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8579961 No.8579961 [Reply] [Original]

Is real maple syrup worth the cost? It's much more expensive than fake maple syrup or even honey.

>> No.8579972

Nah, corn syrup with food coloring tastes so much better

>> No.8579974

Sugar is sugar

>> No.8579978

It's worth it. But if you can't spend the money go for some whip cream and sprinkles.

>> No.8579988


Taste wise? Absolutely. the artificial stuff tastes like shit by comparison.

As far as health is concerned? There's probably no difference, both are loaded with sugar.

>> No.8580356
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>Is real maple syrup worth the cost?

Not if you're going to use it on Eggos, it's too expensive for that but if you plan on making something fancy from scratch, like French toast from homemade bread, it's worth it.

>> No.8580460

wtf is fake maple syrup?

>> No.8580472
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>wtf is fake maple syrup?

>> No.8580480

that's not fake maple syrup

that's just syrup

>> No.8580493

Any kind of sugar syrup, including pure maple syrup is basically HFCS

It's very bad for you. Do not eat it.

>> No.8580494
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I buy this stuff from Aldi

It says it's 100% real maple syrup but i don't really taste a difference from the artificial stuff

>> No.8580499

>that's just syrup

No, "just syrup" is clear in color and tastes of nothing other than sweet.

>> No.8581126

Buy grade B, it tastes better.

>> No.8581139

Dont tell me what to do

>> No.8581149

Try them side by side. There is most certainly a difference
I find the flavor is more pronounced in baked goods and glazes

>> No.8581162

leaf here

it's totally worth it

i like to keep every shade in my pantry but i'd go with amber if i had to pick one

>> No.8581218

Trader Joe's used to carry Grade C. I fucking miss that shit.

>> No.8581226

It tastes much better. I got a 32oz jug at Sam's for like $7

>> No.8582912

>>8580493 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/220801.php

T. Maple syrup lobbyist

It's not hard to imagine it being less harmful than HFCS

>> No.8583120

Worth the cost? Costco sells a 32oz bottle for $17. that's pretty goddamn cheap

>> No.8583129

don't buy it unless its in a can and dark amber coloured

>> No.8583137


Maple Syrup is made of Sucrose.

'Table Syrup' is made of HFCS, Fructose.

I'm not going to argue a health benefit to Maple Syrup, but you're posting on the wrong Afghan Zen Gardening Forum if you're not going to respect semantics.

>> No.8583154

There's something to be said for eggo waffles, fake syrup and margarine. So bad it's good.

>> No.8583260

<< these two posts sums it up. There is a difference in the taste, but if you really don't care or can taste the difference then healthwise you can go for any syrup or alternatives to syrup.

>> No.8583931

I can't think of a situation where maple syrup tastes better than honey.

Also the real stuff is watery. Not a big fan.

>> No.8583937

>Also the real stuff is watery. Not a big fan.
stop buying your syrup from dipshits that don't know how to reduce their syrup

>> No.8583946
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Just make your own its easy

>> No.8583960

It's a total was of money suggestive scam.

And there's nothing wrong with HFCS.


>> No.8583963

If you've been having artificial for a while the real shit will fuck you up. It seems like it's WAY sweeter but it's probably just the new flavour. Also the viscosity of the fake shit is much more appropriate for pancakes and waffles.

All in all I don't think it's worth the price.

>> No.8583969

Taste is bad

>> No.8583979
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After product of the 2003 batch been making it for years

>> No.8583990

It might not be the maple "dipshits" themselves; end-user has to be informed as well.

Here in NH, we have a grading system running from Grade-A Fancy ->Grade A Light ->Grade A Medium -> (Optional Grade A Dark) -> Grade B

A lot of places trying to sell "real" syrup for a quick profit off people who want authenticity are selling Fancy or Light, which are great for topping ice cream or fruit. Best pancake syrups are in the Grade A Dark or Grade B; they've been cooked more, darkening and concentrating the maple while reducing the water content. Never buy anything that doesn't have a grade on it; at best it's drippings from other batches stirred together to fill a jug, at worst (I've seen anyway) it's stuff cut with simple and corn syrup.

