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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8554404 No.8554404 [Reply] [Original]

I agreed to go "vegan" for 40 days, or as long as I can manage. Not necessarily vegan, but the Christian form of fasting with is vegan + no oil.

What sort of recipes can I make? Preferably stuff that is not exotic/hard to find/expensive.

>> No.8554436

Explain the no oil bit for me

>> No.8554451

Ice soup
Toast sandwich

>> No.8554452

I was told no oil, like olive oil or other cooking oils.

>> No.8554501


>> No.8554509

Rice and beans is always an easy and cheap one, make a shitton of vegan burritos with those

>> No.8554516

You're either a kike or a numale
So progressive and understanding
as long as they're not white or Christan

>> No.8554518

So you just do what people tell you to without asking?
Jesus was a leader not a follow, aspire to be more like him

>> No.8554519

Christians literally worship a Jew and are literally told to follow the Torah

You're all a bunch of crypto-Pagans anyways, just adding more fancy shit to an already pile of shit

Bigfoot is real though I'll give you that

>> No.8554534
File: 55 KB, 479x361, laughevenharder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally worships a dead Jew and considers a book of shitty Torah fanfiction to be the word of god
>still calls people kikes

>> No.8554543

hey not a debate on the christian thing, they just challenged me to do so when i said it didn't seem very hard

yeah rice/beans is obvious but ive got 40 days of this.

>> No.8554546

I recommend you buy Thug Kitchen, it has a billion different recipes and if you can get by the annoying overbearing cursing in every other word it really has great recipes

>> No.8554600

Isn't it there technically some kind of oil in most living things?

>> No.8554617

Oil is a myth created by Satan to test us

>> No.8554629

Is it bad that I eat mayonnaise and hotdogs in tortillas everyday?

>> No.8554679

It seems to be just cooking oils. I am not sure why, but this is what I was told.

>> No.8554693

>they just challenged me to do so when i said it didn't seem very hard
Own up to it and suffer through endless rice and beans.

Obviously there are a million vegan recipe sites, so if you've come to us for advice, I say live in an actual deprived state to make good on what a fast is really supposed to mean. Maybe you'll get something out of it. A nice variety of fruits and veggies should keep you from going crazy anyway.

>> No.8554695

>this is what I was told

By who?

>> No.8554706


>Boiled sausage

Literally kill yourself. The tortilla and mayo are too little of a sin compared to that

>> No.8554715
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Have fun OP.

>> No.8554740

Well, you did say it's not very hard. Now you can deal with the consequences of talking smack, smartass.

>> No.8554743

>Obviously there are a million vegan recipe sites
A lot of them use some form of oil tho.

>> No.8554744

The person who challenged me to do it.

I don't think the willpower to do it is very hard, but I don't have knowledge of cooking in this manner. I was vegetarian and vegan for some period of time at different points, but it is good to have more recipes/ideas to address the no cooking oils component.

>> No.8554757

>The person who challenged me to do it

And from where does this person get their authority on Christian fasting?

>> No.8554763
File: 662 KB, 1944x2592, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight, you were a vegetarian and vegan for some period of time at different points yet you don't have knowledge of cooking in this manner.

Must've been some pretty smal periods of time. From lunch to dinner maybe ?

You can make pic related. Instructions should be on the pack.

>> No.8554813

Year vegetarian, few months vegan.
I did use various oils for cooking as well as salad dressings that are basically just cooking oil with flavors as well. Pasta sauces are usually made with some form of oil as well.

I apologize for asking for a few recipes to suit this.

I could ask, but I am not terribly concerned. They challenged me to do this specifically. The validity of it being canon Christian isn't a concern to me, although they are an Orthodox Christian.

>> No.8554825

Just buy some quorn fake meats and cook your usual poison switching real meat for it. No sweat.

>> No.8554842
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At least warm the tortilla you degenerate.

>> No.8554845

I've done that a little bit in the past and it is pricey stuff.

>> No.8554917
File: 55 KB, 736x736, 287fac4d61d636d465b73a74eb62835c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eat lots of vegetables, and have beans sometimes.

Roasted chickpeas are pretty great.

>> No.8554924
File: 219 KB, 425x282, loaves-and-fishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat your fish and loaves, christian.