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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 165 KB, 700x600, vegemite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8563805 No.8563805 [Reply] [Original]

Does Australian Cuisine actually exist?
I cant think of many real specifically Australian dishes
I suppose you could say something like a HSP is Australian, but what else

>> No.8563808

Their delicacy is white bread spread with butter and rainbow sprinkles.

>> No.8563810
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They put bubbles in beer.

>> No.8563818

Marmite > Vegemite

>> No.8563875

Nah, fuck off you pom cunt, vegemite fuckin destroys marmite in every single way, marmite looks like thick diarrhea and tastes like shit

>> No.8563892

They even have a different name for sprinkles, something dumb like "hundreds and thousands"

>> No.8563902

Hundreds and thousands is just what we call the tiny dot ones, the cylindrical ones are sprinkles

>> No.8563904

kys convict

>> No.8563921

Suck my balls ya snaggletoothed cunt, one side my family came from Jersey during the gold rush, the other from germany after the gold rush, no convict blood at all in me.

Enjoying the weather in England mate? Must be fucking fantastic having nonstop rain and gloomy weather

>> No.8563976

Our cuisine is very much produce based and basic. Lots of grilled seafood, lamb, salads, olive oil, wine. We became a country in 1901 and every recipe was already invented by then so we don't have any unique to us.

>> No.8563981

It's snowing today

>> No.8563983

>Went to Australia to visit a friend who got trapped in a huntsman's nest
>Decided to go on a tour group instead
>We saw all of Australia's famous landmarks
>The Sydney Opera House
>Great Barrier Reef
>Outback Steakhouse
>On our way back the tour bus blew a tire somewhere on i-85
>As the driver got out to inspect the damage, a large, curved metal object sliced his fucking head off
>In the distance we could see 6 maybe 7 figures approaching from the horozion, bouncing
>It was 5 Australian men dressed as The Warriors and a Muslim dressed as an Australian
>All inside the pouch of a kangaroo each
>They stopped for a moment when the Muslim man blew up, but kept approaching us shortly after
>I was the one that their leader addressed
>"Gettaouta my country ya fuckwit"
>They turned and left, hopping away into the distance eating Vegemite and shitposting on /qa/

>> No.8563988

It's an AB

>> No.8563990

Did you find that funny or just amazed you had the oportunity to use it?

>> No.8563991

Fuck that mate, I mean we get snow too, we just get it where it doesn't affect anything other than the skiing season.

>> No.8564006

HSP/AB's are overrated and anyway, it just doesn't taste as good without the veggies and bread

>> No.8564008

All of which came from 'wogs' that Aussies hated.

Whiteys just tsundere desu

>> No.8564026

I'm actually pulling for our strayan bros. they've always had our back, up for a good fight, even when the fight wasn't good; they're our cousins and our people. We've exported our special brand of retardation (cf toenail abort), but I hold out hope that they just might be able to shitpost us to salvation, be our dinki di Max Rockatansky

>> No.8564039

You seppo's are alright, you cunts should take some fighting lessons and get better equipment though, seriously, humvee's and M4's are shit, you guys keep getting stomped and you wonder why.

The only retardation you've really exported here is social justice and BLM, it fuckin shits me so bad when I see a social justice rally or a BLM rally going on in Melbourne

Also Abbott was a Brit, not a yank

>> No.8564050
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>> No.8564057

Anything to do with American problems in Australia shits me like all the stupid cunts that cared about the US election, people that took a stance on BLM one way or another, the women against trump rally shit.

I mean seriously, where do most of you cunts think we are? We don't suffer from even 0.1% of the same problems as America, least of all should we care about them. Our government could make taking an arse-fucking mandatory every day with a steel dildo and most cunts would be too busy arguing about if Trump pisses sitting down or not.

>> No.8564058
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>> No.8564066
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>> No.8564074

Fuck man, you would not believe how bad it was when I was still in High School, there was this one kid who almost never stopped talking about America and the rest of the school were almost as obsessed as this guy.

