>not Ed Hardy

>> No.8602807

>7 dollars


>> No.8602817
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1200, 1487599454683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but why not offer both and make the top tier even higher priced?

Maybe we'd have more money to spend if a medical lottery didn't force people into spending thousands of not hundreds of dollars on healthcare.

>> No.8602831

Local restaurant does this, fries em in duck fat and pours truffle butter on them, this plus their ribeye and poached eggs bunch is 24 bucks

>> No.8602850

>aligot is flyover

10/10, would kek again

>> No.8602893

it certainly didn't hurt matters

>> No.8602955
File: 147 KB, 800x534, toadsnake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google restaurant
>website has menu
>no prices
>fuckbook page
>no prices
>walk past the restaurant
>little box on the wall with menu
>no prices
>they put up a blackboard on the sidewalk
>lists foods
>no prices
Whelp, guess where I'm not gonna eat if you aren't gonna tell me your fucking price range, master chef manager man.

>> No.8602987

no prices = overpriced

>> No.8602999

That's also what I thought. But beyond that, it disturbs the trust factor between customer and restaurant before it can even be built up. I won't eat in such places by principle.

>> No.8603157

it also makes me feel like they're too lazy to keep their website updated if a price / menu item changes or something and I outright refuse to go to places with shitty websites

>> No.8603796

>You must be a waiter who cries if they don't get 25% tip

This, whenever I eat out and the receipt has "tip % suggestions" that start at 15% and go higher I always make it a point to tip10-12% at most.

>> No.8603808

Bro just go in and get a table and then take a look at the menu and then exclaim loudly "yea I am not paying this much" and then take a drink of your water and leave.

They will get the hint.

>> No.8603819

First time I can't afford potatoes
Funny how rich people get so protective of their money and then go around paying steak money for fucking potatoes
I could buy the cheapest potatoe and then plant it in my garden and serve you wathever comes out and you wouldn't tell the difference

>> No.8603839

>This is the mentality in blue states
>These people want full undemocratic control because everyone else is too uneducated
>Vote Democrat, get a free golden case for your iPhone with your name on it
Simple as that

>> No.8603852



>> No.8603855

>Restaurants fail all the time, that's why I need to charge 20 bucks for potatoes Wich is what everyone else keeps doing and they fail

>> No.8603869

>Go to low end restaurant
Food is meh but the price is OK, I could have cooked better at home
>Go to high end restaurant
Food is actually worse than low end restaurant, portions are smaller, prices are way too high and the staff is rude, they make you wait too long for the food and the bill

>> No.8603873

Go wait 3 hours in line for avocado on toast, you are so cultural

>> No.8603887



>> No.8603890
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>thinks Gucci is fancy

>> No.8603909

As much as I agree, that is not the topic. He's asking which other foods are subjected to this, not complaining that they're over priced. Answer correctly, pleb.

>> No.8603970

What, you can't see quotation marks?

>> No.8604006

Only an actual fucking idiot would defend senseless consumerism.

>> No.8604140

>He's asking which other foods are subjected to this
Everything, over the last decade or so. The trend has been to take pedestrian dishes like burgers, mac & cheese and even greens and do upscale versions of them in restaurants. This has been brewing since the turn of the century, but it really gathered the most steam during the crash of 2008. You had plenty of people who wanted to eat out, but couldn't afford (or weren't willing to pay for) fine dining in the traditional sense. These folks were happy to pay a premium for fancy sandwiches or dressed up street food from other places. A $15 bowl of great ramen was more in reach than a $130 tasting menu. So that's what they went for.

But I see that as a reaction to the more overarching trend of doing downmarket versions of more upscale dishes. It used to be if you wanted a croissant you had to be lucky enough to live near a French bakery. Now fast food chains offer breakfast sandwiches built around shitty versions of the pastry. Panini were something found in the earliest wine bars. Now every shitty chain coffee shop has them, and you can find them in the frozen food section of your supermarket. Caesar salad used to be a tableside gimmick in high end restaurants, now it's practically a standard fast food item in one form or another. You can get a riff on Jean-Georges' late 80's molten chocolate cake delivered to you along with a Domino's pizza if you so desire. You can buy jars of Alfredo sauce in the supermarket.