>> No.8584076
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Much newer batch alot thicker

>> No.8584394

You're retarded.

>> No.8584906


>> No.8584916

Honey is better and less expensive but maple syrup is really good too.

>> No.8584950

It's usually carob syrup. they add enough maple syrup to hit the exact % required in the country to be able to label it maple syrup, and then top it off with carob syrup.

Kinda like 'sausages' with like 40% meat content.

>> No.8584958

My grandparents take a trip up to Canada once a year, so while they're up there I ask them to pick up a quart or two, sometimes a gallon of Grade A extra light amber maple syrup.

I am not a fan of dark or medium ambers.

>> No.8585007

Can confirm. Honey on pancakes is good especially with loads of butter.

>> No.8585057

But not better than syrup

>> No.8585085

Real syrup. Yeah real maple syrup is delicious af. I eat that shit plain.

>> No.8585090

then you have no tongue and can't feel things.

>> No.8585094

why do you have 13 year old maple syrup its not fucking red wine bro.

>> No.8585109

Dark and medium amber tend to be closer in taste to the fake syrups anyway.

Light and extra light amber are what are known as "fancy" syrups and will have a much more delicate flavor.

>> No.8585111

maple syrup is pretty nice but unless you can get it for a fair price it's not really worth it.

I buy these 1L bottles for $9.99 CDN, the small bottles are a scam.

>> No.8585112


light and extra light syrups are known to be tourist bait trash.

>> No.8585115

You're literally retarded, or simply think the pancakes you're eating are so garbage the only way to make them taste better is with syrup that overpowers any other flavors present.

Light amber is supposed to accent and accompany other flavors, not be a super sugary SYRUP flavor that you get from dark amber.

>> No.8585202

>maple syrup is corn syrup

Wtf am I reading

>> No.8585208


someone who is talking about the sugar content only.

>> No.8585292

Because i made that with my grandpa its the first batch we did together, i keep that one as a keep sake

>> No.8585298

thats pretty cool mane.. how long can it last?

>> No.8586248

Im honestly not sure i guess till it crystallizes

>> No.8586266

That's like saying all meat is the same if the fat:protein ratio is the same.

>> No.8587736

In reality its all the same on a molecular level

>> No.8588323

>Leafs keep multiple types of maple syrup in their pantries

What a magical place.

>> No.8588359

>it's all atoms when you get down to it

I bet you felt really clever typing that.

>> No.8588415

In reality, everything is the same on a quantum level, Aristotle.

>> No.8588476

It's worth the cost, but I actually prefer the fake syrup for waffles and pancakes. The consistency of the real stuff is a bit too thin.

>> No.8588493

For the longest time, since I was a kid up until like a month ago, I was hooked on Aunt Jemima syrup and refused to use anything else. Other fake syrups were awful, and the canned real maple syrup my dad would buy was shitty in it's own way. On a whim I bought this and it's perfect; real maple taste that isn't overwhelming.


>> No.8588509

>9 Canadian Dollars
Holy shit that's practically free

>> No.8588875

>canned real maple syrup
and I thought bagged milk was canadian as fuck

>> No.8588904

No. I really like sweet shit and since I also try to avoid sugar I buy both. I really like both. Honey is better than maple syrup.

There are situations where the maple is better though. It matches better with nuts and I have no idea why there aren't maple roasted peanuts. It's better with bacon too. I'd say honey and maple are about even on ham though.

It's really close and sometimes maple just wins out because I'm feeling it that day (subjective) but honey is cheaper and goes farther so honey wins.

>> No.8588984


>> No.8589016

It's also different to cook with. It doesn't act like refined sugar in various cases.

>> No.8589019


>> No.8589021

seriously you people are talking about this sugary syrup like it is fine wine.

It's all the fucking same. It's sugar syrup. Some syrup is refined from trees, some syrup is refined from corn, or fruit, or cane plants.

It's just fucking sugar you degenerates. Don't eat sugar. Use artificial sweeteners like aspartame. Respect your teeth, once they're gone, you can't get them back!