What's even worse is that this school is in one of the most left wing area's in Melbourne and due to that they have a plethora of left wing teachers who are obsessed with America shoving their Americanized left wing agenda down the students throats so nowadays they'd be blabbing on nonstop about BLM, Trump etc in class.

>> No.8564077
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>> No.8564079
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Good post

>> No.8564081
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>> No.8564098

they look like chicken nuggets

>> No.8564111

Kanga Bangas

>> No.8564117

We get that a lot in Canada but at least we're fuckin attached to them and 80% of our pop lives within an hour of the border but why the fuck would you cunts ever talk about them??

Never been to Aus but I've heard Melb is absolute trash and should be avoided anyway.

>> No.8564118

They are a dry sweet oat buscuit, would not eat chicken nuggets that looked like that.

>> No.8564124

As far as food goes Melbourne is arguably our best city, the people not so much but if you do visit Aus it should be on a places to visit list.
(I'm not from Melbourne)

>> No.8564152

Melbourne is a shithole, don't listen to this cunt >>8564124

Just avoid the place all together

>> No.8564169

Lol this fuckin wanker
All the seafood fell out of the wogs pockets as they stepped across from the boat.
I'm a "wog" btw.

>> No.8564170

Australia is a safe and spoiled country while America is the opposite, I guess some retards are attracted to that, also the TV shows here are americanized as fuck and shit like McDonalds and KFC are considered 100% Authentic Aussie Takeout.

I see people fantasizing about going to America all the time and actually have commonly argued with people about how Australia has a better quality of life than America (I'm an American living here) to which dumb fucks disagreed with me and I've come to a point where I just nod, agree and tell them chicago is a safe city.

>> No.8564171


New Zealand

>> No.8564176
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Yes, but it tastes like prison food.

>> No.8564181

>Never been to Aus but I've heard Melb is absolute trash and should be avoided anyway.
Probably been suckered by sydfag disinformation, as an outsider to their petty shitflinging, Melbourne is pretty solid in terms of food and culture it's pretty solid as a team destination, I think that there's more livable cities though.

>> No.8564189

as a travel* destination
Also should have put a bit more effort into grammar

>> No.8564193


>> No.8564194
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Adelaide has frog cakes and pie floaters.

>> No.8564207

Some people are really retarded mate, it's mostly the hipsters who obsess over America and all that shit, I don't really get why they're so obsessed either man.

Depends which part of Melbourne so don't listen to either of these clowns >>8564124 >>8564152

We have some pretty good parts and some really shitty parts, obviously the outer suburbs suck, Fitzroy and that general area is full of hipster scum and it fuckin sucks, the northern suburbs like Thornbury etc are ok and the city is alright in some parts, for example our chinatown is pretty fuckin good.

Anyway, it all depends on where you go man, some places are shit and some are good

>> No.8564228

Any Perthfags here?

I wanna know if living in Perth is terrible because of how fucking isolated it is from literally everyone else in Australia.

>> No.8564236

My dad lived there for a little bit and said it kinda sucked, there's also a lot of abo's and African immigrants from what I've heard and apparently they're cunts

>> No.8564245

Currently living north of perth, and yes, it is fucking boring

Mum decided to move here a few years ago from Sydney because she couldnt afford to buy a houe there.

>> No.8564247

Yeah as someone from neither Sydney or Melbourne, Melbourne is the better city to visit and the better city (of the two) to live in.

Australian food is mostly about good produce and all the good parts of multiculturalism. A lot of mediterranean influence, a lot of south east asian influence, unfortunately an increasing american meme food influence.

>> No.8564263

Tell me about it man, I used to go to high school in Fitzroy and whenever I tagged along with a friend when they went to get a coffee or some shit I'd look at the cafe's lunch menu and it was memetastic, they were full of things that had bacon, sriracha, guacamole and other meme foods in them.

