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8578480 No.8578480 [Reply] [Original]

>someone wanted dough recipe from my thread yesterday but thread died because of things. here you go

pic related

>> No.8578482

Wow thanks for the recipe I'll be trying it out tomorrow!

>> No.8578483


you will need:
>bread flour: 155 g
>water: 97.6 g
>sugar: 2.4 g
>salt: 1.3 g
>yeast: 0.7 g
>fat/oil: 4 g + extra for storage container

>yield: 260g dough ball/ 9-13 inch pizza depending on you

>protip: use math to adjust the recipe

1. Use your two hands to grab a bowl to collect the finest tap water new york has got to offer (I like mine around 30.5 C)

2. In the same bowl add the yeast and sugar then agitate it with your finger or a spoon, god forbid do not use a fork, you'll ruin everything. Let it do its thing for a while (or if you're smart you'll use instant yeast and skip the waiting)

3. Add the oil in the same bowl because why not

4. Now you're going to need a whole new container to put the measured out flour and salt into.

5. Since everything is already measured out for you just dump the flour into the wet mixture and mix everything until it comes together but if you're not an animal you'll incorporate the flour little by little until things just begin to come together

6. Okay now you're going to need to use those noodle arms of yours and kneed that dough until it looks as smooth as your skin before the acne scars came. (Should only take 6 minutes but for you i'll say 20 minutes)

7. Put the now silky smooth dough into an airtight container that you pre oiled (you need to make sure there is enough room for expansion) and put the whole container dough and all in the fridge and close the door.

8. After 24 hours, take the dough out of the container and shape into a sexy ball, you're basically tucking the sides into the bottom until there is one smooth surface with no tearing at all.

9. Sexy ball goes back into the same container then back into the fridge and is ready to use the next day. I'd advise using it 2 days later rather than one but whatever.

10: search on bing "how to open a pizza"

11: search on duckduckgo "how to load a pizza"

12: search on askjeeves "how to dress a pizza"

13: search on yahoo answers "how to launch a pizza"

>> No.8578489

That's some thicc pizza. Where are you from? Iowa?

>> No.8578509
File: 1.19 MB, 2560x1440, 20170121_082527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar. Using commercial yeast. Dough thick as fuck.

Dropped. Get better.

>> No.8578514

that looks like shit desu

>> No.8578525

>muh yeast i have a 2000 year starter that has been passed down from my great great great great great great great great great great grandfather to me

>crust is personal preference pleb but yours is anemic as fuck

>> No.8578594


also, pepperoni is too small

>> No.8578605

lotta fucking work. I use ap and whole wheat flour, salt, water, yeast, and a bread machine to make the dough.

>> No.8578611

Keep eating your fluffy bread dough pizza crust faggot, but don't try to call it pizza. You're worse than the imbecilic go'za fuckwads.

>> No.8578647

Did someone throw up on your crackers senpai? Why would you post this? Need sympathy or something?

>> No.8578693

wtf is that image?

>> No.8578924

>why would you post this

To show how good a thin crust no sugar wild yeast pizza crust can be. Notice particularly, the irregularly shaped air pockets. That was really the point of the pic.

>> No.8578938

You are making bread
The pizza probably tastes good
You need a hotter surface, use a steel if you dont have one
Cut some AP, bread and 00
Mix and match it can be fun

>> No.8578949

I will never listen to you italian fucktards so stop spreading your hate everywhere. Fuck your traditions and fuck your family, you fucking hateful people. I wish I could exterminate every italian because you're all pieces of shit. Shove your family recipes up your asshole retard I've had enough

>> No.8578951

Perhaps I'd be able to see if you didn't use one of your potatos to take a picture

>> No.8578962

I'm a fucking amerilard, moron.

>> No.8579108

>To show how good a thin crust no sugar wild yeast pizza crust can be

Well you've only convinced me that they look like they just came out of a public garbage bin. Congrats anon.

>> No.8579111

You must feel shitty that OP posted a pizza crust that looked much better than yours.

>> No.8579119

What a pretentious cunt you are.

There's literally nothing wrong with using sugar, it feeds the fucking yeast. Personally I use a tablespoon of honey in my pizza dough.

There's literally nothing wrong with commercial yeast. It works just fine and gives the desired result.

Also, your picture is unappetizing. I wouldn't feed that garbage to my dog. Kill yourself.

>> No.8579257

Well you sort of failed in that then

>> No.8579392

Actually, in his thread, every one liked it and said good job. They weren't trolls like you. He was being nice by posting this for the person who wanted his dough recipe. What are you doing? Your shit looks fucked up like you used dead yeast or you killed your yeast or forgot to add your yeast. Did you make your pizza with a leftover tortilla or something?

>> No.8579850

>Eat your...pizza crust
>Don't call it pizza
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8579890

that was actually me anon, and I appreciate you posting. actually got everything I needed to make it yesterday.

>> No.8579900

I don't know. Your pizza looks doughy as fuck, so the sugar and commercial yeast are hardly a surprise. Looks like you're trying to recreate Domino's in your home kitchen. I'd take this >>8578509 over OP pic any day. Doughy pizza sucks.

