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File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1360, avocado-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8585993 No.8585993 [Reply] [Original]

Why arent you eating the Avocado Toast as a great way to start your day

>> No.8585996

because it's a rare day when I have a perfectly ripe avocado ready to be wasted on a fucking piece of toast

>> No.8585997

I don't live in commiefornia where avocados are cheap and everything has a warning about it giving you cancer.

>> No.8586001

Why, are you poor?

>> No.8586002

>avocados upset me
>gieb jobs pls immigrants are why I'm not a winner
>oh not that job lol I want a job designing video games for $150,000 oh did I mention college is for cucks?
Fuck off millennial

>> No.8586009

because avocados taste bad this time of year regardless of how ripe it is

>> No.8586013

I cant eat avocado everyday, I have a syndrome

>> No.8586014

>Avocado Toast
Literally the only thing wheat bread is good for.

>> No.8586016

Damn, you're putting a lot of words in my mouth for shitting on the most cocked state in the US. I'm sorry you live in California; how you kill yourself soon!

>> No.8586021


>things are cheap and those that kill you have warnings telling you that they kill you

Kek. Keep on shoveling that snow and drinking your piss water.

>> No.8586025

I don't live anywhere near california, NEET
Sorry your parents fucked up so bad

>> No.8586035

At least in not at risk of being washed away by a broken spillway that the state knew about, but didn't care to fix for years. Stay cucked.

>> No.8586041

So much for putting words in your mouth, cleetus

>> No.8586046

You're assuming a whole lot about me from absolutely nothing. Too bad i have a job and I'm buying my first house here this next fall. Stay mad though.

>> No.8586050
File: 312 KB, 1500x1000, Avocado-Toast-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually can manage to make 3 avacado toasts in the morning with 1 avocado if i spread it thinly enough

the best breakfast sandwich

>> No.8586060

Do ppl really mash it up that much? I just thinly cross-hatch mine and spread, much easier + no extra dishes.

>> No.8586090
File: 440 KB, 870x603, California-Avocado-Toast-Three-Ways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want it to be as butter

thats the whole point

you cant lazy out on this if youre making the avocado toast breakfast slice with 1$ avocados

>> No.8586094

Because avocados have quadrupled in price in one year. I refuse to support the hipster induced markup. It's like limes, they've become hipster lemons. They use them where you should be using lemons, just because it's hip. Don't even get me started on pork belly. I hope people on 4chin shut the fuck up about tongue, because I don't want to have to pay 15 USD/lb because a bunch of millennial hipsters suddenly thought it was the new thing.

>> No.8586096
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x1125, 20160502-avocado-toast-vicky-wasik-all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8586097

>1$ avocados

confirmed flyover

>> No.8586112
File: 148 KB, 640x427, nolita-style-avocado-toast1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre so expensive sometimes i have actually put them into my pocket and walked out of the store

im probably one of the only people to have shoplifted produce before

>> No.8586114

I only have avocado toast a few times a week, super high in calories and i'm trying not to be as much of a fatass

>> No.8586127
File: 5 KB, 276x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can live off avocados and not get fat

ur being irrational if you think avocados are bad for dieting when its confirmed the best food for dieting

calories from fat != calories they dont understand how metabolism of fats work

and it will make you full and eat less

you got some bad advice from someone

>> No.8586128
File: 50 KB, 685x677, AFM_TAG_AIS_logo_vertCMYK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avocado jingle is fire right now

>> No.8586136

i use myfitnesspal and it always yells at me when i eat avocados, i figured it knew best since it's a dieting app, but i'll look into it some more
i do love me some avocado on my wheat bread

>> No.8586144

Mandarin oranges? Mango? G to the R to the O to the GROSS.

>> No.8586149

only problem is the bread is not very good for you lol

>> No.8586151
File: 331 KB, 700x3287, fit bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bread is not very good

>> No.8586158

luckily my bread is only 45 cal a slice, it's really thinly sliced wheat bread and delicious to boot, it toasts perfectly

>> No.8586161

I've never seen something so accurate in my fucking life.

