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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 313 KB, 1500x1125, Anova-Steak-Guide-Sous-Vide-Photos15-beauty-thumb-1500xauto-423558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8584666 No.8584666 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8584671

Because they never realized they didn't have to care.

>> No.8584674

As long as someone doesn't order it well done, than I don't care

>> No.8584707

Steak is the Great Equalizer. Any rube with money to blow can go out for a steak, and little about the experience will trip him up. No foreign words to deal with. No wine pairings to consider. No ingredients that would threaten someone with a toddler's palate. Not even a specific etiquette about the meal. The only thing standing between you and a steak is the cost of entry. The biggest decision you have to make about it is the desired level of doneness.

So that's all there really is to argue about.

>> No.8585414

Why is well done bad on your and many others eyes?

>> No.8585419
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I don't normally expect this quality of post
I don't know what to do

>> No.8585421

It's generally seen as wrecking a nice piece of meat. So much so that in restaurants they save all the ugliest steaks for people who order well done on the assumption that anyone who orders well done can't tell the difference between a nice steak and a gnarly one.

>> No.8585429

It's usually a pretty good marker of whether or not someone has a sincere appreciation for good food, or if they're just a vacuous piece of shit pretending to be interesting and cultivated (like cigar collectors).

>> No.8585430

beef is beef theres no difference between a mcdonalds patty and a 500$ steak its all placebo effect

>> No.8585435


Because it's a waste of the ingredients. When you cook it well done the original flavor and tenderness of the meat is lost. You could use a cheap cut and get the same results.

It's the equivalent of taking a really nicely figured piece of wood and instead of using it for furniture, sculpture, or a gun stock you'd make matchsticks out of it instead.

>> No.8585436

I've seen the post like 3 times this week

it's a good pasta though

>> No.8585446

to me rare steak is chewy and inedible

steak isnt even good i need like a bottle of ranch or a1 sauce to make it pallatable

>> No.8585448


placebo effect was a nice touch and therefore not a 1/10

>> No.8585450

Okay. Also what is the group opinion on sauce on steaks? I've heard it ruins it.

>> No.8585458

Or at the very least your opinion.

>> No.8585470

You've never had a decent aged steak then friendo. Jaccard tenderizer, aged steak, sous vide, and finished in a cast iron skillet.

>> No.8585474

>Not even a specific etiquette about the meal.
What about using a knife and fork vs. TEARING INTO THE MEAT WITH YOUR TEETH LIKE A BARBARIAN
[spoiler]proper etiquette dictates you may only do the former when without company

>> No.8585479

oh shit there is nothing to spoil about food

>> No.8585480

>to me rare steak is chewy and inedible

that happens if you buy a shitty cut of meat. If you're going to cook it rare you need good meat, not shit from Wal-Mart.

>> No.8585488

sorry im not spending 100$ on a food that tastes like shit that i want to cook double well done and slather a bunch of sauce on it to get it down

>> No.8585489


Depends on what sauce you mean exactly. It's common for steaks to be served with some melted butter with herbs, or perhaps a quick deglazed pan sauce. Those are pretty nice, IMHO.

The problem comes when you talk about strongly flavored "steak sauce", like A1 for example. Those sauces have a very strong taste which covers up the taste of the meat. What's the point of spending a lot of money on a nice cut of meat, then covering up that taste? Since the taste of the sauce dominates the meat you could get the same effect with a cheap piece of meat.

>> No.8585495

because steak doesnt taste good even "high quality" meat

you can go to mcdonalds for the same effect

it all comes from cows

>> No.8585505

>he's never had a nice steak
>he posts on /ck/
Come on now.

>> No.8585516

ive had a 100$ steak before and it was pretty rare

i couldnt tell the difference

to me i wouldnt have payed 3$ for it but i had to eat at my brothers house he was having a dinner get together

man steak is just bad and bland

>> No.8585517
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>it all comes from cows
>He doesn't know about the Iberian Steakbeast

>> No.8585526

they don't have a life, my lord

>> No.8585539

A good steak isn't decided by it's price, you pleb. You ate a shit steak at a shit restaurant which charged you $100.

The best steak I have ever eaten cost me $30 from Melbourne markets, it was Black Angus Beef. Again, you've never had a good steak.

>> No.8585545

tá tú úafásach

>> No.8585548

autismal rage

>> No.8585549

i dont. i'll make whatever you want.

mid-rare seasoned with salt and pepper?
here's your food, now pay me.

hammered and drenched with H U N T S?
here's your food, now pay me.

blue rare brushed with meme glace?
here's your food, now pay me.

noticing a theme yet?

