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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8548039 No.8548039[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If immigrants are so bad, how come they make the best and most reasonably priced food?

>> No.8548053
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>> No.8548058

That seems a bit pricey to me friend

>> No.8548061


People don't think immigrants are bad, they think ILLEGAL immigrants are bad.

>> No.8548067

Better have been some good ass French toast

>> No.8548071

In Brooklyn? Seems cheap desu.

>> No.8548072

>See that on my bill
>Write 'In that case, immigrants are also why you're not getting a tip'
>Pay and leave

>> No.8548077

Americans make America great.
They cooked your McDonalds food for 90% cheaper than OPs shitty restaurant.

>> No.8548078

What are you talking about? Only immigrants work at mcdonalds...

>> No.8548087

Maybe in your third world country

>> No.8548090

...literally any major city.

The only white people I have EVER seen working at mcdonalds in the past decade were either managers, or in the middle of nowhere where only white people live.

>> No.8548092

McDonalds employees, excluding upper management who are primarily adults, are manned and upheld by Americas patriotic youth. Our young provide us with excellent service and help maintain a cost efficient way to enjoy our freedoms, bite by bite.

>> No.8548094

Why would you live in New York city and complain about prices, you massive idiot. You live in one of the most expensive cities in the nation, you CHOOSE to live there. You gave up your right to complain about prices when you make a mistake on that magnitude.

>> No.8548101

Lol, you poor bastards. You just live in the middle of nowhere, no immigrants WANT to move there because there are no jobs of any consequence there.

>> No.8548104
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>> No.8548108

I didn't know black people were immigrants

>> No.8548110

Where do you live? o_O unless it's IN the ghetto, it's most likely some form of latin or african immigrant.

>> No.8548115

There are thousands of fast food restaurants outside of "major cities". And many, many of those working there are white. I don't know what's up with this sjw meme that all min wage jobs are worked by immigrants.

>> No.8548117
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enjoy your future OP...

>> No.8548122

>French Toast $13.00

>> No.8548123

Because you could take every single Mcdonalds employee across your entire state and you'd have 3x as many in a single large city, and they're mainly immigrants.

I'm glad you take up more space, but you simply aren't grasping the population density the east and west coast have.

>> No.8548129


You won't fool me, you non-domestic communist.
Put on your hijab and make some curry. We're Making America Great Again.

>> No.8548134

I'm whiter than you are faggot, I just happen to have enough money to live in a major coastal city.

>> No.8548145


That sounds like a generated reply a non-domestic government sleeper would use to try and appear that they've assimilated into our culture. You can't fool me COMRADE... or should I say 国家安全部! Take your red loving propaganda and shove it right down your dragon loving, vodka drinking pie hole and get the fuck out of my country.

>> No.8548147

>brooklyn, ny

>> No.8548271

Have you ever been there? Outside the hipster gentrified areas theres lots of cheap local places to eat

>> No.8548293


>> No.8548319

As a kiwi, I'm annoyed my countrymen think they need to announce themselves as immigrants - after all half of the USA is immigrants.
They shouldn't be likening themselves to spics and beaners.

>> No.8548355

Why can't /ck/ just be about food, why does it need to have /pol/ here too?

I sometimes feel like just going to /s4s/ forever and just letting the memes take me.

>> No.8548387

>not the spics and beaners of Australia

>> No.8548397
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>french toast $13

>> No.8548402

No shit. I'd also make sure to take a picture or otherwise get a copy so I could forward it to INS.

>> No.8548407


>> No.8548412

Edgy! Sad!

>> No.8548418

>t. numale raised by lesbians

>> No.8548424

You're thinking of Islanders.
They just use NZ as a stepping stone to an easy passport then move on over to Australia where the weather is warmer and the dollar is better.

>> No.8548512

>12$ for one florentine
>13$ for french toast

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.8548516
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Ah the country where the white people are leftist faggots allowing sudanese refugees and muslims in.

For the first time in awhile more Australians are immigrating to New Zealand then vice versa.

Get out of our country Ahmed, go get another cafe held up by terrorists.

>> No.8548531

As long as they aren`t illegals who gives a fuck? That`s not what the hate for spics, gooks and niggers is about.

Also why is Bloody Mary all in lower case letters? It`s exceptionally triggering. I`ve got a good mind to go turn that whole fucking place bloody if you know what I`m saying.

>> No.8548535

>13$ french toast
At this point you're better off making them yourself. You could make two plates of french toast for that price.
Also immigrants aren't the problem, illegals are.

>> No.8548600

>>$25 for eggs, bread, and a cookie
$15 for drinks is pretty good, even if it is breakfast.
$2.75 for coffee? It better be bottomless.
I am not impressed.

>> No.8548604

>Going to NY ever
>$2.75 for coffee

Way to start off your thread completely wrong, OP.

>> No.8548606

stop saying gentrified as if it's a bad thing.

>> No.8548612

>drinking alcohol at noon

>> No.8548630 [DELETED] 

>Be appreciative that America's underclass continues to grow

Meanwhile automative industry practices rolling in soon will make all their jobs obsolete. Fuck white liberals and their colonial guilt complex.

>> No.8548635


Are you triggered by 'gentrification' because you're a participant of it? And you miss the point he was making. Those places ARE expensive.