Thank god there was a good noodle place and a good kebab place up the street and macca's if I was desperate

>> No.8564272

Perth's wonderful. Having shitty ping to the rest of the world sucks but it's not that bad. Great weather (except this week), great beaches, great nature nearby. Just get a shittier house in a "shittier" area closer to the city center instead of living out in fucking Two Rocks like this guy >>8564245

The city gets exponentially better the closer to the city center you get.

>> No.8564285

> it was memetastic, they were full of things that had bacon, sriracha, guacamole and other meme foods in them
stop huffing the /ck/ fumes and get some fresh air

>> No.8564293


Thanks lads. I just spent 20 minutes looking at the Wikipedia article on Aussie cities by population size and I'm actually shocked at how many cities Straya has and how fucking huge they are. Also they all look really nice.

Maybe I'm retarded.

>> No.8564315

Nah, fuck off, I'll huff whatever I want, paint, glue, coke you fuckin name it, I'll fuckin huff it

>> No.8564318

Hundreds and thousands?

>> No.8564323

Fuck yeah cunt, I'll huff those little beads of joy till I fucking explode

>> No.8564328

They are literally the same thing.

>> No.8564330

Its a brand name

Its like calling Velcro velcro

>> No.8564332

Marmite is goopier and has a fucked taste

>> No.8564379

Vegemite is nasty and doesn't spread right.

>> No.8564381

>fucked taste
I've had both and they are equally awful sludge. Don't try to distinguish them and make yourself feel better.

>> No.8564409
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>> No.8564428

Lemme guess, you ate a spoonful on it's own like a dumb cunt and whined about how salty it is

>> No.8564475

>Posting New Zealand inventions

Get real cunt

>> No.8564492
File: 23 KB, 212x207, BullBoarSausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't much aussie cuisine, unless you include the whole multicultural fusion thing - which i don't think counts. We maybe have pavlova, vegemite. Not much else.

However, central victoria does have this glorious sausage, the Bullboar sausage. Seems native to Newstead, Daylesford, Castlemaine triangle. Basically austrian/italians came, couldn't make their own sausage due to lack of ingredients so used chinese ingredients (due to gold rush migration) and came up with it.

A fucking lovely sausage that is very hard to find outside of that particular region. I love it, will talk about it to whoever is interested,

>> No.8564497

I'll check it out when I'm over that way next

>> No.8564501
File: 41 KB, 560x400, 20110604-hand-pulled-noodles-slideshow-188-super-taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 Shandong Mama in chinatown. Best dumplings in Melbourne by a long shot. Followed by dumplings I make at home using a variation of 'The Only Dumpling Recipe You Will Ever Need' which I highly recommend trying.

Agree on Fitzroy and Northcote being shit. Footscray used to be good but gentrification is happening there too. I remember when the only coffee you could get there was putrid piss at The Bulldog Cafe (god knows how that place stays open) or a plethora of vietnamese coffee.

It's sad what has happened. I prefer Sunshine for western suburbs food now. No hipster cunts ruining shit there.
As far as food goes, I'm from Melbourne and we always got told Melbourne cuisine is the best quality in Australia. Went to Adelaide and the food quality really shocked me, easily superior to Melbourne and I was only going to random restaurants. I mean shit they actually had authentic La Mien (hand pulled noodle).

>> No.8564503

There is nothing wrong with guacamole or sriracha in the proper context. Faggot foodie place in fitzroy isn't the proper context though

>> No.8564504

Well worth it. The butcher in Newstead does it best. I recently smuggled 3kg of Bullboars to a mate in Gladstone QLD just cause he missed them

>> No.8564515
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>and shit like McDonalds and KFC are considered 100% Authentic Aussie Takeout.

>> No.8564522

you might have an intolerance to eggs

that's kind of how it starts

try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears up

>> No.8564523

Huh? I think you posted to the wrong person. I frequently eat egg

>> No.8564524

No, I didn't reply to the wrong person

>> No.8564526

Then what do you mean mate?

