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File: 15 KB, 300x300, its_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8564993 No.8564993 [Reply] [Original]

>hear that italians make great coffee
>decide to go to renowned italian coffee shop
>order espresso
>it's literally a cup of pitch black sludge
>it tastes like charcoal

Is the "Italian coffee is great" meme just a massive troll, or do people who enjoy this shit actually exist?

>> No.8564999


I'm more interested in why you think a single sample of something is meaningful.

>> No.8565005

Maybe because it's the most popular italian coffee shop in the entire fucking country, mate.

>> No.8565010

I've tried espresso in dozens of cafes in Italy. It's definitely a meme. I hope they embrace third wave coffee in the future.

>> No.8565016


So what? It's still a single experience. It's statistically meaningless.

>> No.8565021

Fuck off, Luigi.

>> No.8565023

My roommate thought 'go 'za was what legitimate authentic Italian pizza was because that's what was served at the restaurant his high school class went to on their Italy trip.

>> No.8565029

Fuck off, Mario.

>> No.8565030


Exactly! Like that time I hooked up with a trap. I only sucked her dick once, so it wasn't even gay. Plus I said no homo a few times...

>> No.8565037

you might have an intolerance to italian coffee

that's kind of how it starts

try not drinking it for a few days and see if it clears up

>> No.8565046

you might have an intolerance to dick

that's kind of how it starts

try not sucking it for a few days and see if it clears up

>> No.8565049

espresso was never meant to be good. It was meant to be fast. It is literally named for speed. It's hot water forced under pressure through a puck of coffee grounds. Unless you really love coffee, it's probably not for you. When most people talk about espresso, they're actually talking about any number of drinks that use it as an ingredient. Cappuccinos, Caffe Latte, and Caffe Mochas being the predominant examples.

>> No.8565051

wow rude

>> No.8565052

This actually worked for my gf.

>> No.8565055

>espresso was never meant to be good. It was meant to be fast. It is literally named for speed.

yes, but... it's 2017

>> No.8565080

>really loves coffee
>adds milk, sugar, other ingredients to mask the putrid flavor of italian charcoal water
>"lol you're just not as cultured as us, you can't appreciate true coffee :^)"

>> No.8565086
File: 12 KB, 300x400, 3b708251b330087d31615d591d8d7ffc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what I think of your shitty coffee, italy
suck a charcoal-flavored fart out of my ass

>> No.8565090

I actually don't care for espresso or any of the recipes around it at all. My coffee of choice is the sumatran blend from my local roaster. Burr ground and french pressed. Served strong and black, like my men.

>> No.8565091

now we're talking

>> No.8565116



>> No.8565123

Most coffees are a blend, you sperglord. And where did I mention a filter?

>> No.8565126

>where did I mention a filter?

>french press

>Most coffees are a blend

nah filter coffee is usually single origin

enjoying your first month of speciality coffee?

>> No.8565133

>And where did I mention a filter?

Are you not aware that the plunger on a french press is, in fact, a filter made from metal mesh?

>> No.8565134

>My roommate thought 'go 'za was what legitimate authentic Italian pizza was because that's what was served at the restaurant his high school class went to on their Italy trip.
Didn't happen. Chicago style doesn't exist in Italy. Is there some reason you make up stories on 4chan? Do you leave your house?

>> No.8565136

>You gotta try everything a hundred billion times before you can know for sure

Fuck off retard

>> No.8565141

It's a fucking screen. Not the same as a filter. Just to keep the grounds out of your cup. Do you drink your tea with the tea leaves still in it? For fuck's sake, My last cup from it is a fucking sludge.

>> No.8565144


A hundred billion? No, that's silly hyperbole.

Several times? Yes.

>> No.8565147

Not making anything up. We move into our new apartment, we go to a place right down the street. I order Neapolitan, comment on how it's nice to have a place that does traditional. Usually we went to Round Table at the old place.
He tells me that when he went to Italy on his school trip they had fucking deep dish and that's what he thought "traditional Italian pizza" was supposed to be. Of course they didn't call it 'go 'za in Italy you worthless faggot cunt.

>> No.8565148

Fuck off, Alfredo.

>> No.8565149

>he thinks scale matters

News flash, it does not. One Jew killed is the same as six million. It doesn't stack.

>> No.8565151

>enjoying your first month of speciality coffee?

I've been going to the same coffee shop for my beans for 25 years now. You have nothing to teach me.

>> No.8565163

this post would suggest otherwise:

>Most coffees are a blend, you sperglord. And where did I mention a filter?