>> No.8548648

>french toast 13$

>> No.8548654

>not having a mimosa

>> No.8548975
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I fucking hate how sjws turned "gentrification" into a hating white people thing. Its a class problem and its not a joke the original term isnt even about race REEEEEE

>> No.8548979

You realize the food in areas of brooklyn is probably cheaper than whatever suburb you live in, right? The trust fund parts like williamsburg or dumbo arent the entire borough

>> No.8549001

Sadly in America wealth is inextricably tired with race so gentrification has the same not so subtle connotations as "urban population devlopment".

>> No.8549092 [DELETED] 
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I live in a gentrifying area. The "cheap local" places use powdered mix for the hollandaise, karo syrup instead of maple syrup, and have god awful coffee. The mean elitist liberal cuck hipster joints have fresh locally roasted coffee, and make everything the proper way using ingredients that look like they came off a farm and not the DuPont Chemicals plant in Easton, PA

I'll take the "overpriced" $8 mimosas (that is ridiculously cheap, btw)

Not op, so don't get triggered

>> No.8549137

By alienating 60% of the population by making this a white vs black thing they are doing more harm to class inequality than good. The democratic party needs to crash and burn

>> No.8549153

It 100% is a class thing, you just can't deal with the fact 90% of higher class citizens are white and so you see their demonizing as demonizing ALL white people, which sure, some ignorant masses are going to do, but MOST people see it as a class issue that is HEAVILY tied to race.

Hell even just looking at the average earnings for a white household vs a black household.

White households on average earn $59,000 a year.

Black households on average earn ~$36,000 a year.

So yes, it IS about class, but to pretend race has no bearing on class is ignoring a large issue.

Not very many people want to take money from the poor dumb white rednecks in the middle of nowhere, we want to stop ALL of the uber rich(white, black, asian, etc) hoarding their money like they'll die if they have a single quarter without profits.

>> No.8549156

because they use child slaves, cook expired meat thats ilegal to sell and have a small mountain of health code violations

>> No.8549158 [DELETED] 
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>I'm white and poor, pls gieb free stuff because I'm entitled to it
You're no better than they are. Bend over and grab those bootstraps, anon. Just because we have the same skin color doesn't make us the same.

>> No.8549166

too bad the left has double speaked illegal immigrant and legal immigrant to mean the same thing. As a beaner this triggers me when polticians think I have illegal family members i would vote for

>> No.8549172

>most reasonably priced food
It's easy when you don't pay taxes and ignore most laws from work to hygiene and security.

>> No.8549174

I had several classmates growing up who 100% thought they were here legally, their parents had told them since they were 3-4 they came here legally and are 100% allowed to be in the US.

But once they turn 17-18 in highschool and start looking for jobs and suddenly their told by the guy interviewing them their SS card number is owned by someone else. Uh oh, suddenly THEY'RE illegal, and it's a HUGE shock because they've been living their daily life in the US for 13+ years at this point. It IS their life, they don't know anything else.

It's fucked up and I think we need a real solution for these people besides, lol sorry go back to mexico/Guatemala, etc, etc.

>> No.8549177

>wahaaa I am the only one to print smartass shit, you aren't allowed to be a smartass OR ELSE
it never fucking fails, even in the most miserable aspect of your life.

>> No.8549181


Maybe blacks should just get better jobs?

>> No.8549184

but the racis injustic system means no good jobs will hire ex cons

>> No.8549185

Yeah, lets just let Betsy Devos run our public education to ASSURE a good educated inner city youth...right?

Oh wait, good education only happens for those who can afford to move to a gentrified area, or send their kids to private schools.

No class barriers here please!

>> No.8549186


Maybe don't commit crimes?

>> No.8549191

Even blacks who have never committed a crime and with identical education usually make less than the equivalent white person.

>> No.8549192


Maybe get some of those freebie ethic scholarships you seem to use my tax dollars so fondly over?

>> No.8549194

>florentine $12
>french toast $13
What the fuck? I hope to God you didn't tip with those prices.

>> No.8549196 [DELETED] 

>too bad the left has double speaked illegal immigrant and legal immigrant to mean the same thing.
From one brown man to another, consider yourself lucky you live in an area where that's actually a recognized distinction. I used to live in a place where I'd be routinely told to "go back home" even though I was raised here and my parents came here legally.

Those of us who know better understand full well what the right means when they say "illegal voters" and they don't mean migrant wetbacks who just crawled out of the Rio Grande. They mean people who don't look, live, or think like them, voting for the wrong party. Because we all know if you're not a right wing lunatic it means you hate America and want to destroy it.

>> No.8549199

good education happens when the kids want to learn and the instructors dont get distracted by chimpouts

>> No.8549201


>> No.8549202


Maybe stop identifying a singular relatable metric to make your point and begin to understand everyone gets fucked over one way or the other?

>> No.8549206
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Even with those it's not as if they'll make as much later in life WITH THE SAME DEGREE.

>everyone gets fucked over one way or the other
Yea, and blacks are fucked over hardest generally.
Whites a blacks smoke marijuana in basically identical proportions, yet blacks are six times more likely to be arrested for possession of marijuana.

You're ignoring the issue to fit your own perspective, good job.

>> No.8549207

>13 dollars for french toast
>that bottom receipt
I'd leave no fucking tip unless the french toast tastes like heaven and does a dance number from Pinocchio
You can literally get french toast for way under 5 bucks in Brooklyn

>> No.8549208

> jobs of consequence
> talking about McDonald's


>> No.8549209

>way under 5 bucks in Brooklyn
Where the fuck dumpster are you going to?