>> No.8564531

I mean if you stopped eating eggs perhaps you'd be less of a massive faggot. However, stopping eggs alone won't fix it, you'll also need to find a non homo SJW hipster city to live in.

>> No.8564533

Man it took you a long time to get to your point mate. You should work on that.

>> No.8564535
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too busy shitposting IRL to invent unique cuisine

>> No.8564536

You're just a bit slow on the uptake. Probably got a cucumber up your clacker and not concentrating.

>> No.8564537

Sydfag here

I've been all over the world and Adelaide by far has the best food I've ever had, I was legitimately shocked

Though I am also quite partial to deep dish Chicago pizza - never really understood why anyone called it "pizza pie" before then

>> No.8564547

Fuck you ya poofta cunt

>> No.8564561

What foods/places in Adelaide were standout?
I've never been to Adelaide, but maybe its time to go there for a weekend if you're serious.

>> No.8564564

Basically anywhere on Rundle Street

>> No.8564571

Australia's only redeeming feature is it's seafood. Otherwise living there is like being dead.

>> No.8564572

You reckon? It's been a while since I was in the city but I don't see how Random street would have changed so much that a good portion of it isn't middling at best

>> No.8564573

There's a small place for pho on the Preston high street, fucking incredible, my thai friend from tafe showed me it and it blew my mind, it's called pho huong and there's a chinese barbeque place near it that's pretty good, it's called hung sanh.

But yeah, it's a real shame what's happened to Northcote, it used to be a nice quiet suburban neighborhood without overpriced coffee and shitty gift stores and from what I've heard Fitzroy used to be full of heavy metal bars and shit like that, hipster culture ruins fuckin everything

Also I agree, the food in Adelaide is pretty damn good, I go over there for Christmas every couple of years but it's not until this time I went over for christmas that I truly took a look around the city. The area around the markets has some amazing Asian food, I went to this ramen store and had some really spicy pork ramen, it was fucking amazing and I also went to a restaurant at Noarlunga beach with my auntie and grandparents that was pretty good.

>> No.8564576

There's a really good ramen place on 80 Gouger street called Ryo's Noodles

>> No.8564582

I recommend the spicy pork ramen, it's actually surprisingly spicy for ramen, I find whenever I've gotten ramen elsewhere they never put enough chilli in

>> No.8564583

Rundle* st
Auto-correct on my fucking phone makes some pretty big leaps

>> No.8564588

Gouger street in general is pretty good man, it's definitely worth taking a walk up there

>> No.8564590

Yeah I know, I've just been a bit slack lately whenever I've been in Adelaide lately, haven't even checked out little nnq yet

>> No.8564592

The markets also have some nice stuff like there's this little store that sells stuff from kangaroo island like honey and gind and other shit and there's some good food in the market too

>> No.8564596

China town had a hotpot that was very authentic sitran style.

In the southwest of adelaide I had vietnamese at a place called flower something. Very high quality,

>> No.8564599

How are timtams?

>> No.8564623

good, chewy caramel is the best one.

>> No.8564649

Coconut forever
Caramel is a close second though

>> No.8564657

The caramel ones chilled are amazing

>> No.8564663
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I'm like marmite, you either love me or you hate me

>> No.8564666

If they're not chilled it's like watery caramel.

>> No.8564702


Marmite has a sharper taste, however it is very viscous and behaves like syrup meaning it drips everywhere and makes the jar all sticky. The colour on toast is a very light brown.

Vegemite has a thicker texture which is easier to spread on toast and has a subtler flavour. The colour on toast is very dark brown.

Overall Vegemite > Marmite, but I like both. I would alternate but I end up using vegemite out of convenience most of the time because isn't messy to use.

>> No.8564891
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No cuisine per se, the country is something around 200 years old. Give them 100 more years to delve distinctly from British cuisine.

