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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_193401-1032x581-1212738148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8585746 No.8585746 [Reply] [Original]

Im making spaghetti

>> No.8585753

That appears to be ground beef, not spaghetti.

You're not doing it correctly at all.

>> No.8585762

Pour this extra grease down the drain and add back the same amount of olive oil

>> No.8585765
File: 131 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_193902-1032x5811724916788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweat some onion and bell pepper in the olive oil

>> No.8585768
File: 170 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_193919-1032x5811730171395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add these spices

>> No.8585776
File: 178 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_194522-1032x5811653668860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add this can of shit

>> No.8585788
File: 151 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_194948-1032x5811600456790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let this simmer. While you prep your steamed carrots

>> No.8585792


>italian seasoning

might as well just used jarred sauce

>> No.8585794

Got these carrots

>> No.8585798
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>> No.8585802
File: 99 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_195308-1032x581-1545135448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for the microwave boys

>> No.8585808

Got everything i need in it desu.

>> No.8585811

did you even peel them?

>> No.8585813

Shur up you cute little fag

>> No.8585814
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>> No.8585827

Nah just rinsed. Taste way better unpeeled

>> No.8585831


>> No.8585836

While we're waiting for the sauce to reduce..lets make a nice glass of unsweetened tea. Pics incoming

>> No.8585841

you don't have to peel carrots, you know that right? just wash them

>> No.8585848
File: 106 KB, 580x1031, tmp_13215-20170216_200539-580x1031-1181518833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok we got our ice

>> No.8585856
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Live action shot. Dont try this at home girls n boys

>> No.8585858

I don't like where this is going OP, microwaved carrots and ice for a spaghetti recipe

>> No.8585870
File: 96 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_201145-1032x581-526373256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my microwave isnt plugged in so i just ate the carrots as an "appy"

>> No.8585881
File: 167 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_201628-1032x581576075184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noodles are cookin

>> No.8585931
File: 141 KB, 1032x581, tmp_13215-20170216_203209-1032x5811695532972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone eat this?

>> No.8585935

>down the drain

>> No.8585941

He's an american...

>> No.8585942

If I was drunk and it was 3 am then yea sure

>> No.8585949

looks delicious, like mama used to make

>> No.8585954

I pay my rent on time so i can pour whatever i want down the drains

>> No.8585959

Hey thanks guys....makes eating alone not so bad

>> No.8585974

Nah, the carrots say britbong to me

>> No.8586059

OP I need to know how this story ends

>> No.8586070

You're supposed to break them in half

>> No.8586071

Im very full and tired.


>> No.8586122

Liked, faved and subbed.
No cheese?

>> No.8586126

I wanted some parm parm so bad.....

>> No.8586137



>> No.8586156


>aunt in town
>she ends up staying with me for some reason
>I work 8 hours a day so she is on her own for dinner
>she can't cook worth shit
>literally microwave ready bacon tier cooking skill
>at least she is washing dishes for me
>day she is leaving
>tells me she "thinks" the sink is clogged
>I don't know how you can't know for certain if a non draining sink is clogged or not
>well whatever
>get some draino
>pour it in there
>come back later
>shit is still clogged
>fucking hell
>start cooking dinner
>have a bit of beef grease
>go to pour it in my grease can
>can is missing
>did she throw it out?
>start looking for something else to use
>find my grease can in the cupboard
>it is clean
>it was almost full and she washed it
>my sink when

>> No.8586168

drink red wine fgt

>> No.8586171

Oh gawd.....nothing worse than a wine snob

>> No.8586175

this is why i don't want to rent out my house

>> No.8586185

yup, agreed. still though drink red wine fgt

>> No.8586313

id eat it

>> No.8586320

where i live you can be fined a shit load of money if they find out you pour grease down the drain

>> No.8587223

You should have added some green shit on the top

>> No.8587311

>clover valley
>dollar general store brand
How poor are you?

>> No.8587538

Those arent meat balls you fucking savage.

>> No.8587547
File: 1.21 MB, 3732x3085, GarlicCloves[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you forgot garlic and black pepper.

>> No.8587685
File: 491 KB, 386x653, Screenshot from 2016-12-09 09-06-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting mine

>> No.8587688
File: 1.34 MB, 1237x697, Screenshot from 2016-12-09 09-08-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587715

You're supposed to add the pasta to the sauce and mix it in the pan, you cretin.

>> No.8587717

That spaghetti was fuckin' ready made
You didn't make it at all
This whole thread is a godforsaken sham

>> No.8587762

I live paycheck to paycheck and havent paid taxes in 3 years......life is misery

>> No.8587834

You have no control over the ratios, pleb. How will you basil to taste?

>> No.8587843

> using dried spices

kill yourself

>> No.8588014

>sage goes in all boxes

>> No.8588080

Your employer should be taking the money out of your check, so how can you not pay taxes?

>> No.8588083

he also forgot how to make spaghetti

>> No.8588094

Fucking hell this place is a shithole.

>> No.8588592

I work alone.

>> No.8588594

Clover valley has taken care of the ratios. Works everytime

>> No.8588856

Do you actually not like eating alone?