Sorry I like to eat food that isn't literally ass.

>> No.8549212


If you don't like your current life, we can certainly fix that for you with the tax funded euthanasia program.

>> No.8549214

>implying your religious nutjob of elected officials would EVER allow for that.

Good job moron, you don't even know the values of the party you put in power.

>> No.8549216

Youth in asia are already taking American jobs we don't need more of them.

>> No.8549221

Looking at that chart

>it must feel good to be white or asian

>> No.8549223

...you do realize euthanasia is a big thing democrats push?

The conservatives are the ones who have been blocking it's legality for decades.

>> No.8549226


Can confirm it doesn't.

>> No.8549228

>t. poor redneck
I can confirm, as I'm white and not living in a shit state.

Feels pretty good desu

>> No.8549229


Might be time to bipartisan the issue if it gets rid of faggots like >>8549206 who only use statistics that work for their own argument.

>> No.8549231

Yeah as opposed to faggots like you who use statistics to push alternative narratives that fit your ideologies.

>> No.8549232

>all blacks are poor because average income is lower
>all whites are rich because average income is higher
>asians are privileged despite having a tougher time and less gibs then blacks but actually do something and get good jobs by SAVING MONEY
Fuck off with your victimization bullshit, my grandfather was an immigrant from Jamaica and he worked his ass off to make a good life for my mom and uncles and for my family and they have had it FAR worse then fucking lazy ass American niggers. You think the Democrats taxation helps pay for anything? The super elites (your Buffets, Soros', Rothschilds) don't pay fucking taxes because either they get tax exempt via charity/philanthropy or do what Trump did and declare massive losses to not have to pay taxes thanks to the Democrat+GOP fucktarded tax law.
If you really want to help black communities help support your youth to be responsible adults and find careers for themselves that they can use to bring wealth in and better their environment and kick the crime out, if fucking some Mexicans could do it why can't they? Fucking african american groups like NAACP are too busy protesting right to loot instead of getting a better tax code and helping people in those communities learn how to save money and do the right things to be successful and not ruin education by acting like monkeys in the classroom and wasting time going drugs, booze and cheap pussy. If bloody Ben Carson can find success from nothing then so can your communities, if anything protest job security for lower educated people.

Also fuck paying 12 bucks for a Florentine, Brooklyn can eat a dick.

>> No.8549242

Wew lad, it's like you didn't even read what was written.

I never said anything about ALL blacks or ALL whites, in fact... I actually specifically said
> you see their demonizing as demonizing ALL white people, which sure, some ignorant masses are going to do, but MOST people see it as a class issue that is HEAVILY tied to race.

Holy shit... it's like I specifically talked it not being about ALL people of a particular race and is in fact about.... THEIR CLASS.
Fucking 3rd grade reading level must suck to have, I hope you make your grandfather proud.

>> No.8549253


Only agenda we like pushing is the truth.
Now back to your liberal arts college with you.

>> No.8549260

Yeah because the facts as they are presented in an unbiased manner is actually a liberal bias because it's a real fact instead of a white house alternative-fact™

>> No.8549262
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>le class struggle

>> No.8549265 [DELETED] 

>some facts are more real than others
This kind of elitism is why the democrats lost

>> No.8549271
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>he doesn't believe there is a class problem in the US.

Look at him

Look at him and laugh

Lol, the FACTS speak for themselves in this post >>8549206, if you think there are FACTS in that which support your point of view, by all means point them out.

>> No.8549383

>mfw Asian and fall right damn dead center in this median

>other minorities calling us "privileged" even though when most of us showed up we were poorer than most blacks and hispanics

This is how it starts isn't it? I'm going to have angry college age white women screaming in my face to 'check my privilege' even though I haven't done anything to anyone.

>> No.8549416

Spare me your Asian Horatio Alger bootstrap myth. Many Asians fresh off the boat are able to open small businesses by drawing on the vast network of illegal underground loansharking in Asian communities. Whereas other minorities don't have that luxury and if they went to a bank to borrow with similar financial resources and backgrounds, they'd be escorted out by security.

>> No.8549418

>angry nig

No white person told you to have a bunch of out of wedlock children which you never take care of.

>> No.8549429

$13 for a couple of pieces of toasted bread with some butter and powdered toast. How is this reasonable pricing?

>> No.8549430 [DELETED] 
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>mfw lower class minorities engage in a shit flinging contest on my /ck/

Middle class first generation Asian here (grad school was the pretext for immigrating), feels good to have been born with silver chopsticks in my mouth. The great thing is I get to pull the minority card, the immigrant card, and the "I know better than you because things turned out alright" card, all at the same time!

>> No.8549431


I don't think you know what french toast is, anon.

And those prices are perfectly reasonable for fucking Brooklyn.

>> No.8549432

Yes, yes, everyone has an unfair advantage except you. So why bother trying right?

>> No.8549433

Ah i see you've never been to new york, or San Francisco, or Washington DC, etc, etc.

I'm sure OP could look around for cheaper quality at a lower price, but if it's even halfway decent quality that's a normal price.

>> No.8549444

>those prices are reasonable in b-b-brooklyn
Because retards like you have stopped caring and will pay whatever for easy food. Those prices are high because you will pay them regardless of the price. Congrats you tool. You retire at the same time everyone else does even when you work harder and commute longer than us small town rednecks or whatever you feel like calling us today.

