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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1440, 20170209_194248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8559216 No.8559216 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my steak, if you dare. Cooked in an iron skillet on a turkey frier propane burner. Crumb shot to follow when I slice.

>> No.8559220


>> No.8559225
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1440, 20170209_195009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crumb shot.

>> No.8559228

Looks bitter tasting/10

>> No.8559252

Looking good, mate

The outside looked a little fried, but that's nice

Carrots are a little ugly tho

>> No.8559265
File: 313 KB, 1500x1125, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't /ck/ get the sear right?

>> No.8559272

I change my rating from 7.5 to 8.5 . It looked like it might be dry in the center but its not. Breddy good , OP, despite what the tender man children will say.

>> No.8559276

Jfc you suck at taking pictures.

>> No.8559310

Looks good, charred yet medium rare, some but not too much fat, would eat heartily.

>> No.8559353


is it even safe to eat?

>> No.8559358

No, it obviously gave him some form of palsy.

>> No.8559369

Why does no one on /ck/ know how to attractively plate food. I've never seen a nice looking meal on here before.

>> No.8559381

>plating food before you eat it by yourself in front of the glow of your monitor.

sounds like a waste of time to me.

>> No.8559399

Plating food is retarded if you're only serving yourself.

Actually, it's retarded if you're serving others too and I despise modern "chef-y" culture for forcing it so hard.

>m-muh ART

>> No.8559409

Thx. Carrots were some we pulled from the garden this morning and I just washed them and ate raw.

>> No.8559428

Most people are swayed by appearances. If a plate looks good they will assume it tastes better than a plate that looks ugly. At home by yourself or with your immediate family paying attention to this sort of thing is pure vanity. But if you're entertaining or photographing your food then it ought to merit consideration.

>> No.8559439

>le plating isn't up to the standards of picasso

I wasn't trying to impress a grill, asshat. Mashed potatoes, carrots, a bowl of chive kimchi. My emphasis in the whole deal was the steak, not "oh, boy, I'm going to really impress fake titted Blovania and her slobbering husband.

>> No.8559450

>Most people are retarded and judge a book by its cover despite being told not to over and over again by society
>This means you should cater to their sense of superficiality and conspicuous consumption by putting baby carrots on your plate so they will come back and feed you more money!

It's pure vanity, full stop. And greed. Much greed.

>> No.8559538

Aesthetics aren't vanity. They have their place. Because we all judge a book by its cover. The very notion of "superficiality" is a myth ugly people console themselves with when better looking people dismiss them. "Don't mind them, they're just superficial idiots." Except for the fact that's everyone to one degree or another.

But aesthetics are class dependent. More refined aesthetics cost money, so if you're poor and are drawn to them you'll seem pretentious. Because you're supposed to settle for whatever aesthetics fit your social class. If you're not of a class that allows you to eat out at nice restaurants you'll think plating is bullshit.

But that won't change the fact that the food photography of people who think plating is awfully grim looking. The upshot is they'd be better off not photographing their food at all. It's like taking pictures of ugly people.

>> No.8559550
File: 3.13 MB, 4320x3240, IMG_0878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I've never seen a nice looking meal on here before

How about me?

Pic related was my breakfast the other morning.

>> No.8559567

Because most of us don't own an oven that can get hot enough for a proper steak house quality sear.

>> No.8559575

looks scrumptious actually

>> No.8559620

not an excuse, pretty easy to get a good sear with a skillet, people do it all the time, not /ck/ though.

>> No.8559631

>better off not photographing their food at all

OP here. The entire focus of the post was the steak as a distinct and separate entity, not it's arrangement to appeal to some nouveau riche aesthetic developed from Bubiyanka's perusal of Bon Appetit. A true culinary expert would be able to look at an individual item and critique it without the fluff and nonsense that keeps Bubiyanka and her slobbering husband thinking they are consuming a masterpiece on the order of an original Dahli.

You sound like a pretentious ass who enjoys perpetuating the myth of "le culinary artiste," when in reality, the quality of your individual food items has no value.

>> No.8559646

9/10 steak OP, could do with a more even sear but looks great!

thats a kawaii meal, nice plate fampai

whats the deep fried looking thing?

>> No.8559696


>whats the deep fried looking thing

Leftover chicken foot from the hot section of the Chinese grocery store. The yellow on the cottage cheese is jackfruit - it was my first time having it fresh.

I went for the biggest fruit they had and then grabbed a bunch of baby bananas.

(Looking forward to /ck/ challenge.)

>> No.8559738

how was the jackfruit with the cottage cheese? ive only ever had jackfruit on its own

see you there anon!

>> No.8559751


I thought it was good, but I think pretty much everything goes good with cottage cheese.

>> No.8559755

>A true culinary expert would be able to look at an individual item and critique it
Fair enough. My point was simply that if you're going to photograph a plate it's good to put some effort into making it look good. Would you photograph a pretty girl under bad lighting with no makeup and her hair unkempt if you were trying to show how pretty she was? Same is true for food photography. It has nothing to do with "le culinary artiste" and everything to do with only having a pic to go on so wanting to offer the best possible pic.
>the quality of your individual food items has no value
Again, you can't taste a pic, and that's all we have to go one. But here's my best: You started with a USDA Choice rib eye steak, and a mediocre one at that (overly lean). You did a mediocre job at searing it, but at least you didn't overcook it. For some tastes the center is a little under, but I could live with that. Basically it looks like a guy with limited resources and cooking experience wanted to indulge in an "expensive" steak and was happy to eat it a little raw in the middle because he feared ruining it by overcooking it like his grandpa would have. But he was still too goddamned manly to give a shit about how the pics he took of it looked. So they ended up looking like shit, regardless of the fact that it probably tasted better than mediocre.

>> No.8559910

There are plenty of people on /ck/ that can manage it, but obviously only the ones looking for validation (in general) post their steaks, which leads to a biased sample in which you're viewing steaks that were prepared by someone who feels the need to check if their steak was good enough with the residents of an anime imageboard.

It's like /fit/, you'll get all kinds but mostly the ones who have something to prove are the ones posting vids or pics

>> No.8559980

Okay buddy, but the steak does not look very nice. I'm sure it tasted fine for a dinner by yourself but its not worth taking a picture of and posting it on /ck/. But then again, this is probably the only appetizing thing ive seen posted all day on this shithole

>> No.8560821

>Posts no food
>"Stop posting food"

And then faggots like this will go on to call the board a shithole as if they themselves aren't spewing geysers of shit.

>> No.8560835

>Unpeeled banana on plate
No your plating is fucking awful kill yourself