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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8589356 No.8589356 [Reply] [Original]

Soda doesn't 'pair' with anything. The extreme sweetness and physical assault of the carbonation is just overwhelming and doesn't allow interplay with other foods.
Especially in the case of a burger, which should ideally be laden with grease, the heavy syrupy consistency of soda provides no contrast or relief from the heavy, fatty crumbled pork.

The ideal pairing for dan dan is a pale lager.

>> No.8589359


>> No.8589366

Chinotto soda pairs with pizza.

Pale lager pairs with food in the same way a glass of water or an open window with a slight breeze would: it's irrelevant.

>> No.8589375

I drink diet 7 up sometimes as a substitute for beer, like with pizza.

I used it to boil ramen last night with some crushed up doritos in it. It was good.

>> No.8589380

One thing I don't get is when people drink milk with cheese/milk-heavy meals. So a glass of milk with pizza, for example. Too much lactose in a single sitting in my opinion.

>> No.8589386

>muh lactose boogeyman

Vegan shitter get out

>> No.8589390

Soda doesn't 'pair' with anything. The extreme sweetness and physical assault of the carbonation is just overwhelming and doesn't allow interplay with other foods.
Especially in the case of a burger, which should ideally be laden with grease, the heavy syrupy consistency of soda provides no contrast or relief from the heavy, fatty cheese pizza.

The ideal pairing for a pizza is a pale lager.

>> No.8589391

A+ thank u

gonna go have a big glass of milk and some grilled cheese sandwiches

t. canadian

>> No.8589394
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>> No.8589397

soda matches french fries and other fried stuff.

but food and drink pairing mostly is a industry plot

>> No.8589488

The ideal pairing for a pale lager is another pale lager

>> No.8589493


this pasta was made an hour ago.
how is it still getting replies?

>> No.8589501

I used to put Diet Coke in my ramen when I was younger, maybe a half to a full cup of it. Not a clue why I started it even started to like it, but until I was about 10-11 I wouldn't eat ramen without a little bit of a Coke or Diet Coke splash in it. I still do it from time to time, either suptid stoned or drunk af

>> No.8589726
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There are dry sodas. You can usually find them in the hipster section, or next to the drink mixers.

Also, much as I hate the current hype about "Mexican" soda, cane sugar isn't quite as heavy and overwhelming as corn syrup.

>> No.8589745
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Steam table.

>> No.8589892

Coca cola is great with spicy fried chicken.

Once you've managed to find a white popeye's where you can sit down and eat dinner in peace.

>> No.8589896


You wot matey

>> No.8589918

Acidic sodas do wonders to give relief from fatty, greasy foods.

>> No.8589934

Kekaroo desu ne

>> No.8589999
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I found this shit to be a good pair with doritos.

>> No.8591339

Soda goes with very salty things and fried things

although i have to add that i never drank soda other than the sugar can ones

>> No.8591346

Soda is so fucking gross. I have no idea why people voluntarily consume it. If you like soda, you are probably addicted to copious amounts of sugar

>> No.8591350

You're telling me that a cold root beer doesn't go well with a cheeseburger? Just kill yourself already, faggot.

>> No.8591377

If you don't have beer then soda is the best thing with a burger

>> No.8591392

I drink three things:
1. Water
2. Milk
3. Alcoholic beverages.

That's it. Anything else is fucked up

>> No.8591441

agreed with all of these. I don't really like beer so if I'm having something greasy like pizza or a burger, I'd rather have a cola or root beer or something. but I don't like the syrupy taste of regular pop so I will generally drink diet if it's available. cane sugar pop is pretty tasty as well, but it's more expensive.

>inb4 blah blah artificial sweeteners
yeah they're not good for you, but these days my stomach can't handle a lot of carbonated shit anyway, so I don't drink much. maybe 1 or 2 12-packs per month.

>If you like soda, you are probably addicted to copious amounts of sugar
some are, I'm sure. not sure if I'm the odd one out or not.

>> No.8591445

depends on the soda too, maybe in the US where soda is made with corn syrup it might not be as good, but its not too syrupy when it is made with other sugar, cane or beet

>> No.8591447

About once every 2 weeks I will buy a bottled coke and that first sip is an amazing experience. Otherwise I avoid soda

>> No.8591449

obviously beer is better at pairing with food than other beverages, but unfortunately not all employers allow alcohol consumption at lunch

>> No.8591451

What about fruit juice, tea, or coffee?

>> No.8591456

nope, you heard him, everything that he doesn't personally drink is haram as fuck

>> No.8591457

Corn syrup made soda does not have a different consistency than granular sugar made beverages. When you dissolve granular sugar in water you form a syrup

>> No.8591463

are you that guy that always posts about how all sugars are exactly the same?

>> No.8591464

idk, they taste different anyway, probably the different formulas they use in each region

>> No.8591465

Tell me more about those noodles

>> No.8591467

tea and coffee is shit, good fruit juice/smoothies are always dank tho

>> No.8591468

They aren't exactly the same, they are quite similar though

>> No.8591474
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is carbonated water bad? i give taste for it with lemons

>> No.8591479

not really, bit acidic which is bad for teeth, but not much

>> No.8591779

>Coke and BBQ don't pair

>> No.8592092

I was just about to post that if you are going to have your steak with fries, then you may as well have a coke too.

Which is totally legit.

>> No.8592254

>wasting your calories on beer or soda
>not just drinking water, which quenches your thirst better than corn syrup ever can

>> No.8592267

What about very spicy stuff. The sweetness is a welcome release and the carbonation clears the palate.

>> No.8592288
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>wasting your trip to flavortown on winner winner or chicken dinner
>not just knocking it out of the ballpark, which is off the hook and more money than holy moly Stromboli

>> No.8592300

soda goes with fried food because it'll cut through the grease on your tongue like a palate cleanser between a bite of cheese hamburger and a bite of french fry

>> No.8592332

I tend not to drink beer with corn syrup

>> No.8592347
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>> No.8592357

>fatty crumbled pork
What the fuck kind of burgers are you eating?

>> No.8592367
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>> No.8592372

I hate soda but I'm addicted to fizzy drinks. I wish Seltzer is cheaper here.

>> No.8592525

Wrong. Come pairs well with late night drunkenness and diners. Waffle House or Dennys or Steak n Shake, waiting for your food with a fresh glass of Coke is maybe one of the best things in modern society.

>> No.8592563

Root beer or birch beer top tier

>> No.8592634

Coke goes with dill pickles. Checkmate, Atheists.

>> No.8592835

>Come pairs well with late night drunkenness and diners

I bet it does, faggot, but you don't need to share that information with everyone else here

>> No.8593387
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how do you even drink soda?
it's so fucking sweet and icky, it's torture

>> No.8594666

>Soda doesn't 'pair' with anything.
It pairs well with wódka & lemon juice. ;-P