>> No.8549446

>$13 for French Toast
That toast better have been laced with gold flakes, because for that price it's beyond reasonable.

>> No.8549448 [DELETED] 

The prices are high because rent is high, taxes are high, everything is high. There are cheaper places but as mentioned >>8549092 those places serve garbage. If a restaurant can stay in business while serving good quality food for cheaper than the others, they'd be wildly successful. Fact is, restaurants are more likely to fail than not.

>> No.8549453

$13 for two slices of bread.

>> No.8549463

Going to eat a piece of toast at a fancy expensive restaurant seems silly to me. I mean, we are on a cooking board. Shouldn't OP have made a thread about his attempt at french toast? Why talk about restaurants and fast food all the time?

>> No.8549478

French toast as in toasted bread with butter?
That's more expensive than a fucking toaster.

>> No.8549484 [DELETED] 

>going out to eat isn't allowed because muh munny's worth
I eat out for lunch every day. I cook at home 5-6 days a week for dinner. It's ok to do both, anon.

>> No.8549490

>more expensive than a fucking toaster

My toaster was like $70.

It does bagels and shit though.

>> No.8549491

>Drinking before 5pm

>> No.8549505

legal immigrants are fine within a certain number, in order to retain american culture and respect for the laws and the constitution. democrats ruined the whole thing by extending he plantation to vote harvesting instead of cotton harvesting
they fucked the country with welfare
fuck illegals

>> No.8549512 [DELETED] 
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>black people shouldn't be allowed to vote

>> No.8549517

That's spectacular reasoning.

>I live in an overpopulated hip city so being ripped off for some basic food is okay.

>> No.8549518

Only land owners should be allowed to vote as they are basically stakeholders. Everyone who rents doesn't have enough assets to be important enough. Black people usually live in government housing, so statistically most black people wouldn't be allowed to vote.

>> No.8549522 [DELETED] 

>my double wide on a $20,000 lot in bumfuckistan means I should have more of a voice than a productive person who rents a $3000 apartment

>> No.8549525

I suppose it doesn't matter. At the end of the day I'll go back to my lifestyle, and the other guy will go back to his along with his beliefs of clandestine asian loan sharks.

>> No.8549527

black violent crime is far higher
arrest because violent
find weed
boom we have a weed charge on top of that
wew lad look at that

>> No.8549529

Households that make less than combined $250k shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>Class war now

>> No.8549528

lol you're retarded.

>> No.8549535

I have lived in many large, popular cities such as San Diego and Portland and this shit is inexcusable no matter what. Fucking cook for yourself. If you do go out to eat that's fine, but don't try to justify this horseshit. There are plenty of places which serve good food that don't fuck you on the price.

>> No.8549538

>There are plenty of places which serve good food that don't fuck you on the price
Yeah sure, let me drive 30 minutes outside the city to get a bite to eat.

Fuck off faggot moron.

>> No.8549542

>Yeah sure, let me drive 30 minutes outside the city to get a bite to eat.

People do that all the time. I don't know what you're trying to imply here. Not everybody lives in an overcrowded, expensive shithole.

>> No.8549544 [DELETED] 

And the great thing about it is that isn't the real price because it doesn't include the tip

Try eating out in a major European capital if you want to see sticker shock
>b-but muh beans and rice
Yes, it's a free country. You can boil dry goods in an aluminum pot and lord it over us fools who sometimes eat food that costs more than the sum of the wholesale cost of the ingredients

>> No.8549546

asian culture tend to prize hard work and avoid of crime
you will be blamed for performing better by the marxist lunatic
they believe every culture is equal. therefore you must have wronged someone, because your culture could not promote education etc more because all culture is equal

>> No.8549547

>being too lazy to drive to a worthwhile restaurant


>> No.8549555

nice strawman tyrone

>> No.8549556

>not having obligations in the city

kys you faggot, bet you've never even been in a major city for more than a day or two at a time.

>> No.8549560

wew weve got a spicy class war ITT

>> No.8549576

>asian culture tend to prize hard work and avoid of crime
*ahem* CHI--NEESE!

>> No.8549578 [DELETED] 

Wrong race, at least call me ping-pong or something, cleetus

>> No.8549582 [DELETED] 

Country people's free time isn't worth much. I figure a dollar or so per hour.

>> No.8549583

/pol/ thinks immigrants are bad as a whole desu.

And the average low income shitter in my state plain doesn't know the difference between legal and illegal immigration

>> No.8549591

Seriously, 30 minutes each way just to grab some food?
And god forbid some ass wipe fucks up an intersection causing 20-30+ min delay.

Now personally i'm salaried so I get paid the same either way, but only 2-3 years ago that would have been ~$50-75+ easily lost out of my pocket just for getting caught in traffic during my lunch hour for an extra hour.

>> No.8549596

fuck off commie faggot

>> No.8549613

That's why you cook for yourself if you can.

I understand eating out and paying for quality food, but French fucking toast isn't something I'd ever pay for at a restaurant. That's my argument here.

No need to get so ass blasted bud.

>> No.8549617

>belief in clandestine asian loan sharks

Lel, I'm not black as you assumed, but I do have intimate knowledge of the organization, structure and implementation of illegal loansharking among Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans, primarily on the coasts. If you really are asian, you are pretending not to know anything about them.