I frequently cook meals and eat when my roommates aren't home, not because i dont like them but sometimes i like to eat in peace. When we were in first year i would often go to our university cafeteria without them and just eat by myself. Is that weird/autistic?

>> No.8588884
File: 58 KB, 403x800, hot_power_1_qt_30-135_024924301357.main[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drano is a faggpt

>> No.8588932

Ignore those dumb fucks. Italian spices is just a blend of herbs like chinese 5 spices and indian curry blend. Nothing wrong what you are using.

>> No.8589005

>marjoram, thyme, rosemary....
Throw it in the trash. Oregano, basil and savory are the only herbs you need for italian food.

>> No.8590254
File: 72 KB, 1000x1000, 287c60b1-94d7-4e24-b499-c591255f1587_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where you guys live, but if in US and near a home depot or Walmart, this shit works amazing. Drano never works and I don't know how they are even still in business. This stuff in photo has saved me twice now from plumber bills by fixing some bad bad things. Living with 3 girls with long hair and pouring grease down drains and whatever else, the tubs even started having toilet back wash coming out of their drains and filling the tub up when you flush the toilet. This shit here fixed it with one bottle spread through out different drains.

>> No.8590264


>> No.8590267

next time dont shake your camera while taking pictures

>> No.8590271

>s that weird/autistic?
uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah
like wtf do u mean by in peace n shit like do u live in a fkn warzone lmfao
fkn sheltered lil shit

>> No.8590275

If someone pours grease down the drain I just run hot water down it. I've only had a real problem with candle wax

>> No.8590284

I'm italian and what the fuck is savory herb?

>> No.8590285

I like to eat alone too. but then I am weird and autistic. but I don't care about that as much as I enjoy eating alone.

>> No.8590290

that meat is for one person? Shit m8 pasta is not a second dish.

>> No.8590302

I tried that and even turned the hot water heater to 150F and let the kitchen sink run but it just didn't work for me. I tried boiling pots of water too and still didn't unclog the kitchen one. Glad they finally learned not to dump grease down it though but now they dump the grease into bowls and leave them sitting on the counter for me to take care of.

>> No.8590304


You're supposed to pour cold water down with it while running the disposal

>> No.8590320


>> No.8590324

you are supposed to mix the water with dish soap

>> No.8590709

>Not seasoned
>Little to no garlic and onions
>Beef is in huge chunks
>Didn't let the sauce simmer for 45 minutes

Thats some real shit sgetti you made there anon.

>> No.8590719


Use these one after the other for maximum hilarity

>> No.8590731

Top keck

This is why I enjoy renting. Once the drain is blocked I just call my landlord and they send an expensive plumber to unblock it

>> No.8590759


>> No.8590898

LoL this is probably a better "protip" than the ammonia+bleach crystals. Why just kill Anon when you can kill his whole family and all their pets too?

I posted the Hot Power but yeah I usually use boiling water then some Dawn then more boiling water and maybe a small plunger with great success. The last time I used pure acid was for a hair clog. Too many of my beard hairs in this fancy pop up sink drain that came with my glass sink (second hand). Drains great now!

>> No.8590915

Op here. I hate my mind. Im sure others do as well. But atm, im not doing well

>> No.8590928


If it makes you anons feel any better, I''m neither weird nor autistic, and I enjoy eating alone. Despite the fact that I'm chatty as hell and really do enjoy spending time with people, I have just as good a time eating alone. Comes with actually liking yourself, I think.

>> No.8591162

I dont think autistic people perceive themselves as autistic

>> No.8591235


>run hot water for a minute to make pipes hot
>dump any amount of grease down drain

Is it really that hard? The only reason they don't want you dumping grease down the drain is because it's a headache for the water treatment plants, but fuck them they're getting paid for something right?

>> No.8591242

Mah nigguh

>> No.8592569
File: 1009 KB, 213x255, IMG_1008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carrots in spapeggy
Literally shaking right now

>> No.8592688

enjoy your bpa's and xenoestrogens bitchtits

>> No.8592732

>not starting your Bolognese sauce with a nice mirepoix

>> No.8592805

What kind of a goon makes sauce without garlic?

>> No.8592949
File: 62 KB, 357x446, 20091014_001914_FrancoAmericanSpaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy Cow.

I am about to have some spaghetti for dinner myself.

Not my own recipe, but it's pretty good and cooks up quick.

>> No.8593033

Kill you are self

>> No.8593049

Honestly will probably taste better than OP's sad attempt.

>> No.8593097
File: 67 KB, 340x600, IMG_6906sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside, peons. best stuff coming through.

(altho the hair & grease one is really good, it can also damage pipes)

>> No.8593104

>"It really works"

>> No.8593117


I am not convinced of this....

>> No.8593255
File: 29 KB, 482x800, Ameriglap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it because you're also a burger?

>> No.8593490

Look randy man dingo, its sause, stop trying to be tough and just say the proper noun

>> No.8593614

I posted the hair and grease one, have never seen the one you posted for some reason. If I do ever see it, I will pick some up and try it next time. Thanks

>> No.8593661

Carrots and celery are goat in bolognese

>> No.8593676

Jesus OP are you ok?

>> No.8593681
File: 20 KB, 300x300, ma4co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making meatballs.