>> No.8579969

>pretending he's not the same guy.

your pizza looks like an old diabetic woman's toenail, with a sweaty lump of mushroom on top for a 10/10 touch. eat shit.

>> No.8579976


It really does. It looks like shit. OP's looks fucking delicious. Yeah it's more doughy but the dough looks fucking good. Being so neurotic of your food not looking like whatever x brand name doesn't make your food better, it just makes you a neurotic pretentious fag. Go back to Italy or New York or whatever condominium full of poofters you crawled out of.

>> No.8579984
File: 41 KB, 600x337, ToppersTot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to Italy or New York
You mean go back to places where the pizza is actually good instead of the greasy, bready shit in the Midwest? Pic related.

>> No.8579992

but anon no one here has posted a pizza that looks anything like that.

yours doesn't even look like that and it still manages to look just as unsatisfying and just plain stupid. it's okay to admit you put no effort into your food, we expect housewives and soccer moms to come wondering in occasionally. your food might suck but I'm sure your family loves it. : ]

have a nice day ma'am.

>> No.8580075

I'm not OP retard. Stop samefagging. It's pathetic.

>> No.8580275
File: 66 KB, 640x428, WhiteFamily21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>shitting on housewives

Kill yourself.

>> No.8580279

This also goes for those Mexican cunts constantly spearging out about "muh tacos"

>> No.8580280
File: 260 KB, 578x440, Faggo02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>O my Pierre, how can these barbarians eat all these carbs? Bring me my cardboard with olives on it, hm yeah.

>> No.8580343

Pizza is /reddit/-tier meme shit food anyway. Y'all should neck yourselves for eating it.

>> No.8580448

t. ass too fat: the pizza

>> No.8580544

Looks like shit. Should have taken it on a slightly more downward angle to see the top better while still seeing the crust from the side.

I'd take Domino's pizza over that cracker with a mushroom on it. Especially since a large Domino's with 2 toppings is only $5.99 right now which puts it at Little Caesars levels.

I don't like what you like so your foods suck and you suck because what I think is all that matters in this world.

>> No.8580567

That's a French name you colossal cunt-bucket.

>> No.8580586

I disagree with the sugar, use a bit more water, and only work it in two parts instead of a bunch of little ones, but this is roughly how I make mine too, can confirm this works

>> No.8580595

but it's 2.5 grams and only for the yeast to feed on and make the CO2. A can of cola has like 40 grams alone in it so it's not like 2.5 grams is going to make a whole pizza sweet tasting. Although, I suppose to yeast could just feed off the starch converted to sugars from the water/flour. How does yours turn out compared to OPs?

>> No.8580614

Jesus H. Christ that looks like a moldy nacho thats been under the fridge for years. You actually serve that?

>> No.8580617

I actually don't have any pictures, but mine ends up a bit thinner. It's still not a cracker, though.

I only disagree because I don't think the sugar matters, not because it might make the dough worse. I figure the dough already breaks down into sugars for the yeast anyway.

>> No.8580619

>focusing on the tablecloth instead of the pizza

your photography is almost as bad as your cooking

>> No.8580625

I may try your method and OPs both this weekend if I actually get time Friday to make the dough up and do a comparison thread for any one interested. You make it roughly like OPs, just no sugar and a higher moisture? I know it will work without the sugar due to the break down into sugars so this should be good to see and I'll probably end up with just 2 great pizzas either way.

>> No.8580671

I actually just eyeball the oil, but his proportion of flour to water is around 63%, mine is around 70%. I also use 2% salt instead of about 1%. They say too much salt can kill off the yeast, but they still work at 2% salt. I'm still playing around with the numbers a bit, I look forward to hearing your findings.

Also, there is another difference in my method I didn't notice before, I've never bothered to pull it out into a ball and put it back in.

>> No.8580694

Okay. I will try both if I have the chance and post it up probably Sunday. I got everything written down for now so I don't forget how you both do it. I'll use same cheese amounts, toppings, sauce amounts, everything like that just to make it 100%. Thanks

>> No.8581973

>says get better
>posts something worse than OP

What did you mean by this?

>> No.8583512
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 0004280042593_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hommade totinos

>> No.8584079


That's a bomb-ass Pizza OP. 8/10 would eat and enjoy.


Holy shit, not even my "Authentic New York Style" local pizzeria spreads their dough out that thin. Shit looks like a damn cracker.

>> No.8584213

Damn your asshole got thoroughly savaged ITT. How are you holding up?

>> No.8584241

pastor anderson allows interracial marriage he is not redpilled

>> No.8584376

I imagine he's already hanging from his ceiling fan

>> No.8584710

>but i dont waaaaaaannnnnntt a job

>> No.8585021

Old post but I would enjoy seeing the result too. Godspeed anon.

>> No.8586263

>30C° water
Nice try pleb

>> No.8586286

was wondering what happened to your thread, pepperoni pizza makes me feel goood

i'll try to cook soon

>> No.8587592

We're counting on you, anon

>> No.8588164

fucking disgusting

>> No.8588184

Je mangerais comme une amuse bouche.