>> No.8549620 [DELETED] 

>cook french toast for yourself
Who the fuck does this? It's like making mimosas at home. Nobody is claiming it's hard to pour fizzy wine into a glass of OJ but that's not why people consume this sort of thing. It's like saying why go out to a bar when you can drink while shitposting on 4chan for 1/4 the price.

>> No.8549629

>this exists so everyone must use it

>> No.8549632

Well, honestly I'd never cook it either, but that's just because I don't care for French toast. It's not hard to cook most things, but unless I'm crunched for time, feel like eating out, or have people I'm meeting, I prefer cooking for myself. It's enjoyable and less expensive.

I understand the convenience of having a professional cook for you, and I understand the reason why there is a price increase. What I don't understand is why people try to justify paying four times the price for a meal which is simple to cook at home and probably mediocre at best. Going to bars is different altogether because it's a social experience. I love going to bars.

>> No.8549638

>What I don't understand is why people try to justify paying four times the price for a meal which is simple to cook at home and probably mediocre at best.
>unless I'm crunched for time, feel like eating out, or have people I'm meeting

hmmmm wonder why someone could possibly do these things D:

You're acting like every fucking meal he eats is $13 french toast.

Just kill yourself.

>> No.8549643 [DELETED] 

>going out for brunch is not a social experience
I dunno what kind of bizarro land you live in, but that's basically the opposite of the truth.

>> No.8549649
File: 62 KB, 499x349, Kissinger_Mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw commies btfo capitalist pigs at their own game.

>> No.8549663

And clearly your reading comprehension is dog shit.

I know he's eating other things, and if I am paying a ridiculous price for some simple shit I don't say it's reasonable. I bite the bullet, pay, and eat. I try to avoid that though and eat food which is worth paying more for when I do eat out.

>> No.8549702

not an argument

>> No.8549703

Not all immigrants, just Muslim ones.

>> No.8549732

>Not all immigrants, just Muslim ones.
If you aren't Muslim they assume you're a sleeper agent for them.

>> No.8549749

Kek id like to see a 12$ """fiorentina"""

>> No.8549759

it is almost assuredly eggs Florentine, which $12 is a totally reasonable price for.

Hell, there is a breakfast place about 3 minutes from my house and their eggs Florentine are ~$10.50. And I live in a suburb of a major city, not even IN the city.

>> No.8549788

I have no problem with Asian or legal Mexicans, just brownies from Somalia and middle east

>> No.8549792

Not only this. But I almost always see black people in my neighborhood smoking weed out in the open not even hiding it. I have never seen any of the Latinos, or white people lighting up out in the open like that. Then when they get stopped they act legit surprised and start trying to fight the cop. Black people make a lot of their own problems.

>> No.8549794

The class struggling the most to keep from slipping further down the ladder, the middle and lower middle classes, just responded to the clarion call of corporate fascism by resoundingly supporting its mouthpiece. So how do you begin to help socioeconomic classes hellbent on worsening their own economic position?

>> No.8549798

Yes please lecture the black immigrant about how he is wrong about his fellow black people. Fucking white sjws I swear to god.

>> No.8549800

>So how do you begin to help socioeconomic classes hellbent on worsening their own economic position?
You don't.

Automation takes off in the next 2 decades, in 3 decades once shit starts to really hit the fan and civil unrest takes off in a big way, the powers that be already have an automated police/military forces capable of suppressing those who resist.

Not sure if we'll see labor camps, poor people camps, or plain old mass genocide to reduce the resource drain.

>> No.8549802

if only blacks can criticize blacks, I guess you can't criticize white people since you're not white.

>> No.8549856

>Food that costs more tastes people
When will this meme end? you can be very frugal.

>> No.8549857

Wait, weren't those the people that killed those Delta force snipers and dragged their bodies through the streets in Black Hawk Down?

>> No.8549864


>> No.8549865 [DELETED] 

Find me a place anywhere in the five boroughs that serves eggs florentine starting with fresh spinach, fresh eggs poached on site, and hollandaise sauce made the normal way and not from a bag or a box, for 5 bucks a head. I'll wait.

Hell I'll make it easy for you. Find me a place in the 50 United States that does that, other than subsidized high end corporate cafeterias at a big tech firm or a law firm.

>> No.8549867 [DELETED] 


>> No.8550163


>8$ mimosa is ridiculously cheap

Ahaha deluded faggot

>> No.8550757
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>> No.8552157

Is that why New Yorkers eat out of the trash? Do people do that in all liberal areas?


>> No.8552465

I live in Park Slope and this restaurant is garbage. Shoo.

>> No.8552470


>> No.8552471

Enjoy your backwater.

>> No.8552472

what the hell are you talking about? other minorities don't hate on Asians unless they're like Michelle Malkin

>> No.8552479 [DELETED] 

I hate to be pedantic, but white people are technically a minority now, and they do hate on us. There's always something about soulless robot tiger mommy test scores are overrated blah blah blah.

>> No.8552493

Even the food in immigrant neighborhoods in NYC is relatively expensive. The rents are high pretty much everywhere in the city so it's expected.

Tacos in NYC tend to be 2.50-3 dollars even in the Mexican neighborhoods, while I hear that they're less in California, Texas, etc.

>> No.8552519

>park slope
oh the drudgery!

>> No.8552537

>12$ Florentine and 13$ French Toast
>"reasonably priced"

>> No.8552559

Enjoy Bushwick.

>> No.8552776

>it touched a garbage bag, now it's unsafe to eat

>> No.8552799


>> No.8552823

Everyone needs to eat. Some just eat more tendies than others.

