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8559916 No.8559916 [Reply] [Original]

what you bogs drinkin? pickle juice here

>> No.8560015

I bough a 64 oz. growler of some beer from the Trillium brewery and I didn't touch it for almost a week after getting it so it tastes fucking terrible (tasted like shit to begin with desu) but I'm drinking that cause I don't want to waste it.

>> No.8560116

PBR. I'm poor.

>> No.8560375 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1125x2000, aviary-image-1486084155327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a couple of these tonight, along with the glass. So amazingly smooth omg

>> No.8560443

How hard is it to get Founders Breakfast Stout?

>> No.8560517

I live in North Bumfuck, how do I acquire good beer?

>> No.8560518

The gas stations where you live don't stock any craft beer?

>> No.8560764

Plain ol' Hoegaarden right now. Refreshing desu.

>> No.8560769
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This shit. It's great

>> No.8560993
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>> No.8561000

Can someone reccomend a goid US beer? I like the labels but the drink itself always turns out a little dull.

>> No.8561011
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I was about to make this thread!

What are some fancy beers? Looking for recommendations please. Pic sorta related.

>> No.8561024

It's almost impossible. First you have to work out how to buy stuff, then once you've worked that out you have to buy some Breakfast Stout.

>> No.8561043
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>> No.8561119

Rad label. Did you try the stuff?

>> No.8561136
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>> No.8561182

"most" reputable craft beer stores have it, since founders is such a big company you should see it irrespective of where you live in the USA. Shit is expensive though, that's for sure

>> No.8561196
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Grabbed a couple for tonight.
The beer store here is ridiculously big, there's a lot to get through.

>> No.8561206
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>> No.8561219
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And bloody expensive.

>> No.8561228
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Generally my standard stout.

>> No.8561487
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Pic related.
Friendly reminder: if you live in Nebraska, you MUST drink this beer.
Voodoo Ranger is a close second though.

>> No.8561505

well it's limited availability to my understanding

>> No.8561510


How expensive are you talking?

>> No.8561668

It's 10$ a 4 pack

>> No.8561676

that's not really that bad, that's actually the normal price for a high ABV craft 4 pack

I think it should be in season now, too

>> No.8561876
File: 47 KB, 1000x1000, DSCN4398_ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried one bottle of this and I've never seen it on sale since. Why didn't I buy the whole case.

>> No.8561892

If you like Founders Breakfast Stout I really recommend Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast. Don't go for the stronger Geek Brunch, I've gotten it on a few separate occasions and the bottles have all been gushers.

>> No.8561893

Pretty sure they're still selling it. I think their imperial stout is a dollar cheaper as well. I'd snag a pack of that if you see it. Try a fresh one, then try another after 3 to 6 months. It's best after 6 imo. Like a super dark chocolate brownie.

>> No.8562920

If you're talking about Kentucky breakfast stout, store in indiana and michigan have it for a decent price. KBS is 10x better the regular break fast stout.

Lizard of Koz is a Great Founders stout as well, chocolate blueberry and vanilla, although quite sweet for a stout.

>> No.8562921

I've heard nothing but awful things about that lizard of koz beer

>> No.8562932

Most people aren't expecting the sweetness. I will say it's a one-and-done for me.

>> No.8563090


Yeah maybe back when Founders wasn't the biggest sellout of all craft breweries. Now I see Breakfast Stout at every bottle shop I visit, so I assume they're releasing it year round now.

>> No.8563135
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I just picked this up. I'm a fan.

>> No.8563143

Are they not still independently owned?

>> No.8563168


>> No.8563238

I live in Australia and it's in every proper craft beer shop here.

>> No.8563261


getting kentucky breakfast stout is kind of tricky but breakfast stout is pretty easy to get

>> No.8563342
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i like german lagers

>> No.8564744
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Going to crack this open tonight, never tried it before.

>> No.8565040

I loved that one. Pure delicious sourness.

>> No.8565078

i had it yesterday. overall it's a good beer but not my taste

>> No.8565274


A spanish brewing company owns 30% of Founders

>> No.8565313

That's not so bad. Probably gives them more distribution capabilities as well.

>> No.8565910
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they sell this at the store i work at, should i try it?

pic related is the what im drinking right now, i would say this is the best beer i ever tasted. Anyone here likes this aswell?

>> No.8566046


>imperial stout

I like to believe this was true at some point in history, and beers like Stone's W00tstout are complete and total bastardizations of beer.

>> No.8566073

If you like sours I think you should. It's way better than your random local 'wild ale'.

>> No.8566111
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What is objectively the best beer ever known to man and why is it Sierra Nevada pale ale?

>> No.8566161

Cant argue with trips, but I found it unremarkable. Not bad, just a perfect, standard, run of the mill pale ale.

>> No.8566977

I second this. It's good, it's solid, but it doesn't blow me away.

My favorite Pale Ale I've had so far is Bronx Pale Ale.

>> No.8567015
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Surly Misanthrope

>> No.8567083

im drinking it right now but i prefer torpedo

>> No.8567100


>> No.8567116

>>imperial stout
>I like to believe this was true at some point in history
Maybe during/after WWI

>> No.8567165
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Scofflaw Basement IPA

>> No.8567168

I have a 2011/2012 bottle that's been sitting on my wine rack (out of the sunlight) for a couple years. Been putting off drinking it for too long

>> No.8567172

I wouldn't say objectively best but you could argue most influential, especially in the US/Australia.

>> No.8567173

I'm drinking this and it's awesome. It's a saison with elderflower and is tart without being puckeringly sour.

>> No.8567253

Was it worth the price tag?

>> No.8567296

What kind of psycho names his beer after sculpin? Why would you associate anything with those waste of fish?

>> No.8567328

Yes, actually. Split a bottle with a good friend and both of us thought it was one of the best beers we've ever had. The sourness was unique and a refreshing change. Surprisingly "light" on the pallet, which is very different from Surly's standard fare. Glad I bought a second bottle.

>> No.8567353

How do people rationalize the distinction between like a $2 beer and a $15 beer?

Like I can understand liking bitter in general.
The contrasts and complements with other foods, especiall fried can be really satisfactory.
Shit that's more bitter is going to get you drunk faster.
But it just seems it's just variance in how bitter it tastes, sometimes with a fruity or tangy hint that doesn't really mask the flavor of "beer".

I drink IPAs because I like the taste of pennies, but I don't fucking taste any difference between the expensive ones and the cheaper ones.

>> No.8567367
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I just picked up a six pack of this while I was out, not bad.
Is this stuff a USA meme beer?

>> No.8567383

it's to meme for me to buy it. offensively cringe labeling and it's not like there is ever a shortage of IPA options.

>> No.8567388


>shit that's more bitter is going to get you drunk faster

The fermentables come from the malts, not the hops.

lrn2 beer

>> No.8567391

I justified buying two bottles of Surly Misanthrope at $25 a bottle because I knew that if I didn't buy them today, they'd be for sale at $60-$80 a bottle within a week after the bottles were all out at stores. Wanted to try one of Surly's random run beers, and I wasn't disappointed. Haven't had a sour beer before, and it was really good.

Honestly, it's like asking why someone would buy tenderloin when they can get a chuck roast.

>> No.8567394


Session IPA's are kind of dumb imo, but Speakeasy's regular IPA is pretty decent.