>> No.8565165

Most coffees are a blend, you fucking idiot. Even the coffees labeled as "single origin" are usually blends.

>> No.8565167
File: 5 KB, 170x151, 2017-02-11-09-53-28--755490099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews don't stack

>> No.8565179

>It's a fucking screen. Not the same as a filter.

A screen is a type of filter anon. It filters the grounds out of your coffee leaving the liquid behind.

>> Do you drink your tea with the tea leaves still in it?
Nope, I use a filter. Either the one in a french press, the "fabric" in a tea bag, or the mesh in a tea ball. All of those are types of filters.

>> No.8565189

Filter coffee is its own thing. Even espresso machines technically have filters. Let me ask you this: Is espresso the same as filter coffee?

>> No.8565192

You are arguing semantics. If you think a screen is the same as a paper filter, you're a full on retard. With the exception of a turkish coffee, pretty much every coffee made uses a screen or filter. Typically, if you're using a paper filter, it's because you are using a drip or pour over brewing method. If you are really butt hurt that I don't want to drink course ground coffee grinds in my coffee, you are lord Sperg, king of the sperglords.

>> No.8565213


And since you're apparently new to brewing, and just spewing the filtered coffee is shit meme that you saw on reddit, I'll throw you a bone. The reason a paper filter is frowned upon, is that it doesn't allow as much of the essential oils that provide flavor to get past it. This is part of why a french press provides a much richer flavor than a drip coffee maker. The other part is that with the grounds fully submerged, you get a more of a steep over drip or pour over methods.

>> No.8565221

>Even espresso machines technically have filters.

I'm glad we agree.

>> Let me ask you this: Is espresso the same as filter coffee?

Espresso is filter coffee. Did you mean to ask is Espresso the same as drip coffee or french press?

>You are arguing semantics

Indeed. The question was whether or not a filter was present. Nobody said anything about "paper filter" until just now.

>>With the exception of a turkish coffee, pretty much every coffee made uses a screen or filter
I'm glad we agree.

>>Typically, if you're using a paper filter, it's because you are using a drip or pour over brewing method.

Right. So why not ask about "drip", which is actually meaningful, rather than "filter" which applies to nearly all methods of brewing coffee.

>> If you are really butt hurt that I don't want to drink course ground coffee grinds in my coffee

I don't care how you like your coffee. I just think it's pants-on-head retarded to think that a french press doesn't involve a filter.

>> No.8565226

Jesus christ, you really are autistic. You're moving the goalposts so hard, your original argument is nowhere to be found.

Next time do us all a favor and make a tripcode so we can filter your retarded ass.

>> No.8565227

>where did I mention a filter?

What do you think the mesh screen does?

>> No.8565235

I have to imagine he meant Sicilian/Detroit style pizza. I doubt by deep dish he meant go za

>> No.8565239


I haven't moved the goalposts at all. The original question was whether or not there was a "filter".

You're the one who started adding the term "paper" well after the original discussion of a filter.

I've only made one point here and that's never changed: the screen in a french press is indeed a filter. Nothing has moved or changed.

By the way, you never answered my question. I'll post it again:

>>Did you mean to ask is Espresso the same as drip coffee or french press?

>> No.8565238

please see >>8565213
Particularly the reddit meme part. Anyone that argues that a screen is the same as a filter when talking about brewing coffee knows nothing of coffee brewing. There is a context here that you spergheads are ignoring because you just have to prove you can read a fucking dictionary.

>> No.8565244

wtf are you blathering about you loser. i have no idea what coffee reddit likes or dislikes (unlike you, apparently). i actually tend to prefer filter coffee over espresso-based. the point here is that mesh screens and paper filters are both filters. this is undeniable.

>> No.8565252

You went to "the most popular Italian coffee shop in the country" and didn't like it so espresso is a shitty beverage? wow you must be real bright.

>> No.8565260

Thank you for illustrating your inability to understand context. We are talking about coffee here. Not straining pasta. The size of the apertures we need to get our oils through matters. Thus we must distinguish in broad terms, whether those openings are measured in single digit microns or fractions of a millimeter. So, when talking about making coffee, saying "Filtered" is wildly different than using a screen to catch large particles.

>> No.8565279

Espresso is an Italian creation. That doesn't mean they do it better than anybody else. It just means they invented it. The place I've been where the coffee was great everywhere I had it was southern Spain. But the absolute best coffee I've had in my life was at an American chain called Intelligensia.

>> No.8565359

I don't know about coffee shops but the best home brand in my opinion is Cafe Bustelo.