>> No.8552840
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Legal immigration good, illegal bad! The arbitrary number set by a party intent on buying new voters with handouts while also importing cheap labour for their corporate consituency and creating artificial, pyramid-scheme type economic growth to keep their shitty economic model huffing along is magically the right amount of people to be importing.
What do you mean immigrants are overrepresented in crime and welfare-taking, largely underperform academically and outbreed thus displacing the host population while rejecting their values and cultures? Why do you know these hatefacts? You want another holocaust or something?

Nevermind the uneducated bigots who are forced to live around and compete with the brown masses. My immigrant friend is nicer than a lot of natives!

>> No.8552847


All those things might be true, but you will still never be white, have nice eyebrows, and you will need surgery to correct those weird reptile eyelids. Fuck you asians have creepy as fuck eyelids!

>> No.8552871

if only there wasnt so much single motherhood their average would be much closer to white americans
hmmmmm really fires off the old neural pathways

>> No.8552876

That's because sjw's are racist. They think min wage is suitable for immigrants only, and is beneath white privilege.

>> No.8552882

And that kids, is what we call "white niggers"

>> No.8552910

>7 dollaridoos for a bloody mary

>> No.8552930

>I always forget there are so many non white shit skins on 4chan

Wew lad.

>> No.8553065

>paying $12 for a french toast
>paying any amount of money for a simple dish any retard can prepare at home in 5 minutes


>> No.8553312

Almost everyone in the USA has a immigration background. America is build by immigrants. Hell the true natives are the Indians.
Check your ancestors tree, do a blood check. I guerantee you motherfuckers has You will see that all whites has European ancestors. (Spain, french, irish, italian, dutch etc)

I still don't get it why american putting the "Immigrants" subject in the spotlight. Sometimes i have the feeling that most news are propaganda and fake news. Heck i don't even turn on the television anymore.

If you are talking about Mexicans problem about dumping coke on the market and about black and mexican crimes rates. Yes those are facts.
If you are talking about a refugee problem from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Irak. Those are facts too. The politicians from those countries are to blame, and needs to be taken care of.

It's too easy to blame a minority or religion, be more specific.

Sometimes you need to look on a different perspective. Who hires those immigrants from that restaurant? The owner of course, that thinks about profit and cheap labor. If you ban those Mexicans do you think that the owner of that restaurant not looking for a alternative? Don't be so naive anon.

And believe me i don't either that my Asian/Italian/etc food is made by a Mexican. It doesn't feel authentic and also ruins kinda my experience. Also the quality lower.

>> No.8553323 [DELETED] 
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>It doesn't feel authentic and also ruins kinda my experience.

You're the reason there are so many half-assed "sushi" joints run by Chinese and Koreans. As if just having squinty eyes makes up for not caring.

If white people could get over their prejudices against Mexicans we'd have amazing authentic weeb fish made by Paco from Oaxaca on every street corner.

>> No.8553334

Was the french toast good?

Don't forget, even the natives are immigrants. They sorta look like Mongolians for a reason.

>> No.8553475
File: 429 KB, 1689x1182, Indian Liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost everyone in the USA has a immigration background.


Except we didn't invade Indian villages and take over their fucking tee pee's, or wigwams, or whatever they called their shitty homes, nor did we make those prairie niggers hunt more game to feed us, or crowd their native "education" system so that their elders were forced to teach our kids. We didn't compete with them for the "jobs indians didn't want to do" in their tribes, nor did we flood their "healthcare system" with our children and adults without ever paying them for their services. We didn't flood indian tribes with criminals, fucking up their "justice system" and clogging their "jails", and we sure as hell didn't sit on our asses in their villages while their warriors went off to fight rival tribes.

You see, "immigrants" didn't build America, white Europeans did....because there wasn't shit here when they showed up, so they HAD to build America.

Non-whites are just trying to take advantage of what whites built because they couldn't do it in their own shitty cultures and nations, and whites defend it to either virtue signal to their snowflake friends, or because they want to continue to exploit illegal alien labor for their own gain.

>> No.8553495

Natives are natives correct. It seems the notion is that certain caucasians are xenophobic. Why? Natives are better than certain standards? Maybe something is missing...hmmm

>> No.8553764

lol when was the last time you visited brooklyn from fly-over-ville?

>> No.8553771

>or because they want to continue to exploit illegal alien labor for their own gain.

Yes, it's pretty obvious that this entire spectacle is nothing more than a class war between whites.

>> No.8553848
File: 5 KB, 299x168, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the alt-right are the new hipsters

>> No.8553875

Go back to /pol/

>> No.8553888

That isn't true though.

>> No.8553898

>live in indiana
>from town with 800 ppl
>average income is 20 thousand USD a year
Remember though these people are privileged and the problem.

Literally why Trump won.
I'm glad someone else gets it.

>> No.8553914
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>> No.8553923

Why don't people get this? The fucking First Lady is an immigrant.

>> No.8553942

The kind of lonely permavirgins who think immigrants are why they're not a winner don't want to shut the door on their mail-order brides

>> No.8553944

>le Melania is a le mail order bride meme

Did you know she speaks five languages? How about you?

>> No.8553948

French toast is a piece of bread dipped in an egg/milk/cinnamon mixture and grilled w/ butter.

>> No.8553958

>The same degree
>Posts chart with all degrees roped into "four year degree"
Most blacks I know got some worthless degree. There was like one black in my Mech Engi classes.