This shit goes both ways. For every hipster take you can find of brushcetta or a hoagie you can find out there there are as many versions of upscale restaurant warhorses available in dumbed down form. Almost every American can buy a frozen heat and eat version of pasta primavera at the supermarket, and while it may be a shit dish it was trendy as fuck at upscale places in the 70's.

The glorification of the pedestrian is more recent, but we've been dumbing down the upscale for a long time.

>> No.8604561

>Only poor people complain about food prices

No, anon. Pretty much everyone unless you're a careless rich fag will complain about pricing.

>> No.8604579
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If you can't afford $7 then you're a loser. Like my friends when we go to restaurants. I tell them have a look over the menu. They say okay then when we get there they complain about prices

Go to a Chinese place. They say, "oh, I'd really like the duck, but it's $20." They then complain about not getting the duck as they waste the $5 dollars spent on a shitty six pack.

Plebs. I hate them. I hate you too. Someone just look at the menu and agree on it and its prices before going somewhere

>> No.8604582 [DELETED] 

What do you mean when you say $7 is steak money? I can't even buy a raw steak from the store for $7 unless you mean steak-ums or some disgusting CAFO trashmeat. Or do you mean you are saving up $7 at a time until you can afford steak?

>> No.8604584

>Getting pissy because the manager gave an easy to read print of percentages on your receipt so you don't have to strain your tiny brain so you take it out on your server

>> No.8604595

>I don't tip 15%, I tip 12% at most

Literal penny-pinching.

>> No.8604603
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>'fancy' restaurant doesn't have hours of operation on it's window
>'fancy' restaurant doesn't get my patronage because I'm not going to test the door randomly to see when it's not electrified and I can enter

Fucking idiots, who doesn't put a sign up?

>> No.8604776

>>8594714 >>8595500 >>8596873 >>8596931 >>8597066 >>8599057 >>8600598 >>8601069 >>8601224 >>8601239 >>8603855 >>8603890
>all these replies
>only one recognizing obvious bait
man, the 4chan I knew really is gone.

>> No.8605548
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>> No.8605759


>everyone complains about the price of food when they go out to eat.

Kek, no. Just no. Most people try to enjoy themselves when they go out and don't complain about money the whole time like a little kid who just got their first minimum wage job.

>> No.8605764

>implying it wouldn't be pommes frites

>> No.8606242
File: 26 KB, 101x152, thepeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying said "fancy" restaurants would know what pommes frites actually are and are knowingly using it correctly with correct spelling

in other words, I know pommes frites is the word for fries in German,in how many other languages are they spelled similarly/pronounced similarly?

>> No.8606464

Could this be the birth of a new pasta?

>> No.8606470

> I know pommes frites is the word for fries in German

FRENCH, son. It's the word for fries in FRENCH.

>> No.8606665

pomme = apple
pomme de terre = potato
frites = French fries
Nobody's says pommes frites.

>> No.8606688

Except all of scandinavia does.

>> No.8607988

>this is the mentality of the blue states
>the conservative, republican president is an incredibly wealthy celebrity and was born rich

>> No.8608083
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>$15 eggs

>> No.8608109

It's called putting your bread in the freezer you dense faggot.

>> No.8608155

Actually there's a pretty healthy farmer's market where I live but I'm a flyover.

>> No.8608158

This entire thread is a shitshow

>> No.8608172
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>> No.8608203

>anger issues
>wear gucci
>works in the restaurant business

Lol guidos

>> No.8608318

>low rent George takei

>> No.8608465

>And then they MAKE you tip them.
>Only in America!