>> No.8565547

>Quality coffee
They drink it like a drug and don't care how it tastes. They roast it dark and make it fast because they don't care how it tastes.

Oddly enough, the best coffee you'll find in the world is usually in the Middle East / North Africa, or at least made in those styles, as opposed to the Italian / French espresso style which is only good if you change all the factors to your own taste.

>> No.8566547

Try Portuguese coffee, they call it bica, that's the best coffee what I tried ever.

>> No.8566564

And you're just a single irrelevant person's opinion

>> No.8568004

They like their robusta and basically are plebs because of it, history aside

>> No.8568076

try ILLY espresso, retard

>> No.8568093

This guy gets it. I've given espresso many tries and I like it Americano. I just don't like it.

Still not a fan, but at least a good brand of the stuff. Would recommend for those dipping their toes into espresso.

They've been doing it for longer and are steeped in coffee tradition, so their technique is better. I love Arabica and Yirgacheffe.

>> No.8569262


Not even shitposting: The overwhelming majority of "Italian" restaurants and cafes outside of Italy are hot steaming garbage that at best half-ass everything they make.

Try espresso at a cafe in Italy somewhere between Rome and Naples and then decide if you like it.


No. Fuck off.


Lol, fucking clueless faggot lecturing other people. Paper filters are NOT frowned upon, and the choice between French press and pour-over purely comes down to whether you prefer to taste the brights in the coffee or the oils (since leaving the oils in the coffee masks the bright notes). French press and pour over are otherwise equally able to properly extract coffee.


No, he's right and you're a clueless dumb fuck who is assmad that his feigned knowledge about about coffee got utterly annihilated.

>Still being this wrong and clueless

Just shit up you clueless flyover dumb fuck. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>Roast it dark
>Dark roast

Shut up you clueless dumb fuck.


No. Some percentage of robusta is included in espresso because it gives excellent body and crema to the espresso, it's not supposed to contribute to the taste.

>> No.8569268
File: 23 KB, 396x360, 1479549124323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8569310

>drinks ILLY
>has a coffee opinion

>> No.8569333
File: 328 KB, 850x437, b89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8569335


Yirgacheffe is a type of Arabica.

>> No.8569913

>No. Some percentage of robusta is included in espresso because it gives excellent body and crema to the espresso, it's not supposed to contribute to the taste.

Crema is a meme, it's about the taste and robusta does not help at all.

>> No.8569938

>Crema is a meme


>> No.8569968


1.yes italians like thier coffee strong, if u dont like it, go have your pumpkin spice starbucks crap

2.dont order an espresso, its for italian buisnessmen and builders who have it literally everyday

>> No.8569977

we like to start with you retard

>> No.8570087

Coffee is about addiction. Every person is gonna like what they are used to.
Most coffee is shit, italian or not.

>> No.8570129

Just take caffeine pills and crush up adderall to sprinkle in your chocolate milk. Way better.

>> No.8570200
File: 117 KB, 1024x546, How-To-Roast-Coffee-Beans (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many people do like the dark roast but they are not aware that dark roast coffee presents very serious health issues.
Roasts like Italian and French (picture related) should be avoided in order to avoid getting cancer.
Here is why, this is very serious issue but not many coffee drinkers are aware of it.

CARCINOGENS in Burnt Coffee,
(and for those who are not aware carcinogens are cancer causing elements) you can read about it in this article:


Research has shown that if food is burnt or heated excessively then a certain group of carcinogenic substances are released which are known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Once these substances have been consumed by the individual via the burnt food then they also travel into the intestines and other organs of the human body via the process of blood circulation.
In such cases, these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons not only cause cancer but also tend to increase toxicity of bone marrow, suppression of the immune system, reproductive toxicity,
liver toxicity as well as cardiovascular toxicity.

I like my dark roasted coffee and I don’t want to hear another ‘coffee guy’ tell me to stop drinking it.
The truth is, you can enjoy a well roasted Dark Roast Coffee without ingesting cancerous substances into your body.
Dark doesn’t have to mean burnt.
Nor do you have to sacrifice the health benefits of coffee when enjoying dark roast done correctly.

yet something as simple as NOT purchasing burnt coffee beans can drastically reduce this factor.
Coffee, roasted to a dark profile, can actually be extremely enjoyable (even for light roast drinkers such as myself) and still keep that dark nuance that so many people really enjoy.