>> No.8553960

Let me guess: Whites, East Asians and Pajeets were the majority of the class?

>> No.8553961
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>she knows how to say "ok, that's an hour" in five different languages

>> No.8553963

Obviously, but mechanical engineering is actually really white. A lot of the others do computer engineering.

>> No.8553997

Black people cant into engineering. Almost every single one I've met in engineering school are incompetent. The only capable blacks are the weeaboos that might as well be white.

>> No.8554006

That;s kinda hot though

>First lady of the United States of America

Oh...right. Damn.

>> No.8554026


Back in the day when I was getting my EE degree, it was only whites and east asians and maybe a handful of pajeets.

Do they still tell you guys that if you have to cheat to pass you're going to wind up getting someone killed?

>> No.8554043
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>that entire bill
>paying a 500% mark up so Mukti from Afghanistan can work in the USA

>> No.8554047
File: 120 KB, 258x237, 1301481120789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on. Funny how whitey are evil conquerors when it suits and "immigrants" when that's more convenient.
The continent was conquered, tamed and settled by a more competent group than the couple dozen million scalpniggers who weren't even capable of harvesting the ore or lumber of the place let alone smelt the ore.
Nature is a continuous struggle between individuals on one level and populations on another. A group denying this fact will fall prey to those who are actually collectivized. It's easy enough to observe with racial voting blocs if you're actually sentient. Only the honkeys/gringoes/goyim/kuffar are denied lobbying for group interests, largely for reasons of historical guilt. Guilty of strength and prowess, but now we fetishize weakness and dependency - the logical conclusion of egalitarianism.

Nice meme. Got any arguments though?

Relevance to anything? Besides, she's white, and while you'll pretend it's evil to care about something as fundamental to identity as race, it matters - even to the selfprofessed "colorblind" shitheads with no capacity for self-analysis.

Someone disagrees with displacementlevel massimmigration? Better start psychoanalyzing and shaming them for not wanting to be a minority in their own country. Being a minority sucks but only if you're brown - a white minority has nothing to fear! What's South Africa? What are brown-on-white crimerates? Racial differences? You some kinda RACIST?

That, and a racewar between groups. I know it's tempting to only ascribe agency to white people but come on, even as a KKK Nazi White Supremacist I can admit that Paco, Umbenge and (most certainly) Shlomo can scrape together the mental wherewithal to vote and lobby as a collective.

>> No.8554052

>That, and a racewar between groups.
OH god, I hope blacks and latinos don't try to make asians choose between them and whites. They won't like the answer.

>> No.8554056

I've heard something similar. My prof graded really harshly, and his reasoning was "make a mistake in class and you fail, but make a mistake in the real world and someone dies."

>> No.8554067

You still class black people as immigrants?

>> No.8554074

>500% markup doesn't come from the fact that stupid fucker is dining in New York City, one of the most infamously expensive places in America.

>Mukti cleaning dishes and mopping the floors is the only thing keeping that bill from hitting 60 bucks

>> No.8554075

>cooked your food
>cooking a french toast

>> No.8554088

Asian here. I choose the latinos. Hard working people just like us. Not like the whites who just want to blame others for their "economic uncertainty"

IDGAF about the blacks, they're irrelevant to me, but if they want to be on my side, great.

>> No.8554100

As it should be. Race, gender, all that shit gets thrown out the window when it is time to put in work. If you can't do it, get out.

>> No.8554120
File: 17 KB, 465x306, 02S6upL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2016 election says otherwise.

And yes, 2016 was a referendum on whites' majority status in the US. They'd be pushed very close to or below 50% after 4 years of Hilldog.
Maybe the chingchongs drank the media/Democrat koolaid or maybe they really do want a permanent Democrat majority for the rest of the US' (then probably short) history. Which is pretty much a statistical certainty given race and votingpatterns.

A combination of closing the border, deporting illegals (and criminal brown immigrants in general), wall, e-verify etc, gerrymandering, voter ID laws, swampdraining etc could potentially turn the browning trend. Trump importing white South Africans fleeing that hellhole would also probably secure them as Republican loyalists for life. If California seceded that'd be enormous too. I doubt it'll happen that way though and the US will go through a civil war or balkanize in the next decade or two either from the increasingly polarized hysteria or the racial rubicon being passed and whitey noticing.
The alternative is more depressing. Mongrelization probably followed by total national dysfunction and irrelevance.

>> No.8554144

By and large the majority of Asian folk don't vote. The ones that do traditionally vote dem either because of perceived self-interest or because of dem fear-mongering.

I, of course didn't vote dem because I am such a unique and special iconoclast.

>> No.8554145

People said the same thing about the eye-talians and the irish back in the day, and nobody is freaking out about them today.

You can't stop demographic change, so you can either unclench your anus and enjoy it, or not. Makes no difference in the end.

>> No.8554192

What'd they say? That they'd create a permanent majority for one party?
I'll give you that the US is likely beyond saving as is, demographically, but extrapolating recent demographic trends expecting nothing else to change over the course of decades is pretty ridiculous, especially the way the political landscape looks in the US today. Something's got to give eventually and it seems the powers that be (the left at large, including the media) have no intention of playing nice with Trump but rather pile on the anti-white identity politics and division. The level of disparate interests must be reaching some kind of breaking point in the US.

Surely race is a bigger barrier than individual european ethnicities were. If not, we're looking at the dystopian miscegenation scenario that I'd call radical decline (not that the west at large hasn't been in radical decline for decades).