More often now you'll bump into dishes that incorporates bush food and spices, like lemon balm, native pepper berries, finger lime etc.

>Fairy Bread
Are specifically Australian made as it gets. Unless Marmite is older.

>> No.8566336

Fairy bread and pavlova lad

>> No.8566352

Fairy Bread makes me physically angry

>> No.8566658
File: 176 KB, 650x732, 1457009462143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me Nigel Waga-waga
>just got me fix from centerlink
>pissed the fuck off cuz white cunt kept asking bout me kids and shit
>got me doll anyway
>head down to the servo to celebrate
>doll night so all the fuckin sniff already gone >feelsbadman.jpg
>no fukin serpent snake tonight
>gots me an idea
>go to big dirt place for airplanes
>find me some airplane sniff
>go back to bush to sniff
>take big sniff
>shits so intense
>best sniff of me life
>lose control
>start flying
>go into sky with all my ancestors
>fukin cunt calls me a boong
>punch the fuck out of him
>see croc making mountain
>steel his thongs
>ancestor spirits start fuckin shoving me
>its so loud it ecos through the land
>all the dream time spirits turn and look at me
>all the spirits start to fade
>their faces turn human
>its fukin cops
>iv been arrested

best sniff of me life got me some fukin warm bed time too

>> No.8567074

Hey, I laughed like a retard.

>> No.8567199

See this is auscunt cuisine. Built haphazardly by what's on hand. Oz would make sausage out of spiders and platypus milk +1 from your big cuddy

>> No.8567512

fairy bread cunt

>> No.8567852
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Goin for a a drive to the bottle'o to grab a slab of tinnys and a goon sack for me sheila.

>> No.8567914

you forgot to mention that you're driving a commodore

>> No.8567915


>drive past arnotts factory every day
>window down in hopes the wind is blowing towards the road to get that smell of freshly baked biscuits


>> No.8567923

Race that IS in the next lane you fag

>> No.8567943
File: 214 KB, 745x423, E8t8fPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire BBQ stacked with cheapest brand woolies sausages with 10 more packets waiting on the sideline, ready to go
>plain white bread, burnt sausage and maybe onion
>sauces include tomato sauce, BBQ sauce, maybe mustard
>eski with beer, solo, coke and pasito

Aussie BBQ is one of the wonders of the world.

>> No.8567951

I'm an American that loves to grill, especially when entertaining guests. I work so hard at it and I make great food and always make sure my guests have the best time possible but fuck me if I don't see pictures of shitty aussie cookouts and wish I could conjure up a time half as good as what you kangaroo fuckers seem to be having

>> No.8567970
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Mate, you have no idea of what you're missing out on, an Aussie BBQ is a glorious thing, maybe you should come down to Australia and see what all the fuss is about mate.

We have fights, beer, meat, sports and more fuckin beer

>> No.8567987
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>tfw secretly jealous of Merican BBQ

I'm tired of shitty sausages. Even at uni there's free sausage sizzles every single day.

>> No.8567990

It really isn't hard to avoid them mate, you can smell them from a fucking mile away.

Use your fuckin nose ya mong

>> No.8567996

Hey, I aint trying to avoid them. It's free shit that I grab every time but i'm getting kind of sick from eating them all the time

>> No.8567999

Fuck mate, don't eat them then, it's not like there's some spider overlord that'll tear your dick off if you don't

>> No.8568009


>> No.8568010

>Outback Steakhouse

Fuck off Yank.

>> No.8568308

>It's sad what has happened. I prefer Sunshine for western suburbs food now. No hipster cunts ruining shit there.
Aren't you basically their avant garde?

>> No.8568757

It exists on the east coast of Australia. What a bunch of seppo cunts.

>> No.8569486
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>> No.8569491

Wait, how is it marketed in Australia, then? As a normal steakhouse, or as some kind of stereotype-driven gimmick restaurant?

>> No.8569546


underrated post