>> No.8570207
File: 798 KB, 600x600, Dark Roast Coffee beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CARCINOGENS in DARK Burnt Coffee are the same as carcinogens (cancer causing particles) found on burned meat/steaks.
With horror I watch people grilling their meat to achieve those burned charred "grill marks", but those burned grill marks are nothing less than cancer powerhouse.
Funny thing is that those people would never feed those burned charred meat parts to their precious dogs or cats, but they gladly eat themselves.
So with dark roasted coffee there is a very serious WARNING that if we do care not to get cancer we should definitely avoid drinking any coffee brewed with dark roast beans.

The 5 Ways Your Coffee Kills You.
All in all, you can drink coffee and significantly hurt your body or you can drink coffee and actually enjoy a beverage that adds healthful antioxidants and tastes amazing.
I choose healthy coffee.

Coffee is one of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops.
Much of our coffee comes from South America, and specifically Colombia, and uses pesticides such as heptachlor, chlordane and deiedrin. These pesticides are toxic to our body!

Also toxic molds Mycotoxins growing on coffee beans present health issue, so taking all those hazardous things into consideration don't add to damaging your health
by purchasing & consuming dark roasted coffee beans.

Coffee is one of those things that we don't really need to consume to stay alive.
We need to eat food, we need to drink water but we don't need to drink coffee in order to live.

Coffee is a treat, so educate yourselves & don't unknowingly add this tempting addictive treat to the already abounded number of cancer & other health problems causing products in our diets.
Coffee has some health benefits, but it needs to be consumed with wise approach to it because if you consume coffee grown with tons of toxic chemicals or coffee infested with toxic molds or dark roasted coffee watch out.

The world of coffee is HUGE. Make sure you’re educated before you make your next coffee purchase.

>> No.8570248


I'm sipping a large Drunkin Donuts french vanilla coffee at this moment and laughing as I read your fucking cut and paste scare story.

>> No.8570315

and you think that I really give a shit about poor fucks who drink coffee at shithole like Dunking Donuts
it shows that you have no money to afford quality food
as far as I'm concerned you can eat dog's and cat's shit and I wouldn't blink in pitting you
actually we the rich and the educated we like poor plebs like you because all that quality food is left for us to enjoy
so continue please eating and drinking cheap garbage that way we can delight on the quality stuff
fuck poor cucks are so fun. lol

>> No.8570316


>> No.8570345


Which doesn't invalidate the fact that you're posting a fucking cut and paste scare story.

>> No.8570410
File: 8 KB, 203x198, Global Village Idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cut and paste scare story.
it shows how uneducated you are thinking that if it's 'cut&paste' therefore automatically it's not true.
besides both posts have some 'c&p' and some of mine lines in it.
I suggest you go now and hung yourself or jump from a bridge because people are posting 'cut&paste' on the net.ha ha
civilization is over.
fuck you are so primitive anon.but keep posting we need village idiot and you are perfect for that role. lol

btw, I just hacked your computer and found your picture on it, here it is for all to see how you look like

besides all those stories are scientifically tested and proved as correct. so go and eat dog shit Sherlock

>> No.8570440


> besides all those stories are scientifically tested and proved as correct.

Ah yes, I love hearing this bullshit line from anti-GMO anti-meat anti-gluten anti-cooked-food David Avocado Food Babe brainwashed assholes. Like all conspiracy theorists, they (you) love to say "it's been proven." And when we ask for some proof, you say "google it" and "I don't have to prove it, it's proven." Your cut and past bullshit scare story is just a cut and past bullshit scare story.

Nice job hacking my computer, I didn't know I had that much hair left on my head.

>> No.8570460

since you are our village idiot and a simpleton let me approach this this way by asking you a question.
do you have a pet cat or dog?

>> No.8570481


I had a cat, but it disappeared. I blame the Chinese restaurant at the end of the block.

>> No.8570541

so on top of being village idiot you are so poor that you live in the shitty part of town surrounded by fucking creepy chinks.
great I'm wasting my time posting with a loser who drinks shitty coffee at DD and eating their shit.
Fuck off poorfag.
I'm mean I do exchange ideas sometimes with other poor people but they are not stupid so I don't mind mingling with them
but you are obviously uneducated and stupid so therefore you are way out of my league for me to mingle with you.
you see I belong to the group of those rich boyz who think that the world is overpopulated and that we need to drastically reduce
population especially of stupid useless people, the bit smarter poor assholes we like to keep as a labour force.
and you as our village idiot are perfect example why reduction in population is what will save this planet from destruction
by stubborn to learn doorknobs like yourself.

>> No.8570679

>SanFran numale cuckboy is exposed to actual coffee that isn't brown milk