Would you apply that sweeping statement to European nations aswell? That demographic change once begun is a law of nature? As I understand it, nations and empires tend to shatter along ethnic lines. Balkan etc. Do you think it's inevitable that like half of Europe will become browned out islamic hellholes? The worst hit countries (UK, Germany, Sweden, France) are probably somewhere between 15 and 25% non-native and the amount of stored-up discontent is, atleast in Sweden, huge and growing daily.

>> No.8554212

Trump's eo basically gave the finger exclusively to legal migrants

>> No.8554219

>>$13 for egg and flour

Trump was right.

>> No.8554242

13 bucks for french toast. kys

>> No.8554279

No, that the essential cultural makeup of america was doomed to degeneracy.

There is no logical reason why buttblasted white nationalists should have a problem with mexicans, except that they can't admit to themselves that they're the failures, not "muh balkan civil war south africa rhodesia minorities [sic] are why I'm not a winner"

Mexicans are culturally roman catholic, they hate birth control, they love getting married at age fifteen and popping out a gorillion babies. They love guns. They love bibles. They have every reason to vote republican if not for the fact that republicans are tripping all over each other to call mexicans all sorts of horrible names.

But what do I know, I'm asian. I have no stake in keeping america "white". Far as I'm concerned the sooner you people (by which I mean self-pitying Trump voters who think building walls and starting trade wars and picking fights with other races is the answer) are consigned to the dustbin of history, the better.

>> No.8554325

t. asian masculinity poster who lives in a white hipster area

>> No.8554407

Good guess, but I live in a latino neighborhood. The only thing I don't like is that they're loud talkers, I find loud talkers annoying. Also their fashion sensibilities leave something to be desired. Otherwise I love it. Friendly, easygoing, family oriented, hard working, A+++ would live here forever.

>> No.8554419
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>gets truth bombed
>automatically invokes /pol/ bogeyman

>> No.8554430

So you're posting from Mexico, right Hop Sing?

Didn't think so...

>> No.8554431

You're actually living in a country that's not your own saying that the natives should be wiped out if they have the audacity to want to preserve themselves racially, retain cultural hegemony in the country founded by their forefathers and keep their jobs and some measure of global independence. Spare me the bullshit about being Xth generation or that anyone becomes American when stepping ashore. You just identified as asian yourself, admitting you see groupings and are not "colorblind". The USA is (was) a white nation that explicitly favored European immigration for the majority of its history.

Do you approve of colonialism or where do you draw the line? Would you say the same if your native country or some shithole in Africa was being slowly "gentrified" by Europeans and the natives suffered economically and from white crime as a result? If you answer no to the latter you're a racial/ethnic nationalist yourself. If so, WNs, just like you, recognize that race is a serious fault line in society because humans are tribal by their very nature and that multiculti/multiracialism introduces inbuilt cracks in society. Everyone evolved to favor their own kind because that behavior was beneficial. This will never be overriden by the "rational" brain.

I'm not American but yes I would have voted Trump since there is no more extreme alternative.
You're being very prickly. Maybe you're riled up by the "violent white nationalist" bogeyman you've probably constructed in your head. Given the attitude of immigrants like yourself, can you really blame the natives for being mad?

Name some conservatives aside from Trump who've been "mean" to Mexicans.

Perceived cultural similarity doesn't nullify white Americans' right to tribalism if they so choose. As if someone else would need to grant them that right anyway - rights are claimed, not given. If they fail to claim it, nature just ran its course and sadly, the prospects of humanity are probably worse because of it.

>> No.8554437

I actually seriously considered moving to mexico at an earlier point in my life. But I've got a career here now, so here's where I'll stay

>> No.8554444

I skimmed this, something about wiping out the natives. Yes, you did do that. I hope you're happy with yourself.

>> No.8554453

Funny, I considered moving to Ghana because I LOVE Africans SO much! But instead I also stayed in my rich, safe country that's vast majority white.

>> No.8554463

Please don't be like that, slant. White and Asians are the true master race, and we must work together to exterminate the darkies. Latinos are honorary whites, if you didn't know. Play your cards right and maybe you can be, too.

>> No.8554469

Neat. Ghana is actually one of the safer countries in that region, not that you could even find it on a map. Reminds me of that shitposting image, "what's a ghana is it a dog", let me see if I can find it.

>> No.8554472

Sure you did, amigo.

Sure you did.

>> No.8554474
File: 450 KB, 1386x3270, Wiy8V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it
Yeah sounds more like you want to kill us last. No thanks, Adolf

>> No.8554484

I don't care to memorize the minutiae of a continent I'd prefer to coat with negro-specific bioweapons, bub.

I'm also european and a guy.

>> No.8554487

Eh, either way you'll be dead. Dragged out into the street, your clothes torn off, your hands and feet chopped off, and a nice snug noose slung around that sickeningly yellow neck of yours.

We'll keep your women for breeding, of course, but the men have obviously got to go.

>> No.8554492

Yes, I know. Gas the kikes, etc.
Thank you for confirming my preconceived notions of you. It's reassuring to know I'm right about these things.

>> No.8554495
File: 1.67 MB, 319x186, commieabortion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't want asian mutts dude. The weebs can have their fun but no preggers.

>> No.8554502

Wrong! WM/AF is the purest form of love. We just have to make sure they only breed with whites after that point.