>> No.8586162

stop looking at the calories and look at the nature of the thing youre ingesting

an avocado is a fruit and bread is denatured

listen to commonsense instead of fitness pal

>> No.8586170

>>oh not that job lol I want a job designing video games for $150,000 oh did I mention college is for cucks?
There was a kid like that who dropped out of my college last year. Worst piece of shit I ever met.

>> No.8586234

I tried avocado tens of times and each time they seem extremely tasteless... I don't understand how anyone likes it

>> No.8586240

I don't like it either.

>> No.8586242
File: 575 KB, 2048x3072, pLKgcxX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to think like this but its because your expectations are so high

you need to accept it for what it is and spread it on ur fuckin toast like its butter

no its just a spread of fat to make it good

its not what you think

>> No.8586255

I don't usually eat toast with just butter on it, what could I possibly throw on top of it to make it better? Apparently prosciutto would go well with it but I'm not that rich yet.

>> No.8586271

You need to add salt/pepper at least, and potentially some lemon or lime juice to bring the flavour out.

>> No.8586295

i like making breakfast sandwiches, butter some toast, put cream cheese on, throw an egg/sausage/avocado or whatever on it and you have a delicious morning meal
one time i used smoked salmon and it was great, but that shits expensive if you don't smoke your own salmon

>> No.8586338
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 10610989_1459757870963838_670918399_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best breakfast sandwich in your humble opinion

>> No.8586355

go through self checkout
ring them as limes

>> No.8586380
File: 193 KB, 1600x900, 1486834778615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, which is the supplement, the avocado or the toast? Do people really add this much butter as well?

>> No.8586407

Wow, you're legitimately autistic.
I'm so sorry.

>> No.8586419

>Not putting vinegar and oil on your avocado toast

>> No.8586483

>im probably one of the only people to have shoplifted produce before
Kek, definitely not

This, i love self check out and always get a couple things for free this way. Ill just grab a handful of stuff and only scan one

>> No.8586488

Um, it wasn't an expectation thing I just don't care for it.

>> No.8586534

Because I don't like warm avocado.

One time I accidentally rang up endive as escarole, and I went back to have them fix it. They looked at me like I was crazy.

>> No.8586548

myfitnesspal is shit

use wolframalpha like real man or you're not gonna make it

>> No.8586603

oh jeez anon, putting me on the spot like that

i'm kind of boring, but i like toasting whole wheat bread, the kind with little bits of seeds in it, putting a small layer of butter on it, then a little bit of cream cheese, and a small drizzle of hot sauce (i'm partial to sriracha but i also really like tobasco, i think that goes best with eggs)
after that i like to add a layer of avocado and a fried egg. if i have some ham in the fridge i'll fry up a small slice and add that to the pile. before putting the sandwich together i add a quick sprinkle of black pepper and cayenne pepper.
i would recommend frying the egg until the yolk is a little more solid, otherwise the sandwich gets super messy.

the whole thing is even better with a bagel of your choice, but it gets pretty heavy once you use a bagel. also a fan of a toasted bagel with the butter/cream cheese combo with smoked salmon, fresh dill, and spinach. i like adding a really small amount of sweet chili sauce as well, but not too much that drowns out the salmon.

>> No.8586872

I know a guy like that and he makes 100 000 off youtube and mods

>> No.8588149


>> No.8588176

Stop putting pepper on everything

>> No.8588281

every avocado i open has a ton of black spots

>> No.8588314

Where the fuck are you getting your avocados from?

>> No.8588343


There's an issue of them being perfectly ripe on time for each morning.

>> No.8588347

>im probably one of the only people to have shoplifted produce before

hell no, we have a bunch of thieves here

>> No.8588686


>> No.8588699

You can buy frozen avocado, or freeze your own.

>> No.8588708

I eat avocado on an everything bagel almost every morning for breakfast.
I use salt and pepper on the avo and top with chipotle pepper hot sauce and an egg on each half.

>> No.8588719

My problem with MFP is that it sets your daily goal intake of monounsaturated fats to 0g, but it's the best kind of fat you could eat and probably one of the best nutrients. You should do research and manually set your goal intakes on all your nutrients in order to get the most from the app.

>> No.8588860
File: 63 KB, 600x591, CdcUPF9UUAAEw5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a woman / faggot.