>> No.8589032

its a big difference if you like your pancakes. worth the money

>> No.8589035
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>> No.8589059

Are those secret service dudes behind Gore? Looks like they can't remember what to do with an ice cream cone.

>> No.8589212


that is absurdly overpriced

>> No.8589219


until it molds, at which point you either toss or filter

best to put it in the freezer since it won't freeze

>> No.8589222


you are a pretentious douche who falls for tourist bait trash.

>> No.8589243

it's a totally different flavor profile and has nothing to do with being tourist trash or not, i'm not even that guy, i'm a leaf out west and light "fancy' maple syrup is great, it's just a much more difficult flavor to work with because it can easily be overlooked with particularly flavorful additions (blueberry pancakes for example, you'll MOSTLY taste blueberry, not maple syrup, whereas if you use a darker amber, the maple flavor will generally stick out a lot more with the blueberry)
Different strokes for different folks. And also, different syrups for different occasions. Nothing says you have to ONLY have 1 type of syrup.

>> No.8589276

>Are those secret service dudes behind Gore? Looks like they can't remember what to do with an ice cream cone.
It was his infectious "wooden" disease.

>> No.8589372

>Is real maple syrup worth the cost? It's much more expensive than fake maple syrup or even honey.
If it's Grade B amber it is!

>> No.8589381

I dont think it will mold its been canned and never opened

>> No.8589584
File: 517 KB, 1600x900, Sem título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really fucking expenssive in my country :/

>> No.8589593

Make friends with a canadian.

Of course your country is known to slap huge customs fees on that shit, or just steal it.

>> No.8590712

The wall will make more expensive soon

>> No.8590730

He's in Brazil, not Mexico, i doubt the wall will effect much for him.

>> No.8590761

Maple and fake syrup taste nothing alike. One is like angel semen, the other is pretty much just corn syrup. Both are tasty on pancakes one is superior though.

>> No.8590788

100% worth it.
I used the fake stuff until last year, when I needed the real stuff for a recipe. Used the leftovers on pancakes, anon, there is a world of difference, and it is good. The bottle I get from my local store is about 32 oz, so it lasts my family 3-4 months, and it's only 25 dollars.

>> No.8590888

That's really sad. Have you been able to try maple syrup? Do you want me to send you some?


>> No.8591401


>$25 for 1L of maple syrup

im so sorry for your lots.

>> No.8591438

Not him, but I guess no.
It's really unusual here, our climate doesn't allow maple trees.The most common replacement is honey, which has a much more reasonable cost.

>> No.8591450


maple syrup is nothing like honey. fake syrup did a pretty good job of imitating maple syrup, but maple has a much milder flavour, even the amber varieties.

>> No.8591482

very odd that you guys shudder at the thought of dousing your food in HFCS, but honey and maple syrup are the same damn thing. You need to free your minds and see the truth.

>> No.8591491

If you just want liquid sugar to shovel into your mouth, then generic not-maple syrup is fine

If you actually want something with flavor you should actually get some maple syrup

>> No.8591496

HFCS and PHVO have both been altered at a chemical level

>> No.8591796

Real fruit preserves would be easier on your wallet and your caloric intake, but if you have $6 dollars to spend on whats basically unjustifiable, 100% go for it, its so rich and delicious.

>> No.8594004

Its a meme

>> No.8594007


>> No.8594409

son, I don't go outside and tap a goddamn corncob.

>> No.8594587
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Cooking now

>> No.8594600

Why does my bottle of syrup say "refrigerate after opening" on it. Just how much water is in my syrup?

Meanwhile my honey is 5 yrs old because I bought a gallon jug of it back in the day

>> No.8594605

Probably because its not a natural antibiotic like honey, but who knows i dont refrigerate mine

>> No.8594621

Well honey is antiseptic because it is nearly 100% sugar and nearly zero moisture but apparently my maple syrup has enough water to potentially spoil.