>> No.8585552

no i actually know for a fact it was a good steak my brother and his friends were talking about it forever how this is the best meat ever blah blah blah from this special place

and then when we had it for dinner i was like meh this tastes like boring old steak

and i barely wanted to finish it

because steak sucks

yes i have had good steak, and it still sucks. its a bad form of food

i like hamburgers i dont like eating steak

>> No.8585578

So yes, you are a fucking pleb who has never eaten a good steak.

>my brother said it was a good steak therefore it's a good steak

>> No.8585586

This, also "the rules" are easy to describe and easy for everyone to understand. As a result any moron can have a strong, angry opinion about how to enjoy a piece of salted cooked cow meat "correctly" and feel smug about his superior elite taste, even if the only kind of cow he knows is "black angus" and he just repeats that phrase autistically as if he has something to compare it to.

>> No.8585593

i just want some blood in the middle. rare to medium is good for me

>> No.8585598

like i said you believe in imaginary GOOD STEAKS placebo i told you it all comes from cows

there might be a slightly less chewy part of the cow and i had a high quality cut and it eliminated the chewyness factor for sure but it didnt make it taste good and something i would spend more than 1.50 for

theres no such thing as a "GOOD STEAK" it all comes from the same fucking animal

deal with it , steak sucks.

you could give me your favorite steak in the world and i would say the same thing... i dont even want it.

i eat steak 0 times per year.

>> No.8585607

>i eat steak 0 times per year.
>theres no such thing as a "GOOD STEAK" it all comes from the same fucking animal

I am going to take your highly experienced, un-biased word for it. You are only expressing the fact that you are a pleb, you know that right?

>> No.8585618

no i meant NOW i eat steak 0 times per year once i figured out that i was eating something that i wasnt even enjoying simply because thats what was on the family dinner plate

anything with ground beef to make tacos or hamburgers or any type of altered steak dish tastes fucking fantastic

but these fork and knife steak eaters are something else. these people are strange to me because that form of eating is not something that is enjoyable for me . the definition of bland and boring and tasteless

>> No.8585622

>He's actually still going.
You know, I have never met anyone on here as adamant as expressing their pleb-like nature as you are. You can literally stop at any time? I am not even making points anymore? There is no counter to your retardation, you've literally never eaten a good steak, you don't eat steak, you hate it, yet you think you are a master in all things steak.

You're a literal retard, by all means, continue.

>> No.8585629

no im just explaining how its an objectively shitty form of food

i dont want to be a "master in steak"

i just assume people are stuck eating foods they dont even really like secretly because its just a mem.e food and its a meal not because its good

>> No.8585631

You should probably go outside and interact with real actual people.

>> No.8585638

people think they need a "protein" with every meal to complete the meal and its not chicken so they choose steak

thats why they eat it

if they say "ya i like steak but only these REALLY REALLY GOOD ONES "

theyre just making up excuses

>> No.8585641


>> No.8585649

> Why do so many people care about how other prefer steak?

It's because a very large percentage of the population has had to work in the food service industry at some point in their life and on countless times were bitched at by customers who ordered an "extra well done steak" and then complained it was "overcooked" or "burn"....and they also didn't receive tips if they are Americunts/Burgers.

Furthermore, there is a strong correlation with people who order well done steak and how fucking difficult they are overall as a patron.

>> No.8585670

>"extra well done steak"

they do this because they know steak tastes bad so they have to mask it

it doesnt mean they dont appreciate good food it means they arent forcing themselves to tolerate garbage

>> No.8585705

>it doesnt mean they dont appreciate good food it means they arent forcing themselves to tolerate garbage

I usually try to be nice on /ck/....but fuck, this is a retarded opinion

>> No.8585711

Don't start him up again, he thinks the only reason people eat steak is because it's a meme and they need protein.

>> No.8585723

This is why I wish boards had id's, so I could avoid autistic fucks with a track record in a thread

>> No.8585906

>they do this because they know steak tastes bad so they have to mask it
Then why are the fucking ordering steak in the first place?

>> No.8586030

Not that anon but I like many kinds of steak, actually. Cooked me up some tenderloin from an elk before work. Salt and pepper seasoning cooked rare with a cast iron skillet and olive oil.

I was a kid once, too. I ate steak with ketchup for some time, then moved to A1 or other "steak" sauces. Eventually my parents went to a place where there were no sauces to be found. My dad told me to order it medium well if i wanted to taste anything. That was the day i fell in love with steak.

You dont know steak, youve never known it, and the only people who feel trapped into liking it are plebs like you.