>> No.8608470

there is literally nothing wrong with the tipping system

>> No.8608504

>Want to go out with friends
>I know, I will take them to this expensive place I can't really afford. That way they will be impressed
What the fuck anon, why didn't we just go for pizza, who the fuck pays 20 for duck?
You should have bringed a girl here not your friends
Hey guys let's never let anon pick again he sucks

>> No.8608627


t. waiter scum

>> No.8608638

>Paying for food that you can make better at home
Protip the restaurant staff doesn't think highly of you, they actually laugh their asses off while serving you reheated leftover from the day before

>> No.8608640
File: 1.16 MB, 200x200, jazz hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I get certain customers who don't tip or act like dicks and I always spit in their food or put pubes in it

I'll be sure to stick my finger in my ass and swirl it around in your soup the next time you come in

>> No.8608647

exactly, scum. Just proving my point.

>> No.8608655

part of becoming an adult is learning to treat people as you like to be treated

the only people who have issues eating out because of "bad service" are people who deserve it

>> No.8608662

>not tipping because I'm not your fucking boss
>putting pubes in my food
>treating others as you're treated

Nah, you're just a dumb cunt which, to be fair, we already knew because you're just a servant, but still.

>> No.8608667

>you're just a dumb cunt
or maybe you're just a petulant child with entitlement issues?

>> No.8608671

Says the servant who can't get a real job and cries because people don't think he's entitled to their money just for bringing them food

>> No.8608678

what do you do for a living, hotshot? I bet it's something super important and glamorous like insurance claim adjusting

>> No.8608683

Actually, I'm in Medicine, finishing my Ophthalmology specialty or however you say it in English.
You just got BTFO, little servant. If only you weren't so dumb, you might've been able to get into a good college and a real job...

>> No.8608690
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kek, you probably live in romania or something

how does it feel to know a "servant" in america makes more in one month than you'll earn as an ophthalmologist in an entire year in whatever ex-soviet backwater you live in?

>> No.8608693

Not who your responding to, but you won't make it from me because I tip 0%. Always. Kek.

>> No.8608695

Tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night, guy who fails at life so hard he is only good for walking food a few meters at a time. :)

>> No.8608699
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>charging for a glass of water
I've seen this at expensive places and I've seen this at shit hole dives. It pisses me off no matter what.

>> No.8608701

Upvoting this post

>> No.8608704
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that's ok, most people I wait on aren't niggers so I make money hand over fist bringing people their food

>whatever helps you sleep at night
living in an actual house (with my income, as low as it is) as opposed to a giant decrepit apartment building occupied by everyone from waiters to doctors for one thing :^)

>> No.8608705

I know someone who went into a place with no prices advertised and there also weren't any prices on the fucking menu. They felt trapped and had a meal and it was outrageous but they didn't feel they could complain, that's just how that place did it.

>> No.8608707

>waiter ergo failure at life
>anime fan

No wonder your parents don't want you

>> No.8609150

Dubs checked

>> No.8609189

If you don't like the cost of entry don't enter.

>> No.8609280
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looks like Miyazaki

>> No.8611007


>> No.8611093

>I only shop at Whole Foods and eat organic because I know the health benefits are there

annnndd opinion discarded

>> No.8611387

If you have to ask how much it costs, you can't afford to eat at the restaurant.

>> No.8611441
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>take friends to restaurant after they gave the okay about prices weeks in advance.
>bitch and walk out so we have to go to buffalo wild wings where they still complain about prices.

a steak house for lower middle class people similar to cracker barrel was too expensive for them. but they'll waste money on shitty videogames and that they don't play and chink shit and microwaveable meals because their parents never taught them to take care of themselves.
they embarrass me constantly. being loud and vulgar in public and also playing yu gi oh and nintendo ds games with volume on. manchildren that fit the beta-male cuck archetype to a t. I hate them, and i hate you too

>> No.8611451

get a boyfriend anon

>> No.8611500
File: 185 KB, 1083x720, 1484530279714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the girl i like has a boyfriend. i didn't really like him at first, but he seems pretty cute now. I'd still prefer her though.

>> No.8612896

how are you any better than your friends if what you do on a cooking board is post anime reaction images and how the girl youre orbiting has a cute bf. you are just as beta and a cuck as your faggot friends. they at least sound like they have a personality that isnt just autistically screeching "PLEBBBBBB!!!!1" at people and saying you hate everyone because you think it makes you a cute tsundere anime girl. face it the only reason you hang out with them is because you probably wanna suck their dicks or something