>> No.8594633

nice one, how long do you cook for
it will never mold, it is almost pure sugar

>> No.8594673

I guess it depends how the sap is running, if its running fast you can cook for days and keep adding sap till its thick enough, if its running slow like it is now you use what you got and boil it down till its thick enough

>> No.8594680
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>> No.8594683

hfcs is just as safe as maple syrup. Hahahaaahhhhaaaaha.
So funny

>> No.8595673


>> No.8595898

I drink maple syrup straight out of the bottle fuck you it's delicious

>> No.8595922


>> No.8595927

Corn syrup hardly tastes like shit. People wouldn't buy it if that were the case. And don't give me your subjective bullshit. People like it. It's not shit. Relax.

>> No.8595934

You know what he meant smart ass

>> No.8595938

This is the most Canadian post I've ever seen

>> No.8595949

I work for sam's

Thanks member

>> No.8595960

Top kek

>> No.8595968

>people arguing if maple syrup is "worth it"
>people arguing that maple syrup = HFCS
Maybe it's because I'm Canadian, but you guys are fucked.

Whenever I see maple syrup on sale I stock up. I know a guy who makes his own and he gives me a litre every spring. He tends to overcook it a bit or use a higher temperature, which actually makes the product taste a lot better than most commercially-made syrups.

I used to live up north and there was a couple birch syrup producers. Interesting but I can't say I was a big fan of it, I mostly bought it as gifts for people. Wasn't anything like maple syrup.

>> No.8595972

You don't understand geography do you

>> No.8595979

What the fuck is fake syrup? It's still syrup you idiot.

>> No.8595983

He obviously means fake maple syrup.

Being pedantic and feigning not to understand someone doesn't actually make you seem smart or witty.

>> No.8595984

Yeah because when I'm eating pancakes I sure as fuck want a milder flavor

>> No.8595987

ice cream is not part of their training

>> No.8595989

>sugar has no flavor

You are beyond retarded

>> No.8595995

It's not fake maple syrup either you retard. It's just syrup made from corn.

>> No.8596002

Unless it is actually pure corn syrup, pancake syrups are flavoured, often to taste like ersatz maple product.

>> No.8596045

It's just corn syrup. It's not fake syrup and it's not fake maple syrup you idiot.

>> No.8596049

Aunt Jemima, Log Cabin, etc. are not "just corn syrup".

>> No.8596054

that's not a lot

>> No.8596088


No, you don't have to refrigerate them. There are labels like that most of the time due to legal reasons.

>> No.8596123

I keep my maple syrup in the freezer to prevent mould. It invariably goes mouldy in the fridge if I don't consume it quickly enough.

The osmolarity is a big component of the antibacterial property of honey, but also pH, H2O2, and phytochemicals.

The water activity of honey is 0.5-0.6 or so and maple syrup is 0.87, so a pretty big difference. Osmophilic/xerophilic moulds can grow at 0.6 but as I said before, honey has other inhibitory properties.

0.87 stops a lot of moulds, but osmophilic species of Wallemia, Aspergillus, and Penicillium can grow at that water activity level. Spores of these fungi are inevitably present in the air in your home, so your syrup is going to be inoculated at some point just from opening it.

>> No.8596130

I prefer golden syrup and melted butter. Combined and drizzled over pancakes or waffles.

>> No.8597433


>> No.8598884
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>> No.8598910

>it will never mold, it is almost pure sugar

t. retard

>Maple syrup must be refrigerated after opening. Answer: Unlike honey, which people store in the kitchen cabinet, maple syrup is prone to mold infestation. Although maple syrup may look like honey and taste as sweet, it lacks honey's unique chemical makeup and defensive devices against any and all invaders.

>> No.8598917


maybe wherever you live that's cheap, but where I'm from that's extortionate.

>> No.8598929


are you on crack? fake syrup literally tastes like artificially flavoured liquid invert sugar

>> No.8599007

Leaf here. I don't really like the artificial stuff, and the real stuff is effectively what I treat as a luxury item. Frankly I think I should start getting creative with it in something other than pancakes.

>> No.8600032

I mostly put maple syrup in my coffee.